A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THESE CHARMING INTELLECTUALS rwrflX lovely lady with her hair ¦licked' boyishly 1 back looked at me out of cold (ray eyes, much a. one might look at a forgotten...

...Be rude, rude, rude...
...What's happened to Roberta's last baby...
...However, as preparedness is the only guarantee of peace and the sole insurance against defeat in war, France was not pulled down by the holy alliance because she had not only the biggest and best military establishment of that time, but, also the greatest military genius of all times...
...In New York State the Democrats are complaining about the over-representation of up-state Republicans in the Legislature...
...Go on and recount your own trying contacts with motion-picture producers...
...They say her husband is quite upset...
...YOU never told me, but my nurse did...
...Be subtle about the business...
...Of course, all I learned from history is that every nation which sought preservation in preparedness, from Carthage and Rome to doleful Germany and, dole-dispensing England, went to hell along the competitive armament route...
...James Oneal...
...top-hat him by saying...
...The great magnates of capital left politics to the "bosses" who became specialists, the magnates supplying the funds for marketing candidates and occasionally buying a seat In the U. S. Senate...
...So many publishers have been pestering you for the privilege of bringing it - out that fighting them off has become a frightful bore and really, you don't know whether you will let . the thing be published after alL Gettiashinto print doesn't mead much these days with so many illiterate people scribbling away...
...He was a terrible bore...
...Being better prepared than all of them, for which we have the authority of all of them, Germany was not pulled down...
...It seems that among that intellectual set whose favorite...
...Say that you just heard how the dirty dogs stole Freddy** big idea...
...In the election of 1918 the Democrats polled nearly the same vote but did not elecet one Congressman The difference in the percentage of the total vote polled by the Democrats In the two elections was the difference between 45.5 percent and 44.2 percent but the difference In representation was the difference between electing 13 Congressmen and electing none...
...as an Intrinsic evil to be restated at every point, and they developed a system ef Jurispndenee whlah, aa Senators having the confirming power in appointments ¦ and as counsel for corporations before the courts of the United States, they succeeded in transforming into Judicial decisions...
...National elections became a matter of Investments...
...When you have played this line to a finish, tell them about all the great, big, 'normous, important people you have had lunch with recently...
...Nonetheless, lingering doubts still assailed me...
...Teaching this may be a little discouraging to up and coming admirals but, as I said, there are too many mines, too many miners and a goderned sight too many mindless admirals...
...So there we are and -it's all there: First: Preparedness in the minds of all the army and navy men leads to peace and not to war...
...Jerked up by the president, who doesn't like talking admirals (God bless him), Plunkctt claims he was misquoted, denies he predicted war and tells the reporters who had called on him for the "how come?' "I don't remember what I did say...
...The next step in the platform transition to-the new order was acceptance of the revolution in property and competition of the two parties to serve the new magnates of capital and finance...
...Go out and get an ivory tower for yourself...
...When some wretched outsider says, "How do you...
...Watson thinks he proves his doctrine that we are nothing but glorified Unstriped Muscles by Infantile vivisection...
...sy*ve sent enthusiasm for such quaint old things f* the labor movement, civil liberties, the' emanclpa*¦ of the workers, to the Intellectual store-house AH well enough for the old days "when we were all » the movement...
...The party declarations thereafter approved "regulation" of trusts...
...There never has been and there never will be a great nation in this world that isn't great on the sea...
...politics, Socialism, arSySuing that gas to do with what Spender calls "The Public Lite," to ss old-fashioned and as definitely out as what-nots, antimacassars and high-wheeled bicycles...
...Although more voters live in tbe cities than in the rural districts the latter have larger representation hi the legislatures than the dry voters...
...Neither, I am happy to say, was Germany pulled down by the holier than thou alliance...
...Legislation, franchises, contracts, subsidies, offices became articles of commerce sold, traded and bargained for by two nation-wide political business firms...
...I^sthe New Freedom, folks, take a good1 took at It...
...Political issues disappeared, the two parties became alike, and Congress came under the control of a handful of twoparty leaders...
...By the end of the century it was apparent that 'the lesser capitalists no longer ruled, that corporate masters were the victors in the struggle for control of the economic structure...
...In the industrial states like New York another absurdity has appeared...
