W.E.B.Meets MayBecome Battle Scene jjp for Worker — Conytlled Education—Conftatkm April 5th B yw« is predicted for the conJi^pa of the Workers Education g, Washington April 6—7....

...be progressives say...
...We may safely say that after this congress Moscow has nothing more to hope for in Belgium...
...Labor Age...
...Schearer admits that he has several ideas for improving the force which he will submit to Mayor Stump after he has reviewed the situation at city hall...
...The county actually put professional prostitutes on its payroll at $15.00 per day, to get evidence out of young men decoyed to hotel rooms...
...educational director, •"¦a (Mass) Central Labor Union...
...Florence Han•s, sjottary of the American Federa¦* at Teachers...
...The traction company's contract with the real union makes it legally a risk to set up a separate company union organization at this time...
...The attitude of the principal leaden sf the Mexican Federation of Labor and the aubacriber la one ef frank isspsisllsn for the Government of the BepubSc.' Greetings...
...The success of the meeting was due to the activities of Floyd Hyde and 8. R. McAlpine...
...Tom still has faith in the labor movement," she said, "and we must not fail him...
...Schearer will be the first Socialist chief of police who' has ever held that office in Reading...
...Subsequently Dr...
...Fascist Secretary Takes Over All Italian Colleges WASHINGTON—(FT)—Bow Asgasts Tmratt, secretary general ef the Faeciot party, has notified tea university groups in Italy that ha has "placed masaeat at the head ef all ttaHaa —I malt Us," is related to s Beans dispatch pabBahed by the SestMsB Bite (atiaaeilr) News Bareas in Waakingtoo, which has atoadily spaassd Maaaadnl'i dlctoterahip...
...limitation of authority to within 500 feet of mine or factory...
...We must use our political power and get him out...
...has been building up within the ranks of the carmen's union itself...
...secretary of the tentral Labor-union, and Earl White, organizer of the hosiery workers...
...The communication is spat by the Pittsburgh Labor College sit, aaandmg Coleston Warne, Wu*¦ Xann and Ellison Chalmers...
...Ex-Labor Spies, Easley Aides, ]\ow Head Detective Group Two intimates of Sec...
...Indeed, strong movements are' on foot in Arkansas and Florida, and it is probable that both states will enact measures before many week* are out...
...Detectives Seek Frameup On Hosiery Strikers ALLENTOWN, Pa.— (FP) —Private detectives of the W. J. Burns and other agencies are attempting to provoke violence and disorder in connection with a strike of Full-Fashioned Hosiery Workers at the Allentown Silk Hosiery Co., according to Clarence Moser...
...Reading Picks A New Police Commissioner READING, Pa.—J...
...tat Baresu is severely criticized for B(nar accepted $50,000 from' the Carat* Corporation for publication work, ,,1 «¦ be aaked to abandon such a aasf to the future...
...to fight sj aBbtr wages, shorter hours, better gggpBOi, and increased control in inaa...
...In the recent examination he headed the list with an average of 910 out of a possible mark of 1,000...
...One of the most important strike Issues is the existence and activity of the so-called benevolent club as an under-cover company union...
...In the North Carolina law compensation is based on 60 per cent of wages, with a weekly maximum of $18...
...ssaji Creech, former president, Phila¦***» Labor College...
...of Certified Detectives for the Promotion of Public Welfare...
...Keys was exposed by Devere Allen, now editor of "The Wori.d Tomorrow," when the detective was an agent provocateur for the U. 8. secret service in the Young Democracy...
...Floyd Hyde gave labor's view and made a splendid appeal for funds to be sent to the Tom Mooney Molders Defense Committee to help Mooney carry on the fight in California...
...For two weeks these^Oomrades held street meetings, interviewed editors, solicited funds and sucessfully advertised the meeting...
...Compulsory arbitration clauses do not Include matters covered by International law—Ijt., wages, hours, and other points ef most Importance...
...has announced it will not change its police system, despite the murder of John Barkoski, a miner, by its thugs...
...S. R. McAlpine of the Socialist Party, who was directly responsible for the meeting, read letters from Tom Mooney, Norman Thomas...
...Henry Linville and A. *•*»¦** of the New York Teachers' ttaa...
...It was because of Mr...
...Members of the Burns outfit were caught by police last year in a midwestern city placing a bomb under a scab's home in an effort to frame strikers, they say...
