"NO WAR WITH ENGLAND" Armaments Race Makes Imperative A strong Socialist and Labor Movement In America By McAlister Coleman sjthaT chance for a war with Eng" land? Rear-admiral Charles P....

...And Hull, In his turn, gasps...
...Asia made the greatest gain bote «fl market for American goods ant mt: source of supply for American ton**, Compared with prewar, exports It sai are up 392% in value and probshb"Ssnj...
...He said: "A number of large occupations which were conducted on the farm in old days are now conducted in the factory...
...The sessions will take P***^ Saturday at 1 p m. and Sunday cm...
...I have been greatly impressed by the fact that the foundation of American business Is the Independent business man," said Hoover...
...Woe unto him who seeks to escape it, for paralysis is his lot...
...Gesapj kin will speak the following wiShSK staetal ssBssJi g| Ibt IdteVt--From One of Our Admirers Toung People's Socialist League...
...There is no probability now of any 'gigantic combination being formed to influence prices...
...On the contrary the names from among which the Grand Council will at its discretion select the candidates for election to Parliament will be submitted to the Grand Council, i.e...
...we made our own soap...
...Left outside the union when their local lost its charter in a dispute over assessments, they must now pay small fines and must not be candidates for any union office for two years...
...Doherty, former public servant, now servant of steel, looks positively shocked at the suggestion that American steel makers could control , prices 1 Prices in the home market are kept reasonable by the law of supply and demand, he replies, gently...
...Goethe's Faust, blind and old, after having tasted all that a human could desire and found but bitter dregs, at last experieces a sublime moment In digging a dyke to keep the ebbing sea from Dutch fanners, perfect strangers to him...
...For the first time our overseas commerce is on parity with Great Britain...
...Individually and collectively, must make it plain here and now that they will have nothing to do with such a catastrophe as an Anglo-American war inevitably implies...
...We are pleased to note that ear wellwisher pnt the word American In •notation marks...
...They are Prank McGarry, Plttston...
...In the case of the labor confederations, these negotiations are to take place solely among the highest officials...
...Not a Europe united under a French emperor, but a Europe rid of petty tyrannies and superstitions inherited through centuries...
...72,500.000 13JNH W. Indies...
...Nature alone knows what she really wants and she makes out of the wisest of us puppets for her ends...
...Gamer adds a few /• rjcit remarks on Doherty, a past rec: L, as an adviser to Penrose and FordMid Smoot in boosting the tariff...
...He asks whether that is severe competition...
...they are too numerous and...
...100,100,000 2J0.T9M Spain...
...Herbert Hoover 9s Mysterious "Individualism99 TVj KXT week Herbert Hoover will become President of the United States...
...So there is hidden interpretation behind all strong Impulses of Individuals or groups of individuals, and the ends achieved are often entirely at variance with the conscious alms of those who participated In a fray...
...Rigging Up The Italian Elections Mussolini Prepares To Pick His "Chamber of Deputies" By G. E. Modigliani DECREES are being issued one after the other in Italy con—rn'ng the constlttlon and functions of the institutions and associations of all kinds which are to take part in the election—if it can be called an election—of the new Chamber of so-called Deputies...
...It would mean changing hundreds of rates and would take all summer, leaving the whole question unsettled for months " • • • Childbloom of Illinois, Republican, :hinks the steel companies are too ¦ -edy...
...Tread way of Massachusetts joins the chorr.ith a charge that the steel interests : '.ring to get this special swag wlth.^haring it with the textile industry, ¦"i-'heriy denies that he would abandon...
...The department's figures shoe sal steadily increasing importance ef |9 ada, South America and Asia ss asts* for American goods...
...Let Us Resolve Let us here and now resolve that never again wfll we be fooled by the s—Sin i silling of gilded admirals or the braying of professional patriots...
...At the present moment our best hope for a continued peace between Great Britain and the United States Ilea in the success of the British Labor Party at the next election...
...2 heads the international committee of three U. M W. officers which will pass on their application...
...U. S. imports in 1928 totaled Mtiu 000,000 compared with *4.185,000JSji 1927 and an average of 11,688,006Jt) 2 the 5 prewar years...
