The Dollar Continues Its Conquest The Reports of a Single Day from the Economic Front Mergers, High Dividends, Fabulous Profits Is Uninterrupted Order of the Da v. R priori* Show By James...

...Here are a few of the questions applicants are required to answer...
...Well, the big bankers have most of the liberty bonds and the allied powers are collecting from Germany in order to turn the loot over to our financial princes...
...And she stood by her splendid husband in everything he did...
...Look not to Italy for robotizing the workers...
...Criticism has been made not against the day by day and inch by inch struggle of the organized workers but because of a conservative and defeatist psychology that has failed to carry organizatioYi into many leading and basic industries...
...In the old days of an earlier capitalism the wage worker was not required to fill any form...
...The Socialist ideal of industrial democracy thus emerges...
...Yet in all the verbal and literary ewtpnt this class never included the slaves and poor whites as a part of that "South...
...In other words, starvation wages, long hours of labor, submission to insolent domination are identified with "American ideals...
...Robotizing Workers JJUILDNG workers in New York City won the five-day weke which should inspire other unions to what can be done by determination and a will not to surrender to defeatism...
...She was a talented writer, a fine organiser...
...It was a'singularly beautiful Comradeship...
...lions of wage workers and farmers...
...Now if Mooney and Billings had swiped millions in oil lands they would not have spent twelve years in prison testing the quality of American "democracy" • • « It — reported that chemists have discovered a "kickless' alcohol...
...Alice Cassidy Passes f OCAL Socialists, as Wtn as many -*-J comrades aU ever the ossssfcry...
...8he was an active member of Father McGlynn's Anti-Poverty Society, and a close, friend of Henry George...
...He loves to dwell on past victories and pleads for a continuance of "tried means and methods" which have produced such beneflcient results...
...There is Utile cause for pride when one considers that only about ten per cent of the wage earners in this country are organized, and that furthermore, even among those already organized little power is able to be exerted, and that membership in many groups is declining in consequence...
...These three appeals having come at the same time and being of equal importance may appear to present a problem to our readers but we believe it is easy of solution...
...We are standardized, dragooned, measured, goose-stepped, indexed and brass-checked by the feudal capitalism which has become general throughout the United States...
...The conquest of American industry by the powerful capitalist and banking classes is proceeding at an amazing rate...
...All but four are ta the million dollar class...
...Workers applying for jobs are indexed regarding their age, family, nationality, present or former affiliations and given a number on the corporation books...
...She was a splendid character...
...In the case of clerical and managerial positions the applicant was required to give a few references...
...Tbn is no free land to which the despoiled mtj escape as in the earlier phase of captttiistic development...
...The "earnings" for the whole average 12.1 per cent...
...The whole capitalist system is betsg sr...
...The assumption is that progressive critics of some leading trade union policies do not favor such gains and yet there has not been an important struggle of unions for better conditions in this country that has not been supported and encouraged by Socialists and progressive union men...
...1 tested business men must look elsewhai for a living...
...Acting SeervUry...
...She was a talented artist...
...One does not have to look to Italy for |his...
...Incidentally, she was with him when he died eleven years later...
...One of the most remarkable phases of concentration is the advance being made by chain store corporations...
...Thus the capitalist sassa may enjoy prosperity through lnenssti output with a smaller working fores ekSj the working class face Increasing eatress...
...Our Prison Ideal J^S THOUGH to confirm the observatiqns made above an application blank provided those desiring a position with the Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc., comes to The Xezv Leader...
...Progressive Unionists To Meet in New York Progressive labor!tes will hold a day or two conference on May 25-26 ta New York City to organize their forces and to consider how a progressive labor program may be put into effect...
...They are typical of what Is being reported from day to day...
...That judgment is correct, but it applies almost exclusively to the great capitalist and financial organizations...
...Our American Communists who are bawling about their cronies killed ia Berlin reminds us of the story Anatole France tells somewhere of the bully who triad to kffl a man and was knocked down...
