Laidler, Harry W.

HIGH-PRESSURE SALESMANSHIP DEFLATES THE DOLLAR Stuart Chase Reveals The Advertising Experts ^ n ^ As Glorified Bunco-Steerers ^^fW^^W. By Harry W. Laidler <mrmOt Stuart Chase wrote bis first "...

...In other words, we could work for four hours a day instead of eight and be at least as well off as we are at present Chase, who, by the way, is a certified public accountant, formerly senior accountant for the Federal Trade Commission in the Investigation of the beef combine, director of the Labor Bureau, Inc., and treasurer of the League for Industrial Democracy, was not, however, content with this analysis of thlngs-as-theyare...
...The directors and the finance committee kept on taking orders from J. P. Morgan and from George F. Baker of the First National Bank, both of whom dominated the corporation...
...Surprising aa it may seem, it was the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, timid and broken In spirit interested only in the highly skilled worker, seeking and bargaining for its own separate advantage, that was most responsible for the failure of the Strike...
...1 "Yia—an' what arr ye here fer...
...At least he had not been killed in any tunnel...
...4,689 , Comfort stations...........2,130 Water closet bowls..........10,375 Washing faucets or basins...
...It waa a revelation—a direct communication, perhaps...
...The other feOow dances awn a fine chap, but—you know a bit tan lies To be frank, not pleasant to dance with.' What to this subduer of ehanntog young ladles...
...Still, there was this haunting sensation that the sea and all of its arms and branches, wherever situated, were Inimical to aim and that one day one of them would surely do him a great injury—kill him, perhaps...
...After seven "Our Fathers" and seven "Hafl Marys," said on bis knees, and a litany of the Blessed Virgin for good measure, he crossed himself and arose greatly refreshed...
...In fact he kneW that Cavanaugh had always favored him- as a good useful helper...
...none at all (seven, once he became proficient) and an assured future as a tunnel worker, a "sand-hog," as he had now learned such men as lllm"lf were called, was a luring as well as a disturbing thought...
...He was a facile prophet of industrial conditions, including steel...
...We are constantly being urged to buy fancy package goods when bulk goods at a tenth of the price would be equally effective...
...So I did, but I've changed me mind...
...It's* 'different...
...The Eta outcasts have also announced their intention to run nine candidates with the slogan "Equality for all...
...Where else could he make five dollars a day...
...The authors quote another advertising agency as maintaining that but onefourth of the business is done as a result of a natural demand, the other three-quarters as a result of salesmanship...
...that BUsterlne not only eliminates odors but rtlmtnatet dandruff . . . that chewing gum...
...What could be more natural, therefore, but that when the period of mourning, so to speak, had elapsed, that James A. Farrell should be named officially chief executive officer in addition to president that J. P. Morgan should become chairman of the board of directors without executive duties and that a representative of Baker, Myron C. Taylor by name, should be made chairman of the finance committee...
...169 Sanitary drinking fountains...
...11' Speaking at that time of Its safety program in which the corporation, takes the greatest pride, it said officially: f "These expenditures for labor, have not been, as might appear, at the expense of the stockholders...
...On his setting out for America, for instance, some few years before at the suggestion of hie mother, he had made a novena before this very saint craving of him a safe conduct in crossing the sea, as weU as prosperity once he had arrived in America...
...1925—Regular dividend on common raised from S to 7. 1926—40% extra stock dividend...
...One cotton mill operative is now able to handle more looms than 50 operatives could manage in 1870...
...advertising, experts to sales psychology, high pYUtouiP closing men...
...A little cresoL a common and cheap dtotatanct i econattended by (be government for disinfecting cam, barns and chicken yards...
...We went- over without a ripple," said one official...
...In fact we are in "a wonderland...
...They tell us how home builders are constantly being imposed upon in the purchase of every article that goes into the building of a bouse from cellar to garret, and how even the manufacturer of raw materials is constantly being victimized by the sellers of wood, of leather, of machinery...
...I.was thinkin' maybe ye'd have a place fer me...
