RAYON MILLS FAIL TO OPEN; AID IS NEEDED 5,000 Striken Hold Fast -More Join WalkoutTroops Are Menacing Workers GREEN SAYS NO WORK WHILE SOLDIERS STAY Gastonia Bosses Hope Starration...

...This Is the charge of Sec...
...It wffl not last...
...It drives native ejeners as well as European and Mexkea gaasjgranB to the status of peasant aatteri...
...Weld Secretary of the League for ¦pSsdrJal Democracy, whom we have •** South on the relief job, forwards us •trfktng pictures showing what has b>PPenmf in KHsabethton...
...Grrrn baa declared that "Guns, bullets and troops do not operate' mills, - and has urged the striken to refuse to return to work undei any conditions so long as the troops remain...
...So far as I can hear the Zinovieff method is not to be abandoned...
...At one of the first sessions It was decided to send s wreath to be placed on the graves of the victims of the Haymarket affair...
...In aie1llsito» ssporto mM be mads by rsprsnsBtotttag ef Oabf T—j...
...and the Bwildtng Trades Council for the shorter work week...
...On the evening of...
...Senate Hearing* On Strike Begun WASHINGTON—(FP)—After a week's maneuvering, the Senate committee on manufactures began on May 8 its preliminary hearings on the Wheeler resolution proposing that this committee conduct a thorough Investigation into the southern textile strikes, their causes ard incidents...
...While Wall St...
...The bickering mentioned by President Zaritsky, refers to the attitude of the Communist members, who have taken a position against amalgamation In the plan to have the members of Local 43, in the millinery section, join Local 24...
...It is alleged that the police were ruthleas and that of 40 poUce Injured, only one received a bullet wound, thus indicating that pistol fire was not Indulged in by the rioters...
...In sections of the country where Socialist locals are rare...
...The Government tried to make out thai Mr...
...Statements had been spread far and wide by the Loyal Workers and the Btebethton press that thousands of strikers had no sympathy with the union and were eager to return to their Jobs at the oM conditions...
...Caps, for instance, which were once produced in many styles and weights, have almost completely gone out of use, and those which are produced are the simplest onepiece affairs of an almost uniform lightweight...
...We awmUsts especially, who in Britain would mmambeis of the Labor Party, ought to •In joy not only in sending our good ¦khss to our ~mr*i-r as we did after OH great May Day demonstration but oka to sanding them what financial help ' w* eta...
...Be thanked the Workmen's Circle for the valuable contribution it made of men and money during the last national campaign of the Socialist party, and for what It Is doing to help strengthen in every locality of the nation the Socialist movement...
...At tow it would appear that the law is nfc oU...
...It was perhaps worth taking if a complete settlement had been made in consequence of our altruism...
...EmU Rieve Heads Full Fashioned Hotiery Union PHILADELPHIA— (FP> —EmU Rieve of Milwaukee has been elected president of the American Federation of Pull Fashioned Hosiery Workers to succeed Gustave Geiges, who resigned because of poor health...
...That meant that if a settlement could be reached, we were willing to take upon our shoulders the enormous sum of £1,0004)00,000, which was really a debt of our Allies...
...Are we going to bicker smong ourselves or are we going to face the 1 problem and accept the challenge...
...Lord Cuahendtn, there win be a different story to tc&et Geneva and everywhere else...
...nmnen and workers will be asked to gar store for their sugar to help Amerk«t beet sugar interests...
...X do not want to disturb the dust on the Balfour Note, but I must make two observations shout it...
...He castigated those who had made the settlement, as we have often dona, and exposed their nature...
...It is, not...
...The enthusiasm that marked the opening ceremonies reached its highest pitch when Abraham Cshan, veteran editor-inchief of the Jewish Daily Forward, and one who stood at the cradle of the organization when it was bora, appeared on the platform to congratulate the convention o- its achievements...
...the firehose even, he said, had been used for the first time in Berlin's history, with the result that "until the evening of May L nothing unusual occurred in any section of Berlin with the exception of Hackscher Market, where there was one wholly accidental death...
...Tew assy wneqelvataBy •deay that each statement has been saade ajBwa/jy the BirHast party ef the United States er by see STOP The modest Usatrkee iisuUPjsttoua to year ipimirs nsjity frees etase SeeaUMs iriiiiiw ef adssarattoa far few sgsanaw* figs* whiab year party a seeking mat only to behalf ef the British werkers bat as** to behalf ef toUrnsrli—I aeJHMUUS HTLLQUtT...
...Churchill wished to present it It was a means to an end...
...Paul ***r...
...As a result contractors have agreed to revise their agreement with the council, to expire at the end of the year, to include the 40-hour week bagmnmg Aug 24, the start of the fan hwfkfmg season...
...Fisher, who double crossed labor by signing the Mansfield measure extending the powers of the coal and iron police, Instead of the Musmanno bill curbing their excesses, announced that Lumb had been instructed to make reforms in the industrial police force...
...Explanations may have been required, but when asked for by a front government bench spluttering in its frenzy, and bombastic in its tones and gesticulations...
...Most of the benefits of the tar¦ff gato the company, not to the men...
...The headgear workers* organization is the oldest In the needle trades group...
...Union officials were Jubilant over the failure of the strike-breaking maneuver...
...WINSTON CHURCHILL'S Budget has brought Tory spirits down to the depths of depression, which even Mr...
...In the H4iuu for taking it we shall be strong• to face our own responsibilities and •spcrtontUes...
...Some day (to d gumento In behalf of conscientious orbs' era may come In bandy to other am sclentious folks...
...Bat not a penny1 the rabef aiilasilgfcai...