...Each organization, however, must submit to the Grand Council twice as many names as it is allotted candidates...
...82.100 000 45,4*14 Philippines . 79.800.000 ll&MM Br...
...It arose on the ruins of the small shops that were typical of industrial production a hundred years ago...
...It is, however, worth while to note that the Independence allowed to the capitalist unions comes Into full play immediately—a glance at the Italian papers, e.g., the "Corriere della Sera" of January 20th, will suffice to prove this...
...not always loyal...
...It should however be noted that for the benefit of the gallery and of the foreigner, the Fascists have just invented a special method of dealing with university professors and secondary school teachers...
...240.700.000 15MS*sn Argentina .. 178.900,000 MJssfli China...
...1 Organization Activities j CIRCLE L. VIGILANTES JUS...
...master of the output and assisted by a few apprentices who in turn would eventually become shop masters, "nigged Individualism" was a reality...
...by March 11th...
...to amuse the gallery and deceive the foreigners...
...The definitive list will be posted up immediately and the electors have already been summoned for 24 March "to approve the list of caniida.as for Parliament drawn up by the Grand Council"—such Is the text, translated literally, of Article 3 of the decree, by which the old Chamber of Deputies was dissolved and which has just been published in the Official Gazette...
...The next six months may be pregnant with the most startling possibilities...
...In his speech of acceptance he also tried to soothe the little business proprietor, who cannot hope to survive the chain stores and mass production, by offering him a sop of Individualism...
...They must shut their ears to the propaganda from the jingo right to the phantastic left The few wild men who constitute that childish and destructive thing called the Communist Party in America must share the guilt with the conservatives of helping plunge this country into war, if war comes...
...Curiously enough, in his address before his old neighbors in Iowa last year Hoover dramatized this conflict between bis "rugged individualism" and the facts of modern Industrial life...
...We will be told as we were told In 1917 that the cause of the war Is economic The jingo-propagandists will make it appear that our national honor la somehow affected...
...Dm balance has shifted from Europe toUM America, Canada and Asia where TSCM pean capitalism once held the lead...
...They tend machines which have made them human robots serving a powerful capitalist class...
...The value of sajsal to other trade regions Increased Mill lows: Africa 334%, South America HfL Oceania 246%, Canada 175%, Mextossf the Caribbean countries 118%, to* tr Europe only 56.5...
...1 Organization Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH DANCIS EDITOR Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street) Boston, Masa Published Every Week by The New Loader for the Young People...
...Applied to steel, it means higher tariff rates and therefore higher prices...
...Now with the passage of the fifteen Cruiser Bill, involving an expenditure out of the taxpayers* pockets of $284,000,000, In addition to the $350,000,000 which we are spending annually for the upkeep of our Navy, we are definitely embarked on a shipbuilding race with Great Britain...
...In the electoral comedy which is about to be performed the Fascist Government may distribute practically all the parts as it pleases except those which the big business chiefs (who are at the same time the big men in the banking world) wish to keep for themselves and their henchmen...
...Hundreds of advocates of higher rates have been given their ten or twenty minutes...
...It is significant that recent deputations of English industrialists who have been looking into the entire American business scheme have reported back that American labor on the whole is docile and willing to collaborate in all respects with the employers...
...The Grand Council Is free to do what It likes with these lists and may even select as a candidate some one whose name has not been submitted to it by anyone...
...A Socialist order alone will restore the human values that have been destroyed by the monstrous capitalism of our time, U. S. Financial Colossus By Leland Olds rrpHE onward sweep of the ASsSjB trade empire is dramaUcauy ea^C In a U. 8. department of rnTmmsrsjjS...
...Only a small part of the family living came by purchases from the outside...
...IJrish you freedom, but first of rn a freedom of spirit, whereby you cannot be forced to gloom no matter what the external conditions are...
...For they are spreading the doctrine that war with England will be of benefit to the workers in so much as a social revolution will inevitably follow...
...The central organizations of all trade unions and other associations and institutions entitled to submit names to the Grand Council are to meet between 28 January and 17 February and to submit their lists...
...Even as we sign the Kellogg multi-lateral treaties, we were, preparing to lay down the keels of fifteen fighting ships...
