Goldberg, Louis P.

OUR XAWlJSoS^ i^-QK :IFMBi, mmm Hd4 '.'The.. Rights of Striking Workers»AM^ELgmied , B|y touia P. Goldberg jjfj B» uiitoH. » assy prove hateful fa the pahtieal etaha t* .a>w York City. ...

...There they gathered at the edge of the river, the railroad yards on one side, on the other a row of small shop windows, each occupied by a painted siren who seemed to these hard and rough men to offer entrance for an hour Into a softer world of beauty and romance...
...More Executions in Soviet Russia Shew Continuance of Tern Death ssnteacee far acta ef sasasj for counter-revolutionary activtoa, a against the ¦tondssn sliha" of toe awk tton...
...it wss solid like a wall and was faced with fust...
...In Mew York Cray ear administration ha* failed to set such example...
...asylums and almshouses...
...Gathered »t the labor agency wen woodsmen, harvesters, construction men, men whose work depended upon the weather, and also with those were wastrels, vagabonds and adventurers, and men who had gambled or drunk away tbeir summer's earnings- Moot wore strong of limb (also of speech) snd fit, but there were some who had become weakened by hunger...
...But the early morning boar was worth while, for it gave us a chance to see at times those gray, green light overspreads the Eastern nerisan Just before dawn—a light so strange s color and so eerie ia Its setting of frosen stillness that B is worth gotog a long way to see...
...If they could turn this time to good account they might face their loved ones like men again...
...The methods of the police in dealing with ex-convicts tends to nullify any benerkaal effect that the itoarisenment might have had upon the prisoner...
...An eight or ten-foot ditch would be dug to the bottom of the fence...
...Temperatures down to fifty degrees below zero, with or without humidity, are dangerous to man and line equipment, even though animals can stand them...
...This was the ammunition that was later piled mountain high ta that Siberian seaport and never reached the front being finally exploded to get rid of it Owing to this, awkward, shy Russian lads who knew nothing of war nor of the great world, where such unchristian plots were hatched, were marched against the best trained troops of Europe, defenseless, to be slaughtered by the tens of thousands...
...lam failings...
...Once we thought it was warming up, but found it was still ten degress below...
...jbagal *»««ttoa df the petto, sad the ttcnei rights* at .ito 1 us, ¦dght psssnayet sh urn aged if the aajajssajs obtained thereby could as* be wood upon a trial The laar as told deem by ear court of ceramlt rttogel aserches...
...Recollections of A Migratory Workei Memories of A Winter Spent With A Railroad Gang in the Middle West ' By Christopher Easton JJAY after day the gflow jan...
...Such a study would would disclose that the rwrenoratioa aad reformation of many criminals baa bean prevented by the brutality, vtotones and illegal methods of the police, to the dogging and bounding of those baring criminal records...
...With axes we attacked the mass of ice encasing the locomotive wheels, and soon the train was speeding eastward bearing its many messages of happiness or perhaps sorrow, and the business correspondence that made one market of a territory 3,000 miles wide...
...There never was mere towlesaaess to the Venae Department shaa under the pressed regime.** The repeated raids of the pottos upon aBsgwd sjiiist saatoJ- suit Tin sirtisn—t these raids aa wholly unwarranted...
...We wore handkerchiefs over our faces, so that only the eyes werre exposed...
...Finally, it may may be noted that the appointment of prover Whalen as Police Commissioner tn New York has resulted in carrying on the worst traditions of the police aad is now followed by Tammany dropping an pretenses ef reform and electing a leader of the Murphy School...
...Xn the ease of People ex rel Lfraff vs...
...It bee lifted up nun of tow estate and baa put down ssea of high quality...
...At practically the same time President Hoover strainrw the role of a naive child in complaining ot the lack of respect of the American people for the laws...
...the lights of roeetovrn Prom clearing the main line we proceeded to clear the aide lines, so that the Utile towns besieged by OM Man Winter might bs rescued and receive fuel and food...
...The Socialist Party is the oatf ad eal tastrument capable of or lubtstol affecting such result and should to as) the rallying point ef all liberal p srssstvs aad sincere voters...
...This the company wall knew would happen, aad banked on it The toes of some turned black...
...That illegal methods do not result ia the curbing of crime but rather set aa example of lawlessness has long been recognised by social investigators...
