Cleveland light Plant Being Wrecked In Interests of Private Power Company City Manager Hopkins And Utilities Director Are Sabotaging System Cleveland Electric Illuminating, Power Trust...

...Hot the severity but the certainty and the laimess of punishment is what our laws ought to seek...
...It will take place on August 8, with Clarence O. Senior, newly-elected secretary of the Socialist party, as the guest...
...They range from $1,000, contributed by Mrs...
...Here is the sordid story...
...It is Matt that before the first week of the •te b over $10,000 will have been substitude...
...and "We Wont Work Twelve Hours a Day" and "From Now On We Count...
...With the appointment of Chief Laubenhelmer by the fire and ponce commission with the recommendation of Mayor Daniel W. Hoan...
...Baker, incidentally, was one of the designators of Wright aa Utilities Director...
...It is humiliating when any person or organisation in which we are interested has to live in the hand to mouth fashion of the party, and its press, and the radio which we have set up aa a memorial to the finest human, being we have ever known—Gene Debs...
...A mass meeting was held in the open following the parade...
...gbbaer with that spirit which Is the ggja ef the world...
...Put thee Burdens gleaned Within the last month Wright has armounocd his intention of relieving the...
...What is the Socialist Party to you, to your children and to the country ? NORMAN THOMAS...
...Is Cleveland's Plant Next...
...Trial Opens Fairly I am writing this story In great haste...
...then tor life rather than to inex tte east of one cruiser...
...capacity each...
...Four weeks ago the town refused the strikers permission to parade through the streets...
...sjawsnhere of suspicion...
...The last $100 sent by the Emergency Committee was received just a few days before we reached a settlement," writes G. tu Grindstaff, a worker in Mills MUX "The money enabled us to hold out until we got our union recognized and the promise of all the rest in the near future...
...Its surplus haa been depleted at every opportunity...
...Pull page scream...
...Of this amount W,no,000 has been financed by bonds...
...As I said before, I believe that, if it's up to the present Judge, and XT THE SOLICITOR IS NOT RXACHED OR IN SOME WAY REMOVED, the prisoners will get a fair trial, whatever that means...
...generator would force the issue of an inter-connection with the private power company...
...It also has large holdings la the Detroit Edison...
...Testae Trouble* a Later England Oar sympathy and good wishes go out St to) textile workers of Great Britain •to ere fighting the monstrous Injustice ef a eat of one-eighth in their already !* vagav We are pleased to observe nti (Meant opinion in England agrees *** * was the duty of the manufactoni to pat their own financial bouse *eato bafare they tried to take their ¦**> Mai or alleged, out of labor...
...They are to be made to pay whatever price the city council and the power trust, in their wisdom and charity, decide to charge...
...There is another question which is in peoples' minds, and which will be more fully answered perhaps during the trial proper: Why the array of counsel listed for the State, outside of the regularly constituted County Solicitor and the City Attorney...
...and the Solicitor, outside of a disposition which is generally considered to be singularly humane...
...I have found fax more political interest, far more realization of the similarity of the old parties which belong to the same business interests this year following Hoover's election than in 1924 following Coolidge's election by a smaller vote...
...This year the IbMpr aad CeunMB ©a a pratart i—nmmted qoeetionabie ohngettnns of the ptaat to the city general fsaad of mere titan $500,000 which waa hmaafarrad from the Tsruf-gt into the general fund of the city...
...A weekly press service to all Socialist papers, English as well as foreign language, setting forth the progress of the drive has been started to keep every reader of a Socialist paper informed of the plans...
...If we succeed with it—and we must—we shall not only wipe out all debts but have a very comfortable Heat-egg for the -party nationally, for participating state and local branches of the party and for our allied institutions...
...Baker waa in a meet agreeable mood when he read Mr...
...It has saddled the municipal electric system with greater and greater burdens until now, it is feared, it facet eventual financial disaster...
...The profits of the plant to IBM ware in spits of the hostile treatment received at unfriendly hands and the do-nothing policy of the management...
...Labor's Dividends AeeJeanta at coal mines faring Jane, ISM...
...However, this "r^—if*ment of policy has never bean rejpbsBO ggSS PtrSSf Wtl^ft, at uaJerteek"a7>oUcy of whita way aad el Hut ng*H«g -rrr*t^— which hu aa> tesmshtehie csudtol tawsstujent which bu hamp«rw...
...Ho wonder then that prisoners are discontented...
...SI, 103s the municipal tight plant of Cleveland represented an investment of $18J70,000...
...I tfltnk a study of Mr...
...The court therefore directed that the trial be transferred to the adjoining county of Mecklenberg, whose county seat is a much larger city, Charlotte, where, before a jury consisting of restdents not of Oaston County, Solicitor Carpenter and his array of counsel would conduct the case against the strike Madera...
