A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES STUFF AND NONSENSE L-.VE just finished a atdst exdting book. It to I Zaea "The Nature of tbe Physical World," and It la y!^moT A- S. Eddtagton. It is published by...

...Shall I not slip through...
...It does not preach on every page but tbe sermon is Implicit in the multidudrnous tacts...
...Says Eddington: 1 sjb rtin'11"r on tbe threshold about to enter a room...
...Tarn again it is necessary to determine in which direction fa eutropy of the world is Increasing In order to make BH east ray passage over the threshold is an entrance, sAaaextt...
...it is in addition tbe ringing cry of a prophet...
...Hi are some of the minor difficulties...
...For the present, we want to ask all those who have radios to hs ten In on February 26th at 9:30 PM...
...I ought really b bak at the problem four-dlmensionally as concerning to intersection of my world-line with that of the plank...
...The compulsory contributory pension is desirable, too...
...The one thing, however, which these interesting communications show is, that the women have evidently succeeded in making their work among the women so effective and count for so much that it has become an integral part of the Socialist Movement as a whole...
...James Oneal...
...Startling the reader With the opening query, "Is life worth prolonging...
...THE CHATTER BOX Song in Adagio Days do net draft a garden only For the cloying moods...
...S. S. R. is not a whit altered from that of the fellow who dashed to our American seaports tztrough, the latter half of tbe nineteenth century...
...These introductory words at once attract and disappoint us...
...I must sin of lfr""nir on a plank travelling at twenty miles I Meted round the sun—a fraction of a second too early sf no hla the ptank would be miles away...
...I may hope.-that the ¦t remit will be that I remain about steady...
...Their politics were naturally ranged against England...
...Let us recall also that Victor L. Berger...
...not a fiasn of the laws of Nature but a rare coincidence...
...The Communist experiment entirely is out of Una %rtth a«Pnomic non-producers...
...Documents of this character show that history cannot be interpreted by studying one factor independent of the other however essential researches in a particular field may be...
...But those of us who have hoard her in years gone by will never forget her ability as a speaker, her sincerity and loyalty to the Socialist movement...
...b*, if I make tbe venture one of the flies hits me and sJbb a Boost up again...
...that this is a most helpful volume...
...Miss Levenson speaks on February 27th at 3:30 PM Gertrude Klein and others occupy tbe program for next week...
...MeAlsatcr Cotemaan...
...the politics of the Indian trade: the rise of new industries in New York...
...Volume VI ($2.50) appeared last June and other pressing matters are responsible for this belated notice...
...The pensions for public employees and exsoldiers are on the right track...
...We feel confident that the Civic Theatre, on March 12th will be sold out...
...Our plan is to transform women electors Into intelligent Socialists...
...I must do this fk#jt banging from a round planet head downward into bom sad with a wind of ether blowing no one knows how may bubs a second through every interstice of my body...
...o o o The danger of setting tbe Jew into a businsss af HS own with a small machine or two sa bis start will Inevitably result in miserable little sweatshops for the still dreadful Ghettoes of the Russian dties...
...Thus he warns that in establishing a parson among the Indian: care should be taken that the appointee is married because of "some former errors" committed by parsons which incurred the dislike of the savages...
...calling upon the spirit of his poetic ancestors, the present poet moves across the heavens, abreast of the knowledge of today...
...Feebleness, loss of earning power, sickness, accidents, unemployment and strikes play havoc with the wage earner Irrespective of whether he is worthy or not...
...Land speculation, trade with the Indians, politics and religion are so related that they cannot be studied as isolated factors...
...Personally I believe that tneir methods are good and will do much to lessen the hardships in the building of a women's movement within the Socialist movement...
...In an agricultural community something could always be found for the old persons to do...
...Other women who can be heard on W.E.VJD...
...The result has been that in recent years, a rapidly increasing Interest In political affairs has been widely noticeable among women...