...The passing of power from individual property to corporate property, from small owners of Industry to the great magnates, was evident hi the party platforms...
...B) Corrolary of above applied to present and future situation of the U. S. "If I read history correctly, and what we are doing today, we are nearer war today than we have ever been in our history, because we are too damned efficient...
...Yawn a bit and then say, "As Otto said to me at Pierre's the other day—" If you run into some stupid who thinks ' that you mean Otto, the lavatory man, don't let that disturb you...
...Viva Central America...
...and developed with dashing rapidity...
...Just so long as you make that your policy, and you follow it through, you are going to have war...
...Strange that the man who stirred the emotion of a continent was but yesterday an unknown workingman, a farmer-miner...
...And when yon are through retailing the latest wisecrack that F. P. A. made while you were beating Mm at tennis up in the armory the other day and bow Heywood Broun confided to you that, after all, hfe isn't what It's cracked up to be, take another tack and ride the publishers...
...The great corporations came to employ private spies in the unions and private mercenaries—"gunmen'' —became common in industrial disputes...
...You don't know how to get peace, "We do...
...I am not in the habit of predicting war...
...Bury your little hammer, you pesky pacifists...
...Increasing In amount each election till in 1920 the Republican fund was over 18,000,000...
...The Sherman Anti-Trust Act became a weapon against the unions...
...absurdities and injustices of the present system...
...Well, then, what does one talk about ? That's easy, first and foremost and most of the time you talk about yourself...
...Watson's theories...
...But so it is and ever was...
...Also history of the holier than thou allies, France, Russia, Italy, England, Montenegro, Rot imams, the United States and what not in the act of pulling down Germany for the glory of God, civilization and democracy...
...Fetch the battle ax...
...I hould have also sent his a»1ihw« to the Marx-Popoff Psychologitchesky Insti-.ute In Moscow (MAFOP8Y), of which I am proud to be the American nucleus for the capture of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, were I not fearful that in some ways bis critique of behaviorism might be interpreted by the Psychoplenum as a counter-Prole tcult deviation...
...The best passport to the judiciary was service to the new form of property...
...Mc also finally disposes of the central prop of behaviorism, the celebrated NurseryPogrom Experiment, in which Dr...
...My feelings lMt those of that horrid moment when a bustling yoong garage mechanic gave me a dirty-.look and 55...
...There are too many mines, too many miners and too many admirals...
...with your best English accent...
...Viva Sandino, martyr...
...This book on proportional representation should be read by every man and woman who is at all interested in bringing the representative system up to date...
...The old aristocratic planters had gone to Congress and to the legislatures to look after their interests...
...You mean to say you can't drive a car...
...Preparedness averted the calamity...
...give him a mean eye and say, "Dc-you really f*™*" If he tries to get off a funny story and asks "Did I ever tell you this one...
...Tell everybody that you never look at the papers...
...In INS suit was brought against the Danbury hatters for damages and in 1*15 the employers were awarded three-fold damages, the sum, $214,911...
...in the previous election when they were successful their vote was more concentrated in seven districts...
...A hirearchy of political leaders evolved in harmony with the revolution in property...
...Tirpitz is still high admiral of the imperial high fleet...
...In the past thirty years articles and pamphlets have appeared on proportional representation and yet hardly a dooen cities have charters which provide for this modern system of representation...
...Do all these .things and a vast iritellectual kudos be added- unto you...
...It is competition, gentlemen...
...Five years ago Freddy suggested the idea to a publisher and the low-lite went and stole it and now every place yon look is filthy with Washington biographies...
...You will speedily acquire the reputation of being a wit and an emancipated Person of parts...
...By the end of the nineteenth century the tree lands of the West were gone and the wage workers were shut up in the wage system...
...Unfortunately I am too broad-minded and missed my aim, thus falling to shake his curious aberration about my scholarship...
...And now Admiral Plunkctt, addressing tbe Republican National Club, breaks out with a bad case of woof and mouth disease, during which he predicted immediate and inevitable war with somebody not discovered yet...
...Beard wrote: "They held that an of the natural resources of the country should be transferred to private hands as spaedfiy ss possible, at a nominal charge, or no charge at all...
...Tell the story about Goldwin and George Bernard Shaw and then say, "But what can you expect from such cattle...
