SOCIALIST ACHIVEMENTS IN MILWAUKE Municipal Activities Under Socialist Rule Make City Outstanding Exaltn^of(Advanced Government By Leo Kraycki rerovjg Brat pi iiLlani of tka Milwaukee J....

...They give room to the class of steady .and industrious workers, the proletariat...
...i In every strike that has takw aka in Milwaukee since the Sociahta to* been in power they had the good sBd the dty administration, which saps that the dty administration coalatk relied upon to have all of their oM at constitutional rights protected, santata to it that the strikers' rights ta pata, and by peaceful persuasion tnduot atas to remain away from the shops, efj"> spec ted...
...She does not apeak to me...
...Wells finds tt extremely difficult to ascertain where the status of the capitalist ends...
...It b preposterous to present economic life as substantially the exploitation of thb class by a hard-minded minority...
...If we abandon this romantic, thb Victor Hugoesque conception ot tabor1 aa living in rags and slums and begin to Incorporate semi-skilled and skilled workers, with savings, insurances and other property and a certain minimum of education, and peasants with leases or owning land, we snail cease to have any definite boundary to stop us...
...Thus fas each dollar expanded we an getting four times more for the taxpayers in ths shape of light from public ownership than we did for thb service as provided by too Street Railway Company...
...gbs^grirteTbt ad^ttobintton which toot-edgteBjtod OBBaalcn to show ttce It wamt aBrbjtit i Xn IBM a strike of BBBBBBt workers was oejted...
...Ca) While in the year 1880, with a population of 50,185,783 out of which number 36,761.607 were 10 years and over, only 17,393,099 persons, hp years and over, were engaged in gainful occupations...
...Ho dty to the United States had a financial plan prior to 1910...
...The moment this was announced, the Trtnidad company dropped its price $1 S yard...
...Strange parados...
...Instead of honing bonds for all sorts of purposes, the interest on which constitutes an ever increasing burden upon the people of every dty, a direct tax was tarried to meet these needs...
...asrwrrng .Jar its people foods, to BBWtsteg recreation centers...
...MANUFACTURES IN UNITED STATES member *f war* Ceuu Tur estabhabmats karfien All Industries lfm 1M.309 S.TTS.1M mi ise.MT «,»*«.»to 1910 774 SB8 9,041,111 1914 373.S1S 7.MS,6SB What does thb table Inform us...
...The employers expected similar assistance and Mayor Beidel...
...a Study of Economic Trends in America...
...He did nott" Lady Astor excitedly insisted . "To meet the...
...They were horrified at thb procedure, but the deputies were placed to guard the property of the employers...
...In view of the fact that one-third of all the BBBJBt eomtog and, geBot' tB BBBaoBsM b tmrammtid oh ttotor the tag) iilasir i of oar BBBxtotosi tester protect obbboI 2**!i**r*Em to thopark temrd...
...It has merely been indicted...
...In hb essay entitled "The Way Labor is Going" Mr...
...But under the financial restrictions placed upon most municipalities by the state laws, b b not possible for the administration of the municipalities to go as far as it in the country...
...Tt b a common thing for her to talk under her breath about drunkenness when I am speaking...
...The Worker's Insecurity The fact that the installment plan of purchasing commodities and specialties enables the worker to acquire a radio, a phonograph, seme furniture, and in rare eases, a house for himself and family does not signify that fundamentally he b economically more secure today than be was a hundred years ago...
...He reads about the millions of workers who are made happy by the acquisition of victrolas, pianos, radios, etc., on the blessed plan of parttime payments, but he ignores the statistics that point to the fact that millions of workers never come in full possession of those modern happiness-accelerators but that they are compelled to return them to the owners and lose all their Investments as well...
...and she repeated, "I didn't...
...Needless, expense was eliminated, and the pesatotatbs of future deficits wiped oat...
...No venture in the dty has been so popular as the new harbor...
...Tnatallme buying is a wonderful convenience and a fine money-making proposition, not to the workers, but to those who are in the business...
...bat because the economies are now being employed for needed social activlttas and health-promoting enterprises undertaken by the dty...
...Our bonds are eonsidof certain city activities...
