SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK L ja'on^oUuy cootrtauten to tha offlce Organisation Fund to tJlTf**** DBW WDCk of um orQfftteted is beinc enlarged nlce"fgpeariM car. afford to neglect his ¦JjtV m...

...At 9 o'clock Open Forum: "Inside tiw British Labor Party," address by E John St Loe Strachey, recently arrived from SJ^g^rtd Open discussion and questions...
...And wherever ¦ k » ht a city campaign this com, aring our comrades should bo on [Jb right now...
...Bare Park A luncheon and symposium wffl be held this Saturday, Dec 1, at the Boro Park Labor Lyceum at 8:30 P. M. Matters pertaining to the past campaign and the future work of the Party win be discussed...
...39 win be postponed, because of the bouuay anu instead, wffl be held on Thursday night, Dec 13...
...E»S£ uve Orynatttoe The vote will doss en pec...
...McLevy of Bridgeport, Joseph Pede, Morris Rice, KsUn and Ksnoff of Hew Haven...
...Orgintsstlon means power meane progress...
...N. MoUla...
...The slogan at the ST was: "Our campaign never That's the stuff...
...w*>'~h was to be held Thursday, Nov...
...This is a dean and attractive place and...
...Texas State Organiser Currsn rports that he is organising a local in Oak Cliff, one of the largest suburbs of Dallas...
...also state insurance and present them at the State Legislature at the January session...
...3rd A D. The 3rd A D- held a very successful business meeting last Friday st the Martinique Mansion...
...The avwraaw vote for all the Communist candidates declined compared with two years ago, while the average vets of the BtoeteXt P«f«y ihcrsssid...
...Washington Tn Beninghaa the voters bad a very complicated arrangement of candidates on the voting machine which did not help intelligent voting...
...They are: Androscoggin, 113: Penobscot, 78...
...If the National Office can help, write us...
...8:30 P. M Speaker...
...The address wffl be followed by a discussion...
...This lecture wffl be of special interest to young people, particularly the young and radical in spirit...
...Branch secrets* tos must file then- tabulated report with the Secretary, August CeeessenajK *J*ton Dee...
...Other Bronx branches should follow in their example...
...14* West 130th street, at * SO o'clock Sunday evening next, December 2nd...
...Edward Brink of Hartford, William J. Morgan of New London, Louis O. Wahl of Meriden...
...Plans were made to hold a banquet In New Havea the last Sunday in February tor the benefit of the state organization and the state paper, 'The Commonwealth...
...They raised $20.00 and decided to hire Its meeting place by eontract for one year...
...Montana The official vote of Sanders County has lust been made public The presidential electors of the Soclahst Party received 110 votes...
...Wisconsin increased the M membership during the first ten Wilis of 1938, as compared with the asrpxicd,of 1937...
...Cotrmtttses are now busily engaged In canvassing the membership to bring tt up to dte in dues ss well ss a cccBSnittoo to see new heedquartcrs...
...Local Bridgeport reported that they would hold a banquet New Tear's Eve...
...Branch meetings are now held in a fine room in the Temple Israel Community Center, 310 West 91st Street...
...The committee was instructed to draw up an unemployment insurance btU...
...This Friday evening Samuel Orr wffl open the series of lectures and a large attendance is expected...
...A number of plans were discussed end formulated...
...County Commissioner, 347...
...Massachusetts Ik vote for the Socialists and Comaasu, some of the state-wide candles hike City of Boston, was as tolas: I* Thorns*, 958... Treasurer—Sociaiiat Party...
...Be has had ptaacs...
...Plans: CMe Chib, 18 Bast 10th street...
...w The Woman's Committee mat Monday...
...z, Il:8t F...
...Treasurer, 134...
...Dosens of booths containing a variety of unique articles and the general social atmosphere is worthy of the visit of Comrades from all branches...
...Edward Brink, Hartford...
...BROOKLYN Bensonharst Open locum . The forum conducted by a Joint committee of the Socialist branches and the Workmen's Circle organisations of Bensonhurst wffl be held throughout the entire Winter tmmn at the Savoy Mansion, 64rd Street end 30th Avenue...
...He is reaching out ipw members and giving us to unpBod that this is one state in the posts group that win have a Socialist m organisation to carry on the work [atesuon and preparation for future Virginia rktkds Socialists have their faces JjjJfuM future...
...Louisiana gate Secretary Diets is one of the —SaU Socialist...