...He proved to be a broom of God...
...Speaking of the days of his boyhood in Iowa he said: "We ground our wheat and corn on toll at the mill...
...He explains that "American valuation," as contrasted with "United States valuation" or any other rule of valuing goods imported into this country, simply values the goods the same as American goods of the same kind...
...Tht hti crease over prewar amounts to lttj3 As wholesale prices in 1928 were tj3 42.8% above the 1910-14 average UMsji tual Increase in quantity of prodsss 3 ported was about 50...
...Is flowing hers It sj2 Increasing volume...
...It represents a very cant, erable increase in quantity of gooes toported although without an tnta s* prices for imported commodities tat si act amount of the Increase cannot tot* termined...
...textile Industry in the higher-tariff b'V lie...
...Most steel concerns in this country are very, very prosperous," chimes in Bachrach of New Jersey, Republican and former advocate of the American "valuation scheme...
...It should however be born In mind that each of the organizations to which the privilege of proposing candidates to the Grand Council has been extended can only put forward humbly one, two, three or four names...
...The headmasters, it should not be forgotten, are teachers whose loyalty to the regime has already been tested...
...It agrees to perform the electoral comedy, but refuses to abandon Its safeguards...
...The reader has already guessed to which section I allude—the owners and employers...
...on the Present International SUBS the following week...
...Jtffj to fogajjam fox tf bjds 9 * seek only that freedom which she **•] our brothers and sisters...
...Also, how much more protection does the iron and steel industry want...
...Freedom, financial independence, congenial friends, r\\\m\ iij i; 1MB i asfmr ma when the ephemeritv of all these goals becomes evident and we cannot even understand how we could have placed such trivial things before ourselves as an ideal Pious persons of old used to call themselves servants of God, and there Is a profound truth In this expression...
...Steel9 and Gall By Laurence Todd WASHINGTON...
...A few minutes later the speaker in one brief sentence told of the Industrial revolution that destroyed this individualism...
...What Can Be Done In such a crisis the signing of wenmeaning treaties, even the solemn affirmation that from n°w on we "outlaw war" is of small avail...
...It will be remembered that the Fascist law prohibits, public officials from forming any organization of a trade union character, and allows them only to form associations the sole object of which is to provide assistance of a non-material kind...
...163,100.000 101JS9J Netherlands . 142,300,000 USM* Australia...
...Just this to the movement...
...But we too have our duty to performThe American workers...
...By Hoover's own showing the old paying occupations of the farm "had been transferred to the cities to become factortzed...
...City capitalism has conquered the old individualism yet Hoover glorifies this individualism while the fanner is driven to the city to work for corporations that have taken over bis old payiag occupations, This performance would be amusing if It were not so tragic It so happens that Hoover is also a forceful exponent of that mass production of capitalism which has utterly destroyed the old individualism...
...Today it Is vanished...
...I wish you the freedom of simplicity wherein your wants are few and you are satisfied with anything that barely keeps your life, that you may enjoy leading others out of their darkness and fear, Any other personal freedom Is empty...
...Ch-rter members of sag less than six monthse oid hav* *js3 right...
...The Race Is On CTnafgmaa Britten of the Naval Affairs Committee of the House said in an article in that Jmgo paper, .The N. Y. Herald-Tribune" last Sunday that these additional cruisers were necessary to protect our water commerce which now amounts to $15,000,000,000 a year...
...P_8 tribute, In the products of wcirkos brsaj parts of the world...
...Do we expect England to look upon that treaty with anything but the most sophisticated eye...
...comment is needless...
...American consumers import a small total of steel, but American manufacturers export five times as much...
...467,200,000 222JMJi] Japan...
...we got our own fuel from the woods...
...Prom the walls on the right and left above Chairman Hawley's head, the painted portraits of McKlnley and Sereno Payne look down approvingly...
...Freedom Is one of the oldest and and grandest ideals for which great men fought and millions sacrificed their lives Look at the result: Those who are free chase all over the world in yachts, autos, and aeroplanes, seeking happiness in vain, and getting into all kinds of difficulties...
