TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas TO those of us who know the rote that * organised saber must play to say scheme ot social progress the echoes that reach as from the A. F. of L. Convention at...

...Ws have a few sets of the Art Toasg cartoons left...
...Local Rochester New York a wcrkag bard to Increase our circulation, wS9B Martin J. Cook...
...About three-fourths of the workers are back in shops that have settled but none of them will stay settled unless the remaining shops can be forced In line The Communists have been at their usual rule or ruin tactics but have been decisively checked la then* campaign for control based upon bloc action, vilification and slander...
...It is up to you...
...Any attempt to challenge this control made the person who did so a suspect...
...There is work to do and every party member and every friend we have made must do his full duty when the call comes for service...
...have no authority whatever to amend or remove anything from the constitution...
...We suggest that they search their pockets...
...To make It effective, If adopted, an amendment will have to be submitted to a referendum of the party members, ss the NJE.O...
...Sam Compere, at any rate, the vigorous Oompers of the earlier days, would have had as much reason as Gene Debs to turn in bis grave could he see and hear to what level leadership in the A. P. of L. has fallen In face of company unlnna, imperialism, the denial of civil liberties and all the challenging facts of our time...
...Once more President Green, Matthew Woll, Acting President of the National Civic Federation, et al leaned over backward to prove bow respectable they were and bow much they hated the Communists...
...The same situation has become notorious in many other large cities and intelligent people who have any knowledge of the situation know it...
...Increasing importations of bricks, books and shoes are especially mentioned...
...has to suspend any part of the constitution after the convention had adopted it nobody knows except the members of the NJ5.C...
...If that is the result—and it is what should be expected—American commodities will pile up behind our tariff walls and American workers will be thrown out of work...
...Precisely the opposite is true as appears on the face of the bill which gives the government power to draft men and to control capital...
...Sinclair and Doheny, who were also acquitted under peculiar circumstances...
...The significant thing is the method by which the Idea may be applied...
...We heartily welcome the fight against the new "education...
...was never as good as it a at tha preset time...
...Halibut fishing on the 1,300 miles of Pacific coast ot the northwest...
...Louis Rice, Passaic N. J. A renewal, ef course...
...The new constitution is a very reactionary Instrument, and wipes out all the democracy In the party that has token years to develop...
...There is no reason why workers abroad should not urge upon their own governments a similar policy...
...But the report of the committee on constitution was not mimeographed, and no copies were given to the delegates...
...It win...
...But Stewart, Sinclair and Doheny are stlB among our leading citizens and, captains of Industry...
...With these mammoth organizations hunting down the little business man and taking over his small enterprise American society is more and more producing an industrial feudalism...
...The Olansstoff and Bemberg companies connected with the rayon trust and operating to America, employ already about 10,000 workers to their Tennessee plants...
...If adopted, have a tendency to cause splits and trouble in the party in many states...
...lasses D. Qrahaat The toad beneath the harrow kaswe Kcactty where each teoth-petnt gees...
...The recall has been removed from the new constitution—yet we advocate the recall—but dare not have It to our conutihitlon...
...Our Healthy Dynasties QNE of the most interesting phases ,of American politics is the crusade thirty years ago for destroying the big combinations of capital...
...What authority the N.E.C...
...The components of the old concern represented a value of a billion dollars before the "dissolution...
...sees***?1 hsdwsh tel*"ft m^UmT^ esenscraey only where there b iastaatrial Labor and the Tariff QRGANIZATION of a Wage Earners' Protective Conference by seventeen unions affiliated with the American Federation of Labor is a peculiar combination of class consciousness and job consciousness...
...A writes the former, *T thought that I would ask dad to fork over two bucks as that amount for renewal wasat ta sight Well, he forked over the two berries sad here they are...
...Prom Shreveport Ls, X. Fred sites sends tn a sub...
...Because in the politics ot capitalism a party is a failure and- has no future if, it cannot capture the Federal offices...
...Hardly a dsy gess by sat' what Tim sends In two or mors sabs, 2 JJ i he enclosed sub is from a rasa*': ¦convert,'" writes A. W. Dorian ot Oa» ctnnati, "and Z want to keep him tsteV sstod...
...Miss Elsie Tobias, Brooklyn, sends R a sub...
...Every year since 1919 ' -e index of factory employment has fallen...
...It is formed to enforce labor interests in framing tariff schedules as it is held that other tariff organizations have worked for employing interests that have supported them...