...That Is to ssy, everybody is surly about the debts and reparations agreement and regards Uncle Sam as a kind of Shyloek who alone profits out of the deal...
...swestpts tabulated at the time The ¦Mr leader goes to press indicate that MM have already been received...
...The election of the Socialist candidates to City Council will be a step in the right direction...
...Tola action la now under rtHgaWJanS Sboewavtt...
...Except for immediate campaign funds which, of course, must be raised separately, this fund if completely raised ought to make any other money drive superfluous for many months to come...
...There are three topics of conversation uppermost in the minds of men here not connected with the International Labor Defense yet determined to do all in their power to aid these victims of class strife: Is there not a possibility that the change of venue, so far from aiding the defendants' cause, may prove to be no help, except insofar as the delay alone may aid them...
...Plant Is Bohntoged In pursuance of Roberta' recommendation — apparently written to order In favor of the competfEg private company — the present administration undertook immediately the eliminating of the municipal light plant as a competitor in the) local field...
...Bo much the authorities and many of the newspaper editors agree...
...Not that these debts are so large— Raakob would laugh at them—but any debt is large when it is not paid and when you are honest enough to want to pay it before pushing ahead to new activities...
...This Is the opinion I have arrived at after Interviewing both the Judge and the solicitor privately for half an hour each, and after discussing both officials with citizens, business men and workers, in the city of Gastonia...
...By whom will you be tried...
...The Record of Betrayal One of the first acts was to appoint Mr...
...But surely part of the trouble is due to the feet that under present conditions the convict dees not regard himself as particularly a bad man but an unlucky man...
...Dinner fat E. C. Among the first of the cities to respond was Kansas City, Mo., which will hold the first of a series of dinners and meetings of Socialists to be held in the country...
...Finos, Yugoslavs Jump In Among the Foreign Language Federations, the Yugoslav federation, of which Charles Pogorellc is the national secretary, the Finnish federation, of which A Reivo, of Massachusetts, is the secretary, and the Jewish Socialist Verband are so far taking ths lead...
...Ever since Socialists first were elected to the common council they have been fighting for shorter hours tor policemen...
...N. V., Philadelphia, Pa., Cleveland, Ohio, Boston, Mass., Cincinnati...
...I have heard the query propounded: "Is the International Labor Defense more anxious, from the point of view of the 'good of the cause,' to have the defendants acquitted or convicted...
...The present state of the Sodallat Party fcg r*>* «iy humiliating...
...The organised toHs wsrtocs of England sympathised attfc Sat si I ism Is against slavery in AmSka even when they were starving beams tin supply of cotton was cut oft...
...policy was applied further by the fanning out to a private ceneern of a «WO,ooo project converting old gas light* into electric lights...
...Hopkins' and Mr...
...The plaat, according to Wright's ow» statements, la now operating almost to its capacity conaUtaat with continuous service...
...Cleveland light Plant Being Wrecked In Interests of Private Power Company City Manager Hopkins And Utilities Director Are Sabotaging System Cleveland Electric Illuminating, Power Trust Minion, Seeks Downfall of Municipally-Owned Plant Which Has Served City at Greatly Reduced Rates ¦ City Council Called On To Act By Frank J. Manning ^ LEVEL AND.—An incompetent—or treacherous—city administration coupled with the encroachment of the power trait are reaching out to throttle Cleveland's Municipal light plant...
...May God grant you a true delivery," the Solicitor replied to each defendant...
...Over $4,760,000 earnings have been invested in equipment, making n total of w,T6*,ooo profits sines the business began always with current Mag sold the people at n price beavw that charged by the competing private company...
...Up to January IBIS, the total spent in money on the whole plant was $1,606,000,—1970.800 for the generating station and $635,713 for the distributing system...
...It becomes therefore the duty aal phvfiats of reasonable men and ssasrw do aD that lies within their —aw to stake peace more likely...
...On the Pacific Coast, tos Angeles and San Francisco are leading with the work of -canvassing members, and arrangements may be made for dinners in those cities if other cities along the Coast will attempt to make similar arrangements...
...But when Senior or anyone else tries to get started he will find himself almost choked by debts—debts of the national office, debts from the last campaign, debts in state and local organization...
...Has the prosecution some cards yet up its sleeve, some astonishing evidence yet unhlnted at, tending to prove or to establish somehow some connection between the strikers arrested and the actual shooting of the chief of police other than their general connection with or leadership of the illfated strike against the Loray Mills and their general opinions...
...Bfk vase* hi America are not primarily Sat to fin tariff, as Is proved by the sssjet fast that wages are highest in to baDding trades and the automobile sentry where tariff protection cuts no tgna They are lowest in the much jsatohd textile industry...
...on the back waa a gripping cartoon showing a huge and monstrous figure with hands dripping with blood calling the court to order...