...Wher« are the workers of advanced ages...
...It b true that the "lumpenproletariat," as defined by Karl Marx, is leaving the human arena but b the wage-earning class diminishing in number...
...An Interesting venture to public ownership b to our municipal harbor project...
...and it b a dlmlnbhrng factor in economic life...
...I am not going to stand thb much longer," he declared...
...These temps oast only rem half as much as the old tamps provided by the street car company, and they give twice as much nght as the oM ones...
...Deficits existed everywhere...
...A phenomenon which can only be explained by the fact that the fathers an not earning sufficient wages to support children at school...
...In other words, while the earnings of s worker wen sufficient to maintain hb family in comfortable corcumstances, as understood in former days, under modem conditions a single worker's earnings an insufficient to meet the very essential needs of hb family...
...Especially striking are the following figures: VALUE OF PRODUCTS i»i4 1921...
...I wist I could take Mr...
...Btaoc the astohJaabment of thb dfriekm 34.000 treat have bean planted to IBtesjabaa, beaatlfytog the otty and doing it at tern than onehalf of what to (totoi and the eeattf doao wtoVtolietoli itemed aganAnotber ownership venture was the sate of gaordtoo to toe people sbortlhno that eontinuod*thb itota...
...Jones was retorting to Lady Aster's accusation that certain members of the Boards of Guardians had been guilty of corruption whan he noticed her whispering to members sitting alongside I looking directly at her, he said: "I am not drunk, and when you use that word I ten you you an a dirty bar...
...Let us see...
...The aortal let ate fraaaduee...
...3. Degradation and Exploitation are phenomena of past societies and becoming non-existent In the developed industrial society...
...We found that a toro-tobd lacking a ewo-thard vote tbe^BoohJbta were defeated to the Ootntooa Oouncfl...
...Thb prowhton was new enforced by toe otd gang... the artisan* mechanic, and even the inventor and artist, tt tends to standardise an labor processes and convert an physical tabor tote a homogenity unparalleled to human history...
...In 1919 another tabor dispose an loped and thb time, instead of saark in aa deputies union men drawn Ow, the ranks of other unions, tot geshB Mayor swore in a certain number etta strikers themselves aa deputies, tews orer, .private detectives, ao-nBsi, ehj wen generally used to break tot bash* the strikers, wen refused beenm h Milwaukee...
...S 4.0*7.718 mi...
...Projects costteg over four million dollars were paid for in cash last year, which under previous regimes would have been financed wtth borrowed money in the shape of A third step to our financial program was taken In connection with the depositing of our money In the bent...
...Is it a diminishing factor...
...Mo Corruption I find, in going over the nobs I taw made that I have not been abb tabs* upon many of the improvement...
...Says MT...
...In China the brigand armies now prevalent are drawn largely from that class...
...Than won rn harshly underpafdV*geandafcwsdy exploited piotetarianc in the early capitalist era, in the feudal societies...
...Home sweet home...
...Another distinguished feature of the program of the Socialist Party was the inauguration of a fin an rial plan for the operation of the municipality...
...In other words, less than 50 per cent, of the people of working age were engaged In occupations in the year 1880, whereas more than 50 per cent, of the working-age persons were engaged in industries...
...Exploiting the Family In former days one member of the fami'., was the sole bread-winner and home-bunder...
...If thb statement b not basec on colossal ignorance or deliberate forgetf ulnesa I wonder what it Is...
...may sound beautiful in theory, but to the average, worker It b still nothing else but a dream, a sweet dream...
...Th< worker works less hours, he lives in his "own" home, but does he live longer today and b he less exhausted at the expiration of hb working day than is former days...
...the afreet raBtaay com...
...Wells has forgotten the slums of hli London and New York...
...Some Conclusions Let us sum up the lessons we ban learned from the foregoing tables: 1. Industrial establishments have decreased, which also explains the following fact: Opportunities of becoming independent property owners, that b eepitalbta, have decreased...
...The BeateBto admtnbtratton was to oftheb BBBhBBI l>'"""111"* t*r*Ktkax It was saetoBtory to pnrioua strike* under the old regime to swear to numerous sheriff deputies to protect the property of the employers...