...Last February a meeting of the International Fisheries . Conservation Council of the Oreat Lakes waa head at Lansing, Mich., to take up measures for seeming uniform regulation which win save the Industry from suicide...
...These companies are connected with the international rayon cartel, dominated, by Courtauld's of Oreat Britain...
...In 1927 there wss a failure in the chub, whitefish and trout fisheries to Late Michigan, while in Lake Erie "the worst slump la the history of its fisheries was experienced...
...At least Fan and Daugherty are out of a Job...
...Unemployment and old age insurance, moreover, as we have frequently observed, are necessary to help labor organise those industries where the poor bribe of group insurance now keeps the workers away from taking the risk of forming their own unions...
...The same thing is said to have happened ta some ¦ Paso county precincts...
...They would be fully justified in demanding that if tariff walls in this country are to be raised higher that other nations should raise higher walls against importation of American goods...
...Be* Net Bill sail In Zagreb on October S the trial ef BR railway worker Franz Stepanie task place...
...New rayon plants under construction in Virginia and Tennessee win employ as many more workers within the nest three years...
...Capital invested in slaves became the sacred cow...
...It Is almost pathetic to see the joy with which prominent labor leaders not only applauded but claimed credit for Herbert Hoover's endorsement of a program of public works to sjrert dull times...
...The Federation Is trying to foot itself and the puboo by boosting ef an Increase ot 8*408 anaaewa without explaining that that apparent Increase at more than accounted for by the return of over 100.000 organised railway clerks to affiliation with the A. F. of L. Actually on the A. 7. of L.'s ova choice there was a loss ot about 30,000 members ta the total number of organised workers now affiliated with the national organisation...
...and Jim Oneal told the delegates at the National Convention that Jbnmie Graham bad fine Ideas for organising but could not raise the cash...
...Therefore vote NO on every section ot the new constitution—thereby leaving the old one as it is until the desired changes have been thoroughly discussed by the party members...
...Sub boosters ean round up las saw while the getting Is good by carrying aa sub cards...
...O. FuQey...
...and American Bemberg, and American Bnka Corporation...
...The remedy for this situation of course is steady progress toward that five-day week which organised labor has properly been demanding without very much success, outside some building trades...
...Boston, wss sent in by Dsn a. Chase et New York...
...Be might have added that they also showed considerable ingenuity in choosing southern states where they could get low paid workers for longer hours than In the north...
...The opportunity for securing sdV scxtpttons to your paper...
...is ore'of the rajsjaa who reports this week...
...Tee butterfly sawn the read Roll Call of Leader Workers The first order tor Upton Stodesra novel...
...It was necessary to wait till the committee could meet before a review of the campaign and its results could be made and this brought a full comprehension of the facts...
...Had the report ot the constitution committee been put before the delegates the same as all other reports were In all prob-1 ability this referendum would never have taken place...
...In Philadelphia the Republicans have kept the local Democratic organization alive for years and in New York City Tammany has nursed Republican organizations for many years...
...From the NEW LEADER MAILBAG The Mew Leader...
...2 volumes), you beta* hurry...
...The owners of slave property once acocmplished this object in the south not only in relation to the schools but also in relation to churches, newspapers, magazines, political parties and every other phase of the educational life of the South...
...This section 3 is vague, as It does not fix the per capita tax of afflMatiqn fee...
...Many of than realise that they threw their votat sway...
...Mr.' Robert Stewart, President et the Indiana Standard Oil Ctomoany, was promptly acquitted of perjury...
...Do your duty welL Saper-Power ''Education" QNE outcome of the attempt of the super-power crowd to take over the public schools and other educational institutions is the organization of a national Save-Our-Schools Committee...
...It is not the only factor in the situation but it is an important one...
...It includes some eminent men and women from all sections of the country and it will wage a fight against superpower propaganda...
...I surety appreciate the work wsst the N. L. Is doing to the essss ef Industrial Democracy...
...It is certain that we have only heard from a small number of those who believe that we have reached a turning point in party history and that one wing of the two-party alliance must be scrapped...
...The tribunal Jeead him not guilty, aad be was only ssstenoed to data days imprisonment fcr carrying arms without a license...
...However, onoe the referendum on the new constitution waa called, the old constitution, by all parliamentary law, is.in force until the new one has been ratified by a vote of the party membership...
...They have acted as though the schools were private bureaus of the super-power industry and teaching and administrative staffs were their hired employes...
...80, the other da...
