SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK hfational Headquarters National Office of the SocUUst C( located at 2853 Washington £chfcafO. IH. William H. Henry Essssl Executive Secretary. InS msfdlBg...

...George Dobsevage...
...Readers who can send them out, even if they can't pay tor them, are asked to write at once to the Mate office, 21 Essex street, Boston...
...Jewish Branch, will commence Sunday evening, Jan...
...Room 82, Poll Building, 23 Church St., New Haven...
...If each who claims a social rebel will do his or her * in a financial wav towards building » militant Socialist Party, we can ¦ the plunderers of the peoole quake ** boots at the next election...
...The lecture wiU begin at 9 p. m. Lecture Calendar BRONX Friday, Dec...
...Auspices Labor Lyceum and Socialist Party, 2JdA- D. QUEENS Frtdsy, Dec...
...George H. Goebel on Saturday, the 22nd of December, 1928, New York City...
...porbout this ciiifrftry there will be a iWmbcr ol city elections and already Lfe are making plans for a real a H we will it, then the Socialist • of America in 1929 can be made a Lg organization...
...Quite a few New York Ylpsels were present...
...fcsAJect is "The Class Struggle...
...Money ¦ Jomted to the State office to help tte deficit...
...He is to hold a conference I tbs local comrades at National stnjKters on Saturday, Jan...
...A Good Suggestion [A...
...34, under the auspices of Local New York City, was highly successful...
...8:30 p. m.—McAlister Coleman...
...Comrade Lawrence writes that the proppects of the circle are exceUent...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, Rockaway Branch...
...Secretary and Treasurer...
...Friday, Jan...
...Future meetings will be held in the office of Dr...
...Oscar Lawrence of that circle writes: "We are all awaiting it anxiously...
...The Restriction of Immigration," 1581 Washington Ave...
...28, at the Workmen's Circle Center, 156 Beach 86th St...
...ast of the JS»"r Year...
...Tha membership is busy soliciting ads for a journal and selling tickets for the affair...
...Illinois Chicago -a Socialists of Chicago ere roundis...
...Friday, Jan...
...28, 8:90 p. m.—August Claessens...
...and Avenue P, at 8:30 p. m. Following a brief business meeting, James Oneal will deliver a talk on "The Crisis in the American Labor Movement...
...The vote tn faves of the many articles varied between 444 and 417...
...Ju^Df-nsky and Lester Shulman adb» „» meeting...
...Wisconsin Milwaukee Me Secretary Benson orders a large iter of dues stamps and reports that Ml vaudeville shows presented by ¦tr members on three Sundays to sucam were very successful...
...All agreed that the voters West Virginia who supported our at can be Induced to come Into the kj if we can reach them...
...Under the direction of the 1929 Budget and Finance Committee, the State Organizer is following up as swiftly as possible the many new contacts made during the recent months, and a circular letter and questionnaire will be sent out to the thousands of sympathizers whose names were accumulated during the campaign...
...Referendum The results of the balloting on the Nation Referendum A, 1928, have been tabulated...
...They are honeymooning in Florida, staying at the Everglades Hotel, Miami...
...I am going to * it a whirl...
...For the safety of the members of these circles and for fear of any outside coercion upon them by their being members of a Socialist Youth group no names of New Bedford Y ipse Is will be published hereafter to The New Leader until conditions warrant otherwise...
...Recording Secretary, Mex K. Pollkoff...
...They cost only $4 per 1,000...
...The Circle win hold its next meeting on Jan...
...Martinique Mansion...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the Bronx Free Fellowship, meeting at Azure Masonic Temple, 1591 Boston Road, at 8 p. m. Fellowship service on Sunday night, Dec... sign up for the y. Fully twenty young comrades •» dp for membership...
...23 A. D. ^Wedoeedar, Jan...
...Circle 2 meets at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, Sunday nights...
...Circle 2. Seniors...
...May Olga be as helpful and loyal a comrade wife to our good friend, George, as was Margaret, whose death a few years ago caused such general mourning among the many who had learned to respect and love both George and Margaret during their many years of cheerful self-sacrifice for the new day...
...Workmen's Circle Center, 156th Beach $6tb St., Rockaway Beach...
