socialist party at work National Headquarters ala sekkfjs Office of the socialist ajdhld is located at 2653 Washington ahfdk, Chicago, III. William H. Henry ad fsfs fafsdf Executive Secretary....

...The following officers were elected for 1928, vis: Organizer, Frank L. Hurley: Recording and Correspondtng Secretary, Joseph Stites...
...As this ta afbs...
...Delegate to State Committee, Robert G. Hastings...
...A boosting ~™-™n>-t for the fourth anniversary cornmou wealth tamauet wUl be elected...
...His subject win be "History Teaching and International Good win...
...Connecticut I New Haven A reorganise!ton anilliig of the Socialists was held at the heme of tht Workmen's Circle, Tl Legion Ave, Thursday...
...Members of the committee are being canvassed as to the desirability of meeting on this- date to complete the revision of the State Constitution of the party...
...Executive Committee members Julius Gerber and Herman Kobbe have been on the sick list, victims of the prevailing "flu" tint grins Republicans, Democrats and Socialists alike...
...William Balpere sad Theodore Shapiro constitute the Forum Committee...
...Negro population of Bast Harlem ta being canvassed...
...lZ Con^ade^oubj^P^Ooldberf^wfri s>eak on isl"11 Oo^jants1 j? jaraatow £H port of the ejettoittes of the Central Committee...
...BROOKLYN County CseemWee A meeting of the newly organized County Committee was held last Saturday evening...
...13 A D. Headquarters, m AvenueC...
...Lawrence nkwap Jyrfcefield CoUene as hsTaw?L N- ctlarllh 013 51 fc?***- B- Cross waith on ^ * w5mr»e?_loc*i wid have a *bii> ? L^**a>Ployment and UnbUl at the Labor ¦p** *»n- »1 at «:oe p. m. ft ¦ oocisiis...
...h Albany-Forum * The Albany People's Forum baa asked Secretary John M. OHanlon of the State Federation of Labor, and John P. Burke, International President of the Paper, Pulp andJBulphite Workers' Union, to *ddress it on questions of Immediate interest to organised labor...
...4 A. 9. At our test meeting we decider1 to arranre a memorial meeting to our late beloved sfanrado, ta Btoup...
...S. ,Glen—*-»¦•, " ProvJnretown Theatre...
...Bustneas meetings are being held every Monday, and Comrade Jager gives a short talk Immediately following the meetings...
...y New Jersey Branches are meeting, with fan- attendance, but not as strong as during the campaign of last Fan...
...Rand School...
...Max Ooldsmlth wul give a dramatic recitation and impersonation...
...One of the local comrades, William Thompson, spoke at the CoUingswood Baptist Church test Sunday evening to the Young Peoples League on "What Is Socialism...
...12, New Leader Dinner, Webster Han...
...opera atager^win give bar services for the evening...
...Trier are as follows: Atwater Kent Radio, sflverward, clock, table tamp and a est ef books...
...Miss Ruth Pttse will p'«v the "Prelude to C by OHnr»*-», "Chopin," by Schumann, and the "Etude," bv Chrmi-i...
...An announcement win be made for those comrades and friends who are Interested and who have Joined the Party recently...
...The concert program ta as follows: Duet played by Lillian Oevertman and Ruth Plies, Two Boantah Dances" by Moscowsky...
...Henry Jager w?s selected as County Organiser...
...He certainly knows his onions and can put it across...
...Community Church Office...
...The debaters are V. F. Calverton and August Ctaesaena Chairman...
...Miss Lfli-n Oeverte-*-ian win also ntay "Va)««> NOSe" and the Sherso by Chooln...
...Tickets are now on sale at the City Office...
...34 »~—w Ovosswaith Testimonial Dinner, Park Palace...
...1. Theatre Benefit, "S...
...Comrade Claessens will present the point of view of modern Socialist and sociological thinkers in defense of the preposition...
...a m\rt BeSa» S'eP fvry ¦(a...
...Bun, jifr are 83J0 \ ¦ ' MANHATTAN ¦ - : 3-S-lS A. ». —" The Branch will meet Tuesday...
...Community Room at the rear of 4313 Carotin street, at 6:36 p. m. The forum conducted In Sunnyside meets the first Friday evening of the month at 8:15 p. m. in the Wttson Court, Community room at 4348 Carotin street...
...T Bast 18th Street...
...A spatial effort will he made to increase the membership...
