A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES GOD AND THE TAX-COLLECTOR «vrO doubt about it. Tbe city of New Yprk has a crush * oa u«. • • • We have told you in these columns how we have long; jtoce been a...

...She might not like the deputy sheriff...
...He ¦aVt tell us what had become of' the suit, but said *• would hear from it later...
...Most of the organizations of this type represent a half-way stage between the social-educational Orange and the political organizations mentioned below...
...II, Chap...
...80 altogether we were not full of what they called is the army Joe D. Vee, the fellow who used to go around with Cest Laguerre...
...jtoce been a mascot for tbe Commissioner of Jurors, sad how whenever they want a good Juryman they •sad one of their municipal boy scouts after us...
...A maze of these organisations appeared...
...He might not know that she preferred chraned liver to the pinle...
...McAlisteiP Coleman...
...Suppose we bad to see her going off in a wagon with a deputy sheriff...
...The ceremonials and social and educational features of the Orange, while bringing farmers together, offered no solution of their economic distress...
...If the Republicans nominate Herbtr Hoover—" • • • But It seems that wasn't the sort of statement that be wanted...
...Two hundred and twenty-eight persons with an annual Income of $1,000,000 and better...
...A No...
...4. What were tbe net achievements of the farmer parties in the North...
...CssbbbSS si on of Richland County, South Carolina, boasts that the annual wage averaged by persons engaged In the textile milla of South Carolina is $631.00 Then the Commission of Richland County goes OB and says that "It is conservatively estimated that m South Carolina fifty thousand whites (native born Of Anglo Saxon origin) desire industrial employment1-'* at an average weekly wage of $13,631 Blacks, tan, and saddle colored native born of African origin and) Caucasian infiltration don't need such ungodly high wages as the superior whites, of course, but of tins the Industrial Commission of Richland County, South Carolina says nothing, being that tbe Klan won't allow those inferior persons to compete with Nordics for $13.63 a week Jobs...
...While wheels leagues, alliances and granges were declining, the political revolt was Increasing and by 1890 the beginnings of a political upheaval were apparent...
...American History for Workers An Outline — By Jmes Oneal The Agrarian Revolt (Continues Frees last Week) REASONS FOB DECLINE...
...A Herri n, Illinois...
...In fact, the entire left half of our face looked like nothing less than the Inflation of the French currency...
...Two million children and future mothers slaving In mills and factories...
...What I want to say is that this prospsrity to which I'm trying to put you next, got more twists, crooks and kinks in It than a tin can full of angle worms...
...In other words, that one hundred and sixty million tree man represents a rebate on taxes already paid...
...It brought men like Tillman, Vardaman and Watson to the front as political leaders who shifted some tax burdens to corporations, apportioned representation in legislatures more equitably for farmers, and then turned to a policy of Negro disfranchisement and fighting the Pope and Jews...
...v We let the little ones come unto you and suffer them not...
...Iowa for President Weaver received over a million popular votes and 33 electoral rates...
...These convert the thinker Into the lay priest, the lever of truth into the lackey of prejudice.—Horace M. KsUen In "Calture and Democracy m the United States...
...As the Orange declined local and state alliances of farmers appeared in response to the same economic problems which had given* Impetus to the Grange...
...Thus passed into history the agrarian revolt of the last two decades of the nineteenth century...
...A Not that I can remember...
...In five southern states alliance supporters stormed Democratic conventions and captured the legislatures, 44 Congressmen, three Governors and one U. S. Senator...
...Dodd, "Epic of tbe Embattled Farmer", N. Y. Times afagasme, July 34, IBS7...
...Goody," we cried, "where is all • * • - 1 Bat in spite of the fact that the man who sent for us was as amiable as anything, it turned out that be had a grim superior who looked gloomily at us over his spectacles and said, "Do you want to make a statement...
...Meantime the corporations were promoting I hell law7ers to the Federal bench and as th8J process of infiltration proceeded the philosophy of capitalism was worked out In » series of judicial decisions that nuulled the farmers' conquests in the states...
...Barnes, "Social Politics In the United States...
...Nonpartisan In politics, the' Orange could not restrain the tendency of members to raise political questions and to act in independent political movements...
...And—In ail of South Carolina's textile plants there ta not one Labor Union...
...QUESTIONS ON THE TEXT 1. What were the economic Grievances of the northern farmers...
...Bobbins, "The Labor Movement and the...
...Bring us your plants and banks, and ww supply the boobs and babes...
...A large surplus of funds and lavish expenditures brought attacks from outside and factions within...
...is Isabel a draft animal...
