A PAGE of exclusive features A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE jmm- WeH. bora and girls, we're atUi alive; *W*^"J wxs a narrow *n,ueak. The thought of it | gweat to break out on our wrinkled i ^ an insane...

...And was it so very long ago, when the business and banking world insisted on the unimpeachable conduct of its leaders and underlings with the fervor of a religion...
...Homo-sexuality is a nasty by-product of sex starvation...
...What will our ^» ¦Jeafaeturer do with this gift from the laboratory...
...In fact when you gat right down to it anything you get without work, is unearned...
...And even if we managed to get back, the familiar landscape would not possets any degree of its old allure...
...They hammered at midnight on steel till the infernal din woke the prairie town...
...Averageman's interest ^toUtog that looks scientific...
...Eddington's book, which I have awnssed before in this column, seems to lead to that taatotoa, If X am stfll able to read English correctly...
...Public ownership and control of public utilities...
...the leader of the workers is arrested...
...In order to develop our handwriting for uniform readability, copy-books were used in every class room of the lower grades...
...His Let Tomorrow Come (W...
...j?*e*00B3e of the large editions of 'The Outline of r*^toThe story of That.' is Mr...
...yog may join The Consumers' League in your I^~*A...
...The Minister of the Interior replied ironically that the ex-Kaiser had clearly made a mistake of ten years in his reckoning of time...
...From this incident one might go on to retrace the Jiistory of every big fortune in the land, as old Qua Myers has so admirably done for tbe original American blue bloods and the latter-dsy saints of Doughdom...
...How do I get inside safes...
...And the process is not at all comfortable...
...All the more timely, therefore, is a book by McAlister Coleman (Pioneers of Freedom...
...For a while then, the big boys had their chess club all to their own...
...It is jail life, made In America...
...Barr doesn't preach about it...
...One of his most powerful volumes is "A Man's Passion" twenty-five woodcuts that portray a worker's journey through life in the capitalist world, "Passion" in the Biblical sense, man's suffering as he moves toward his goal—death...
...E?'9t the low price of two dollars a year, receive I?***** five hundred common articles which have C*^*ed as to their Bear Oil content by governf«-2f*u "u others...
...the "Eagle is Forgotten...
...The worship of the profiteer and the politician has become almost a cult In this country and it is time that the lives of real men and women, pioneers who blazed the way against wit, wealth, malice and power, should be placed before the children of the workers and the workers themselves and this book Is an important beginning...
...The thought of it | gweat to break out on our wrinkled i ^ an insane moment we agreed to speak *f-5vy before a large sasemblsge ef poets gath¦^J-TJ^stf Henry Harrison's Grub street pow-wows...
...But a perfectly plain hint addressed to the ex-Kaiser to the effect that in his two-fold capacity as a refugee and a guest in our country he should keep absolutely quiet ought to be suJBcient...
...And Stewart's confessed connection with Teapot Dome certainly was a bit too much for even his former partners...
...What Mac has done in these sketches is to present something of the personality of each pioneer, his or her struggles and sacrifices, the reactionary forces against which each fought, and the place of each in the long quest of men and women for liberation from archaic ideas and institutions, now and then flavoring the narrative with a quotation...
...It's the lice that'll go down there and build a scaffold for a better man than they are...
...Thus the Social Democratic paper "Het Volt" writes as follows: "Some time ago Comrade Vliegen complained that the man who is enjoying our hospitality keeps on sending telegrams worded as though he were in command of German soldiers...
...THE CHATTER BOX ¦pCW illusions out of my youth still remain...
...Karl Marx ujT^Hj and that this is undoubtedly the most (Jt**** now being publUhed in any country in *to3udiag the Scandinavian...
...beef bought and paid for...
...There the prisoners staged their Christmas night "battleship...
...Our last view of this man snows him upright against a wall...
...The deputy administered punishment...
...and anything that don't belong to you, you have no honest right to po'ssees as yours...
...Mitchell and Steinmetz, important in the political and economic struggle of the working class...
...Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home...
...hopelessly at a maze s'trBSfdet- Mathematics did much to darken my life a*1 sake me the crabbed grouch that I am...