...They s aapwtsnce of bunding up MMiitwM— end that now it szmt BBsyT But the success ¦JLT...
...Ktags Highway The next meeting win take place Tuesday...
...Community Church...
...35, 8:30 p. m. at the Community Church...
...BRONX The event of events «wy>T>p the Bronx Socialists is drawing near...
...Let either branches, and older ones, please emulate, New York State 'Baste Executive Cemxeittoe State Secretary Merrill announces that the next meeting of the State Executive Committee will probably be called for Sunday, Jan...
...18 A. D. The weekly urograms are now to tup swing and eliciting much favorable commcnt...
...Be spoke on "Sodaltass and the Labor Miiisemiil ta sHtertine...
...wtsljibt beginning to come |.WJ~j|b3 due stanrpa, sew "7...
...bii -biatrr* Reservations are sorurnnlkUng to good proportion for the testimonial banquet tFrank Crosswalthe on Thursday evening •Ten...
...louls W«n--h win sing "Che Oeli da Manine," by Puccini and "Bad You But Known.' by Donee...
...Saturday, Jan...
...The concert win begin at 8:30 p. m. and daneteg at 8:30 p. aa...
...BsitUBore, New York p etar points are expected to kite National Office win be ¦fjw ftam Bohemian Socialists jm nation so that we may lyfj** of organization, a —w steak and Branches 9 * taeals and branches P* the National Office for »and membership all kinds, buttons, mvaewrrlvania aaaatag fiefs aaebubt League has vot¦Rbjf (2o to the National I jxmbm ta one of the most i^™ * .me Reading movement w*s *e depended on...
...28,' Bronx County Ball, New Terrace Ctexdens, 180th St and Boston rood...
...During the Intermission between the lecture and questions, a abort cultural psegraas wee with a very solrited and WutiraTrwtUtlon of Current Poetry...
...8:30 p. aa, ta the home ofCemrastas iitagben, lit Wast 13sta street...
...The New Haven Trades Council Forum dasaands that the A P. of L. reopen the Brookwood College case...
...25, following the business meeting...
...The plan of work was outlined, territory surveyed and activities proposed...
...local Camden had a very well attended meeting on the 8th...
...Friday, Jen...
...x A, D. | This district ta t-erring with activity...
...H. O'ConnelL finauftol secxetary-treasurer...
...Financial Secretary, Edward Thompson...
...S3 A. D. i The Friday evening forum is picking up in attendance... the rVM of the last campaign...
...Stasjoe Kraamvlna, an...
...The subject is "Should Soviet Russian be Recognised by the United States...
...Officers were ejected and It was decided to engage a full time paid county organiser...
...The next affair, which ta being run Jointly with the 4 A D. Branch 1, ta expected to be s success fin an el ally and socially...
...iMagSi J. A Kfcr.ber, Wray...
...1jsbtafs ore signers to the sanrrri r'*" for organization ¦anew signer voices his oc ss the work of organization mt hsM ef vigorously...
...Newark Branch 1 of Newark met on Monday and discussed the working of the new Constitution as to dues and ^muft^j branches of the party, postponing further consideration until the next meeting, to be held on the 28th, when a talkto to be given by Organizer Sutton upon the outlook for the ^Soctahst Party...
...Buffalo Local Buffalo has manifested Its wulingEess to bold a conference dinner this winter, and has msde further Inquiries from the State Office* as to the purpose and scope of these affairs...
...Con^ Berger-a speeches can be secured by written, to itas state eatase...
...He win work under the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Cits- Office...
...Comrade J. L. Afros, director of the Young Circle League, win speak for the branch on "Socialist Definitions...
...This affair to being held by the 6-8-12 A D. Branch with the cooperation of the City Office...
...The eft air wfil be a, debate between Norman Thomas, our re- • cent candidate for president, and Princess Alexandra Kropotkin...
...Minna is without a pe»r...
...January 18...
...Debate, Tho*-«* end Princess Kro-otkin, Community Church...
...1 rarum run by the Ver*«b3rr2?tri'* n^"u th" Ig^KWaTbave Prof...
...Camden ta a model branch, says Comrade Sutton...
...BMw srsved the worst weather ¦psaaws winter to be pees fab wen repaid by the * bas aewaweratale of bis very mm te the Chicago movement 1st b bdld up a strong active ¦as, on Sunday, Jan...
...13, at the headquarters, 604 Sutter avenue...