...Most people do not reason ahead and the advantages to be fjatoad by raising what we need now instead of putting it off for a period of yearn were not easily or clearly seen by (he people...
...Zt waa generally understood that tor every dollar mulcted from the •Bjr to this, way the political machine received Ms share...
...There b lew of such exploitation of degraded, prop:, tyiea* people now than there was a hundred years ago...
...The apaaBtoattons were so drawn that competition was impossible...
...the Socialist Mayor,, pi utilised to see that their property was protected... are deserted IN ORDER TO PRESERVE THE SANCTITY OF THE HOME...
...Then Jones re-entered the fray...
...The result was that the administration held a complete check on dty expenditure...
...In 1880 we bad 2,647,157 women employed in Industry...
...3. The working clam b disappearing as an Independent entity and b rapidly merging with the universal capitalist class...
...A complete story wteaea b written will stand out as a resale, a remarkable achievement as "tab equalled, certainly ituwUeie itriTbj aj the administration in any other-tat dty of the United States Tba etette and re-election of the Socialist saBBB tracion - the numerous tributes that a*" been paid to it by students of feae) ment, the recognition it has given ¦ human life and human welters a superior to any other right...
...3. Children of all ages-are continuously swelling the ranks of factory and shop hands...
...teatoB property rights, - aU these totaM what extent the Socialists of id a Be have justified the faith that tot da* have had to them...
...The latest tendency within trustified capitalism leading toward more compact and homogeneous consolidation of Industries', toward the disappearance or merging of smaller enterprises into colossal but fewer establishments under corporate ownership,* toward the conspicuous increase of wage-earners and toward the tremendous increase in the value and volume of commodities...
...And what is more important, we are able to claim and maintain a record of furnishing more service for every dollar expended than any other city in America...
...NO other dty to the world has made thb provision...
...True, the worker owns, to a certain extent, automobiles and enjoys for a time the indulgent of the bourgeoisie, but b tote ownership and enjoyment baaed on a foundation, stable and secure* How far from rags, atoms, and the misery tt involves, b the worker when he ta out of employment for a month or longer...
...A Meali Ipsl Stone Quarry To completely wipe out this ring, the BOntoBsto abetdi d to establish and operate a municipal stone quarry, which imniiff crushed rock to the cits...
...WeSa and hb kind to restudy the fundsmentate of •odalbt ocononrdes and to reexamine thai protected bat to wen the rlghb...
...White the value of production went up from 934,318,615 in 1914 to $90,555,998 ill 1933, the rate of wages has risen only slightly, as indicated by the following figures: CHILDREN, 10 TO 15 TEARS OF AGE, IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS 1930, BY SEX...
...The Win lalWjB* has kept the dty clean and has abb own ranks clean of those to tdtat public office is not a public trtjeVJg* Socialists are proud, our dty kit and I am sun that our hattojjjE I knew of our accomplishment, wstrte equally proud of what the BirbBJ at Milwaukee have done...
...While he b employed the worker buys a bouse, furnishes a home, .pays down a year's or two years' savings, makes preparations for a happy and peaceful home life, but, alas, how shaky b the foundation ot such a home...
...Workers are a Majority We learn from these -tables that the population of the world has mcreae*d In geometric proportions since the advent ot capitalism...
...These improvement* in the financial BBBtoatonent of the ojjty have given Bftaaatii toe bast credit of any dty other etttotv >4d a dtreei--TSsalt of our pttey totertte rates taeirbeaa redaeefl Tbder our hand issues adfaefltog at ah toterest rate betow 4 per osnt...
...You have interrupted agate and again," he said...
...Economically, therefore, the worker's status b far from being secure and stable...
...Under the old •sag...
...b the Proletariat Dbappearteg...
...shortly after tt entered once, the Socialist administration tosHtotod lawsuits which reesdred the eaespaay to pave between the rails and one foot outside...
...that they are be Idly definable, that their interests an becoming not more friendly and more cooperative but more antagonistic, and that the working class b not becoming a diminishing factor and influence, but a steadily increasing factor and power...
...old age, rising cost of living still terrorize hb life under modern conditions...