...the sharp lines of his face show the patient courage of one who knows the struggle is long, that the death of a leader means the birth of two more as long as the idea is fertile, as long as there is need of battling for the ultimate freedom of man...
...The series begin—and as it progresses has all the power of a deeply moving tale—with a pregnant woman in a bare room...
...All I need say however .is that we have all managed to drift sway so far from the shores of virtuous commercial behavior, that to return would be impossible...
...In most of these wood-cuts, Masereel allows only eribugh white to outline his persons, and the city forms and structures behind: these are great spreads of black...
...A Radical Artist—-Frans Masereel A Worker's Life Told in Twenty.five WoodcutS By...
...As a result the man in the tost was baa to have some kind of god around has •aesg bat contempt for what he calls "dreamers" ^ato Eugene O'Neill's character, is fiat on his face ¦¦¦» at a dynamo...
...Heroes for Young America A Rerietc fly JAMES ONEAL gXCEPTING Lincoln, Columbus and Washington, the birthdays of no other men sre generally celebrated in the United States...
...Well, I just can't wax facetious when cruel tragedy stares me in the face...
...But ^**ntshave come under the questioning eye of disedsnilstj, and, according to the 'Scientific Am^^J~ Bnen is more porous to ultra-violet rays than the a.?^ »hd the glass rapidly loses its transparency to **?» when exposed to sunlight...
...And at the execution, the man is white to the waist, against a white wall...
...The boss, confronted, summons his ally the state to his aid...
...and so on...
...There is a branch of the Club Place, New Tork Oty where they will tell "¦to about it than I can in this space...
...No sleep that night...
...John Peter Altgeld, Henry George, Samuel Gompers, Eugene V. Debs...
...Real Jail Life 3. BARR, an ex-oil worker of the Mid Continent fields, has written the best American jail life story of years...
...The visa has long ago been abolished as between Germany and Holland, and there is therefore no direct means of preventing the monarchists and militarists from crossing the frontier...
...Windsor said of him that it was his ambition to become "the Grsl sla^e-driver of the New World...
...For several weeks be***'^08T mt for our execution, thoughts of that ^"Lw Would haunt us and we would bone *^*2perately *a the intricacies of the Quantum '* asK*** booed up on Euclidean geometry in *^ far-en' days of Math...
...A fruit stand tempts the gaunt lad...
...Working almost entirely with wood-cuts he has set before us in black and white the varied aspects of life today...
...Perhaps, even the big boys wtn have become so inured to their own corruption, that they will not even raise a peep when the msesss walk in and take everything that belongs to the eonsawaa weal away from private control...
...And the motto is . . . "No work and all pay...
...And anything unearned don't belong-to you...
...I was marked from msart ss the class Idiot and my appearance in front rf m ahek-board was received with appreciative foot(asfSSg by the rest of the class...
...But along the city streets she finds ways of keeping alive, nursing the babe till it grows into childhood...
...He Meets at vehement end boorish about it as a Baptat weagehst whe feels that he has to defend the Bh mas sa infidel assault...
...And making money to Wall Street as it is being made to-day, according to tbe old copy-book proverbs is a form of thievery- . . And I am still naive enough to believe some of the old copy-book precepts...
...The Club is slowly building fct1** °f information as to the real merits of the a>L,?*r*d you every day...
...A at Columbia...
...The book was written at the request of the Pioneer Youth of America to provide adolescent youngsters with something other than business men, warriors, politicians and "philanthropists" as models of the good life...
...el If I ever speak on this subject again, which God ***slT shall take this boy along with me as a Horrible keask Bis is that compartmented type of mind ¦sk refuses to allow the "layman" to so much as ¦ante again on which its owner is supposed to be an let: Manet has established its own hierarchy and ¦jt Brants and medicine men and when they get eBtker sad make mum bo-jumbo we are supposed to e* town and go boom, as that eminent scientist Mr...
...Perhaps our newspapers, our political leaders end the mechanizing process of industry are the triumvirate directly to blame for this change...
