SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK W' National JH socialist to tbe Front! 'WTLelist in the land la called to ¦dawKTbuUd the Party organization IBLm on W s victorious suctm TTie flK« and thousands are...

...Cox for Congress, 255...
...The forum will open this Friday night with NonatA Thomas epos king on Tbs I United States as a Socialist Bos* It," teS, leg of his campaign experiences...
...The first lecture of the season will be by Henry Jager this Friday night, Dec...
...Wc fB'Stnesleet our golden opportunity...
...I Comrades Shlplacoff...
...Pauline Newman will be the speaker Tuesday...
...Morgan¦t,st 1:30 p.m., Sunday...
...for Governor 747...
...7, Samuel A. De Witt will lecture on the "Social Revolution and Song" at the Martinique Mansion, 156th and Beck Sts...
...Leon Ooldman, brilliant young ' violinist, rendered a number of very | beautiful selections and all in all, the affair was one which will not be forgotj ten by our Brownsville comrades foi some time... the Cooperative League, 167 W. ' 12th St...
...This branch Is newly organized, and by the outlook of things a good future is ahead, for this branch...
...It was decided to ho.u : banquet in New Haven the last Sunday ! iii February...
...23, at the home of Mr...
...we had a very fine ( attendance...
...The book j I ¦ bdaf mailed Is the revised edition |Bv»;' 80 ind wh;i' l5n'[ " I IB lone Peoples Socialist League { SWaiwl Director Louis Rabinowitz re|B<tbat six new circles have asked IBWen within a !.->t few days...
...The Socialist candidate »w...
...Information relative to them may alsc be obtained at the City Office...
...The branch will meet every other Tuesday at 229 Brighton Beach Ave...
...Henry Jager Lecture* Henry Jager will deliver a lecture on the Rothsteln case this Tuesday evening at the Klngsway Mansion, 18th St...
...State Secretary, ¦ri a quantity of du^s staims and rcHb that the State Office is deceiving Hp lettert from comrades and symnaHn assuring the state officials that He ire on the job and anxious to -sHt in the work of Party buildine A Hjewd effort to secure the pardon of B*7 411(1 Billings is being made...
...More details i will be announced later...
...The latter is busy raising Bjj ¦ D»lP wine out the state deficit...
...1 ton Road...
...for business meetings...
...McLevy for Governor ,3,184: Worker...
...Tell the Advertisers you "Saw Their Ad In The New Leader...
...The i branch is embarking on a number of undertakings and the affair on Saturday 1 evening will be a get-together in order I to acquaint the membership with the program of work...
...The subject will be "Hoover Prosperity...
...The Socialist vote two years ago was 3.150...
...j I Iowa B^fe Secretary' McCrillis writes that j Hit going ahsad with the work of ttHeatlon...
...and the Labor Advocate, the party weekly... for Governor, 401...
...H* workint motto is: A Bigger and H*r Organization...
...Roth for Comptroller...
...Panken for Governor in 1926 I received orilv 206 votes in Herkimer County...
...MANHATTAN 3-5-18 A. D. At the last meeting held at the home i of Comrades Hughan...
...While such occasions are usually celebrated within the limits of family, relatives and friends, this affair, however, was more in the nature of a party function...
...Minnie Weisberg is tbe organiser of tbe 21 rd A. D. Branch and one of its beloved and esteemed members...
...The president of the Rockland County Board, when called upon to explain, declared that the name of Mr...
...Other candidates of ! the party also made a fine showing | Charles Kolb writes The New Leader: "We are planning a real organization I here and hope to have some good reports of the work done...
...At the meeting Thursday night, Dec...
...The principal of the Sunday School, Fred Shulman, has been working very hard on plans and eunieuhuns for the coming year...
...1 Madam Dorah* will render a number of ! solo dances, including March Sardar and two tangoes...
...A committee has been selected to seek a suitable location for club rooms in the 6th District...
...She Is presenting a new program of dances, Including one group number entitied...
...A spirited discussion took place concerning a number of proposals...
...Rldgefleld Park, and will be glad to see Comrades who can call...
...C. This affair will , be a social gathering...