...All we can do now b porohaas for dty aerie-to show what we did in spite el the mbMoUobs rmder which we labored They MB aa tiitai-wltiij etory of the If the Soctattst admtobtretton of Milwaukee has fHsMmiililMifl ttoetf iron other large dttes to what tt has done to ehtotoato eoriupUuu...
...In 'present ~OUha and Indian communities but to the highly developed capitalist societies there b no such misery and exploitation perceptible...
...Is the number of persons compelled to work for someone ebe to earn a Irving decreasing or increasing...
...He reads the "inspiring" statistics to the effect that thousands of workers own homes, automobiles, share in the profits of corporations, etc., but he overlooks the statistics revealing the other side of the medal: that thousands upon thousands are continuously compelled to sell their homes or turn them over to sheriff...
...Borrow, borrow, borrow...
...No respectable father, earning a wage sufficient to maintain hb family in a decent condition, would be so heartless aa to deprive his immature children from an todispensable school education and compel them to face the haaards of a factory environment...
...80.5S5.99* What do they indicate...
...awakening the Crete rcmontonot...
...I have already referred to the operation of our stone quarry, and to the savings that we have been able to effect as a result of municipal ownership along thb line...
...As soon as he loses hb position, falls in arrears on hb payments for the house and furniture the sheriff i is after h<™ Hb home and furniture and his savings are blown Into the air...
...The fact that the "modem wage earner" does not wear rags and does not live to the proverbial slums does not do away with the tragic fact that he b continuously facing the danger of donning rags and of plunging into a life of slum environments...
...That was the operation Of the Asphalt Ring...
...It b the property less class which works for wages and breeds so that It keeps those wages down to a subsistence level...
...In preceding societies there were sharply defined classes and groups...
...Wells' conception, but those groups wen a reflection of the actual state of society, of a general impoverished condition, of a society where classes were not yet clearly cleaved and when all lived on the precipice of poverty...
...Pahtte Ownership As Socialists we are committed to a program of public ownership...
...In fully developed societies the tramp, the shiftless alum dwellers cannot last for long...
...A Reply To h. G. Wells' Analysis By Michael Scheler fHS greatest absurdity that ever came from Mr...
...A great percentage of them consists of married women...
...Machine owners and machine slaves...
...Wells' memory and for the information of my readers I win present s number of statistical tables that prove conclusively that there are two classes in modern society, the working and capitalist classes...
...In the Ave years the municipal stone quarry has been in operation, over a million dollars has been saved to the dty...
...whereupon a Labor ¦amber sitting on a bench near her exclaimed, "Oh, yea, you did...
...the aevtag to the dty and its tax-payers will to
...Wives an often compelled to submit their children to the care of strangers or homes in order to go out to work and help their husbands pay for Installment-bought homes, furniture, etc...
...Hb home b broken up and again he U compelled to move Into the "vanished" slums...
...The franchise requiring this pevtoz ran from, IBM to 1921...
...The Socialists fought thb policy and finally cooxpoflod the treasurer to invest these surplus funds in United States government securities...
...that capitalism has given rise to numbers of industries and avocations unknown to preceding societies, thus Increasing opportunities for a numerous capitalist class...
...He has become oblivious or indifferent to the toll and torture in English and American, factory, miP, mine and shop The worker of modem society does not wear rags, but b hb exploitation lesi intense than In a former day...
...the lagamy of oar perttean tZm^tD^M^ik^^ enterprise...
...We have succeeded to doing it so remarkably wen that in spite of thb great load Milwaukee's tax rata compares favorably with that of other dties...
...But it b absurd to project its characteristics and limitations over the great multitude of workers to a modern community...
...In 1930, with a population of 105,710,620, out of which number 83,739,316 were 10 years and over, there wen 41,614.348 persons gainfully employed...
...5. The capitalists are growing richer, although becoming fewer...
...Their demands for appropriations were closely aeruttobed by a Board of Estimate...
...I would advise my sceptic readers to consult any merchant engaged in the Installment boosting game and some lawyer or sheriff representing him and he win be amased st the stupendous percentage of the merchandise sold on installment invariably returning to the original owners and resold to new victims...