...The truth is that the Fascists have decided to retain the old representative and democratic institutions in name (there Is always the possibility that foreigners may be taken in by this device), whilst in fact they have turned things completely upside down...
...The American people ,are now less opposed than formerly to such preparedness against Great Britain...
...Africa .. 77.400.000 34 JIM Sov...
...Thus the "corporative" distribution of the deputies to be elected is in no way guaranteed...
...Eighteen former members of the U. M. W. at Silver Brook, Pa., have been ordered reinstated following action on their cases by a special commission from the union's international board...
...we preserved our own fruit and, grew our own vegetables...
...March 10th, l»JI Boston road...
...CbsSSeSSJ Kaplan, Wisotsky, Witkes and rasMsn was decided that all circles berinfSJSH sentation at the conventions be gteSJ right to vote...
...in fact to the Government itself, solely be officials who are all either appointed or approved by the Government...
...All members, six sssssj in the League, Senior or Junior, titled to vote...
...Hull of Tennessee, Democrat, however, ..: not satisfied...
...Socialist League Freedom and Happiness Dear Yipsels: Here I am, bulging Into print again with something paradoxical, and yet something which concerns everyone of us throughout our Uvea, because it concerns the mainsprings of our actions...
...That conference merely limited the building of first-line battleships...
...I wish you the freedom of mental power and of magnetism of your soul, so that people will do your bidding knowing that It is for their good...
...71,600,000 SS.OOM In the 5 prewar years Europe took SJU of the country's exports and stanlMl about 49% of its imports...
...It did nothing to limit smaller war vessels...
...Only Fascists Need Apply...
...Nominations must be recenwSS East 15th St...
...Let us be vigilant and on our guard and build up here in this country a genuine Socialist and labor movement which in the long run is the only true safeguard for a peaceful world Iron...
...240% in quantity...
...and as I shall now show, these directorates alone play any part in preparing for the elections...
...I need not therefore go over the ground again...
...115.700.000 1UMMI Belgium...
...The Department of State and the War Department are honeycombed with arrogant militarists...
...The university professors are to meet in a body at various centres and to vote for the names to be submitted to the Grand Coungll In the case of the secondary school teachers, the Government has not ventured to go so far...
...we repaired our own machinery...
...we erected our own buildings...
...This is my only excuse for writing to you on a seemingly obtruse and very general subject...
...H»H The history of th- Th'rd lD*t*SmM will be told by Morris Cohen, of 0ST"2 lege LID., at N. Y. CIRCLE I <*9H day at 4 p.m...
...This gives the game entirely away...
...It is because of the destruction of the old self-sufficient farm managed by the self-reliant farmer that "we have a decreasing proportion of our people on the farms...
...Oeaj9 France and Italy, the United Sean'1 extending Its control over these ta2H pendencies...
...In 1928 BM was only taking about 48% of the ersssj and furnishing 31% of the imports...
...Deputies Hand-Picked...
...To approve the list of candidates...
...Asia Market Bigger...
...Owner of the^hop, often a roam In his own home...
...Those were the days of the only real individualism that existed in the United States...
...Joseph Dougher, Archbald...
...1<B of PITTSBURGH...
...The plutocracy does not intend to let the dictatorship get out of hand...
...scores more are waiting for a chance to put In their pleas...
...Doherty replies hastily that, of course, if American valuation is granted, there will be adjustment in tariff rates...
...As however eve nthe trade unions are only to be allowed to propose to the Fascist Grand Council the names of candidates for the job of Parliamentary candidate, among the only candidates whose names may be submitted to the electors, and as the right to put forward such a preliminary list of names cannot really be said to Involve any serious danger to the regime, a decree has Just been Issued allowsubmit names to the Grand Council The ing associations of public officials also to same privilege has been extended to the Touring Club, the Navy League, the Olympic Committee, the Fascist) Central Catholic Committee, the Dante Alighieri Society and a number of Fascist bureaus and associations—the Federation of Cooperative Societies, the Colonial Institute, the Association of Savings Banks, etc...
...Less than one tenth of one per cent of the steel used in the United States Is imported...
...111.900.000 75,1S)JI Brazil...
...Insurgent Miners Reinstated in U. M. W. SCRANTON...