...Second, they said that the existing contract between the traction company and the carmen provided for arbitration ot all differences, and that a strike would be a breach of contract...
...Federation of Women's Clubs...
...bb L. Bdd...
...Kndowass usiliiiUm universities cannot be -an] apon for this...
...The time Is here for the labor movement to move and fight and win...
...Alta.—(FP)—Progress and prosperity entered a new phase when to provincial police used tear bombs and riot clubs against the unemployed who were trying to demonstrate before the legislature...
...North Carolina Enacts Workmen's Compensation Act North Carolina has broken Southern inactivity in this respect and passed a workmen's compensation law...
...Complete breakdown of the lockout of Albany printers came Marsh 14 with the surrender of Prank B. Gannetts Knickerbocker Press and Albany Evening Hews...
...The tune is now ripe for progressives to do a few things...
...A guard was beaten by several men and treated for his injuries, which physicians said were not serious...
...The Wisconsin State Federation of Labor and other liberal organizations and individuals, including members of the bar, have condemned this bill, because it will allow the unlimited use of private detectives in the Kenosha situation...
...exSecretory ef Industry, Ciaiaiiimi and Laser ef Mexico, and Vice-President Sf the Pan-Asaertean Federation ef Labor which says the feBewing: "Mexico CUT, "March 11, UN...
...Henry Horton of the strike, but said later he had abandoned his previous Intention of requesting National Guard troops...
...Instead of ¦uowwlas aw.sully the Insurance la needed, the report says to be agreed that "C......asipl interference In the ratabbshmaiit and direction ef unenaployntent insurance is net necessary and not a<ramble at this time...
...Large sums of money were expended then for the antiunion Russell Detective Agency and for prostitutes and the purchase of illicit liquor...
...Mothwurf the committee representing the strikers asked wage increases which company officials said ranged from 15 to 30 per cent, above the present scale...
...The resolution was unanimously adopted...
...The Indignation of the public everywhere, at the Company's refusal to arbitrate, has led to a tremendous fall in the Allen A's sales, both in hosiery and underwear...
...Neither the Usee nor the condition has arrived ha thai country where the Byatesas sf saesxptoymcnt insurance tat vogue under foreign governments shoals' be aaaptsd by this Government...
...examination of all candidates...
...Today only tour states lack such laws—Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi and South Carolina...
...J. P. Anderson of Machinists: William Ross of the BalbbbsLabor College...
...Moscow has played and lost...
...Five arrests occurred during the first day's picketing...
...HKbois Constabulary Bill Is Moved Ahead sWWOFIELD, HI.— CFP)—The bill sr satt constabulary, defeated many **¦ b previous sessions of the Illinois "issdn*, is recommended for passage jr as aaatc committee...
...Pro2^ )n the Bureau are prepartng *r~jr- —^ oa its present policies and JJawsssd drastic chances...
...Now the Manufacturers' Association has sought to make the new District Attorney a mere office boy, so far as prosecutions are concerned, by appointing a special prosecutor...
...Thersa waason, Bryn Mswr Summer ¦¦•ot Lucue Kohn, Instructor in Wo¦srt Trade Union League classes...
...Crom" h Fighting - ¦ Mexican Rebellion, Moronem Declares iwestoas %T Santiago Waslia, Secretary of the Fus-Aaaerieaa Federation of Labor frees Last If...
...The Hearst-owned Times-Union which together with the Gannett aborts started the lockout last November, gave la two weeks before...
...Thirty of the shops struck, according to union officials, have violated existing contracts with the Amalgamated, either by cutting wages or by sending work out to non-union contract shops...
...South Side Board of Trade, the National Slovak Society, the Central Labor Union, the Civic Club and the Beaver Co...
...Pull seniority rights are restored to the locked out printers...
...Just what this measure means can be seen from the use similar moneys were put to in a Grand Jury in Kenosha County some years ago...
...secretary of the PhaadelSh Labor College...
...Hoover had praised the "prosperity" of the CooUdge administration and the labor press pointed out that in this very town thousands of workers were receiving a starvation wage...
...It is for similar purposes that the present funds would be used, as there are ample funds provided for an ordinary and legitmate investigation...
...Keyes was employed as a member of the notorious bomb and gun squads used against radical New York workers...
...In spite of the shortened hours...
...I have answered as fallows: 'General attitude with retatlan to year aaesUan, condemns rebellion...
