A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES ENTERPRISE AND THE HEADLINES kjf outstanding example of the resourcefulness of A the entrepreneur in this lovely capitalist system .tours has just reached us. It...

...I am reasonably sure that not a single one of the nineteen men who were arrested, desires to break any law or violate any ordinance...
...Sheriffs hired Negroes to white farmers on a basis of peonage for the slightest offenses...
...United States banks have also reserved over twothirds of the gold supply of the world as ballast for their vaults...
...That action by the nineteen Yale students, It seems to me, is an expression )f the highest civic duty...
...In my judgment, the finest speclments of American young manhood, searching for the truth, not merely in an academic sense—in the classroom, but also in a real sense—in the economic life of the community...
...Presently we expect to read about this chap in some success magazine under the heading, "How I Made My First Million...
...Josh O'Migosh...
...In 1896 corn reached 21 cents and other grains were likewise affected...
...To those who have it not tt is the evidence of things unseen, the substance of things hoped for...
...universities th the fields of sport, has caused many of the Yale students to demand fair play Tor the neckwear strikers in their controversy with the employers...
...Two at a Fireside r outfit a chimney for a comrade old...
...But who cares what history says...
...War and x>lor prejudice, suspicion of an organisation with a large northern membership, uid antagonism of the planter-merchants ind commission men prevented extensive organization in the South...
...Bach, Beethoven and Brahms didn't All they left the world was a lot of beautiful music...
...It was a city from the jump...
...We want something better and bigger...
...too, going crazy...
...w/e understand that the place is crowded, not only with animals but with patrons as well...
...Hie only remedy was for the farmers to organize themselves as a class In order to promote their common welfare...
...Farmers had received greenbacks for their wheat at low rates and worker* received wages in the same money...
...On arising in' the morning we say to ourselves, "Noted Red Takes Bath" When our wife asks will we have corn-flakes or grape-nuts for breakfast...
...who asserted the right to distribute a lamphlet on the strike of the neckweai nakers in the City of New Haven...
...The hates left by the war widened the breach between the West and the South, leaving the capitalist East a free field for its domination...
...One writer in 1897 estimated that between SO and 90 per cent, of the cotton farmers.* white and Mack, were "ensnared by the lien system...
...Members of Congress were increasingly likely to be from the manufacturing classes or from the legal profession, which sympathized with these classes rather than with the agriculturists...
...The former planters, becoming more and more merged with the merchant and investing class, became a part of the new exploiting class...
...Federal legislation sent labor agents abroad to import laborers to keep wages down and raised a tariff wall to protect industrial capitalists...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Perhaps ho is inconsiderate and cruel...
...Jonah Thrown Up on ghore By Flustered Fish...
...In the late seventies Negro farmers and Negro city workers In large numbers left the southern states for Kanasas...
...When the farmers sought political remedies for their economic Ills...
...If they did, they would soon put a pretty crimp in our gorgeous advertising experts who incite the people in mil...
...The fall of the reconstruction governments brought toe old aristocratic political leaders bock into power...
...Money Vs...
...The neckwear workers are wagrig this strike in defense of decent American standards of living and for the abolition of home-work and sweat-shop conditions in the industry...
...At the end of 1925, bank deposits in the 41 principal countries of the world totaled $84,000,000,000...
...How better tell about hta landing on Ararat than ?— "NON-STOP ARK ARRIVES...
...The public hardly dares open Its mouth any longer, much less parade, on any subject whatsoever but what the police or prohibitionists are at them with clubs, sawed off shotguns, fire bose, tear gas bombs, injunctions and et cetera, "knocking the hell out of them** "in the name of the law...
...To obtain credit the farmer gave an advance lien on his crop to the merchant while the latter fixed the prices for supplies...
...But if everybody saved all he or she could, business would soon be so bum that the present slump would look like a superboom in comparison...
...Tenant farmers working for a share of the crop were also snared by these methods...
...It's gotten so the sovereign people can't support a party, a union, or anything else .not approved by the plutes but what 'the police are smashing in their heads and doors regardless of their inalienable constitutional rights...
...TeHs Strange Tale...
...yet in 1870 forty-seven per cent, of the population was engaged In agriculture...
...Barnum, - Beecher and Burns all made big money...
...In that search and in that activity the students should be applauded rather than criticized...
...Political power was concentrated m the East and in urban sections of the West...
...They know what's what...
...we reply, "Witness 6oy On Cereal Stand" When Isabel, our black cat, stalks in for her morning greeting, bending over, we scratch her ear, absent-mindedly murmuring...