...The biography mat was to show George up as a two-fisted drinking person and a bit of a flirt to boot...
...In the Indiana election of 1912 the Democratic Party received a minority of the vote cast but elected all of the 13 Congressmen...
...Always rude...
...Most of tbe modern progressive nations provide tor some system of representation that avoids minority rule and gives political parties and groups representation in proportion to the votes they cast...
...The painful reasoning of the solemn judges was evident from tbe majority views and the dissenting opinions of the minority members of the court...
...Oh, you mean E3truda...
...It is thorough in it presentation of the subject and one cannot read It without being Impressed with th...
...Above all things, if you want to be a big intellectual wowser, don't forget to be rude...
...The old independent editors were supplanted by editors hired to conform to "policy...
...It helps to throw out vague bints about the nearly completed masterpiece back home in the typewriter drawer...
...A series of tortuous decisions by the court answered, in substance, that certain parts did and others did not...
...Since the book appeared the quarterly publication of the Proportion U Representation League has presented an interesting analysis of the federal election in the Canadian province of Manitoba and here the limit of absurdity was obtained, wtth five parties in the field the Conservatives, who polled the largest vote, did not elect a single representative Just as absurd is the fact that in the preceding election the Conservatives polled a smaller vote and elected seven representatives In the recent election when the Conservatives lost all their representatives their vote was widely scattered...
...They supplemented their philosophy of progeria by a philosophy of law and polities which looked upon State interference...
...For the rest "You'go to the record, my remarks were taken down stenographically, and find .out what I really was saying for, search me, I can't remember what I did say.'' Well, the reporters did go to jthe records and this is what they found: (A) A conversation between the Admiral and a German biographer during which the Admiral is said to have said to the author: "Don't worry, my friend, the penalty of efficiency is war...
...Mc shows that, contrary to his claims, even Dr...
...being contributed by the trade unions...
...At any rate, I am sending bis column to the "Zeltschrlft der Psy2hologlschen Wissenchaftslehre fuer die Reine Experimenthellmethode", whose American representative (on a com miston basis) I have tbe honor to be...
...I don't care whether it is with Great Britain, or some other nation, you are going to have war just as surely as you are sitting in this room with me...
...Did you hear that Gwen is living with that Portuguese sign-painter...
...I don't know any more about admiraling than an admiral but I know a little history and a little history ought to go a long way at Annapolis...
...j . That was my fatal mistake...
...if you dare not contest the control of the sea with your goods, not with your guns...
...Next in order were the state "bosses" and below them the local variety...
...Viva Sandino, Adam Coalrilgycb...
...I want a job teaching history to up and coming admirals at Annapolis...
...For example...
...Mc shows conclusively that infanta cry when .tuck by needles or In contact with boiling oil because they reject and not because they approve of Dr...
...This leads eventually to the back-bone of any intellectual conversation these days...
...Viva Sandino, martyr...
...New York, The Macmlllan Co...
...It is never the wise, the great, the mighty and the noble, but, as the Carpenter »of Nazareth said, the "weak ones of Earth," some starving, outraged worker or dreamer, who shames men and women into action in the holy cause of freedom, justice and human dignity...
...His final rebuttal, which I refrain from quoting, having no esire to Interfere with your mailing privileges, undoubtedly gave him the debate on points...
...The poor old dear...
...Second: When a nation becomes too efficient (industrially and commercially, which include* military and navy efficiency as a matter of course) the rest of the nations combine to putt her downFor confirmation consult the history of the holy alliance of Russia, Prussia, Austria and F-"g>and pulling down France during the Napoleonic wa...
...You may discuss Sex matters with all the frankness which characterises the advances of a mate-hunting torn cat...
...Viva Sandino, martyr...
...Viva Sandino, martyr...
...Gott and Ich, tbe all highest war lord, still reigns in Berlin...
...I had lunch with Otto Kahn...
...He always was old-fashioned...
...N. Y. C. Book Review The Need for Proportional Representation arvNft wMb an elementary knowledge " of our system of representation in city councils, state legislatures and Congress knows that it is absurd, out of date, provides for misrepresentation, over-representation, under-representation and insures minority rule through plurality elections in single-member districts...
...Did the Constitution extend to this territory...