...In the strike call they point out that a walkout was virtually forced by the company's repeated refusal to meet with union representatives to discuss "discrimination, violation of our contract, and other vital grievances affecting the very life of our union...
...Resolutions demanding the abolition ot the private armies have been passed by the Pittsburgh board of trade...
...They offer to call off the strike If the traction bosses will consent to meet with union's grievance committee...
...Keyes is also author of a lurid book...
...A. Slaughter, in a short talk, stated that he believed the Law and Order Committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce was directly responsible for the bomb explosion and the subsequent conviction of Mooaley and filings...
...Private oaapbryera should adept s ij stem ef unemployment insurance and itieaaf he permitted and encouraged to aiapt the system which la beat suited to the particular industry...
...Further Soc-a-week raises are to take effect every six months during Out life of the three-year contract raising the scale $3 per week in that time...
...The adhour week is substituted for the it hour week...
...The new police chief will bring to the force the benefits of experience in the handling of men gained in the Navy, where he served as a petty officer as a young man...
...Labor Age Celebrates Seventh Anniversary f Come to the age ot reason...
...asastl'" with a union label, not a ^asjtr label" is one of the slogans...
...The strike call has been approved by the union's international officers...
...At that time he was acting in the capacity of organizing secretary and treasurer of the Young Democracy, of...
...at Brookwood Labor CoUege, Angust 3. Phases of cooperation ^ Hear last j mornings, the afternoons ***¦¦» for play and discussions...
...National Civic Federattonism and the apathy that says "it cant be done...
...It was later discovered that Keyes had stolen our office files, containing names and addresses of members, had opened mail, that Is to say, surreptitiously, and mail not intended for him...
...It is up to them to begin a great advance that will organize the unorganized and make the 16 points in the progressive program Mrs realities...
...He is 44 years old, married, and lives with his family...
...They had raised the sum of one million dollars to smash the unions and this was one of their methods," he said...
...According to newspaper reports fully 2,500 people attended...
...Earlier in the day Dr...
...2,000 Workers Are Locked - Out In Elizabethton ELIZABETHTON, Tenn.—Here In the town where Herbert Hoover addressed acres of people in the campaign last year some 2,000 men and women workers in the rayon plant of the Olansstoff Corporation are practically locked out...
...BBUUn, one of the foundera of the ¦*wsl sad others...
...First, they alleged irregularities in the calling and conduct of the meeting at which the strike vote}, was taken...
...No disorder has occurred so far, but the union warns that if violence does happen "the strikers will not be responsible...
...Mothwurf moved to apply for an injucniton to prevent strikers from damaging the plant...
...Teachers Union Decision In Belgium Seen As End Of Communist Chances BRUSSELS.—"The trade union year has ended well...
...Allen-A" Asks State Fight Union Company Wants To Hire Detectives To Fight Strike, Union Feels (By a Mew Isssar Ciiisoaae-aO KENOSHA, Wis.—Desperate at the public condemnation of the Allen A Hosiery Company all over the country for its refusal to arbitrate with the workers, the management of that company and its anti-union allies are attempting to secure unlimited funds for a Grand Jury investigation in Kenosha County...
...Matthew National Civic Federation was *•¦»* when the report was issued *«SBffler...
...to join entirely with the Faaciet movement and to make Fascist taeertes their only basis of instrsctiesu .However, gradoally all ergnnhnUiaaa in Italy are learning that they have the choice of at least apparently Joining with the Fascist...
...The committee contended the pay was Inadequate...
...PERNAMBUCO, Brazil—CFF>—Yankee speedup and efficiency art penetrating into equatorial Brazil, much to the disgust of crews of American merchantmen t on this torrid coast...
...Tales of the Secret Service," and has talhed over the radio on his experiences in hunting down radical workers during the war...
...Daily Herald...
...He said if the application was granted Sheriff J. M. Moreland of Carter County would be required to place guards about the plant...
...Karl White, organizer for the HI latirioned Hosiery Workers...
...Keys, a former U. S. secret service agent whose activities resulted in his dismissal several years ago, won Basley's gratitude when he "did a job" on the Young Democracy, a youth organization dedicated to world peace alms...
...The company now has less than thirty police but during the miners strike hired as many as 500, at an expense of $800,000...
...Even the mild Bainbridge resolution asking the names, addresses and previous occupations of coal and steel cossacks is being sidetracked, it is charged...
...Blocking of the strike was asked on two grounds by the signers of the Injunction application, who are members of both the company union and the labor union...