...Scores of women seeking beauty by the jar get for their money unOghtful scare and permanent disfigurement" The Bureau of Standards recently found that only nine percent of the wood entering Into furniture made very durable furniture, while M per cent was dubious or very "non-durable...
...One garment worker running workers...
...He had a recurring sensation of being drawn up into water or down, be could not tell which, and of being submerged in ooze and choking slowly...
...The cave-In had cost the contractors thousands and in addition had taught them that mere air pressure and bracing as heretofore followed were not sufficient for successful tunneling...
...It was final and the U. S. Steel inherited this policy with the iron and steel assets of Andrew Carnegie, philanthropist, par excellence...
...Finally, in the middle of 1909 the Amalgamated Association Had to fight or die for the company had declared a general wage reduction and the abolition of the auding-ecale, whue the unionized subsidiaries declared for "open-shop.'* When the strike was formally called off a year later the union was completely smashed...
...The announcement that a triumvirate has replaced the little lamented Elbert H. Gary aa the managing genius of the United States Steel Corporation must be taken with two or three grains of salt Not only was Gary's intellect not so capacious as to demand the substitution of three brains for his mentality but his power and responsibility were so insignificant that he will be but little missed— except by the newspaper men...
...The trio of Morgan, Farrel and Taylor will live up to this noble ideal —at least so long as the trade unions will remain craft-divided and limp in spirit Japanese Labor Prepares For Fight In Feb...
...And the advertising that does the business to not that dealing with quality, value, utility, reasonable coat or soundness, but repetition...
...The New Main Street Messrs...
...At any rate, among other things, he had occasionally been implored for protection in that realm when McGlathery was a boy...
...However, must be kept busy, "to the' best mental effort in the game of lewlaios to concentrated on the major nuMim of somring .the customer's dollar before the other fellow gets it .. The fruits of that urging are nations...
...MORGAN RULES ON Anti-Unionism And Industrial Slavery Continues in Steel By Louis Stanley YWTTLLj the Steel Trust reform in " its attitude towards labor...
...Labor can look forward to no lessened pressure of the iron and steel hell...
...the anthers quote from a New York advertising agency, "mast get eat before the beloved customers and shoot, search, halloo, promise, concede, coax, i be funny, coo, thump, seek, knock, pooch, and get the order...
...It pro-' vines to Socialists a wealth of argument which they can use with telling effect particularly with the housewives, with women's organ 1 ration* and with those who are inclined to think primarily in terms of the rights and the welfare of the consumers—most of whom are...
...The tire business recently issued a warning that tires were being made to last too long for healthy business...
...Nor is there any doubt as to the placing of responsibility for this position...
...Instalment selling, direct mall appeal, sucker lists, 'contact men,* Uw 'dumping' of goods in foreign markets, heaven knows what . . With a jwiy'Ujy to produce perhaps twice the present total of consumption goods, unemployment lingers, poverty remains, two-thirds of all American families live below the budget of health and decency as computed by the United States Department of Labor...
...The men who direct the policy of the Corporation have never lost sight of the fact that the first object of any company Is to make money for its stockholders...
...sthnulaong and romantic story...
...Election (By A New Leader Correspondent) T^OKro—For the first tune in Japanese history the working class will have an opportunity to test its strength in a general election which will occur the middle of February...
...The 'nm^i loss to the consumer runs into hundreds of millions of dollars...
...The . Steel Corporation to not aa eleemosynary Institution...
...The Eta consists of the lowest strata in Japan, a caste that for centuries has not been permitted to marry Into any other class, and which has been consigned to the moat menial occupations...
...No fundamental change whatsoever...
...Too much thinking would halt turnover, flatten sales curves, give competitors an opening...
...as little as one-fifty a day...
...IS, those who by that date have failed to deposit 2,000 yen will drop out so that many who are now enjoying the limelight as candidates will* then become mere voters...
...An' mind' ye, no worryin' or lookin" afbund.» We've a safe way now...
...The difference between two and five dollars a day is considerable...
