Socialist International Flaunts Defiant Warning At Pilsudski In Warsaw Vandervefcie Reminds WouM-be Dictator That Greater i Powers Have Been Toppled Over—Series of Pnblic ~ Dfjrntmstrations...

...The state central committee and state executive committee elected for the nexV twelve months consist of the following: Chairman...
...Hsrry MsUls: FewrsV* Jacob Dubno... Board of Alderman -Thirty-lourthDsV trict...
...For a month or more an organizer will be maintained in North Carolina, and then will move to Virginia for possibly two months...
...The courageous self-sacrifirrnj Socialist, who became the national hero after the conquest of the independence of Poland is showing the symptoms of the most chronic mental sickness...
...The workers' militia and the young members of the Socialist Sport Federation were responsible for keeping order...
...These Included resolutions on behalf of Mooney and Billings, the Centralia prisoners and the Oastonia prisoners...
...These systems have merely changed their name...
...The meeting Sunday sight was held In the Labor Temple...
...Scotland, was then introduced Shiplacoff Heads Slate In Brooklyn Enthusiastic' Conyetgi Names Complete TJ^ For Fall Elections ^! QWE of tha very best attends* sssssbl party mas torn was heat * JBgJ County Tuesday evening, Jury % gS-3 was to the nature of a county eeansafsgl' Members from every K Osaato aaaan were present The convention was opened ay Ogjvl iarr August Cleessens, who briefly sad the order of roiitnois, Norman Theaaas candidate tor Mayor, made a sttiriet...
...He read corrsmmunications and greetings from a number of prominent Socialists, and people scattered throughout the South...
...And if obstacles have encumbered the way to the development of democracy that is in no way a sign that this development win be stopped...
...Comrade Bird was the second speaker, and his speech took the audience by storm...
...They are no longer called monarchies but Fascism and Dictatorship...
...Vsndervelde showed how the Socialist International had been in favor of the demand for the Independence of Poland since its earliest days...
...David O. Oeorge, who went down front New York to attend the conventions, was the principal speaker...
...In addition to these greet demonstrations there were also several separate speeches, for Instance by Vandarvelde in Cracow and Crisplen in Loda...
...A. I. Shlplaoofl was noaasaal' by acclamation for Borough FrestaajaTtf accepting the nomination...
...Louis Stdal* Fifty-first, H. Morris...
...All of the speakers took as their subject: Dictatorship or Democracy...
...Annie Wassersteln, of Richmond...
...After the foreign guests had spoken a speech was made by the 93 year old comrade Ltmenowaky, who recalled the days of the illegality of Polish Socialism when the emigrants had been given shelter and protection by comrades In Prance, Belgium, England and many other countries...
...This demonstration concluded with a speech which Barlicki delivered from a balcony to the assembled crowd...
...In the greet Philharmonic Hall the crowd was addressed by Vsndervelde, Crispieu and Cramp...
...The Socialist International forever 1" The international demonstrations were a prodigious success for the Socialist movement in Poland...
...The guests from the International have come to Warsaw, and the preparations for worthily receiving them were undertaken, by the Socialists of Poland—In spite of Pilsudski...
...Nineteen*Joseph A. Weil: Twentieth...
...a railroad brakeman and for twenty years a Socialist...
...Mary Raoul Minis, of Oeorgla...
...Laker BBahte Keeps Order The hall was decorated with the banners of trade union and party organisations...
...Creans an British Victory With the cheerful concurrence of the audience Cramp, who had been sent by the Executive of tha British Labor Party, was able to speak of the great successes which the workers of Bnglanrl hays carried off on the basis of democracy...
...On that occasion—It was at the time of the Balkan war—Pilsudski said: "While I am speaking the thunder of cannon is resounding throughout Europe...
...On the foUowing day, the 19th of June, a second great gathering took place In Lodz, the centre of the Polish textile industry...
...At a recent meeting Sena MalUs was nominated for Assembly...
...In our midst sre prominent representatives of the Socialist International, and I can assure them that we carry on our fight with an the more energy because of our conviction that no one has presented us with our rights, but that we have honorably fought for them...
...Clarence H. Taylor, of Baltimore, was the principal speaker of the evening, but he cut his speech down, due to the lateness of the hour, and it was decided that he should speak again Sunday night...
...Comfaataafl laoaff apoke appeallngty of the week all fore the Socialist Party and the aahm did opportunities confronting oaf Ska...
...Poland is exhausted by the battles of the Revolution...
...If democracy in this country Is st present threatened- you should know that the International steps in everywhere where freedom of the working class Is menaced...
...We look optimistically into the future, Including the future of Poland...
...C. A. Ricks was temporary and Oeorge permanent chairman of the convention...