...The strikers cheered Alfred Hoffman, A J. Muate and Tom Tippett to the echo as they urged the strikers to stick fast Totally ignoring the injunction, strikers formed on the picket line and raised their voices of lusty singing of "Solidarity Forever...
...Ohio, Pittsburgh, Pa., Detroit, Mich, and Baltimore, Md...
...Wright's mal-administration was Wright's recommendation in the summer of 1927 — that an interconnection of the municipal plant with the private company be set ah liahed and that purchase of power In bulk from the private competitor m ttsu of an additional generator to take care of business which had grown in spite of the administrative sabotage in vogue...
...Only the other day I received a most interesting letter from Porto Rico asking some of us to visit the Island and to help rebuild the Socialist Party for the defense of the workers who now groan under miserable conditions imposed by American economic imperialism ) When our energetic young Secretary, Clarence O- Senior, takes hold he won't have to look for opportunities...
...M. V. Bamhill, or the County Solicitor in charge of prosecuting the case, John O. Carpenter, can help it...
...generator, Installation of which was completed by the present administration...
...Why Prisoner* Revolt How intolerable must conditions have been to lead prisoners at Auburn to mutiny on too of the unsuccessful mutiny at Dannemora...
...Are the leaflets and pamphlets being gotten out by the Communista, circulated here in great number and introduced before the judge, calculated to do more good or harm to the cause of the defendants...
...A collection win be taken to aid the drive...
...Without any suspension ^ Hfsiwr or with suspension in bufidgg sab es ths part of England there asse sffl.'have been the same logical -ji jar a naval agreement, but psychotoasaj the netoUstlons would nave aag isjiHiI on In a poisonous and stlfaa...
...It is an indictment of the city council and a challenge to Cleveland's voters: The Plant Is Started On July 20th...
...He knows thst meet murderers aren't caught, that for Instance the killer ef Rothsteta goes free because Tammany dares not have htos caught...
...It is sow the fourth largest electric utility holding company is the nation, controlling an output of «j«o,g»i thousands of lews., or .1...
...The second phase of Mr...
...The federal Trade Commission has reported (senate Document 2U, pegs 23® that tbs North American "has various dose relationships with the Electric Bond and Share group" (secend largest holding company in the nation and holder of 16.36 per cent, their bbm what they develop new strategy...
...He declared that in the future the private company would deliver power to the consumer* at a decreasing cost while the publicly-owned plant would produce power at greater cost...
...The strikers have been given the hope and the funds to carry on by their own magnificent solidarity and by the agt of Norman Thomas, through the Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief, which to date has sent $2,000 to the strikers, a second $1,000 arriving this week...
...Between these two extremes, there are contributions of $500, many of $100, and a large number of ti and $10 subscriptions to the $50,000 fund...
...OaTMsilsj special meetings will be held b te art A. D., Kings County, which beet to rate $500 for the drive, and Site ath A. D., Kings County, James Ooad, tails Waldman, Louis P. Ooldtej, sag others will address these meetMa...
...Of course the Germans accept the Young plan only because they must...
...ea raw •> $6,000 First Week'sTotal Given Party Mrs...
...aaasei the death ef 14T man, aeeerwtog to Pisiifaiii ef Cesassarea...
...general fund of further burden by further decreasing the charges to the.etty for street lighting current— for which the city is new paying the mueniueting Company higher rates than the section served by the municipal plant...
...In • nan thb situation is a test to the *B» Government We hope that it • tog a way to exert direct pressure to* thtaa barons of Industry who would <w*J tow workers and wreck the najtoai naBtong rather than arbitrate Wk^Berencee...
...During several mayoralty terms Socialists listened to the arguments of the late Police Commissioner John T. Janssen that a 14-hour shift was a satisfactory work day for him when be patrolled a beat and that it would have to be satisfactory to patrolmen as long as be was chief...
...timely TOPICS bY Norman Thomas gift-'*—1 BrtBdpel opposition to Prssi* saw Beaver's action in isi|muftin oaaaeTflns of three cruisers comes from . jawhl'- Legion and organised hv_» TP* statement in a news dfcv {net Washington Is melancholy pJJJn- ^* *u*Pen(iaB of cruiser buiidpsodtug a naval agreement, first by a* British Labor government and after,01 President Hoover, was the kind 7 jilisin and intelligent act which aw* ssod faith in negotiations and gaga: ewjnrosT limitation of armament ¦an probable...
...From the time the trial opened...
...non-partisans long refused to allow an 8-hour day, offering the excuse that it would require an addition of too many men to the department...
...UesBy, meetings win be held by varis» banshee during the coming week...
...Roberta made-to-order report...
...I personally concur with Director Wright that the plant ought to inter-eanneet with the LUuminAlng Company...
...Continuing, the Commission said...