...AD Its ac~ " tlvitles for the good of the worker, apart from consideration of humanity, have been amply Justified by plain business reasons—they paid eventually...
...After all, nothing had happened to him that other time, and might it ever again, really...
...Average Citizen...
...This was an iron tube ten feet in length and fifteen feet in diameter—the width of the tunnel, which was carried forward on a line and the axis of the tunnel into the ground ahead...
...No one had, not a soul...
...Previously Cavanaugh' had kept him almost constantly employed, finding him faithful and hard-workbut, now owing to stranger associates there were weeks when be bad no work at all and others when he bad to work for...
...Is no longer Just an exercise for the Jaws, it is a dentriflce, a digestion stabilizer, a breath sweetner, an antiseptic...
...With the former he had" various sad sundry talks...
...When Judge Gary died .last August he was chairman of the board of directors, chairman of the finance committee and chief executive officer...
...and he was a preacher of the open shop as an antidote to radicalism...
...They quote, for Instance, Dr...
...The Carnegie Company ha.l become notorious in the bitterly fought Homestead strike of 1892, when the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers went down to defeat...
...It was a great surprise to us all...
...Only the fulfillment of the predictions that Calvin Coolidge of Boston police strike fame will eventually become the dummy chairman of the board of directors remains to complete the picture of a Mammon, fed with helpless workers...
...Nevertheless, despite his decease the two and a half billion dollar corporation did not stop functioning...
...After all, he had no trade other than this he bad begun to learn under Cavanaugh...
...Our money sysfem to based on the economics of scarcity, while our technological plant to based on the economies of abundance...
...I'm married now an' have three children...
...In the Catholic Church of St Columba of South Brooklyn, at which McGlathery and his young wife were faithful attendants, there was a plaster statue of a saint of this same name, a co-worker with St Patrick in Ireland, it appears, who in McGlatbery's native town of Kilrush, County of Clare, on the water's edge of Shannon, had been worshipped for centuries past, or at least highly esteemed, as having some merit in protecting peopfe at sea, or in adventures connected with water...
...When it was driven in far enough to be completely concealed by the earth about, then the earth within was removed...
...It is of such gems of thought as this that the decease of the Judge deprives us...
...And they ask why the kind of -thing that to being done by thto agency US'the case of commodities purchased by government agencies cannot, as ttW first' stop, be done for the people 67 the United States at larger "¦ Whether consumers wfll follow the advice of the authors and unite for the purpose of ascertaining the contents of the commodities they buy...
...Commentary: 1924—2% extra dividend* oa common stock...
...The awakening of this class is a significant phase of Japanese history...
...Testing the Product—Let the Consumers Organise They show what the United States Bureau of Standards has done in testing the Ingredients of hundreds of millions of -dollars worth of products purchased by ¦ the national government In its various departments, and how it has saved the people of the country through their governmental machines millions upon millions...
...The consumer Is thus under mounting pressure to buy, buy, buy, "while few sources are offered .him whereby he may use intelligent selection In his buying...
...At any rate, something told him to go see Cavanaugh at one*, before the work wasl well under way .and not be afraid, as no harm would come to him, and, besides, he might not get anything, even though he desired it so much If be delayed...
...Most of this activity was started in 1911 after the union had been eliminated...
...That smacks too much of labor organization...
...The plant...
...It is necessary to remember that while anybody can be a candidate until Feb...
...he now demanded to know of McGlathery rather amusedly, for he had Sensed the cause of bis desertion...
...The United States Steel Corporation makes much ado about its welfare or as the workers call it "hellfare" work...
...boa cigarette machine tender replace* 100 bend rollers...
...But five dollars $ day as against one-fifty or two or...
...Inasmuch as profit through quick turnover is the chief aim of the advertiser, he is under a tremendous temptation, the authors contend, "to adulterate goods, limit their serviceability, shorten their life, and bring the purchaser back the . sooner for another sale...