...Such a system of representation would not be tolerated for a moment by those who really understand what representative democracy meaus...
...But hopelessly passe today...
...But I can say no more about Dr...
...Tbe political retainers of the new ruling class worked out a peUtteel philosophy which matured at an early stage of the property revolution...
...Leave the impression that such trivialities as wars, floods, sad strikes, the gropings of tbe masses towards the ' light, the doings of dictators, the emergence of new economic and political forces, never for one moment rufse the surface of your calm indifference...
...soetg is "What Does It Matter...
...The Constitution "crumbled" as Mahan predicted it would when the test came...
...As the lovely lady said: "My God', arc people still Interested in that sort of thing...
...Viva Sandino, martyr...
...blow the cow horn, beat the Tom Tom, rattle the skulls and—"Peace be with thee...
...Ton see, I had inadvertently mentioned the sub- * fact of politics to the lovely lady...
...Still servants of the lesser capitalists hi 1888 when the small owners were still powerful, the two platforms bitterly denounced concentrated capital...
...Next, Admiral Brumby demonstrates before a naval court that there is nobody home above bis shoulder straps...
...Thus the two parties became annexed as political departments of the great dynasties of capital THE PARTY BROKERS...
...TOO MANY ADMIRALS ^HAT in the Sam Hill has gotten into our admirals...
...The parts that sad not apply to foreign territory were Just those that would be of some value to its peoples while those that do apply were twisted into Justification of American control...
...Though notoriously humble by nature I was not persuaded, and meekly heaved the electric iron at his head...
...If you really want to get along in intellectual circles nowadays the smart thing to do is to profess complete ignorance of anything and everything that fct going on in the world of affairs in general...
...That biography of George Washington over which Freddy had been working for years...
...Preparedness, in my mind and in the minds of all other army and navy men, leads to peace and not to war...
...My only regret Is that he has published his findings in a labor paper instead of submitting them for a doctoral dissertation at 3alamanca...
...The Democrats are only Interested to extend the grip of Tammany Hall upstate and so long as they are unwilling to go in fo.- a thorough overhauling cf our representative system and help to make It modern they have no legitimate complaint to make about the unfair balance of rural against urban constituencies...
...John B. Watson, the well known psychologist of the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Laboratories for the advancement of pure science...
...The Republicans declared their opposition "to all combinations of capital, organized in trusts or otherwise" and repeated this in 1892...
...The appearance of a book by C. O. Hoag and O. H. Hallett, Jr., (Proportional Representation...
...I refer to Napoleon, the super-god of all the gold braided heaven-by-hell dumb bells everywhere...
...He remained unconvinced and loosened the sash weight for further discussion...
...That's the cue for the narration of how they turned down your scenario in which you Introduced a situation where the heroine fell in love with the explorer from South Africa who had been a college mate of her husband's...
...Everybody who really counts knows that there is only one Otto in New York and that his last name is Kahn...
...century some labor struggles had assumed the character of brutal class wars with the public powers, executives, sheriff's, marshalls and courts, often exceeding their powers and virtually cooperating with corporations to crush strikes and destroy trade unions...
...Watson does not think with his "guts," and that the redoubtable Doctor is enabled to create the illusion of a ventriloquist philosophy by an old trick he has learned from his late lamented teacher, Sherlock Holmes...
...When a nation becomes too efficient, the rest of the nations combine and pull her down...
...Journalism felt the Impress of the new property regime...
...The Homestead strike of steel workers in 1B»3, the Cripple Creek strike of miners in ISM, the Pullman strike of the same year, the second Cripple Creek strike of 1903-1904, are a few of the most "notable of these labor wars...
...Truly the common people, once the issue between freedom and tyranny, justice and slavery is seen, know whereof they speak, and instinctively...
...She left that man long ago...
...It Is unfair to the large ctttes, especially New York, but these same Democrats who v.>nt this inequity wiped out pay no attention to the more gross inequity inseparable from the present system of plurality representation...
...It is the age-long cry of the Oppressed against the Oppressors, of the Republic against the Empire...
...Viva Sandino, Martyr ln "Viva France...
...As Gertrude Stein might say, "Be rude...
