Leigh, J. W.

U.S. Court Tries To Break New Orleans Car Strike Elizabethton Workers Capture City At Polls; City Labor Parties Grow Majority Won on City Council—Strike Terrorizers are Snowed Under by...

...The Elizabethton litical victory follows close on a similar election triumph by organized workers in Kenosha, Wisconsin...
...This the itrikers ignored, but they gathered in hundreds at the Canal street barn, from which the first car emerged at 7 o'clock...
...Car Is Tarried Back The battered car reached the center of the city, but was obliged to turn back after twenty minutes...
...Norman Thomas...
...Others will follow...
...By the method of distributing the fund, announced in The New Leader hut week, all sub-divisions of the party, national, state and local, will have their treasuries replenished by the successful conclusion of the drive, which opens officially on August 1st...
...The bureau win issue the foil owing publications: 1—"New York's Pontics," a bi-weekly news-digest of public affaire of the city...
...Brooklyn Yipsels Win Free Speech Fight Isidore Ostrowsky and Lester Ehulman, of the Young People's Socialist League, were acquitted Wednesday morning in the Seventh Magistrates' Court, Kings County...
...Private yards securing contracts are the Pore River, at Qtrlncy, Mass., owned by the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, and the Camden, N, J., yard of the New Tork Shipbuilding Company, owned by the American Brown-Boveri Corporation...
...Hoover put EUaabethton on the map for the Republican party," ft is betas...
...The trade unions of Niagara Falls, New York, have cut away from hath eld parties and ergamzed an independent labor party which stands excellent chances of capturing the city next fall...
...Literature is to be printed sad circulated, discussion of the subject Is to be fostered in trade unions and trade union circles...
...On Monday there was a conference in Chelsea which lasted tin late in the evening, and was then adjourned to Tuesday afternoon...
...The conservative Evening Sun regretted editorially that neither of the old parties could measure up to the Socialists' choice...
...international board member, waived demands for a wage increase, but insists on full union recognition, with the right to discipline members who disobey union orders to stay out of the Public Service Company Union, the Benevolent Protective Association...
...These wUl be the result of investigations into scandals and other important topical matters...
...SB ths issue of June 14 of the "Data Sheet...
...Strike sympathizers lave torn up street car track and turned six cars which tried to resume operation...
...By .tha aids of tha local activities, tha desire for Independent political action by labor is being' fostered— and its growth indicated—by activities from three other sources,—the [ national Socialist party, a newly organised League for Independent Political Action, and the Conference for Progressive Labor Action...
...Strikers were given until 7 a. m. the next morning to return to work, in an lltunatum from the company...
...In Boston a conference is scheduled for Wednesday...
...The aahmbothtOB worturs art anxious to have Thoaaas asaka a apeak' ing trip in their vicinity this summer...
...open-Shoppers Brought Voleoce The violence is due to the action1 >f Public Service, the Open Shop As- i ;ocistion of Commerce, the Canal j ¦treet merchants who are forcing the ompany to run street cars, and the our non-union dailies which are deiberately lying as to the outcome of be strike and the attitude of the itreet car company...
...postoffice clerks, letter carriers, firemen and oilers, moving picture operators, grocery clerks, stationery engineers and firemen and machinists...
...Alexander's ring has been supreme in eastern Tennessee for nearly 20 years...
...Women and girls helped their men...
...The agreement will Include provisions for s wsge increase, contributions by the employers to the unemployment insurance fund, certification of shops, by an Impartial joint control committee, upon which the public win be represented, attesting to-hygienic and humane working conditions, the 40-hour five-day week and security deposits by the employers that union conditions will be observed...
...Senior knows municipal government as do few others In the country...
...One ship each win be constructed in the government yards at Philadelphia...
...The National Executive Committee of the Workmen's Circle sent a message of encouragement...