...As far as the city administration and the power trust axe concerned, the people who make up the City of Cleveland are but pawns in the game...
...Staggering under the blow* of managerial mis-direction aad tea¦Uode aa4 hardeaea wttl tt groaaa illtaetas informed engineers believe...
...On the one hand there is the Qeveland city administration...
...per cast of the total output of the nation...
...The Roberts reportpart of which was not made publiclaid down a policy which the present administration has followed, with the seeming design of throttling is Its infancy Cleveland's experiment in A CHALLENGE The writer of this article challenges the City Manager «r taw Utilities Directors of Cleveland...
...Wright, no effort is being made to get profitable power and light business In competition with the private company...
...each prisoner was asked in accordance with the quaint and ancient custom of the state...
...Gartx Sends $1,000 — Hundreds of Others Send Their Bit T> UNNXNO ahead of their own predletiens, directors of the United Socialist Drive, which was formally launched on Thursday, and which has for its goal the raising of eso.OOO by September 1. announced Friday that instead of the $5,000 total which they thought would be reached before the drive had gotten under way, approximately $6,000 had been raised...
...Roberts was appointed by Hopastea and Wright to make a survey of the municipal light division plant and business with recommendations for the ftuture...
...Thlrty-twe were MBsd to the anthracite aataes ef Fwnnaylvania...
...Senior will attend most of these affairs...
...Hopkins, hot when local newspapers susnlfeatsrt such critical interest sn the new departure the matter was ssafssad like a hot coal and has not ansa mm tioaod since...
...The nation-wide response, from all elements of the progressive snd Socialist movement, is reflecting itself in checks and pledges which continue to pour into the national office of the drive at 23 East 16th street with every mail delivery...
...By God and my country" was the answer of Attorney Jimison...
...But the plain fast is that exactly what most Americans had objected to has cceae to past...
...aptly enough a former minister...
...If, aa we hope, it will be more than raised we shall be in a better position for aggressive work than for years...
...MsnvllleJenckeg officials and other mill interests undoubtedly are Inflamed against Communist leaders and any other union "agitators," although the pretense is now made that a union not affiliated directly or Indirectly with the Communist movement, and devoted solely to the Industrial organisation of workers, would be more favorably received here...
...At the very worst we g^jM»ae that under the British LatoOetoueient in England there will be BsUtnetions...
...TtwXerth America* The north American Company is reaching out like an ever-hungry octopur to grab the privately-owned plants in Northern Ohio...
...In July of 1915 a sub-station in South Brooklyn, a suburb, was absorbed by the main plant and later another station in Collinswood was closed and absorbed...
...There is a widespread interest, especially since the success of our British comrades, in what we want...
...The court was asked to pronounce Judgment as to whether the propaganda by mill-owners complained of by the defendants was not overbalanced by "the false and malicious" propaganda of those who espoused the workers' cause...
...Baker's connections might prove an interesting aa a similar study with regard to MessrsWright and"Roberts...
...Alexandra Schonbaum, of At tentica branch...
...He said that base-load could be purchased cheaper from the private company than the city couIH produce it...
...4rwassr these circumstances it is hard fc'tsB*** that the opposition of labor, igU at h is...
...The following cities have taken steps to arrange for dinners: Richmond, Vs., Jacksonville, Fla., Dayton, Ohio, Buffalo, N. Y., Niagara Falls...
...Cleveland's present administration took the plant with m ten-year record of genuine growth aad prosperity behind it and Immetttateiy began a business and wgtwsirlng policy which, well-informed engineers are charging, seems covertly designed to eilmirta' ? it as a competitive rate regulating factor In Cleveland...
...Hardly a dajr, passes that I do not get one or more letters asking for Socialist literature of a sort we do not have in stock but which we could soon have If we had money to print and circulate it...
...Q» See...
...Some of you have told me in words that I never can forget You have said that Socialism and the Sociallet Party were to you like home and country, that in them you find the comradeship and the hope that make life worth while...
...Marion Strikers Defy Injunction With Bis Parade Police Helpless as Textile Workers Assert Rights of Citizens By John Herling (Special Correspondent of The New Leader) MARION, N. C—The Marion textile strikers answered a newly issued injunction Wednesday with a monster parade of strikers and sympathizers which swept out of the mill village and through the town yelling defiance at the injunction...
...We thank you heartily for your help...
...The JJ*J* 01 hankers reforming bank proSJ» la the interest of the people to Bespectsble bankers will probW. **at to guard egainat the fly by igP*»tho* of a Ferrari...
...It is true that tsarlet of this decent act should not fal ea * few workers., If we had a toper program in America for dealing gag snasjnloyna nl and If we could gnt fin government to plan work in ta navy yards so ss to make as little ¦senptayinent ss possible by reason of aa anpenslen of building there would •j ass reason to sympathise with men tec now fear for their Jobs...