...Fdgslmsn of the Forward staff will lecture on current topics, a concert program wffl be given...
...On Sunday, Dec 3, at 11:80 A. M. sharp...
...Somerset and Knox Counties...
...Michigan i ass local has been organised at _w Bspidf and the prospects are good \0tt locals in other cities in the _. Oomrsde Confer is the secretary peal Grand Rapids...
...This affair is being arranged by a number of Socialists, intimate friends of Frank Crosswalth and a number of Negro citizens of Harlem...
...We win do the rest...
...Sunday, Nov...
...State Secretary Plunkett reported that the Socialist vote in the state was )with a few more towns to be heard from) 2,975...
...Workers Party...
...We need to give a uttle more attention to that section... Governor—Socialist Party, 1838, », iri8, 660...
...At 10 P. M, the Camp Tamiment Orchestra wffl occupy the stage and the rest of the evening, up to the early hours of the morning, wffl be devoted to merriment, general sociability and dancing...
...The vote tor the state and Congressional election in 1936 was 3,160...
...Send *• — and address and the amount 'ilh* monthly to this fund to WU,"W *« Washington Bird, Finnish rederatten ^ast Reivo, secretary of the FinTSSitt Federation, reports that his BZ at planning extensive propeJTsorx for the spring months...
...Comrade Hansoms will also exhibit a rare collection of radical posters, which he collected abroad and which illustrate the great ferments in the labor, youth and Socialist movements...
...Special musical program by Oenevteve and Zslma Kaufman...
...1405 Wltosn Avenue at 8:30 P. M An effort wffl be made to organise a branch in this west side section of the Bronx...
...The Masai OOce is hearing from them every Is vlih requests for information and k Btentuxe...
...This nesrhr organised group is deba sained to buOd up a good Party organisation and are setting busy wttt some of the old time educational work...
...M Speah sr...
...That is tha stuff a* carats and that it the spirit that as...
...Including one group number entitled, "Man Is the Mob," danced by Paul Hayes and a group of she Madam Dorsha wffl render a number of solo dances, including March Sardar and two tangoes...
...He wffl speak on the most timely and interesting topic: The Peace Compacts and World Prosperity...
...Everybody to invited- Admission free...
...Edwin R. A. Hongman of Columbia University wffl be the speaker at the Forum of the Brooklyn Jewish Center, •67-oei Eastern parkway, next Monday evening, December 3rd, at 8.15 o'clock...
...On Saturday evening...
...Sunday evening, December 2nd, at the 8 o'clock Fellowship Service: "America and Freedom," a discussion of Arthur Garfield Hays' book "Let Freedom Ring" by Dr...
...They will issue their _ monthly publication in December...
...QUEENS COUNTY Bvaaeh Jamaica Tonight <Friday) Branch Jamaica win meet in the Workmen's Circle Chib rooms at 8806 i6ist Street...
...Now let us beer from other cttlss...
...THE NEGRO HEROES OF THE VKSTRrS The above wffl be the topic of en address to be delivered by Rev...
...James F. Cooper...
...B. a Vladeek...
...Executive win attend and address the banquet...
...Stbelred Brown st the Hubert Harrison Memorial Church...
...rfi to eaued The Dixie Appeal...
...York, 10e...
...Public Advocate, 315...
...City cases, tn no epsfatsan with various branches and ether orsxuxtoaOons wfl he J&F.f* **» P^ylueetowu playboose en Dec...
...Foster, 614...
...The rest of the Socialist vote Is: For State Representative, 460...
...TFM_ Me: 1934, TTL The Sodahst Party bad the terser wots tar only three oat of seven of tbestotewide rarstWIstes two yean ago...
...Workers Party—1928, M; 1128, 4410...
...Subject: The Outlook for a Labor Party in America," Wffltsmsburg Marsson, 3fT South 6th Street, Auspices, Socialist Party...
...Maine The capitalist press saw fit not to give returns of the Soclahst vote tn our best counties, Cumberland...
...that their state organiser to New Castle, Butler and Plttsratox Pittsburgh ss a center for -giisn...
...1918, 2323...
...A number of prominent comrades have been invited...
...State Campaign Treasurer William J. Morgan made his report...
...It is the purpose of the eonuntttee to combine activity and sociability...
...oM age pension bin...
...At the tost meeting it was decided that the time was too precious to be consumed by inconsequential parliamentary wrangling* over matters that can be attended to by a few of the more interested comrades, and that henceforth branch meetings should be devoted to general Socialist culture...