...There wfil be no stopping it What is most Important, a great many of the mare important contractors have shown that they are quite willing to go on the five-day basis...
...yjaaan and little children who patiently gggjrate the- beets...
...The Tories are in search of a red herring, or a red rag...
...It was obvious that the Tory party leaders and their press are attempting to duplicate the infamous Ztoovlev scare of 1025 by raising a cry of "American dollars" buying the British election...
...Fisher Assailed on State Police Appointment HARRISBDRO, Pa.—Gov...
...In New York OH...
...As a matter of fact, the baste and enthusiasm of •.the Chancellor, r and even of the Foteign Secretary, ' to rush in and try to\ralse a kind of senseless Zinovieff cry...
...Unpaid- Organizers Busy The most inspiring aspect of the situation in the hat workers' organization is formation of volunteer groups, which do organization work without pay...
...This was the fiat declaration of W. 3. Spencer, secretary of the buitoting trades department of the American Federation of Labor, hailing the triumph scored In the metropolis by the forces led by VicePresident Broach of the International Brotherhood of electrical Workers...
...Horton of Tenrjeseee protesting against the sending of gOO state troops to Eixabethton to overawe the peaceful strike in the rayon mills...
...The widely heralded reopening of the Olanastoff-Bemberg mills on May • has failed...
...The police could not have acted otherwise than they did and no one with a spark of a sense of Justice could ask them to go against the sharps hooting rioters with only clubs and firehose...
...Wi wish they had found a way to make tte ! essential justice of their own pcetUoti j plainer to the great masses of worsen throughout the world...
...An effective boycott has been thrown against the strikers by the chamber of commerce...
...I was not going to play its game...
...Consistency may be a jewel, but the Communists evidently get theirs at Woolworth's...
...American Socialist Society Meeting Friday The yearly meeting of the ¦flasrtoaa Socialist Society (Rand School) win be held Friday evening, Kay 10th...
...Next year some committee must work out the technique ¦ of fuller participation by the immerse j audience in songs and cheers...
...the German government are warrantee, in accepting the Young compromise...
...Besides, the connections are not hard-up...
...sweetened by the possible profits of s Us-1 mendously powerful international bant which for more than a generation tska' millions from Germany, most of which will have to be passed on to the United States in the payment of debts...
...Oomanother eflort to break the Loray strike, where deputies* bayonets, lewilvers and dahs base failed...
...which was filled by more than 4,000 workers of Chicago who came to greet the ISO delegates who came from every section of the United States to participate in the deliberations, sent the convention off in high spirits...
...The settlements come to by Tory Chancellors of America and European debts are considered by most people as having sacrificed British interests in a most serious way...
...All members el the Arnerican SecisrsTt Society are urged to attend...
...The attitude of the Elisabeth ton oor respondents for the capitalist news agencies has been such that only through Federated Press and Its member papers have strikers been able to get their case stated and* relief funds raised...
...With some of the old-timers still on the Job, with many extremely pretty and smart looking girls from the Millinery section in attendance, with floral tributes and congratulatory messages from workers in the shops and from sister organizations, the Convention got under way, after having first taken part, in a body, In the May Day demonstration at Madison Square Oarden...
...Then the fat gotTfttbe fire...
...In 1928 a strike was conducted in the New York market for the -40 hour week...
...Yet I underahead that the Western Sugar Company ¦Mil something like 38% dividends last jasr...
...Hillqult made public the following cablegram he has sent to Arthur Henderson: "I understand that Leaden papers carry stetesneats to the effect that the appeal ef the War Is Hit party far contributions to aid ef Laser Party campaign has been inspired er ssScrled by yea...
...Note a Failure The second thing I wish to say about it is that It has not altogether achieved its object, and by taking away the power of high bargaining from us, the Note has contributed to the unfortunate position in which we and ourselves...
...Despite the strikes and picket lines of neighboring cities, Columbia, 8. C, containues to advertise itself as "in ideal location for Industries," With, "no textile strikes...
...But the settlement has not been made, and I do not think that, our Allies have ever appreciated what we have done...
...The Britain Labor Party enters the campaign with rvery prospect of success but is seriously handicapped by lack of funds, the appeal declares...
...asserted In urging American friends of the British Labor party here to come forward with contributions...
...The failure to reopen the .mills comes as a direct blow to the carefully nursed Loyal Workers of Demberg-OTanaatnfT...
...aPf fine May Day meeting ¦mh Rank atannlng* and the Fhlladelfytnssrades bad arranged m the Labor ~B**m I met an informal cpsaaattteo at I ^?**P>'mna, University men: and labor ^^°*fa- who want to plan a vigorous campaign In Philadelphia 3?*°"* right spirit and the right 2** -T*dr taterest and the interest in . S ^* Y«rk Municipal Institute were i^^gj^m^Hngry hopeful eigne to our Socilist Goverment...
...It appeared that the h* allowed no expert witnesses to testify a. to the beneficial effects of the use of flw pamphlet as a whole...
...That sense at tragedy remains however we apportion blame for what happened snd however severe may be our judgment' of sons Communist tactics...
...at the school building...
...I nave read his speech twice, so that I might miss nothing that is in it...
...In Boston a jury found Dreiser's gf*sts novel, "The American 'Tragedy'' ototeto ! and therefore unsalable on the basis set of the whole book but of a tew peaagav The same test would bar Shakapetrt sad the Bible...
...It Is high time that someone said that there are British interests, and that if the purposes of our sacrifices are not being promoted by those who have benefited, we must gain freedom of negotiation for ourselves...
...He argued that we are bearing- the burdens of countries mote prosperous than our own...
...Perhaps Dr...
...The crowded Tory benches hardly cheered an item of the financial statement...
