SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK loeialist ¦PE.C. Meets fin Chicago ¦iaitoee Appointed to [ (jfcasBa New Secretary| Ttefe Union Appeal Out K ' "mm*9m Vmtrr Orruf»«ir»t) ¦MpPfc H^—Responding to the...

...vention to nominate candidates for...
...The public is invited...
...May 12.—Hike to Tibbets Brooks Park...
...All readers are urged to get in touch with Comrade Edson, for information in regards to the meetings...
...I enclose $5...
...23rd A. D. Plans Series of ActivltieMembers of the 23rd A. D. will have their attention occupied by a series of activities, some of them intended to help the party financially, others directed at securing a larger organization In preparation for the coming municipal campaign...
...These BflaV BsMt, Philadelphia...
...More of the leaders' discussions are being arranged...
...May 14...
...eBr*Ue* °' the League and ¦|bT3**£Procedure used...
...Issued an appeal to C ¦«•*«* of *!>• party and sympethE||| sBBSsasttorj& to contribute to the WBBSl Party campaign trad...
...May 15...
...These activities are* held at the People's Lyceum, 218 Van Sicklen avenue...
...I ^bb» GrrJe Leaders Meet I ¦ajT&fcCK t. EUKEBMAN ¦-¦¦•nssy the Young Circle League SJ* ssttrtty, there never had been Taw mlil11 in a formal get-tog *f dob leaders to discuss their ¦^amstd activity...
...i Brighton Beach j Plans for the summer season at Brighton Beach, where there will be a large contingent of Socialists from other parts ! of the city the next tew months, were...
...This was especially true of the 2d A. D . where Dr...
...Members of the sub-committees having those activities in charge, as well as all other members of the Executive Committee are urged to attend...
...New York...
...Executive Secretary...
...I **•* en aid age pensions will soon ¦ SBBBkb) and one on unemployment *bbsni aU be prepared...
...On Sunday evening...
...Special consideration will be given problems of the Socialist Sunday School and the Socialist Forum...
...On Tuesday evening...
...Out of town Socialist organizations are interested in getting several local speakers, and unless some arrangements can be made to provide meetings for them soon, the reserve of Socialist speakers will be depleted before the campaign gets under way...
...4th A. D. Branch Renews Activities Inspired by the large attendance at a banqquet held on the evening of May 1, at Zatx's Restaurant, 204 East Broadway, members of the 4th A D., Manhattan, branch of the ioekatlst Party, are preparing to take a more active part hi the coming municipal campaign, Veterans of many political battles on the lower hats to bring the branch back to its former stimdniy...
...It was decided to hold a county con...
...Socialists are asked to keep May 28th open...
...The committee will likely make & report in a few weeks...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the 8 o'clock Fellowship Service at the weekly meeting of the Bronx i Free Fellowship at Azure Masonic Temple...
...Send "Pioneers of Freedom...
...j A committee on organization, which...
...Here In pfiM cay of the nation the party antea art m deadly earnest in their Bbetb) take an organization and cam¦kjtsted of M.0M...
...In the meantime Mabel Barnes is serving as acting secretary...
...Can Jew and Christian Meet...
...BROOKLYN 18th A D. Results achieved by having lecturers at meetings of the branch have been surprisingly good...
...The branch nominatd tor , Alderman, Louis Stanley, and for Assembly in the Second Assembly District...
...The following week Dr...
...ties ¦ BUabtng the British struggle with a* * labor Party victory may have tssy hTbataee upon the future political ssarsf asserican workers...
...ill n of the Polish and Boss*" BBdahsi federations with the BBr sat toaeght several hundred new bbbbb They have excellent party bbbbbbs sad the Italian federation is B*BsBaaanoa of a dally by acquiring bbsjI af Basra Mundo...
...Last week Comrade Dr...
...The conference of State Secretaries intends to publish special leaflets and pamphlets on such subjects as Old Age Pensions...
...white Arisona and bnBbBSie hate state organisers in St hBL State conventions are to be sMhSaatacky...
...Athle* tic events...
...Non-Socialists, as well as Socialists, are invited to attend...
...Yipsels and others residing in that section are requested to attend the meeting and help make It successful...
