IS TAMMANY BACKING THE I. R. T. STEAL? *?gEVEN-CEPTF FAKE.** Before many more days, this will .be the demand that will meet every subway and elevated tram rider in New York City "Pay seven...

...Nations do have duties as well as rights...
...hare ah h»cm» up to $1 a day from savings, Insurance, fraternal and trade union benefits, industrial pensions, etc., are no disqualified From such assistance...
...It is questionable whether-any delegate at Havana will be so rash or so illmannered-as to speak of Nicaragua in the public debates...
...13, 9 p. m. Louis P. Goldberg...
...But the North spoiled its chance of leading the South by suggesting a Customs Union, which would have meant prohibitive duties on European imports...
...a the obvious divisions in official •"¦•slj is ominous...
...I hope, by the'way, that some of our Socialist and labor lawyers will remove the doubts as to the efficacy of the Shipstead bill which so good a lawyer as Donald Richberg has raised...
...That action ought to supplement: a demand for the consUussjssjajfajnwni urogram which a* have outlined^"*" In New y4^c City and many other large mduafMU centers the "public works" whuw might give employment directly and' indirectly to thousands of workers oaght to include municipal aousing...
...b) to set up a network of public employment bureaus covering the enure country, and (c) the provision of unemployment insurance...
...jM Jast^Brpawy...
...But regulation won't build houses that the workers can afford...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street Auspices, Socialist Party...
...Practically we should favor the Argentine position which amounts to a flat declaration against Intervention by one state in the affairs of another...
...Ho had grandtose schemes for a transcontinental railway and a common decimal system...
...Dumbells In every social group...
...William Ft...
...From time* to time the South has tried to canvas* the Union into something resembling the League of Nations, with a Covenant based OB...
...We do not doubt it, but as Wall Street is interested in something 'more than confidence in politics we know what Main Street will get if Smith is elected President...
...To this day it Is obvious that the North is interested mainly in the promotion of purposes chiefly commercial, which doubtless are legitimate and salutary —a common law for patents and trademarks and the development of sanitation...
...Our New York Commission in regard to old law tenements has not even provided that there mutt be one toilet to each family...
...the delegates are the ambassadors accredited to Washington (who da*S Show little independence...
...214 East lnd Auspices Socialist Party, Sunday, Feb...
...It seems to be overlooked (as in Europe we so often overlook it) that in these wars which are not wars, bullets are thought at times to find their mark...
...j. One would have tta*»ji|t given its real predominance, the north might have been leas exacting, ever -offices and forms...
...But it will be a steal nevertheless...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Saokman street...
...Francis K. Stevens has been retained as "expert" on evaluation of the InterboroughV properties, Mr...
...Months before the last election, there began to pass through authoritative channels definite rumors' that Tammany had) agreed to go through the gestures of "fighting for the five cent fare" while the Inter borough,—and later the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Company—were to go through the process of collecting seven cents a ride...
...Subject: "Mases and Puzzle Boxes—the Animal Mind...
...That law is very definitely an advance on what we now have...
...Secretary Blaine, who regarded It as an Instrument for the promotion of the trade of the North with the South...
...But I am not sure...
...But these divisions are trivial in comparison with the jealousy which separates Latin America from the overshadowing North...
...Yet it is these courts which cannot properly handle their own Jobs which arrogate to themselves rights of rate regulation and injunction powers which no courts ought to have...
...This is where the latest secret move came about...
...And that is a good thing even if no definite action is taken...
...7318 28th avenue...
...The real case against Intervention must be based on other grounds...
...f Acknowledgement Donations Made at the Fourth " Annual New Leader Dfainer Jantrurf 27th, 199B Jack Blauterb 100,00 3c4omon Ftum 100,00, \OTMnery Workers No...
...Here is a political issue vital to democracy...
...It is, moreover, usurpation by the least satisfactory branch of our government...
...Subject: "Socialism...
...8wist) 5.00 Nathan Fine 5.00 David MUtol 8.00 Helen Silverstone 5.00 S. Kowalcysk Nowy...
...The best lawyers themselves admit the sad estate of their profession and the courts...
...Tester— day I was told by the purchasing agent of Oeneral Motors that I can not dsn the contract on any basis at all...