...The program is as follows: At 8 p. m. sharp...
...The Winter educational program is now in full swing and business will be held down to a minimum and matters educational stressed more...
...48 Belmont street...
...I California B** Morrow Lewis...
...Massachusetts Croaswaith in Boston Frank Croeswalth of New York dellvj ered a few lectures in Boston and vicinity I the past week...
...This may be quite true, but It is obvious that the Board of Elections was guilty of gross carelessness, If not criminal neglect...
...Himden The Local will hold a meeting Friday I evening...
...v°tes... every kU.U, IBjaT county, in every city or village, |Bd oske your plans and move into I Be without delay...
...The Testimonial Banquet tendered to Frank Crosswaith by some of the memhers of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, members of the Socialist Party and friends of Comrade Crosswaith, has been postponed from Dec...
...another is Dr...
...Bode Work not only donated the to- I I B»' >be books as well...
...389: Karlln for Attorney-General, 381: and Coleman for United States Sen| ator, 379...
...Oth-r , WIr** follows: Norfolk 14: RocH^> Portsmouth 5: Newport News 3: KJ"*1 3; Petersburg 2 Danvii'e 2. HTJ" 2; SuTolk 2 Ale-andria...
...Price 12 cents...
...or' Peterson, received 401 votes...
...Frederick Cederholm, assistant organiser...
...This was a celebration of 38 years of marital bliss by Mr...
...Dickenson 1; Dinwiddle 3; Eli¦po city 6; Fairfax 5; Floyd 1; FluK? t, ""lnklin 2: Goochland 3; GrayHUm hl&x 6: Henrlco 15: Henry 1: ¦ jT™ 2: Jam?s City 1: King Georgs 5; Loudoun 2: Louisa 1; Mont...
...It is expected that conslderable progress will be made in this rapidly growing branch on Washington Heights...
...L Kansas |6rdC?iTforcl County, which Includes ¦inhere the Anpeal to Reason was ¦jJJ"a for years, Norman Thomas reifu...
...8-1Z A. D. 1 The first of a number of social even1 lngs will be held Saturday, Dec...
...I Montana Hj* "tote Secretary was all enthused ¦ _f* the recent election and got on :ho : Hj* organization without delay...
...Charlotte Bohlin, who I wr-s seriously injured in an automobile accident several weeks ago...
...Two meetings per month will be held, one business meeting and one a lecture and social meeting...
...Vida Stearns, recording secretary...
...Order your calendar from Walter E. Davis, Circulation Manager, Room 82, Poll Building, 23 Church street, New Haven, Conn...
...The presI ident is Lawrence Cohen and the secre, tary James Sheldon...
...Socialist Candidate Left Off Voting Machine The Election Board of Rockland County failed to put on the voting machine this vear in that county the name of ¦ John" Hagerty, candidate of the Socialist Party In the 25th Congressional Dis- I trict...
...Our work will go H»rt with renewed vigor," says tho 1 ¦s> 8ecretarj...
...New York City is to be a BE battle ground, and the comrades BaaW other city are urged to follow '¦ B»%mplf and 8nal' lnt0 n! jBJoKwU the Socialists are planning work of Party bulldln8 all : gBTje state...
...10-llth A. D. A meeting was held Thursday, Nov...
...Fact or Fancy...
...On Sunday night, Dec...
...One of them is j ¦ l Bolder, recent nominee for Gover- I Hrrfrsirmont...
...On these dates UpJSS»£ltVr!L °2 pU* "Staging Jailbirds, will be given under the auspices of the New Playwrights Theatre...
...Refreshments will 1 be served and dancing will follow...
...She is I now at her home, 98 Paulison avenue...
...The lecture will commence I at 9 p. m. A Campaign Committee with McAlister Coleman as chairman was ; formed and its function will be to survey j the neighborhood for active Socialist work and to obtain headquarters...
...Branch secretaries must file their tabulated report with the Secretary, August Claessens, on or before Dec 18...
...O. Bowman, of SteDhenson, one¦L^djdate for the U. S. Senate, 00¦J* Claude A. Swanson, Democratic ¦TS^t, who was re-elected, po'Ied ITJ' Bowman withdrew from the F * "wnth before the election...