...It has banged its way into the whole alignment of Americas civilization down to the lowest rung of its society...
...hammers clatter from the yard...
...pardoning the remaining victims and inviting the concentrated hate of all the malign forces of the period...
...In almost any market where ^tokej offsr similar products at similar prices, the use OB h essential if an Individual brand is to get ^toet attention for itself...
...It ain't the law," says one bitterly...
...We conclude g J^J **• afferent grades of Bear Oil light medium * course, was never intended to reach the eyes lJ*t>Mteut consumers...
...the attitude of the huntsman is his, and the world his prey...
...And with the general moral and ethical breakdown that Wall Street gambling entails, we can took for 'an unprecedented outbreak of bankruptcies, outright banditry, embezzlement and business crooks In sea How tbe workers will survive It is still a dull pro hi am, Perhaps, by that time the expropriation of the rich, public taking, .over of the industries, and a general social revolution will have tost their present taint of impropriety...
...His face "is as innocent of emotional signs as is the sleek, bright surface of a block of ice...
...Here the farces that want to help the world as it is begin to appear...
...Atta boy, keep it It was swell the way you got away with it...
...no nothing but straight honest business...
...Others whose birthdays are observed by special organisations are politicians and generals, not one of whom contributed anything to the freedom of humanity...
...Now you would say...
...Sex tortures the prisoners ss women visitors swish past...
...Martinets such things as "the supernatural" toestotf chance and luck play some part in the findsnef sdter-day scientists...
...Maybe the plutes are learning that dishonesty as a policy can go a bit too far...
...Bankers and employers looked with deep distrust and scowling prohibition on any underling of theirs who might dare to venture on those perilous waters with his frail bank account...
...Released, the youth saunters for a while, observing life...
...Two of these notable figures in American history...
...Even now I dream of standing kget that black-board looking...
...Moreover, conspicuous demonstrations of this kind must be far from pleasing the former Allies...
...of any American orator, and his emergence as the flery crusader against Negro bondage when a Boston mob led by "gentlemen" tried to lynch Garrison is given a vivid portrayal...
...Bit by bit I have to acquire a new philosophy of life in order to keep living...
...Barr unreels it with all its lice, sex perversion, cruelty, roughhouse adventure and it's rare moments of fun...
...enr WmcheU puts it...
...Having called as witnesse Ueagtco and sosae others I proceeded to the proasUav that tf the scientists are going ever so little sssjsyaiesl there would seem to be some room in the asits world for the poet and that perhaps the inatrs) gnseeing oi the singer of songs as to what we mil sheet was as authentic as the pontificating of fca*Qeksehv Then I sat down and after me came togwSge* it sets gent arose and announced that I was ridicusa as) knotie...
...This, of course, does I^^J* the power and the glory of much of the «hd pretty girl advertising but It seems to I •J* of sense...
...S. A. «U Witt...
...Art Shields...
...f Within the limits of sixteen pages Mac has dramatized something of the career of Frances Wright, pioneer of democratic education, labor politics, abolition, and liberation of women from the ancient restrictions that made her a domestic animal to serve her mate and master...
...What arc we witnessing to-day...
...Of course, we now M (hat Einstein has shot Euclid clear off the j^^Lghcal map and that Columbia owes us somejjtsraaviag handed us out a lot of stuff which _ litdliJ rospel truth and guaranteed kosher and zL^gm out to have all sorts of "lis" and "buts" j saser"'" about Hu as sntf**~w"r example of "cruel and unusual --Saesstt,'' t1T* me the way that mathematics was r_at saeir In 190*-- the year which marked my last ^Sm contact with the subject...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Fire hose threats couldn't stop them...
...Frances Wright, Wendell Phillips...
...I have to answer enough ly* *», telling me that I am delinquent in my L?* 1 know nothing about science...
...worse we picked our owe subject and ^Jgaad speak shout, "Einstein and the Poets...
...The chapter on Jefferson may be referred ;r> those who assert there have beer, no class struggles in the United S:ates...
...of all forms of human exploitation was Altgeld is the first in this pageant of American liberators who comes within the memory of many of us still living: the stormy petrel of the Pullman strike, denouncing President Cleveland for hurling troops into Chicago without consulting him...