...Now the Inter borough is brazen enough to'say that the five cent fare is confiscatory...
...A state superintendent and local investigators to carry out the actual work are authorised under the bill...
...14th, 9 p. m., August Claessene...
...The I.R.T...
...The bill provides that the pension be fixed "with due regard to the condition to each eeesr...
...plana to surround its steal with all the trimmings of legal procedure...
...Your delays are suspicious, to say the least...
...Mexico had proposed that intervention be illegal even when taken at the invitation of the government whose country was invaded...
...Miathnei J. Adler...
...Again, with an eye to jthe Congress, the most romantic personality that North American manhood has produced in recent years, ha* been flying on a mission of goodwill over Mexico and Central America, Ambassadors of Peace Unfortunately, Lindbergh has not been, in these days, the only North American aviator who has flown over the orchids and cactuses of the tropics...
...It is determined to put over its increased fare, and, in the mean timeIn the Meantime, WHAT IS MAYOR WALKER GOING TO DO ABOUT IT...
...After briefly pointing out hear the Pittsburgh Coal Company, the largest producing company hi America, began the assault ee the miners' eaten in Western Pennsylvania followed the load of the Pittsburgh Company, the of railroad cooperation with the Operators in the drive te smash the union...
...What we must have as a minimum program should be concerted action by cities, states sad nation (a) to provide employment by pushing in this dull time necessary and valuable public works...
...A nation which can discuss a $740,000,000 naval program, supposedly for national defense but really to make war more likely, ought to have a few millions to spare to save the children of bankrupt farmers, unemployed workers and striking miners from hunger...
...Morris Pines tone 10.00 H. Poses 10.CB Dr...
...Red Cross Aid Asked So great la the need among...
...Coolidge took the decision, unparalleled in American history, to attend the Pan-American Congress in person...
...Six months ago before the N. Y. Transit Commission the Inter borough was forced to admit that it had been operating on a five cent fare at a profit...
...The Latin South is uneasy over the predominance of the North...
...coottse left...
...If it could be carried the Pan-American Union would break...
...B. C" Countries Have Agreed To Kill Ruling Against Intervention (By a New leader Correspondent) WASHINGTON.—a definite and eecret understanding to sidetrack any real decision on "intervention" has been agreed upon by the United States and the ABC powers at Havana, thus blocking the move by Central American states to place the Pan-American Conference on record against any further invasion of their territory by the United States...
...It would be incredible that a Vice President of the American Federation of Labor should appoint a committee of 53 to study injunctions and other problems vital to labor, which committee contains some of the most reactionary financiers and best known open, shop employers to America...
...But, unless it be adopted, can that Union possess effective Oxer Railroads Aiding Fight On Miners Union Reveals Hand o Rail Interests Behim Coal Operators in Pens sylvania : * - ti (By International Labor New* Service) WASHINGTON, DC—Definfe proof of charges that bi| railroads are harking the Ufa miaows coal operators In tketl war on the organised miners 1 given by the United Mine Work en of America in 'a startluaj statement of facts submitted 9a the Senate Committee on Inter state Commerce in support oi Senate Resolution No...
...East Side Socialist Center...
...17, 8:20 p. m. Dr...
...Cuban Acta as Lackey Qrestes Ferrara, Cuban Ambassador in the United States, who has been cooperating with the American delegation to save it any embarrassment at Havana, pulled the teeth of this provision during the first week of the Conference by suggesting that It, together with the first two sections of the International Law Code, be abandoned altogether...
...First they ask the courts to enjoin 3,000,000 members of the American Federation of Labor from speaking to LR.T...
...A free hand to the traction highwaymen Is the price Governor Smith appears to be paying for his presidential nomination...
...It Is not merely the individual human being who suffers but society and its future when children cannot get enough bread...
...57 James M. Isaacs - 10.00 M. Rublnsori 10.00 ^rP^ltmgs Co...
...8:30 p. m., Mariur Hahsome...
...The Inter borough is planning carefully...
...And it dares to do this while the transit lines it holds are really The PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK...
...Some aid has also been given by the more fortunate whose savings are not entirely gone or by those who have been able to find work...
...J. Romick . 25.00 Suitcase & Bag...