...date for her hearing from September to May and dsasaoded her pretence to Newark, N. i. Sba baa been charged again with viola* tion of the bnmigration law, a charge knelled against her in New Bedford during ha* year's strike...
...the Research Department and the Wonven's Comntittee...
...Belief Greatly Needed Nearly a thousand militiamen and special deputies continue to patrol the mills, in an effort to intimidate strikers...
...We are Just now...
...Among those who greeted the convention during the week were Jamas O'Neal, editor of The New Leader, B. C. Vladeck, of the Jewish Dally Forward...
...While this was not completely carried into eftion...
...a police department which cannot at, wffl not catch Use Rothstein roureerav can count but not close 32.000 speafceaaM raids one Birth Control clinic...
...It is fully worthy of such treatment...
...probably before this pera•JCpgafe reaches the eyes of our readers, 0, ||Mt tariff grab game will formally aaas fet Congress...
...Ho declared the polios measures were fully Justified and necessary for the protection of the Interests of the...
...The bootlegger doaJH dirty goes...
...Recounting Its early struggles, the perplexing problems which the handful who organised the Workmen's Circle had to solve, and the continuous growth of the order as it entered State after State to become a national body, Cahan described the influence that the Workmen's Circle has exercised in giving the Jewish workers of the United States a medium through which they could at once serve themselves and also the International Socialist movement, of which it has been an active part...
...The conditions of modern industry" said President Zaritsky, "challenge the life of labor anions today, Mergers, industrial amalgamations, chain stores aQ nave direct affect upon the conditions in our trade...
...Carl Zoergiebel...
...The whole contracting system is one which the Union has long considered a menace...
...William P. Kelly of the United Textile workers, in charge of the strike, by Sec James Starr of the U. T. W. and by the Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief, an enterprise, founded by the League for Industrial Democracy and the American CM...
...J. Guskln, of the Hebrew Actors Unic was chairman of Mondays session...
...This was the report of the grand jnry Investigating tne wrecking of Union headquarters and convluhaary in Gastonia by a masked mob April 19...
...Labor's cause is our cause...
...No agreement can last event...
...It is absolutely essential to the life of the organization, according to President Max Zaritsky, that the organisation make every effort toward greater structural as well as moral unity...
...James E. Kelley of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor...
...He said that if circumstances arose we should hold ourselves free to reconsider the whole matter untrammelled by past committments...
...I had given my answer already, quite plainly...
...The money being cabled to the British Labor Party by the Socialist Party are the dollars of the dollar-less worktogmen and women...
...It has no stunts...
...He whipped them with scorpions...
...John W. Sdelman, editor of the Hosiery Workers aaajaatne, at also in Elisabeth ton taktng charge of pBbttstty...
...When their refusal to work the extra day tied contractors and courts into a knot, the way was opened for resumption of negotiations between the BrnTdtng Trades Employers Assn...
...When our Foreign Secretary said he loved France as a woman, he confessed to having emotions, which had better be kept out of diplomacy...
...Both the lack of vigor and the narrow vision of the Tory pronouncement must convince the country that progress Is not in Mr...
...There will be talk rnj^i nhntlflr schednko but there never a^gasch actence about log rolling The ¦jggftBean nrr—- of the Ways and «*¦*« nmrn have drawn up their arapssed bfU in great secrecy without mmfl^~t their Democratic colleagues at yf, j% is understood, however, that one effse mass to be raised is on sugar...
...Hot even printing can be done In the rayon city for the union, and Kelly had had to have leaflets for meetings printed in Knoxvule...
...The instruction on week work, it is felt, was Included to forestall any movement to change to piece work basis which has in some quarters seemed ss offering a solution to industrial difficulties, but is not so regarded by the majority...
...A recommendation approved by the convention instructed the incoming General Executive Board to appoint a committee to work out a plan for amalgamating all the cap locals in New York...
...Joseph Weinberg, chairman of the national committee of the Workmen's Circle, and J. Baskin were among the speakers at the opening session...
...Putting the Note at its highest value, and being most unwilling to disturb it, the way in which Tories and some of their press—including, I am surprised to see, Lord Balfour himself, in the "Times"—seek to regard it as though it were a law of the Medea and the Persians, is absurd and extravagant Mr...
...Chief of Police, hag leaned a statement to defense ef (he vigorous measures...
...This observation applies to the tangled web of debts and reparations...
...The Socialist Party and an its local organizations win thankfully receive contributions for that purpose, large or small, and will cable over the proceeds to the British Labor Party every few days from now until the date of the election...
...If they would tx, they are as able to pay as we are...
...Instead, more maintenance men who have been working In the mill during the strike keeping up machinery, ' came out to join the 5300 strikers...
...Indeed, on land disarm*Bgft the situation Is worse rather.than fester In the effort to conciliate the {Reach and Italians, President Hoover's ggsi iilillm first threw away America's 4petttaal opposition to conscription and Sin brought in a wholly meaningless —|> i n i ill i about limiting the supplies at aw materials by means of publicity on' expenditure'' Meaningless did I say...
...the only one, in fact, which has maintained Its existence, consecutively, for nearly forty years...
...Spencer was now ready to frankly (Uscuss the outlook of building trades unions toward the new situation...
...7 Bast lath Street, at eight o'clock...
...It was Intended | eventually to merge the two locals into I one, thereby giving the younger local the prestige and help of Local 24, and eliminating another unnecessary division...
...One hundred and fifty shopkeepers have banded together in an endeavor to collect damages frets the city...
...Whenever necessary they are called upon and go to the places assigned them for duty...
...But, God knows, I want peace and no resentment...