...BRONX All Bronx Branches Beport Increase in Activities At *' meeting of the Bronx County Committee, held on May 6, reports received from the representatives of the various branches Indicated that there is more activity In the Bronx now than there has been in several years...
...State Secretary Merrill urges all other upstate locals to follow the example of Rochester...
...The 5th A D. reported an increase in membership, the 6th that prog- > ress was being made in perfecting an or-1 ganizatlon, the two branches in the 7th A. D. are holding meetings of enrolled voters, and the 8th A. D. where a branch was recently organized with thirteen out1 of the seventeen members, recent converts to Socialism, that the prospects of build- j ing a large sized branch were good...
...Reports to the Hklsf Oflsee of the party indicate H%pB*Md workers in many local...
...Jane 15 and 16.—City Convetion...
...May 15...
...Claessens will take a two-day bus tr.p beck from Miami to Jacksonville, where he will address a larger gathering in the Workmen's Circle Hall (Labor Lyceum at 7882 Duval street... the Cooperative Cafeteria, 15th street and Irving Place...
...y~Slst A. D. Ami— Fsrst to Begin Open Ah- Mectaags Despite Che unsettled weather the comrades of the 31st A. D. are out on the...
...Young Circle News {The Young Circle clubs have been formed by the Workmen's Circle to provide children of its members an opportunity for social and intellectual contacts in an atmosphere sympathetic to the ideals of the labor movement...
...All.members of the committee are urged to attend...
...will start tor the Paetto Coast tji an auto mobile la July and the National Office •wfH cooperate With him hi breaking the Journey by holding meetings at many points on the root...
...while the 3rd...
...The balance, is a gift to our paper...
...A survey 1 stocei will be made by the "¦¦I Otset to ascertain their prostoftes character of the help they * BB| at waging >an effective cam***»¦»¦ Kirkpatrick...
...discussed at a meeting of the Brighton' Beach Branch, held last Tuesday evening...
...New York City Coming Events May 30.—New Leader Dance...
...The re-capture by the city of the subway system was advocated...
...At the branch meeting to be held on Monday, May 12, at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, Comrade Fred Shulman will deliver a talk on "The History of...
...Concert to raise funds for the relief of "declassed" Jews in Soviet Russia...
...After a IBHtei'M discussion, the followi^Sff*** passed: ||9B««o of the aims of the YCL gnpMsantt among youth a sym¦frjOjnstnsUiHlliifc of the Labor 1*9 that another of the alms KSSBBaball be to promote a better ¦SVanig between the parents and BblSSS: Incidentally, both of B2SBon* i"m since adopted by g^bbw^^Meetlngofthe 5**ry 28, the group met again pwbUhe mbject "In what actlvl¦g**jyre- which shall help us BBTat^teeBan led to a consideration BaBaC...
...Gang rule at fssr, aais lead up to the doors of ¦BBkBMtBBB of both capitalist parties at sb* taWagent leadership and pub¦fc bb tatatttt Party can make some I bBbb at the city of gangland...
...Victor Chernoff, representing the Social Revolutionary Party of Russia, which has been suppressed by the dictatorship, explained in German his view of the world situation and what is happening in Russia...
...The city is rotten It tr a political revolt...
...A aaavsf cities show renewed activities al saatoysaent of organizers...
...Already the benefits of these conferences are evident...
...Executive Secretary Henry was not a candidate to succeed himself and a sub-committee was appointed to make recommendations regarding his successor...
...Ivy Coart...
...However, it is aVMarMd that nothing will so enbbbb Mspeodent political action in (tfjpftry at a political victory of the Ma% worktnt das...
...Los Ansfeajssd OrveJand...
...As a result they asked for a second meeting, which has been granted them...
...Claessens' Southern Tour TAMPA FLA Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 11, 12, and 13, August Claessens will be in and around Tampa, Fla., and will address several meetings...
...Each state will make a similar appeal for funds, and the State Secretary for New York will act as treasurer for the conference...
...William H. Henry BBBtfBt a resume of his work in drabsest sasny states with letters...