...Albany Typo Wins Strike On Gannett Concrete Gavins For Unionists Marks Settlement of Long Battle ^LBAHT, H. Y. — (FP...
...34, to demand the release of Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings...
...The last trade union which had stiH to make a decision on behalf of trade union discipline "has now made that decision, and has done so without any outside pressure, solely upon the ground ot ripe reflection and experience...
...he concludes...
...The ™ *»«fe U $20...
...with the union's attack centered on his two sheets...
...Equi Tells of Mooney Dr...
...Professor E. O. Sisson of Reed College spoke for the American Civil Liberties Union...
...It la a conjectural matter aa to hew long the Italian people will remain submissive under such tyrannical methods...
...Easley of the National Civic Federation have won recognition from fellow-spies in the elevation of Harold C. Keyes and James A. Roach to the presidency and vicepresidency of the Assn...
...The Allen A lawyers framed bill 47-S in order to allow private detectives and their prostitute allies to run amuck in Kenosha...
...A representative of the American Federation of Labor and members of an independent committee interested in unionizing the plant, which is not organized, asked the strikers to return to work, but their request was refused...
...They are planning a cross-country lecture trip this summer, and promise that wherever they go, they will tell the story of Tom Mooney and California's shame...
...Steps have been taken," it says, "toward the rsaaplcli tranafai nintlsai ef Italian DniversiUea Into Faaeiat tntoBectaaJ centers, where taw students woaM be edaeatod in eanf ormtty with Fascial thearlea...
...Mothwurf, refused to grant an increase and then ordered the plant closed...
...told of meeting Tom Mooney there...
...Because of the tremendous political power of the coal and steel companies, the Union decided it was useless to seek abolition of their armed police...
...Senate Report On Unemployment Sidesteps Issue WASHINGTON—(TP) W i as...
...Clinton 6. Gold* Obdd J. Saposs...
...Refusing to recognise the Injunction, the carmen's officers went ahead and issued the strike call, which affects 1700 workers...
...This shift in ponce heads will constitute a shakeup which has been expected for some time...
...Portland Joins Plea For Mooney 2,500 Jam Labor Temple In Meeting for California Frame-up Victim (By s New Loader Carri»»—at«l) JpOBTLAND, ORE.—One of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held at the Labor Temple, Portland, Oregon, was held here Sunday, Feb...
...Ralph JAf...
...Powell's failure to go after private detectives employed by the Allen A. Company, in violation of Wisconsin law, that we assisted in defeating him for office...
...A meeting held by the Civil Liberties Union demanded these restrictions at least on the coal and iron police: $10,000 bonds...
...We are opposed to putting unlimited sums of money in the hands of private detectives, after $7,000.00 has already been expended illegally and without result by former District Attorney, Lewis W. Powell, for Pinkertons...
...Mothwurf was struck on the head by a rock, but suffered only a small cut...
...awskwood Labor College was recently aaaasBBal from the Bureau by the Bast** Board which also unseated A. x Hojte who had been elected at the ha asnentkai to represent labor colas) snaps...
...and that in general he was acting true to form as an agent provocateur...
...The president of the corporation, Dr...
...Mothwurf notified Gov...
...the jury who tried the case and the police officials concerned are the foremost advocates of the release of the two labor leaders...
...The asms terms are in effect In the shop of the Hearstowned Times-Union...
...The other 29 are open shops which do not recognize the union...
...An "*¦* in favor of the bill was the injhsBBB) of the proposal by the survey *a*Jaa) of the Illinois Association *JbsJ Justice of which Pres...
...These are the comments of the Brussels "Peuple" upon the resolution of the conference of the Belgian Teachers' Union, under which the National Committee of this union, whose resolutions are to have the same force as those ot a congress, has "pronounced for a complete breach with Moscow and for complete unity with the other Western European workers within the framework of the Amsterdam International" The majority cast for this decision (the subject of voting was the report on international relations, and the Moscow Teachers' International with its seat in Paris was rejected by a large majority) was so large that there can be no further doubt as to the decision to be taken by the National Committee...
...then this should h asknowfcdged with due formality, axe i k in violation of its constitution at Bat intent of Samuel jOompers when da A F. of L became a co-partner in As Bureau with the other affiliated i Ian speech, free press and freedom a aadnsg—traditional policies of the ahr awfonsnt—ought to be preserved B) ate rliana, the progressives also Mas sad classes affiliated with the ». 1 a, am being urged to Instruct their Manas to the convention to carry out Baa Means...