...Stolberg Recommends McAlister Coleman For The Nobel Prize Editor, The New Leader: Some time ago McAlister Coleman notified me, out of a clear sky and from sheer love of learning, that my knowledge of modern psychology Is imperfect...
...It is economic in its origin and as long as we proceed along the lines we are traveling today, war is absolutely inevitable...
...If you are a man and are being introduced to a woman, for Heaven's sake don't get W, Lie way "¦ck on the lounge, hold out one band fpr her to •hake and say "Har yer...
...Watson, for McAlister Coleman has said all there is to say on the subject...
...Served on committees and read the newspapers, all that sort of thing...
...They urged the enforcement of the Sherman AntiTrust Act of 1892, and demanded additional legislation...
...Why they've been married all of three months...
...The framers of the Constitution bad never contemplated this but with the eonquest of foreign territory the court bad to decide its status...
...Ooh, look...
...At tbe top was the national "boss," sometimes the President of the republic himself and occasionally a member of the Senate or tbe Cabinet...
...New York State should take the leadership in revising the system and making it something like an approach to fairness and representative of the views of th* voters...
...Go Mencken...
...Sometimes ruder...
...Colored, wasn't It...
...In 1900 the Republicans declared that they recognised the "necessity of honest cooperation of capital to meet new business conditions, and especially to extend our rapidly Increasing foreign trade.' The Democrats were still denouncing...
...Of Uds period Prof...
...We had been anting in complete silence for so long that I figured g was up to me to say something and as ,1 had just returned from a Socialist meeting, naturally that was uppermost in my thoughts...
...In fact, Congress became a Diet of party nobles...
...With this outfit it is perfectly permissible to tell stories that would bring the blush of shame to the cheeks of a steam-fitter in the back room 'of a blind p]g on the Bowery...
...Are the ChaunceyDennings still living together...
...Folks, I want another job...
...Why I didn't know there was any man alive these oays who couldn't drive a car...
...First, Admiral Margruder conies along and proclaims from the house tops (Saturday Evening Post) that as a means of offense and defense our Navy is as effective as a leaky teakettle at the botton of a duck pond...
...At once I cast desperately around for, some hole in winch to hide my shrinking self...
...Now be good...
...But these McAlister has completely removed by his brilliant piece in last week's NEW LEADER on Dr...
...Preparedness did it...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THESE CHARMING INTELLECTUALS rwrflX lovely lady with her hair ¦licked' boyishly 1 back looked at me out of cold (ray eyes, much a. one might look at a forgotten portrait of Queen «totoria- She nicked her cigaret ashes wjth a redttpped finger and drawled out, «My God, are people still interested in that sort of thing...
...We bowever, adhere to a system that comes down from the eighteenth century...
...Laugh scornfully through your nose when some naive enthusiast suggests that there might be something to think about every twenty-four hours besides your charming self...
...Theyalso believed that tbe great intangible social property created by community life, such an franchises for street railways, gas and electricity, should be transformed into private property...
...88) brings within 80 pages the moat comprehensive work on this subject that has appeared...
...American law and the judfotary bore the impress of the revolution...
...We have had similar absurdities in city and state elections...
...All Latin America from the Rio Grande to the Straits of Magellan is echoing that cry and all America north of the Rio Grande will yet take it up...
...With the destruction of slave pnjperty the Democrats contested with the Republicans for the privilege of serving property in capital...
...Before the turn of the new...
...The revolution in the social order was also registered by the Supreme court when that body faced the situation of an American Empire possessing subject peoples abroad...
...With a few exceptions the old independent Journals gave way to the corporate newspapers, the chain newspapers, and syndicated features...
...McAlister ^ColemanAmerican History for Workers An Outline — By James Oneal Ttt HVOIUTIO" TM POLITICS AND LAW...
...Tbe new epoch of the magnates Inherited the courts and Judges and used them to Issue injunctions against the trade unions...
...Who Keeps Who...
...Don't jest cry out...
...But I did cable to Joe Stalin to send a sickle and hammer, with which I hope to decorate Me In our next argument...
...But, boys and girls, remember that politics is strictly taboo and that if you are dumb enough to drag politics in on a general conversation whole roomfuls of intellectuals will turn and rend you...
...So thousands of people gathered in Guatemala City greeted the arrival of the French aviators ere Colonel Lindbergh had hardly left the town...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 9

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