...If the powers that be think that's the omy argument the people can ever understand, it isn't for me to say them nay...
...declares Professor Buck, "they discovered that, as a class, they had little representation or influence either in Congress or In the state legislatures...
...A farmer himself, Kelly appreciated the problems the fanners faced and conceived the idea of a secret order with an elaborate ritual...
...He's nayther," says my Irish friend...
...Impatiently the youthful capitalist poured out for the investigator two shots of the alleged Scotch...
...He will give an interview to Bruce Barton about the virtues of thrift and how by having the right idea at the right time and place any man in this glorious republic can become a millionaire, provided of course he does not listen to the vaporings of low agitators, but simply follows the dictates of his own conscience and a few fundamental rules of modern business which he can easily get by reading the Alexander Hamilton Business Course...
...Cotton was the staple crop and the merchant was interested in it for two reasons: The less corn and other supplies the farmer raised the more dependent he would be on the merchant for supplies and foodstuffs...
...Of this total, £52,000,000,000 was held hi the United States banks...
...Neither do the bankers and big business men who are forever boosting a savings account as the beginning of the millenium on earth believe, in their hearts, in the hokum they are broadcasting...
...The lamphlet is a report of an investigation conducted by the Yale students into the -ssues of the strike...
...No, I ain't" he howls...
...Which reminds me that all our Federal TTssni is I. O. U.'s are payable in gold "on demand," but Just try to demand it and see what yon get If they don't call the peelers and send you to- the psychopathic ward, you'll be lucky...
...We used to practice it on the old New York Sun...
...Says Sandino's Surrender Near: Six More Marines Shot" It is not exactly a new idea around newspaper offices, but the fact is that an entire outline of history could be written, just in headlines...
...They represent...
...that it would be better to let humanity use them and live happily, bu^phe boobs don't know what they are talking about Preserving Order Preserving law and order, says I to myself the other day, is fast becoming a public calamity in this land of the free to slave...
...In 1888 a fanner could pay 8 per cent on a mortgage of $8400 with 174 bushels of wheat...
...Patents about to expire were often extended through political influence...
...The northern war debt was $3,000,000,000, payable in paper and gold...
...In 1894-96 tt required 330 bushels...
...Mortgages held by merchants were sometimes foreclosed against farmers who joined the Orange...
...A lot of boobs may think and say it ain't sane to produce gold, bank credits and prosperity just to put them in cold storage...
...Cotton sold at 8 M: cents in 1893, fell below 7 cents the next year and reached the lowest at 6 cents In ISM...
...It seems that there was a young go-getter who (joring the past holiday season drank so ,much cregants, sulphuric acid and ether, which passes for gcotch whiskey in these prim Prohibition days, that ^ went home and had delirium tremens...
...I am glad to see that the sense of fair play which characterizes the young men in our colleges and...
...Gold wasn't dug up out of nature's vaults in South Africa and elsewhere to be abused like that It is too valuable...
...But if I was in their places of power I'd lay off the rough stuff long enough to take a squint at history and see what happened to King Charles I, King Louis XVI, Czar Nick II, of England, Prance and Russia, respectively, once upto a time, before I set the people so many bad examples in lawlessness...
...He ushered them in to what was evidently a room devoid of animal life and they left him in high dudgeon and low taxi cabs to complain to the police that a fraud was befog perpetrated on the community...
...That the farmers hi and outside of the flood devastated areas can't get any of it except at ruinous rates of usury, or that the armies of unemployed mobilized in the cities cannot annex any of it to waste on shoes, clothes, coal and grub, does not disprove our' wealth and prosperity...
...8EAS COMBED FOR MISSING JONAH," follows •»» then...
...The Civil War Drought an end to the powerful influence of the agrarian magnates of southern plantations...
...Once In debt, the merchant determined what the farmer should raise and his choice was always cotton...
...It may look loony to .act that way, but all the world's great financiers are doing it and what they O. K. is always safe, sane and sound currency...
...He's plumb crazy...
...Land grants to capitalists for building railroads were also lavish...
...One crop failure placed the farmer at the mercy of the merchant and banker...
...This was the high tide of the organization after which it declined...
...And he says he notices that instead of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, American history has Barnum, Beecher, Burns (W...
...While prices dropped, interest on mortgages -remained ttie same...
...He too, saw no animals...
...SAVING AND SPENDING rpp bear the financiers fumble with it, the dear -"¦ people must "save and save and save'' or everything and everybody will go to the demnition bowwows...
...Through mortgage foreclosures, forfeiture of taxes and failure of crops the large plantation again tended to appear...