...In the Third Congressional I District Albert Streiff received 3,020 votes ; which is an excellent showing...
...Debs received 9,801 in I 1920 and LaFollette polled 68,403 four 1 years ago...
...19-21 A mass meeting will be held Thursday evening...
...Decesmber 14, at the home of W. E. Davis...
...HigBt Kites that a number of comrades B',!re»<ly lined up to assist in che j ¦drf Party building...
...There is positive evidence of this In a ! number of towns...
...Chriataaaa Eve Social Gathering The first of a number of social gatherings at which the membership of Greater New York and their friends will spend an enjoyable evening, is on Christmas Eve., Dec...
...This is one of the newest j I large halls recently built in the Bronx 1 I There is every reason to believe that this 1 year's affair will be the most successful undertaking in recent years...
...and Br*r It was 19,138,—an increase of B* KO^' ¦r-Chicago comrades are giving a theWtjutj on Thursday...
...Robin- ( son...
...He dropped into Wint?rset re- 1 ¦ft and lined up two old comrades and • prospects of otliers...
...Extensive plans for publicity and the general success of the educational forum are under way...
...Having transferred the Republican and Democratic votes to the talley 1 sheets they generally ignore the duty to j do the same for the vote of minor parties...
...Subject, "The Trade Uunion i Situation...
...and Mrs...
...1 30, a Sunday night forum will be opened...
...City Office, in cooperation with various 1 branches and other organisations, will be given at tbe Frovinoetown Playhouse on Dec...
...West Virginia Htu Sea-etary John F. Higgins writes | B" stat* Executive Committee of HsodaUst Party will hold its next meet- j ¦ it Qerbari__o's Sabraton...
...The Communist candidates for President and Governor each received 12 votes...
...Women's Section One of the beat attended meetings of the women members was held last Wednesday evening in the Studio of the Rand I School...
...The branch is growing In membership and many activities are being planned, including a social evening and dance in the large ban room of the Martlnque Mansion...
...Reports by various committees and plans for winter activities were made...
...j New Jersey 1 Many instances coming to light show either carelessness or extensive frauds in reporting the vote of minor parties in 1 this State...
...Last Sunday Crosswaith spoke at the I Workmen's Circle Forum in Dorchester : to a capacity audience...
...22-23 A. D. This branch will me:: Tuesday night, Oec...
...A more detailed report will be rendered and plans will be described in special articles that wlU appear in The New Leader by some of the leading members of the Women's Section...
...I is giving some attention to these attacks j It declares that "The economic interests of the capitalist class are managed by any Socialist success here In Reading so they will take any little speck of dirt, place a powerful magnifying glass over It^naking It several thousand times worse Oregon The Socialist Vote The vote In this State for Thomas and Maurer is 2.720...
...Jager will lecture every Friday night in December...
...They are planning debates, lectures, social gatherings and a concert...
...The Chicago Socialists BftTW letting ready to put up a big fB*"***11 toT lhe BPrlnS aldermanic IBStos...
...In the case of Hagerty...
...This one for ! B Oae Thousand Or More Hw thousand °r more Socialists makB^ooD^y donation to the National, ' Be W organization purposes will give ¦.chinr* to put organization to the B* <*> * cash-and-carry basis...
...It is hoped to arrange a public debate within a few months...
...Constructive work j IBs be done...
...7, at the above address...
...Socialist Labor Party for President 622: for Governor 617...
...Tr»se speakers are well known in the Socialist movement and lecture on a variety of subjects...
...6, Dr...
...It is generally _"*?.'nst 'be program this year Is the HI*1' "as ever been given...
...At 10 a. m., the Camp tamiment Orchestra will occupy the ! stage and the rest of the evening, up j to the early hours of the morning, will i be devoted to merriment, general sociability and dancing...
...For further information refer to same office as above...
...Lectarers Available All Socialist Party and Workmen's Circle Branches as well aa other organisations conducting forums, lectures, classes are notified that Henry Jager, one of the ablest speakers of the Socialist Party, Is available for individual or a series of lectures during the coming season...