...1 For a permanent ouusttJos a? fa abuses I have mentioned ws auto toal fore have a government tor pebb sh vice, la the interest af ths yeses: »j the benefit of the many tosbsfl tf 1 . ths'spirit of Justice and protest to)] srties and rights of ths psopb...
...It is also applied to Innocent persona Recently aa attorney, defending a person SBoaawT ot TOBtojij In the Kings County Ctoegt, stated that although his clients had confessed, that "under the kicks and Mates of the detectives, these men would proved the use of violence by the detectives and dtonrorsd the saying attributed to CsiHaaatiiaT Whales that "there is B kit ef tow at the end of a night stick...
...All this process going on by starlight assumed a magical aspect as though some unseen giant were at work...
...In sentencing a criminal to confinement, it should be the purpose of the authorities to attempt to cure the prisoner of his- ertosjnal tendencies and return him to goetojs/ a healthy and law abiding person...
...The cccisequonoes ot a few minutes' exposure of a part of the body might be very serious...
...The importance of picketing in the winning of a strike cannot be over: sstaaatod The success of a strike depends upon the ability of the strikers to oontossBaaate the fact that a strike exists...
...In fact, the Court ef Appeals ef ths State of New York bad eeeestart lwaanUy, in the matter of Psepss wa...
...No mention was made of housing, a fact for which we understood the reason when we arrived at our destination...
...The ruddy-faced man had won, and a week or se later, when a new shipment of men arrived, he had his reward, being discharged forthwith...
...I saw the cars gradually classified and new trains made up...
...Idealism is necessary t* I purification ef porltira...
...It had taken over our Job and waa doing it better...
...By promptly retoaatag this train that bitter morning we saved the stockholders a fine of 1100 an hour, but they did Dot think enough of our welfare to give ua a wind-proof place to sleep In...
...At ths end of one of these stub lines was a town which we shall caU Rosetown, located about aa tar north aa it waa possible to be located and remain under the Stars and Stripes...
...Defore, and again in People vs...
...The broken down box cars that housed ua were fun of cracks, and despite a red-hot stove in the center, kept going att night by s special detail, those of us who slept in the end bunks had the bottom of them coated with frost aad often had to arise to the middle of the night and go to the stove to sat sufficiently warmed to eon tin us sleeping This condition could easily have been avoided...
...They had wen-lighted streets in that town of a few bundled people, and the hotel, a sort of community house, rang with laughter aad singing...
...Xn order to establish sock taw meat we must first clean oar wsB household...
...We must uvsiUuos 1 present political machines sad pa a office thoes who have aa iOsatoUtB esopby aa oppooed to the profaetaati saiftob view of the Deinocratt sot 1 pubttoana...
...We held our shovels in front of our faces and slowly forged ahead ta a line, the rear brought up by a giant Dsne...
...Y.), it appeared that Pautsuu was grilled eontinooosly tar at noun by 21 detectives...
...At bat aid rata, bbb time lest for umvoidabje causes, some ef the awn were making scarcely more than the amount charged for board...
...the strike Gasmen Discontent grew apace...
...The tcog and continuous harling of aiaatlittm threats and accusations at the si insert by detectives may be more tonlsl than physical assault...
...on the job ATI the night we traveled past the frozen fields, seeing In the distance the faint light of well-nigh buried farmhouses...
...And if the remaininj fighting instinct must be served, why not let harmless sport and conquest of nature take care of tt...
...There were times when neither sight nor sound would penetrate the pace or two that separated us and the continuity of the steel rail being uncovered wss all that held us together...
...Why must men work with one hand and fight with the other...
...These circumstances made it neces-' the HH toil houass sad exjsau eat with them the nwantog at these orders sad tfao rtohto and duties ef the pottos to ths ^tsaaw that ths police officer* are sjlaaant ot the ulminaHaij fact ths* laisipeatottoa of injunction orders to act la ths province ef the pottos but exclusively gas function aad duties ef the courts...
...Wen set up he was, ruddy of face aad strong of arm, and the faatast worker of us an...
...strong-arm squad" by Police Comas tasiocer Whalen has given the pooce a spur onward to the use of these as strings The strong-arm squad is appaaaatij ooemoeed of the most brutal and hsfdsnH of the police whose main dutito art to hound «xsoavtete, "keep them oa ths run" aad make life as miserable as wnsiinli for them, it is not even pretended by the Police Commissioner that these methods will effect a cure of the chronic crime wave...