...Altgeld is a tragic and appealing figure...
...As a result I acquired so deep a loathing «° stytkuur mathematical that to this day the sight i ic •sseQon causes me to shudder and I flee the mak— «/ stange or the keeping of a score in a game as [VBVj the plague...
...The sheriff had given them sodden kraut and spare ribs Christmas dinner so they struck back...
...And in consequence values of stocks have risen threefold beyond their best earning capacity, the big boys have sold out whatever they know to be shaky, the brokers have collected hundreds of millions in twoway commissions, and the public for the first time la history is holding paper control at least of American industry...
...As an explorer Columbus is deserving but from the point of view of labor he is not...
...driven out of .public life and pursued to the end because of his reusal to make peace with the capitalism of his time...
...One by one the days of our machine-age destroy and maim them...
...What is the use of the repeated visits of Minister Kan to Doom If he cannot bring his sometime Majesty to realize that it really Is time to terminate his activities against the German Republic...
...So this pageant «f men and women who fought the good fight and then passed on moves through the pages of this book...
...On the slum streets the boy makes his first investigations of the world...
...This man is dangerous...
...Virtue is its own reward...
...Fat Bumpy Whittlngton hooks a bottle of booze from the hospital and goes on a drunk in the brickyard Sunday afternoon . "How did you get out with it...
...He also represented the avaricious Spaniards who regarded the natives of the New World as slaves to be robbed...
...Dumb like all screws he is bewildered when a consumptive drops dead or a convict goes insane on the job...
...He has kept in mind the fact that he has written chiefly for workingmen and women...
...Be nice Jf?* *», them, not to me, about it, if you are inCz* yw» should be...
...For example, look at the phenomenon of nameless millions of men and women playing the stock market with all the fervid devotion of a nun telling her beads...
...But when the Senate dragged the smelly mess up bit by bit and blew its awful stench across seven seas and five continents, what else could the righteous old scoundrels do except raise their palmed hands to heaven sad invoke a Biblical retribution for the proven thief...
...W. Norton Si Co., Inc., *2.50) ought to live as a classic after the underworld stories of the Saturday Evening Post, Liberty and the wood pulp magazines have rotted away in forgotten garbage piles...
...Saving accounts have been depleted, life insurance loans and mortgages have been raised, and what is most striking, conservative bankers are lending little shopkeepers their funds to speculate with in the engraved paper market...
...But came the war, and the prosperity palaver, and then white collsr guys a net labor leaders, and bank clerks tried their band at the dizzy game and made money...
...And for this thought and its further unfolding, one must go back to our public school days, thirty years ago...
...Yet he...
...Only among the lowliest of the workers, the slaveys and the navvies is there still belief In a sort of undisturbed integrity...
...Learns also of labor, for soon he is at work, toiling under a burden too heavy for himr with impatient overseers bawling too many commands...
...Revolting, he begins again to think, to read, to study, to move in truer love of woman and fellow-man toward leadership, toward a better life...
...But such parties -are rare In Uncle Sam's big-house where life is cruel...
...For those workers, professional men and shoe) keepers who lose their savings and business when the big boys take the bag away in the certain-enough crash, let there be no pity...
...Real swell eh...
...But at the trial, a white light reveals in sharp relief the prisoner, and a crucifix over the heads of the judges...
...Gompers, Debs, Mitchell and Steinmetz in turn appear and then pass into the shadows, each in his own way standing apart from the politicians and militarists who have turned into statues in our squares and parks, and each presented as a man more worthy of remembering because of what be tried to do in making life more happy for the toiling millions...
...Christmas In Prison...
...I say this with hesitancy since, in a helter-skelter debacle like the present scene of public crime, vice and knavery, it is quite difficult to select just three scapegoats...
...The lives of Industry captains and the barons of finance were offered to every aspiring youth as chronicles in honesty, perseverance and ethical perfection How the effect of that early teaching managed to grip Big Business of our dey hard enough to shake a financial pot like Stewart out of association with the Rockefeller kettle of Indiana Standard Oil only goes to picturize the intensity with which the old precepts were taught and learned...