...The Unions Involves^ Among the unions which voted a general strike are: Painters, plumbers, steamfltters, carpenters, pile drivers, boiler-makers, blacksmiths, machinists, lathers, plasterers, elevator constructors, electricians, roofers, asbestos workers, printers, pressmen, brewery workers, bakers, railway clerks...
...the boosts show that pres...
...Chicago Socialists will make a hard fight on the transit issue...
...This federation would have tha rnajarallaa of tha three national orgawaaaliiii m tha nek Senior Writes In Federationist Of Negro Labor wAflH»oTOK—am—"Neg» Lata Conferences'* is the title of an article in the July issue of The American Federattonist, by Clarence O. Senior...
...They had been arrested on charges of disorderly conduct said conduct being the holding of an open sir meeting at President street and Troy avenue, on June 27th, and thereby attracting a huge crowd...
...in The New Leader regularly...
...3—"Special Investigation Bulletins...
...Copies of an ths publications of the Municipal Research Bureau wffl be sent to all candidates on the Socialist ticket and all active party campaigners...
...The Socialist movement in other Cities promises hard campaigns...
...It employs the largest single occupational group of Negroes, and it has constantly called attention to this fact in order to undercut the support of the colored newspapers that were friendly to the Brotherhood...
...Los Angeles is renewed with fighting vigor by its polling of TO.000 votes for its school board candidates...
...Under the law whereby this construction was authorised, three of these ships wfli be buBt In gov emcaent yards...
...When he takes office early In August the Socialist city campaigns may expect to find him a source of great strength ¦ Another effort to fan the flames of Independent labor political action In this country is in progress with the formation of the League for Independent Political Action...
...Boston Shoe Strikerg Confer With Employers BOSTON...
...A meeting of the political action committee of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action held recently mapped out s program of far-reaching scope to help educate American trade unionists on the importance of independent political action...
...The Kay Men of America, however, "wffl cwntluus as an organisation along certain Buss of action...
...With Dewey en the national executive are Kir by Page...
...The meeting was held under the joint auspices of the Central Labor Union and the Building Trades Council...
...has bad a highly successful career in many of Europe's foremost opera companies, including the famous Moscow Opera House prior to the war...
...Cloak manufacturers, comprising the Industrial Council, or inside manufacturers' group, must recede from their stand for piece work and the 42-hour week and meet the union, with its terms as a basis of discussion, if the peace conferences which begin Wednesday afternoon before Lieut.-Governor Herbert R. Lehman and Raymond V. IngersoU, Impartial Chairman of the Industry, are to have a successful outcome...
...The International Pocketbook Workers Union has advanced another $10,000...
...Socialist national executive secretary and secretary of the Workers' Education Committee of Cleveland, which lauds the Brotherhood of Sleeping Oar Porters and encourages Negro wotlais to Join the unions of the American PederaUon of Labor...
...Alexander, a chairman of the state election commission and his local henchman, Nat Perry, manned the pons in sa effort to steal the election...
...With the Tn'Titissm and elaar-ssshtedness of Socialist cooperation these sparks may be made to generate a more powerful movement In the very near futnre...
...While definite announcements are not forthcoming as yet, it is reliably reported that substantial gains for the workers are likely to result from the conference...
...Dealing with the immediate struggle of the Brotherhood to win better conditions from the Pullman Co., Senior says: "The PuDman Co...
...Later the league will move Hs office* to the middle west...
...Comrade Shulmsn leaves for Boston Friday to take up the duties of organiser for the party...
...The Brotherhood is fighting the battles of not only the Negro masses but of the entire working class...
...Serious trouble is expected if Public Service seeks to resume operation of its cars...
...The union workers had but one member of the council during the strike, and he was powerless...
...In return, police fired into the ranks of unionists, killing two and wounding three more...
...The jobbers' and contractors' groups must also show a disposition to meet with union demands as a basis...
...Cement finishers, building laborers, slate tile and composition, workers, bill posters, bookbinders, cigar makers, coffee, spice and baking powder workers, cotton mill workers, railroad yardsmen...