...As an additional inducement for prospective textile mill settlers and Just to show what boundless opportunities they may find in Richland County, South Carolina, the Industrial Commission adds that The typical rural attitude, which they (the Richland County rurails tsj bring to industry, is particularly appreciative, and co-operative with their employers...
...If so is she subject to personal tax...
...Rising real estate values and revision of tax laws also contributed to the disappearance of Populism in the South...
...If so, why...
...Nor does he fail to take account of the vested Interests that find the standardization of error profitable...
...A. (We had quite a struggle with our New England conscience here...
...Thinking, as we do, that some unsuspected aunt of ours had dropped dead in Bayonne, N...
...That's good," said the bBBBCmg voice, "I have a summons and complaint for you for failing to pay your personal property tax in 1922...
...What was a mere opinion in one esae was expanded into "law" in' another ease so that "no layman can easily unravel the mysterious refinements, distinctions, and logical subtleties by which the fact was finally established that properly was to be free from all Interference except such as might be allowed by the Supreme Court (or rather five Judges of that Court) appointed by the President and Senate, thus removed as Car as possible from the pressure of public sentiment...
...FOB DISCUSSION Should wage workers and working farmers have their own political party...
...Adam Coeiliilayr...
...greatest secretary of treasury since Alexander Hamilton, w* (heavy on tbe we) are entering the new year with 228 cltiaaaa reporting Incomes of over one million bucks per annum and that is 21 more million dollars a year men, than we had last year Better still, the number of those bleased with Incomes of $5,000,000 and better per bjbbbbb more than doubled, having risen from seven to fourteen...
...He took us by surprise.' Up to this moment We had not thought of making any statement...
...And after taking one look at us, Isabel, our Uack eat, and all her progeny had gone under the bed...
...Richland County and an average weekly wage at $13.63...
...A baker's dozen of bilious billionaires, a few divisions of guilded Joy chasers sad Jazz bounds, and armies of weary Job .winters...
...P. store fishes down with a long pole' witjg'a, hook on the end of It...
...tfe will keep our readers in touch with events...
...In either case, it would be embarrassing...
...2. Of the southern farmers...
...Would they put her •ftFt.udlow Street Jail, or send her to the Tarrytown Home for Unmarried Mothers...
...4s a result our face had gone Left...
...The Granger laws were struck down...
...If the goal of government is the greatest good to the greatest number and If the goal of life is happiness, then you Rich landers are the moat glorious fizzle of history...
...Impound sounds ominous...
...He wanted us to answer questions that he asked us, like that stupid game everybody was playing last year...
...The adoption of two amendments to the Federal Constitution authorizing an income tax and popular election of Senators, two mild Populist proposals, also tended to satisfy radical farmers...
...If 1 had the time I would write a few snappy slogans for those ambitious Richland County bocetera, eotnething like: Come to Richland County and Prosper on poveity...
...Q. Had you any old paintings, personal jewelry,' or real estate mortgages...
...You furnish the mills, we furnish tbe Ilia...
...But this was easy to answer...
...Another factor which brought about the decline of the farmers' political movement was the general increase in the value of farm land and the upward trend of prices of farm products following the election of 1896 and continuing to the beginning of the World War...
...The southern organization became the National Farmers' Alliance and Indusirial Union which met in convention at Ocala, Fla., in 1890...
...The New Science Series" hastens our lagging knowledge and braces our sluggish thought Louis Stanley The Prostituted Intellect It Is net the'gathering of philosopher* In schools that betrays philosophy...
...It seemed the City of New York was suing usl for $682.50 for the 1922 taxes on .what they told us was $25,000 worth of personal property that we were supposed to owd at that time...
...But don't let's go into that...
...The Arctic adventurer penetrates the field of education and reduces to a logical absurdity the doctrine that only beneficial learning should be conveyed to our youth...
...In the midst of our anguish, a hearty1 voice asked as over the telephone if we were that same Coleman who had formerly lived on West 71st Street...
...At the same time we had gone on the wagon and gad received two manuscripts back from the publisher, fining us that while they, were neatly typed and all that, they did not somehow seem to fit their requireemats...
...The $13.63 average weekly wage proves that...
...But we are not noted for our inarticulateness, so when he called in a stenographer we started right off.— "I predict that in the presidential campaign of 1928 the Socialist Party will show gains everywhere...
...This system is called Indirect taxation and is the greatest, best paying and most respectable swindle ever devised by the minds of mortal men...
...An independent Northwestern Alliance was organized in 1880, adopted a platform the next year, and In 1880 failed to unite with the southern organization at St...
...A secret order, the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association with about 200,000 members, met at the same time and place...
...Q. Any mules ? A- (Again we were taken by surprise...
...T Slmpkma, "The Tillman Movement...