...The third extra-legal method of the police is illegal and unconstitutional searches...
...Th* thermometer registered so uniformly below zero that there was no interest in observing the temperature...
...The engine of the fast mafi train from the coast bad frosen to the tracks through water leaking from th ebotler during a short stop...
...In the morning we arrived where the fury of the storm had been greatest...
...This relieved the agony which seemed use that of walking barefoot oa sharp sticks...
...PrjurnWrhe peace depaitawiui, betas aa intatral part of the gorernment, must asceasarfiy be part and parcel of aad sul—tlnnt to -the dominant political aaaTiTnn Furthermore, the police offlesr lraoea that advancement defends hoTSiy OBta the favor of the political Faarr class ce of laerleeenese ¦earing these facts in mind, it occasions no surprise •when we hear of peliaeaj Issiai aanaraantog the actions ef the police and find them conferring and gasasBttBg b| court with magistrates and eshes judges abvtooab> not aa political ssattsrs bet rather to toflesncs decisions...
...Upon the trial to the magistrate's court it was developed that prominent aad respected physic tans have made it a practice to give contraceptive information to prevent pregnancy...
...ig-^ every other otty la ttojiasta^g pottgaaosjvl £lviqwg...
...wiener, to set aside a conviction of murder in the first degree for In many of the prominent murder trials m the past few years, the accused have charged the police with the use af the third degree for the purpose of obtaining confesrdona This was true of the Diamond esse, the Moran case, the socalled "cry baby* gang, the 'panto" gang, the Walker sang and numerous other net for criminals alone But ths third degree, although aimed at, ia not confined to criminals...
...The system of Industry snd social relations known as "'p* was nourished in Its youth oa the ltfe-blood of an ancient cfrilisetton, that of India, which was destroyed aad not replaced with another...
...One of these Impressed Itself on my memory...
...But after the council ot the New York Academy of Medicine had pretested against this prosecution, the Commissioner practically apologised for the action of the police, without, however, admitting that the raid was a direct result of the declared policy of ths present administration...
...A hundred men would line up along a buried snow fence...
...Only one more month of winter remained...
...Tbx#>—The sucrose aad poorer of the second— Bach benefits cannot be leal party, M necessarily must be given through, its control of the govwnanvent Third—Upon its ability to satisfy the aosnaad far Jobs aad sinecures, grantini favors and permitting secret and Illegal remuneration, depends its coherence and ganilnanrn of the political field...
...One of these gray, green mornings we had a change from our usual program...
...Such a sentence suffices fer persan to be decapitated without to...
...ta fact, at the very spot where the storms brewed and whence they spread over the continent a thousand leagues, and yet half a thousand leagues more to the very bounds ot the Eastern and Southern seas...
...Pianos tinkled in the homes as one passed by, and now and then the high notes of a woman's song rang out on the frosen stillness...
...it is intended merely to transplant the criminals from one locality into others to continue their depredations upon society...
...Many of us were improperly dressed, snd two hours sufficed to yield a harvest of frosen feet and ears and cheeks...
...The metropolitan newspapers have construed the election ef Curry as the overthrow of Smith's dominating Influence In Tammany Ball, the shedding of the cloak of respectability and the return to the open, undisguised and unrestrained system of loot and graft...
...Some of the latter lived ta a great city by the sea, did their work in the tops of tall towers, connected by underground channels with other large buildings where they slept, and knew nothing of storms, nor even some of them of railroads...
...He sensed that while the railroad had aa la a tight place ta tide wadernee* of eaow, we also had the railroad ia a tight place Be we struck tor 30 cento aa hour...
...Those faint of heart and heavy of purse returned at once to the city, at their own expense, but those who bad no money were compelled to remain oa the job...
...man's homo a his castle...
...Clean government Is h* stale as long oa private profit b fori of polities...
...From inexhaustible storehouses ths North wind brought It inch, by inch until the noisy streets becamsj tfctiet and in the railroad yards the great engines that could mote 5,000,000 pounds of coal snorted ineffectively, blocked by feathers ot frosen mist...
...The men of that town raised wheat for a living or served those who raised it and they had built their own social life based on toil and fair exchange, instead of exploitation...
...Ths effect, if not purpose, of the police to making wholesale arrests and Intimidating pickets ia two-fold: First, to keep pickets off the line, and second, to compel the engaging of lawyers and...
...Why could not work be forever separated from fighting...
