Chesterton, G. K.

Optimistic Mr. Hoover Or. The Christian Science Method in Politics By G. K. Chesterton AMERICA ks both far good and evu, A a vary backward country. R has the noble though neglected ill 1 mis...

...But there are not...
...Ml J a 'millionaire sortatttt', r« BSM fa aeries of artfc-le* printed am aaas9 fans aad sent to every aaaaaar afi A. F. L. It was Unaght aaa*tt aad informative...
...Such use of military titles is disapproved" Leader Stack 5 Steady (-^fcat he was rtmwmtm^'lgj birthday with a gift of baa*j| "Renewing my own and amfjjH new sub...
...Hardly anybody really knows it hi America...
...I object to the Americanization of England, not only by an instinct of national defence which I am quite ready to defend, but also in the abstract as a case of the flooding of a more subtle and experienced culture by something which is relatively llke*an invasion of barbariam...
...By this process an increasing number of workers are being turned adrift and the upper classes are enjoying as much or more dividends than they ever did...
...Up with pure and uncompromising calf worship...
...It simplifies matters for the employing class by simply having a judge appoint the owner of an industry or his representative as a receiver and then issuing an injunction depriving the members of the union of all civil rights...
...The head of the National Security League, an organization of super-patriots whose main function is combatting Socialism, has been rebuked by the War Department for permitting the use of his picture, title and uniform in the famous cigarette advertisement...
...W,"ASHINGTON—General Robert Lee Bullard, retired, may keep the check for posing in uniform as an endorsement of Lucky Strike cigarettes • but he must not do it again...
...Socialist Ooldbtil taSfl family of Brooklyn can help tt...
...A Tale of the Home Folks gO.ME bright literary chap should write the story of the life of Elder Will H. Hays, the Hoosier lad who keeps "the nation's movies untainted of immorality...
...The rebuke to General Bullard was made known through the courtesy of the candy Interests who are spending large sums combatting the mischievous slogan, "reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet...
...The husky seven pound aSli named Karl Marx, whose UU1MBJ1 niversary was celebrated last wo* ¦ mother...
...The unemployed and half-time employed millions should not lose their faith in prosperity as the press announces that bank stock values have soared since the beginning of the new year...
...Bat that tt what I mean when I call sack large Meas backward and even barbaric And there is also something to be admired in England, as well as much to be criticized...
...It is a sort of Christian Science^in politics...
...The latter obtained a suit of clothes from Chief Justice Taft who forwarded the suit to the ragged farmer...
...The 2,000 men and women locked out in a rayon plant at Elizabeth ton, Tenn...
...The assumption is that physical force is a "revolutionary method...
...Not that plants are being closed, although some are not working full time...
...The other day a fifth, "Uncle Jimmy" Lang celebrated a home-coming...
...white, and blue ribbon be used...
...In Indiana the vice-president general of the Daughters of the American Revolution has made the shocking discovery that bills before the State Senate are tied in red ribbon...
...7"1 G. W. Bowman of Los flagaht -J that the paper la tadttaeaasstt, ead rlolly to those not In too toMoafeJ class...
...This is only another way of saying that the American worker is more intensely exploited than any other worker in the world...
...The language is not as precise as our statement of the order but that is what it really means...
...Louis: Delaware, Lackawanna a Weill additional per hour...
...Wage if lor members of the Order efflB Telegraphers on American and OS roads are announced as follows aft headquarters in St...
...but X da mean that they happen to have cruder and lata complex conditions and feenngs than those that are necessary hi the problems of an old society...
...He believes that the Socialist state can only be secured by the revolutionary methods advocated by the party and which are (without doubt) familiar to you...
...And an American capitalist, who owns about half a street in London, told me quite calmly that everybody could do exactly as he did...
...Methods are neither revolutionary nor reactionary...
...and it need not be added to the difficulties of our own native faults and follies...
...They also suffer from much that is good hi them, when it takes the farm of what they call Optimism...
...As a matter of fact socialization may extend over a long period of time through increasing power of trade unions over industry, expansion of cooperatives, and acquirement by city, state and national governments of various enterprises...
...Gerald Swope of the General Electric Company the other day admitted the grave problem of unemployment and increased production but he would have nothing of old age insurance...
...Military titles are conferred upon individuals for military purposes, and their use as a commercial asset may subject both the individual and the service itself to unfavorable criticism, which even if unmerited tt unnecessary and inadvisable...