...The discovery of gold in Alaska and South Africa also had a favorable effect upon prices and as they rose farmer radicalism declined and even the strong Populist States in the West returned to the Republican fold...
...In 1875 the National Orange voted a loan of over $50,000 to Ktate granges which led them into disastrous business ventures...
...Is an epitome of that dispute among anthropoligists as to whether civilization spread from an original center to other localities or whether it arose Independently in separate communities...
...It is surprising that the author with his admiration for hardheadedness should find no place for the Marxians among his economists...
...P. 8arrant Florence in "Economics and Human Behavior" dismisses the ludicrous controversy between the economists and the psychologists as to the character of human nature by tossing them both among the statisticians...
...Here, for instance, is an ad in Commerce and Finance in which tbe Industrial...
...Weaver and other prominent leaders found it possible to support Alton B. Parker, the Democratic candidate, in 1904...
...They said this property consisted of mortgages we held on real estate, oil paintings, and other household possessions, yachts and other marine vessels, automobiles, horses, carriages and draft animals...
...Q. Did you at that time have any yachts or other marine vessels...
...1 _i asfJt Sure there is no Textile Workers Union in South Carolina...
...Andy, for instance, is in the aluminum ware business and that being the case he naturally pays taxes on his aluminum ware plants...
...It may be aw canfounded still in your case that you cant notice It But all the same, It'* with us still...
...And having seen mules in action, both in the army and in the mines, we have never had the least desire to own one...
...Their argumentation proves to us the - Infantility of some experts...
...But, migosh, I got plumb switched off from the subject on hand...
...Now taxes are-part of tbe overhead of said aluminum ware plants along with insurance, interest, depreciation and other unavoidable misfortunes...
...Stan wood, "A History of the Presidency*', voL l Wesley...
...In the South the agrarian movement brought a political revolution which overthrew the old aristocratic political leaders...
...tn the West the revolt created the People's or Populist Party m IMS which aoBBsaatsd James B. Weaver of...
...Now, In order to make our prosperity still man preposterous, the House, meaning the lower bows* of Congress and not the little green house on K. Street, has already approved the retroactive reduction of the federal tax on corporation profits from 13% to 11M per cent This means a charitable donation of some $180,000,000 to the 228 needy patriots In the one to five million per annum income class, for retroactive means going back behind the Income returns of 1927...
...Negro Labor in the United States...
...The National Farmers' Alliance in the same year was a union of two independent alliances and in turn amalgamated with the Wheel as the Farmers' and Laborers' Union of America...
...Richest country on earth and 50,006 white native bora Americans in one state, alone, willing, glad, to swap six days of life for a seven-day supply of corn pones and sow belly...
...G'wan with your wealth statistics, production rwaords and prosperity chatter...
...3. How did the Grange program fall to meet agricultural Issues...
...But why In the sam hill did that Richland County booster outfit overlook such valuable Inducements as the total absence of legal restrictions on tno hours white native born American men and woman may slave in that happy country...
...We practically never owned a mule...
...Most of the mules of our acquaintance are working in a coal nilne, and the idea that anyone should have to pay a tax on one, would strike a mule driver as ludicrous in the extreme...
...Establish your facts and then, If necessary, weave a psychological theory to connect cause and effect...
...Beard, "Contemporary American History", pp...
...When the lady with the pince-nez had taken this ~ down, the grim old gentleman said that was all...
...So we decided to take a chance, and gulping a bit, we answered} No...
...salmon that- the man in th||A...
...Two years later the party increased Its vote to 1,471,590, a gain of at par cent, and prepared for the election of 1896...
...And if Andy succeeds, as he certainly • will, then he will have our money and our bigger and better navy and all we have to do is foot tbe MB when It falls due and maybe get killed by some lousy Nicaraguan while trying to collect the interest on our money which Uncle Andy and his kind invested in their Nicaraguan aluminum mines, or whatever they mine down there that ain't mine or yours...
...READING Arnett, "The Populist Movement in Georgia...
...Nor shall we suffer anyone to interfere with theii suffering after you land them...
...6. What part did the Federal Courts play in the agrarian rising...
...It Is the regimentation of opinion when they are gathered, the prostitution of free thoaght to retigioas dogma and political expediency, the subjection of the spirit' of free inquiry to the vested interests of the mind and the pocket...
...If we fib about Isabel and keep her a secret from this horrid old man, will the city of New York repleven her ? Or is it garnishee that they do ? Or perhaps impound...
...We were srltT Mppressed...
...No doubt the academicians will never note the omission...
...So, when Uncle Andy sells you an aluminum kettle he adds your proportion of bis tax on his aluminum business on said kettle and In that way you pay Andy's taxes...
...Beard, "Rise of American Civilization", Vol...