...Morris Blumenreleh: Firttents...
...Alexander O Walker, of Glasgow...
...A letter of good wishes was sent to the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union of New York, who are now on strike...
...And out of the events ha the West be drew the consequences for Poland: After the end of too war many peoples which had for a long time done without their po11 Meal freedom obtained their independence ones mora...
...Harry Smith: Sixteenth...
...The government at first considered refusing the visa to the Socialists from abroad...
...Every individual must possess the knowledge that through the election of members of Parliament he is participating in the government In England, which has the oldest Parliament in the world, no other government is recognised than that which expresses the will of the people...
...Poland today would find its place among the latter...
...The danger for democracy in Poland.: is so great that the Labor and Socialist International regarded It as Its duty to take special action to support the Polish Socialist party, which is fighting against the reactionary forces with a courageous fixity of purpose and considerable success...
...The state executive committee is to meet the second Sunday in August In Richmond, to adopt the platform and name a candidate for this office...
...Among the delegates present from outstate was one who came over 200 miles from his mountain home in Bath County—a young Methodist mln-' ister, William Smith Bird...
...If one were to point to a map of Europe on which democratic and reactionary countries were marked...
...aaw« Kritser...
...Tha following candidates at Member of Assembly and Alderman was Indorsed: Assembly...
...A district organisation committee consisting of the foUowing was elected: M. E. Bdeon...
...The Richmond City Convention, first of the series, was held Friday In the Workmen's Circle Lyceum...
...Edward Levitt, of Newport News, a bookkeeper...
...Fiftj-seeool nf Rabetsky...
...It is difficult to bear the misery of war now...
...Every doctor knows that a person who brings to his speeches such a lack of restraint and such a perverse craving for filth as Pilsudski continues to do...
...Letters of congratulations were sent to the Socialist governments of Germany, Denmark and Great Britain...
...David O. Oeorge was asked to continue the work he had started voluntarily, of raising funds for Southern organization...
...M L. Miller, of Norfolk...
...Thirty-fifth, Hp-' man Neraser...
...belongs to the lunatic atsylum...
...Unfortunately we must work under conditions which make it very difficult to carry out a just policy...
...with Winston F. Dawson, of Henrico County, and the above named officers, form the state executive committee of five...
...It is now experiencing the abuses of the myrmidons of Tsarism...
...Over twenty delegates from all over the state attended...
...Fascism Is being carried through under the mask of republican Institutions...
...AbrshtSi Zucker...
...Anns EUat Twenty-second...
...Freedom is a valuable possession, the loss- of which is an htjury to the peoples dignity, and dlgworthleai In the absence of freedom for the Individual...
...But the forces of reaction in Poland prefer that the sick man shall remain at the head of the State, so that they may use the old regard for his name as a cloak for their counter-revoliitirmarv rWigns...
...Vsndervelde delivered the greetings of the International, the Belgian Labor Party and the French Socialist Party, which had at the last moment found it impossible to Sand a representative to I this demonstration on account of the debates on Morocco in the French Chamber...
...Harry Scheduler...
...The Polish people, who showed so much sacrifice for the independence of Poland, win not allow themselves to be permanently robbed of their freedom...
...K< tut made a plea for funds to begin the aaas paign...
...It was decided to organize the unorganized states of the South—to secure someone in each state to serve as secretary...
...The meeting was opened with a short speech by Comrade Niedsialkowski...
...The announcement of the names of the speaksri from abroad: Smile Yandarveide (Brussels), Paul Loebe (Berhp), C. T. Cramp (London...
...This prevents concentration on any particular district'' but It is thought that if the Socialist Party enters one or two candidates, a large vote wni hs polled...
...A. O. Breckenridg...
...Forty -second...
...Taylor was the second speaker and was well received...
...David O. Oeorge introduced a resolution which was unanimously passed, amid applause, denouncing Fascism as akin to the traditions ! of Virginia...
...Such obstacles are natural phenomena which must be levelled out...
...The other aaagsE tiens were: For Sheriff...
...Despite the fact that It was very hot, about fifty people turned out including a good many who have never been seen at our meetings...
...But the Socialist International had not only been in favor of an independent Poland in relation to other countries but for a Poland which should be Internally free...
...Theodore Shapiro...
...AH systems of dictatorship, under whatever name, are doomed to failure...
...Socialist Of South Meet In Richmond Threc-<lay Conferences Develop Psauts—"-Richmond Will Stage Active Campaign ¦ nIcSsoSd.'VW.^-The'"aeries"of Be~ delist conventions he* in Richmond en July 5th, 6th and 7th came to a glorious end Sunday night July 7th, with an excellent meeting in the Labor Temple...
...The hopes which Pilsudski expressed in 181J have been fulfilled...