...As one correspondent puts it the unions believe that "those manufacturers who have been loudest in demanding protection are numbered among those who pay the lowest wages and fight the unions hardest.' Here is class consciousness and comprehension of economic interests...
...This defense organization should not be necessary in a country where the people are alert against the prostitution of public agencies to the interest of powerful capitalistic groups...
...The California concern recently moved up into the billion dollar class and its arrival at this happy stage drew attention to the health of the dynasty as a whole...
...Wlille a member of the National Executive Committee the writer tried repeatedly to get $25 a week paid to our late Comrade EmU Herman, a veteran organiser, so that he could proceed to organize the West, but the majority ot the members of the N- K. C. voted the motions down because of lackot funds...
...Our New Leader subscription card at the malls is worth two (or more) in your pocket "Have been reading the N. L. for 3 years and find it India peristole in keeping abreast of the times...
...hell In the party...
...Perhaps our super-power gentry would be only too happy if they could also imitate their predecessors by using tar and feathers in their "educational" campaign...
...A nation cannot hope to export without also importing...
...Another one from the Nations...
...Marlon, TJL The New CseawJlattsa Editor, The New...
...Hoover has said is not only no adequate program for dealing with unemployment but not even a guarantee that he win put up a real and successful fight for ss comprehensive a plan as Messrs...
...It is more- nearly an international trust than any other European cartel...
...Socialism can get a seas bearing...
...Be wss not released, however, but given sear once more to the police...
...About 60 per cent of rayon workers are women...
...Of course the union needs all the support it can get from workers of every shade of optnon and it has not followed a repressive policy...
...We know they cm always dig up a few subs...
...AMONG THOSE MISSING Several of the old timers tailed to repeat for several weeks...
...The rayon trust presents the curious picture, Julius Klein declares, of European capitalists capturing American production and the American market...
...That requires an efficient system of public employment exchangee...
...Snap judgment was taken on the adoption of the new constitution...
...great novel, ("Boston...
...Today that domination has been realized in the leading industries and the old crusade is hardly a memory in the minds of millions who participated in it Concentration of industry and the flowering ot dynasts on the ruins of little business are conspicuous in this age of industrial evolution and in no other country do bankers and captialists rule society with as little real opposition as here...
...While the yield of fisheries on the Great Lakes has been as high as 160,000,000 pounds to a year, and the average catch for ths years 1913-28 was 133,000,000 pounds, ths catch tor 1936 was only 100,000,009 pounds...
...About the Cooperative Bakery m have more to say next week...
...He was a "revolutionary Agrarian" who would destroy society...
...This "carefully guarded" means placing the* percentage of signers required high enough so as to make the law Inoperative...
...This cartel wss recently described in a special report on Cartels put out by Julius Klein of the bureau of foreign and domestic trade...
...Our New Opportunity fQUR readers have in this issue of The New Leader the story of the meeting of the National Executive Committee and the essentials of the report of the National Campaign Manager, G. August Gerber...
...win hold shares in the leading rayon companies of the world, Verelnigte Olansstoff Pabrikexv and Bern berg companies of Germany, G lama toll of Austria, the Snia VTscosa of Italy, the Asahi of Japan, the Scka of the Netherlands, American Olansstoff Corp...
...Everything we know about the last war and preparations for the next war shows how sympathetically capital would be treated and how drastically men would be coerced...
...Neither will the Foster -Catchlngs scheme do much to help what the highbrows call technological unemployment, that is, the unemployment due to the fact that on farms and In factories, lmnrovementa in maehlnerv and the una of machinery steadily reduce the number of men who, provided the working week keeps Us length, are necessary 11 do a given Job...
...One of its results was the "dissolution" of the Standard Oil Company by a decree of the United States Supreme Court in 1911...
...That this is necessary in this country shows how arrogant various sections' of our ruling classes can become...
...Be says they showed considerable ingenuity and enterprise in doing so...
...Slave property became holy...
...Wo!l as a member of the Tariff Commission would be no compensation...
...It is a dubious program and, we believe, a short sighted one...
...The UiimWae which these may cherish with regard « him are not known, bat he win protesSy be aaaBaoa ta bis place of birth...
...Now these organizations have a value five times their original value...
...A handful of slave owners maintained a rigid mastery of ail these institutions...
...It is likely to lead to general tariff wars if the agitation is effective in this country and there are those who think that physical conflict may be the outcome of general tariff wars...
...The price is 30 cents by saw...