...They never talked like that tn to days of the conscientious objectors oaf the espionage laws...
...No matter bow business may improve, the skilled workers, who were once the bulk and backbone of the union, will find themselves in a precarious situation...
...We should be foolish to play their game, and allow them to divert the fight from unemployment...
...CcnttaaeS » Bag* S) 5-Day Week for Million Men Predicted After N. Y. Victory No Cut in Wages Will Accompany Reform in NewYork Building Trades WASHINGTON — (TP) — "What the building trades unions have secured in New York for 1M,000 men...
...The stitched cloth has entirely passed out of the picture,'and the growing hatless fad among flaming youth portion of the population, has added to the hiatus...
...If the British votea throw eat their Tory hfcmdagaga and get aomeear mere representative of the workers mm the oM Ulster die-hard...
...They don't have to pay tor ashconscience except to high prices vXjat bootleggers...
...The Committee has sent Paul Porter, field representative for the L. I. D. to the strike zone...
...Tories Resent Mave Reports of the raising of British Labor party campaign funds by the Socialist party has stirred the resentment of the British Tory party, cabled reports received in New York indicate...
...Lender of the British Labor Party, Former Prime Minister of Great Britain LONDON...
...he said...
...Hitherto cautions in discussing the New York negotiations...
...It Is likewise maw* eating to observe that 550 lawyers boa banded themselves together to eld d* frodent* under the prohibition has That's 550 more lswyers than ever had ed themselves together to help the am ators of the underground rafiroedyta awi cry days or to argue the cess of oat sclentious objectors or to fight ar 4 rights of the workers In time of stoUt Love of liquor would seem a coraodarai aid to love of Uberty...
...no foreign element...
...The extravagant claim made for it that it waa the foundation of what settlement there is in Europe...
...It is interesting to observe taaoswi respectable citizens, editors, lawyers, sat the like, rushing Into print to argns tog it is not the chief end of man to say laws...
...If a blase is so dangerous as that in Neukoelln and Wedding, it threatens to spread to other sections of the city, and there is nothing else left to do except use all means to prseerre peace and order...
...Owen 0. 1 Young were going to bring about some sort of agreement on reparations...
...A despatch to the N. Y. Times reports "political clrcles astir" as a result of a report that Arthur Henderson, secretary of the Labor party, requested Morris Hillquit, American Socialist leader, to raise campaign funds in the United States...
...Hulquit declared...
...Among the union leaders who addressed the Convention were Sidney President of the Amalgamated <T^>»»rg Workers of America, Julius Hochman...
...The big beet sugar companies fey to get big families and put them all h work...
...This » the ounfldaut ezpentaflmi of Manvule-Jenckes officials at the mm, echoed by the Oastonia Chamber of Commerce, m order to break the ranks of the strikers, Oastonia business men have started a relief fjmd...
...great majority ef German labor, who...
...How curious it is, that from our program have been drawn the items from which both the other parties seek the confidence of the electors...
...Unemployment throughout the country, due to the rapid mechanisation of industry, has become a factor to be reckoned with on the basis of permanence...
...MUM Is llll II Drinking The only disorder of the day occurred when military police pf the national guardsmen bad to locls\ up several militiamen who had bean rmrablng too deeply of mountain* moonshine...
...Ours is a public issue put to the public on its public merits...
...i Amalgamation Agreed Upon -. All of thee...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas $jgt Grunt JjeTTifK...
...Carl Holdennart, New JerseyNew York organiser, withdrew from the contest...
...Why cannot we fight like truth seekers...
...Mom we get too dJacoura»ed K S*sfl to remember that the British had -W ajark time on the eve of their gaoeml election...
...The Socialist Party, which stands for the same things in the United States for which the Labor Party works and struggles in Oreat Britain, therefore calls on all Socialists and all progressive and peace loving Americans outside of the Socialist ranks to come to the assistance of the British Labor Party by making generous and Immediate contributions to its campaign fund, as an act of international solidarity and as a practical demonstration of their sympathy with the lofty aims and brave struggle of the British workers...
...I can only observe that in the world of politics it u almost as Important to have things look right as to have them be right...
...I*e Textile SNfcers Need Help Jwm at those responsibilities and opporgj"* h aid for the Southern textile •kwara...
...They allege also that reports in the foreign picas have been colored against the poBco department because of the shooting of a foreign corrsapondent in the...
...without anying that the Madison Square Garden demonstration was a tremendously hopeful sign...
...The National Executive Committee has worked out plans to raise funds for the British Labor Party all over the country...
...Continuous progress, the only fraternal organization of a foreign language that has held Its ground despite the cessation of Immigration, an extension of activities that enables it to adapt itself to constantly changing requirements, and a long range of activities in which it has engaged since the last convention to improve the material and cultural conditions, not only of the workers of the United States, but also of Jewish workers in other lands—these were the outstanding achievements referred to in the reports submitted by the governing bodies | of the Workmen's Circle and by J. Basi kin, its national executive secretary...
...The effect on the organization has been most inspiring and other locals are planning to follow suiv One of the chief accomplishments of the closing sessions concerned the report of the committee on officers' report...
...So they have had to find a substitute in their distress...
...The triumph of the Labor Party and its return to the government of the powerful British Empire would Insure .the future of international social progress and world peace more decisively than any diplomatic pact or declaration...
...Baldwin's keeping...
...Contrary to whatever may have been cabled to the British newspapers, no such request has been received here by the Socialist party or any of its officials...
...Snowden's speech, prove that even now neither of them is looking: after British interests, but are surrendering them, under the impression that that is necessary in order to keep European peace...
...The And had only «3$» attar .Ilium wf ballyhoo to the Oastoasa paper...