...Certainly we are no worse than any ether nation...
...1914, the Cleveland Municipal Light Plant, product of the great Tom I* Johnson, was completed...
...We shall now see the hand of the power trust at work...
...But the Judge, whatever his private sentiments may be, is anxious to be put before the world in no such fashion as has been Judge Webster Thayer, of Massachusetts' ill-fame...
...The spirit of the strikers and their families was summed up In the slogan which-they carried in the parade: "What Do Tou Mean' Injunction...
...We Collect From Germany At last the French debt agreement has been ratified sad President Hoover has explained bow generous we Americans really are...
...Court has just adjourned, after the announcement by the judge that "hearkening to the pleas of the defendants' counsel that a fair trial could not be had in Oaston County," he would grant their petition for a change of venue, and that the prisoners would be tried at Charlotte, N. C, in adjoining Mecklenburg County...
...For some of our comrades a day's wage means more than a hundred dollars from more fortunate donors...
...Roberts drew a pessimistic picture of the future of the business...
...Is canvassing the Ma** and sympathisers residing in teniea for contributions to the fund...
...Commanbts' Intentions Passllng As a corrolary to this last question...
...Representatives of the drive committee are now working various States, aiding local committees arrange for a canvassing of the members...
...The sabotage of the light plant is our chief issue and we propose to give the people att the facta...
...He recommended that the city cease enlarging the plant and begin to buy power in bulk from the private utility company — Thus Fllmlaallin Che Municipal Plant as a Competitive Factor In the Commtmlty to be Served...
...It to a matter of MB tt«t benders fought the moat re^wahae of the Federal Reserve Act We expect lltUt from obveme* Roosevelt's Osmmlsaton...
...The writer is Informed that under the beneflcient administration of Mr...
...The literature that has been printed, and that will accompany the letter, sets forth In detail the problems of the organisations and institutions that are to ahhre la the proceeds, and how they will be sstsead for more effective action should lit iscerie their share from this drive...
...A breakdown or a shut-down for repair* of the large 15,000 lew...
...Wrtbte the laat year Wright haa spent another gbM.OOO of the plant's earnings ea white way and street lights...
...Be knows that men with money or political pull if they ere caught go free or have a light sentence,' He seat politicians, including even a Judge, acting as dummy directors of banks that loot their ettents without fear of any Betimes igw...
...Many 1 iaj wage contributions and pledges tet hate not been tabulated as yet will ¦Mf the total well above $6,000...
...He further declared that purchase of base load from private interests would save the plant $400,000 in production costs...
...The first collection to be taken by an organisation not organically connected with the Socialist party was taken at the Workmen's Circle picnic at Framing ham...
...The strikers are members of the United Textile Workers of America...
...During the last few months the edmjnjttrmtion began the eon' tracking.out of various services to private contractors and Wright has ""yiinfftd that it wUl he his policy to let contracts for as much of the repair, oeastruction and maintenance work as possible...
...Now if you have a love or even a reepect for the Socialist Party and a lively realization of the harm it would do the country were it to disappear, then for very shame's sake you must want the party and its allied agencies to do their work effectively without spending their time begging...
...A. B. Roberts...
...This story will go out on the six o'clock train to Greenville, thence to be transmitted to The New Leader office via air mall So I can necessarily give only the bare facts, and in a subsequent article point out what I consider salient points In the strike activities of the National Textile Workers' Union here and in other points of the South which I have visited, and also of the United Textile Workers, aa well as pertinent features so tar developed in the trial...
...Communism or unionism or the defendants' opinions upon patriotism, religion, "ths home or say other topic not related to the alleged murder were not before the court," be charged the Grand Jury which later returned the true bin IndliUng the defendants...
...They will 7* ena effective thing to beaten the 5* nmetion to be publlcily adminaP te *he interest of society instead IS*** profits...
...Foreign language federations unite with the English speaking organisations of the Socialist party in piling up, dollar by dollar, the asO.000 decided upon aa the fund required to put the Socialist party in a condition to take advantage of the opportunities which now present themselves...
...This is the octopus that is reaching out for tbs Cleveland municipal plant...
...Before the Judge charged with determining whether the prisoners should have a change of venue was placed a copy of Monday's "Daily Worker...
...A conference of Workmen's Circle branches win be called soon to organise for effective work In the Workmen's Circle...
...A year ago the municipal plant of Ashtabula, O., was banded ovsr to tbs Cleveland Electric IUumJcaUng Co...
...The shorter hours, advocated by Socialist Aldermen and other city officials for years, will affect 856 policemen, including crews of ambulances and patrol wagons...
...The 2_?l'Mea, "Ith the exception of a wPl at merchants, la oompesert enP*f .ef tonkera...
...may turn oat to be another Mooney -Bluings sad Secco-Vansetti ease, but not if the presiding Judge...