...the use of police ss aids to h*r" la industrial disputes...
...But his spirit remained unbroken, for he had been trained ta that bard school of disillusionment, the I. W. W. the fast mail With better pay we attacked the Job with new zest...
...I have ¦seen something of the great world, but fl have never seen more brains In a group of sixteen people than was in evidence to that boa car...
...Suddenly human brawn that had bean cheaper than hone flesh acquired a value...
...The ease crusted each night aad broke the next morning, during the first hour ot work...
...Unfortunately, the Court of Appeals has laid down the law that evidence procured through Illegal searches may be used tn a criminal trial...
...A contrary rule prevails In the Pederal Courts...
...our foreman, who know full wen the grim death that awaited the straggler...
...For 178 years it baa flourished by destroying the ethical basis of society and baa reduced toifltons to misery...
...In the esse of People vs...
...Men who had worked Irregularly at digging deep sewers for less than the price of coal and food and had ia doing so faced the constant menace of burial alive, all for the sake of their famines, now saw a chance to piece out the scanty whiter* earatngs...
...Yladivostoek As the main line was cleared, long coast freight trains began to move...
...This condition is so well established ss to lead Raymond B. Fosdick to say: "Too often the attitude of society and the police has made any other career but crime impossible for an ex-convict, the handicap of his previous record, his inability to secure employment aad the constant hounding by the police make it difficult to riahuui to a Ufa af crime.- "" rrfxatee doesn't seem to have bean any tsoaewverasnt to the police msthods since the ante ef Xnspetor BhsaWtttsrsar, who dectorsd that "the atob was mightier than the 1 isetltoMmi" In aB the dtoi estate study has boon yet made of the influence Illegality on the part of the poheve bad the misfortune to coses tote conflict with these...
...Russia tt snpri rs that the IMltlBBM < a sentence of the O. P. V. to net ca tioned...
...80 the various crews came to Minot preparatory to demobilizing...
...It is needless to say these orders would prove for the police a foundation for the most drastic kind of ation with respect to pickets...
...And indeed it was the work of brains operating at a distance...
...Such methods toast to many eases have had the street upon the criminal of *r*^ng the tfsesBB Mil of a lawful, uninterrupted aad peaceful livelihood seem Jgapeanbto and ntoraan...
...1 The tost numerated extra-legal phase of police activities B their conduct during strikes...
...it fa possible the third degree is not weed, as extensively at present as it was aj-gearfOV Bowesss* ws have indisputable nijaiih that the third degree ia not a Bwateaf of ^eet history but is being generally asantoyed by the police force of She Otty of New York...
...They were the army of migratory workers, the marginal surplus of labor, that the ebb and flow of business profits demanded and consumed, throwing back the devitalised residue into heaattala...
...Only the gsrmlutt sub-sere atmosphere prevented wholesale infection...
...Destruction must sometimes precede construction...
...In att countries where the srej against capital punishment to oarrwli it ia pointed out that judicial errant not excluded frees even ths esanhVe objective legal proceedings of ths sat and that it is possible even then for to cent persons to be eondsssaal let...
...Strong and weak, heads of families and hoboes, saints and sinners, they all signed up for 16 cents an hour and food, charged at tt a week...
...The long trains that feed the factories aad warehouses of the cities neither came in nor went out...
...Hoboes, the world catted them, but physically snd mentally they were my superiors, with aD my sdnrsrVwis and sssoctotions...
...The railroads and menaced business Interests issued a call for men...
...In tact Bs management of police affairs has nude its demand for obedience 'to law aoton nothing but rank hypocracy...
...And yet intelligent men wonder wit** caused the Russian Revolution...
...It was then, when the sting of the cold' Increased and our resistance to it decreased, that sometimes visions of fsir valleys lined with almond trees in bloom or of rose gardens and darting humming birds would float before our eyes, and we would inwardly curse the company and our lot that made the last hour destroy the values that the other nine hours might have made possible, and that sent us to our rolling bunk-bouse too weary to do anything but eat supper and go to bed...
...Pantano (N...
...whtoh she inraey leritty aa last Upon appeal to the Court of Apr.sals the oaitota was affirmed bat the Court construed the law to permit prryBstoaa to give contraceptive information and advice when necessary tor the health and physical welfare of the nation t. The persons la charge of the birth control clinic who were arrested in the raid were physicians and nurses...