...That Constant Sex Relationship ta Indispensable te Individual and Social Happiness...
...11, in our beadquarters, Reckaway Manatan, 895 Rockaway avenue...
...Miss Anna Ardanova...
...He has been engaged to deliver a series of talks on the elements of Boat litem, particularly for the benefit of the new members...
...The Sunday evening forum Is orogrewdng...
...The chairman of the Women's State Committee, and the executive secretary of the Y. P. 6. L. will be invited to sit in at this and subsequent meetings of the State Executive Committee...
...AH srrangemerta have been completed for the Annual Concert and Bail of 1929 at the New Terrace Garden, 181st street and Boston road...
...7 Bast 15th street, and the various branches...
...21st A B. The Intensive drive to the Stat A D. ta achieving results...
...2$, Detir'i, C«lverton and CI lessens...
...BoehUist Party...
...Leon Rosser Lead, leader of the Fellowship, wfll speak on "The Faith of the Skeptics...
...daughter of the famous Russian Anarchist and scientist...
...rtent'ed to ail party hp eby to attend...
...It is a package party and dance which will be held Saturday evening, Jan...
...32-38 A. D. • This branch wfil meet Tuesday, Jan...
...Denver, & A Garth...
...omsees on every one of us fvaeaest pat It over...
...33, at the headqusrters, Klngsway Mansion, lees Avenue F (Bast 16th street and Avenue P...
...WeQ remarked that lecturing to branches was not in his line—his forte being street corner speaking...
...Comrade itlsbbdu and tried Ideas on ¦psveoaaseajgn and run a hnast a sapper was given, Bsawat...
...Osaae to bustneas uifatlngi sad help plan far future ednc%tior*l eve...
...The fonowteg women eeseradas are acesmenetad for the iplendld work dens ta trying to make the affair a success: Tsrsstaw...
...Ways and means were dliniassd to finance this undertaking...
...for the purpose of planning activities for the balance of the winter...
...New York City Coming Party Events Thursday .Tsr...
...M. Coldwell...
...Lyric Dramatic Soprano, wfll render the following program...
...A committee was elected to help boost the Commonwealth Banquet at which Morris Hillqutt will apeak on Feb...
...They endorsed and confirmed the action of the State Committee and the Budget Committee in Its plans to finance the organisation through an eaeaaamowl and pledge plan...
...Joseph A Well, one of our old standby*, addressed the comrades on...
...8-18 A D. A well attended meeting was held on Tan...
...Frank Croaswsito save a abort talk whtah was received with greet interest...
...Boan ta ready to start gSStaeo for another two days Saba seehlkas Orraaliing ¦Mat Socialists are organis¦¦¦SbB and hope to be afflU'bssjmafist Party in a short PI Csdeago Bohemian Socialists 'wM.wb watt of organising and "Petto save branches in a number p» fee weeks...
...The next meeting win be bald Wednesday...
...Be chose as his topic "The Socialist Perty and its Critics...
...The 5th...
...This win take piece on Jan...
...For doing Jane Hifgtas' work offering her services at aU times and under ail conditions...
...and now the 18th have been fortunate in numbering Minna Pltat among its members...
...a special meeting of the local will be held Thursday evening... «:30 p. m. st Park Palace Henry Gross Is ta charge oTarrangenie»t_ and reservation ean be made at the Ctty nm» i least 15th street...
...and Labor Temple, 2nd Avenue and 14th Street...
...Several prizes win be distributed...
...FeK 22, Social and Dance, Debs Auditorium...
...Henry hpttbois Catesae leetMtJee awsrf Ith there was a conferjaantau tram oyer Chicago held lawaal Qraee ta the afternoon ¦M of etaeussing Party ef ¦ EavauT W. Boan of Milwaukee ease* The conference lasted for ¦at) erem-ades were muct mkm) talk Comrade Boon gave ! baawast D'ftis for bto'tfna asst rsftr organisation, bow tc itaataawral campaign and how bk after victory...
...The branch is takinz an active interest in the work of the City Organization and 'he Rand School and will participate In the classes arranged by bath organize-1 tlons...
...A number of rumed with Alice Crawford, well-known Stagro^aoprano...
...State Organizer Sutton also spoke, and recommended that the method of doing business ta short order, foDowed by a talk from a local or other com reus, be continued, wlih the public Invited to listen in...
...rr next sneaker will be Leonard CL Kaye, who will speak on "My Trip to the South...