...By Harry W. Laidler <mrmOt Stuart Chase wrote bis first " book on •Tragedy of Waste," Bamsay MaeDonald praised It as an outstanding example of the kind of research work into the evils of capitalism which •ft"*-"-*- all over the world should be engaged in at the present time, of rapIdly evolving capitalism...
...An* so we arr...
...Gary complied and on May 26, 1923 a report was made...
...And there have been mild rebellions by stockholders because the corporation officials are too stingy with dividends...
...It was gravely predicted that "If the twelve hour day In the Iron and steel industry should be abandoned at present it would Increase the cost of production on the ' average about fifteen per cent and there would be needed at least 60, 000 additional employees...
...To be sure, be had come very near losing his Ufe, as he thought, but then he had not...
...27 -Schools...
...Besides, be had ft sneaking feeling...
...If Cavanaugh- would only take him back...
...They debunk the average tooth brush and tooth powder advertisements...
...Witness the cloud of 'bat call' advertising—'this extraordinary offer good for ten days only,' 'the last chance of a lifetime...
...And also this illuminating bit: "The president stated that he had been assured by the bead of the financial house (Morgan's) that he will stand by whatever action the president thinks best" What foUows therefore, must be looked upon in the light of this central control...
...On this plan the old company bad decided to undertake the work again...
...The best and safest mouth washes are either warm water, a toaepoonful of salt in a pint of water, or a salt solution with a little sodium bicarbonate added The American Medical Association reports that the $117,000,000 a year cosmetic industry to honeycombed with dangerous products...
...Not Even Company Unions The United States Steel Corporation does not even deign to establish company unions...
...24,930 Clothes lockers............179,581 , Base hospitals...
...The United States Steel Corporation took the lead in the combat raising a smoke-screen of Bolshevism for which it never, presented one iota of evidence, conducting a pernicious propaganda to stir up national animosities among the workers, import lag negro strike-breakers, evicting strikers from company homes, trampling upon civil liberties, and utilizing spies, detectives and armed guards to the full extent of Its financial re-, sources...
...It was a grand opportunity, unfortunately let slip by...
...In 1901 a strike occurred against the three subsidiary corporations, the American • Sheet Steel, American Steel Hoop and the American Tin Plate Companies...
...And the high pressure salesmen and their big backers win assuredly .fight bitterly against the Impartial testing laboratories which the authors urge...
...While, if we have any conceivable commodity capable of lasting several years, extraordinary efforts are made to get you to buy a new model, and to bring obloquy to bear against any who are so behind the times as not to have the latest model.' Turning to adulteration, the authors quote an authority in the Federal Trade Commission as estimating that there are at least a thousand advertisers of fraudulent schemes advertising through our mega rlnes and Journals...
...and Mrs...
...The Morgan and Baker interests continue to dictate policies...
...The Strike of 1919 The steel strike of 1919 is still fresh in our memories...
...32 Restaurants and lunch rooms 66 Playgrounds...
...It feels powerful enough to lay down the rules and establish the conditions for its workers without any pretense of democracy...
...For Instance, calculations show that had accidents continued at the 1906 rate the Corporation under various State compensation tows, would have paid to those who would have been Injured or to their f amities, a sum* far exceeding the amount spent in preventing accidents...
...One evening, sitting in bis doorway thumbing his way through an evening paper which he could barely read, McGlathery had made all this out Mr...
...I was readin' that ye was about to start work on the tunnel again...
...Beams like spokes were radiated from its, sides to its centre, and the surrounding earth nu tamed by heavy iron plates...
...rV tap fa Farebasrag Power -3 Purchasing power lags behind...
...The Revolution Is Made Thus, the twelve hour day passed into history...
...In spite of himself, McGlathery was impressed...
...All except the last mean little for Japanese -labor's cry is still one of discontent rather than a conscious political movement St...
...Its welfare work has seemed to it sufficient to ornament its autocratic control...
...The space so cleared was then used exactly as a hub is used on a wagon wheel...
...01 a nigger, hire another...
...Nobody was convinced and on August 3 Judge Gary announced that "—manufacturers of iron said steel representing the entire industry of this country will now begin the total elimination of the twelve hour day...