...Splendid programs are arranged for every evening with the best talent of the Finnish theatrical world...
...The Soclahst theatre benefit perform•noes held by tha Socialist Parts...
...4. at 8 P. M. sharp, to be held at tha Rand School Studio...
...The committee consists of Jasoer McLevy, Bridgeport...
...Williams, of New London, and Martin F. Plunkett, of Wsllingford...
...30 and 31...
...B~UlU « Lecture Calftndar HOPS I IH Friday...
...MANHATTAN 4th A. D. A spedal meeting wffl be held on Wednesday, Dee...
...4-l4th A. O. Sundew...
...More power to sal Wisconsin fSsuustn Socialists are not going to aa, They are holding an kinds of so5iad educational affairs, especially . Ifflssnke* to put the Party in good asdsl shape...
...These -whs understand the Southern folks at totted to...
...The National Referendum wffl be voted on and other very important questions concerning the Branch wffl be taken up...
...18, and the occasion I -S advantage of by making a sur, t ft* field and plans for the con1 ,- «f the work—making it a real sail campaign...
...This meeting wffl be over st 3 pm, so ss to permit ¦rtonrtanre at the Norman Thomas lecture at the Rand CROMWAITH IN ssawf.wsw Harlem Socialist Organization Committee held a meeting on Sunday, Xbvember 34th and decided to open the Harlem Educational Forum liegliiiiinj Sunday, December I. 1938, with Comrade Prank Crosswalth as director: M Extract, assistant director...
...California m Bodalisu of Los Angeles held a ^_BSBf* on Nov...
...Washington, D. C If...
...30, 8:30 P. M, st the Wcrxraen's Otrcle Center, XM Bast Mth Street... Secretary—Socialist Party, 1928, 3T...
...Socialist Party electors received 120 votes in the town...
...cgjgsnhwr of the Women's Committee of Ttoeata: New York, are caning a meeting for Tuesday, Dee...
...Sheriff, 431...
...The daily papers i Qdeafo are telling of the big graft :cSy affairs, and that win help the 8oSjMisbow the masses the way out...
...Kansas 8tate Secretary Boss Msgffl reports 38 more new members enrolled for the Party in Kansas There is nothing the matter with the West...
...Courses tn Socialism, as wen ss individual topics on Currant Events, are contemplated...
...She is presenting a new program of dances...
...Bach member is requested to attend the meeting...
...Ryfrfshmerits wffl be served...
...6, tn the office of Dr...
...Rachel Panken, State chairman of the Woman's Committee end Hilda O. eueeaens...
...It to expected that Morris mnqult of the National...
...Ptecatquls, 18...
...chairman... doubt, wffl enhance the future meetings of our Upper West Side Branch...
...Tickets, are SI ner necson...
...Is on Christmas Eve, Dec...
...He also reports preparations for wending out a large number of letters and nieces of literature—five thousand in all The City of Danes win hve a fuU Socialist ticket for the spring election...
...The Socialists throughout the state are invited to attend...
...Every effort wffl be made to get out a record attendance...
...It is probable that many Socialist votes were not counted...
...3. These annual baaaars are wonderfully Interesting events...
...Ose good Socialist tn Milwaukee (and is art of work) buys 350 copies of the Uk took, "Life and Deeds of Uncle am" sod win give them away free to ¦awn of bis union...
...Sophie LegaloxT, treasurer, and Alice Crawford, secretory...
...Clerk, 317...
...1926, 1593...
...I believe the outlook for our Party to be brighter than ever and assure you that we wish to cooperate with you tn any way possible.'* New York City Party Nattsoal Bifnialei An branch organizers and members win please note that voting on the new &%*XJ5b 'ef'ti^Wations...
...Chicago Socialists are ssstag for a bigger and more effective arty organization in preparation for kraxmg election...
...Bequests for information "janitor tj— are coming in from the iffgeUa and these these win be tak— nrooerty ss rapidly as f—frtMe...
...This state charges excessive filing fees for the nomination of candidates which makes it difficult for a labor party to nominate...
...once having been state orgy of the Party in Indiana...
...Pennsylvaiiia bp Secretary Limbach reports a new jit Brie...
...Legtsattive Ccsaaaitiee A Legislative Committee was appointed by the State Executive Committee...
...Secretary August Chi step* will also be 18th A. D. The lath A. D. is now busfly engaged in formulating its post-election weekly educational program...
