C. P. L. A. In reply To A. F. L. Edict j. ¦iffi"" Qnote Green JUnoriry Righto— jc-ga.ir.at ion Report* is** -SatbfsnJerence for Piie,r*nini Labor TL-jgeatfc* of the Executive...

...Brooklyn Knitter...
...The charge that Conference for Progressive Labor Action is out to destroy the American Federation of Labor is false and absurd...
...Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...t the tremendous aggregations of wah whtoh dominates Industry and ades today, fetdy the effects of agitation for ¦still and progressive action are safest as in the pushing of the camIB) to organise Southern textile wears into the American Federation jfator, and in the growth of indeptont political action tn such centers Mentha, Wis...
...Constrained to silence by the injunction, the pickets are lustily aided by neighborhood children, too young to be enjoined...
...she told Federated Press, "before six husky oops bad me under arrest and headed for the police station.'' Her only offense was getting off the train...
...We're going to join the union...
...Jolly unity...
...queried the plug-ugly who chauffeurs the scabs to and from work...
...Secretary Leonard Bright reported the steady enrollment of unionists in the CP LA, in a dozen states and from as many crafts...
...Must* pointed to the threatened general strike of New Orleans labor in support of striking car men, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' victories in Philadelphia, the 50% increase in membership of the American Federation of Teachers and the cloakmakers victory in New York as evidence of revival of union strength...
...joker* in Old Age Peneion SACRAMENTO...
...With difficulty she convinced a higher-up that New Brunswick was part of the United States of America, and that as an American citisen she bad a right to remain there...
...chairman reported promising portents of independent political action...
...It Is not interested in the formation of any such dual organisation...
...Ludwig Lore, Volkszeitung...
...They are the salt of because many times they Tf* w to action and to service...
...Other kids lined up on top of a fence and gave the strikers' yell: "1-3-3...
...necea«*ry for the life ae SjS11 °* the movement...
...ti*Wd rather see that alive in every •nmaikm than I would to see It 'S 5 Ttth 1 learn * «"re»t SLJSPJ tbose who express their n*^-"* Mess...
...That > all right, I carry a gun, too...
...Why do you want to scab for $7 a week...
...Chairman A. J. Iduste reported encouraging progress on the industrial aad political fields, as the result of a month's swing through leading industrial centers...
...for Progressive Labor Actos * tn educational one—education to stage...
...Realm ng the weakness of his position, manager Swedoah has made arrangements for a conference with Pres...
...Five to six hundred of them have already signed up with the Cigarmakers' Union, which will soon charter a New Brunswick local...
...It dectores its totidartty with those who have beer -»ersecuted ta Lithuania and win continue to protest until the domination of injustice aad brutalttj In Lithuania shall cease...
...New Brunswick Girls flock To Join Cigarmaker's Strike Brutality of Police Fires Workers With Solidarity —800 Are Out NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.—(FP)— Skeptical about unions st the outset of their strike eight weeks ago, the 800 girl strikers at the General Cigar Co...
...The bulls' idea of law and order was to deport her immediately...
...industries into industrial unions, armtans that serve as agencies to watt the workers and advance their atom, not as primarily personnel ¦des for the employer...
...My mother got $15 for the same job before the wage cut...
...The resolution of the Verband follows: "The National Executive Committee of the Jewish Socialist Verband sees In the foundation of tin Conference for Program tve Labor Action the revival of the organized Socialist influence in the unions...
...N. Y. — (FP) — Premier MacDonald is urged to visit this country in the near future, in a cablegram sent by the Conference for Progressive Labor Action's executive committee meeting at Brookwood Labor College...
...The battle against the Communist danger demanded all our powers and all other tasks had to be placed aside...
...The firm, which has run non-union during the year and a half of its existence, has been paying wages about 40% under the union scale...
...Do set sake any financial contribution h response to any appeal this organi¦aaa sn make for financial help...
...The tactics which the Conference has noted down— friendly, critical boring from within— are a renewal of the old constructive tactics of the Socialists concerning the unions...
...Organizer Maurice Simons of the Cigarmakers' international, and A. F. of L. Organiser Henry Hilfers...
...The money win not be available until January 1. 1830...
...Niagara Falls, N. Y., ».*•» Bedford, Mass...
...piTL?* snd file of organised labor wjL...
...Organiser Reisch appeared on the picket line with 10 14-year old strikers...