...The whole nation has an interest In the precedent that may be set by this appeal of the I. R, T. for a higher fare as well as the appeal of the same company against any attempt by the A. F. of L. to organize its workers...
...X case pay the wages provided fat that agreement, i would like to open ay mines and go ahead and pay that wage because I believe to harmonious relsftans between employer and employes...
...Smith's Friends A speaker at the Jackson Day banquet of tke Democrats a few weeks ago unwittingly said that Governor Smith has the confidence of "Wall Street and Main Street...
...Auspices, Socialist TIMELY OPIC by Norman Thomas rpHE Utter tragedy of unemploy* ment has at last reached the point where our PoUyanna editors, poli. tidans and business men are beginning...
...The House Committee on Naval Affairs la still in session from day to day, hearing Navy Department officials and navy eflleera give their reasons for enlarging the navy by building tS new cruisers, 9 destroyer leaders, SS submarines and 3 aircraft carriers within the next eight years, at a cost of nearly a billion dollars as a "starter" on a twenty-year program...
...This would have been especially embarrassing to the United States because it had intervened in Nicaragua upon the request of President Diaz...
...The main provisions of this bill sre as follows: Old age assistance may be granted to an applicant: (a) who has attained the age of 70 and upwards...
...In supporting the general provisions Of this new regulatory law we should auke it clearly understood that there ire further demands that we have to Bake...
...24 100,00 ?ock«rtboc* Makers lOOjOtf Adob^Warahaw soger Norman Thomas fOtoo Louk Waldman fogo A. DeWitt' 50XW Mexander Kahn fooo farrfia ptaiori 50*0 Jacob Paaken ^fiS 3eorgo ROBwer 50§° ^BU5nAck " I sfe TJelson' & Waxeftaam 25.00 Meyer GUlis* 25 DO VeckweaV Makers Union » 25*0 3enjanun Schleslnger 25.00 Pilot' l 25.00 £SeT » t. Notklns 25 .Oft H. Rtvktn ».00, Adolph Held aS.OO Mrs...
...By a malicious dispensation of Providence, this little war blazed on the eve of the fraternal Congress with redoubled violence...
...That notion is dangerous, immoral, and wholly out of accord with the d-tn^, cf an interdependent world order...
...Called In To Relieve * Suffering In Southern Part of State (By • BTe«r f safer Correspondent) pHERRY, at—With the Red Cross mobilised...
...10, 8:30 p. m. Dr...
...And not merely a profit...
...With regard to Nicaragua, I find oduuod as shandy divided hare aa it would be in a similar case at home, and in much the same proportions...
...Nevertheless, I hope I shall be happily surprised by the results of this new effort to get rid of injunctions...
...a mutual guarantee of "4ndepenrtsflsa and territorial integrity...
...John H. Jones, head of the Bntlay Consumers Company, a large eoal producing corporation with Western Pennsylvania and West vUsjuav opcrated his mines with union labor to* thirty-seven years, under SSSBBast Who the United Mine Workers of America...
...or United Pro- , " gresuve Wouteh of Coney Island 5t.oo hectare Calendar NEW YORK Sanday.eFeb...
...Paraguay had proposed that intervention be "intent to decide by force, material pressure or moral coercion, internal or external questions of another State...
...Of that State of mind the North has come, of late, to be painfully aware...
...To allay it, Mr...
...Yet that is precisely what Matthew Woll has done, acting, to be sure, in his wholly Incongruous capacity as President of the National civic Federation...
...The bill provides for the establishment of an old age assistance commission composed of three citizens of the state to be appointed by the governor for a term of four years...
...Quick with the gab, fast with repartee, brilliant at midnight parties, yon "TSgSr1 w^Musr, w4 DlfclMAND THAT TBE FIVE CENT FAME BE jfafcPT INTACT...
...Our courts are wellnigh hopelessly bound with precedent...
...Snow, State Secretary of the Socialist Party, has in the past tew months travelled twelve hundred miles in the state and he sums up industrial conditions In one word...
...Secretary Kellogg's stern Insistence that not only shall France and the United States renounce by treaty all "aggressive war," but any war whatever...
...All of this activity oa the pert of the Pennsylvania Railroad, la conjunction with the above nemsd eoa) companies, has for its purpose the destruction of the United Mum Workers of America and the rtegiadstloa of the wages of coal nuns workers...