...ff aare Books Go to Libraries I Be> M- Work has sent money to the ' I Boil Office to cover the expense ol W f —¦ another batch of 100 books Be*** f18*'"1...
...Norman Thomas is j credited with 437 votes...
...I Plans will be made for an annual winter entertainment...
...Comrades Emery suggested that we use their home as headquarters for the present...
...Augusta 2: Bath 2: Bedford 2; ! ¦jj~t I: Buchpnan 3: Camnbell 2, I Ku.': CarrolI 3: Charlotte 1; Ches¦go...
...Tallman, for Governor, 225...
...An Executive Commttee meeting win be held this Sunday night at thhe home of Comrade Kata, • Hegemen At«., in Brooklyn...
...18, 20 and 21...
...The fact that 500 voters registered their hope in the Socialist Party after 1 the hectic and fanatical campaign causes the local Socialists to feel elated...
...The vote for four Socialist 1 candidates for State Senator also ranges ! from 5.425 to 9.795...
...A very fine meeting was held last Monday night...
...1 Bridgeport I With the national election now a mat- j j ter of the past the Socialist Party of Bridgeport has started its activities for I the building up of its organization in ' preparation for the municipal campaign i of 1929...
...I V Edn rations I Bnond nice order for Socialist pamBe h»s been received from the San BsWo Labor College...
...Above all, get subs for The ¦s Lnder...
...All members are i urged to attend...
...3 A. D. On Friday evening...
...We are also making plans for l-ctures or discussions to be bald after tbe regular business meeting of tbe branch...
...The lo; cal will discuss and vote on the National Referendum now before the membership...
...Bristol, ¦r *l«ta...
...Solomon and ; Claessens delivered brief messages of . congratulations...
...I Indiana Hkjbna Socialists are up and at them...
...Hagerty had been overlooked, and that the failure to put his name on the ballot was not intentional... one of the rooms of Temple | I Israel, Community Center, 210 W. 91st j j St...
...Tbe membership la busy selling tickets for "Singing Jailbirds" with our organ' ixer, Minnie Weinberg, setting a fine example, as usual...
...All local comB> fd friends should secure their ^mabm the County Office...
...8 to some later date in January which will be announced later...
...Israel Glauberman, one of our newer comrades, delivered an exceedingly informative talk on "Social Implications of Medical Progress...
...This matter was only called to the 1 attention of State Secretary Merrill after election...
...Notice is also hereby repeated that Comrades Father Friedman and Ethelred Brown and Jean Jaques Cornel are available for lecture engagementa...
...The place will be announced later...
...This I^Lareai along a line that enthuses us...
...1 1 Upper West Side | ! This branch will meet Thursday night, 1 I Dec...
...An active committee has also boon on the Job regularly...
...23rd A. D. Wen attended branch meetings are being held every Monday evening at tbe Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 319 Sackman St...
...I The New Calendar ] The Commonwealth Cale-idar is now 1 ready...
...A telegram to | The New Leader Tuesday morning from State Secretary Alfred Baker Lewis brought the news that a Harvard Socialist Club was organized the same ( night of Crosswaith's meeting...
...E. T. HJ*Jhe party organizer, has had H* "Bent shows in charge...
...with bright prospects "HE*** unusual progress, but we must awir^awre opportune time to make BL!Lk»tThe Socialist Party is the ¦gz^artv-it Is the one and only ¦r*at leads to the sunrise of enBLZnl snd progress...
...It is not necessary ¦ Bairse the situation that confronted j BrVtT in the recent election, but in , ' B-¥ TOtc I*1 th!s state was 3.317...
...18th A. D. On account of the Thanksgiving Holiday, there was no meeting...
...BRONX 1 Annual Ball Committees are now actively engaged in the soliciting of ads, sale of tickets, I arranging the program, etc., for the an\ nual- big event, the Bronx County Con- : ! cert and Ball which will be given at the , I new Terrace Garden, 180th St...
...New York State Doubled Vote in Herkimer County According to the official canvas of Heri kimer County, Norman Thomas received 412 votes in the recent election...