...Out in Oklahoma a movement is afoot to Inipsara another governor...
...concluding with the hope that "the period Is not far off when everyone will receive their just deserts...
...Our women comrades are already busy selling tickets...
...I merely want to remind oar charitable friends that one machine alone cannot prove profitable enough to earn its owner a living...
...The bourgeois parties did not think it worth while to put forward a woman candidate in any safe constituency...
...And yet...
...It will remain the leading authority in the field for a long time to come...
...Rather my people perish of drought and cold and famine on the steppfa of Siberia than that one more sweatshop come out ef their living degradation again, S. A. de WtM...
...Thus there are days that ravel, bordered With a selvage of pain, And such nights as hang drab and disordered RobeSj drenched urith the rain...
...The two-volume novel by Upton Sinclair, "Boston...
...And now they are Wof us in on some of their secrets...
...At first the whole famfly would pitch in...
...They have not...
...Abraham Epstein's "Challenge of the Aged" will do much to further justice for the veterans of industry...
...No doubt all of us radic* win go to our unbonored graves with that deadly ayrJarJag in our ears...
...It Is to an explanation and exposition of these that the second half of the book Is devoted...
...This modern version Of an old colonial view should be of interest to collectors of antiques...
...Women have attended election meetings in large numbers...
...wtth S most charming manner Eddiagton takes you to ta* back of tbe neck and flings you into such mattes*, sa Tbe Fitzgerald Contraction, (which sounds like ista dstectiTe story and to one reader, at any rate, s far more mysterious than doping out who shot the df sjatJflBalrs in his locked-up art gallery) tbe dual jsosrsfUonef time, Entropy and Becoming, the Schrodater Theory sad a few other tremendous trifles of this At the cad you discover that you lead a thrilling and •naajfoas existence, that most sensible things are nonJmaT "Or ss that ardent relativist the Red Queen puts g, %as call that nonsense, but I've heard nonsense com•sml with which that would be as sensible as a dieassay'" far example, here Is tbe way tbe physicist describes tst astrance of a man through a door...
...Their struggle Is as hard as ours...
...There can, however, be no doubt that In the Parliamentary elections of 1935 many women voted for the reactionary candidates and that the present bourgeois bloc owes its existence largely to female suffrage...
...It had to do with the purchase of tools for individuals and families, to enable them to "go into business for themselves...
...history of man we have ajg* 90 Power, first to understand something of ji™* nature of the physical world and second to a...
...lot," says someone, "what has all this blather got h« wtth the Socialist and labor movement ? How mleraceraed with tbe wild Imaginings of physicists ?" W*, dmamy, it's got more to do with you and your aHH than you think It is out of Just such stuff and sbbbbbb that a new world Is being made, while.we Sap...
...m the old moralistic sense, I *a* word, "ought" has no place in the diction•» modern, dvibaed mas...
...March 12—"The Good Hope*' We hope it will be good—we mean of course, the attendance...
...anaaa intimated that none of us Socialists would past to much unless we understood at least dimly Igl-tisrt of a new world Eddiagton and Einstein and ITtiaar scientists were cooking up for us...
...This shameful policy has aroused the greatest indignation among tbe wdPklng massM and to a considerable degree among women as well...
...lTnissns sner chfaery is being introdyied, and industrialised mathoda of agriculture planned ahead...
...Voluntary insurance fails everywhere, because the poor do not or cannot take advantage of the opportunities offered them Epstein traces the movement for old age security in the United States, describes the old age pension laws of Arizona, Alaska, Montana, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Colorado and Maryland and the Massachusetts savings bank life insurance, speaks modestly of the organization of which he is Executive Secretary, the American Association for Old Age Security, and then gives an account of the pension systems of forty-five foreign countries...
...There is no need of the conjecture that the Ruastost authorities would probably set its foot down on such a development anyway...
...X can see the families at work I can see the relatives joining them...
...In such a shop I once spent a vacation period, working fifteen hours d> day for two dollars and a half per week...