...Then, at the foreman's signal, we would an hoist together and the fence, ta one piece, as if by magic, would be placed on the crest, only to be buried by the next snow...
...If President hoover had made a closer study jf the question be would .find that the | general disrespect for law ia due largely Cause...
...the third degree ia the use of violence by the police upon suspects for the purpose at ?—¦"*¦ t nrrifssrirwii...
...quite different from that ot the great world which plotted wars and business combinations...
...The end of winter was at hand, and one day the "chinook" or south wind made havoc with the snow puss...
...80 I spent two hours wandering over vast fiats, intersected by branches of the river, aad in noting the apparently aimless shunting back and forth of great lines of freight cars...
...The eatrs-togal or illegal methods oi aoBca may be grouped under the feign teg heads: The use of the third degree: the invasions of the consUtutionai rtohto ef parsons: illegal aad uneenstltuatanal searches...
...But many who answered the call had no homes nor children nor even kin...
...All they knew was that this particular railroad had been the most profitable large railroad in the country to invest funds in, and that its swollen dividends must be maintained, whether men lived or died...
...We walked on the crust alongside the telegraph wires and watched the sun go down while we worked through the last hour...
...The ineffectiveness ot these methods is proven by the act that they have been used for decades with no improvement in the crime situation...
...Pormer Health Commissioner Karris testified, asaVrdtog to newspaper reports that this course was necessary to maintain the health of the mother...
...It had a life of its own...
...If order shouts come about in freight ears within a great industry spreading over one-fourth of a great country, through the activity of directing brains, why could order not come shout between industries aad la aU the larger social relatione through the operation of the same kind of directing brains...
...On each car were two huge, long boxes marked "VTadivostock...
...One of the methods pursued by the police is to intimidate the pickets, threaten them with arrests sad in many instances make wholesale arrests of pickets...
...typified to me a civilization without purpose, without co-ordination, knowing not caring not where it came from nor whither It was going, if only it might glut for the time being its Inordinate appetite for power...
...Wss it not fitting that the surplus profits wrung tram labor should go up tn smoke that industry might start anew 00 a better basis...
...This rule was recently enunciated in the case Af People vs...
...The snow sped out from under his shovel as though he were a machine, His mind was as agile as his body...
...The sir was not thin and enveloping like sunshine, nor even strong snd pushing like wind...
...These esses, destined to go up In smoke at VTadivostock...
...Ws should insist that ear public offietols pat an esaamto of adherence to tow...
...The ssccnrl extra-legal method, unwarranted arrests, is Just as serious as the third degree...
...The head operating officials of the company had for the most part worked up from the ranks and were for yielding, but the men of finance had also to be consulted...
...it ig true that to faBaeaag yjta murkuat rights the pches render llniiiliai rtohto to actions at tow or svdh to arbatoal muisuultou...
...The police have been known to hound the exconvict, mating life misefkble for him and ma ring it almost impossible for him to lead a peaceful and legal existence...
...That was the year 1916, when all American business was speeded up and the national income reached new and : unheard of levels, while we furnished munitions of war to the Allies and created those billions of credits to us and debts to them that are making the Kuropean nations unite against us In 1Uwin that may cause another world war...
...Prom overheated lodging houses and homes we were flung out into a worse than Arctic climate...
...I the hobo triumphant I A month's association ta a box cat frith a group of sixteen man and association with fifty to a hundred ia such work leaves lasting impressions...
...But men who knew the line and how the towns along it depended on it and how their resentment would pile up if there were an unnecessary blockade finally prevailed...
...Otherwise the imprisonment would serve no useful purpose...
...Some time ago, the Association of the ttor ot the Otty of Mew York took coggdaaaes of the third degree methods and see maty eendemned them and found •Our pressed law regarding the admission ef confessions provides inducement ?for caohpogJBg tpaaajjBo coertaartnraj bp any mesas gfich caasjtfc suasequsiitly be proven unlawful...
...ffsejj\l|sjt1s|gsr - ggggj^tf partoaaoTwlU nof fesftoeVto^J from punishment for the saBadBSM illegal acts and win thsajtoto *aj fal of the cxaatttrrooaal rlgbbVd Wa should insist upoa Oar ssaasl ment of such a 1 isiiinlsiSiii to svasgj It is significant that in autosanmjHJ mmtobstlon tbarebesst taaj'kj of the pottos lDagahty isuisaat ta Otty of mew York...