...Press 10-9-28): *1 agree wrth-Director Wright that the plant should become aa increasing and dominating factor in street lighting...
...Unless aa* a eaeae reasonable hope of peace ajBr Greet Britain, our children mar * um He day when we brought them into gy serid...
...Hail to the flaming libera...
...Ita growth and jiiinillj la * npoct to the Utilities CominKM of On City Council (AxuiL i»35j Wright insisted that tie larger pert of eapitaJ expense to lights along the streets should be ahouMorod mot by the dry «4 property owner* but by tie muBklMl light pint Tuilnif He also at the same time inaugurated an ex* tear** street lighting program wW«h ha* placed upon tk* light planta burttaa «f ajawtantoatoly P.OOOJOOO of non-productive capital...
...The only posathls way to avoid ibis fats is for the voters of Cleveland to oust those responsible for thai subservience to the tainted influence of the power trust aad to elect to office those whose records aad connections prove them favorable to public ownership...
...Every State In the nation is represented In the contributions which came in before the drive was gotten under way...
...He further stated that the municipal plant had already forced the private competing company (Cleveland Electrical Illuminating Company) to reduce its rates by one-half...
...Ths ertr*rn» nationalism of labor, or Sjttor of eartaln parts of the labor moveneat wkteh opposes the suspension of atone handing, is manifested in MettoMfi seal for the highest possible teflt Ths number of workers who will saw by higher tarts rates as consoaae a si least four times the number toe can gat any conceivable benefit out a* tha tariff, either ss industrial or agrleatoal workers...
...We don't insist on the amount...
...j Gastonia Trial Moved To Charlotte Judge and Prosecutor Appear To Be Attempting to Hare "Fair" Trial By Samuel H. Friedman (Special Correspondent of The New LeeSer) *p ASTONIA N. C—The trial of the 36 defendants of the National Textile Workers' Union for murder of Chief of Police Aderbott here, in connection with the strike conducted by this leftwing organization against the Loray Mills.of the Manvuie Jenckes Co...
...Regular construction erewt — universal adjuncts of all electrical utilities are being dispensed with- This summer the...
...Men are alarmed and some of them are resentful about the way the machines, working only for profit, add to unemployment...
...Among its members J** ¦ednra economist, no representarg^tte fsiiuats or the workers...
...of the total output...
...He farther charges the City Council to take note of these, facta and to erplala their Indifference in the face of this smaring treachery...
...the end of the year in which Roberta made his infamous recommendations, the plant showed a net profit of $487,000 after deducting taxes—not payable...
...Contracts had already been let for the installation of an additional 15,000 lew...
...H ¦ tot news to Americans that refto aeanaalocs fallures in the financial ^pelef America have shown that there f*toegtiBg rotten in the State Banking gWaaat At last Governor RooseJ~*a» appointed a Commission to adon changes in the banking law ifj'toiikniiiuq to the Legislature...
...Others of you have admitted that while you might have your doubts now and then and your moments of discouragement, nevertheless you realize that it would be a calamity not to have the Socialist Party, that without it every good cause from Old age pensions to disarmament would lack pioneers and preachers and the coming of a strong and intelligent labor party would be indefinitely delayed...
...And after two days of legal wrangling by the counsel for both sides, after affidavits and counter-affidavits had been presented, and witnesses had been sworn, had sworn, and had been given the lie, the judge delivered himself of the following pronunciamento, anxious, apparently, to give no color of support to the contention expressed in copies of Communist leaflets and papers placed before him as to the "legal lynching" being prepared by him and those who "owned" him for the prisoners before the bar: Trial Scene M Changed "Although there does not appear to be any active agitation and the crowds attending the courtroom have been quiet and orderly, the court is of the opinion that, under ail the facto and circumstances as they appear and from his own private investigation, conditions are such that while the defendants could be given a fair trial in this city, they could not be given such a trial as would have every appearance of being a fair trial and therefore would not have a fair trial as contemplated by the statute or as is required for the just administration of the criminal law...
...Evidence gained from the open records of the Cleveland plant almost invariably looms up to confront the pandering expert witnesses in rate cases all over the country...
...The plant then had a capacity of 34,000 k.w... armed gunmen as to^eakara, no kidnapping, no Oas?^wJab...
...It remains to be seen whether God, or the Manville-Jenckes and other mill companies will help try the case...
...Howell Wright, a local Democratic Factotem and a known disbeliever in the principle of public ownership, was appointed Utilities Director by the new City Manager, W. R. Hopkins, a Republican...
...Consul tag Engineer...
...If Matthew •a would spend as much time and essay en helping to organise the Southen battle workers aa be does in fightto to high tariffs, which primarily toast sot tin workers but open shop amtifeetarsrs like Joseph Grundy, we shanf aD to better off...