...The same psychology is evident in the survey made by President Hoover's Committee on Recent Economic Changes...
...The Conquering American dollar continues to invade economic activities all over the world...
...Today the worker is X-rayed, his life history is surveyed, and he is indexed like hams in a packing phut...
...No less than 36.6 per cent, of the world's nearly 10 billion gold supply was held ta the United States at the end of the year 1928...
...Edward F. Cassidy...
...The president of the A. F. of L. seems to be much stirred over the fact that there is a tendency in the A. F. of L. toward progressivlsm...
...While this may be an exaggeration, on the whole it can be reconciled with the fact of increasing unemployment and general distress for the working class...
...A few mtj be made lesser captains in the gnat at- { ganizations but most of them must h satisfied with clerical employment si wage workers...
...The pamphlet parades the physical and natural resources, soil, water power, roads, railroads, raw materials and labor power available to capitalists who invest their money in the Piedmont section of the Carolinas...
...Three Urgent Causes 'THREE causes, each one of special importance, are making a strong appeal to our readers for financial help...
...Green stated...
...But they know and he knows that he has with him a memory of a beautiful soul and a beauUful Comradeship that will be with him always and that will grow brighter as the years roll on...
...It represents the Increased exploitation of human labor power...
...She served on committees...
...The Piedmont Paradise J^S ATTRACTIVE booklet of the Duke Power Company intended for prospective investors in the Carolinas comes to The New Leader...
...In fact, American capitalism takes on something of a prison regime for its ideal...
...24.5 per cent for drugs and sundries...
...A word or two should be said of Alice Cassidy's other talents...
...Timothy Healy, W. Ellison Chalmers...
...It is typical of such forms used by other employing corporations...
...Empty store buildings ta thousands of cities are monuments which register the defeat of small business ta the struggle with the giants...
...It is certain to become the conscious aim of the million who are the victims of the new serf Am that is rising on American soil...
...If there was ever a time when new policies were needed It is now, and it ill becomes the president of this great organization to see anything "amusing" In the fact that an earnest effort is being put forth in some quarter...
...A recent study made of the increase in American productive power due to new machines, standardization, and unproved technique, estimates that this productive power has increased more than 50 per cent ta the past ten years...
...If so, it is he that is amusing, for it requires no great powers...
...Those associated with this report certainly know that there are over four million jobless wage workers walking the streets and that new machines are adding to their number...
...The fact is that card indexing and regulating the workers is a conspicuous policy in this country because many union leaders have failed to grow and we have not checked the power of the feudalists...
...Among the signers to the call are the following: A J. Muste, James H. Maurtr, Cal Holderman, Norman Thomas, Henry LinvUle, Joseph Gilbert, Frank Palmer, Israel Mufson, Earl White...
...There is the call initiated by the Socialist Party to aid tht British Labor Party, the Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief which is raising funds for the southern textile strikers, and the appeal of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party for financial contribution to carry out its plans for organization and educational work...
...wesw deeply saddened last week to bear of the death of Comrade Alios Han Cassidy, win of our veteran fighter...
...The "earnings" show an increase over the previous year...
...The low average for male workers is a trifle above $2...
...It is not only an American conquest...
...Contributions for national party work should be forwarded to the National Office of the Socialist Party, 2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, I1L IN A NUTSHELL Rarely did Coolidge when President speak on international questions without asserting that "we" wanted nothing and received nothing from the World War...
...The New Leader should have a hundred thousand readers but this will not be realized unless you show your copy to others...
...only one shows a deficit...
...Why not displace the two parties of the magnates in future elections ? Any objections ? • • • Special from the Congressional front...
...Some will go into tlx nr vice of the feudal combines, betas nduced to the status of vassals...
...Her health had been failing for about five years...
...representing the Women's Auxiliary of Bix Six...