...His lecture subjects are as follows: "The Meaning of Hoover Prosperity," "The Roths teln Case," "The Machine—Blessing or Menace...
...Members of tbe Brownsville Branches were present at a rather unusual occasion on Wednesday evening, Nov...
...Optimism is the order of the ; day... and all...
...Has Russia Failed...
...Practically every active member of tbe Party in I Brownsville was- present...
...This section of the city consistently registers a good Socialist j vote and a district headquarters should ; prove very effective...
...Clarence V. Howell will be the I i guest of the evening and will speak on "What My European Trip Has Taught Me...
...Louis P. Goldberg spoke on "The Importance of tbe Injunction Issue," making a rather Intricate subject very Interesting...
...Bfcainr»des In several states are alBwa»«tbe job—they did not wait for a BF iet busy, but got together, made (¦"£3 and went into constructive BLHPennrylvanla has placed an or- I BC Id the field and he is already BE results...
...This will be the last meeting at which the proposed new constitution will be voted upon and the first meeting In the new headquarters, 600 W. 181st street, j Room 10...
...The Committee which is planning the third annual commonwealth b'nc"-' — at the State office, New Haven, Sunday, Dec...
...Although enrolled Socialists of Rockland County declare that they voted in the primary for Mrs...
...406: Mrs...
...The Branch is co- 1 operating actively with the Chrlstmsis j Eve Social arranged by the City Organl- j . zation...
...a totnl of 503 s«-Jt BkiriM si a result of his assistance...
...Friends of Mrs...
...The play ¦sM'Dear Brutus'' and is a fantastic 1 ¦biy that will give a hearty laugh to B? vbo *** and at the same time Hk spoon to our cause...
...An I I effort is being made to obtain a record attendance...
...WTLelist in the land la called to ¦dawKTbuUd the Party organization IBLm on W s victorious suctm TTie flK« and thousands are looking 10 "¦£3tot Partv to lead the way...
...2: Norfolk 3 Patrick 1; Pittsyl- ; Ei'Wnce Edward 2: Prince George ¦^"fndge 5; Rockingham 1: Sott 1, ¦^nooeh 7; Smyth 5: Tazewell 3; *: Warwick 6; Wise 3; Wythe 1; HrJ* Z. Foster, Workers (Commun¦LJ'fty Candidate po".ed 179 votes and I w ' Reynolds, Socialist-Labor party...
...for the Hkt of the Socialist Party...
...Frank Crosswaith: Lecture subjects: "Progress and the Price We Pay," "Socialism, Fact or Fancy," and other topics...
...Members and sympathizers who desire to join in attending the "Singing Jailbirds" should get in touch with Comrades Jaraslow or Bass who are in charge of the theatre tickets...
...William Karlln, speaking on "The Results of the Campaign," enthused those present and it was decided that meetings would be held regularly every two weeks...
...Man Is the Mob " danced by Paul Hayes and a group of tlx...
...The new officers: Fred Schwarzkopf, organizer...
...will be glad : to know that she is improving...
...The calendar contains a print of ! a family group executed by the famous ¦ Belgian sculptor...
...Tickets lor these performances include the following prices: $1, $1.75, $8.60...
...8. in the Club Rooms, 96 Ave...
...Party for President...
...Thomas and make a fine showing for the opening...
...They i are superb figures, forcibly drawn, won1 derfully chiselled, with power to evoke precious and inexpressible emotions of sympathy and comradeship...
...Madam Dorsha and her "Theatre of the Dance" will be the principal feature of one hour's entertainment...
...Charlottesville 1 each, ¦jo fTunty vote was snlit up as folssV»i^emaJle 2: Amherst 10: ArllngH5...
...The Sunday School is well under way and the comrades are busy fmoincfng the school...
...Elizabeth Robinson, the designated candidate of the Socialist Party for the As- ' sembly, the Rockland County Board de- j clared that no votes were reported cast 1 in any election district for Mrs...
...Max Rosen elected himself as Master of Ceremonies and Jollification...
...August Claessens will be the principal speaker and on every Sunday evening he will interpret the important hapI penings of the week...