...Mies Bench Air est ad Mere children—little girls of 14 or Itare being lured by Manager Jesse Straus to work as strikebreakers, charges Organiser Reisch...
...The remaining doubters got another object lesson when New Brunswick police showed their mettle by manhandling dozens of the youthful strikers and making three arrests because some hundreds of the girls gathered in peaceful protest before the cigar factory...
...1 its leaders to meet the Jzirjeed by honest criticism and t»t"n^e...
...The trade union movement in the tost few years has consistently gone downhill, both organizationally and morally...
...Sees Unions Weakened "The opposition to independent political action, the united front with the Civic Federation, the fear of battle, and the chase after peace at any price, have weakened the union movement, have strengthened the bureaucracy and have made the unions impotent to conduct even those battles which they consider necessary to conduct "The tactics which demand that Socialists shall not interfere in that which happens in the unions, that they shall praise everything and criticise nothing, that they shall only help but not express their views, these tactici harm unionism because they leave it entirely strange to the spirit of Socialism...
...and the ponce roughhouse followed...
...and one bluecoat got thoroughly mauled...
...It strives to develop among to aatsts of unorganised workers a Sec, culture and spirit and to prepare to wsy for organisation, tie) Conference for Progressive Mar Action also seeks to stimulate ' ¦jpttog labor organisations a proaam, realistic and militant spirit to tettvtty and especially to develop i the youth of the labor movement bar aptrit, enthusiasm and intelliChat political Advances...
...fp)—Not Onto It the new California eld age pension to* automatically voided after two years ef operation, bat there to another "catch"* tn it also...
...It ^^npect that do steps be taken an...
...and demands that the life and liberty of all should be respected hi Lithuania if this country v Isbes to be regarded as civilized...
...board meeting were Carl Holderman, Hosiery Workers: Justus Ebert, Lithographers: J. B. S. Hardman...
...The cigar girls were convinced of the benefits of organisation by watching the close cooperation against them shown by the local employers' organisation...
...Egged on by the bosses...
...nation-wide campaign for old aSJmnbns, unemployment insurance ststoilii i forms of social insurance: tone abandonment of the futile nontana political policy of the Ameritarhlaation of labor and the buildagjf a labor party, and other proBe** measures which will enable ta) lis ill m labor movement to cope egfively with the New Capitalism...
...Its {pad purpose is to bore from with18a A P. of L. It declares that it utah to use every effort at its compsai to remake the A. F. of L. It aadanancsd the A. P. of L. and its ptoas to the most vehement, terms, ft ksft—""c and will continue to [goat, to the membership of the A. ff...
...These tactics also harm the Socialist Party, which remains isolated from the broad labor masses, isolated from their daily economic battle...
...Now that the left danger is at the point of vanishing, that the Communists have through their tactics of dual unionism entirely excluded themselves from the labor movement, it is the obligation of the Socialist in the unions to take up the struggle for new, progressive and socialist methods in unionism...
...for an agCnye...
...It's not nice to scab," admonished another youngster...
...all of whom are working with the strike...
...As the courts had refused to hold these children on former occasions, the police forebore to arrest them...
...This Incident, reported at the strike meeting, brought a good many of the 800 strikers out to see what was going on...
...Many of the strikers are no older, for Straus Is merely continuing General Cigar's policy of systematic violation of the New Jersey industrial code, which forbids employment of girts under 16...
...In Line With SactoJtot Pottey "The tasks which the Conference places for itself are the same which the Socialists have placed for themselves In this matter at all times...
...etc.—develtoent which we hail with delight...
...James H. Maurer, Frank Morris, Machinists...
...Arms were twisted, girls were shoved roughly about, and verbal abuse from the expert tongues of the cops was plentiful, according to Organizer Reisch...
...sf L. for money to be used for the papas of paying its running exmee snd for the purpose of circuhttst propaganda...
...Protests Against the Terror in iJthnBnia GENEVA.—The wortcert* group at the rwelfth International Labor Conference at Geneva, having teamed from the Latvian and Estonian workers' diiltgatof 3f the persecution borne in Lithuania by the trade union leaders, workers and »tuientt who are not willing to oow to the lictatorship of Valdemaraa...
...historic poUcy...
...critical, constructive minority Pta the labor movement...
...which are taking place every day against free and Christian trade unrrs alike...