...That's the kind of "rugged individualism" which Hoover knows cannot ha Titers died with Sodal...
...We have won the victory in one battle, but our struggle is not yet at an end...
...Norman Thomas's reference to the book in ^-jjmuj of his brilliant speech at The New Leader fa- which caused me to start it and there were a -td many times In the course of my reading when I ITsaytmag but kindly thoughts tor Norman...
...2.50> for children to stage and perform, continue the sound work he has been doing, toward the creation of a children's theatre, and the fruitful expression of the child's dramatic instinct, in this country...
...Thus a conservative in New York wrote Johnson early in 1769 regarding the political struggles In that city...
...Now they are only in the way, unless Utey have enough means to support themselves...
...To a very large extent the present sparring of the contending forces was brought about by the devotion, intelligence and perseverance of Abraham Epstein, who now appears as tbe author of another book on dependent old folk, entitled "The Challenge of the Aged...
...For my part, I would rather aaa our race blotted from the face of this planet, than that it ever give birth again to a breed of sweatshop owners and flesh-lashers as cursed this lsad of ours not aa long ago...
...Socialist Congressman has fought for old age pensions at Washington since 1911...
...Work of any sort was merely a means ta rise out of it...
...We have begun with an educational campaign on a large scale...
...but If unfor•jBuety I should slip through the floor or be boosted too iMssifTj up to the celling, the occurence would be...
...Joseph T. Shipley...
...Early America f~|NE who is interested in the parentage of Uncle Sam and has the time and patience to consult old documents of the American colonial era will be repaid by turning the pages of the Sir William Johnson Papers published by the University of the State of New York...
...Epstein's analysis of budgets and actual earnings shows that it is a miracle that the wage-earner is able to survive from day to day, not to apeak of setting aside a fund for his old age...
...The states of Indiana, Ttlineis and Pennsylvania and others as they qualify should provide special quarters in a jail for their executives aa they graduate...
...it la also a vital part of that movement...
...M^**Wsing as these thoughts may be to a generic "«eae»rfsd uyffa," they present a ringing chal»*MhB yeung-mlnded of these days...
...Except for the few who axe rrrillsd mechanics and agriculturists, or technically trained for industrial development, the several millions ad teqssst shopkeepers, peddlers, rabbis, sextons, marrttf* brokers, and the like are pathetically out of bsak...
...Afi over the East Side there sprang up little bossss ta possession of a few machines...
...it oa my sayso unless you are .¦and for one of tbe toughest mental battles of your StHfa...
...The collection in this volume relates to the years 1767, 1768 and 1769...
...w wo are getting close to our old friend, "You °a*t eaaage human nature...
...Tbe bourgeois bloc has increased the burden of indirect taxation, established heavy import duties, reduced the effectiveness of social legislation and in short shown a hardness of heart and displayed an eagerness for profit such as could have been expected only of a coalition of bourgeois parties...
...Pensions are the solution for the old age problem...
...Because of the fire at Albany in 1911 only fragments of many of the documents remain while a few have been reconstructed from copies found elsewhere...
...We women have also reason to be satisfied with the results as regards the election of women candidates...
...the correspondence of Johnson with various clerics to aid the Established Church of England: the plan of Robert Rogers for a government in the Northwest, and the eagerness of certain gentlemen to exploit the ore deposits near the shores of Lake Superior...
...there is every reason to fee...
...Thus the old Socialist verity that women could be recruited for revolutionary work if only they could be sufficiently Informed of th* truth has once again been substantiated...
...a o o A curiously composed organization called the mOtt* has marshalled together tbe charitable sentiment of many lands and to doing some work to aa attempt ta solve this difficult matter...
...In the first place I must asm against an atmosphere pressing with a force of iouraasanas en every square inch of my body...
...Tl1* *«*den rule is that there is ao goioea Ky^anow that the greatest of all laws is "The **.!-«*****"«¦'' On such knowledge we base our yjyy aspiraUoos...