...At the ssaond asst^ed tosfe .teistolfcom...
...Another local minister, s Socialist, ta to be present at the next meeting... of the best ol our old time speakers ta available gag, lectures on "Industrial Feudalism... The state exacuttv^commTttee has tatroduoat four altb in the State LeetatstMre...
...The Branch is expected to set favorably on the suggestion that the executive committee, formed by all the officers mentioned above, save the time of the Branch by considering all communications and bills prior to the meeting and bring to the mam body their recommendations concerning them...
...8th Cotigrtinstenal District Under the auspices of the vsrioos branches in this district, an affair has been arranged to 11m...
...when a local comrade, Herman Ntessner, as chairman of the Campaign and Bntertalnment Committee, gave a splendid review of a meeting ta Philadelphia be attended when James Maurer told them how things were in Reading...
...rade Ctaaesans spoke on the important baopeninas of the week IDuetrated from the Bocislist point of view...
...Alternate Delegate, Kenyan Smith...
...8-8*13 A. BL . A very well attended meeting was held test Monday evening...
...I fawtiirii comes to bat with it7,il - te the National Ofi swnbitli- work...
...Hudson County Local Hudson County had a membership meeting on TbMTsdav the 10th and reviewed the local situation... paoabai ofnetab who tojtorfore with peaceful picketing, aad to sarersfthan the state tas^J^jfj £j££«f^rid.aem from seaasaaiMMsxs oornoratexsl...
...About 150 were present at the Friday evening lecture and Comrade Claessens spoke on "The Socialism of George Bernard Shaw...
...The nan was SQad, end an Interesting <lscTjaslor> followed On Friday, Jan...
...This wfil be a purely business meeting and there will be no lecture because of the numerous matters that have to be token up... 304 Bast Broadway...
...BvesF*1 '?tordtaomstosw^^^ are.sure we abetud keep up the good week...
...v-l that due recognition should r*- given to erapjados while tr-y are with us...
...This forwm meets every Sunday evening at 86 Avenue C. and begins promptly at 8:80 a. so...
...QTJEENS The branch matte the Sad and 4th Tuesday of each month, to the Monroe Court...
...New isairiiTi are being ecespted at every jranch meeting, vartous commii - -e now busily engaged ta promoting the sucavered in t^mn^ww&^at t^babaif of A I. Shiptacoff...
...Irterearing Peseta A debate wfil be held on the topic "Is Monogamy Inevitable'' on Friday...
...January 24th...
...Minna cannot point to decades of activity in the movement, but wherever she has been, there you have found activity...
...XI Colewed Avaftaate Jos...
...Breslow has been appointed treasurer...
...are ataailMMhrn~ paras **-*S>tettrir1— The new Con* th*t ell member* mud ?•psteerty due* for m* by ^smtsrol The officials c* ** beet bsey at eece In lining ^tabut the mem ben should stta celled on...
...A good program bee been arreaged One efrtbe new comrades of this brasMsh...
...Pledgee have been green by i several members towards a dental clinic fund, of which Comrade Dr... proeisb far fn^m ¦*7% Unempkryment Tnsuranee, to abolish toJuncttone ta .tabor dtaputas...
...Public Forums BRONX FREE FELLOWSHIP Harry Elmer Barnes wul address the 9 o'clock Open Forum at the weekly meettog of the Bronx Free Fellowship at Azure Masonic Temple, 1691 Boston Road, near East 172nd Street, on Sunday evening...
...The committee to took for dub rooms wfil also report on other Important matters...
...34 on the aub"."y the urogram of the [b w*«spubUcan Parties is ay^onisre and freedom of bty> American people than \ Sab 3...
...Frank Creaswaith turned In his first batch Of armrJoattane blanks to the City Office and the radios...
...However, Joe Weil was a revelation to himself, ss well as to the 1 branch...
...6, he ¦ at •darts* it the Socialist Porches* audience...
...11, at the Boro Park Labor Lveeum...
...Prtn-iol-s of Poci».lb^hatan of the ballot to evR&* Aaeefcraary ¦tanr bs Wul e»l=brate its first tjK9>tfay night, Jan...
...The ladles of the Mothers Club of the Workmen's Circle, held a meeting 'Thursday, Jan...
...The debate win be held in the Community Church on Friday evening...
...It, wa'artghtor^Beeeh* avenuat'a^Vetcbertoka aad Dance wfil be bald...