...As we see it such a movement is disruptive and totally out of accord with the needs of the workers in America today...
...isyjpanebt stoo dectores that the g^ggtm* tor Protressive Labor Action mapa'af "the plans under way by pgapsattftt to call a conference In mmmtti tor the formation of a Ccan_5pfc union center," and that the mmfSm "doss not promote or eounL-aaV*at formation of so-called "nucu«.spasi of "nrkers in labor organ_aat*b<> act under instructions and wm an outside agency and carry ggj ajtehettz...
...Suspicious of union leadership at first, they now rally round Miss Reisch...
...j~ deprive the American of the services of P^jnelementb in its own ranks and 1 tTnT0" dePnve it of the respect of BBnaP^°Te- and' liberal forces in appjTi^wested in democracy and h^r*—» Cleveland Conference, fcpj^^ Conference for Pro(rre»slve aapw*c"°n does not promote or toS^nw t*1* turmaUm of so-called fj^ygraps of workers in labor A trowy ef leaders at the tttbnbetbtaa westers...
...waste, a grocer who cave reoMraaatv to the striken...
...iWaai the 1 F. «! L Said gtastotosscnt of the C. P. L. A. Is in J/fia s circular letter sent to all unagkf the executive council of the A. r gSr...
...Then a phone call from the cigar plant manager brought the oops to the scene double-quick...
...and having Mard the workers' delegate from Lithuania, who was unable to deny the facts riven, resolved to make an energetic protest against the unjustified arrests, the closing down of trade union offices and the violation of trade union lib—ty...
...The Verband Endorses the c P. L. a. Jewish Socialist Group Urges Members Te Sapport Progressive Group rnnHB National Executive OommitJ. toe of the Jewish Socialist Verband...
...How'd you like to have this wrapped around your head...
...Sh to the only direct reierence in kj fetor to the C. P. L. A. It will be pad that no attempt is made to call ptC...
...on June 11th...
...Incensed at the cops' interference and brutal methods, men strike sympathisers of the neighborhood mixed in...
...They are led by the Hosiery Workers Union...
...He was grasping a heavy crankhandle and addressing a 15-year aid picket a few hours before the demonstration...
...Leonard Craig, Molders: Norman Thomas, League for Industrial Democracy...
...No movent ton hope to' live, hope to escape *n err rot and decay if it does not f» sach an opposition within its tojft Insist that it Is not only j fjibtbut the duty of members in •oeesnerattc labor organisation to ¦•to tor new ideas...
...tetbs for vigorous and unceasing tats to organise the masses of unttatotd workers particularly in the - tn...
...lett to j. to...
...The uncertainties of an organiser's life were painfully apparent to Miss Reisch upon her arrival in New Brunswick...
...The day the "five-pickets-only" injunction was handed down...
...Furthermore, the Conference for Progressive Labor Action is not a dual trade union center or federation of labor...
...At fault in this are, first of all, the special condition of the industrial development of America...
...Politically also, the C.P.L.A...
...This letter opens ajXpemctog the International Labor •aa* sad Workers' International Reaps Oonuaunlst organisations and urgagsakns not to support them...
...te the right to jaha petrix who was saved tram a tldaittiai party by his stotar wbo areasetod hha wtoh a saodgea tions and orders from an outside agency and carry out its behests...
...The program of the Conference agrees entirely with the resolutions concerning the unions which were adopted at the last two conventions of the Jewish Socialist Verband...
...In fact, I am ?_naei that spirit manifest Itself...
...Present at the CP.L.A...
...the thug had answered as he drove off...
...The workers' group vigorous^ demands the termination of this state of afTafrs...
...On the industrial field...
...neat t» hem to pawl aytaoav artst dent ef the iittrini fedarsitoa ef labor...
...Senate WHh the Peace Orderly and for the most part silent, the striking girls assembled on the sidewalk opposite the factory to see how their pickets were being treated...
...Executive In Session KATONAH...
...I hadnt been in town five minutes...
...However, iwssgrsph that follows attempts to do ah k/ tor"*"1" -Communist organpgaa) and di—nting or dual groups n not clothed with the authority to gat tor Labor,'* it is stated...
...And we believe that the Conference for Progressive Labor Action will help systematically and, as far as possible without friction to put into effect the Socialist spirit in the unions...