...One of its tragedies is that the Anti-Trust Laws have been effective in quite a number of trade union cases, such "dangerous combinations" being punished by levying on the funds of the union...
...When we turn to contemplate the present health of the Oil "Dynasty which was "dissolved" seventeen years ago we find a rather unique situation...
...With a Socialist organisation m the field, we would bees polled thousand* arartcarts at hundreds...
...And it is to this response from the rank and file rather than to any of the official hierarchy that we look for the salvation of ths American labor movement...
...As in other campaigns there were some misunderstandings largely based upon rumor and lack of full knowledge of the facts...
...There Is nothing new in the idea or Hoover's endorsement of it which he first made publicly as far back as 1931...
...The strike of the sUk workers to Petersen for the eight-hour dsy and other union conditions long ago promised but not in reality granted to the wuikeis Is still to progress with good hope ot success...
...Thata Just what The New Lasts win do...
...Now the interesting fact Is that this is a federal bureau and that these engineers work for the government, or rather for society, being paid by the government...
...Foster at Catchlngs have outlined...
...Bo Cost "AT Basse Yseas," Reports from Denver are that the name of Alfred S. Smith of Peyton, Colo, a Socialist elector, cost the New York governor about 300 popular votes In Denver...
...Sections, article 10 of the new constitution creates the "Open Door" for...
...Any number higher than eight percent makes the Initiative and Referendum unwieldly and unworkable...
...Progressives and other half-breeds, count but Utile...
...Are we going to be such hypocrites that wa win place tn our platform planks for Direct Legislation, and then in our own party constitution place the percentage ot signers required so high as to prohibit any measure being submitted to a vote of the membership...
...Finally, Hoover's partial remedy for unemployment by no means gets rid of the need for unemployment Insurance...
...Not only do they save the government millions of dollars by testing an products ths government buys so that It does not have to buy by advertisement like the rest of us dubs but also the Bureau makes scientific researches which are the basis of the most important technical advances...
...Their answer to the advocates of public ownership of the power sites of the nation is to label them "Bolsheviks...
...The new constitution places the percentage ot signers required at twenty percent—or one hundred and fifty percent higher than the average old partylte advocates...
...as this could have taken place when our party was husky...
...Now that the fog of fake issues have deappeared...
...Many were diiaatirfled with the old party tickets...
...Apparently their convention actually applauded the Commander of the American Legion who advocated the Johnson-Capper Bill with the assurance that it would not draft labor and would draft capital in the event of another war...
...The National Office of the Socialist Party has been hampered by lack of money with which to do organising work...
...And that is the net result of the crusade of thirty years ago when millions of people feared the domination of industry by a few giant combinations...
...But in order to take advantage of the new opportunities all our resources must be mobilized without delay...
...The sooner they join the republicans or wake up, the better...
...Graovflte ma—as, Aiwa...
...A aided as as Mg today as a eeOar was 99 years age, bet I want to see the N. L live...
...IN AMERICAN" Samuel H. Conn, one of our young readers who wanted the N. L. He wined .hat his father had seen some stray copies of the paper and enjoyed waa* of the articles he read...
...The revelations of the Federal Trade Commission show that the super-power crowd have attempted a similar game...
...The crazy "issues" which the two-party leaders staged is another factor...
...Leader: There are many things In the new constitution that should have been discussed by the membership, but owing to the campaign they have been neglected: although those delegates opposed to It at the convention tried to nave a motion adopted that the new constitution be held in abeyance until after election, and then be submitted to a vote of the membership...
...It win scarcely touch seasonal unemployment which unemployment insurance will not only alleviate but help to prevent An employer making heavy contributions to Insurance funds will be a lot more careful how he fires and hires at need without any program for the year...
...8ee ad 00 another pegs, 177S—1939 Israel Putnam, Em Ira, N. Y, desert forget to renew...
...Imagine a Mellon or his successor stopping profiteering under the vague terms of this bill...
...The patty polled the largest vote in its history yet many of its leaders and edi^Atonal guides regard it as hopeless...
...The offices are all that are at stake as principles and differences disappeared long ago...
...Paterson Socialists, members of the Workmen's Circle, and especially the Peterson Purity Cooperative Bakery are giving the Associated SUk Workers fine help...
...It was Inserted in the new constitution by the "liberals" la the party, and not by Communists and "United Fronters"—though the latter, if they desire to use It, win have an opportunity to bore from within...
...Even the A. ?. of L news service recently denounced the bill...
...We certainly cannot insist on the slogan of "High Walls at Home and Low Walls Abroad...