...If ten thousand j»Mrts would pledge and pay a dollar k month for the next twelve months f would mean a good sum for organi¦a work for 1929...
...Her subjects are: "The Challenge of Waste...
...Sunday, at 3 p. m. Jfttcutive Secretary, Umansky, de¦ a short and highly Instructive ; AHjlg program was planned for In anticipation of a large meet,** many ex-members stated they ,c,°nng down to rejoin...
...Coal and the Men Who Mine It" (2d lecture on this subject...
...Terms are $5 (or $10 on Sundays) and round trip tare to Providence...
...Active comrades, friends of the ntbt movement and trade unionists * tern invited...
...The I "glsiatlve Committee will also make a port...
...who is now In this city, and at present a member of the Ytpsels in New Bedford, Mass., brings the greetings of the comrades to the two clrcles there to all the comrades of the Y. P. s. ii Murray Gross and Oele Gross come in with greetings to the Y. P. S. L. from Brookwood College...
...For idrr information on the above events riu in the vicinity of Chicago should is touch with the Cook County Office...
...Lester Shulman...
...Executive Committee to Meet The State Executive Committee will hold Its l««t meeting of the year at the office of Morris Rice, PoU Building, 23 Church St., Sunday, Dec...
...6. I win subscribe and get new subscribers to the party press so that I will be fully informed regarding the movement here and abroad...
...Joseph Tuvim, Hilda Claeesens...
...Both worked like Trojans and their help was unvaluable...
...They hold membership in the Bronx Y. P. S. L. and are in Brookwood on scholarship...
...4, 8:30 p. m.—Emanuel Deutsch...
...They commence their educational program lirsl...
...New Year's Resolutions or The Socialist's Ten Cardinal Points 1. If I am in sympathy with Socialist principles I win affiliate with the nearest branch of the Socialist Party or become a member-at-large...
...Heedless to say, the ballot , was entirety too long and the tabulattoc ! of the votes was extremely laborious...
...J I pledge a dollar per month for next twelve months...
...Regular clec•*«e then held...
...The state organisation is backed by eleven locals and while the Socialist vote is not large such votes were cast In every county...
...I will be it after Jan...
...Martinique Mansion, 156th and Beck Sts...
...Labor in Politics," and "The KeUogg Peace Pact and Preparedness...
...Lester Shulman opened the educational program by giving a talk upon his experiences in New Bedford...
...Paul H. Douglas ¦teen postponed until Sunday evening, ail...
...Newark... not a new one, but it is well BBind our comrades again...
...22d A. D. The Sundy evening forum of the 22d A. D. branches 2 nd 3 of the 2d A. D...
...4, SM p. sa^-August Clssssens...
...Assistant Organizer, L- V. Weinstock...
...Send In your order with 12 cents to W. E. Davis...
...The idea g each local and branch to have a Eertture agent...
...South End, held a very successful party Tuesday night at 15 Emma St...
...With proper manage* they will not only make money & which to carry on Party work, but I a the same time provide entertalnit tost we require...
...Another application for membership was accepted and a discussion took place regarding the condition ! of the Needle Trade Unions in New York ! City...
...Branches throughout the city have elected or are electing new delegates and this will be the first meeting for 1929...
...N. J. At a well attended meeting at their headquarters at 53 South Orange street, the Executive Secretary of the New York League spoke upon "On My Way," by Art Young...
...The local secretaries are urged to get a copy of the vote in their localities and use the list of names as a working basis for party organisation...
...New Brunswick, N. J. From this city comes a call for the charter...
...1405 Walton Ave., and all comrades Interested in Joining or assisting others to Join, are requested to keep to touch with Comrade Mollto or the City Office...
...Comrade Shulman told the comrades about New Bedford...
...Kth A. D. An important meeting will be held on Friday evenlny, Dec...
...We still have a number on hand...
...That evening at 8:30 fcner Is to be given In honor of Corns'Boan at Koppel's Restaurant, corf Division and California avenues, ¦re » further discussion of the com[(SMpasfrj and party activities will be ft girkpsirick-Dcmglas Debate He debate arranged between George ;Brtpatrick and Prof...
...2, at the Klngswav Mansion, 16th St...
...8:30 p. m.—August Claessens...
...August Claessens win speek on "These United States...