...Herewith we present a few items taken from the financial pages of the New York Times for Sunday, May 12...
...Relief for the textile strikers should be sent to the Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief, 70 Fifth avenue, New York City...
...The Comrades who know and love Ed Cassidy are with him in this dark hour...
...Continuing its sour mood, the editorial refers to critics who "can prepare a program that will blue print an order of society where everyone is regulated and card indexed, as in Italy, for instance...
...They provide a three-fold emergency that is rare in the labor struggle and it imposes upon us a special effort and a more generous response than is usually expected...
...The Socialist Party is still encaged in educational work...
...She was a dressmaker, and she went into business with her sister Linda...
...Instead of finding progressivlsm "amusing" it will be well for the present leaders of the A. F. of L. to realize the need for progressive policies, which if they are unable to or unwilling to adopt, they will sooner or later be supplanted by a leadership more able and courageous...
...Splendid Beyond all Human Experience,, WHEN cotton was king and slave owners were a ruling class they and their politicians were accustomed to speak in the name of what they called the "South...
...Then ft...
...She threw herself with all her energies into the great garment strikes, beginning with the shirtwaist strike of 1909 and 1910, and into numerous other strikes...
...And in that branch she met Ed Cassidy, and in 1900 she married him...
...When a soMier kffls himself to escape the "democracy" he helped to win our comment is uansf esisry...
...They are laying tin basis for a more powerful political tat economic movement of the despoiled mil...
...In the upper range of the capitalist system the ruling classes are devouring the lesser capitalists and enjoying "earnings" that make the annual Incomes of a dozen old monarch* look like the shopping change of the housewife...
...Mm Cassidy died Thursday, May 9th, at her home...
...Finally ta 1899 she joined what was then the Social Democratic Party—now our party—and was the active spirit in organizing the splendid Upper West Side Branch, that conducted excellent lectures at Colonial Hall, that carried on agitation year after year, and that trained hundreds of our finest people in party work...
...She Joined both movements because in them she saw the upsurging of labor...
...During the month of April the previous high record of September, 1928, was exceeded by 1.1 per cent and was 3.3 per cent higher than ta February at tsi present year...
...847 West 133rd street, after an ffineas of aye weeks...
...But It will only live and thrive as it adjusts itself to changing economic conditions, and taking unction to oneself for the work accomplished by its pioneers will accomplish nothing...
...Recent news stories of the imprisonment for debt of girl strikers, an abomination that goes back to the colonial period, rounds out the story of this capitalist paradise that has wooed the dollars of northern capitalists...
...Their prosperity has been "splendid beyond all human experience... a time when a woman who took an interest in public affairs was considered a rather humorless freak, she was throwing herself with all her energies into the labor and Socialist movement... those who desire nothing but the good and welfsre of the workers...
...Meantime the concentration of Industry and finance, including the retail trade, is making remarkable strides...
...These figures reveal such unspeakable conditions that comment is unnecessary...
...Among the most attractive advantages offered are cheap labor and long hours which average ten a day...
...ilsBj must become wage workers and thus tnt the army of the unemployed...
...Alice Cassidy was a woman in whom was planted a passionate hatred of wrong and a passionate devotion to liberty and injustice...
...Knowing all this we also know that when they speak of "American prosperity" they follow the course of the slave owners who spoke in the name of the "South...
...The business began to dwindle and she was merely an employed dressmaker again...
...The report rubs salt into gaping wounds and is an insult to the working class...
...To them the "South" meant the politics, government, property and interests that served the slave owners...
...Most of those who spoke were friends of many year's standing, those who had fought with her for decades, and several broke down and openly wept as they tried to speak their words of farewell...
...Every reader who has employment can spare something...
...Who is there that wiU deny that this is typical of all big employing corporations...
...It prevails in American industries and as a policy is eating into unionized, industries...
...The masses must turn and fight for their emancipation from tlx dominion of the great oligarchs...