...During the past years the Communists by their irresponsible, scabbing snd criminal work made it impossible for the Socialist elements to conduct in the unions our Socialist educational work, made it impossible to uproot from the unions the demoralising effect of pure and simple unionism...
...Your coming," read the cable, "will do much to cement the friendship between British and American workers and will advance effectively the movement for drastic reduction of armaments as opposed to their mere limitation...
...At fault in tins also is the demoralisation which the Communists have brought into the unions during the past years...
...100 strikebreakers employed in the factory have gotten into the habit of threatening, intimidating, annoying the slim picket line...
...It would ZsJ*72^Lu ^ result of experience jTy uaruptive communist tactics z?* to osed as a pretext to foist '¦ssjldp of officials upon the Amer^"tstor movement...
...Emll Rlere...
...then estate waaam j. kelly, vtoe avessaewt ef the csitod teattto workers who was ta active anarge at the strike...
...ttar*-'-' of the C. P. L A, which past it plain that the progressive grotm ¦ mpber Oonununist nor dual, follows: Xto tondamental purpose of the nsfii...
...It disapproves of the plans now under5 way by the Communists to call a conference in Cleveland for the formation of a Communist trade union center...
...Only five pickets are permitted by the terms of a drastic injunction granted the company against the strikers...
...But a large portion of blame falls without doubt on the present leadership of the unions which has carried the thought of pure and simple union ism to its furthest extreme...
...shouted one tot as the strikebreakers filed out of the plant...
...I can hit back...
...affiliated with the Socialist party, has adopted a ratehrtton endorsing the program of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, and urging an its members to become active fa the progressive labor group...
...J* rank and file of labor will ren tay attempt on the part of retontsy officials to crush sn honest, jjjn...
...In the south," he said, "our representatives who are doing educational work report that not alone in the textile industry but in other industries as well, there is a keen Interest in trade union organization which can be capitalised if energetic campaigns are immediately set afoot...
...The |L then declares: •Bare is another organisation read* formed, called the Conference Progressive Labor Action...
...are now converts to unionism, reports Organiser Sadie Reisch of the Women's Trade Union League...
...We need them in k. "JOtantnt...
...Committees on organisation, political action, trade union* policy and research reported...
...It is out to do all in its power to bring the millions of American workers into the labor movement in order that organized labor may be a mighty agency able to cope with company unionism, the open shop, injunctions, yellow-dog contracts, and the whole regime of Republicanism, big business, militarism and imperialism, and so that it may lead American workers on to ever greater victories and a richer life...
...The Executive csesd of the A P of L warns insastorshlp of the A. P. of L. against gfe aaaaamtton called the Confersn jar Progressive Labor Action...
...Strike Demanding the union shop and union wage, a bonus for night work and tbo abolition of the yellow dog contract, workers at the Keystone Silk Hosiery Co, Brooklyn, have come out on strike...
...boss, police, courts, and home-town newspaper...
...William Smith and Organiser Walter Trueman of the Rosiery Workers Federation...
...A flood ef applications has poured tn...
...C. P. L. A. In reply To A. F. L. Edict j. ¦iffi"" Qnote Green JUnoriry Righto— jc-ga.ir.at ion Report* is** -SatbfsnJerence for Piie,r*nini Labor TL-jgeatfc* of the Executive Council Jce^nsnPan federation of Leber and * SLghl and threats of scene Amertcaa —ypn et labor officials, insists upon *t^_a4 dC a critical minority to the ^ •*«**¦*¦ quou-s President WUllam JJImsn'w* T*ta* of r*dica] and profsjsm . and announces its deSamw to continue its erittotom of JJJggaaej pattdes and official* end Its aey at progressive nu as urea...
...the girl had replied, standing her ground...
...rMij*~' tolerance of i progressive and 2^™_,°PPositton antl propaganda is Z Sr^033*1 »tUtude of the Ameri2l™deration of Labor and the labor tat**** 'world crver- There never lT™y JustifScatlon for the abandongT...
...and others...
...P. L A a "dual" group...
...L .. - Green Quoted, "nident WUlism Green himself ftotod to s notable address delivered »» the 18th Convention of the f*totional Ladies Garment Work* 2>tefi st Philadelphia, December JSz ~* °ave no quarrel with a ~~*r «t our union who may be H™~ at s radical...
...and baadreds of these aged poor will probably be dead by next New Years Day...
...The girls couldn't see any good reason to "move on...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 28

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