...tasutyiss* sgetiSjBy Tight Against 7 ^8ts^»iWEV^fcEdwardMp'>CUrkc will talk on "BTsTVD btonday afternoon, May IS at S o'clock on Sunnyaide Oardens, Bright Spot OB the Socialist map...
...BBBBdttee is convinced that cer* hadBBjs that have favorable pros*> hi cap or Congressional elections ¦BBlt glnu special attention, and •tBBrti b« concentrated on winning **m St these localities...
...May 10, 8 P. M.—At the Rand School...
...Special efforts are being made to dispose of a large number of tickets for a theatre party to be held on Tuesday, May 288...
...The leaders have become better versed in the subjects they have discussed: they have had the opportunity of getting the opinions of other leaders regarding their particular problems and difficulties...
...Socialist* residing in Brighton Beach I and toady to co-operate wito the branch are asked to onmmiinirito with Simon Cohen, ortaniBg...
...4) lectures...
...Please do not delay and let us close our books on this account...
...Clarke was named for the State Senate...
...Att branch niemhsrs can help restore the branch to its former position by attending this masting...
...Branches in the Wast wffl obtain terms of the National Office...
...New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland...
...EASTERN STATES WORK State Secretary Merrill has sent out an appeal for funds to carry on the work planned by the conference of Eastern State Secretaries of the Socialist Party...
...A Mollln, Philip Pasik, Samuel Orr and Jack Herling...
...COMING EVENTS Sunday...
...Sail up the Hudson to Indian Point...
...MIAMI, FLA...
...May 15, at 8 P. M., at the Peoples House, Room 505, a number ^of important recommendations of the Socialist Action Committee, including a budget for the coming year win be taken up...
...Unemployment Insurance and Socialism and World Peace...
...The Community of Love" will be th» ' topic ot the Rev...
...Kansas and Oklahoma sav B> sshrtillili state organizations...
...when Socialists will have an opportunity of seeing at the Comety Theatre Checov's "The Sea Gull" while at the same time helping the party financially...
...This is an all-day outing...
...Circle League...
...Sunday, June 2.—General membership meeting of all Junior Clubs in Greater New York and vicinity...
...Rabbi Mitchell Salem Fisher will speak on "Mendelssohn and Lessing...
...May 7. These activities will con- j slst of open-air rallies and indoor enter- | talnments, meetings and other activities...
...relating mainly to the manner in which it has been handled by organised labor...
...J. N. Cohen, secretary of the 18th A. D. Kings, reports...
...Long Island City, to name a county ticket for the fall election...
...1591 Boston road, near East 172d street on Sunday evening...
...May 12, a meeting of the Executive Committee will be held at the home of Comrade Weinberg, 10 Hegeman avenue...
...Chernoff declared that Russia and the United States represent two extremes and that much depends upon a powerful labor and Socialist movement in America...
...Open Air Meetings Begin A number of speakers are available for open air meetings...
...was elected...
...Mollln with a group of active workers is making a personal canvass of enrolled Socialist voters, resulting in additions to the party membership at every meeting... that we can make a social affair of it...
...It is felt that at the present rate of increase of unemployment, unless the problem of the jobless is* seriously faced in the coming months, next winter will witness great suffering in practically every city in the United States...
...Breslow will lecture on "The Labor Movement in South America.'' On May 24, an enrolled voters meeting will be held, the speaker to be announced later...
...June 15 and 16...
...The 1st A. D. has no branch as* yet...
...The proposed plan for Queens Borough to manufacture Its own sewer pipe was endorsed and the extension of the principle recommended as the only permanently effective method of preventing graft...
...Henry Jager has been secured for Friday night meetings to be held at the corner of Bristol street and Pitkin avenue...
...To work oat ways and means a meeting wffl be held at the Socialist Center...
...The money collected for this purpose is to be banked as a separate account and 1 to be used exclusively and solely for education and propaganda...
...finds it difficult to j maintain headquarters...
...Consideration also will have* to be given to the City Convention...
...The effect of the drive was to heighten the interest of the members...
...And so on...
...May 12...
...It desires .to keep at least two speakers and lecturers constantly at work in the Jurisdiction covered by the conference, which is composed of the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York...