...If, as Governor Brewster of Maine, suggested to his fellow Governors, the President-elect has endorsed the rather far reaching plan of Foster and Catchlngs, that la news and, on the whole, good news...
...In short, labor's rejoicing over the new hope that proper public expenditures on public works at the proper moment win avert periods of depression or relieve unemployment tn them Is a thing that we share...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas TO those of us who know the rote that * organised saber must play to say scheme ot social progress the echoes that reach as from the A. F. of L. Convention at New Orleans are very dtequtetang...
...The misfortune of this party is out opportunity...
...The folio of sixteen oartoons, printed on high quality paper, eav stitutes a striking memento of the eaapaign and h> a strong argument far Socialism...
...This sentiment has been expressed in so many quarters that one wonders how many other thousands there are who feel the same but who have not spoken or written of .:t...
...The New Leader can obsess an that Leeds Verse, Albany, Jest gate sassr the ware with a sab...
...Our superpower kings have acted on the assumption that it was not necessary for a sale of the schools to be made to them...
...Encouraging as the new contacts made during the campaign are stilf more are the many voters who have expressed their disgust since the election and who want a "new deal...
...A review of mts history shows that it has elected only two presir tents since the Civil War and .Wilson owed his fine election not to tat strength of has own party' bat to the division ofthe Republican Party...
...Examination of the records reveal that 99 voters, seeing the name of Alfred E. Smith in the column of the Socialist electors, marked their crosses after tt instead of after the six Democratic presidential electors...
...There was nothing in the spirit of the meeting, nothing to other results reported to compensate for the toss of membership...
...He was accused, under the Lav sw the Protection of the State, of oeag » possession of a revolver, a portrait at Lenin, a Labor newspaper sad other things of the kind...
...No such thins...
...Bis defense was that when he bed to the Senate Committee a quorum was not present...
...The committee has outlined a program of continuous action to begin immediately and this contemplates work on a national scale...
...This decrease In dues provided for by the new constitution threatened to so stagger the finances of the National Office during the campaign that the N1.C, at Its May meeting, at Newark, New Jersey, upon motion of Morris HUlqult, voted to suspend that part of the constitution relating to dues until the first of the year...
...It is very important for the public and especially for labor organisations to observe that no building program by the government is a sufficient cure for the evils associated with unemployment* It win not of itself help men to find where there are Jobs without passing through the cruel, inefficient and often extortionate and corrupt machinery of private "slave markets," such as I have seen from coast to coast...
...Stewart in spite of Mr...
...Ttat Murphy is waking em up to MsV lon's Empfaw...
...The job consciousness appears in the program which proposes to shut out foreign products that have been admitted in competition with American industries...
...I am a student at Pordham Law School and it gives sat great pleasure to espouse the cause ot Socialism among my fellow students...
...The report was adopted without the majority of the delegates realising the changes that were taking place until, weeks afterward, they received a copy of the minutes ot the convention from the National Office...
...Including Canada, "is In a very serious condition, and the banks cannot long withstand ths intensity of fishing to which they are subjected...
...He says that many of the voters are disgusted with the pottael situation...
...She writes that "the woods were filled with democrats...
...If you haven' token advantage of the premium offer of Upton Sinclair...
...In recent months attention has been called to the remarkable con-, centration in the retail business by the organization of chain stores and the combination of chain systems into a higher consolidation...
...In the event of a general war over tariff organized workers would reap a sad harvest and the appointment of Mr...
...Yet they talk about the superior ethical standards of business as contrasted with government service...
...The unions hope to increase the number of jobs in this country by practically shutting out such commodities...
...These, be tt noted, sre the achievement not of Hoovers "nisjgail individualists'* working for profit but of servants of society worsting for moderate that the only Initiative arises out at desire for private profit...
...There is an army ef dksThasssel voters in this country...
...Three months or six months hence will be too late...
...V the workers wwaM east an teteafeees ssBst ear Candida tea would win ever these ef Waa Street...
...Therefore what he said was .not perjury...
...So continue to send your good paper.'' Another one from Edward E. Thompson, Collingwood, N. J, From Wesleyan University comes an order for Sinclair's "Boston" and a sub to the paper, send in by R. L. ilorrww...
...International Rayon Trust Thrives On Ix>w NEW YORK—(FP)—The associated Rayon Corporation, incorporated in Maryland with assets of $60,000,000...