...MehJaaaV Fifty-fourth, W. Robinson...
...In the street a procession spontaneously formed, which proceeded through the streets of the town, following the banners and singing Socialist songs...
...Candidates are to be selected in August State Ceaventie* Meets The State Executive Committee met Saturday afternoon...
...who was murdered by the Italian Fascists, said at the Congress in Brussels a few days before his death: ] "There is nothing more holy for men than freedom, and only those who have themselves been unfree can fully understand how to treasure It" And Poland knows what it means to be unfree...
...The State Chamber of Commerce recently sent a letter of congratulations to Benito Mussolini and the Italian Fascist dictatorship, declariing that the "New Virginia and the new Italy have much in onmmoTt" etc...
...The state executive committee and the foUowing seven eompose the state central' committee: o. Cery White, oi Petersburg, newspaper man and teacher...
...Everyone felt that he was a valuable "find...
...AH seats were taken three days before the date of the demonstration...
...We sre not free from anxiety when we think upon the dangers that await us...
...But one of the effects of the electoral victory of the British Labor Party was that they soon realized the absurdity of this plan...
...The Soldateska, which forms a decisive port of the Government machinery, receives special support from Marshal Pilsudslri...
...aataaai'Tf Riley...
...Forty-niner* I. M. Chat cuff...
...Fifty-ASh* Louis Epstein...
...Socialist International Flaunts Defiant Warning At Pilsudski In Warsaw Vandervefcie Reminds WouM-be Dictator That Greater i Powers Have Been Toppled Over—Series of Pnblic ~ Dfjrntmstrations Spur Polish Socialists to Greater WA RSA\V>—The country at preterit most wi orrery iriermeed by the pest of Fascism is Poland...
...But we shan not shrink from the fulfilment of our duty...
...of Florida...
...Street DemenstraUea Follows The demonstration in the hall concluded with the singing of the International...
...Vaadervaide (Brussels), and Arthur Crtipisa (Berrin) Sad aroused considerable Interest Mot eauy'the whole body of i lass rouartom am lei* but also large numbers of people from intellectual, political and Journalistic circles, desired to take part la the demonstration...
...state chairman, elected chairman by acclamation, made a "keynote" address which was wen received...
...At the end of hit address a fair collection was taken, and literature distributed...
...d An effort is being made to ra-esteMaS our standing in tha Brownsville sseaa* of the Jnd A D. Due to the loss of best* quarters and the illness of several at BW members, the branch has been to faaad poor condition, for the last sewa* months...
...The nomination of Lssi »? Goldberg as candidate for Justice at tat Supreme Court, Second District, siassaT the greatest enthusiasm of tha raxdK A number of candidates were pnajaal and a spirited discuss ion was hsM...
...After the war s tendenev toward* a r«*.nm tn fnrmmr autocratic systems of government was observed...
...Fifty-sixth, Osvid Bnav lsu...
...The Polish executive members of the Labor and Socialist International, Comrades Diamond and Nledxtalkowikl sat on the platform with the guests from abroad, among leading officials of the Party and trade unions...
...Finally a speech was made by Barlicki on the solidarity of the Polish working class with that of the other countries which sre at present taking part in the struggle of the Polish Socialists for the upholding of freedom and the protection of democracy...
...District and an effort Is being rasat .Itget the branch back into fuutllHSf, condition...
...Your country, like ours, is menaced by the horrors of war...
...Southern States Conference The Virginia committee met with representatives from other Southern states Sunday morning...
...Viola LevtnssajSixth...
...PHdoski's Prophecy Fulfilled The Warsaw "Robotnlk," the central organ of the Pohsh Socialist Party begins its great report on the demonstration with an extract at the head of the first page under the title: "Hopes fulfilled...
...Marx Lewis spoke on the NstaBlf "fifty thosand dollar" drive and the "Cm Day Wage Fund.' Charles Solomon, essdidats for Comptroller, aroused the ear vention to high enthusiasm...
...Samuel H Friedman: irrnaai Martha Sadoff...
...He wni then be transferred probably to Florida and Oeorgla for two or three months... the convention overwhelmingly tx&rwati Its desire for our able, young, rights*/ attorney for this Important nnmlniiaa,' Nominations for candidates of the jjE Court, Municipal Court Districts, sal some Assembly and Aldermanta ' Da-' tricts were referred to s Committst at Three on Vacancies, namely...
...for Register...
...Simon WflWC Forty-fourth...
...The meeting closed with singing of the "Red Flag...
...Proofs of our intentions are given In the bills which we Introduce...
...The city Is entitled to six members of the lower house, an of whom are elected from the entire city...
...A collection of 1161.00 was aw ceived, and pledges of much men S come...