...The Jeogment reeenOy affirmed by the stow leak BupHwe Court, is secured by a bossa...
...Describing the three-day conferences which Randolph has staged in various cities, to bring understanding between white and Negro workers and their sympathisers...
...In New York City, Norman Thomas' candidacy for Mayor had been greeted with respectful consideration...
...These manifeataUoni are mere sparks, not names...
...clear the decks for aggressive action...
...Armed deputy marshals have been thrown around all street car barns and power houses...
...One of the defeated candidates, who actually cried when he read the election returns, was a national guard captain who had several times ordered tear gas bombs thrown at girl strikers...
...The first bulletin, volume I, number 1, of "New York's Pontics," was distributed at the conference of the League for Industrial Democracy and was immediately greeted as a distinctive contribution to Socialist campaign methods...
...This week the textile workers of Elizabethton, Tenn., put up their own candidates for public office and completely captured the city in a landslide vote...
...Marines may be called in from the nearby base...
...sens viirs dffAcuities assy wen to das to she $11,00* Judgment for Heel ulitsleia age mat mas by KM...
...If he should prove unsatisfactory to the company, the contract provided, the scab would have to refund transportation money...
...In addition, the bureau win cooperate in the campaign through help in preparing leaflets, in preparing a municipal campaign handbook and in supplying speakers with date on their request . The bureau, in the field of educational work, will assist in the speakers' seminars at the Rand School, and with preparing talks lor deliverance over Station WEVD...
...refuses arbitration, claiming that it will not deal with the union but insists on the open shop...
...During the recent strike the fltty we* run by the crew of fascists from ths Chamber of Commerce and a gang of special police who even beat up newspaper men In their seel to ejasQ She strike...
...The pottos fixed were all political hangers-on of the worst type...
...It . was found to contain a contract guaranteeing him employment at the rate of $10 a day...
...A picket line of 12,000 patrolled the garment district on Monday morning...
...Tear Oaa aaf Teas* When the landslide to labor Its rams apparent, the political gangster op seed up en Aymon and Kelly, **—*^~g them of being "foreigners- who had butted in on a peaceful community...
...Great results may be expected from Buffalo, New York, one of the largest cities of the nation...
...A tew striking -'aniliai victories this year, coupled with those ttraafly noted, rear pave the way tor the beginning of a national federation Of local labor parUaa attar election way...
...But the union* knitters were not so dumb themselves...
...With two strikers dead, scores injured and property damage of $50,000 to the Public Service Company as the result of its efforts to operate cars with scabs last week...
...in defiance of orders of the State Labor Commissioner, state law, and Governor Huey pi Long;, Public Service baa ordered 1,000 strikebreakers held on trains at Columbia, tenn., and Casibury, Ala., rushed to the city, and threatens to Import 9,000 more plug-uglies from the sewers and slums of the North and East...
...This agreement permits operating a certain percentage of older machines on the two-machine or "double job" basis...
...Two hundred and fifteen non-union shops, totalling 4,000 workers, Saturday and Monday voluntarily registered with the union, thus bringing into the union fold shops previously evading union control These workers took oat union cards and then were detailed to shrike duty...
...The engineer who conceived the structure, O. H. Ammon, stood quietly by with a cynical smile and was happily silent...
...Before it got back to the barn, infuriated strike sympathizers manhandled the scab motorman...
...The books of the Benevolent, Protective assn., the ccenpeny union which to the main strike issue, felt into the street ca^men** heads when the secretary, who scabbed at the beginning of the strike, repented and swung...
...The wide-spread effect of the general strike of 30.000 cloakmakers was noticed in the market Monday morning when 12,000 pickets, the largest picket demonstration ever witnessed in a strike in America, patrolled the strike district The garment zone was black with humanity and the enthusiasm of the strikers was marked...
...said dews hi Happy Valley, referring to taw President i campaign address there last fall, "but when Norman Thomas comes it will be put on the map for the workers...