...What they dig it up out of one) bote for is to ship it across seas and continents just so the bankers can hide it in another bote in New York, London, Berlin and Paris...
...Farmers who survived the system also had grievances against the railroads—watered stock, dummy construction companies, secret agreements, interlocking directorates and swindling smsQ stockholders...
...Only about seven per cent, cf the members of Congress were farmers...
...In 1894 wheat touched bottom at 49 cents...
...It simply appropriated the necessary funds out of the surplus it had already accumulated out of the toil of its army of workers, and the feudal fortress with its 75,000 odd conscripts sprang Into existence almost over night . Gary never was a village or a town...
...Last Seen, Thrown Off Ship" Then you go on...
...At a later period when Eastern farmers took up' dairying and market-gardening and :he Orange returned to its emphasis on social and educational features, it made considerable progress in the North Atlantic States...
...Railroad stock was "watered" and freight rates raised to pay dividends on this fictitious paper...
...And then I travelled on in winter's cold, yet all the day I glowed before the fire...
...Are you...
...Through his room sailed a veritable Noah's ark-ful a/ animals, pink leopards, elephants of the conventional d. t. green ,a couple of giraffes and what be at first thought was an ivylee, but which on investigation turned out be an ordinary garter snake...
...Southern farmers, hate their northern brethren, were the victims of the new capitalism, THE NEGRO...
...Before the Civil War the southern planter had represented agricultural interests in Congress fairly well...
...They wished to pay the debt in friecibacks while the Government requi-ed payment in gold which was at a premium during and long after the end of the war...
...you start off with a description of Jonah's "¦appearance:-* - .* "^Joted Israelite Strangely Missing...
...Take Noah, for example...
...Wise farmers soon learned that the tariff enabled manufacturers to retail farm machinery in Europe cheaper than the farmer could purchase tt at home...
...And in these days when no one ^"¦.anything but headlines anyhow, we are think¦* biif » D& out a tabloid history consisting of noth"compo photos" with appropriate captions...
...ADMISSION ftl.OO...
...In the eighties the downward trend of the farm products become alarming...
...The more we spend the better off we wilt all be...
...Using a head, reeling but unbowed by this exparlence, he immediately made-a sign and posted it aa his door...
...This makes us undoubtedly the richest nation on earth...
...Then a sliding gate which farmers had used for years was patented and they were compelled to pay a royalty...
...Isolated farmers desiring access to markets invested in railroads, often giving mortgages on their farms...
...Over 90 per cent, of the bonds drifted into the hands of holders in eastern cities...
...i When the city of Gary was to be built, tt was ordered built, and that was all there was to it The Steel Trust didn't bother its conscience pleading with individuals to save...
...When the crop was ready for the market it was rarely the farmera...
...I don't tike these here damforeigners comparing our historic characters with a bunch ©' Huns, and I won't stand for it...
...Because the newspapers of New Haven had refused to print anything in connection with the neckwear strike, the students, it seems, deemed it necessarj jo distribute the report to the citizen: md workers of the City of New Haven so "hat the public might receive the benefit of knowing, first-hand, about the strike...
...Found Fondling Fat Feline" Sometimes we get a little mixed up and startle bur friends when we meet them on the street by exclaiming...
...American History for Workers An Outline — By James Oneal The Agrarian Revolt FARMERS GRIEVANCES...
...All but a few freaks are dumb to what music says, but any dumbbell can understand anything money utters in any language...
...I broke in...
...It looks like a crazy way to me...
...F. P. A. has done it spasmodically...
...Bach, Beethoven and Brahms— none of them was a prohibitionist" Adam Coaldigger...
...after the war the dominance of Northern interests left the Western farmer without his traditional ally in the South...
...We Did It\ Says 'None-Such' Kid ' . FORTY DAYS ON TRIP Exclusive Interview With Laughing Hyena Jonah and the whale of course, is just meat for a f°od copy-reader...
...In fact, history says a mouthful otherwise...
...Negro tenant farmers were cheated in accounts with merchants and had no redress before white courts...
...The financiers give me a pain talking like they da They ought to know that the only thing that can now save civilisation is not the saving, but the spending power of the people...
...As first conceived It was primarily social and intellectual, then for economic benefits, cooperation, cheaper transportation and regulation of railroad rates...
...As I said, though, it's their funeral, not mine!—or will be, some day...
...In order to brush up on the bedtime talks on current events which we give over WEVD every Saturday night, we have read so many papers, including the tabloids, that we go around muttering in headlines...
...History is no Supreme Court Still, if I were a plute, I'd think twice before making a scrap of paper out of the Constitution...