...a resolution was sent to the Inlsiw' tional Jsadies' Garment Workers bm# gratulating them on the success of laaV great strike and once more plsdgiaj' the Party and its resources to the UakV in its great strjggle...
...Vandarvelde reminded his audience how thrones were overturned in a right and apparently all-powerful rulers disposed of...
...It draws attention to the speech made by Pilsudski as representative of the Polish Socialist Party in Russia at the Conference-of the Austrian SocialDemocratic Party in Vienna on the 31st October 1912...
...All the eight Southeastern states win pool all the resources available for organization and an organizer will be placed in the field In October...
...Joseph A Well...
...It Is for the sake of confirming this to you that the representatives of the International have come here' today...
...On the IStb the first demonstration took place in the great Circus Han in Warsaw...
...He was elected chairman of the Southern district committee, and will serve as secretary...
...Thirty delegates were present Including four from the two branches of the Workmen's Circle in the city...
...Meyer Rubtosas...
...Fannie KatK» Ninth...
...r^rtj-fltar' Fhtlip Block...
...These represented Richmond and Norfolk locals and the membership at large...
...County Campaign...
...At a reception to which Comrade Dasxynski, Marshal of the Sejrn, invited the guests from the International, he made a speech which concluded as follows: "We Polish Socialists steadily seek to treat fairly the national minorities In our country...
...David O. Oeorge, a party organizer...
...4.000 people thronged Into the gigantic hall and many hundreds had to be turned away...
...E. C. Bowers, of North Carolina, and David O. Oeorge, of Virginia...
...Resolutions adopted by city and state conventions were read for the approval of the audience...
...The fate of the latter is realty tragic, not only for him personally but for the -whole of Poland...
...8. V. Kennison, of South Carolina: Mrs...
...William Smith Bird...
...Hymen a* Greenberg...
...Csrl Cummings...
...Democracy and Socialism have become too strong to allow dictators any scope...
...If war shauld break out then we should naturally take care to realise the ideals which have net been fulfilled by the Revolution, and within the walls of a free Warsaw we can make preparations for the dear guests of an international congress...
...Julius Lichtenfeld: Tenth...
...She is the wife of C. A. Ricks, chairman of the Richmond Local, and who...
...There are different kinds of dictatorship—in Italy and in Russia— but In their nature they are the same, they imply reaction...
...The convention decided that at least one candidate will be nominated for the House of Delegates from Richmond...
...Others will soon be selected from Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee...
...They were organized by the Polish Socialist Party in co-operation with the Socialist Parties of the national minorities, and this was a magnificent expression of the consciousness of international solidarity...
...MlnaS* Welsberg: Forty-third...
...David LI dm an...
...William Man»ps9 enbaum...
...Eleanore Oowaan> Thirteenth...
...This freedom is In the interests not only of the Polish working class but of the workers of the whole world, in the interests of the whole of humanity, in the interests of the struggle for a better future...
...MB' Rosen...
...Our program goes so far that it provides "territorial autonomy" for many national minorities and so concedes to the national minority the maximum of rights that the State can grant...
...Our Party program on the national questions originated at the time of the wild nationalist orgies of the national majority and the national minorities...
...First District...
...This solidarity In common action finds expression today In the visit of the Socialists to Warsaw...
...aj* dress...* ty-elghth...
...It was decided that the Socialist party enter a candidate for Governor in the fall...
...As an equal among equals we will fulfill our international duty to protect and develop democracy...
...The state convention was called to order Saturday night...
...state secretary, Annabel R. Ricks, of Richmond...
...Anthony Di Blast...
...Poland, which had so long been oppressed and kept down by the despotism of foreign rulers, had been newly formed out of the ruins and wreckage of overthrown monarchies...
...David Lidman, a newspaperman: national committeeman, J. C. Morgan of Newlngten...
...Morris Wolf man...
...Comrade Ricks is sn experienced newspaper editor...
...In our program we respect the vital necessity and the right of each nation to unrestricted development...
...Fang' teenth...
...Jacob Handlev, Eighteenth, Jacob L. Alfros...
...But all this was of no avail The international demonstrations succeeded above all expectations and found a loud echo In the combined publicity among the population and in the press...
...Congress Report page 99...
...Then the group which has split off from the Polish Socialist party, which Moracsewski uses for the service of Pilsudski, and which has the Impudence to call Itself the "Revolutionary Socialist Party" attempted to hinder the demonstrations by every possible threat of counter-demonstrations and other attempts at intimidation...
...Twsau ty-third, Jacob Axelrad...
...John J. Kalfka, of Chesterfield County, a farmer...
...Louis P. Goldberg and UaaS Welsbsrg...
...But we hope that this old regime appearing in a new form cannot continue to exist for long...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 26

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