...The conHaSSS?*1 *ecB>ea to be that the ¦Egnttace of these methods were ¦ffifBmtae order: (1) activity, (2) ¦bwi...
...At -least one meeting will be held in Miami...
...The enthusiasm created by his talk was followed by a more serious consideration of picas tor tnvaecUatc work...
...May 28, a County Convention win be held at the Sunnyaide Gardens, Monroe Court Committee, Room, Rear 43-13 Carolina street...
...This meeting is scheduled for Friday night, May 17, at 8:30 o'clock...
...Next Tuesday evening...
...Part of the proceeds from the sale of tickets will go to the City Committee, and part to the branch...
...meeting several hours after public notice was given of the intention of the American Socialists to raise funds to help the British Labor Party in the coming election, pitched into the drive, contributing til of their own to the fund, and organizing to raise funds wherever available for that purpose...
...Socialist canrfce-president in 1916...
...All readers are urged to get in touch with Leon Elk ins, of 1620 N. W. 30th street...
...So, when, in the * Brtroarr they were called EJMAI^adera- Meeting, something l^R*5!*,r' 14' some twenty I,-••"¦em "What Shall be the Aims Kr^f...
...Issntary 11—rj Reports htossport to the committee National Mk» Secretary...
...7 East 13th street...
...Sunday, May 28.—All-day outing...
...Comrade Louis Epstein will address the branch on "Companionate Divorce...
...Still an¦K9j*s pbmned ' through Wall B^bfP** jleo suggested that e trip M H^»«okwood Labor College...
...A special drive has been made to get out a large attendance...
...I It gi that visits and trips should I through the East aide ¦KROs-JJjeratrre Bouses in order •RJBdfflsrence between privato PPswo bousing, another trip ¦S * the clubs neighborhood hjbb arms to this so-called "enfJ1 feere sUO exists plenty of BljB people's houses...
...they have been able to work out programs for club and for interclub activities...
...June 8.—Meyer London Memorial meeting, to be held at the 2d Avenue Theatre, 2d avenue and 2d street...
...At the lost maettos «t the branch the Police Department was denounced for its raid on an apparently legal birth control clinic and for its wanton methods of carrying out the...
...We need at least ten people and hope to get twice as many to respond...
...ROCHESTER Local Rochester is to make a drive for , the collection of all back dues, using the notification and dues' collectors cards supplied by the State Office...
...Victor L. Berger translated the address In English...
...of Room 1, Union Station, Tampa, is in charge of all meetings in that vicinity...
...He Masai Office will also approach • b> Msgsts of Texas and Oklahoma *.ta, dew of arranging state wide ritste wafch ware popular affairs in aarjajaa before the outbreak of the MUk£ The situation in Chicago ssjsessn to be improving...
...It has been many yean since the party baa arranged toon for apiafcin of national prominence, exaept in ywars of a presidential election and an effort win be made -to tow one or more such speakers by placing them before, cortege and other groups a* well as at mass meetings arranged by party organisations Together with the new literature required, the aid to he extended to favorable local campaigns, and the appalling extent of unemployment that is apparent everywhere, the committee felt it necessary to issue a call to party members and sympathisers...
...MANHATTAN «-8-12 A. D. This branch will meet Monday evening, May 13 at 96 Avenue C. 3-5-19 A. D. The branch will hold an educational meeting on Tuesday, May 14...
...will conduct organization work in the absence of Louis Weil, who is going t abroad, consisting of Patrick J. Murphy, j Dr...
...Arrangements to hold such meetings should be considered at the very .next meeting of branchres, and the decision of the branch should be communicated to Marx Lewis...
...The response is eatrwmeiy encouraging...
...All comrades who desire to do so can have their dinner at the Cafeteria and we hope that as many of you for whom it will be convenient, will do so...
...The BjtBi araet regarding the nature g.bst was most beneficial...
...Morris Ant delivered an interesting and informative talk on what can be accomplished in the district with proper effect...» Calm Appeal Oat *¦» Oaeal for the committee on ¦to'eBbee, reported that the Address ¦ Bbbj Unions adopted by the last BBBBl ecofenUoc is now being printed ItaBtMonal Office win have it far ¦sstassodest price in a few weeks...