...The workers of Britain fight at ¦itt odds against the well filled party floats of Liberals and Conservatives...
...Workmen's Circle Meets In Chicago Convention Stirred to High Pitch of Enthusiasm by Reports of Progress (Br s New Leaser Cerfasteaaeat) pHICAOO—Greeted by every branch of the Socialist and labor movement, of which for almost three decades It has been an integral part, and in the creation of which it baa played an important part, the 28th convention of the workmen's Circle opened here last Sunday for a series of deliberations that are expected to last a week...
...We must not give countenance to Lord Curzon's moan that politics is "a dirty game...
...Liberties Union...
...The whitewash verdict surprised no one...
...naentlatisat the nasi astassaaaaa ta be made for July 1, and a very great proportion of these will be concluded on the five-day basis...
...i Rational Testae Wortsrs leaden...
...Socialists Of1 U. S. Aiding Brltish Labor Fund Being Raised—$1,000 Cabled Over by Hillquit — British Tories Angered (By a New Leaser Cerrwf ulial) Chicago,—A campaign to assist the Srltlah Labor Party in raising its general •lection campaign fund waa begun by the Socialist Party Sunday with the puhUcaAon of an appeal by the National Execitive Committee of the party...
...It is no use their saying that a Labor Government will repudiate agreements which have been solemnly signed, because it will not The only way Labor will change obligations is by negotiations...
...The Infamous trades disputes act spitefully passed by the Baldwin government" has reduced the size of British Labor's campaign chest, the Socialist NJS.C...
...Hun Voice* Thanks Cahan was followed by Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, of Milwaukee, who greeted the convention in the name of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist party...
...James Starr, of the United TtextUa Workers, Bible House, Hew York City...
...Churchill Rides a High Horse Mr...
...Our opponents also raised some fury in their own minds about what is called "the Balfour Note...
...The police tried to frighten their attackers by firing in the air but it was with no success...
...The National Executive Committee's statement follows: "The coming General Election of Oreat Britain is of crucial importance to the whole world...
...Here's s chance for same of you folks with a sentt . for drama and pageantry...
...Churchill gave them their chance...
...Henderson in London on Monday, Mr...
...He mentioned also the eviction of textile strikers from company houses in Gastonia...
...N. a strikers, the American Civil liberties Union has been obliged to send ts.aao to cash to the southern strike center to obtain the release of National Testae Workers'tenders and iis*iFibcrsu "Unable to find sufficient evidence to prodace indictments...
...Telegrams from many trade unions and Socialist organisations, including one from the New York City organization of the Socialist party, were read to the convention...
...I do not accept I am not at all sure, but that If the Balfour Note had never been written, things would have been better...
...Changing Styles Change Industry The general industrial situation In the hat makers' industry during the past two years had not been normal...
...Further sums will be cabled to England every few days from now until the end of the election...
...But not even the presence of MO national guardsmen, with machine guns mounted dramatically on roof tops and behind the barbed wire fence that surrounds the plants could induce the striking Mountaineers to go back to the old slavery...
...One hundred and fifty thousand union building trades workers in New York City have won the 40-hour week and a 10% wage increase, due to astute umon strategy of Electrical Workers Local 8, under the direction of H. H. Broach, international vice president The Electoral Workers precipitated the open fight for the 5-day week by ignoring efforts of employers and their representatives an the New York bench to force them to stay on the Job Saturdays...
...As announced by Mr...
...4.000 At First Session The opening session, held on Sunday afternoon at the Ashland Auditorium...
...On the platform the Children's Chorus of the Workmen's Circle, one of the most inspiring features of Workmen's Circle activities, helped add color to the claim that the Workmen's Circle Is not neglecting the youth...
...C*attoa*4 oa sage S> Cap Makers Union O. K's Amalgamation Convention Tackles Problems of a Changing Industry — Want 5 - Day Week Extended By Gertrude W. Klein Upholds Snowden on Revision of Agreement rpHE Seventeenth Convention of the' *• Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union, held in Beethoven Hall, New York City, commenced Its sessions—as has been its custom for the past thirty-five years—on May 1st...
...Berlin Communist Editor Quits Party In Protest On Rioting Kohler Blames Party fear Bloodshed - Police Are Attacked and Defended raya Not Laager Carramaaaat) DERLlN,—Kohler, an editor of the "Rote Pahne," chief organ of the German Communist party, baa resigned as editor and as a member of the German Communist party this weak as a protest against what he terms to be the criminal actions ef the Communists In bringing about the riots on May 1st and the days following...
...The Labor Party has never made any pronouncement on the Balfour Note and the question did not arise when we were In office- In unofficial conversations I have always urged that this country was not being fairly dealt with, and that unless the whole of the war remnants were cleared up, military policies abandoned, and some agreements come to as regards disarmament and threatening militarism, we could not be expected to pursue the role of the rich relative, bearing the debts of hardup connections...
...AID IS NEEDED 5,000 Striken Hold Fast -More Join WalkoutTroops Are Menacing Workers GREEN SAYS NO WORK WHILE SOLDIERS STAY Gastonia Bosses Hope Starration Will Break Strike —Senate Hearings Begin pUZABETHTON...
...the Socialist municipal administration...
...One resuit of such an agreement may be t» solidify European sentiment againkjat ; United States...
...Resolutions on the liberation of political prisoners throughout the world, establishment of a labor party, recognition of Soviet Russia, .and disapproval of allgnrnient, with the left wing of the Needles Trades Workers Industrial Union were also spproved...
...That ia a very serious burden...
...Vice-president of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union and Martin Lawlor, General Secretary of the Hatters' Union...