...All right" I says...
...Farmers paid from 10 to 50 per cent, more to the merchant sweaters for supplies than the regular market price...
...H*Sat4^v'eBBn» eaaaaaaas^BBastaaawaaW...
...Resentment of injustice was likely to invite lynching...
...And Lee's sweet wages were my only hire...
...system on any story you please and you that it is a great time and labor saving device, j^^oiy of Caesar and Cleopatra ("RAID ROMAN'S "**VX NE8T"), the legend of Tristram and Iseult Jrrr1^ SLAYS TWO WITH AXE"), the demise of ^f" <"CORDAY KILLS BATHING BOLSHEVIK") ef thlr*1 have y°u *n mind ?—all succumb to the lure saajvT nead"ne...
...A policeman was sent around to investigate...
...The farmer organizations i mentioned below generally drew the color line against the Negro farmer and at the end of the agrarian rising in the South the Po mills t rural masses turned to the policy of Negro disfranchisement...
...j "All lovers of civil liberty will applaud .he action of the nineteen Yale student...
...Like the peers in the British House of Lord* this Bourbon class changed as railroads, corporations, banking and mercantile business offered opportunities-for investment...
...Tennessee Accepts Story'' |n?L...
...They bad ruled at the county seats, the state capitals aad in Congress, represented the standards of polite society and the social prestige* of an old ruling class, but the economic basis of their dominion was gone...
...Anyhow, it's their funeral and not mine...
...It never had to go through the village-town scrimping-aaving stage of development It is a living witness to the fact that society has already practically passed out of the nickel-pinching, dime-grubbing stage of getting things done...
...What are you talking about...
...The breaking up of the large plantations increased the number of small farmers who became dependent upon the town merchants for advances on machinery, seed, provisions, etc...
...To the methods of exploiting the white farmers were added 'even more burdens for the Negro...
...To forbid this right of Imparting information to the public by forbidding the distribution of ills impartial and fair report is a clear Infringement of the civil rights'of free citizens...
...Continued Next Week) Neckwear Union Praises Yale Men For Strike Activity The following statement has been ismed by L. D. Berger, manager of the United Neckwear Makers Union, conducting a strike against Stern &, Mer-ltt and Berkman <k Adler in the City ol Vew Haven...
...In 1888 President Johnson authorised the Commissioner of Agriculture to send a clerk in his bureau to the southern states to gather Information and the man selected for this mission, Oliver Hudson Kelley, was the founder of the Patrons of Husbandry, or the Orange, as it is more popularly known...
...Henceforth western farmers and southern farmers could not unite in any enduring aPlance...
...Farmers were staking into poverty while the capitalist class was reaping great fortunes...
...In 1875 the Orange was organized in all but five states and territories and reported a membership of 762,263...
...It may be all right to break the law in order to maintain law and order, but if so, history doesn't say so...
...lions of columns or tens of thousands of mil boards to buy everything from corn plasters to diamond tiaras, and to keep on buying till it hurts, as Woodrow's wonders used to plead...
...Wealth, like prosperity, is, like gold, useful only to those who have it...
...It paawd into the hands of the planter-merchants...
...Dividends rarely materialized while the new markets were offset by the more intense competition...
...Organised in 1867, by August, 1873, the Orange had over 8,500 lodges, the bulk of the membership being in the upper Mississippi Valley States, especially in Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana...
...Farmers often mortgaged their entire crop to the planter-merchants and thousands of farmers passed into a state of hopeless peonage...
...Almost to the end of the century the eastern pchilclans representing banks, railroads and industry 'wpved the bloody shirt" to maintain a division which insured the rule of capitalism...
...Music % "A musical friend ef ours," says Carl Sandburg, "reads the papers...
...Few Eastern farmers joined the Orange as they were opposed to a reduction of railroad rates which would intensify their competition with the West in the markets of the Atlantic seaboard...
...SCOTCHMEN 25 CENTS" So deep is the universal love for animals that great throngs were soon clamoring at his doors...
...The three points ol /lew—that of the strikers, the manufacurers and the public—are, to my mind fairly and impartially stated In that report...
...In the South more progress was made than in the East but much less than ji the upper Mississippi Valley...
...Individual savings may once have helped the big boys to buy out the little boys, but the individual isn't the pumpkin he used to be in the field of finance...
...After the second 'drink, the policeman offered our hero (1,800 for a share in the business...
...There was," he says, mellowing up, "one good point in favor of these ¦ here fellows...
...Music can auk to only a handful but money talks to everybody...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 5

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