...In 1922 good-natured President Harding urged upon Judge Gary as president of the American Iron and Steel Institute to appoint a committee to consider the abolition of the two shift day...
...There was a pleasant conviction iff his mind now, newly come there be1fore this image, that he would never" come to real barm by any power of water...
...They give, an astounding number of cases of adulteration, of quackery, all verifiable...
...While be believed In the t»rir«n<.»i nature of water to him, he also believed in tba power of various saints, male and female, to help or binder...
...It was not so pleasant...
...As the old refrain in the mills went: "KiU a nigger, hire another...
...We who have to bring in business...
...This was due, perhaps, to the fact that Kilrush was directly on the water and had to have a saint of that kind...
...It is an axiom of the higher salesmanship that his mind must be made UP for him in advance...
...Worse he was not a union man, and the money he had once saved was gone, and he had a wife and three children...
...What av it...
...Said Gary triumphantly to the, stockholders In April" 1921: "Aa stated and repeated publlicly, we do not combat, tho we do not contract or deal with labor unions as such "But whatever may have been the conditions of employment la the long past and whatever may have been the results of coa cernlng which there Is at least much uncertainty, there Is at present la the opinion of the large majority of both employers and employees, no necessity for labor unions and that no benefit or advantage through them win accrue to any one except the onion labor leaders...
...seeing that he bad been a favorite worker, would not begrudge him a place If he had one...
...We're beginninJ in the rnermn.' Set that ye're here at seven sharp...
...trade swtoriahoa drives, vertical frusta...
...The two systems fall to interlock, and out of tba -frantic and largely futile attempts to do so| the new competition emerges...
...Incidentally, he had not gone near his old foreman in all this time, being somehow ashamed of himself, and in consequence he had not fared so well...
...There was no interference with production—nothing...
...Incidentally it was stated that Thomas Cavanaugh was going to return as one of the two chief foremen...
...The striking thing about it was how easily it was done...
...One bottle making machine operator replaces M Bf»»hM workers...
...rt "Very well, then," said Cavanaugh...
...Appeal to Sentiment . And then there to the new appeal to sentiment and social prestige...
...H. C. Flick, chairman of the company, had issued his defiance: - "I can say with greatest emphasis that under no circumstances will we have any further dealings with the Amalgamated Association as an orgnixation...
...Then, in spite of his marital happiness, poverty began to press him so...
...Together with F. J. 8c hi ink, formerly of the United States Bureau of Standards, he has, during the last two years been delving into the whole American game of fooling the consumer, and has come out with a brilliantly written and powerful indictment of the whole system of high pressure salesmanship nicely calculated to fritter away the hard earned dollar of Mr...
...It is an encouraging sign of- the times that "Your Money's Worth," (net price, $2.00) the title of the author's most recent book, is published and widely advertised by the old and conservative house of Macmillan Company and that the Book of the Month Club chose the volume as their book of the month for July, 1937, thus insuring it an immediate distribution of perhaps forty thousand copies...
...Boston, Mot Wealth And to the authors expose thto new time of higher sskaiiisiisldii ad Infinitum...
...After almost a year of delay by the American Federation of Labor at a time when labor bad the strategic advantage some sort of federation of forces of the craft unions involved was achieved and the strike opened on September 22, 1919...
...that if be had behaved a little more courageously at that time, gone* and talked to bis old foreman afterward or at the time, he might now be working for good pay...
...Great pains were taken to make it appear that the labor policy was not centralized...
...He meditated...
...James A. F.irrell, president since 1911 and identified with TJ...
...Chase and S11 nek give us an aaflthtenlng picture of the-new competition and the new combinations, They take us along the new Main Street, with the new fangled drug stores and grocery stores, haberdashers, etc...
...Cramp, of the American Medical Association, maintaining that he knows of no patent medicine that ought to be advertised...
...On July 6, 1901, we have this entry: "The chairman stated that it should be clearly understood that the United States Steel Corporation has nothing whatever to do with it (meaning the question of unionism) that the representatives of the three subsidiary companies are not to state that they are acting In concert, or even by consultation, with any of the officials of the United States Steel Corporation...