...In all four cities, the inspiration of the Socialist movement has been acknowledged...
...Death walks the tracks of the New Orleans Public Service Company and stands guard at the six barns of the corporation, with three victims to his credit, one woman trampled nigh to death, scores at homes and in hospitals suffering with broken and bruised heads, and the Queen City of the South in the throes of a strike the like of which has not been seen in this section since reconstructon davs...
...They axe Sylvan Thibodaux and William Poret...
...Police were rushed to the scene, and for a quarter of en hour a pitched battle folowed in which over 1,000 engaged, loseph Morlinerio, 60, striker, was (hot through the throat by a police Juliet, and his death is expected The scabs were later removed to the Arabella street barns, under guard of a itrong detachment of police...
...The union has started a concerted drive to eliminate the sweatshop production of certain chain store groups...
...Comrade Ostrowsky is a member of Circle ft Seniors, and Is their educational din Wolfe, Metropolitan Star, To Sing at New York Picnic JAMES WOLFE, the famous basso of the Metropolitan Opera House Company wffl appear at the great Socialist and Labor Picnic which wffl take place on Saturday, July 27th, at Ulmer Park, Brooklyn...
...While the state's attorney was ruling that all strikebreakers have a right to carry guns, police authorities were denying union men this privilege...
...The Chicago Cloakmakers' Joint Board wired an offer of financial support...
...Union officers called for a showdown, and husky picket lines will be pitted against the imported scabs...
...The police opened fire, and two striker sympathizers were shot down and mortally wounded...
...He tells his hearers that the fact that some unions do not admit Negroes does not Invalidate organization...
...over to tike reel union...
...When Mr...
...his candidacy was net a hid for a bargain...
...Federal Judge Borah has placed the resources of federal marshals and United States troops at the beck of the traction monopoly to restrain further opposition...
...Contracts for the first five of the fifteen new cruisers for the enlarged navy have been let by Secretary Adams...
...In the meantime, the strike continues to be one of the moat inspiring labor demonstrations in many years...
...Fifteen.hundred polltidams and their uncles and their cousins and their wives crowded onto a Hudson River steamer to attend- the fete...
...The winners wffl be presented with a "Norman Thomas Cup" by Norman Thomas...
...While production of the settled sEops will resume undisturbed, every effort will be made to stop the output of all non-union producers, including the several who have "settled" with the Communist's so-called "union...
...In some cases it has not stopped at moral persuasion but has bought an Interest in ths Negro press in order to change its policies...
...New York Socialist leader, who was visiting the lake city in furtherance of his campaign for governor...
...With so...
...Municipal improvements were hatted so that an city funds could ba used tor strike breaking...
...The Governor of the State, the enlightened manufacturers, the union and the general public, all are determined to stabilise this industry and to eliminate once and for all the sweatshop and the cut-throat competition which endangers public welfare and the labor standards of our workers...
...The three pro-labor iiiniiiiilaalisiat en the city council of five members haws made it very plain the* they win net take orders from the Olansatoff-Bamberg rayon overlords...
...Alongside of the tremendous triumph of British Labor, stand two other we Ha of inspiration closer to borne...
...Back of ~the new league are leading Socialists, radical publicists, churchmen and college instructors...
...despite the advice of a citizens committee, comprising all business interests, churches, and government conciliators...
...Contracts Are Let For Construction Of New Cruisers WASHINGTON (P...
...i During the Canal street fight a, strikebreaker lost his grip...
...John Dewey "to president Of the organisation Howard Y. WUbams, pastor of the Peoples' Church of St...
...With Attorneys Fred Shulmap and our candidate for Comptroller, Charles Solomon, anything short of acquittal would have been a miracle, A meeting will be held on the same location in the very near future...
...Young Ray was soundly thrashed when be tried j to take a car out of the barns...
...At this »ra more trouble was precipitated irhen a strikebreaker fired point-blank at he strikers from the wndow...