...This means that the directorate does not Include a single person who is not selected an appointee by the Government...
...Doherty is slender, gray, office-bred, and he confesses to having served 24 years as a government expert on valuation of imported goods...
...The number of the candidates allotted to each organization is laid down by the electoral law and various supplementary decrees...
...Millions of young men and girls thought they could not live without this or that person, ran away from home, endured proverty and persecution for the sake of the loved ones, committed acts of heroism or perfidy, and then later either were sorry or found out that many other persons would do just as well Universal fame, tremendous power over men, some wonderful skill, all these are fine to strive for, but once achieved they usually become a source of trouble or complication, or at least fall to give the degree of satisfaction the anticipation of which acted as the mainspring of action...
...Take, for example, the results of ambitions and wars...
...288,100,000 384X1111 France...
...Garner of Texas, ranking Democrat on the committee, analyzes this scheme...
...The shop worker was once possessed of a genuine individualism in Industry as the farmer was in the old type of agriculture...
...If we truly want peace we may well have to fight for it with every economic power that we possess...
...He challenges Doherty to name o.y schedule in the tariff law that is* !".jre generous to American capital than - st?cl schedule...
...VodBjWSB take place March 15-24th tachrdva « '--'lots will contain the candidSlS»M Executive snd Finan-lal ecr^tstlst^pj census of all the m»mb»rs' mduialST»« educat'T'l activities will be t«jM"^BB separate blank...
...To apply this rule would be to Increase the tariff rates all along the line...
...Let no one imagine, however, that the officials of such organizations are under the least obligation to consult their members, in tile case either of voluntary associations or, of compulsory unions like those set up for the workers...
...But factory production long ago reduced these workers to dependence on factory owners and mass production In great Industries...
...Such is the "Corporative State," as they call it...
...They fail to take into account the fact that in all likelihood after such a war the workers will be so exhausted and depleted that the survivors will nave little stomach for any revolution...
...Xt fa high tune that the common man and woman In thts country speak oat his and her mind and say flatly and defiantly that there shall be ao war with England or any other nation on behalf of our few foreign Investors...
...They used to can Napoleon the scourge of God...
...They conceal the fact that the fight la one for oil or rubber or nitrates or copper mines and tell us that somehow our nation's honor is at stake and that we mush spring to arms to preserve it...
...Ludwell Denny, Washington correspondent for the United Press and author of "We Fight for Oil," says in that book: "Hlghtly or wrongly, we are actively preparing for the AngloAmerican war which our naval men believe will be fought to determine commercial supremacy...
...Walter Harris, Parsons...
...There is however one section of the community which to a certain extent will be in a position to enforce respect for its candidates and its interests...
...Comrade Dancis wBj...
...The modern descendant of the shoe and hat manufacturer of a century ago cannot hope to own a great shoe or hat plant today, so Hoover soothed the Industrial workers with generalities...
...They do this in every war...
...They think justly or unjustly—that Great Britain at the Coolldge Geneva Conference tried to trick America into permanent naval inferiority and refused American pleas for equality...
...These visitors have found no such class-consciousness in this country as prevails abroad where the Socialist gad Labor parties are strong and they believe (and with a certain amount of justice) that American labor will not protest against the declaration of a capitalist war...
...U. S. exports were: >.s§ C. S. experts and j imports, 1928 Exports InUSnT 1 Canada...
...Nine circles win sendjSSBj sentatlves to these sessions to consioS^J ortr'n'zational and educational SOBPSm of the section, as The EXECUTIVE COMMITTESstfM NT Y. Seniors elected an Eectiont^J "llttee, consisting of Belsky...
...we wove at least a part-of our own clothing...
...P.)—Five former leaders of the Insurgent group expelled from the United Mine Workers have asked to be reinstated to their U. M. W. membership...
...Vet the Fascists go on proclaiming that they alone hsve the courage of their opinions, their acts and their revolutionary institutions...
...This means a Saw increase over prewar in the money ma of imports...
...There is only one class that Hoover did not bless with his individualism...
...Comrade Jager will addresfssj delegates...