...He adds that the easy a* J ceires is always passed to .eat af ¦ "heathen.*' - M Local Bridgeport...
...The tendency is to toss the worker on the scrap pile at the age of forty...
...When the professionals reach this stage they become utterly silly...
...Judicial power is thus completely ranged in support of property and against the workers...
...Any action before that education has been accomplished will lead a movement up a blind alley and play into the hands of reaction...
...For Commercializing Uniform In Luck v Ad i By a New Leader Correspondent...
...Of course, conditions may become ao be din some great crisis like that of a prolonged war when the masses will insist on some fundamental change in the social order...
...Should members defy the injunction jail yawns for them...
...The locals of the Socialist hnf that devote a few minutes of an meeting to reports of the sub gettm for The New Leader are the letdi that have a well informed and ttjfjj...
...The Two Kings But, even as a child, I remember vaguely wondering what would have happened if both the apprentices had chosen to be good Would they both have been Lord Mayor...
...Ml ltt*J avenue...
...Red should he stripped out of the flag, the lipstick should he made a public offense and federal legislation should banish it from the republic...
...for example, and he receives 5 or 10 per cent more wages, he is better off if the wage increase is not wiped out by an increase in the cost of living...
...I fancy that we understood, rather better than you Americans do, that In more senses than one, the Capitalist is in a Corner...
...Both CoansawV berg and Levenson are among 8s I popular and able Socialist* in SSSJ City, both having frequently host 1 didatea for public offlco of tat I ticket...
...Comrade Ekholm keeps t dm watch for renew-als...
...On the other hand the Socialist attitude is based upon a scientific perspective and so guards against substitution of the wish for the reality...
...know this in the old concentrated nations like England and France...
...with faith in "prosperity," and unable to purchase a suit of clothes...
...Conn., threads secretary...
...Tory or Liberal or Labor, "Maty English people oppose Socialism...
...The end is a tragedy...
...in that tt tt net a* the want praTmlllna by what io be*, in it, bat by what la worst, which ia money...
...Allow me to voice my taproot...
...And many intelligent Americans do...
...Would there, in that particular year, have been two Lord Mayors of London, on the old Middlesex tradition of the Two Kings of Brentford...
...of articles under Un^Uol^b RU thew WoD True To laaarT J9 the asset vital series af arttdhjl has appeared hi their Una...
...In the naiantime things were happening in the home town of SuHtvan: where Will practiced law while fighting with Roosevelt at Armageddon...
...The action contemplated under such conditions will depend upon what the conditions are, how extensive is the breakdown of the social order, the extent to which the popular dissatisfaction is based upon blind and ignorant resentment or upon education, the strength and attitude of the labor organizations and the political movement, and a variety of other factors now unknown...
...Ia a Caraer Many English people really oppose Socialism...
...Now nearlv all men...
...and I do not want anq Christian Science in our politics There is a tendency, varying very much with individuals, to suppose that having a Blight Business Outlook will really be enough to make the outlook bright...
...Four bankers in three cities have txjrmriitted suicide...
...Those who practice this trick remember that animals can be enraged by waving a red banner and that some humans are in the same class with the bovine species...
...How such an injunction can stand in free of the constitutional provision against "involuntary servitude" is something beyond our ken, but judges are often expert in reconciling fundamental contradictions...
...Two more from Al Benson, Sttttat retary of Wisconsin...
...To be sore while bankers soar is ungrateful, so there...
...It tt felt that General Bullard should have had a higher regard for the dignity of the American uniform than to commercialize it Hereafter army officers must forego enticing offers to have their faces appear in commercial exploitation of patent medicines, face creams, cigarettes, etc...
...He telephoned a Republican orator and Congressman...
...Moreover, the average worker could not set aside this amount in ten years...
...Save the republic against tlic insidious'lure of red...
...at the same time, a great deal which badly needs saying...
...It ia partly the result of real though vanishing American conditions...
...In other words, If the workers cannot seize the means of production for their own benefit, bow are means of production going to belong to the workers, and what is the contemplated action of the Socialist Party in this fundamental ideal of Socialism...
...Only the messianic prophets like the Communists give a sure and final answer to such a com pier situation...
...Measask^ California keeps up its afaajB We hear from John Messer of Tagil -If I eesdd afford tt, I y£jSM scribe far ah the warkata weeaajasai ben mt the A F. L. TaoeeafStta...
...s j...