...Literally dozens of contacts all over the country made during the campaign have grown cold because we could not follow them up...
...Maintenance of street lighting was Jet by contract to the...
...Furthermore, the three women defendants, against whom the state had already declared it would not ask for a first degree murder conviction, were to be allowed, at their own request, to be released on bail...
...Why the eight or nine lawyers, "cream of the bar of Oaston County," Including a former attorney for the Manville-Jenckes Company, hired by no one knows whom, PAID by no one will confess whom, all lined up to fight the "case of the state of North Carolina...
...If and when the Young Plsn is finally adapted by the european nations and the French debt agreement ]g ratified by our Congress, we shall not have heard the end of our troubles...
...Milwaukee Police On Eight Hour Day CBy a Now LaaSer C*rre«v«a*ent) MILWAUKEE, Wis.—Milwaukee policemen are now working on an 8-hour basis...
...which immediately raised tbs rates...
...Already the response from individuals has been encouraging, but we have a long ways to go...
...In addition to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating, competitor of the municipal plant, the North American Company holds the Missouri, Illinois, Iowa systems, the Western Power Corporation, the Wisconsin-Michigan systems, the Potomac Electric Power and half of the North American Power and Light...
...lues across the top of Page One announced that the trial to "Legally I^neh" workers was about to staat...
...Monday morning, the judge has endeavored to impress upon state and prisoners alike —perhaps has endeavored especially to impress upon the score of visiting newspaper men and women that he is interested in having a fair trial, "impartial, absolutely unprejudiced aa far as toy within his power," and only upon the issues stated in the indictment...
...F. W. Ballard, then Public Utilities Director, estimated in the first annual report issued on the enterprise (1915) that the plant would accomplish a saving of practically $2,000,000 to the people of Cleveland...
...A reservatfon to the effect tost French payments to us would be> contingent upon Qernun payments to them was defeated by only eight votes in the French Parliament and undoubtedly expressed the conviction of the French people...
...Roberts' recent report in the Cleveland Gas Franchise Oaae, due to public clamor, was discarded by the city and discredited by the city manager who appointed him as too favorable to the East Ofcio Gas Co...
...American Street Lighting Co and employees of the municipal plant were laid off—this over the protest of the Heotrical Workers Union...
...In Milwaukee, Reading and Newark, picnics will be held either late in August or early in September...
...Another step within the last year is apparently calculated to disintegrate the working organisation which for the past 16 years has been responsible far the success that the Cleveland Municipal Light Plant has enjoyed...
...The money wasted on gent nnff"T* is the foe of prosperity g) wsl ss of peace...
...The English expect not to repudiate their debt agreement with the United States but the Labor Party and most other Bnglishment regard It as a bed agreement and they are not happy about the Young plan which reduces still -further what they expect from Germany...
...The North American Company is operating in Cleveland through Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, one of its subsidiaries...
...Labor is heir S » vary nobis tradition...
...On the other hand, waiting with eager anticipation to absorb this dangerous example of successful municipal ownership, is the North American Company, fourth largest holding company in the utility field, and closely related to the Electric Bond and Share group, second largest holding company in the nation...
...If he appeals to some of our generous friends he will be told, "I should like to help the party, but I have just given to the New Leader," or the Debs Radio or some other worthy ally of the party...
...It has practically been controlled since 1980 by individuals whose interests are identified with" the General Electric and with the American Gas and Electric, one of the principal holding companies of the Eectrie Bond aad Share...
...A weekly letter to each of more than 1,000 branches and locals of the Socialist party, telling them of the way their States are responding will be sent at the end of each week...
...Then began the new Wright-Hopkins policy—aa sordid a tale of sabotage and public betrayal as has ever been written...
...Citizens of Gastonia resent what they consider the unfair-slight in which their city and county have been presented in the attempt on the part of the defendants to have the trial moved away from Gastonia to another city and county, where there would be more likelihood of a "fair, impartial and unprejudiced trial" being had...
...In the Fall of hut year Wright renewed his recoaimaudaUoaa for aa amargancy interconnection with the private *T,P**Wotk Contracted Oat It to interesting to note that Mr Newton H Baker, reputed successor to the toga of Tom Johnson, (no wonder Johnson seems to have a sad look as he views the situation from his pedestal on the public square) has fallen in, Una with the present Republican Administration's reactionary policy...
...Progressives, not formally identified with the Sodallet party, are likewise enrolling in the drive, expresslng the hope that the work the Socialist party will do with the funds win hasten the coming of a powerful labor party in the United States...
...It has neglected the development of one of the most successful municipal light plants in the country...
...New York, of which Norman Thomas la chairman, is held largely responsible for the recent settlement of a atrike which gained for the workers in Mills Mill, Greenville, South Carolina, recognition of their union—the most important of the strikers' demands—and promise of a future wage increase, a shorter working day and a general clean-up of living conditions... is a serious handicap to the' work we want to do...