...It was not an easy task to break the habit of borrowing money...
...As a result the very first year of the Bootaibt administration showed a surplus Instead of the former annual deTbe second step in the program was to place the dty on a cash basis...
...are they enjoying the endless rest of the grave...
...Today it requires the collective efforts and employment of three or four members of the family to maintain a home in a reasonable condition...
...JM have been made in Socialist settate since Soctalbts came into pews* a Milwaukee...
...Wells: "The capitalist system has never been defined...
...tu.oos.ass It must not be forgotten that 1,754,471 men and women have Joined the ranks of wage-earners during the same period...
...It was a tremendous task to pun the dty out of Hb borrowing habits and near bankruptcy and place it en a cash basis white at the same time preventing taxation from being overburdened...
...Say what you wish, but I insist that almost over 50 per cent, of our modern workers' homes are based on such Infirm and sandy foundations...
...This victory cost the company to partes 8300400 a year, which was formerly paid by tba abutting property owners and the city at targe...
...It b in the more mature capitalist societies with fully developed industries and widely ramified commercial Intercourse that the clear division of classes comes Into view...
...Is thb a diminishing quantity...
...SOCIALIST ACHIVEMENTS IN MILWAUKE Municipal Activities Under Socialist Rule Make City Outstanding Exaltn^of(Advanced Government By Leo Kraycki rerovjg Brat pi iiLlani of tka Milwaukee J. gfeetaltet sdratabtraikm was te sftovtoato snatsgsttan, the root of meoy of the other municipal erne...
...f "Better Drunk Than You Are Sober,99 Laborite Tells Lady Astor in House LONDON,—Lady Astor and Jack Jones, abarp-tongued Labor member for Silvertown, renewed their battle in the House of Commons thb week with such vigor that the Deputy Speaker was forced to admonish Lady Astor to keep quiet...
...Another phenomenon which can be explained by the fact that their husbands are unable to maintain them in comfort and keep them in mental tranquility...
...and this source of graft ahnlhhsd Them savings and a thousand others X might mention—are significant not only tor what they did In abolishing corruptton...
...Although more members an continuously swelling the ranks of the capitalist claw the fact, nevertheless, remains that the workers constitute the bulk of the population in aU civilised communities, that they are In proportion to the entire population the majority whereas the capitalists are the minority...
...atashshhteg a Budget The first step to rehabilitate the financial condition of the city was taken by the Soctalbts when they inaugurated s budget system...
...And in addition those spectres that saddened the worker's life in former days, such as unemployment, disease, crisis, war...
...Wells reads the statistics of the bourgeois economists and reformists, ol the prosperity shouters, and the result is that he has become befuddled...
...Try to define it 'Labor' b equally undefined...
...Later on whan these administrations desired to borrow money from the bank they were charged 8 per cent interest...
...The workei thanks to the machine does not work from 13 to 14 hours daily, but b the machine - made environment in the shop and factory lees injurious to hb heeltt luring an 8-hour working day...
...It supplies the gang labor which under recent conditions took the place of gang slavery...
...Is part-time purchasing a form of economy...
...In the United States the actual proletariat, as we have defined it must be a very small proportion of the population...
...Labor becomes merely a machinetender...
...The machine tends to eliminate whatever dignity then is still attached to human tabor...
...According to a Communist informant "Labor' b the proletariat, that b to say the people who produce offspring or for whose education and upbringing they have made no provision... 1930, 8,549,511, an increase of over 400 per cent...
...Only Trinidad asphalt waa made...
...An they retired and living on pensions, enjoying the pleasures and relaxations ol a peaceful old age...
...There b certainly such a dam la most countries where there are towns and cities, but it is a residual class...
...Bonds were Issued tor every concetvabes purpose until the dty was broke...
...It mattered not how much the dty was sunk into debt It mattered not how many public school houses were unbuilt or whether the bridges were unpointed or the streets unkept...
...Part of thb money ta now being employed to retire the public debt...
...How far b the modern undefined proletarian from the poabtaa of hb brothers under feudal slavery when he b faced with a protracted period of illness' "There b less cf such exploitation of degraded property less people now thai there was a hundred years ago and it ii a diminishing factor in economic life,' says Wells...