...23rd A. D. , . Tuesday, Feb...
...It is hoped that a hearing will be held on this bill at some later date...
...L. Ctoldberg 25.00 Dr...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, Branch 8*FWday, Feu...
...The funds are derived from equal appropriations to be made by the legislature and the counties and cities of which the aged person Is a resident at the time of making application...
...In the long ran not extreme nationalism but internationalism, above all, the internationalism of the workers is the alternative to imperialism...
...8:30 p. m., O. Valenti Subject: "Cress Currents and Disrup Uve Movements Affecting the Socialist Ps>ty In the U. 6." Boro Park Label Lyceum, 42nd street and 14th avenue...
...filler* ft* e*J« ask...
...Subject: "The Socialist Attitude Toward Soviet Russia...
...even bonuses for this anti.Labor work could be afforded...
...Hughes makes this argument be assumes that a strong nation like the United States is the sole fudge both of its own rights and the little nation's duties, which leads to tyranny...
...So lucrative have been the earnings that the officials could boost their salaries sky-high, hundreds of thousands of doI_ lars could be spent to break strikes and break unions of the transit employees...
...These houses ought to be condemned as unfit for human habitation in the richest city in the world...
...His nom party produces three and oneaaif million tons annually, and of thai amount, according to Ins statement, she hundred thousand torn Is sold to the Oeneral Motors Corporation...
...They have sworn to keep the five cent fare intact...
...There is a limit to this aid, however, and it in no measure is sufficient...
...It cannot at this sixth Congress be repeated with better success...
...Meanwhile, not by action at Havana but by pressure on Washington must we strive to stop the infamous Nlcaraguan war and bring our boys back home...
...Monday, Feb...
...Auspices, Socialist Pary, 9-16 A. D. Suiatsj...
...Charitable organizations exhausting their resources to care for stark human misery, the poor bouseh overflowing with men, women and children facing starvation, this section of nunoia is facing the worst economic tragedy in its history...
...Food la the greatest need of the community or the funds with which to purchase it, according to Bureau county workers...
...William H. Taft himself has admitted that criminal justice in America is a disgrace...
...It is definitely on the agenda under Article 3 of Section 2 on "States," of the International Code 3f Public Law, which reads: "No State may intervene in the internal affairs of another...
...Stevens whose statistical "research" provided the gas company's economic alibis...
...T2, 11 a. m., Judge Jacob Panken...
...The statement says: Cesdraat "It is well known that the Faun* sylvania Railroad has been cooperating with the Pittsburgh Coal Company, the Hill man Coal and Coke Company, the Jonas A Laughlin Steal Company, the Inland Steel Company, the Bethlehem Mines Corporation and others in the policy of eliminating the union and sustaining the action of the Pittsburgh Coal Company in ropudV ating its contract with the United Mine Workers of America...
...Untermyer and other non-Tammany persons and agencies out of the affair...
...Now they plan to ask the courts to enjoin all city and state authorities from faiaWatiiy with the uerm Watt .,f«r» Jajtff .the .noro-m JhajIL...
...Wilson and Colonel House...
...It is expected that other chapters of the Red Cross through this section of the state will Join in and help this community which has been the scene of tragedies in the past...
...Tremoat Educational Forum...
...June, 1927, and said: "T am prepared to earn the Jeckamvllle agreement wtth you boys...
...Sublect: "How the Body Works—the Methods of Physiology...
...The slihssaeii itieegjiili the* Veer ise-rni saaenlr ctotJb* the riaht the city ha* T& ITS TaTANSIT LINKS, the rapture date* of thef eritiPe UtT...
...How can a man who is president of this federation put strength, vigor and Iron determination to the drive against injunctions to whieh he together with all labor leaders of every shade of opinion is committed...
...Aarpices socialist Party, 23rd AD...
...In addition to the State Old Age Assistance Commission, county boards consisting of seven members are appointed by the county judge...
...We H Uant yevg Kffif *OUR PTAtMSES...
...Here is one of the situations amid which, on this hospitable Continent, a European feels himself at home...