...City Executive Committee At a meeting of the City Executive Committee Wednesday...
...This week Edward LeVinson, associate editor of The New Leader, discussed "Labor Education...
...In ¦^BbB eppeel the committee was ItjBjfwpwt Bare than a thousand dol^Zimftf eoQectrd...
...All those desiring to join must meet on the Wood lawn station of the Jerome Avenue subway not later than 9 AM...
...That effort can now be made...
...The one definitely planned is for Wednesday evening...
...Louis Waldman win speak on "New York City's Political Future.Municipal problems, and the relation they bear to the health, comfort and education of the population, will be discussed...
...county offices, on Juno 21...
...earners several evenings a week holding meetings with Prank Croatwaith as speaker...
...The report I of branph activities was said to be the best received in quite some time...
...The State Secretary of the Socialist Party, M. E. Edson...
...Party organizations are urged to take the initiative in inviting labor organizations to Join in setting up unemployed councils and to formulate measures of relief...
...M. Baron, secretary, reports an increasing interest in branch work, due to continuous and varied activities, which keeps members interested...
...which succeeded in getting 200 j people to attend an enrolled voters' meet- j ing a few weeks ago...
...Meets fin Chicago ¦iaitoee Appointed to [ (jfcasBa New Secretary| Ttefe Union Appeal Out K ' "mm*9m Vmtrr Orruf»«ir»t) ¦MpPfc H^—Responding to the urWLptwmm of the British Labor Party §».*• SOS** etertkm...
...A few of the Jacksonville comrades know Gus Claessens, and have seen how he carries an audience off Its feet...
...Each member of the committee will assume responsibility for the organization work in one district...
...At the 9 o'clock Open Forum...
...half of which has biMr haw aided to the Labor BVstcbJst Party Is performing this bBBStheal doty despite its own need 1Mb to carry on urgent educational id fajsstsaUoo work...
...on Wednesday evening...
...More power to you," writes George W. Scott from out Seattle way...
...SPECIAL NOTICE f~ All comrades who have not settled for their dance tickets of April 27, will please do so at once.^ The money is needed as you all know...
...Among those available are Prank Crosswaith, Henry Jager, Ethelred Brown and Tim Murphy...
...This document stresses the eeonoimte distress that is coming to increasing numbers of workers because of rapid changes in industry and machines that displace labor...
...This work, now successfully begun, will be continued...
...904 Bast Broadway, on Wednesday evening, May IS...
...We must not attempt *%o copy any movement abroad, but build in accord with peculiar conditions in this country...
...Delegates to the convention were elected and the atetndance and interest was encouraging...
...J2d A D. Aids Campaign of the British Labor Party Members of the 22d A. D...
...the National Ebb** Csnnaittee of the Socialist i^^abstsag in a two dmy» session In EjaRBtnu potcl...
...Kmrn* 14 «<<bJect of the lead¦121"What is the rote of ;*» s dub meeting?- The B»»sroa tociudrd the attitude ¦a*, toward the group, how to motivate activity, shall the leader be a teacher or a participant along with the other members...
...Branch meetings and lectures are held every Friday evening in Room 4 of the Rockaway Mansion, 695 Rockaway avenue...
...Bring your lunch and fare...
...Comrade Alexander Walker, of the Scottish Labor Party will speak on the "British Labor Party...
...Miami, for information concerning the meeting...
...Jane IS and IS.—City Convention, be held at a place to be subsequently announced...
...From Jacksonville Comrade Claessens returns to New York, probably by boat...
...Music by Genevieve and Zelma Kaufman...
...Patrick Murphy Malin, writer and lecturer on economics and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Union Theological Seminary...
...East Harlem Voters to Hear Wild—an an May IS Enrolled Socialist voters, party mem* hers, and voters generally residing in the Bast Side are Joining with younger-mem* 17th, 18th and 20th Assembly Districts will organize for more effective work In what used to be one of the Socialist strongholds at a mass meeting to be held at the Harlem Socialist Educational Center, 62 East 106th strete...
...In the meantime, the open air season has gotten under way...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 17

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