...Sol Rivin rendered a litersry tidbit...
...The report submitted at the last meeting by Comrade Motoff Indicated the branch has 01 members on its books of which 38 are to good standing...
...Branch meetings go on as usual, which, of course, is not quite as it should be...
...Start th>- New Year right put tli«' Pariy where it should S s large membership and the ¦ last wins...
...20 was fairj Iy w*Il attended...
...y Oklahoma toe is the right spirit in a letter from •tana, one of many such letters comto the National Office: Comrade Ed* atys: "Your letter received and tati read with much pleasure...
...As all of the Ju-fvCjrcle 13, Juniors, have Joined J^JR, there is room for a new 'Circle at the Sutter Ave...
...The Socialism of George 2?rnSFL8£S?Trrh» Author, His Work, His Main Thesis—the Equality of Income" Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Packman St...
...Auspices SoclaUst Party 3d A. D. Saturday, Dec...
...5, at is...
...Committees are now actively engaged to soliciting ads for the BaU Journal and the selling of tickets for the affair...
...Abraham Mollin...
...A most interesting F6 of the educational program was ¦ °n "Statistics and Prosperity" by ¦Jw...
...While the circle membership is around the 18 mark many of the newcomers at the party signified their intentions of joining the club at the next meeting which win be held on Jan...
...2. SM p. m—James feeal...
...These United States...
...The program for the concert win be announced shortly...
...The Workmen's Circle at Lowell has already arranged for a meeting, the Maynard Local of the Party, and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle at Worcester have all taken dates as well as the Dorchester Forum...
...There were many more comrades too numerous to mention who contributed to the success of the affair...
...Auspices Socialist Party, Upper Bronx Jewish Branch... Mr...
...Special mention should be made of a number of comrades who worked hard for the affair...
...31, at a p. m. All members are urged to be present...
...The Women's Committee, including Adele Zametkin...
...i New Bedford, Mass...
...They have a Current Events study group which meets every Thursday evening at Comrade Altman's home, 1468 Park Place, Brooklyn...
...the branch Executive Committee, Buchwald, Osgood, Amlnoff, Harkens...
...Sees naught accomplished Of aU that might be done...
...assisted by Rebecca Turner, Arthur Fassberg and his lady friend, snd a number of Y. P. S. L members also deserve credit for their work...
...I will try to do something each day to advance the cause of Socialism or Count that day lost Whose low, descending sun...
...The former Progressive Party was sold by its leaders and the Socialist Party alone now contests the field with the two capitalist parties...
...Congressman Berger's speeches can stUl be used without postage...
...delegates to the City Central Committee, Sameul Stodel and Max PoUkoff...
...Massachusetts Esther Friedman will be available for lecture dates for a week beginning Jan...
...headSv,^"1' young comrades living in 52"borhocd who desire organizing requested to get in touch with jj*Pkowitz ,,r 316 Hinsdale Street, Circle 2 Circle 2. Seniors, has started something novel in the way of meetings...
...JACK H'ASSERMAN EDI I OR Pnhli.l,«l F.v-rw Week Bv The New Leader for the Young People* Socialist League Circle 4 B*»Ung of the new Circle Four Se»of Bensonhurst was held la*t Fri*"*ing...
...Particular mention must be made of Louis P. Goldberg and Eleanor Levenson...
...A bi| crowd was present and spent an enjoyable evening...
...The dumber of comrades that have begun this work are very enthusiastic about the prospects of a fine branch...
...In t it contains the call to action which ¦aods of loyal rebels in the cause t been waiting for...
...fades who are making the fight alone constitute themselves as such litsjt agent and cooperate with the seal Office...
...28 , 8:30 p. m.—I...
...and Beck St...
...INew York City Central Central Committee The monthly meeting of the City Central Committee will be held Wednesday evening...
...The principal item of business will be the nomination of permanent officers, including the new City Executive Committee...
...Social Justice and Judaism...
...Refreshments were served and "a great time was had by all...
...2. In Room 402, Peoples House, 7 East 15th St...
...At s party held by Circle I, North End Seniors, there were over 30 young comrades present...
...EDWARD PERKINS CLARKE Public Forums BRONX FREE FELLOWSHIP "Fellowship's ChaUenge to the World" wlU be the subject of Dr...