...Editor Louis F. Budenz reviews the achievements of the magazine In pointing the way toward organization in the light of his experiences in Bayonne, Lynn, Peabody, Lackawanna...
...T yjgjen has recently advocated ^Lgj sot workers' classes to the exeepsrtments of colleges and unlgjaa, and the progressives smell chief aim of workers' -education is . ^jgjp the workers to fight against -assay unions, the open shop, yellow . ggotncts and injunctions...
...Concrete gains for the union typos mark the settlement agreement...
...After the injury was dressed, he issued a statement saying strikers had damaged several machines in the plant...
...Workers in one department walked out one day and returned the next day to lead employees of three other departments out on strike...
...As we know, it was marked by many congresses...
...Pay rates are Immediately boosted 60c a week...
...Constant efforts to frame up the strikers by provoking them into a fight have been made by the scabs and gunmen...
...Keyes came out of thin air," says "Devere, "to the office of the Young Democracy and volunteered to work for the organization without pay...
...Peyroux of the carmen's local, is the Progressive, Benevolent, and Social Club, a company union which the Public Service Co...
...aaasaago frlawss...
...Union officers, state and federal labor conciliators, and the mayor of Allentown have all sought conferences with the bosses in an effort to reach a peaceful settlement...
...The present lockout follows the demand of a committee representing 800 strikers for increased wages...
...Strikebreakers hired by a private detective agency in Philadelphia have been imported and the Burns outfit has sent In a crew of strong arm men to guard the scabs...
...This would be done only as a last resort, he declared...
...Accustomed formerly to take it easy when they went over the side to chip rust or paint out of sight of prowling deck officers, seamen were surprised to see the bosun take to a dinghy...
...Indianapolis and Kenosha...
...Keyes wormed his way into the confidence of the youth society, became secretary and then turned over its information to Easley, for use in a "red-hunting" campaign which included men and women eminent in social work, liberalism and progressive politics as victims...
...which I was executive secretary...
...There has hitherto been same hesitation, and tat some esses evca aaUd appaaWlan...
...If the W. Ilk to become a mere rubber-stamp at flM A. P. of L...
...No compulsory insurance ef Joss la proposed...
...When the worried managers of the Knickerbocker Press sad the News made a flying trip to Florida to ley the matter before ham, he told them to sign up...
...The Pittsburgh Coal Co...
...This bill, known as 47-8 was mtrrxfoced with great secrecy in the State Legislature at Madison -by State Senator Conrad Shearer, Secretary of the Kenosha Manufacturers' Association...
...Although he declines to discuss in detail any of his plans for the future until his appointment has been confirmed...
...The shipping room is now working only three hours a day, whereas, this should be the season of the Easter rush...
...is of against sixsisasysssst Is the ksyssas ef the report mass by the Senses caw of Mkadgss, est the laFeSoHi iisstolluti ef Inoauij facto what aaay be dene...
...She gave a vivid description of life behind prison bars...
...At the conference with Dr...
...Attorney-General John M. Reynolds of Wisconsin has denounced it as a "vicious bill...
...X ftssaaaera Co-OperaUve Institute YORK.—(FPi—The first insti**¦* oonsumers cooperation in America J...
...Sheriff Moreland told company officials his men would not guard the plant against strikers, many of whom are women...
...the national labor monthly, celebrates its seventh anniversary with a apecial jubilee issue whose keynote la progressive workers education...
...At noon the officials ordered the rest of the employees to leave and announced that the $4,000,000 plant would be closed until further notice...
...Upton Sinclair, S. E. S. Wood, Fre: nt Older and others...
...Their demands are merely enforcement of existing union rules and wage scales...
...AffecUonatciy, Moronea," New Orleans Street Carmen Order Strike NEW ORLEANS.—(FP).—The very latest in strikebreaking devices was exhibited In New Orleans when members of the Public Service company union went to court and obtained an injunction forbidding officers of the street carmen's union to call a strike on their bosses' trolley lines...
...Credit is due to local members of the American Civil Liberties Union for their aid in financing the meeting and to the Industrial Workers of the World for their cooperation in advertising the meeting...
...An investigation was made, which divulged that Keyes, beyond all doubt, was a government agent...
...Josephine Colby and *¦» of the Brookwood staff...
...We are opposed to such methods—particularly as it will open the way for the legal sanctioning of gossip, slander and frame-up...
