A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A SOCIALIST'S THANKSGIVING rrffS sre a few of the things for which wc find ourP letves thankful thia year: Gorman Thomas. ^/ Ot interest aroused in the Party...

...Outside advice is always resented...
...This impression notwithstanding Havelock Ellis: "It is refreshing to find the present situation so clearly recognized as in...
...But straight and proud to our manhood...
...by Cora Millay (Norton, 12...
...It will tell such visitors just which pictures to dwell upon, and just what to think of them as they admire...
...We are only saying, "Come out with us into the sun...
...Lest Immediately captivating, but hi its way an entertaining volume—put to equal test—is "little Otis...
...Many of the features of New England corporation feudalism were Incorporated by Gregg in his mill town of Oranttevine...
...Association at Forty-seventh street...
...Speaking of museums there is a very real one on the *• outskirts of New RocheUe, New York, which you *onW visit and support...
...The fact that as yet the Republicans have passed no tor compelling us to read The New York HeraldMaeArt Toung...
...The new interest in the North had forged ahead...
...Contributions should be sent to the Executive Secretary, Room 505, 7 Bast 15th Street...
...So the ruling elements of the South never made up their minds...
...Poverty is very generally regarded as a cause for crime, but as lest crime it found in poverty-stricken countries, it Is clear that poverty is not a cause in itself...
...Bertrand Russel's "The R Is tit to Be Happy" and Key^erllrg's "Mariare...
...tht fact that we are not running for any office...
...This mother of poets reveals her amusing skill in the lighter form of versified comments and exploits of little Otis, mainly arounc the farm...
...It is the sun...
...TJe» fact that we are not tn Jail for debt and a Jot rfothff things...
...Expecting s fresh point of view towards the clarification of the sex and marriage muddle, one finds only a rehearsal c. recent contributions to the literature of sex and psychiatry...
...The Conflict With the Plasters There are some striking similarities between the difficulties faced by the new enterprise in the two sections although this is not the theme of the book...
...but be had to wait until this matter of the committee was threshed out...
...At its last meeting...
...They stand and list intently To words his lips let fall He's finished, and they find They know no more at all...
...There are a number of other groups but they all am to do with dumb animals and are selected for us tT the Museum...
...NEW YOBK LEAGUE AIDING PATEESON STEIKEES For neirry two months the silk workers in Peterson...
...You valiant and learned ones...
...I feel sure 'he book will be helpful and thought provoking to many...
...There was resistance to the new Interest by merchant and commercial capital in the North and by planter capital to the South but the former forged ahead more rapidly and became a leading Interest by the time that the Civil War broke out In the South the new interest was checked In Its advance first by the all-powerful ruling class of cotton magnates and then by the problem of reconstructing the ruined society that Issued out of the Civil War...
...Gregg was acquainted with Henry C. Carey of Philadelphia who formulated the interests of industrial capitalists in terms of political economy...
...I hope, however, that these remarks are taken in good faith...
...In the merchant capital of the cities and towns and experiments in mining, textile and a few other enterprises...
...Had you been younger And more plump with life the hlrh reward From those you served would have been sweet To spend...
...The Ylps^is simply lose sight of what is and what is not important, just as most people do in political campaigns...
...SCANNING The New Books The Economics of the Old South By James Oneal ^TTENTION has been directed to the Southern states in recant yean Because of their tncroasmg industrial transformation...
...We are still talking to stolid minds Of serfs in your mills...
...You found fine courage in a circle Of impenetrable armament...
...Love you cannot have even though It might be bought on Boston streets...
...The consequence Is the heavy, catalog uy quality of Part II Sneering Human Nature...
...The fact that we are getting so near-sighted and sfigTauy feeble that they cant use us for anything ntj tough in the next war...
...rm fact that we won't have to see so many Coolidge pane during the next year...
...Yours will always be the frail illusion That we are definitely dead...
...It is now about eleven or twelve, and few people care to remain for the educational program, undoubtedly the most important part of the evening...
...Safety devices to protect the worker from breathing in the dust are inadequate and frequently not used at all The disease is often so slow in developing, the report shows, that the worker does not realize what is the matter until it is too late for a cure...