...Minnie Cederholm, financial secretary and Isadore Kravetz, literature agent...
...Bohlin for U. 8. ; Senator, 245...
...j Connecticut The Socialist Vote The Socialist, vote in the State for 1 Thomas was 3.010...
...isconsm H. M'lwaukee H1* «everal Winter Shows staged for ¦ aaeflt of the Socialist Party came H* «d last Sunday afternoon with a ¦ oowd in attendance in Bahn Frei At the first two shows the halls H* J*eked...
...And remember, comrades, i Bit task for all of us...
...Tickets are fl per person...
...Van Blesbroeck...
...Holt, re- | He nominee for United States Senator 1 ¦ Wooti...
...The group is done in artistic color on an excellent grade of blue and buff colj ored card with a narrow blue border, making the calendar very attractive and beautiful...
...Comrade Glauberman is well petted on bis subject and held the interest of his listeners throughout...
...It is expected that aQ Brooklyn comrades wlU come down to wojconM Norman...
...This affair will be held in the Debs Auditorium, Peoples House 7 East 15th 8treet...
...and Avenue P, Brooklyn...
...Many were standing and : ¦P* were turned 'away...
...mSL ?l otner State candidates vaKbF* 'hat of the vote for Governor Br^tor the Socialist candidate for H/"»floner 0x insurance...
...and Mrs...
...The S. L. P. candidate for President received 7 votes in Herkimer County, and its candidate for Governor 9 votes...
...Despite I the bad weather last Friday night, a good attendance waa present to hear the lecture by Samuel Orr...
...Her Socialist in the state should make ¦ujttni to be present at the r..:etlng H~- 16th...
...Hahn for Lieut.Governor...
...In the afternoon ! he spoke to a new branch of the party in Roxbury on "Socialism, Utopian or Sci; entitle...
...An effort will be made j to take advantage of the increased vote in the upper Harlem section and to lnI crease the membership so that more effective work can be done...
...ThoKinued 38 votes in Richmond...
...In addition to the business meeting I there will be a lecture by Marius Han- J j some on "Woild Workers Education...
...The New York Socialists Btyttrmined to build a greater and lirerful organization and to carry BfJoaie of Socialism into every town Bfcaate...
...Hundreds of such votes are : not taDUlated at all because old party election officials receive $25 for one day's work...
...Theatre Parties I The Socialist theatre benefit performances held by the Socialist Party...
...Get IB^Dsme on the list, comrades, and Bit now ! { ¦ Illinois ¦nail Socialists are well pleased with |»i«ecast for the Party candidates I B* recent election...
...The Road to Happiness...
...New York City Party National Referendum AD branch organizers and members will please note that voting on the new national Constitution will close on Dec...
...The Branch will also arrange a I debate in the near future and has eni gaged the Debs Auditorium for a dance i and entertainment on Feb...
...IB tJxr*- Executt-.e Committee has •B^jTbeneid and finds Liie situation -B?LJ^ntagr...
...BROOKLYN Brighton-Sheepshead Branch The members are arranging for big doings during the coming months...
...A. L Shlplacoff will open the forum...
...Emery, 296 Greene Ave., Brooklyn...
...Pennsylvania Keading The Socialist administration of Reading is meeting the expected fire of one of I the capitalist dallies, the Reading Times... ¦ in a large oi-der for duss stamos P repots that a ..umber of able comHg ire combining their efforts in b.3 | HWsg of the Party in every county...
...All information relative to dates, terms, etc., can be obtained at the Socialist Party, City Office...
...and Bos...
...The 80! cialist vote in Multnomah County for I state and county candidates Is rather ¦ remarkable...
...The vote for Secretary of State is 5,247...
...Will have a meeting for organization and arrange for a membership drive next week...
...At the meeting, held last night, regular officers were elected and plans were made for doing effective work...
...Monday evening he spoke 1 before the Harvard Liberal Club on "So1 cialism...
...i In Bergen County...
...7 Bast 15th St., Room 508...
...I 11...
...1 V lrginia RS^0 "Thomps po'led 250 votes in K!~Jj*he official count shows...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 51

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