...In the district councils Social-Democratic women will also from now oh have an opportunity of representing Labor...
...Women Socialists Abroad Every time we receive "Women's Supplement to International Information," published by the Secretariat of the Socialist and Labor International, we realise how closely related are our problems, and how similar are tactics and methods...
...As Professor Flick points out in the Preface, "the rumbles of the approaching Revolution" are more audible in this collection than in the previous one...
...In a very general way, the chief persons...
...Tbe second Assistant Postmaster General -reports that for each dollar which the government recatvaa from air mail stamps it pays two dollars for private contractors in tbe service...
...The working people are entitled to this "Recognition just as tbe poets or historians of old would receive pensions from royalty or nobility...
...psychologically, politically this doctrine hh liaage ability of human nature is a damnable 2 end I are different from those who lived In l|J£taaBth Century because of the brilliant syn**rt Mara, the profound adumbrations of *¦ deep theorixings of Einstein...
...Is bow, will you boys sad girls, be careful when you pjtaeegh doors...
...Age-old persecution has played Its bitter part ejf transforming a folk of the soil Into a people of barter and haggle...
...The quotation shows definitely that we are not so poor in ideas...
...Opposed to us is ignorance ^"¦aPn hat all science fights oa our side...
...A Tale From India" by Florence Bradley Moore, and a Mexican tale, "The Bean Boy," by Towle Adair...
...As a method to which to save the body and soul of tbe Jew in such a system as now exists in Russia I can only see further difficulties, and perhaps catastrophe...
...And If they really mean to encourage tbe building of small businesses, then may my words carry a trebled fury against their design...
...We are in jjjgy at a scientific revolution which may be of ajr/JPortanee to the future of tbe race than any•*Pw Urrlcedes and bayonets...
...Ill BBsmBeatsd business...
...The Jews in Soviet Russia are not having such a pleasant time of it...
...Cheating, lying, canting, illdesigning Scoundrel^—how we wd have them all between our Finger & Thumb here in this City— & I am not the least afraid but we Shall Carry our Election All Hollow against the Miscreants—Notwithstanding all the Sly Endeavours of that Snake in the Grass— Will Smith...
...Damn than all," he wrote, "a pack of hlpocritical...
...j totrd that dreary lis voiced by none other than •Pi- Sumner, the Inveterate vice-hound, at a recent "WNa of the League for Industrial Democracy and fantatad me more than any other one blah emitted wfesBesker...
...Only, there they seem to have acquired the co-operation of the men In the organization, while here we still have to overcome the terrible Indifference...
...Johnson's seal for promoting the Interests of the church provides some delicious correspondence...
...Late to 1768 a Mew York cleric writes Johnson that "the affair of an American Bishop moves very stow...
...A pension...
...Norman, ITsjaal is right but, believe me, the job of understand-aso cushy one...
...Their program of action, and their methods are of Interest to us...
...far example they have presented us with a new diatakav—that of time, and a new way of looking at itBrrttlng—the way of relativity...
...We have of course done our best through the Party organization to encourage this movement...
...I mean dif^"?*** •uporncially but fundamentally...
...The author devotes half of his book to a searching analysis of the problem of the aged In the United States...
...Each is but a phase of a complex social order...
...their work among the women is not without its difficulties and its disappointments...
...This is the more easily understood if we remember that until the equal political rights...
...The outstanding documents relate to land speculation of which the Susquehanna Company was conspicuous...
...In this manner there grew up the garment Industry of America I place its original founders among the monsters of history...
...a dispute between the people of Kinderhook and the Manor of Clave rack over military organization...
...I would that Miss Dahme could give more of her tune and ability to the cause so near her heart...
...Jagendorf's is ready for use by children who are to be given more or less of a free hand in the working out of their own activity, and is recommended as a good basis for dramatic selfactivity...
...are: Eleanor Levenson...