...We are an familiar with ¦ lastonees where the police break strikes...
...Our office has represented a large number ef labor unions, many of whom have frequently been engaged in strikes in which injunction orders, at one stage or another, bad figured...
...if possible, to obtain convictions, have fines imposed and thus deplete the treasury of the strikers or their union...
...Althocgb Ua si ease was the subject of pmcesdkssa discussions over a song pasted, tte as sentences recently can led out asto Meek, WeUtochenko and PaBbAtol were pronounced by ths O. P. U. wsto any legal procedure...
...have recently been the order otl day ta Soviet Russia...
...Ths reeeat uaaaataatod raid on the birth control cltoto to Wow York aad the sstoare of the rseavds af the eliato by the penes, upon the luastop^ad^tamaut stoaee of U»T"m»^ot pahoe violence against law-abiding ctttoaaa About 10 years ago, a birth control canto istatiTfalisd aad conducted by afarsentences?'to^ a- aaaa to .JaO...
...Six hundred miles of free transportation was also Included, but no mention was made of the return trip, for reasons which will also develop later...
...The tan-hour day was something of a faros, for Mature gave us only sight hours of daylight la the morning gtosmtng one could see many a shovel lift but carry no snow...
...Is it not fitting that this return to ths jungle fife of our remote ancestors should waste its ill-gotten gains and spend the vampire strength of its manhood ta universal war...
...It has been our experience that such injunction orders would be used by employers to exhibit them to the police who would then undertake to interpret and enforce those orders...
...The vtotonee may be prrr*a/'»1 or psychological...
...We all repaired to the railroad station and stayed there a night aad a day without food, while telegrams went back and forth between the local representsuvm ot the company and the mala office 600 miles away...
...1 jjgegh^oob^Bn to sstmtolotor a rebuke to ttto }>e|MV:far unlawful lavaston ef s private beans, saying: "Whalen or an Wrauaa...
...The use of flagrantly illegal methods makes the antics and the government appear to the underworld as no better than themselves andi ns tills in the criminal class contempt of law and hatred ot the government...
...Phillips, it appeared that the police bad arrested pickets for carrying signs announcing that a strike existed tn a certain business astshnshment, The Court of appeals there held that picketing to the abaaace of a strata was not lOogsl and that the police and the magistrate bad no power to bald and convict the fatket The important fact in this case is that it la indicative of the eagerness of the authorities to interpret the law against the Interest of the workers, and suppress picketing or one reason or another...
...Five dollars' worth ef tor paper would have sufficed, but that would mean one less share ef stock issued, one lass fivedollar bin to ha apeat by some overfad, over-dressed Mis weonan in scene gilded restaurant...
...Bow many times have we heard of the case of pickets when insisting upon thelr corurtitntlonal rights, being told by the polios officer to "tell It to (be Judge," and in most instances telling it to the Judge with no greater effect...
...of mothers within a few years after the last child birth...
...The dtolaugs of sstetinalz and the imptjaaswsaat of innocent persons are the logical results under such conditions, and the saeratoe at illegal raetheds on the part of pohea is to be expected...
...The peace, however, hi their the functions of Judges...
...Soon £ found a leader...
...Police Commissioner Whalen, immediately after the raid, defended the action of the police...
...It' has reused wars without number between nations aad has created a constant state of war and disorder to man's largest if not his highest field ef aaUillg earning a taring...
...jjjM **a* uppus uajttty use erf ^r >»abl~u|jfc 11 cannot: bo doubted, to view of the many admonitions from the Court of Appeals warding of the danger of departure frecn the erccedure prescribed by statute...
...One morning after travelling the best part ot the night we arrived in the railroad yards at Minot two hours before dawn, at which time we were scheduled to leave...
...As otto of them said to as, a babe to a awn who hat observed life as it b at* 1 jantasd ia pommunities aad Allans gpaaJdcaad It act worth whin, « ,shaB ssy the hoboes valuation bBti valid as ours...
...It Is a sad commentary on the condition of our courts at the present tone that the Judges, tn their seal to convict, have generally countenanced these methods instead of condemning them and ¦t*"j'"rf the aaaatttetion It Is indisputable that these third degree methods ess illissl sail sstossaal sad maealeelly constitute an admission of the Inefficiency of the police in the detection of crime aad the gathering of evidence...
...It was composed of flat cars...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 27

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