...Are we developing an immoral younger generattor...
...I joined the Y. P. S. L. in 1923, and until Vlil I had occasion to visit many circles and to participate in many league activities...
...We say this in half doubt, we who have learned How grim He is and merciless...
...The first interruption came when we reached Pooh's "hopeful bum" on page two: reading stopped until the whole hum, from the more it SNOIVS, tiddely pom down to how cold my TOES, tiddely pom, are growing...
...It hat reorganized the junior circle, and win increase its membership also...
...Money changers, m'.U owners, parasites...
...The author refers to Gregg as the "South's first great bourgeois" and we Imagine that Samuel Slater is entitled to a similar designation in the Worth...
...ftt fact that in Isabel's grandson, Jacob, and her pxsdoaughter, The Bear, we have two of the best and ¦art intelligent cats ever...
...He was a gton for revolution and he raised more hell with the Wish Empire than ten battalions...
...New York City and we P fMng to read straight through our set if it takes r *inter...
...Look, oh you withering stems of the Mayfkrwwr, How your petals droop with a sapless death...
...which we honor and adore him and want his g and writings to be known by every radical In l**fca—:particularly the kids...
...Poverty and Crime After twenty-four years' experience...
...NEW YORK CIRCLE DOINGS Circle g, Manhattan, is progressing in every line of endeavor...
...Unfortunately, the advertised wares are not worth the public's coin...
...There is little more to say about the latest Mime book, than: try it on your youngster and you 11 both be glad...
...A really great paper...
...Fannie Ridgely, St...
...At this meeting which I attended, at least forty-five minutes, if not more, were spent in quibbling as to whether the members of a proposed committee should be elected by the circle or whether the Social Committee would delegate two of its members for the purpose...
...NEW BRUNSWICK CIRCLE BUSY At its last meeting to the spacious ball ef the Workmen's Circle, the New Brunswick Circle was addressed by Julius Cmansky of the if ew York League...
...What would happen if it gained a powerful foothold in the South...
...If our two bodies serve As springy steps unto a higher sphere for you...
...Sehmalhaussn labors under a load of diverse data that be has failed to organise tto a coherent unit...
...General League Meeting At Rand School on December 2 Owing to the fact that the out-of-town members of the National Executive Committee mutt leave New York early, the general meeting of the New York League will start at 4 P. M The meeting will be addressed by several members of the N. E C, among them Frank Manning, leader in the New Bedford strike and candidate for Congress on the Socialist ticket...
...There was still another consideration for the planters...
...That you may know what warmth there to on earth...
...The volume contains a pile of the author's contributions to psychological magazines...
...A haw to Shswstgtsillin than the aOtnvasant of a few fundamental ideas into so intriguing form...
...The merchant capitalists in the cities did not worry then much as their business was largely devoted to marketing agricultural products and providing the planters with supplies...
...Tls quite true that this may keep many people away from the Y. P. S. L...
...Ours is floodtide qf accomplishment...
...Oregg was to be his retainers' landlord, employer, teacher, clergyman and judge...
...capital win be able to control labor, even in manufactures with whites, for blacks can always be resorted to in case of need...
...Strange New Doctrines" Xven in the late thirties strange new doctrines of equality were being agitated in the North accompanied with class struggles dreaded by the aristocratic gentry of the South...
...Jazzed Psychiatry "WTHY We Misbehave," by Samuel IX "Schmalhausen (N...
...Look, Cabot, look Lowell, while you are etm At proper conversation with God, Explaining to Him why you murder us So logically, so legally, so efficiently, So learnedly, if you like...
...The truth is that poverty is a factor In crime only when it is present with wealth which creates a feeling of inequality and thus throws the poor out of adjustment...
...You will see only stark accusing stares X-raying you to your marrow...
...Children Cry for It ' pHK test of Use pudding being the dlA getting thereof, I celebrated Children's Book Week by starting to read "The Bouse at Pooh Corner" (Dutton's...
...Ah yount people In Cleveland or vicinity who would be interested in joining the Young People's Socialist League should get in touch with Hyman Fish at 12702 Oafeld avenue, Cleveland...