...I wish you a still greater freedom wherein you will be looking for chains and bonds like Dsbs and Gandhi did, that by your bandage more freedom may be had for others...
...The Standard Oil backed up by our State Department is in a life or death struggle with the Royal Dutch Shell Company, behind which stands the British foreign office...
...I can't see why we should undertake this change now...
...Great Brtain looks with lealous eye upon our economic Imperialism as practiced in Nicaragua, Haiti and in general, throughout South America...
...All he has come to ask Is that "American valuation" be made the basis for tariff rates...
...He did not emphasize It for the wage workers of the cities...
...i.opping his gavel...
...The six confederations of occupational labor unions, which share among themselves the work not, of course, of organizing the workers, but of determining wages and other conditions of labor by authority, have been handed their new rules...
...141,300,000 31,Nsi Cuba...
...They will call for all our collective intelligence and-wisdom...
...To- understand this attitude, fostered by United States officials, one must start with the Washington Arms Conference...
...Since American exports of motor vehicles, composed largely of iron and steel, now amount to nearly $900,000,000 a year, =ays Hull, isnt that fairly good protection...
...In the fast snflj competition from rcngiawd...
...The above written on a post-card was received by the r.'ew York office...
...The workers In the industries are so obvtopaly standardised in labor armies working in the great industries that Hoover could not venture to offer them that 'Tugged individualism" that passed with the rise of factory production...
...Ten minutes...
...The Grand Council's decision will be made known—after God knows what wire-pulling and Intrigues—at the beginning of March...
...The position Is that mee ings are to be held In order to allow the central organizations of the various unions to come to an agreement in regard to the lists of names of suggested candidates which are to be put forward definitively...
...On the other hand the General Confederation of Industrial Employers has already summoned a meeting for the beginning of February not only of its officials but of all its members...
...at 219 ackman St...
...Gents: The morning Thnes today reports an account relative to "Socialist Youth to seek converts...
...And does not this American valuation scheme mean simply that prices :n the home market may be increased by the manufacturers at any time, and thereby the tariff against competing goods from abroad will automatically be raised...
...A GAINST a background of rich crim*» son draperies and cigar smoke, on a high dais that half-way encircles the witness and stenographers, the House Committee on Ways and Means is hearing final pleas for revision of the Fordncv-McCumber high protective tariff la-v...
...Their permanent headosrtoB ffj be the labor Lyceum on Miller SBSSBJ Two other circles are blng orgsntsntSSsJ active upon Comrade Shulmans SSffJ to Western Penna...
...People of ordinary Intelligence know that It Is the masters of mass production who are this foundation, not the "independent business man...
...Sooner or later these economic forces now hidden from .the public eye will clash...
...m Comrades are urged to attend tmeses *ng of C"?CLE 8. MANHATTAN mm tird-v M-r-h 2nd at 8.30 pin- H Manning will discuss "The Future %¦ YPSL...
...Hoover himself has shown anything but a friendly attitude towards England in his handling of the rubber situation...
...I have already frequently pointed out that the Fascist trade union 1 w allows quite a considerable amount of independence to the owners and employers in comparison with what It allows to the workers, viz, none at all...
...What can be done about It...
...They made more money in 1928 than they did In 1927...
...In any case the hundred percent Fascist character of the list which will emerge from the deliberations of the Grand Council remains certain...
...John OLeary of District No...
...for struggle (or dynamic equilibrium, as I call K) is the mighty law of life...
...They are a menof every American worker Hidden behind the flog they held a sagger at ear hearts...
...Look what monkeys men and women In love make of themselves: it never occurs to them that the reality behind all their capers is the utmost concern of Nature lest mankind fail to propagate at the proper rate...
...possessor of tools and raw materials...
...Steamers nuke weekly trips to Europe and any not satisfled with conditions here can return to their home land without delay—or any discomfort...
...For the past ten years he has been in private business...
...on the geographical distribution afB eign trade in 1928...
...It is no longer Parliament which chooses a Government but the Government which chooses a Parliament...
...Such organisations as the Daughters of the American Revolution, the National Security League and the like, would, if they could, march us cheerfully down the road to Hell...
...847,300,000 m.«n*ej Germany...