...The great corporations are as healthy as ever but where 50 workers a few years ago produced a given amount of values 25 arc today producing more tlian the 50 did...
...O P...
...Fred Cedar holm, ardors t a. die every week which are to la sal the Party headquarters...
...Is that not an excellent combination of fat, rags, and ignorance...
...Mara Powor faiD Morris Wolf man, Braoklya, K\M "The best 12 I ever aaoat," ttjfl verdict that cooes wttk a a* id W. W...
...The "contemplated action of the Socialist Party" is to support all such trends, at the same time warning that the economic problem will not be fully solved till socialization is complete and urging a watchful attitude to guard against autocracy in management and control...
...The wild capitalist, throwing people out, really had a feeling that he was throwing them somewhere and not throwing them nowhere...
...wl is by way of introduction to saseSl ment of the birth on Friday, Mares I of Karl Levenson Goldberg tt XmW Goldberg and bis wife, Eleanor* iM son...
...He may also Imagine, for all I know, that there are an infinite number of Englands...
...This must always be taken into account when we talk of the "American standard of living...
...While engaged in this holy enterprise his relations with the Sinclair loot in the attempt to liquidate the debt of the G. O. P. became public...
...Hogarth, in the eighteenth century, expressed • it sincerely hi his picture of the Bad Apprentice who idled about and was hanged and the Oood Apprentice who became Lord Mayor of London...
...It appears that Wil passed an erroneous tip which he had received from Harry-F.Stndair of Consolidated Oil fame regarding the stock of that noble enterprise...
...Taws of Freedom," which we are oflarttf d a new sub: all for $S...
...From this point of view the worker surrenders more of his valueproducing jxjwer tlian the worker of England or Germany does...
...By taking aawjaa of this offer, a saving of fLaV "earned...
...Have you overlooked the offer at I Abater Coleman'a new book...
...However, he continued to regulate the morals of the movies...
...There tt a great deal to be admired hi Americans...
...But even if the wage increase is real it is evident that the employing class has received more of the values produced than before...
...M rates are a minimum of $2*7 Jt ij with the maximum $3.50 ht$»lfl the Canadian National and thtlH Pacific are parties to the asfn ment...
...P. S. He falls to realize that the revolution is not a perfect method either, but that is evidently irrelevant...
...1 "Setking cov.ld induce me It pa up The Xexv Leader...
...Now where do you belong...
...Socialism came into the world as an organized protest against Capitalism and with the view of recovering what has been taken from the defrauded workers by nationalizing the capital of all countries...
...It ia the general idea that riaaini Is a fair and •pen competition, in which thrift aad todastry saceeed aad only vtee or Mtotieoo can fail...
...The latter will be distramst l members of the organization and WW for many subs to follow...
...He would have the wage worker "save enough to provide for his days of unemployment and other rainy days...
...A farmer writes to the New Republic complaining that l.SOO farmers in the West have committed suicide...
...And this comes from an agent of an anti-union concern...
...But why should the dear ladies compromise by permitting red tt...
...Just how," he asks, "can Socialism be secured through the ballot, if there is no decided action taken by the workers themselves to proclaim that the means of production belong to them...
...In fact, the "prosperity" continues and more wealth is being produced today than ever...
...Arrests follow...
...They have large ideas as a nomadic Arab or an Asiatic king might have large ideas...
...Labor organizations simply cannot survive if this injunction becomes permanent as it will serve as a precedent for other orders...
...Ralph M. Easley of the National Civic Federation drug squad refers to the trade unions as "our" labor movement...
...democracy or the equality of men...
...and It is really absurd to say that everybody has a chance of having them...
...It is the communist confusion regarding this that makes that movement so silly...
...The masses must FIRST be educated to the need of this change...
...As a result the War Department has revived a long existing rule in the army regulations, to this effect: "Officers of the army will not use or permit to be used their military titles in connection with commercial enterprises of any kind...
...I cannot give him a satisfactory answer to that question which X shall ask you, and which is always asked by those in sympathy with communism...
...If you are already a aaasl er, the book may be secured for yaws and the subscription for the paps a be aent to a friend Vital Statistics i Announcing Birth of Seal Eleanore Leveneon and Ma* P. Goldberg , , The name as well as the spirit at I Marx win not pass as long at BsJ per cent...
...Herb at least im. proved his standard of living it they didn't From the NEW LEADER MAILBAG A QUESTION OF SOCIALIZATION Editor, the New Leader: Would you be so kind as to answer this question...