...tossethe effects of this even in our advertisej*k ttasrt Chase in "The Cooperative Crier," the ¦•tot organ of the Consumer's Cooperative Services, ¦?•totes a circular recently sent out by an advertisWtoto-J as follows : yen recently analyzed your advertising formula...
...no bloodshed...
...In some campaigns ^jae prleelajs ingredient...
...These consisted of blank lined pages below beautifully written print of sentences which served as a model for our homework efforts...
...It's like nitro...
...Vanguard Press, t2.50)' which presents sketches of the lives of ten such pioneers, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson...
...in the shadow of gas tanks and power-house chimneys he learns of sex...
...reviewing the monstrous judicial murder of five men convicted of the Haymarket riot...
...Years ago, we knew that the Stock Exchange and Wall Street belonged to the money kings for their pleasure and profit...
...Note how the reporters run ¦ » eU ass Edison and get his ideas on everything est tossortality to the income tax...
...But my job here is not one of retrospect...
...He Is the only prominent Abolitionist who saw that abolition necessary...
...We really are not obliged to allow the monarchist and reactionary elements of Germany to demonstrate, perhaps even to conspire, against the German Republic on Dutch soil...
...For men get their laughs even in hell...
...Scarcely is the baby hern than she is evicted, penniless...
...Paine To Steinmetz...
...Perhaps the pubUc wfll just settle back and applaud and say aa even they do new...
...There is no attempt to psychoanalyze...
...Gompers, Debs...
...Men Worth Remembering...
...he asks, blithe sagacity rumpling his forehead...
...Cleanliness is next to OodMness...
...query curious friends...
...And I still have a desire to be fair...
...The book is especially useful for all youth organisations in any way related to the labor movement...
...It is for this reason that toat Bear Oil In tooth-pastes, shaving creams, ^y_neto sad cigarettes...
...Then be heeds the call of the seller of forgetfulness, and finds a woman with whom he can drown his weariness— and a deep sense that life is somehow betraying him—or that it is ,txaitor to the trust birth laid upon his being...
...alone in his cell the prisor.e- has his first leisure to contemplate life and its deep meaning...
...The night Mug was hanged...
...The background of the social order of each pioneer is faithfully sketched in a few paragraphs or pages and the work, ideals and sacrifices of the fighter is told with sympathy and understanding...
...toF* can add a little Bear Oil...
...Be said that without a thorough techem tsttotog no one should presume to discuss matto eifsswiitiril and that I had insulted science which Wfhat at the electric light and the subway and all ad Wanted that I was just a plain one-eyed Conner trytag to crash the gates of pure science...
...He has properly emphasized the fact that after slavery was wiped out Phillips gave his splendid services to the labor movement...
...In this manner, we urchins of sidewalks and gutters printed onto our brains certain standards of life-conduct that in the most part affected our conscious deeds far into these years...
...I might add to this chapter the fact that after Altgeld retired from politics he told Debs that, if he could live his life over again, he would give it to the Socialist movement...
...Every absconder, every weak cashier who stole from his firm, usually was reported as having played the market...
...In ,5My Book of Hours", "The Idea", "Work", and "Story Without Words" Masereel presents over three hundred pictures of the life around him, always penetrant and trenchant...
...as a Socialist I ought to look upon that sight with cheer and approval...
...He is on his own—he is booted cut—he is starving...
...He describes the desperate fight between a 17-year-old boy and his assailant the whole Jailhouse looking on That wss in the detention prison before trial...
...All I can see in the open is a sure enough smash-up of the ancient codes of honor...
...The German Government would be fully entitled to ask us to do this much...
...Science had added to his ^¦toff, and some advertisers have fastened upon the J^jei as magical phrases with which to enchant the S*J-to* Is such a word as 'ultra-violet.' Here we *** "°bn wad,' or scientific Bear Oil...
...New York...
...Joseph T. Shipley ^MONG the artists whom the turbulence of recent years has thrown into the foreground of radical art, in searching survey of society, few are more powerful, or more effective, than the German Frans Masereel...