...Shipbuilder* Need » Big Navy Program, Is Wilbur* • Plea (By a New I easier Oiurespnadwnt) Washington—Five thousand mOUoa dollars aad more la taxes Would be levied upon taw people ef the United States partly for the purpose of keeping the shl|ihuM lag corporations In buslBSSs, If Secretary, Wilbur's naval building program / should be carried out...
...Are you afraid they might throw a monkey wrench into your scheme...
...Just reported by the Havana correspondent of the National Council...
...Subject: : "Companionate Matrftu^"«^ijTp C" AuA£>ices ISdekUfct FridaV, February It), 8:30 p. m., Dr...
...The drama will come when Haiti and San Domingo (which have endured the occupation of the American marines) present (with some support from Argentina and Paraguay) their blunt resolutions, which declare that any intervention by one State in the affairs of another (or, as one motion defines it, "any action...
...some of the residents that an appeal has been made to relief organizations and a movement hi now under way by the Bureau County Chapter of the American Red Caps foe the collection of SJsTrork" may be carried on...
...Auspices, Tremorit Educational Forum, 4215 Third arenue...
...Lief 10.00 Pehx Fapkrwsky (Nowy...
...It will be a success, one gathers, for Washington, if no one at this gathering talks of the one thing that reauy matters to the New World, precisely as it is a success for London or Paris at Geneva that no one should mention Shanghai or the Rhlneland...
...These boards serve without pay except for their necessary expenses...
...More than six months ago Henry IL, Pringle, the sympathetic biographer of Governor Smith, "IT IS BEING WHISPERED THAT HE (GOVERNOR SMITH) IS IN CAHOOTS WITH THE TRACTION trust in new york and 'has sold out to the higher Fare crowd* in return for financial assistance in the event that he runs for president...
...Temporarily we may have to use such defenses as we can get...
...Subject: "Abraham Uneoln...
...Argentina had proposed that intervention be meddling in the "external" affairs of a state as well as the Internal affairs, while Haiti and the Dominican Republic had introduced somewhat similar definitions...
...There has been no denial from the numerous and vociferous camp-followers of scarlet Tammany's presidential white hope...
...Charles Solomon...
...Subject: "The Presidential Campaign," 218 Van Slcklen avenue...
...X. The present chaotic situation hi the soft coal lanuetij fa due solely te this railroad eeal esse.pany conspiracy against the minora and it is necessary that all the facte In relation te the situation ha brought out before a proper reaeBdy eaa he appeal la the pubue aa> terest...
...and the banking company forbade ban to dO so under penalty of surraudsrtog his company to the banks that hold hts paper...
...That which I and other Socialists •ared is now being attempted...
...S. Ingermann 15 .Off Slgmund Hahtaon 15.00 1th and 14th A. D. S. P. 15-04 M Tuliman 15.00 Shaflotte Bohlin- 1500 *x...
...Is jhe five-cent fare due to go the same the way the "eighty-cent gas law" passed...
...SwauX , 9AO Henry Fruchter 5.00 Eddie LeVinson 5.00 Bsraor Kom 5.00 Pan la Cohn 5.00 Oigs Long ssa I. Laderman 5J0Q O^cf^Fru^uui JoQ Suli^fn^™^*"*11 loo Aur...
...But at the fifth Conference (In 1923) the attempt of Uruguay to revive it was vetoed by the conservatism of Washington...
...8. P. m Rosa Welch 10.00 Furriers Verbena MTM) Dr...
...12, 4 p.m...
...I think that not •ven our courts with all their tenderto property can find a way to ¦Pwt the definite contract between w« city as owner of the subways and *• operating companies by which «• five-cent fare is set...
...Unemployment has come to the itate as a plague...
...Subject- "The Msasnre of Social Progress...
...Stern 8.00 WJMhn Paaaueauea fi.oo MaglageFee (Panken) 5.00 Miscellaneous Coat Ildioo Anonymous ' 20.00 Mrs...
...The annual income of the property is computed at S per cent of its value...
...Of course, the mlnng sections are worst hit and it is the rtrike piled on top of a bad unemployment situation which makes a ninlng community like Cherry a hell, [t is no exaggeration to say that chare are whole families of workers who have descended lower than the cave-man's standard of living...
...Subject: "Current ¦vents...