...Both August Claessens and George Ooebel are expected to attend further Branch meetings for educational talks...
...A osctoton was made to sell New Leaders at the lecture bald by this brs^ Stsaon Cobeat, csmtrdaer, enrolled two new Taambate Oh Jan...
...tgaY say for you to go on recSkftatjoo will do In this imlasalssi Fa...
...This meeting win be preceded by the 8 o'clock Fellowship service, at which Rev...
...At the first of these talks test Monday evening, the room was filled to capacity -nd an Interesting discussion took place, -h* branch has reserved a table for the -cwswalth Testimonial Banquet...
...Tickets are now on sale, limited and reserved, 75c and $1.00, and can be obtained by maO from the Cite Office, Socialist Party...
...They should lvbbl enss at once, and those I* | ¦ |-r for l*tl should secure sssavjs to out them in good *kg| Jan...
...ataasaroas the date, Feb...
...Bass, Engelman...
...Club has ar* alrvita the Roxbury Civic ¦g- jm...
...Morris Stempft...
...Leon R Land...
...A •aaK'J...
...j sewOatarado Springs...
...A number of activities are being planned...
...Mention was made last week of Florence Mltiln as one of the tireless workers of the 18th A D. When talking of the ladies of the branch, one thinks immediately of Minna Pilar...
...If you ~ - m. do not delay another gtssarassss on the list of honor lWs» the National Office at mmm est amount you will give ¦ekarrtel this year for the pro¦ Mlialaitlnn We have a big 'jlztmm who are willing and ¦jzmt as the }ob and we hope i mm la the field at once, but ¦gt be fa a position to guaraw ttatr wages and expenses...
...Comrade Jager has been engaged for s series ef lectures by the Forum Committee, the next lecture being given Sunday evening, Jan...
...mrm^ Walter K. Davis reports that be has a number ef "The Commonwealth" Calendars on hand, anyone wishing one can send 12c to the State Office Socialist Party, Room 33, Pell Bldg., 33 Church St., New Haven...
...Inafd areufffsfsre organization, speakasfasdf safjsf fto the National adf sdf if there is no local organization bfkluj at Large by applying for affasr jfsdof to the National Office...
...limi meetings will also be ^BftaWn and Blrdi'xiro in the ^wjmt theme of these meeti w. ¦ "ta notary of the working «28sj...
...Officers for the year were elected...
...Literature Agent, John W. Quenthennan, Publicity Agent, L. F. Qrelner, and en the Campaign and entertainment Committee were sleeted Ctaaraetas Herman and Mattte Ntastner, (Hive Sherlock and Agnes Stamps... the new club rooms, 600 West 181st street, room 10, at 8:30 p. m The branch is working out plans to have a series to talks on the Elements of Socialism...
...Nathan Oanoelman was elected secretary and Chas...
...Simon and Jaffee...
...The second oart of his orogram wfll consist of "Per Wos" and KHsteln and Yiddish Folk Songs...
...Bean was the honor jtkm mm ft was possible, unkbjat any administration, to get pjsea amruer and other such ¦Bteawa under old party rule...
...Aria," from Madame Butterfly," by Puccini, "The Joy of Life," by Oltere, and the "Romance" from Or>nnt-«« m-nt-v by Kalmia...
...V. F. CalvertoQ will present another point of view to current sociological literature as wen as his own conclusion to the matter...
...The comd jat local hsve planned to hold lg af aD registered Socialists t~ as I 111 Sunday afternoon in m They hope to get a comgai lwflug to give them a talk m Sjt WJterx to become members gr^STv Wyoming ¦tarda** ef WvomJng are planl7st swnthly bulletin In the has Taey intend to start with lawsi and expand slowly ao as I mm a ¦Starr In attempting to h rat There is a feeling in [Sat ether riates^in this region etsriondo ,-ejaawa Socialists have elected gas tar the Party for the year Btjata: Stats Secretary, c. A. ITaSl ll State Committee...
...Thursday evening, Jan...
...m. at 320 Blue Hill !* tail >ec^ **** arranged a ^"B"r »viedman for Wedips' Dates ^speaks twice on the l*-is- "•i-P Snringneld on 'QBsi^l^: Holyoke College ~-Wabterday, Jan...
...ta ¦aedwig ^bj**** *m address a mass , ^B* "foheum Theatre Sunday i"- wateh promises to be one mssrjt* b*1* »o the citv...

Vol. 8 • January 1929 • No. 1

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