...Upton Sinclair's "Boston" and Boardman Robinson's m morals...
...Beauty blurs in queer distortion To your aged sight...
...The fact that we alone of the six million in New Tax don't know who killed Arnold Roth stein—and sat give a damn...
...The fact that we are more or less alive...
...The disease is on the Increase in New York, phyaiciant declare, because so many more workers are drilling rock and breathing in the dangerous dust...
...Factory Master ef the Oaf...
...How we would like to get up a Museum of our own...
...Hold up your bands, all six of you...
...And if the tvater zea'n't so black They'd never know tt fell...
...That is to say, inequality fosters inadjustment...
...BmIIl University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. $3...
...Much of the delay in getting through with the business is due to ineffective chairmen...
...If these were answered soundly and humanely, tree from the jardoo of psychiatry, 'Why We Misbehave" would be a fascinating book...
...the irresponsible march and continue to be honored by man as a creature evoking tenderness and compassion and adoration...
...Music falls quite faintly now upon Your failing ears...
...We will remember that your foot was hard And firm...
...The Power Propaganda Group," showing, "A bunch rfhokumltes poisoning the young of America...
...We are your debtors, having earned through you This immortality...
...You admired champions of coupon clippers...
...FREE YOUTH wants your opinion...
...New subways and excavation for skyscrapers mean that countless workers are in danger from rock dust...
...Comrade Louis P. Goldberg had come down with an Important message relative to the local campaign in the 23rd A D...
...In a short time it expects to have no members In bad standing...
...told the editor why he had already left it The editor told him to write it out...
...Life and Death in Sing Sing...
...I set it oh the little shelf Runs round inside the well...
...They must also be told that the Young Peoples' Socialist League Is but a preparatory department for the Socialist Party, and that members of the former are being trained for membership in the Socialist Party...
...While the book is supplied with Illustrations, the beet way to treat it, tor those who are in the habit of purchasing catalogues or guides...
...J. A. Zneker...
...If they confined themselves to a one-crop regime they would remain dependent upon the North and Europe for things they needed...
...I feel sure that many former Ylpsels and many new people would Join if meetings were made more Interesting...
...Warden Lewis X. Lewes has this to say of our present civilisation In his new book...
...It Is my belief that the lavish display of wealth and arrogance before the law of many of the rich Is the primary source of a great deal of crime...
...And since so many letters and personal rtqnsots have sponsored this repetition, my usudeatv Is somewhat assured that no unkind cuts will be made against it for what is usually considered an unUterary act...
...Unless they are con- > quered by intelligent organization of the workers, American labor might as well reconcile itself to a srrrur place tn this old region of a slave-holding aristocracy...
...We are not dead...
...so states...
...The circle has also contributed five dollars to the City Office...
...The next interruption was at medicine time, when an offer to repeat Poob't hopeful hum was spurned with the words "Go on reading...
...New Leader for the Yoema People* Socialist League IMPRESSIONS OF THE Y. P. S. L. By david ashebowttz Recently, afier an absence of about a year, I accepted an invitation to attend a meeting of Circle 2, Y. p. S. L. As of old, I sat through two or three hours of boredom and finally left in disgust The same petty arguments and quarrels that led me to leave the Y. P. S. L. are as much in vogue now as ever before...
...Look, Thayer, and perhaps before Your troubled years have run Their ordained way you might have learned That justice does not always sit to robes Or hold a scale blindly out in air...
...Thus Governor Adams of South Carolina declared in a message to the Legislature in ism that immigration of white mechanics from the North, which was urged by some, would bring a "species of labor we do not want, and which is, from the very nature of things, antagonistic to our institutions...
...The N. E C. will make plans for the holding of the National Convention...
...Ttw fact that we don't live in Italy under Ttains•tine Mussolini...
...This circle meets every Sunday morning at the meeting rooms of the local W. C. branch...
...Bronx THE CHATTER BOX (Apologia: This is the first time to sisaoat five years of coinmnising that I have been compelled to teptlttt somethtog ef mine that has appeared here before...
...Food You cannot gorge though feasts be spread In pagan plenty on your board...
...Riot gunners, police, secret service...