...These commissioners receive no salaries except a $10 per diem fee while actually engaged In the business of the commission...
...Consider the facts...
...As the Federation has been punishing the two capitalist parties by this action since 1906 we look forward to resolutions of protest in the Republican and Democratic conventions...
...If the courts ?°J™* a way to upset these contracts W Will be an end of every half-way effective attempt to regulate rates on public utilities...
...But all this assistance is as a drop In the bucket to the real need...
...Auspices Socialist Thursday, Feb...
...Walker, are you so anxious to keep Mr...
...Condemnation could not be carried out all at once...
...The high explosives of Northern battle-planes have been falling in Nicaragua...
...Stibjectr Ignorance in Relation to Age, Sex, Race, Vocation...
...But a "practical people," we are told, which can calmly discuss an initial naval appropriation of $740,000,000 must SOt talk about anything so "impractical" as providing decent housing (or its children...
...After all the Intervention Issue has come before the American Congress . to Havana...
...its president Is 'the Secretary of State, and Its director a North American...
...SnaoofcxYN Friday, Pebt 10...
...Five countries had introduced definitions of "intervention," which were embarrassing to the United States...
...The sixth conference of the Pan-American Union is meeting at Havana...
...The trouble Is that when Mr...
...Assistance has been given the more needy by the county through the pauper aid fund and through the miners' union which has paid the miner five dollars a month during the past two months...
...105, pro viding for investigation of th soft coal fields of Pennsylvania West Virginia and Ohio...
...Wllhsm Mor lis Peigenbaum...
...The statement, signed by Qeorg* W Lewis legislative representative oi the United Mine Workers, gives concrete facta to prove the following assertions: I. Fun reaponathPity far sees*, ent conditions hi the soft eeal fletdB rests upon the shoulders of She ©oat companies that braeeaty ispodlatisl their contracts with the Vested Mine Workers sad the great raflroad companies that forced the operator* to take such action...
...sywtern9,-wiffr ft* exception of the gasies-n Parkway line, have fctrjirrrf...
...But words are not enough...
...Makers Union 25.00 J. Stein 25.00 CI Herman 25.0* Harry W. Laldler 25.0Q Hebrew Butchers Union 25.00 Or...
...They are repeatedly used by clever lawyers to block and not further justice, as, for instance, by Max Steuer in blocking the investigation into the Queensborough sewer scandals in New York and by Sinclair's lawyers at the present time in the jury-tamperirig hearing* in Washington...
...And I say this with no particular love for the executive or legislative branches...
...Under no proper theory of law or the functions of the judidlary are the courts entitled to the power they now claim in the matter of injunctions and rate setting...
...M. Goldberg 10.00 Branch 7, Socialist Party 10.00 J: Corn 10.00 Herman Volk 10.00 David Orandlter 10.00 M. Levy 10.00 M. Ansell - 10.00 M. Rutfes 10.00 Oscar Slote 10.00 Bertha M. Haley 10.00 Morris Novlck 10.00 M. Tofflns 10.80 A Democrat 10.00 Louis Berger 10.00 McAllster Coleman 10.00 Dr...
...The Argentine notion of absolute National sovereignty to which every strong nation adheres to its own affairs though they all deny it to weaker r>»n^T may be 'useful as a temporary bulwark against Imperialism...
...The Havana Congress What, beyond silence ( where silence is prudent) and demonstrations of good will, wfB come out of the Havana Congress f Nothing, I imagine, that means a new departure...
...This would have been equally embarrassing to the United States because its refusal to grant loans to ship munitions and other supplies to various Latin American governments in the past, of which it did not approve, might be defined as intervention...
...16 th A. D. Sunday, Feb...
...Jones by tolspheB and said they understood he was going to sign the oontrant...
...Why, Mr...
...The Union (which is the permanent committee of the Congress) has its office in Washington...
...The^Cornmission thinks that "the tuns is not ripe" for such a proposal...
...p. m., August Claeasens...
...Governor Smith suggests a program of public works to relieve the situation...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 22nd A. D. .Friday, Feb...
...Even from the standpoint of "practical politics," about which our ¦octal worker friends are so concerned, it ought to be evident that if an the amendments to the bill tend to weaken its provisions and none to •trengthen them the law finally passed ¦HI be worse than the proposed ¦assure...