...Marie D. Equi, who was convicted under the famous espionage act and served a sentence in San Quentin...
...i Sfbt will also be made on accepting fcl ajss—Mnrtitlnn of the Los Angeles ganasasn of the A. F. of L. that only aanartmi) anions and the A. r. of L. aacatir* Council be given voice at conlaaias or on the W. E. B. Executive pant Labor colleges and classes, city aatnk, local anions and state federagaa sn the groups that actually carry m flat work, and they should have a us* m the affairs of the Bureau, propuatns insist...
...Despite the attacks made on them by anti-union forces of Wisconsin, the Kenosha locked-out workers stand solidly in this 13th month of the lock-out...
...His story ran to the effect that . he had until recently boen emPtoyed ss a railway hrakeman, but had injured his back and was on pay for a six months' period...
...He gave on outline of the case and called attention to the fact that the Judge who sentenced Mooney...
...Night workers reosrp* proportionately higher pay...
...The plant manager has refused to see any of these officials, or $o talk the matter over with anyone...
...For this reason the last week of the year 1928 will always be a landmark in our trade union history...
...Of all these congresses, it was the congress of the Belgian Union of Socialist Teachers, which was of the greatest importance...
...and thnaon...
...800 N. Y. Amalgamated Shirtmakers Walk Out Eight hundred men and women operators on men's shirts and boys' blouses walked out when a strike was declared by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers in 59 shirt shops here...
...It developed subsequently that he appeared eager to shove the movement into positions of conflict with the law, especially as regards opposition to the draft...
...Workers' education -ajt at controlled by workers, they feel...
...Mellon Interests Shield Coal And Iron Cops PrrTSBrjRO.—(FP).—Mellon lobbyists In the state legislature are blocking efforts to put the coal and iron police under stringent control, asserts the Pittsburgh Civil Liberties Union...
...D. C. "For your InfeisiiMasi I transcribe the following message*: Moronea,: What is CKOM attitude rebeUkm...
...He was ousted from the organization but still continued to dog it and to use his connection there as a means of entry into the confidence of other radical groups...
...Volunteering to "double cross" their employers, the Burns men have tipped strikers off as to where scabs could be met with and beaten up...
...Henry Stump, Socialist Mayor, announced this week that at the council meeting Wednesday Chief of Police Edward H. Biehl will be demoted to a sergeancy and that Walter S: Schearer would succeed him...
...no deputixation by sheriffs: requirement that the cossacks be state voters...
...Following the reading of the letter from Mooney, Comrade McAlpine introduced a resolution demanding that the Governor of California take immediate action on Mooney's application for pardon...
...Labor Age, says Budenz, has levelled its guns against company unionism...
...This leaves union workers jobless and in extreme cases amounts to a lockout...
...Later, according to Allen...
...The exodus of scabs from the Gannett composing rooms makes every Albany newspaper again a union shop, asd puts every union typographer back on the job...
...Back of the anti-strike order, says Pres...
...among sniveraHy prafaaaan...
...Secretary Fan-Aassrican Federation ef Labor, Washington...
...Strike leaders said they would insist on a scale for women higher than the present one, which strikers said ranged from $5 to $12 a week...
...or being crushed by them...
...The Convention will be afevt to repudiate this action on the pan* that unless the W. E. B. has scan* atmply a rubber stamp for the L F. of L. it had no right to take such aSBB sehdy on the strength of the A. F. at In ban on the school, but should as* conducted an Investigation, and avast charges of its own...
...dander of the Illinois State ***Sban of Labor, a powerful factor ***BttBg the bill.in previous years...
...All these congresses showed their loyalty, their faithfulness or their return to the discipline imposed on our national trade union center by its own voluntary decisions...
...The strike was brought on by discrimination against a union worker...
...by A *¦ Beat, Frank Palmer and Blanche Oaaaabl of the Denver Labor College...
...Action by the "¦¦¦aw was taken without notice to ¦"¦isiu of the bill, according to Sec...
...He was honorably discharged from the service in 1905 at San Francisco, carrying with him a medal for excellence in tactics and a standing of third in a competitive examination for general excellence in seamanship in a competitive examination of 22 picked men...
...J. M. *»**, editor, the Headgear Worker...
...The contract-breaking, reply union officers, has all been on the bosses' side...
...Gannett was not slow to see that Hearst's capitulation left hhn holding the beg...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 9

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