...Lady Astor called back, "I repeat that I did not say it...
...Families an broken up...
...and there, if suspicion wen essay any one connected with the sdesttte tion, he was summarily removeBtai the party and driven by the SofiaS from public office...
...The "prosperous" worker b thus compelled to pay more for his house and furniture than hb slightly more prosperous brothers, the merchant, the financier and the Industrialist, and in addition lives in constant fear of losing hb "private'* possessions and home and all hb savings...
...The Soctattat officials smashed the asphalt trust end have permitted an grades of good aawhaJt to be considered to paving work...
...b> Another interesting lesson to be gained from the table b the important influence and increasing number of women in modern industries...
...The City of Milwaukee was notoriously without a system...
...If over a million children between the age of 10 and 15 yean an toiling their young yean away to shops and factories in this prosperous country, toon must be enmeshing fundamentally wrong wtth our proanatftt, PERSONS OATNFULLT OCCUPIED, BY SEX, 1880-1920 Bex Persons 10 and Yean and over Census Total in Gainful Year Population Occupations Both Sexes ' iSSO S0.1SS.7M 17.lM.0t* 1930 10S.710.S30 41.414,341 What does thb table teach us...
...The Speaker, intervening, appealed for order, telling Lady Astor she must keep quiet during debate...
...wishes of my reverend friend (indicating the Deputy Speaker) I withdraw the remarks 'dirty bar,' although I say tt b quite biblical,'' her opponent answered stating the sally...
...tioct prices dropped- lower toon they bad eve* been to Mfiwaukee or to other aorroandtog ctttes...
...AU other groupings, the to-called white collar slaves, merely serve as lubricants for the machine proIt would behoove Mr...
...What b the Implication of such an increase...
...She talks under her breath...
...C-Sy monies were deposited in local banks to draw interest at 3 per cent...
...I win taU her to her teeth that I am a better man drank than she b sober...
...Capitalist economists inform us that installment purchasing methods are ot great convenience to the worker and tend to economise hb budgets...
...The program then was bonds, bonds, bonds...
...3. Within a period of 40 years the number of workers has increased from leas than 80 per cent, of the general population to above 50 per cent...
...It b true that in our modern complex society there are more industries, more occupations than in preceding, undeveloped societies but b the proletariat disappearing...
...Thb b the amortisation fund and tt has already accumulated to SI,171,000...
...Sink the dty into debt, let public property deteriorate, but keep the tax rate low...
...Wells b kind enough to offer us the following informative discoveries: 1. labor and Capital an undeftaable terms merely adopted for convenience by the extremists of an "isms...
...When society as a whole was in a poor social and economic state, when industries were few and undeveloped tt was natural to find large groups of beggars tramps, slum-denisens of Mr...
...Today Milwaukee la lighted green one end to too other wtth are Bghta both and operated by the Otty of Milwaukee...
...But instead of swearing in as deputies, plug-uglies and thugs and gunmen which had been the custom in the past, be went down to Brisbane Ball to which the various trade unions met, and swore to from the labor men present, ail the deputies the employers demanded...
...strikers, who instead ot havtog t0ea> tend with gunmen provoking trout a in the ease of many tabor dtepobk other dttes, they had their owe b% en then to see that their BajsB %j considered at least as preetaa ai k rights of the employers or tht agb, tion ot their property...
...Its policy was to keep taxes low at aU costs...
...For the twelve years that bad elapsed until this victory by the dty, during which the paring provision waa not enforced, the tax-payers took out of their own pockets to pay for this pavement, twelve times $300,000 or S2.4O8.0O0...
...Confusion arose as to whether Jones had withdrawn hb remark about a liar...
...peay wee obliged It pare iBtototo the raSa and one toot outside...
...Capitalism derives its life-source, its vital elements from a class of workers, and one without the other b inconceivable and impossible...
...pubUe ewiniining pools and an eddl•bty ctfflbs^w^^ workers of Sffiwenhee aa opportonlty gar ef^'bovtet'the^eB^ used by the emiuoyen agatost the workers...