...Assistance Is given to persons who have property not to exseed $3,000...
...We do not intervene In Nicaragua and elsewhere to enforce some lofty code of duty but to collect extortionate profits for investors...
...This emergency relief In a humane society should properly be a matter of national governmental concern...
...17, 8:30 p. m. Martuz Bansome...
...TTON DEAL yoei wffl at once ewrre goatee aa" re-capture tod suited, in the hurt ejection, for rcariove* at* Hrnttelisau cm the city's debt...
...11 8:90 p. m., Esther FaMQUuBl...
...This Is the Secretary's own statemeat of) what he terms a "very Important phase of the proposed continuing building program...
...8:30 p. m. Fannie Berlin...
...Bill To Pension Aged Introduced In N. Y. Assembly (By a New Leader Correspondent) Albany.—An Old Age Pension BUI sponsored by the American Association for Old Age Security and drafted by Professor Joseph P. Chamberlain, head of the Legislative Drafting Bureau, Columbia University, has been introduced in the legislature by Frank A Miller...
...This statement is made by the National Council for Prevention of War, following the receipt of dispatches from its American representative in Cuba, which stated that in addition to Cuba, Argentina, Brazil and Chile were giving tacit consent to shelving the embarrassing question of defining intervention...
...The American Federation of Labor will again "punish enemies" this year by approving Republican and Democratic candidates...
...Jobs Scarce Red Crai...
...I confess that I have my doubts...
...Subject: "Collective Ignorance ; Ra Relation to Pontics, Economics Social Life, Crimed <Can men learn from history...
...c) has resided in the state for fifteen years immediately preceding the date of the application...
...employees about trade unionism...
...Mussolini Improves The Fascist gang hi Bah/ has abet Isbed universal suffrage and now only Fascists can vote In Isn't it a happy thought that MuanOm has remained In power and has been able to stabilise his despotism because of the favorable debt settlement the TTniMlikjg Administration, mads with bear...
...Friday, Feb...
...Loui* SaecsT...
...Brownsville, Labor Lyceum 219 Sackman street...
...Tammany Hall's reported sellout to transit interests is more than rumor...
...Poush S. A. 15.00 W. Cannon IMJ Rublnow 1V«J0 Or...
...4215 Third a Venue...
...I understand that some agitation along these lines is likely to be begun...
...It might be 'made effective over a period of years beginning with those nouses on which the most violations have accumulated...
...No one, apparently...
...13, 8:30...
...I wto* Tammany Hall will be afraid sot to make an honest fight against »• T-cent fare...
...Provision is made for the return to the state of the total amount it the pensions paid from the estate of the pensioner upon the death of both pensioner and his wife...
...Bennington Hall...
...Its regulatory features, especially for new housing, are good...
...One little war Is being waged, and at least three disputes which diplomacy cannot heal divide the Latin-American States...
...To claim it is sheer judicial usurpation...
...2518 Mermaid avenue Auspices, Socialist Party, Coney Island Branch...
...Havana Diplomacy Makes Brailsford Feel At Home (Mr...
...Intervention" has been for the United States, the sore thumb of the Conference... a State to force its will" upon another) is by the constitution of the Pan-American Union illegal There is the direct challenge to the whole tendency which, in the last quarter of a century, has made the North the selfappointed policeman of the territories that border the Caribbean Sea...
...Brailsford, the distinguished British Socialist and journalist, is now visitiha in the United States.} By H. N. Brailsford rpHIS exile from Europe has stumbled into the midst of a drama of the New World...
...Zackar , 9.00 §.oo Mrs...
...There was considerable objection to his proposal and a compromise was finally reached whereby the troublesome articles dealing with intervention, the recognition at states, and the fundamental saws* ofhWernSTlonaJ law staeatld take the form of "declarations" rather than "treaties...
...gEVEN-CEPTF FAKE.** Before many more days, this will .be the demand that will meet every subway and elevated tram rider in New York City "Pay seven cents or walk...
...I should also like to see them prepare a model state law, tor injunctions cannot be banished merely by federal action...
...That movement had the support of Mr...
...Seen At Havana Peace Group Says "A...