...Will was a progresivc warrior in Indiana politics and followed Roosevelt's crusade against "malefactors of great wealth...
...mimbership The way tt «*d» * start, is to send for the or ta £1 lors worth of subscription conk 1 - / C. Hinckle of Geneva, reaaw and sends a gift of a...
...Karl Levenson Goldberg was aai the Riverdale Hospital...
...Free cigars may IfJ by applying to Louis P. OolandJ Court street...
...Mexican generals are leading an uprising but their resort to force does not mean that they are revolutionary...
...A Republican farmer weighing 300 pounds last year was unable to afford a new suit of clothes...
...Another phase of the above question regarding socialization implies a sudden transfer from private to social ownership...
...Whether a movement is reactionary, progressive, conservative or revolutionary depends not upon its methods but upon its aims...
...Coon mt Warhol or...
...Prosperity note from North Dakota...
...As to how the great industries are to be socialized one fundamental consideration must be kept in mind...
...Instead of soaring it fen and with it crashed the reputations and the prospects of the folks...
...7 she is quoted as saying, so the D. A. R. will demand that a red...
...I happen to be rather fond of it, and I object to it being bossed or bought up by him or any other foreigner...
...Fl»t'g| roads granted monthly tocreasssJ potehers (organized with the raw rap hers in the Order in Canada) fl from eg to $13.50 a month...
...A hearing will be had on March 25 to determine whether' the order will be permanent...
...Several banks failed, the disaster extending north to Terre Haute...
...Comrade Levenson, wStflg after Marx's talented and famo* *J ter Eleanore Avellng Marx, who flSf January 3rd, 1805, the day Beaaasl enson was born...
...But in mom aengsatea centres the fact is to be felt chiefly in the predominance of certain fixed notions of the early nineteenth century, which most people elsewhere can see through hi the twentieth...
...In 1920 he headed the Republican National Committee and gathered the cash that brought Harding to the presidency...
...The members of the trade unions will be interested in knowing this and will look up the records to learn when the transfer took place...
...Down with the revolutionary ladies...
...What makes this injunction all the more extraordinary is the fact that the owner of the mine was appointed receiver by the same judge who .issued the injunction...
...It seems to us that they should make a clean sweep of the hated color all over-the country...
...RAND CAFETERIA TN NIWJ The Rand Cafeteria tt under a*j agemenk The new host, lijj states that it is his aim to taaSSjfS Cafeteria an inviting niMliiiatJ readers of The New Leader, tijfj and friends af the Rand Scbsdjj others who appreciate, a WlM ing-eating place...
...There was honestly a sense of infinite horiaans...
...Red is symbolic of anything but the American spirit...
...There is something in its stunts and scoops that appeals to a tradition among them of open spaces and tmconquered worlds...
...This illusion is not native to us...
...If you are a worker your iam is not Capitalism...
...How profound...
...The shadows are closing about the old man and fresh earth covers the bodies of four suicides...
...IN A NUTSHELL When a man sneers at isms mark him down as an ass for he who does not subscribe to some sort of ism or osophy hasn't the brains to think...
...PSYCHOLOGISTS should give their attention to certain perversions of patriotism...
...a!| splendid work you have done in an) the readers of The New Leader Its fa about the present policies of {as 11 L" Wm...
...I am acquainted with a person who is in sympathy with the ideals and purposes Sf the Workers (Communist) Party...
...Thus the republic will be saved...
...Genuine affection for one's homeland is easily understood and appreciated but just as a street faker will market glass for diamonds there are those who translate patriotism into calf worship or something worse...
...If you exploit labor your ism is not Socialism...
...There is only one...
...Publicity agents of the candy people created a "public" protest against the Bullard ad...
...Wage Increases for :J Rail Telegratl ST...
...If a wage worker produces 25 per cent more values titan he did a few years ago...
...Back with the home folks,he is held in $1,000 bail for trial at the age of 73...
...We may turn to Hooxer's speech of acceptance last year and read that American capitalism stages a race of equals in which men of "training, character and ability" win and then proceed to the nearest film with the assurance that Elder Hays has guarded us against any insidious production that might corrupt the morals of youth...
...But not many intelligent Englishmen really, idealize Capitalism...
...I do not mean, of course, that Americans are barbarians...
...R has the noble though neglected ill 1 mis of such s ouunti J, many truisms, which are alia truths, remain m its sunnier parts imrrlrl »'***•*' as, far instance, there are whole interior districts atffl rude and rural, where men feet instinctively that most ancient, most natural and moat obvious of human hopes and ideals...