...Here (in the South) It cannot be the case...
...We live and quite forgive Your petty fault of pride...
...All the phases ef the greater feudalism of the modern southern mill towns may be observed in this paradise of the "South's first great bourgeois...
...And what is the result of such weighty deliberations...
...Vengeance was yours to us, at dawn, in a cold room, In a chair of swift flame...
...A Yipsel very prominent in New York City argued with so much ardor for one side or the other, I do not recall which side it was, as If the social revolution depended upon *v»» «Alifttrm rtf this nuestlon...
...For this bull five tkautand bucks are needed...
...Professor Mitchell is also the author of a valuable study of the rise of cotton mCUs in the South and tn the biography be adds much to our knowledge of the development of the factory system in this region...
...Ours will be the Indomitable truth That we will live forever...
...He diaries the wader with an undigested mats of informs ttcn The dqctor wants clarity and Insight he has failed to organise into a coherent along the way of research and truthseeking: his only intellectual contribution Is a transformation of motor at his material into piuvoting questions...
...I am still in the market, bringing you food For your feasts, for your humble diners...
...Morris Novlk...
...He had also made visits to the factory towns and cities of New England, thoroughly acquainting himself with the problems of manufacture and became the beet equipped man to experiment with manufacturing in the South...
...The members of the National Executive Committee will meet at 10 A M. in the Rand School...
...W to s little lad abed...
...William van J*Weyde, who know more about Tom Paine than any "**r two souls alive...
...jgfe van der Weyde is editor of a ten volume set of **|Ufe and Works of Thomas Paine," Published by •^Thomas Paine National Histories...
...The doctor asks these pertinent questions and a hundred and one more...
...The members of the circle have been discussing plans for the forms boo of a league for the circles in New Jersey of which there are now five...
...This book is a valuable addition to the labor and economic history of the South...
...You will not understand The light there...
...Finally, new members must be' acassdasau with the pumesas at the organization...
...More valuable discussions of the sex and marriage problems are proferred by Mrs...
...At this particular meeting...
...he fails to clarify...
...ANY COMMUNIST SPEAKER Before each tarra-diddle Of this life's hopes and fears "Inferior" persons wiggle Enormously big ears...
...It may heal The stony darkness in your hearts...
...SACOO and VANnm Look, Massachusetts, look...
...Dm fact that the Columbia football season is over...
...These books clarify as well as pose mooted problems—"Why We Misbehave" leaves the reader confused in a welter of doubts...
...We still are here, to the life...
...He then has difficulty in securing compensation, since the cause of the trouble cannot be Immediately proved...
...Because of the establishment of many new circles in states where there are no state leagues, this matter will also come up for discussion...
...In your armed battalions, your bomb squads...
...Finance will also be considered...
...for Instance, your first chapter...
...He win forward them to the proper authorities in Psterson...
...We always welcome the New Leader...
...They might organize in the industries and nobody could tell what their course of action would be...
...v _ Is practically the only fitting memorial to a real 7*0*1 which America possesses and it was mainly the indefatigable work of the van der Weydes P* »e have it today...
...The origin of thia new capitalism has its roots tn the old slave regime itself...
...bull of this huge sea animal in the midst of his arm on an isle in the Bering Sea...
...It may give Reason to your fear...
...Stand straightened up against the sky Deathless symbols of a deathless dream Look, Stratton...
...In an effort to further Increase Its membership, the circle win distribute five thousand throwaways advertising the circle and its purpose...
...We stand there in the sun, - Erect, a bit stiffened by your electric foolery...
...V grows better all the time...
...The business meeting, which should last, at most, about thirty or forty-five minutes—and all business could be transacted in that time—usually takes more than two hours...
...the Poor Whites came in for the protection of their overlord lust as eagerly as did the peasants'ot centuries earlier, and if they gave up something of an unmeaning freedom they gained in the substantial asset of security...
...You brave and unmovable spirits...
...Gregg appreciated all this and tried to soothe the planters and their politicians...
...Ylpsels from the nearby circles in Peterson...
...Editor's Note: The writer, when asked why he did not Join the Y. P. S. L...
...Look, Fuller, you who might Have bent your stern ambition To look strong and given mercy — Like a man of men...