...Tickets for these performances incsade tha lotkrslnajytoes: 6L 6L78 and 82A0...
...James Oneal wffl talk on the »~«^"'"g of the big socialist vote and the plans of the National Executive committee for building up the Party organisation Members are urged to bring then- friends to beer this talk...
...However, 331 vote* are reported from five towns...
...Th& k our work...
...BRONX Sad A o. An organization meeting wffl be held Thursday, Dee...
...Subject: "Current tbT^im^laTaSMoa.- Workman*nct£ cto^Centor, ut SatJgtV^^ l*mSm Public Fonuns MISS sUaHMWmi AT STOOD CIRCLE Le Osrele victor Huos cordially hsvttes you to a haseheon cesxtereoce act Saturday, December 1st at 13J0 sharp...
...Workers Party—1928, **, IKS, 412...
...For this purpose, Mrs...
...Eererawsy Branch A meeting of the Rocxawey Beach Branch will he held this Friday, Nov...
...Illinois axe sad more live ones are showing »to Illinois since the election...
...Ito Senator—Socialist Party, 1938...
...The Committee to ready to submit the phut to the women Jfthe party at large...
...extend their circulation kwgtxxrt the South...
...Leon Roeser Land...
...Workers Party, 1938, W; 1936, 48X7...
...Connecticut The Vote The State Executive Committee met at the State Headquarters, Poll Bunding, in New Haven...
...Speakers wffl be announced In the next issue...
...8, at the Sodahst Center, 304 East Broadway...
...They are selling considerable tickets tor the Theatre Party...
...This yaar the Sociahsti had a lexTsrT>e» the...
...The chairman of the gathering wffl be Joseph Stein...
...This mdicates that tha Oommuntot policy of spending threefourths^ot their energy skrwed n STTntriesi1^ tbe^Soctahat Party vote, has hurt the Coaaanmists themselves far mors than the ¦~rf-Mrtr Ohio Anew Soclahst local has Just been organised In Cincinnati...
...ISM, 76...
...Dec 8, a testimonial banquet wffl be given to Frank Crosswalth at the Irving Plasa...
...Ftaatoh Branch The annual bazaar of our Finnish Branch, which was opened last Saturday, wffl continue to Dec...
...About 81,000 was raised for the campaign in the state...
...Votes for other candidates of the party are: For Governor...
...Please come early...
...We expect that the final report will show over 3,000...
...afford to neglect his ¦JjtV m this respect...
...This affair win be Leid tn the Debs Auditorium, Peoptoa House, T East 19tb street The program is ae follows: At • P. M, sharp...
...The banquet committee elected was Mrs...
...Mors locals in Ohio to the slogan tor Ohio...
...F. Matteson, District Secretary, sends tn a good order for dues stamps and supplies and among other things says: There are signs In plenty of an awakened interest in the D. O, and our local comrades are planning to hold two or three good public meetings here during the winter months, end I win appreciate it if you win advise me Who, When, How and under what conditions we may secure two or three good speakers through the Nations...
...the Communists for seven out ef 4*5 state-wide candidatea...
...The vote provides a good base for party organisation hi the county...
...It's uo to all of us to make thai a success...
...Madam Dorsha and her Theatre of the Dance" win be the principal feature of one hour's entertainment...
...ChrtotiM Eve Serial Gathering The first of a number of social gathering} at which the membership of the SociaLst Party of Greater New York and their friends wfll spend an enjoyable evening...
...Sternr* editor of The Ration" .wffl speak en Margaret Sanger's new book, "Motherhood to Bondage...
...On these dates Upton StncfaUrs new pUy, -staging Jsfibtrde," wffl be green under the suepioas of the Hew insgwiayhss Theatre...
...The program for the next meeting, Thursday, Dec 13, win be a lecture by Marius Hansome on "World Workers' Education...
...Lieut.-Oovemor, 85...
...Upper West Side The second meoth»y meetlne...
...Our non-Finnish comrades are particularly urged to visit this bazaar and bear witness to the splendid work of our Finnish comrades...
...MD, medical director'of the American Birth Control League, wffl apeak on the medtoal aspects of the book...
...Robert a Base, sasuities secretary of the American Birth Control League...
...There wffl be an opportunity to vote on the new Party constitution tonight for the first and last time...
...Oder holm of Bridgeport, Davis of Hsmden...
...August ClaeeR^T^Etoction...
...Freda Kirchwey...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 50

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