...The extraordinary achievement ef perfecting a device by the use of light waves to measure dimensions with no greater error than two one millionth of an inch is only one of the great achievements revealed by the report ot the Bureau of Standards...
...Dear Comrades: We never had aa orsatuaatiee here but wa polled 351 votes...
...Now the "Bolshevik" is the equivalent of the "revolutionary Agrarian" in the days when slave property ruled south of the Potomac...
...When the Initiative and Referendum U being advocated for adoption by states the democrats sad republicans always buttress their endorsement with the qualification, 1 tn In favor of the Initiative and Referendum carefully guarded...
...where it has been for twentyfive years and more, At the convention which adopted the new constitution reports of the committees were mimeographed and copies given to every delegate, so that, while the report ot the committee war before the convention, the delegates could act more intelligently on the same...
...whs sends to a reaswat Be east set want to saws a espy...
...Thus a combination of circumstances has "arisen where the stock and the prestige of the Democratic Party are rapidly declining...
...We have already had a controversy with France over this very policy...
...The socialists and trade unionists have been the ones that have popularised Direct Legislation, or the Initiative and Referendum...
...Even Connolly of Queens was finally convicted of conspiring to rob the city and,got the maximum sentence for spitting in the subway...
...Now I have only time to urge support, moral and financial, to a strike that deserves to win...
...One of our enthusiastic readers %p in Maine, has been mailing out copies of The New Leader to a good list of prospects...
...The future struggle is the task of wresting both economic and political power from the powerful magnates and die beginning of industrial democracy...
...And If our party ever grows these reactionary tendencies In the new constitution, if adopted, will be repealed WJXQ...
...Why not, didn't they get away with it...
...In flew of this complete defense we base no doubt that Mr...
...It is one that may develop into dull acquiescence in the old indifference unless we move swrftiy to take full advantage of it...
...The one note of militancy was sounded by Daniel J. Tobin in presenting his resignation as treasurer of the A. F. of L. We think his words and attitude must find -. response in the hearts of thousands 6f loyal trade unionists...
...The Hew Leads...
...One thing that has contributed to this attitude »f mind is the numerous editorial speculations that liave appeared in the press regarding the future of tie Democratic Party...
...That's the sure, quick way of securing subs, send for some tossy...
...And that same convention voted to reduce the revenue of the National Office abrty-elx and two-thirds percent...
...Work must"*jegin now and there are many new friends who are waiting for the word to march...
...Almost everybody else, including labor leaders, has endorsed the same general idea...
...Frank Tamer, OrceneasMs, PsJ A few more sassarissloBo frees Coawass Turner's neek ef the weeds aad sat psaalsrlij contest win tske aasftar tarn...
...Bat second defense was that he did not He to the Senate Committee but only misled it...
...He waa re-elected because the voters feared that a Republican President would drag tit into the wars* Why do leaders and guides- fear for their party despite its large vote...
...Only about two thirds ot those who were sHfJhlw to vote, went to the poUa...
...In ths Alaska fishing Industry there was a decrease of 28-5 percent to the value of ths total product, in 1927...
...Of course, this cannot continue forever without a political reaction which will bring a contest for control of the governing powers...
...It is no exaggeration to say that the new contacts made during the campaign, the many young men and women who have become interested in our movement, and the requests that have been received since the camthe campaign closed have been the most encouraging we have received, since the end of the World War...
...J. Tornick, B. jr...
...By actual practice it has been clearly demonstrated that, to put any measure to a vote, eight percent ot signers of the membership of any organisation, municipality, or state is the highest percentage that the law can operate successfully under...
...Commercial Greed Depletes Fish Supply WASHINGTON—(FP)—Greed ot commercial fishing enterprises on the Oreat Lakes and on the Pacific, especially, has dangerously reuced the supply of fish now to be caught in those waters, according to figures presented tn the annual report ot the Commissioner ot Fisheries to the Interior Department...
...But to this may be added another and more graver danger...
...R. F. King, Yelm, Wash* sends ta tt "lor an ardent Socialist,- Peter Hendricks, OCR POPULARITY CONTEST "I sss ss swasiat areaad hers ss a asrnU to an sHssaex church at prayer meeting time...
...In obtainlna- it...
...Therefore, according to the Judge, it was not perjury...
...But common sense compels us to insist that what Mr...
...John D. Rockefeller, Jr.'s slight qualms, win continue to adorn not only the Indiana Standard but also the Petroleum Institute along with bis fellow heroes, Messrs...
...We should make no mistake, however, in judging the situation...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 50

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