...It would in a certain tense be correct to say that prosperity Is a factor in crime, and, in fact, the economist, Roger Bahson...
...For example, "The Sea lieu Group," described by The Museum's press-agent a "A...
...but what is the good of a great many names on the membership fists if few contribute anything to the circle or the movement as a whole...
...One paragraph is worth quoting...
...Can marriage be as dellghuul as tore...
...A group of soldiers will uncomplainingly eat hardtack and beans, but almost to a man they will resent one of their number being fed cake and chicken...
...A few strikes of organised mechanics in the South and more frequent strikes in the North suggested a class consclousnes not desirable...
...One may give the flavor of them all: Old Towse, he had some yeller spots I thought rd color black...
...and Mrs...
...Ot interest aroused in the Party during the last jmmum H. Maurer...
...He leaves wi«b the reader, a bunch of urgent inquiries...
...For you have not murdered us...
...You dreamed that we were slain At your righteous bands...
...Where is your glittering conquest When the dream you sought to kUH Within two litUe lives * Pours full illumination on the earth...
...As social creatures, men seek equality with their fellow men, and a feeling of Inequality Is insupportable to the normal man...
...And it is presided over W two charming people, Mr...
...Yours is futility...
...N. J., have been on a strike...
...Five thousand men win be exposed to silicosis for the next six years on one building project—the 20-mile long city water tunnel...
...Schmalhauaen evinces no attempt to think his way through the barrier of unarrayed facts...
...He admitted that in all "manufacturing states, labor and capital are assuming an antsgonisttcal position...
...It Is especially suggestive considering that I the Graniteville egg has become a brood of large and Increasingly numerous benevolent feudalisms...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Yesnag Psoases ¦trtsHtt League, II Essex Sweet' JACK WASSERMAN EDITOR P^kl.-.h^rl F.wtvw W#*k Rw The...
...We who have gone through the sad play Of dying at your word...
...Where is your high victory...
...Grant, Come to the wide casements of your lordly hrjruss Look out upon your prim cropped lawns...
...Y. Macaatey) is addressed obviously to the public pocketboofc...
...The life of William Gregg is largely an epitome of the struggle of industrial capital to win s share in the rule of the South with the planting class...
...and the College of Physicians and Surgeons...
...I will most likely be told that X am basing my cor elusions on only one circle •rd on o-e meeting But that is not so...
...The title is s bit misleading, for it Is only the city's public galleries that are described: The Metropolitan, the Hispanic, the Brooklyn, and, to lesser space, the eoOsettons tn The New York Public Library, the City Hall, and the N. T. Historical Society...
...And just as we are in the midst of this genial mood, WilUr Frank, (for whom we are also thankful) sends ¦ »letter which he received from The American Muaam of Natural History telling us how we can get rid a* til the surplus cash we expect to receive this com*sj'y*«: a teems that The Museum has planned a number of ssdsating, educational groups and is a little short of Jsx needed to complete them...
...They must first be.told that they are not joining the Ylpsels or the Y. P. S. L. but the Young Peoples' Socialist League...
...Xven a conpendium of fact* owes the warehouse stocked with facts appeals public an attract*** presentation...
...Why We Misbehave" is a proselyte's pronouncement of the marvelous power of psychiatry- It is written in a swank and boisterous syle, equipped to oonvinee by buoyancy and expostulation where sound thought <s wanting...
...Industrial capital tn the South is only now forging ahead to the leadership of its region which the same interest won in the North nearly seventy years ago...
...Either the organiser should always be chairman, or the members should receive some instruction in the ast of conducting meetings...
...Of all who planned our Suffering and our death you need our pity And our mercy most...
...Or again there is, "The ants Georgian Penguin Group, A fascinating study a* this flightless bird of the Antarctic, $1,700...
...Ike fact that this Thanksgiving we do not owe the tghtsr at Wilton, Conn., anything...
...fk* tactics of the Communists-espedaUy the editorggsfld news (Laugnter) items in "The Daily Worker...
...Louis Rablnowitz, the National Director, will deliver a report on bis activity of the past few months...