...I fall again and am knocked upsbjsb by another fly...
...And in the offing looms such a picture of exploitation and bloodletting misery, as makes the heart in me to stop and my flesh to freeze with a cruel nostalgia out ofi the old years...
...It is true, that in so far as numbers are concerned, the women Socialists abroad are a tremendous power compared with our own small—but growing group...
...0 "wrong...
...With a little encouragement from the membership as a whole —and our success is assured...
...This portion of the book alone Is a significant contribution to social science that ought to be quoted extensively by students and propagandista As a result of tbe worker's poverty throughout life, at least onethird of the five and a half million persons 65 years of age and over In the United States are dependent upon others for support...
...We need women who are not content with an occasional meeting, but who will give all that is required of themselves to further the work which makes for an inquiring mind, and independent thinking...
...yes down to the wives carrying Infants still too young to sort buttons or pull bastings...
...Even on a full-time basis the wages of the workers do not permit of savings...
...for the women have been the real sufferers under this policy of exploitation...
...He castigates some New York rebels who "can only bark but not bite...
...and bear Miss Dahme speak on the "Urge for Happiness...
...Tbe people I came to contact with were some of our own party, two or three American "business men," a professional organizer with Jewish Charities training, some dim -sort of a person or persons who, I was whlsperingly informed, represented someone or something that meant a million or so .dollars in prospect, and one rabbinical attache...
...The •'poor-house" Is the dread of all and it is socially and economically wasteful...
...Far thirty years scientists in their studios and BttrstiHisa have been moving about in this world, not •hays wtth certainty as to their direction, (they are ats»sure today, and that is why they are scientists), M at say rate moving around actively enough to be *1» to assure us of its existence...
...What la even more npatssg to the hardboiled materialists who have been ¦hgiy referring to man as a "fortuitous concourse of star is that the best of tbe scientists admit such afisliisiLal matters as free will and tbe possibility aTths intelligent control of human destiny...
...Edited by Pauline M. Newman CONCERNING WOMAN A department of n«wi and views •( »*rti««l»r interest t* tbe nut mt the lftber Ktiteiiat...
...Raleigh, Drake, and De Leon, may be taken to represent the intellectual, the actional, and the esthetic faculties of a single individual: Nunez de Vaca the comic-Ironic spirit within him according between various and often contrary desires...
...tor they press upon tbe world today, then bear us from its concerns to a flight through remote spaces where our daily deeds and distresses grow pale, despite such syncoptic phrases as "America, the child of his Inauguration, rushing into the War and rushing out of the Peace, makes democracy a byword of shame, and has given (as he thinks) the death blow to civilization's last hope, a federation of nations...
...Hla Ingrained instincts for avoiding physical labor filled tbe night schools, the preparatory schools, tbe professions, the markets, the loft iwnVtrnga of manufacture, with students, lawyers, doctors, dentists, salesmen, storekeepers, big and little bossss and so on, into almost every """" and form of Azaesfessa life, except actual productive work...
...The sorrowful fact remains that for many years *H will be grievous to be a Yid" even to the Soviet TJntosj...
...says Epstein, "may be defined as a regular allowance for life in consideration of past services...
...Macy-Mastus: The Vanguard Press...
...All these activities earned their due reward...
...and the rowers his far-drawn physical forces and nervous inheritance...
...Save for the presentation of an Individual tale, or for the pallid refashioning of olden legends, the long poem has fallen out of English use...
...1 im time in the Ions...
...You might point to the Jewish trade unions andeboW bow many thousands are creatively employed...
...As soon as tbe elections were over, therefore, we started to develop our Party machine...
...It is published by Mac5iT«7New Tort Tao price is *S.75...
...Tbe voyage, from this point of view, detaches from society one who is suffering from the distresses of our time, and against a background of stars brings him through darkness of soul to better light and being, symbolised throughout by the star of Truth, Valour, and Beauty, Can opus...
...This school is to be run on boarding-school lines...