...If I read history correctly, this country la nearer war than ever before, because its commercial position today places .us in competition, with other great commercial nations...
...He asks the steel lobbyi -t about the effect of the motor vehicle .r.dustry on the prosperity of steel...
...He at last becomes a servant of God, that is, a servant of fellow men...
...In any case, as far as the results which may be expected from these meetings of professors and schoolmasters are concerned, it is as well to bear in mind that any Italian teacher or professor may be dismissed if be ventures to do anything contrary to the interests of the regime...
...916,203,000 MJMJtjsl England...
...FA., has bean onSJj ized...
...Close en ttsklefc of the conntiering investment net American products are penetesslngBi eign markets fighting for the anjaSMH are the modern form of tribute...
...Increases over lwJ 14 in the value of imports from tht *> ious regions were: Asia 331%, Auht 275%, Canada 192%, Oceania m% South America 159% and Europe MH| The 1928 exports to and imports hut the 20 countries which led as market, to...
...i Exports from the United States jsjl the figures show, totaled rn nisjajaj compared with $4,805,000,000 to *W*3 an annual average of $2,lM,00*,SBj3 the 5 prewar years 1910-1914...
...He goes into office stressing a mysterious "individualism" that is in conflict with the modern mass production which swallows up the individual and makes him a standardized robot In this industrial process...
...the main thing is to reform the valuation basis for administrative reasons...
...we slaughtered our hogs for meat...
...That is, they have been transferred to capitalist enterprise, destroying the individual independence of farm production...
...165.200.000 lMJtljfl Italy...
...In this way war lies inevitably...
...127.900,000 202.TSMI Mexico...
...If It can obtain control of the government British labor can be depended upon to stand steadfastly against war...
...However strange It may seem, many things which are reasonably legitimate as Ideals, cease to be so as achievements...
...We ought to keep this universal fact in mind when planning for cur individual happiness, lest we build upon sand, or upon swampy ground...
...The so-called confederations are in fact nothing but administrative bureaus on which the workers can exercise no influence and which are directly dependent on the Ministry of Corporations It will suffice If I add that all these confederations are without exception controlled by "directorates," each of which consists of4 "the representatives of the national occupational organizations together with a representative of the disabled ex-soldiers...
...So Hoover goes Into office the exponent of great capitalism, at the same time conjuring the ghost of an individualism that has vanished...
...Red Mike is ae**J ganlzlng in the eastern part of tht SSSJ The JUNIOR SECTION Of tb» SSj YOr*K YPSL will hold their annuals-* vention at the Rand School MsraHSfm and 3rd...
...That is one reaso nwhy we have a decreasing proportion of our people on the farms.** Hoover described the fundamental basis of Individualism and then showed that it had been utterly destroyed by an Industrial revolution, but during the rest of the campaign he continued to talk about "rugged individualism" as the basis of modern life...
...Edward Hogan, Wilkes-Barre, and Vincent Trettis, Edwardsville...
...Rear-admiral Charles P. Plunkett, commandant of the Brooklyn Navy yard speaking In defence of the proposed Coolldge $800,000 naval program, said: "The penalty of commercial and Industrial efficiency Inevitably is war...
...I wish you the freedom of a precious metal purified of dross through repeated melting In a consuming fire...
...86,600.000 S5.10M Cen...
...ill Comrade Morris Novlk will •¦W CIRCLE 2, BROOKLYN on MfJfffM on "Mexico.'' They meet on et^SlU 7:30 p.m...
...Private American investors now have some twelve billion dollars in foreign loans and security...
...They ha*e made our State Department and our Department of Commerce so subservient to their interests that it has become out national policy to guarantee these investments by backing them up with marines and buttle cruisers...
...Only the headmasters therefore have been granted the honor of submitting to the Grand Council a very short list of suggested candidates...
...Once the Government's agents have submitted their proposals and the Grand Council has drawn up the list, all that the elector has to do is to approve . /. and to behave himself...
...Time is expired," announces Hawley...
...Thomas J. Doherty, of the American Iron and Steel Institute," announces Hawley...
...For the/first time we have threatened Great Britain's commercial supremacy in South America and other parts of the globe...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 7

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.