...and before we know where we are we shall find ourselves in perplexity, whether in thb or that case we are dealing with a capitalist or a worker, 'exploiter' or 'exploited.' " Mr...
...H. Q. Wells' pen b his declarations on Labor published in the Labor Day edition of the Sunday Times...
...In —--thing the asphalt ring, our taxpayers have saved Bullions of dollars...
...Every department was required to prove its wants...
...says Wells again: "In the U. S. the actual proletariat must be a very small proportion of the population...
...The problem of the Soctalbts were even greater because it intended to embark upon a tremendous program of public work and public playgrounds to serve the needs of the people and make life for them better...
...It was not necessary to Impose burdensome taxes, particularly on the small home-owners, in order to carry through our program, while many mill tons of doners can be saved hi this way each year...
...In order to refresh Mr...
...As a result ot consolidation and Intensive machine production, the workers an getting relatively poorer...
...I should like to know what she says...
...In Milwaukee, as to other targe cities, Untaobto...
...IN OCCUPATIONS Males Females Total Ti«,aa stacie l.oeo.ns If the American workers an so prosperous aa to be undeftoebte from the capitalists, bow b it that 1,060,85* children in their school age are T«IV**1 to work in shops and factories to help their parents maintain their home...
...for lack of funds...
...4. The course of Labor b uncertain and problematic...
...The Installment Game You may say thb picture b exaggerated...
...In bos than 30 yean we win have saved ¦arnigtt to interest money alone as a result of thb change to policy to pay off an our public debts...
...Evidently to hb contac' with the capitalist press Mr...
...Insurance agents, solicitors, executives, administrators, etc., etc., who as a rule like to consider themselves ss members of the bourgeoisie, bat who, nevertheless, and in spite of their protestations to the contrary, constitute a vital and inseparable adjunct of the proletariat...
...He has become deaf to the cries of the oppressed and blind to the misery and the sngiibh ol the exploited workers of the world...
...This change alone resulted in paying into the dty treasury ¦any hundreds of thousand dollars to interest money...
...It reveals the interesting fact that white the number of business establishments has decreased from 1914 to 1933 by 76,309 the number of workers has in* creased 1,754,471...
...Almost generally the articles sold on the lnstaJlment plan are remcdelled and secondhand merchandise, having been used previously by two or three different families and sold at a rate of from three to four times higher than charged for the same articles in responsible, strictly cash-baste stores...
...onto one asphalt company could ted...
...For the entire period of the franchise,* which expires to 1933...
...Did the wages of the workers rise in the same proportion as the rate and value of production...
...bringing from Jones, "I win let it psss for what it b worth...
...A Befuddled Author Mr...
...Then was also another phase to tins paring graft...
...ImiinstatiTr the contractors who had furasahed crushed rock to the dty came down to their prices, with the result that $1 per cubic yard was eared by the etta...
...Wells out on an inspection tour through American industries He would be amased to barn of one striking fact: the small proportion of middle age men and women to be found ir \merican shops and factories...
...The pressure of its hunger exercises a degrading influence upon life in general...
...So far it Justifies the 'proletarian legend...
...This was the policy...
...In over 18 years there has enJtoB a Socialist accused of eeeruptiooJIle...
...Society becomes more dlrided into too distinct classes: those who own the east machinery and those who merely operate it...
...It b much more In evidence in a medieval dty like Hankow than in a modern dty like New Tork...
...Lady Astor, flaming, shouted, "I didn't say Itl" and Jones replied: "I ban bad so many Insults from thb lady that I resent them every time...
...Then may be an Increase in so-called white-collar wage-earners, such as salesmen...
...In 19I...
...Girls in their teens are alienated from home influence...
...4! The army of women wage sieves b growing daily...
...The dty has now acquired the tend needed for the construction of municipally owned docks and piers on Jones Island...
...Now let us introduce the tables and they will speak for themselves...
...Aa a result of the change to a paygp yon-go policy, Milwaukee today b closer to a cash basis than any other targe dty to thb country...
...Wonderful economy...
...Wells, aa we see, b evidently carried away by the apparent prosperity that the worker in thb country and England supposedly enjoy...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 28

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