...The scene in the House of Commons will not be readily forgotten by anyone present- Tories can bait better than Labor men, and they were out to bait...
...The issue, presented at the Contention, which will probably be in the foreground for the next few months, is the Issue of amalgamation of locals in order to conform, as nearly as possible, to industrial rather than craft lines...
...Textile Workers organiser...
...Met fa.Whitewashed In order to take KOen Dawson...
...The need for relief however Is very great...
...The Convention was occupied largely with serious industrial problems, most of them familiar to every union in the needle trades and In the textile Industry, and a few peculiar to the hat workers' industry...
...Socialist party speakers and organisers are always sure to obtain a ready audience and considerable aid from the Workmen's Circle, he declared...
...Although until now it has been rare in the millinery trade, it has been one of the causes of undermining conditions for the cap makers, and the Union is making plans to fight vigorously its inroads in the millinery trade...
...As the gates closed at 8:90 a. m. after officials had awaited expectantly tor the thousands of workers said to be eager to come back, but SS bad actually passed through, according to union estimates This was not enough to man even a section of one department, much less a eomi Dlete mill...
...The Tragedy In Berlin One cannot speak of May Day demonstrationg without a sense ef tragedy tor the sorry events in Berlin...
...Comrade Hulquit was besieged early this week by correspondents of a number of conservative British papers...
...It gtaaas precisely this: There will.be no Bait ¦ Urn on such supplies...
...Ministers thought I was in a fix, and, irrespective of international consequences, they were swift to exploit it for purely par- - tisan and electioneering ends...
...The ubiquitous felt hat, simple and almost uniform, has come to stay...
...He touched upon the cxpWtatlon Of child labor by these prospsrassj Bins, many of which are owned in Hew England and New Then be lBatui-1 the strike at EUsabethton, the kidnapping and deportstior of labor organizers, and the present rrasstog of state troops at the rayoa mills by Gov...
...A sum of $1,045 has already been collected...
...It is not and never was, an inspired gospel, such ss Mr...
...I want neighborly feelings, co-operation, and mutual respect and confidence...
...That bystanders were injured is exceedingly regrettable, but in the last analysis we must consider the viewpoint' of the mass of workers who were not in the least connected with the uprising and had the right to demand the fire be quenched as soon as possible.'" Tories Searching For Red Herring, MacDonald Says British Labor Leader Flays Churchill for Waving Red Flag on Debts Issue—Will Not Permit Diverting of Issue From Unemployment —Baldwin Effort Called Feeble By J. RAMSAY MacDONALD, M.P...
...Fisher of Pennsylvania, by appointing Oeorge P. Lumb, former state police chief, to bead the new industrial police department, has assured the continuation of the brutal reign of terror throughout the western Pennsylvania coal and iron mining region...
...It is the question of the reinj statement of Local 43 which the Communists are using at this time in the hat , workers' organization as their plan of j attack...
...I do not want to try to apportion blame, at least without more knowledge of the facts...
...Snowden had stared that if we were returned, we should repudiate the agreements, and burst out into wild eruptions of indignation...
...How many people really know what this Note is ? It was written to make easy a debt and reparation settlement, and declared that this country in that settlement would not take from its European Allies more than it had to pay to America...
...1 "I am proud of what you have done ss the mightiest weapon the workers of our country have forged for their emanI clpation," Cahan declared, "and I am especially proud of what you are doing to encourage and organize the younger generation, upon which we must rely in the future, to continue the movement we began years ago...
...ample labor available for all new enterprises...
...Such reports were preceded by welcoming speeches made by Socialist and labor leaders who had come from various parts of the country to greet the convention...
...Advertisements to the Manufacturers Record, organ of southern factory owners, still talk to the same old vein...
...Furthermore, it is alleged, 17 of the 24 victims died from police bullets...
...The convention got down to business on Monday, when reports from various officials recounting the numerous activities of the Circle, were submitted...
...While the Conservatives and the Liberals have unlimited resources at their command, the Labor Party depends entirely on trade-unions dues which have been substantially reduced by the Infamous Trades Dispute Act spitefully passed by the .Baldwin gfm»i im»nt and on volun- : tary contributions of the British workers.' who are largely unemplo^d and generally poverty-stricken...
...His statement added the potto* bad been instructed specifically to do everything possible to avoid bloodshed...
...But conaclenUoos drb«ers have a great advantage over Be others...
...Wt 'margency Committee for Strikers **»f of which I am chairman, at Boom PMth Avenue, Hew York, win m"Sy receive your contributions and "JJ** them fairly to approved local ¦¦^¦Smelm in an the strike areas...
...They are fighting the battle of •tftJL If they are forced back to work S"d twelve boon a day for around ¦h week without anion recognition not **m tbn victory of the building trades •Stars of Hew York in winning the five jji-HMa * victory on which we heartily yp'jiiokj them—win be secure...
...It is no attempt to create that nervous and senseless mentality which was the marked feature of last election...
...The police officers were sniped at from roofs and windows, It is said...
...Qhls Sy...
...Jail down there for the crime of J*t board bms less than ten dollars In y- That's one way the homes get the *r^oa...
...Alexander McKeown' has been elected president and business representative of Philadelphia's 7,000 union hosiery workers, by far the largest local in the American Federation of Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers...
...These were mostly the higher paid staff i hanrlrti and technicians of vsrtoon grades who composed the Loyal Workers of Bembent-Olaasstoff...
...All I can hope for is that the true sig- - nificance of the debate will not be missed by our electors...
...course of the riot days...
...This £-~a plain outrage on the consumer...
...As soon aa the strike was over, the charge was dismissed, only to be revived again when she reappeared on the picket Bnes to the south...