...In 1904 a strike in behalf of the workers in the American Steel Hoop Company, which had been absorbed by the Carnegie Steel Company, proved a failure and ended the last vestige of unionism in the Carnegie mills...
...thought ye said ye eras shut av the oea—,that ye waB through now, ones an' far aU...
...Nevertheless, sooner or later the initial steps suggested by the authors must be .taken in some form or another to protect the people of the country against the outrages and assaults on their pocket books, their health and their general well-being...
...demanded the big foreman rather cynically, with a trace of amusement...
...The stock subscription plan goes back to 1903...
...The Judge and our new hero, John A. Farrell, signed for U. S. Steel...
...His loquacity was a boon to every reporter...
...Every socialist and every progressive should secure and read thto book from cover to cover...
...Henderson was to be in charge as before...
...Ah* ye're thinkin' that's a reason far givia' ye something, is it...
...It's aeedin' the work I am...
...It was horrible...
...The curative power of'mouth washes," they quote from a Medical *-h-i^rr, "has been grossly overestimated...
...Colomba and the River - By Theodore Dreiser (Continued from last Week) gUT, at that as it stood, there was no immediate danger of work being offered...
...a wild ernes ¦ In which we """Wimrrv wander without chart or eonumas We buy not for the value of the article to meet our specific needs but because the story told on every billboard, every newspaper and" fitsgaslne page, every shop window, every tan* sign, every other totter we receive, to a pbsttng...
...In the chronic case of pyorrhea usually seen, they are ineffective, neither r*r+*<*t or curing the disease...
...There's no danger...
...A second and a third child were born—only they were twins...
...Here to a soap which 'will bring a new kind of rlronnwss* We have a picture of a young man who uses B dancing with a charming glrL . . 'Of course aba Hkes hbn batter...
...S. Steel practically from the start, coptinued to run the farflung enterprise as he had been doing right along...
...The Mill Refrain No examination of the labor' policy of U. S. Steel is complete without a reference to the resistance of the corporation to the demand of the public, the technicians and minority stockholders for the elimination of the twelve hour day In the mills...
...He felt sure that Cavanaugh, once he applied to him and...
...They show us bow impossible it to for the Average Citizen to find out from the clerks behind the counter what be to buying...
...benefit of its employees among other things those more important facilities: i. Dwellings and bosadtng houwast - 28.216 Churches...
...To be sure, tunneling was dangerous, but still...
...This Is final...
...There to developing, writes the author, a wonderful technique of getting Into the homes, as representative of the school, of mothers' club, etc A grow lag art to developing of "selling the package.** rather than what the package contains...
...While ultimately we ;must put the economic system on an entirely different basis, on a basis of social ! ownership for common service...
...While this to probably exaggerated, a staggering total of the nation's purchasing power Is so controlled...
...One of the great rsssans for Una rate for customers, and the use of every kind of fairy story to Induce purchasers is, according to the authors, the great increase in the ability of mankind under modern industry to produce...
...We are being told that certain commodities art good for a Ibsrsasnd and one uses with which they have no connection...
...Work on both halves of the tunnel was suspended for over a year and a half, during which time McGlathery married, a baby was born to him, and his six hundred had long since diminished to nothing...
...Alice is - the consumer, victim of the modern salesmanship, utterly without knowledge of the relative merits of the various articles advertised as the "very best," "the world's greatest," and with no way as an individual of knowing how to obtain that knowledge...
...The strike was crushed by the beginning of 1920...
...he could resound with political economic and moral platitudes...
...The United States Steel "Corporation was formed in April, 1001, as a merger of the all-important Carnegie Company and several other iron, steel and tin corporations...
...Moat surprising of all was the ease with which the dreaded transformation was made...
...McGlathery saw it He decided after a long period of hesitation that, perhaps he had best return...
...Alas, he had not done so, and if he went now Cavanaugh would be sure to want to know why he had disappeared so utterly...