...Cassidy was born about 88 years ago in Canada and was brought to the United States at the age of IS...
...I am sorry to note that there are, in some quarters, demands that some sore of a so-called progressive movement ta our organization should be established, for a new policy, capture our great movement and make it responsible to these new leaders Ideals and hopes...
...They are now facing a lockout and we note an editorial in the A. F. of L. news service, which appeared before the lockout, that is petty in spirit and misleading in its reasoning...
...John C. Kennedy, Justus Ebert, Walter E. Davis, Abraham Lefkowitz, Fred Oaa, Nathaniel Spec tor...
...The male high average of weekly wages in a variety of industries ranges from $5.37 to $7.64...
...In 1896 she was an enthusiastic Bryanlte, feeling that the movement was an uprising of the masses, although she was never, a Free-Sllveriie as she had never been a Single Taxer...
...Some Enjoy Prosperity The headline, therefore, is misleading...
...This enormous increase ta producUve power has been accomplished with a decreased number of workers...
...However, these southern workers are giving an inspiring answer to this measureless insolence...
...It Is going to live...
...1 Masses Must Fight Here and Nee The grand dukes in the upper range at this capitalist and banking empire tn thus perfecting industry for public ownership and control...
...The prosperity of th- upper ruling groups is offset by economic ruin which stUl overwhelms hundreds of thousands of- farmers and the increasing army of jobless workers of the cities who have been thrust aside by the Industrial revolution...
...J. Hevrin...
...A news item declares that the red school house baa become antiquated...
...According to the signers of the call to the conference it is being arranged on demand of trade unionists ta various sections of the country who have hailed with enthusiasm the proposals formulated ta "The Challenge to Progressives," a statement which appeared in Labor Age, printed concurrently ta a score of labor papers, and which attracted nation wide attention...
...It is the happy utopia of sweaters, parasites, usurers and exploiters of workingmen an women...
...Get that subscription...
...They are displacing hundreds of thousands of workers in industry...
...The booklet goes on to describe the native born stock of human material to be exploited, 99.3 percent...
...Isidore Phillips, Norman Thomas, William KsTlln, Bertha H. Manly, Dr...
...Those who spoke were Algernon Lee, James Oneal...
...Thto sp requires thinking, education, organisatte and the will to contest for public powei if we are to avert the dominion ot an insolent oligarchy, fat with its gains, stupid as a ruling class, and no more useful to mankind than a fifth wheel to a wagon...
...The data reported ta the story shows that the output of American manufactures has so increased that it reveals "record activity...
...John Love joy Elliott, and John Kelly and John Simons of Typographical Union Number Six, and Mrs...
...He goes on in this strain and says that he finds it amusing which is his reason for referring to it...
...It Is Not Amusing * Nebraska Trade Union Journal Cannot ^Understand President William Green's Mirth From the Nebraska Craftsman I Official Organ of the Lincoln, Neb, Central Labor Coancilt A T the opening session of the Workers' Education Bureau held recently In the Executive Council Chamber of the A. F. of L. Building in Washington an address was delivered by William Green on the subject of workers' education...
...Cassidy wrote pamphlets and composed songs—which she printed herself—calling upon the masses to unite against injustice...
...27.8 per cent for automobiles, and 34.6 per cent far sviation...
...At a private funeral service held at her home, a number of Comrades addressed the sorrowing friends who had come to pay a last word of affectionate farewell to a woman who had given nearly 45 years of a singularly beautiful life to the cause of Labor and Socialism...
...Ye offer no comment...
...Judging by their past performances the farmers will be dead before these "progressives" fight a real skirmish...
...Appealing to a policeman the bully cried: "Officer, arrest that scoundrel...
...We suggest that the workers of this country playa big joke on the ruling industrial magnates and their parties...
...The respective rates for women workers are still lower...
...The April bulletin of the National City Bank presents a table of the "earnings" for last year of 39 corporations...