...Nevertheless this elaborate attempt to settle debts and reparations, no matter how ingeniously it is worked out, is an ebstasle te geedwtU, and therefore, to peace and prosperity, In an Interdependent world...
...When the estimable Mr...
...U dispute an/ of the statements la this, article...
...Business has "grewn gradually with the- growth of the city but has net grows as rapidly as that of the competing company because of the nonaggressive attitude of the administration...
...he will have to look for resources to meet them Those opportunities will arise in the awakening labor movement of the South, in the growth of interest in the Labor Party, in the municipal issues which will be fought out in many cities this fall and in a score of other ways...
...last Sunday, following a speech by Norman Thomas, The collection amounted to $375...
...the remaining 115 Seams eoearred to tt> Greenville Strike Won by Worker* The Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief, at 112 East 19th street...
...This time the strikers did not ask permission...
...The parade passed the courthouse where Sheriff Adkins and his police stood helpless...
...I do not think* this suspicion of us Is altogether just...
...Plainly the trouble is due to overcrowding and other evil conditions in the prison...
...fenerators and two of 10,000 k.w...
...No surplus la being act aside in accordance with good utility financing to take cart of extraordinary emergency repairs or providing In part of an addition to the generating station...
...T> Socialists and Friends of the Socialist Party: What is Socialism worth to you...
...Anyway feaaU to cheaper for the country to wsSce...
...Kate Crane Gartx, of California, to the $1 contributions which come from workers who are unable, because they are unemployed, to make a larger contribution... the President's act comes gaa ths Jingoistic motive or false mlhgefcae philosophy of the American Legal leader who claims—I hope falsely— w apeak in the nsme of the rank and fa The opposition of certain union* grwheat member* the employment outjBj a aanewhat lessened by the susasstx of the building program Is a Bps awe intelligible...
...Of the 15 large cities cited in the report the Cleveland plant was selling light current 100 to $00 per cent, cheaper to the general consumer...
...We are reeiry-ooUscting teem -Qormany...
...And that may mean aoquitta...
...Surely intelligent wsfcan rashes this fact...
...Of these bonds 12,006,000 have been retired by the earnings of the business...
...Carl Cummings, of New York, is visiting Ohio, Michigan, I \liana, and Pennsylvania, and arranging for committee work- In Illinois, Wisconsin, and nearby States, J. Mahlon Barnes, former national secretary of the Socialist party, is expected to begin a tour early next week...
...and, in 1924...
...He told reporters (CIeve...
...Roberts wrote this report the municipal plant was charging consumers So for light, while the private company was 'soaking' consumers in the same territory 5c...
...The Sunnyside branch, through Wtetrd Clarke, sent in the first install-1 Mat of the one-day wage fund collected, Mrs...
...Roberta further made a recommendation for a reduction by the light division of street lighting rates to the city in order to lessen the burden on (Be general fund when at the same time the private company was selling the city street lighting current at a higher rate...
...That la why our National Executive Committee authorized a $50,000 fund drive...
...Up to the end of January, 1934, when the present city administration took office the plant had a capacity of 35,000 lew.—three 5,000 k.w...
...In between are the plain people of Cleveland...
...Every $10,ntsso spent on s cruiser means that Sack tos money in the government'a wstoS or the taxpayers' pockets for conSsi.U'1- work...
...This siisiiusi s meat was hnmedhttety endorsed by Wright's superior, Mr...
...Most of those who *sak they will benefit sxe mistaken...
...A deal Is now in progress anticipating the same fate for the municipal plant at PalnsevUle, o. WILL TKB CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT BB NEXT...
...Heartless as such a. question may be, it represents an actual state of wonderment in the minds of some who have followed the "literature" turned out by Communist1 organizations...
...Solicitors of the light division, a corps of which had during previous administrations been maintained to get business, were all fired...
...The wonder of it is that the plant has survived the attacks of enemies from within...
...Is eager to earn the reputation of being a liberal and progressive statesman, as different as possible from District Attorney Fickert, of the MooneyBtnings frame-up, and the vicious prosecutors who pushed the case against the anarchist martyrs in the Bay State...
...That la more than can be -g* any textile atrike in the United fsto anOar Republican or Democratic *» tfca Bank* PNrwte Themselves...
...Power Trust Endangered During these ten years of operation the plant had become a sorepoint to the power trust because of its position as a rate-making factor...
...Very likely It is due to the desperation of men who under the harsh Baumca Law have nothing to hope for...
...While branch and local secretaries, and members at large have been reached by letters Out have gone out the last few days, a general appeal, to be signed by Norman Thomas and the National Executive Committee, will go to every Socialist party member to reinforce the appeals that will come through the branches...

Vol. 8 • August 1929 • No. 29

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