...that women are perfectly free to work at night, that South Carolina employers are not pestered, with accident and compensation laws and that child labor legislation la still la Its Infancy or died a "bornlng," I've forgotten which...
...This prepared the way for the national fusion with the Democrats in 1898, spilt the Populists into two factions, and the party rapidly disintegrated in the next few years...
...These Include the Agricultural Wheel, organized In 1882, which united with the Brothers of Freedom, expanded Into other states, and emerged as the National Agricultural Wheel in 1887, claiming 500,000 members...
...Every, now and Jhen we look timorously out of the window, expecting *J** the sheriff drive up in his official shrievalty Chevrolet, (try that on your drunken friends...
...we would have to say, "She is held by the City of New York incommuncado until we pay our personal tax for 1922...
...Although it had gained the o I >eration of many workers in the cities and declared that "the interests of rural and ends labor are the same, their enemies an Identical", the party fused with Republicans In the South and with Democrats in a number of western states...
...Buck, "The Granger Movement...
...Now, it seems , we are the Fair-Haired Boy for the Bureau of Taxes.' • • • We had not been having what one might call a round of* gaiety...
...Q. Had you any oil paintings, personal jewelry, or other draft animals...
...Well, then, you and I and the rest of us free born Independent Aluminum Kettle consuming cuties have already paid Uncle Andy's taxes for 1927...
...And the cross-examination went thuswise— Q. Where was you in October, 1922...
...He was so happy about it all that we couldn't bear to disappoint him by refusing his request to come down right away to the Municipal Building...
...Rice, "Farmers and Workers In American Politics...
...PROSPERITY PIFFLE ALL ye who are burdened and heavy laden, cheer upt Prosperity Is with us still...
...These laws were occasionally sabotaged by the railway corporations, generally carried into the state courts where they were upheld, and then o the Federal Courts...
...W. Norton & Co., $1.00 each), maintain the high standards of scholarship and lucidity already established...
...So here we are again ¦ » state of horrid suspense and dental agony, un**rtain as to what our fate shall be...
...Debts, bad business ventures, reckless expenditures, and differences over the campaign of 1890 had already weakened these organizations and as they declined their elements entered the third party movements...
...In **** we have to go to the jug, we smoke Fatimas, wear fwitless Pajamas, and just adore fishcakes, which can Prepared quickly on Sunday mornings...
...Golden wieser almost says as much...
...Your casual relationship will remain unharmed...
...Anybody with a grasp of matertansUc interpretation can see that diffusion and invention must have proceeded together...
...The farmers' revolt had succeeded In enacting state laws regulating railways, fares and freight rates...
...But opportunism was already gaming the upper band In the party...
...According to Andy Mellon, the...
...Whe we got there we found that they.had a dandy suit all fixed' up for us...
...5. In the South...
...We had just come back from the dentist b fact...
...When people ask ''Where is your Isabel...
...Three strong young men, armed with hammers, drills and dental engines (the things that go Bz-z) had gone into us...
...Buck, "The Agrarian Crusade...
...Ain't that cute...
...Of course Uncle Andy, who, as already stated, is the greatest Secretary of the Treasury since Alexander Hamilton, swears up and down that corporation taxed are shifted on the consumers of corporation products and there Is something to that contention If we consider gross incomes only...
...Why one explanation or the other alone must suffice Is beyond understanding...
...All that good Andy did was to collect' it from us and then band it to our government, and now he, J* pushing that retroactive rebate net which will snaWe him to appropriate the money we paid to our gqwjBBaw meat for a bigger and better navy for the protection . of our financial interests In Nicaragua to his own private pockets...
...Four specialists appear between the covers of this book: O. Elliot Smith, Bronlslaw Mallnowski, Herbert J. Splnden and Alexander Golden wieser...
...Human Nature in Brief HpHE three latest volumes In the New Science Series edited by C. K Ogden (W...
...Probably the most delightful and surprising book of the three is "The Standardization of Error," by VilhJ aimer Steffanson, the explorer...
...In these days of Thompson history-baiting and Tennessee an super-censorship, Steff an son's charming dissertation Is much to the point...
...The government has got that money now—our money, for we paid it out of our Jeans...
...Culture" as its subtitle, "The Diffusion Controversy," indicates...
...Admission of politicians, business and professional men brought hostile elements into the Orange, extensive cooperative enterprises in the West failed, while "rapidity of organization resulted in an unwieldly and undisciplined mass of members, whom, the leaders were unable to control, and dlssentlons soon arose within the ranks...
...leaving us one .hundred shares of National City Bank stock, we weakly answered, "yes...
...In South Carolina...
...This ought to be good news for the Dally Worker...
...History of the Patrons of Husbandry...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 6

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