...A changed human nature looks out now J** eUngad and changiag world...
...and so on...
...Remo Bufano has supplied illustration of the stage sets, preliminary and closing suggestions tor the producer discuss practical details...
...Scanning The New Books The Old Folks S. O. S. By Louis Stanley ]VOT since tbe pre-war agitation for workmen's compenaatioti have the proponents and opponents of social legislation been so astir as they are now over old age pensions...
...Children's Play Time The "Nine Short Plays" which Moritz Jagendorf has collected iMacmlllan...
...Secretary Women's Section, continues her political talk...
...The organizer spoke guardedly to us Socialist members as if afraid that tbe others might discover our unortbodoxy and be shooed away...
...Merry Tyl," dramatized by the editor from his own version of the Tyl Eulensplegel legends...
...or soma such vague designation...
...Ob plank has no solidity of substance...
...To step on it is tosBsaing on a swarm of files...
...The only woman candidate of any of the Oerman parties to be elected to the Bohemian Provincial Council was Comrade Oustl Schaffer of Carlsbad...
...As the dispute over power became hot between the politico-ecclesiastical factions they expressed it in language so intemperate as to shock moderns who believe that the "fathers" issued from an angelic mold...
...Drawn from the collection of plays for use 13 his own children's theatre, this grouping of Dr...
...This numerical strength is true of the general movement throughout Europe, and we can, therefore, expect a stronger, more powerful women's movement...
...Of the playlets themselves, which range from those adapted to six-year-olds to pieces for adolescents of six- and seventeen, several have come through the ages...
...These tasks we intend to carry out loyally and conscienclously on behalf of all working-women, and thus of the proletariat as a whole...
...but these comments are rather to attack it for what it does not try to be: it is a forceful work the sound scholarship of which does not weaken its poetic power, nor its dignity lessen its vital pu'sing...
...The Women's Section has done well in choosing a theatre where prices are at the lowest, where plays are of the best, and where Eva La Gallienne herself, can be seen in all her glory...
...The whole idea behind the project cannot satisfy me aa any kind of a Socialist From the level of charity it might have its compensation...
...It is rich in documents relating to the economic, political and religious issues forming the explosive which, a few years later, constituted the American Revolution...
...Nights weave a sackcloth for the lonely To wear to solitudes...
...together with a sub, joes to James Sullivan, of Rochester...
...The documents on this theme reveal tbe intimate relation "between piety and politics...
...Soon immigrant . . . "greenhorn'* relatives cease from across the seas to augment the 'business...
...Whan I say "curiously oata* posed" I have in mind the individuals and rlssen ta Jewry who are going about in the project Several years ago I was Invited to act as a technical advisor for their purchasing commission...
...Our modes and manners may have JJf...
...In this world *» Absolute...
...1h Psrfectly evident that we live and make love, *9a«agjy and drunken and mean and splendid here ****»ttan in much the same manner as they were * *Oty>OBo...
...And not merely on account of tbe queerness to mixture...
...We have adopted every kind of electioneering device in order to attract the interest of women to our movement...
...It is a masterly presentation of statistical data and human factors...
...It Is the work of an accomplished scholar and a great humanitarian...
...During the weeks of the election campaign our trained women officials, who performed prodigies of self-sacrifice, carried out a general house to bouse canvas, distributed propaganda leaflets for women and also by individual canvassing endeavored to influence women who are as yet unenlightened...
...Since 4935...
...He waa 8MBproletarian...
...however, -the political and social balance In revolution of 1938 women did not enjoy Czechoslovakia has shifted considerably...
...Thus we regard the favorable results of the elections as a success, which involves new tasks for us...
...In New England the Puritan saints bad a state monopoly of saving souls and they suspected that certain negotiations were under way to edge them out of their privileges...
...The Challenge of the Aged" is more than the carefully chosen word of an expert...