...I am more than ever convinced of this, having begun to study with some care the proposed new tenement house law in New York State...
...For the overwhelming majority, this war is not a war, but an Indispensable operation of police...
...That is the arrogant threat of the Interborouafa Rapid Transit Company...
...Roat Brody...
...165 St Marks Avenue, Brooklyn: Auspices Soolahst Bart*, lath A, D. w...
...This Congress promises to do pretty well on investigations but no investigation of the mine situation can feed or clothe or house the children whom I saw in desolate camps...
...Numbers of families of .the village are on the Bureau county pauper list, receiving from five to $15 a month, dependent on the number of children in the family...
...As internationalists we can scarcely favor the Argentine1 rea"sons...
...Subject: "Woman's Changing Status...
...Mortimer J. Adler...
...b> has been a citizen of the United States for at least twenty years before waking application for assistance...
...Justice for the poor is a tragedy...
...The Inter borough's demand for a seven cent fare is plain* ly a deliberate hold-up...
...However, it still remained to define "intervention...
...With no work to be had, no money coming In with which to buy food and other prime necessities of life, and their little savings eaten away for the purchase of necessities since the strike weqt into force last April, many families face hunger unless assistance Is given...
...finally ruled...
...Ransom is the fair-haired boy of corporate interests who put over the increased gas rate for the Consolidated Gas Company...
...And it was Mr...
...This aid and the $5 union checks monthly are the sole income of many families consisting of husband, wife and five or six children...
...and that I must conform myself to the pnhslss of the Pittsburgh Coal T—ry or they propose to ruin me.' "At about the sssae thee, hankers to Philadelphia who hold — —"rn of the Bertha Consumers Company called Mr...
...Yea got fwhet yeejt eetJi if £e*v The avenue tor reK»ptere by the etty of ltd 4*wu ihdMli ante* i» now wide OPUA\OR WALKER, WHAT ARfTSKkTJ «OT*G TO DO ABOUT IT...
...The argument against intervention on this hemisphere doe* not rest primarily on some exalted* notion' of thei absolute sovereignty of nations...
...Some families have been found that have gone two and three days without obtaining anything to eat...
...The Pan-American Union was started In its present form In 1889 by Mr...
...It Is public knownledge also that the Pittaburgh Terminal Coal Corporation, which refused to make aa agreement with Its employes after April 1, 199T, enjoyed the sustaining rnmissl aad assistance of the Pennsylvania Railroad in this decision...
...It never will be ripe unless some of us begin to demand this act of decency and Justice now...
...Auspices Socialist Party...
...Repeatedly in campaigns and out of them I have said that either deliberately or through laziness Tam•nany Hall was getting ready to side¦t*p the transit problem by procrastination and delay until such time as the subway companies would go into hw courts following the example of the Consolidated Gas and Telephone JjOmpaniea and get a higher fare...
...Beyond this, however, lies the need for relief...
...William L. Ransom has been hired as special counsel to conduct the fight in the court...
...The miners, their wives and OMr children have been trained to do without many of the comforts of life but it is necessary that they eat...
...It la apparent from this law that it will not even condemn the shocking old law tenements in which something like a third of the population of New York City still live...
...The lower courts Especially are subject to direct political and finf ncial pressure...
...These LILT, lords are strong for injunctions against the people...
...d) has no income in excess of 11 a day...
...Thus, they would not be binding upon the United States or any other country...
...The Mayor, Governor Smith and Tammany Hall have made profuse gestures about municipal ownership... talk about it...
...Seldfn lddp 3uIdsuiitB lWe P. J. Murphy 10.00 Harry Smith ULOft...* to gassed »i ?er -nwyr- Persons who...
...Families on Pauper List The first concentrated effort to find bow great a fund will be necessary to take care of the situation was made when a questionnaire was passed among the students at the public school on which they were asked to state what their families needed in the manner of food, clothing or other assistance...
...Do youf Crisis Grips Ill...
...That is good as far as it goes...
...It is "Hell...
...Jones called at the office of the United Mine Workers of aaawJas to...
...The same procedure even to hiring the same legal and statistical agencies is being followed by the Inter borough as was used by the gas corporation...
...Is disturbed by the verbal contradiction between Mr...
...Secret Deal By U.S...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 8

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