...May 1st, chosen by>the bat1 workers for its special significance to j class-conscious workers all over the world, has become their traditional "Convention Opening" day...
...Three days of attempted operation in defiance of their 8*00 rayon workers brought only J00 Into the plants...
...It stimunasi peasant labor...
...and says that responsibility for any violence that may molt from the massing of troops a»ntns: the strikers must re-t largely upon the At the same time, to a statement to the public...
...The morale of the strikers is splendid, asserts Kelly of the U. T. W. Many strikers have gone back to mountain hamlets or to homes of relatives on remote farms, until the union is recognised in the big mills...
...Gostonia Bosses Count On Hunger to End Striko OASTOHIA, NT C—<PP>—The strike of mom than 1.000 aaggpapaj of the Loeay mm In Oaatoplg wffj be stoned back to work...
...That is not, at course, the onjy ground which appeals •¦workers and to Socialists in the United Mates...
...Within a year a million men in our Industry wul have the advantage of the five-day week...
...With the riots finally ended, florman political forces are busy hurting charges and counter-charges In an effect to place responsibility for the riots and the 34 deaths which resulted . The reactionary and Communist press and lea dan eondirected by...
...Porter thinks the strikers can ~* unless general hunger defeats them...
...Now that we have MrCBaldwin's program we are ready for the fray...
...It boasts: -ABUNDANT LOW-PRICED LABOR —100% American Anglo-Saxon stock...
...The Chancellor, depressed, no doubt, by the bad reception given his Budget, saw a chance to run a new hare, sought to apply the word "repudiate" to agreements to which it had not been applied, and went off on a high horse...
...They are accordingly blaming the police for the damage done...
...Local 24, composed of the men in the Industry, cutters, operators and blockers, was lnI strumental in organizing the girl trimI mere and hand workers...
...This provided for the establishment of a fiveday week and unemployment insurance in the millinery trade, conditions already enjoyed in the cap industry, and the retention of the week work basis of operation in fhe cap branch...
...He resigns from the party because his conscience does not permit him to remain "and mho responsibility for the Innocent blood of the workers shed foolishly in the May Day riots...
...Victor Alter, representing the "Bund" of Poland, and N. Charm in, secretary of the Jewish Socialist Verbena...
...William Green, president o? the American Federation of Labor, reviewed the wage situation, in the textile mills of the South, and read from advertisements published to the North, years ago, by southern real estate and commercial groups,' begging northern mill owners to bring their business to the cheap-labor region below the Potomac He traced the rise of the textile industry to the South in the past 30 years, and the stubborn resistance made by Its owners and managers to any humane legislation or improvement to industrial conditions throngh collective bargaining...
...Beet sugar growing is a most ungasrable industry to protect...
...a company anion...
...He succeeds Gustsve Geiges, who recently resigned both as Federation and Philadelphia brarKb/presIdent...
...Teori^FP)—Unleu the aerman owner* open negotiations with their striking wrtoi, the huge OlansstofT-Bemberg mills ta and' near ntsahetbton will have to dose down far the third time In recent weeks...
...It is not even certain that much advance has been mate toward naval limitation in spite «f BjasMant Hoovera proposal...
...Employers throughout the country tried to take advantage of the recession in industry...
...This is the biggest step taken m shortening hours of work since the start of the long fight for the eight-hoar day...
...difficulties, together with the tendency of all the "light" industries to move into sections where there is no union control: the general industrial depression, has made the task of the Union an extremely, difficult one...
...Cram the picket Hoe at Oaitooto, K. C, prosecuttog authorities have advanced the...
...He reminds Horton that the latter took no official action when labor organizers were kidnapped by business men at Bixabethton...
...Harris HHlqurt, International Secretary •So) party, at i» West 44 Street, New baa already forwarded some funds, as Is our own need in America we **Mot neglect this opportunity...
...The holiday atmosphere, always In evidence when the Workmen's Circle gathers in any city, was particularly noticeable...
...Relatives in the rural sections are sending food to the strikers...
...In the millinery section, the tendency toward style simplification has been a serious /actor...
...Snowden'a adjective may be excessive, but his opinion that unless the concessions we have granted In the Balfour Note enable us to promote our declared purposes to effect a complete debt settlement we are quite at liberty, if we think fit, if we think it will bring Europe to face facts, to say that we cannot keep ourselves bound by the terms of that Note if other nations retain freedom for themselves to do -what they like...
...What is gains...
...Internal problems, engendered by the Communist "racket," which, of course, Is energetically plied wherever a legitimate labor organisation with a revolutionary background is attempting to cope with its own problems without the sanctified advice of Moscow's emissaries, also received their quota of attention...
...he said, "were not hi the least connected with the uprising...
...Even the farmers in the northwestern states, where the winters are quite severe, who formerly wore warm cape, have become accustomed to tnose of lighter weight...
...in winning the straight five-day week with an increase in wages, will become the rule in our Industry throughout the United States within a year...
...South SOU Seeking _ Cheaper Labor NEW ORLEANS—(FP>— It is bard for southern industrial boosters to adjust themselves to the Carolina and Elizabethion strikes that show Dixie labor is, not go submissive and contented as they have been representing it...
...They have responded by mass picketing and great rallies...
...Liberal checks have been dispatched to Vice Pres...
...Altogether PreslIggd Hoover's "limited revision" is tat tar some rough going, and on the aver'ggy/tbs Increased prices we will have U. gay for what we need will be greater flan any Increase in employment or In Wgjaa that tariff changes will bring AaaflW Failure for DUwrmament - if usual the Preparatory Disarmament (fcfiiiiiiilim at Geneva, adjourned with gfffrf-y done...