...Bit bustled cut of the church and over to the . waterfront Where the deserted shaft waa still standing, and sure enough, there was Cavanaugh, conversing with Mr...
...She agreed with him that he.had better not, but— after * ail, the difference that five, maybe seven, instead of two a day would make in their living expenses was in both their minds...
...In consequence, on bended knees, two blessed candles burning before him in the rack, a half, dollar deposited to the box labeled "St Co* Iumba's Orphans," be finally asked of this saint whether, in case be returned to this underground tunnel work,' seeing that necessity was driving him, would he be so kind aa to protect him...
...As has been indicated, a prominent element in McGlathery's nature was superstition...
...Indeed," declare the authors, "so far as It may be, he must not be permitted to trunk...
...No strikes occurred for five years because the union surrendered peaceably mill after mill it had previously unionized...
...U. S. Steel remained non-union, anti-union...
...Upon, the occasion of Its silver anniversary the corporation announced that it bad in operation for the...
...Why should he he so fearful if Cavanaugh could take such chances as he had...
...as wefl, producers of the nation's wealth...
...Heavy filing fees may eliminate some candidates and it Is certain that the Government win exert its Influence for the Government party...
...At the same time an extra dividend of *.of one per cent on tba common stock was declared...
...Oflt paper, shiny nickel boxes, layers of glassine paper and tissue, bright colors, ribbons, fancy and costly printing, the shapes of perfume bottles—all add to the purchasing appeal and with a singular efficacy detract attention from the material which lies emrtolmerJ In all this glitter...
...Work was to be started at once...
...this sew kind of cleanliness...
...that Pfsrliinits are nob only good food for the stomach but for the brain...
...Some new system would have to be devised...
...Morgan, Farrell, Taylor— none of these like to talk but they are one in their conviction that unionism mutt be eliminated...
...The Amalgamated Association was glad to emerge from the struggle with the retention of some mills even if it gave up the right to organize...
...8. Steel plants...
...But whether or not it to a fairy story we do not know save through the bitter and wasteful process of trial and error...
...Victimizing the Consumer "Alice in Wonderland" is the title of the first chapter of the book...
...Eight hours at the ten hours pay became the rule in TJ...
...In the meanwhile, we are all Indebted to the authors for one of the most intelligent one of the most informative, one of the most vivid, one of the most incisive and one of the most compelling examinations of the unchecked working of the profit motive in modern industry which has yet been written...
...More than a third of a million workers responded to the call...
...The amazing growth in the technical arts bat provided the machines and the organisation for turning out goods to Incredible quantities...
...Two men with an electro-magnet can moral* as much pig iron as ixt men could formerly dispose of...
...WeU, he had crossed in safety, and prospered well enough, he thought...
...Wrigley's, we are assured, 'is a thrice daily routine for people of refinement...
...It punctured effectively the argument of the great business men, who argued that we were Irving under the most efficient of possible m^nri^ systems and showed pretty conclusively that, if we but organised our economic order with a view to service rather than profit, we could produce at least as large a quantity of useful goods as at present with but one-half of the labor now expended...
...The past has not given much evidence of the ability of consumers to make effective demands for fundamental changes...
...Labor's platform, as expounded by Professor Abe, leader of the Social Democrats, now Includes a capital levy, death duties, remission of taxes on necessities, and utilisation of the State railroad profits for better third class carriages...
...In the meantime, Henderson, the engineer whom Cavanaugh had wanted to consult with at the time, had devised a new system of tunneling, namely, what subsequently came to be known as the pilot tunnel...
...it to difficult to tell...
...Workers were too cheap for the company to bother about changing methods that had never failed to produce profits...
...Morgan Gives Approval On June 17, 1901, the executive committe of the first billion dollar corporation passed the following resolution: "That we are unalterably opposed to any extension of union labor and advise subsidiary companies to take firm position when these questions come-up and say that they are not going to recognise It, that is, any extension of unions In mills where they do not exist, that great care should be need to prevent trouble and that they promptly report and confer with this Corporation...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 7

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