...Philadelphia has an action committee that intends to live up to its name...
...Calling attention to the tact that the employers' counter-demands for the restoration of piece work, characterised as the crrlne evil of the industry, and for the abregation of ths 40-hour five-day week caused the break-up of recent conferences and precipitated the general strike of 30,000 cloekmakers upon the expiration of the last agreement, union officials sought to make it dear that a swift peace can be arrived at only if the Industrial Council and the other associations show a disposition to consider seriously the union grievances...
...the chief of the highway police, a state organisation, as- I serted that any of his men who went to 1 guarding scabs would be discharged from j the force...
...He ends by calling upon an Negroes to join the recognized unions and upon the unions to realise that the Negro worker, left on a lower level of living, will pull down the white worker eventually...
...atostka Sen niiimsr...
...It win be foUy for any to hope to get away from much responsibUlty...
...In addition, scores are in hospitals and homes suffering from injuries resulting from charges of mounted police...
...Public sentiment is overwhelmingly with the strikers...
...rCmUnuee an Par* » BRASS AND STEEL A Great Engineering Feat la Celebrated With Speeches) By N. Y. Politicians A slim steel cable, the first over-water link between Manhattan and Hew Jersey, was stretched on Tuesday between I7«b street and Manhattan, markiag the virtual completion of one of the most stupendous engineering feats in New York, or in the world for that matter...
...In New Bedford, Mass., the New Bedford Labor Party, which at the last election won six seats on the city council, is consolidating its forces for complete victory...
...Eight hundred and fifty delegates representing-^ unions voted the general strike resolution, while 25,000 unionists blocked all traffic in front of the Central Labor Union's hall...
...His rendition of several eeections at the Madison Square Garden meeting on May first stffl lingers in the memory of ths many thousands who heard him...
...Crafty Boss Zuckerman didn't think this good enough, and announced to his employees a general lay-off untU July IS...
...St Louis Cloakmakers telegraphed $500 as the first Installment of their financial contribution...
...Ctty council deffed Orders of the City Council and business organizations that Public Service immediately start operation of traction service with union men, retelling...
...Paul Aymos of the Tennessee Federation of Labor, Vlce-pres...
...This order was provoked by the treatment accorded Ray's son, a Public Service employe who chose to betray his fellow workers...
...In addition to the appearance of Mr...
...Elizabethton Victory- Fok lows Political Triumphs at Kenosha and New Bedford DEFINITE SWING TO INDEPENDENT PARTY Three National Organisations Helping Growth of Parties — Britain Prorides Inspiration ¦ELIZABETHTON, T«on.~( FP) *-J Rayon workers of Elizabethton have captured the city government and have broken the grip of Crawford Alexander, who headed the kidnapping gang which took union organizers for a ride this spring...
...On the other hand...
...In the middle of the lay-off they discovered thst Zuckerman had arranged to reopen as a scab shop July 8, manning the machines with strike-breakers obtained from the Bell Detective Agency of Phfladelphis...
...The Public Service Co...
...The N. Y. Times, commenting on the nominations of Thomas and John F. Hylan, denounced the latter as a demagogue...
...The institution of the National Fund Drive is expected to pay off the national office, national campaign and city deficits, provide sufficient additional funds for party work, and thus...
...Dubinsky plainly indicated that the strike will be continued against recalcitrant independent manufacturers and jobbers, even after agreements with the associations are consummated...
...Knitters Turn A Lockout into Strike -Turning a lockout into a successful strike is nothing new for the Hosiery Workers...
...and the Young Circle League, (the young people's organisation of the Workmen's Circle...
...Two more commissionerships were voted for last week, and unionists placed their own candidates in opposition to those backed by Alexander and the national guard officers who treated strikers to constant doses of tear gas...
...The Boston shoe show, beginning on the fifteenth week of the strike, saw also a reopening of confereyes between strike leaders and manufacturers...
...The example of the British Labor Party has proved a guiding star...