...3. I wlU try to do my share m meeting the party obligations and win pay my dues as far in advance as possible and thus relieve myself of all worries as to my standing as a member and incidentally lighten the burdens of the financial officers of the party...
...The discussion raised a number of Interesting points and win be continued at the next meeting...
...2a, at the New Terrace Gardens, 180th St...
...All agreed that the time ¦ ripe for building the Party in West -p&i...
...At-the door the committee that handled the work so efficiently included: Rebt Pushkoff, Joe Beckerman, Ben Kaufman and Rosalind Goldstein...
...For every dues paying member to the state there were between 25 and 30 votes cast...
...The Sunday morning forum held to conjunction yrtth the Workmen's Circle Branch is successful and arrangements are now to progress for holding a ball on February 23 at the Colonial Mansion... course, that applies not only to New Jersey...
...Henry Jager will inaugurate this forum with a series of lectures and wDl be followed by other speakers...
...West Virginia sad this: "We had an enthusiastic •org of the State Executive CommitiM Sunday...
...QUEENS COUNTY Rockaway Branch The next meeting will be held Fridav evening, Dec...
...The Milan comrades are arranging Christ - ¦ parties which are to be given by e of the branch organizations and a party by the entire membership is to •hen on Dec...
...John f. Higgles, State Secretary...
...Circle 13 13, Seniors, met at 604 Sutter i-*°oklyn, Sunday at 4 p. m. As attendance was exceUent...
...8. I win patronize Socialists and Socialist advertisers wherever possible...
...BRONX Work is now in progress for the annual Bronx ban which will be held on Saturday night, Jan...
...At the 9 o'clock Open Forum, Professor Theodore Goodman will speak on "Finding Ourselves in the Modern Novel...
...2nd A. D. The work of organizing a new branch to the Upper West Side section of the 2d A. D. is progressing successfully...
...Will the Sor*f this nation show their colors W bosy building a powerful organi17 Judging from the letters coming J, national Headquarters from all ^ of the country, we feel confident [Zt answer to that question will be frey day pledges of monthly donai ID the National Office are coming m tbs purpose of placing organizers L field...
...This circle meets Twlday evening at 7316 20th Ave., Wn...
...Each member pledged to help tsorement by contributions, distribuid literature and by taking subscrlp¦ for The New Leader, and that they Isiart at once...
...The total number of ballots turned in to the City Office was 476...
...The final report of the State Campaign Committee will be made at this meeting...
...Auspices Socialist Party, 3d A. D. BROOKLYN Friday, Dec...
...It will be held in Temple HaU, tar Utrshfleld and Van Buren streets...
...In most every case they mention seeing the ad In The New Leader...
...InS msfdlBg orjanrtation, speakasanlii r leaflets, books, supplies "feetoJHt rVrtv publications j| be addressed to the National Ca If there is no local organisayear riclnity, you may become Aaabtr st Large by applying for I isiwifs to the NsUonsI Office...
...Comrade Sutton donated a book on "Socialism" to the circle Ubrary...
...A number of valuable prises will be distributed...
...Aroalia Hacker announces the marriage of her daughter, Olga...
...n„ Orissi In the OSSStUJ...
...Mfeone: Havmarket 2010...
...BROOKLYN 13-19 A. D. I The last meeting held Dec...
...The State Executive Committee will introduce bills in the State Legislatuse for unemployment insurance, to protect peaceful picketing, against injunctions and a bill to Include as taxable Income under the state Income tax dividends from Massachusetts corporations...
...Let us hear from a thou4comrades within tho next week...
...The comrades discussed the "Negro Situation in* the United States" at their last meeting...
...4. I will render 100 per cent co-operation as far as Ues to my power when committee work is to be done and party undertakings are to be promoted...
...1 to tour the State in t plan of organization and hustling ¦ for The New Leader...
...Organization Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...The Executive Secretary of the City League, having already attended three other Ylpseh circle meetings that day, also delivered a talk which contributed greatly to the educational program...
...The Executive Secretary of the City League then delivered a talk upon organization...
...Daniel W. Hoan, jar'of Milwaukee, is giving valuable stance in getting the campaign proprttsrted...