...ou art oott a great work.' Hugh B Prater, Sm* ta Ana...
...In fact, they are thoroughly reactionary...
...Menacing as judge-made law has been in hampering trade unions, this order seems to be the limit...
...And then what would happen if all apprectices were industrious, as all apprentices would naturally be exhorted to be...
...Save the Republic...
...Capital came into the world as a result of piracy, slavery and the slave trade, land thefts and graft, and then was nursed by legislation in favor of its owners...
...The same difficulty applies to all the "glittering prises" which a certain politician is now seeking in the City of London...
...Our ruling classes arc as ignorant of their own system and its consequences as any other groups that lived on the backs of lalwrers...
...I myself, for reasons not relevant here, oppose Socialism...
...The vote for the capitalist parties in that region was certainly larger than that...
...Stolen JstaSj id Transit, 2c additional per bsafj Central 2%c per hour...
...The miners are prohibited from holding a meeting for the "actual or apparent purpose" of in any way persuading other miners to cease work at a mine in the hands of a receiver...
...Subs to the amount of S4JI wtf in by Frank Ekholm of Masmtkt setts...
...Having failed to carry this crusade to its logical conclusion we herewith charge tlie- D. A. R. themselves with being tainted with red...
...Your friend is confused ,when he speaks of "revolutionary methods...
...Jimmy disappeared a year ago and recently turned up hungry and poor in North Carolina...
...The judge fixed the wage scale at a basic figure of $5 per day while the union scale is a basic wage of $6 to $6.50 and this action was followed by the sweeping temporary order against the uniun men...
...Some, of the home folks at Suih'van placed their money on Consolidated Oil...
...It is evident that if the striking miners hold a meeting in their own building, if they have one, the mere mention of the strike by any member at such a meeting can be construed as a violation of the injunction...
...but the other apprentice might really turn up some day as Mayor of Thermopylae, Neb...
...One way of scaring a person who begins to think is to shout "red...
...he associated with two other colors in the new ribbon which they insist shall !>c used...
...It was quite by accident that the lady learned of this desecration...
...General Billiard Rebuked By War Dept...
...Will was \rewarded with the postmastership job and later passed upstairs to look after the higher morality in the movie industry...
...The dirty mess- dragged through a Senate investigation apd the publicity was suuca/hst embarrassing to mm...
...Mother, child and hdWH doing nicely...
...We submit that a reserve fund.of $10,000 would not guarantee workers against deprivation in temporary unemployment and during old age...
...Both apprentices could not be Mayor of Heliopolis, Pa...
...The list yd* the book is S3.50...
...One ml these is a ragwe Batten aaaaefttaee catted fadivMaautaa, though tt has really-very Mttle to d* With tadivMaadtty...
...where Hoover last year spoke of "prosperity," have been trying to live on a wage ranging from S5 to $12 per week...
...The human commodity is advised to save enough to provide for himself during periods of unemployment and also when he is too old to work...
...but not many intelligent Englishmen idealise Capitalism," G. K. Chesterton, noted, essayist and novelist, thus defines the difference between England and the United States...
...A decalogue issued for young Fascists by the bandits who rule Italy declares, among other things, that "Mussolini is always right" Who will be right when Mussy is dead...
...There tt abo a great ideal to be admired In Arabs...
...New York City...
...How to Face Unemployment JTROM the evidence which we present on the first page of this issue it is apparent that the Coolidge-Hoover "prosperity" is emerging as a widespread unemployment problem...
...A good Republican...
...Everybody cannot have fhem...
...and one of its advantages is a much more acute sense of «tbe way in which the modem problem of poverty and wealth has by this time sharpened to a point, and found closing in on it the limits of a native land and a natural law...
...under the profoundly American impression that there are not only an infinite number of streets, but an infinite number of Londons...
...His article on President Hoover's "individualism" presents much that American readers may strenuously object to, but...
...Local Yuma, Socialist Party, aafa 1 MO for sub cards and a bundle at p pen...
...An Amazing Injunction ^NOTHER step in the direction of a republic ' ruled by a robed oligarchy of judges was taken this week when a judge in Indiana issued a temporary decree wfuch forbids miners to meet during a strike...
...The Elder was not to blame because, as the story runs, he believed the tip was reliable and that the stock would soar...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 10

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