...It was a rare Comradeship, and her husband has a beauUful memory with which to console himself...
...Readers win note the item with the caption "Nation's Factories in Record Activity...
...They know the terrible conditions in the textile and mining industries...
...But at the height of her business success she became interested In the Henry George movement, and soon was four-fifths an agitator and only onefifth a business woman...
...ganized oa a higher collective basis...
...Anyone interested ta the conference is invited to communicate with Leonard Bright...
...We beg to dissent...
...Mussolini can learn much from the American employing class...
...Latest news is that the "progressives" are rallying to fight for the farmers...
...I tried to kill him and he knocked me down...
...This prosperity, "splendid beyond all human experience," is the prosperity of the despoilers...
...and "earnings" run as high as 23 per cent for printing and publishing...
...mother's maiden name, what is or was his business, country of birth, whether a citizen, number of years in the United States, if foreign born name of court where he was naturalized, country of mother's birth, and "what is the lowest salary you will accept...
...The Dollar Continues Its Conquest The Reports of a Single Day from the Economic Front Mergers, High Dividends, Fabulous Profits Is Uninterrupted Order of the Da v. R priori* Show By James Oneal rpHE remarkable economic changes go* tag on in the United States are registered dally ta the financial pages of the papers of New York City...
...They are taking their place in the modern labor struggle and are showing that the status of contented cattle is something they refuse to accept...
...Clinton S. Golden, J. M. Budlsh...
...They certainly know that agriculture has been looted and that hundreds of thousands of farmers have been beggared...
...An unemployed ex-soldier in Idaho committed suicide, leaving a note saying that his act-was not suicide but deliverance...
...Naturally," declares this slave bulletin, "there are no un-American ideals, "no notions of restricting output or shirking on the job...
...Bv j t ween the upper ruling class and the 1st* er working class is the middle clist et business men who are surrendering thetr j little accumulations of capital...
...The Xew Leader will acknowledge contributions for the British Labor Party...
...Every reader who can afford to share some of his earnings should make his contribution as generous as possible and divide it equally between the three causes...
...In the exciting days of ISM, when the whole Labor and Socialist movement strove to elect Henry George Mayor of the city, Alice Hall was active ta a score of different, ways...
...Prom her earliest years, long before the feminist movement had ever been heard of...
...The burden of the report is "American prosperity" which is declared to be "splendid beyond all human experience...
...Age, color, sex,"date of birth, country where born, American born or naturalized, court where naturalized, date of first papers, schools attended, marries] or sinarJe, if children how many and their ages, where {erwttny employed, weight of applicant, color of eyes and of hair, complexion, whether applicant follows physical training, whether he served in the army or navy, what papers and magazines he reads, father's name...
...The venture was so successful that she started a shop for theatrical costuming on Broadway and 32nd street, where she soon employed 20 girls...
...About the easiest mark we know ia politics is the worker who votes a Tammany ticket and Alls the pockets of the district leaders instead of winning political power for his class...
...Does Mr...
...Green Is right when he states "The American labor movement cannot be destroyed...
...Green really imagine anyone to believe that an amusing situation has arisen in the American labor movement which causes him to devote a long speech to it before a convention of serious minded men and women...
...When they are happy the working class is expected to be happy too...
...She wrote and printed and personally distributed leaflets calling upon workingmen to unite, and was active in many ottier wa\s...
...It is an interesting supplement to the news coming from the striking textile areas...
...Members of the unions who must pay the bills for this service are entitled to something better for their money...
...Millions of voters must have been using a substitute for many years considering the success of capitalist parties in getting their votes...
...She invented certain devices for women's clothing that she sold for a song to others, out of which it is said they made a million...
...104 Fifth Avenue, New York City, [ of discernment to discover that fear for his leadership causes him to take note of this progressive movement...
...The two were devoted to the same ideals, and they had no thought in the world other than the advancement of those ideals...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 18

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