...In fact, I remember how scared he looked when suddenly, out of old habit, I addressed the committee members as "Comrades . I quit cold after tbe second meeting...
...In order to achieve this object, we have begun to provide lectures and week-end schools fa both municipal and rural districts...
...It Is a long time since our faithful Johanna let her voice be heard in public...
...o o o The essential fibre of the Jew now in the large cities of the TJ...
...Industrial pensions, old age benefits of trade unions and fraternal societies are inadequate...
...Epstein points out that the question arises because the Increasing Industrialization of society makes the aged superfluous and, hence, unwanted...
...Tbe plan which is easiest to establish is the non-contributory pension, where tbe state gives a straight allowance out of public funds...
...This Is a book which not only describee the movement for old age pensions...
...Consequently great mdsarj sjs> ista among the declassed population, I understand concretely that the gnsei iiinssal If msasto ing out a vast colonization scheme to settle a grmi part of the hardier ones in the Far East, Piassssahsga work has been going on for over a year...
...In this connection we should call attention to two valuable tables which the author has compiled, one giving estimates of costs of old age pension systems for all the states in the Union, the other summarizing the principal features of foreign pension systems...
...The culminating point of our educational campaign is to be the women's school, which is to be organized for three weeks in April and In which a selection of pupils of the elementary school type are to be given a thorough groundTng In all economic and political questions...
...Over in Connecticut the revolutionary m.-b is referred to as "Dregs...
...I think that'was the phrase used...
...This from Czechoslovakia: "As the sexes do not vote separately, it Is only possible to guess at the manner in which women's vote was distributed over the various parties...
...Johanna Dahme oa W.E.V.D...
...Large scale operation makes the goods of the individual unsaleable because of price alone...
...w go buying...
...How this "neck to the land" project will turn out when peopled wtth a race whose love of tbe plough lies buried to the first hundred pages of tbe Old Testament is Indeed difficult 99 forecast...
...Authority, based upon anything Tfc^T* astontiflc truth is kaput- There is no "right...
...Have the aged workers the wherewithal to maintain themselves...
...The Longer Flight ¥N "The New Argonautica," by W. B. Drayton ' Henderson, <Macmillan>, a brave and indeed stirring effort is made to revive the English epic...
...The power of the poem, its swift movement and vigorous diction, also make one regret Its remove from earth...
...His product must compete with that of the government...
...Throughout these papers one frequently comes across two phrases that run through colonial history and which served down to the rise of Jacksonian Democracy, Those who oposed some phase of the aristocratic order were known as people "without property or character" while the gentlemen who belonged to the upper classes were always "persons of weight and interest...
...Curiously enough, Herbert Hoover in his acceptance speech last year declared that those who are successful in the capitalistic steeple chase have "ability and character...
...That part of tbe tale to ao doll Bow with overselling, that I will spare space for Irttle mora of it here...
...Some day, the New York Women's Section of the B. P. should draft Miss Detunes time and energy for its work which Miss Dahme could so ably dot But that's another story...
...according to this doctrine so comforting to 2*"IWT»ttva and censorious, but fundamentally we "*• same humans ss our most remote ancestors...
...J """'J every respect, biologically, sociologically, 3****u...
...Later strangers were admitted...
...But these are a decided minority against the four nxmiosl in middle class parasitical pursuit My mind then recalls the sweatshop and all its ae> speakabie horrors some twenty five yean ago...
...The Ghettoes and Pales of tbe aid world have given these keen and energetic men and wocnea no chance for higher education, for craft-learning, for any endeavour that might compete with the G3lristtss ruling classes...
...But no doubt, also, some genaenco, the man who says It will be promptly Wfaaparry clapped into an insane asylum...
...The satisfactory results of the elections are certainly to be attributed primarily to the fact that many women have rallied to the Party of the struggling proletariat...
...What we need, at this moment, are women with a will and determination, to do the things which will bring their ideal nearer to reality...

Vol. 8 • February 1929 • No. 6

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