...Federal troops wUl undoubtedly be celled in, unfler the authority of Federal Judge Borah's injunction, if unionists oppose the operation of scab trolleys...
...Senior says: "Randolphsketches the Industrial situation and shows how labor organised can sain power and control over industrial processes so that they win be used for the benefit of the people who work...
...He shows how labor unorganized has no chance for power...
...A dozen job holders agreed that the bridge was a great thing and would link the two states...
...Wright is also a member of the cfty council, In Niagara Falls, a city of 66,000 persons, many of the leading trade unionists behind the Labor Party are also Socialists...
...subscribers are informed they wOl henceforth be supplied with ths monthly bulletin of the American Ooalitiop, "The Coalitionist...
...much attention being focuaaad on city campaigns, the choice of Clarence O. Senior as Socialist national executive secretary was a particularly happy one...
...Later, car tracks on the main street of the city were torn up at several points...
...In Kenosha, Senator Thomas M. Duncan, Socialist author of the antiyellow dog law, has given the Kenosha party his helpful co-operation...
...Cleveland has a full-time organizer at work...
...The second issue of "New York's Pontics," out this week, explains in detail the program of the research bureau, of which Louis Stanley is director and Lawrence Rogin assistant director...
...They were met by a crowd of striking street car men, and a litched battle occurred...
...Bring on your tear gas new," yelled union workers as they saw ms tears...
...P.).—More blood may flow in the streets of old New Orleans as the result of the anti-strike injuncton handed down by Federal Judge Borah restraining the Street Car Men's Union and Its friends from interfering with the scab operation of Public Service Company trolley cars...
...Brooklyn, and Bremerton, Wash...
...The U. S. marshal, in response to Federal Judge Borah's injunction, swore in 250 deputies, supplying them with guns and ammunition...
...As much cannot be said for Mr...
...2—"Municipal Research Reports" These wffl be reports est basic problems appearing in the Socialist municipal platform or problems important for other reasons...
...Another important feature of the bureau's work win he the building op of an extensive file of clippings and a reference library en municipal affairs which wUl be available for party campaigners...
...Acting President David Dubinsky of the International Union, speaking of ths impartial machinery contemplated by the peace conference for the entire industry in which a Joint control committee wffl be created upon which the public, as wen as the union and the manufacture!a, wffl be represented, declared^ "We ere determined to make the cloak and suit industry an organised industry...
...Victory For Cloak Union Is Predicted HE [nterrta^onad Strikers Hold Industry Tied-Up...
...The union offered Zuckerman the benefit of the liberal national agreement in the hosiery Industry, juit approved by a special Hosiery Workers' convention and now being submitted to local branches...
...Wolfe, whose voice Is compared by many to that of his countryman, Feodore Challapin...
...The Wokmen's Circle has voted an assessment for the benefit of the striking cloakmakers . The Philadelphia Cloakmakers' Joint Board, garment workers of Los Angeles and Israel Meremlnsky, President of the General Federation of Labor of Palestine wired promises of support...
...Many city divisions of the Socialist party are not waiting for the fund drive, but are going ahead already with determination...
...The International will continue to look upon production in all these shops as "scab" production and the fight will be vigorously waged against them...
...strike issues to federal arbitration, have been turned down...
...That, says Organiser Carol Holderman...
...The Socialists are playing an important co-operative part in these local labor parties...
...Thomas may inject life into a campaign that promises to be dull...
...Frank C. Perkins, Socialist candidate for Mayor, stands an excellent chance of winning the city...
...Every independent will have to assume the duties and obligations which will be written into the collective agreements...
...The Elisabeth ton rayon workers union, which includes in its members workens af MIJ oUMT crafts, acknowledged its hunt ration to th« SociaCeta when ft cabled Norman Thomas, on the occasion of the recent New York City Socialist convention, thanking him for his efforts in en las i ortng to win political power for the workers...