...Circle 6 At a very large meeting of Circle 6, Seniors, of 167 Tompkins Ave., Brooklyn, Sunday night, Ben Senltzer delivered a stirring talk upon a book, "The Bankruptcy of Marriage," written by Calverton...
...and Avenue P. Auspices Kings Highway Branch, Socialist Party...
...Mat of the New Year...
...The State books were sM and much important business nseted...
...This Companionate Marriage...
...City Government...
...156th St...
...Connecticut AD BRINGS RESULTS Advertising in The New Leader brings results...
...Since they should Improve in many respects, to accomplish the work recessary to be done at this special time, and...
...This forum will be held at the new headquarters, 604 Sutter Ave...
...Dora Horn...
...Joseph M. Cold well, an old timer and one of Debs' prison mates, win be available for lecture dates on "Industrial Feudalism...
...Financial Secretary, Abraham Mostoff...
...The voting was not as heavy as it should have been but this was largely I due to the asamme utocodiae on the par of some of the Western locals to submit' ting a referendum with a hundred and | one sections...
...New Jersey One Big Union During Christmas week party news is somewhat scarce, but there is one item that win be of interest...
...Every effort is being made to make this year's affair more successful than any ever held by our Bronx organization...
...Joe Manachlno delivered a very humorous and entertaining talk about "Critics and Originality...
...Social affairs are weaary part of life, even in the Sofct Party, and our comrades should ¦) this in mind...
...Alice Cohen-Altai the directress of this husky In\ .Lester Shulman spoke on New ¦"JCurrent News...
...that he or she is at the literature from the National IT sod see to it that it is put into bnds of people who will read it...
...and then wind up with the business meeting...
...ftL If0*"""*- Wntaway Mansion, loth St...
...AU comraces are welcome...
...8 at 20 Cove St., ground floor...
...5. I will get a supply of application cards from the organiser and keep them available at all times so that I can sign up sympathizers to Join the party...
...28, at the Workmen's Circle Center, 7318 20th Avenue, j The following new officers were elected: j Organizer, Samuel Stodel...
...Mildred Joelson...
...Circle 12 ^ i Jail but enthusiastic meeting was Circle 12 juniors, at the Browns{*oor Lyceum...
...3, Wednesday night, at 214 Sawyer 8t., top floor...
...9. I win join- and be active to my union if my occupation is organised...
...The branch has a debtedness and efforts are being made to liquidate same...
...They are excellent propaganda, especially the ones on Unemployment Insurance, old Age Pensions, the Income Tax and Imperialism...
...The Connecticut Socialist Party advertised "The Commonwealth Calendar" in The Leader for two weeks and we have received orders from most every state in the union, also a number from Canada...
...BrownsvUle Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman Street Auspices Labor Lyceum and Socialist Prty...
...29, 8 p. m. Idaho To Idaho Socialists Chairman Felton and State Secretary Cammans have sent a three-page letter to Socialists and sympathizers in the state which reviews the work done by the Idaho organization in the recent campaign...
...The dances by Madam Dorsha were much appreciated and the Santa da us Baaaar disposed of every gift...
...Kings Highway Branch The next meeting will be held Wednesday night...
...This Is the announcement concerning an old campaigner reading: "Mrs...
...2. If I am a party member, I will endeavor to be present promptly at all party meetings and functions...
...I will assist labor to its struggles to the extent of my ability, employ union labor whenever available and buy union label products wherever possible...
...Here's to George and his new wife...
...At the last meeting the following officers were elected: Temporary Organizer, Dr...
...Cbrietssas Eve Dance The social held last Tuesday night, Dec...
...and Boston Road...
...7. I win attend general party meetings in order to be conversant with the problems confronting the organization...
...New Haven A general meeting of Socialists and sympathizers will be held at the Workmen's Circle Educational Center, 72 Legion Ave., Wednesday evening, January 2. Bridgeport Don't forget the twenty-sixth annual banquet of the Socialist Party at the 12th District Socialist Club, 291 Bunnell St., Saturday evening, Dec...
...The right spirit preM at this meeting and from now on issll gain and bold ground...
...their forces for the Alderman ic -sjgn next spring...
...Kennedy, secretary of the Rocky •tain District, makes a good suggcsfji...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 54

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