...Local 24 has 700 of these volunteers, who are duly registered and pay a fee for belonging to their volunteer organization...
...In Brooklyn s Fednal jury found Mary Ware Dennett's aw...
...The consensus of the Convention, however, was that amalgamation, wherev°r and whenever feasible, would bt gene through with regardless of whpt tactics the Communists might p.usue in their campaign of disruption...
...They are satisfied with it and it will be made a standard throughout the country...
...pamphlet obscene, again on the bsabsf a few passages...
...Our Jwbonal Executive Committee spoke for mas weB as to us in asking this sort of Bmtkal help for our British brethren...
...Old Palmers ton was a bit of a danger, but fifty per cent, of him in the conduct of foreign affairs, both on their financial and political aspects, would have protected British in-, terests better than they have been and would have saved the Government—or, in any event, some members of it—from showing the weakness of its hand to foreign states...
...It looks as if American economic power, the neat of some sort of settlement in Europe sad the negotiating skill of Mr...
...was anguished by the union victory and spread tolas of slack investing in the building industry as s result the contractors themselves announced that the shorter work week and the compensating 10% wage advance I wou* mg^ biwfog own mm...
...Qaser—mnd Cash— U British Labor ¦nee any Teal progress in disarmament m obviously depends upon a different kktd of government in the big nations ¦ad rinse the Labor Party is so obviously tat hope for that different kind of govenaaent In Oreat Britain, on that ground ' afcm American workers and progressives etgkt to take a personal interest in the emang of the Labor Party...
...Mr- Snowden did not mince words nbout them...
...Snowden said nothing: of the kind...
...The New Leader, 7 East 13th Street, win be glad to receive and acknowledge contributions which will be sent to England through the Socialist Party...
...although two members of the mob were caught and arrested at the scene of the raid and released from jail within 30 minutes at the request of Green Urge* "No Work While Troop* Remain" WASHINGTON — <FP) — President Green ef tne American Federation of Labor baa telegraphed Gov...
...gasnaaaaB%.« in ag np the —fc o* the strikers...
...to be our answer...
...a company union started by a cosspany doctor and the supervisory ferae...
...Baldwin's widely heralded speech to his followers at Drury Lane Theatre could hardly make deeper...
...In the adjoining column Dallas, Tex, advertises "an abundant supply of cheap labor...
...Oh the strength of the strikers' resistance, they appealed again to labor unions to rush relief funds to See...
...That it happens to be agaii:st amalgamation, which the Communists otherwise sponsor, does not matter...
...The police were not only pelted with cabbages, glasses, bottles and stones, but also were shot at...
...Wfeottoa of eAeees wSl aUb take place at that nililtn...
...His action has been criticized as certain to be ineffective and useless...
...The American dollars in the British campaign will undoubtedly be found' working for the Conservative party," Mr...
...Reports of tts* work tor the 33rd school year 1M4 win be submitted and plans for the opaatng pear presented...
...These veterans of vltuperati n are busy, as usual, accusing the union leaders of all the crimes in the Communist card index file...
...They laughed at jokes and applauded sallies which had no more to do with finance than Old Moore's Almanack, hut the life-belt which was to be theid salvation sank to the bottom the moment it fell upon the waters...
...Baldwin, however, is not the manager of his Party...
...If dirt be added, who is to, or can, remain in it...
...They are contributing to our industrial difficulties and are one of the causes of our special unemployment...
...an sss but a malicious ass...
...surety companies neve refused to write bait surety for the Oastonla...
...The Communist officials of Local 43 fought I this move bitterly, spreading the word ! among the girls that the men did not I want them organized and had no use for i the "lip-stick brigade...
...International relations are delicate things to handle, but gingerly and nerveless grasping is far more dangerous than firm gripping...
...This has led to a tendency on the part of*manufacturers to farm out their work to contractors, leaving only the trimming of the hat to be done on their own premises...
...The Labor Party enters the momentous campaign with ovary prospect of success, bat Is seriously handicapped for lack of adequate funds...
...i The National office then ordered the i girls to transfer their membership to Lo; cal 24, informing them that membership books from Local 43 would not be recognized...
...In a letter to the dktrict committee of the Communist Party of Berlin, Kohler says the May 'Day policy of the Communlat party leads to demoralhtatton and has no connections with the interests of the working class...
...Snowden's virtuous and financial indignation with Mr...
...Unemployment insurance which has been in effect in the cap and hat section since 1924, and which is paid tor by the employers and controlled by the union, will be extended to the millinery section...
...One thing is commendable in the Drury Lane speech...
...This year out commutes packed the Garden with late ' unionists and Socialists...
...Replying to the charges of needless use of firearms and force, the defenders of the police point out that the Communist-Inspired rioters eegdjtsnaBy erected barricades...
...And here our German friends, including oar German comrades, in their foreign sad domestic affairs have not been notably successful...
...May 1 the situation suddenly changed...
...The hardness of public life ls^known only to those who bear its burdens...
...He will go his way, and it will go its way...
...It is an appeal (though, I think a very feeble one) to reflective reason...
...no textile strikes...
...These workers can be seen patrolling the millinery district, watching for scab work, organizing shops, all without a cent of pay...
...Hulquit forwarded his personal contribution to the Labor Party campaign fund and Inquired whether there would be any objections to his raising additional funds among Amer- I 4cnn Socialists, trade unionists and lib- I eraik, Henderson stated there would be no objection...
...Won't Change Issue . I could write of the proceedings in a different and more cavalier strain, and perhaps someone who is freer than I unfortunately am, will do so...
...They did not succeed, but they had a good run...
...Because an nations...

Vol. 8 • May 1929 • No. 17

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