...William P. Kelly of the United Textile Workers and Elisabeth ton unionists conducted the campaign for the labor candidates, while the corporations and political bosses contributed a slush fond of perhaps $5,000 for their Sjro nominees...
...tfayma* Thomas was nominated by the Socialist party," the editorial continued, "there was a ring of genuineness and sincerity about it...
...transportation both ways and upkeep...
...We must make our city another Reading," is one of the slogans common in the cities where labor is becoming politically active...
...commons of the company union received $300 a moath extra from public service while holding a union card and working as.» conductor...
...Peal.'Minnesota, and active in the Minnesota Parmer-Lahor party, Is the national executive secretary of the group wheal has opened offices in New York City...
...At the Poland street bams several > policemen turned in their stars, refusing j to shoot down their fellow men at the command of Police Superintendent Ray, who had issued orders to shoot to kin at the slightest provocation...
...Paul H Douglas, Harry W. La idler and a number of others...
...Dancing wffl be provided by two excellent jazz bands, which wffl be continuous from 2 P.M...
...In fact it was after the continuous suggestions and requests that he appear at the concert arranged for this picnic, that ths arangements committee was fortan! flfe enough to secure has censsast to sing at the picnic...
...Retail clerks, butchers, masters mates and pilots, longshoremen, boot and shoe workers, sheet metal workers, millrights, marine engineers, musicians, iron workers, barbers, hoisting engineers...
...Other Unions Rush Aid AS The New Leader goes to press, representatives of the International Ladles Garment Workers Union, whose 30,000 members in New York are on strike, are in conference with the three employing groups In the industry...
...Municipal Research Bureau Issues First Publications r-IE first two bulletins published by he Municipal Research Bureau of the Socialist party of New York City have been received with much interest and commendation...
...Hylan..' Tha Sun declared "Mr...
...It was greeted with hoots and a shower )f bricks and stones...
...Reports from other cities have been prtanmd...
...City Labor Parties Grow Majority Won on City Council—Strike Terrorizers are Snowed Under by Labor CITY MANAGER MAKES A HASTY DEPARTURE Entire Police Force Fired Within Few Days of Labor's Election Triumph Jk LMOST imperceptibly a desire for independent political action by labor is beginning to take definite form in the United States...
...These activities cannot be taken as any ajgn of an all-embracing sweep of labor toward'independent political action...
...The league Is not a party as such but win work in harmony with other groups seeking the creation of a new Independent political party with a labor-Socialht-liberal program...
...Judge Borah granted the antistrike injunction to bondholders represented by the New Tork Trust Co...
...General Strike Voted Forty-five thousand union men and women of New Orleans will down tools unless Public Service Co., the traction monopoly, meets with the Street Car Men's Union to settle the week-old strike which has tied up the Queen City of the South...
...No manufacturer or contractor can hope to operate, except under the terms of an agreement with the International...
...The Amalgamated Clothing Workers have given $10,000 as a first instalment on a $25,000 donation...
...A mass meeting of city unionists will be held Thursday evening...
...This was the position enunciated by the union before entering the negotiations...
...That this spontaneous rising: «f local labor parties may become more than passing, Isolated incidents is Indicated by the common forces and ideals that have brought them Into being...
...Instead of purely for the turning out of profits...
...Annual subscriptions wffl be taken at 98...
...A real police otteer is being sought to install a modem fores...
...The Soeiahst Party win take the matter of officers Interfering with civil rights of citizens and organizations up with the Pottos Commissioner...
...It win issue a caff to the largest chain store groups selling cloaks and suits, Inviang their heeds to s conference to consider the question of production In shops where wages and labor standards generator are asfaaaad Pledges of financial and other support continued to pour into International Headquarters, 3 West 18th street, from all parts of the country...
...Iks attention win be engaged almost wholly now under way and the pnhHneUen of the resulting reports.'' Crffl liberties Onion, Mr...
...The whole police fores has been fired and City Manager Lingerfelt left town without waiting to resign...