...Have a drink...
...The news was quick to spread...
...Who knows...
...He still must toil, and the pick-axe swings above h s head till at evening he may wipe the sweat from his brow and take his hard-earned pay...
...Dutch Socialists Warn Kaiser Against Intrigues With Monarchists (Br a New Leader correspondent) Amsterdam,—The festivities in connection with the 70th birthday of the exKaiser Wllhelm have made an unpleasant impression, even on Labor in Holland...
...Barr's 30 episodes of "jailhouse" and "bighouse"—country prison and penitentiary —are the life stuff that Tom Mconey and the Centralis loggers, striking hosiery workers and rail shopmen experience...
...Thus we were driven into writing or rather copyiajr such splendid precepts, as: Honesty is the best policy...
...aaJ-TfjesaKs have been a fabric, reputed to be parl^^aansparent to the ultra-violet wave length: another aa J**0* tiara that admits ultra violet -waves...
...The Club 5J^*to a membership of over a thousand members...
...Mac has done an excellent job...
...Yet there have been men and women in this country who have made marked contributions to political, economic and intellectual freedom whose names have been neglected and some have almost been forgotten...
...Wendell Phillips is a colossal figure, perhaps the greatest master of oratorical invepSfve...
...but the hand of the Law is as heavy as its eyes are sharp...
...i It might be just like a cynical Socialist to say that the Old Guard of the Oil Game, John D. Jr...
...Paine and Jefferson, belong to our revolutionary history: two to the labor and antislavery struggle, Phillips and Miss Wright...
...Making money dishonestly is after all a quicker method toward the devoutly prayed-for end of ease land indolence...
...Oi professor was ja*avg seder the impression that he was a satirist 4 9a tret rank and he got off his most precious bon ^ as ays...
...no revolution...
...To gamble instead of working for money is a sure enough kind of dishonesty...
...John Mitchell and Charles Stelnmetz...
...one, Altgeld, an isolated and tragic figure of the anti-capitalist struggle, the "Eagle Forgotten" of Vachel Lindsay's moving poem: and five...
...and would nave allowed the outrageous steal to go by unmentioned except as a congratulatory good business deal...
...ps» J -_ .|iB|, a poet a mathematician nor a physicist, csttalnly rushing in...
...laf te about the same effect...
...Paine and Jefferson are vivid figures, the first as the great propagandist of the Revolution who never became discouraged however great the odds might appear, and the second as the antagonist of the aristocratic Hamilton and conqueror of the Intolerant and menacing despotism which appeared in the reign of John Adams...
...he would have the workers think...
...But if it so happens that gj?** Caase and others you are sick to death of "e...
...For instance, when the last bulwark of old-fashioned honesty is crushed in by the glacier of modern business ethics, Z puzzle to imagine.how I shall succeed sa a thief...
...with bold sweeps and broad spaces suggesting a social sore, exhibiting an avenue of progress, depicting a prominent type among workers or parasites...
...Rock Gang Slim bosses the stone pile gang where they make little ones out of big ones...
...These drawings are from Frans Mas*reel's series of woodcuts, "A Man's Life...
...or if there isn't one, start one...
...The question now once again arises whether in the view of our Government the time has not come to think of putting an end to those monarchist ghosts in Doom...
...Norman Thomas writes an introduction...
...And the Klondike never saw a rush like what is taking place now...
...He does better...
...included, knew all about it, all the time...
...The "screws" frame up men on the Inside as the bulls do outside...
...A penny saved la a penny earned...
...Such is the offence of all who would destroy the existing order...
...God's word is, Thou shalt not Steal...
...hthtr* must have been something Freudian, someajaj "easspsnsetory'' about my choice of a subject Mi wetter of fact I did nothing more than to hint oosr stfldry that the physicists and higher mathemaSssst tsesaselves are not quite as cock-sure as they asi to be that theirs is the list word on what the jljrsse eaill it tike...
...Brought before the tribunals, his crime, of course, is defiance of god, of things ss they are, atheism, lese-majeste, treason, rolled into one...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 9

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