...Public With the X nioa Business losses are estimated now n the millions...
...He has been one of the leading artists with the Metropolitan Opera now for many years...
...In Elizabeth ton, Kenosha, and New Bedford the labor parti— have followed closely la ths wake of Industrial struggles...
...The arrangements committee has also arranged an all-star soccer game in which the famous world champions, the "Hakoeth," wffl play against the Cheko-Slovakian team the "Prague.'' A baseban game wffl be played between The Y.P.S.L...
...The company asserts it will not tfend itself with a union contract...
...THE International Ladies Garment Workers* Union has issued a sharp warning to independent cloak manufacturers and Jobbers that, unless they come in under the terms of the collective agreements expected to be consummated with the various manufacturers' associations, the strike will continue to be prosecuted against them with relentless seal...
...But they represent a more hopeful collection of circumstances than have been seen in the Catted States in the almost-barren dee* ade- now ending...
...The rayon workers, snnouiagsd by their first sum—, are gdesadng to participate as an organised fores in coming state and county rtisttnrn...
...In New Bedford, the head of the Labor party is John Wright, member of the executive committee of the Massachusetts Socialist organization...
...Dubinsky and Plrst Ties President Selvatore Ninfo, chairman of the union's settlement ..........IIHs, flwsared that settlements would begin Thursday, but they were careful to point out that agreements will be made only with manufacturers known to confine both their Inside and outside production to bona fide union shops, which will operate under terms of -the new agreement now being worked oat...
...City-wide Strike Voted By Unions Two Strikers Shot Down as Company Incites Widespread Violence By J. W. Leigh ]SJEW ORLEANS (F...
...Labor's plan to enter the elections this fall was worked out last fall at a conference of Socialists and trade unionists with Louis Waldman...
...To others the price per copy wffl be tan cents...
...Pointing out thst over $00 Independent manufacturers, many of them most serious competitors of Industrial Council Shops, are milling settlement on the complete union program, Mr...
...Assistance from other unions continue to pour in on the strikers...
...The union, through J. B. Lawson...
...The picnic wffl mark the opening gun fat the Socialist Party campaign for Norman Thomas, at which abort addresses wffl be delivered by Thomas, Charles Solomon and atGREAT LOSS Key Men of America Give Up Their Daily Data Sheet— Marvin in a Bad Way Propaganda of the Key Men of America, which is Fred R Marvin's organization of professional patriots, wffl ba discontinued because of lack of funds...
...Oswald Garrison Vlllard, Prof...
...is one of the strongest corporations in the United States...
...Dubinsky maintained that specific evils complained of in industrial Ooanefl shops must be remedied, if the inside manufacturers are net to find themselves at a disadvantage in obtaining production tortus: the present season...
...For the last four weeks there had been no conferences, but with the shoe season starting about the middle of July, manufacturers are beginning to feel anxious about the prospect of losing a season...
...is just what the union is going to do at the Federal Silk Hosiery Company of Brooklyn, where Boss Zuckerman has locked out the shop because the union refused to take a 20 per cent wage cut and accept the two-machine speed-up system...
...commons some time ago admitted la open court that he was on the payroll of the company in an endeavor to break up the legitimate' organization...
...UngerfsM has been particularly ritrtohc m fch abuse of strikers...
...This win enable campeigners and candidates to keep informed on the week's news without wading through a dosen or more newspapers daily and following official and other reports and publications...
...Evaders sue Threatened - "No manufacturer, not a single one, can hope to evade responsibility to the industry...
...to the late hours of the nits...
...These are the Socialist administrations in Milwaukee and Reading, Pa...
...On- Independence Day, at 6 in the ¦veiling, 450 strikebreakers from the s'orth arrived in a special train and srere marched to the barns on Canal itreet...
...The national machinery of the Socialist party is undergoing a thorough overhauling...
...Wolfe, the committee win shortly announce other features, and artists participating in the program...

Vol. 8 • July 1929 • No. 26

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