...New Brunswick and Jersey City are expected to be present...
...on the Other hand, supplying themselves through diversified industries certainly would raise up two riassat dangerous to their social order, tt was that conflict of opinions sad Interests that provided an unfriendly attitude towards manufacturing capital...
...its chairman, has returned from Mexico, via Cuba, especially for this meeting...
...One chapter of this biography la entitled "A Benevolent Despottsm...
...Go on your way of cold unflinching duty And receive the blessings Of the lords whose gold and tenure ef estate You kept securely and inviolate...
...William Lea, Art Guide A handy guide to the city's museums of art is Margaret Breuning's "Exploring New York's Art Galleries" (McBrlde...
...The Sound and Fury Group," showing "A croas-sec"* of the A F. of I* Convention surrounded by New Queens gin fizzes...
...Oranrtevrfie was Iffce a feudal village, with the great stone factory substituted for the turreted castle, and the wooden houses in place of thatched cote...
...In great detail, the various collections and schools representsd hi the Metropolitan Museum are discussed, with historical and critical material that furnish effective background for the appreciation of the pictures...
...Everywhere I found the same condition...
...Most Rock Drillers Stricken With Silicosis That 6? percent of all rock drillers, blasters and excavators examined during s six-month study were suiTering from a probably fatal lung disease called silicosis, through breathing rock dust, is revealed by the N. Y. Tuberculosis and Health Assn...
...Of course a renewal accompanied the letter...
...What you see so rich is stain Dripping from your fingers and splotching your palms Is not our blood, the blood of me, Sacco, or me, Vanxetti...
...Refreshments will be served after the meeting, and then the hall will be cleared for dancing...
...May your God have mercy on your soul...
...Do you think his criticism corr-ct...
...The beam that struggles so to pierce your blinds Is not a dirk seeking your hearts...
...The Trial by Jury Group," showing "Jurors contntolating rich defendants on their acquittal...
...Look, we, the cobbler and the fishmonger...
...A definite program of therapeutic value in cares of personal inadequacy in the face of the sex or marriage sphinx, is found in Alfred Adier's "Understanding Human Nature...
...Since the meeting doesn't get started until about nine o'clock...
...A powerful capitalowning class would also mean recruiting a wage working class, the transformation of illiterate whites who were capable of being used on two fronts...
...Write it out and send it in...
...Emerge triumphant in our undying youth...
...Is to use this instead, as a companion and cicerone on a tour through any of the museums of the city...
...In trying to shatter our dream You have only opened up the darkness And through two rifts—see how you Are flooding the world with the red wine Of a Dawn...
...Nay, would not politicians attached to the new Interest mobilise the wage workers in elections against the Dianter class...
...Thayer, how we stand Again before your bar...
...Then what influence would such strikes have upon the black bondmen...
...Oregg pens vend amid suspicion and yet was moderately successful in estaaSstdag his plant only to be caught m the strife of the Ctvfl War...
...This is our sentence unto you— "live out your days as lightly as you can...
...The Big Bull Group," showing "Mayor Walker tfcmtenlng to do something about the Roths tela case...
...As such, these articles might have made an appeal to the man who reads as he rides, but bolted under the covers of a single volume, these articles are not arresting...
...Telling them of our inextinguishable dream...
...Cabot, symbol of New England aristocracy...
...Another matter to which the Central Committee, I believe, might well give Its attention is th-.t of chairmerr...
...Indeed, there were factory experiments with slave labor more or less satisfactory, but with the slave trade outlawed and smuggling becoming increasingly hazardous the poor whites would hare to be used ss wage workers...
...asking to enter your cold hearths...
...The City Office of the New York League is raising money to be tent to the striken...
...MICHAEL C. ARCONE Circle One...
...Do not look in our eyes...
...Old memories of the war with northern capitalism still survive but they are more and more becoming vague recollections to the grandsons of a former ruling cleat The factory, the bank and the corporation, once bated and feared by agricultural magnates living on the toll of slaves, are now welcomed as new sources of enrichment to a new dominant class...
...McAUeter Coleanaaa...
...Hold up your hands against the sky...
...And we are only pitying you...
...The shadows in your hails Are no ghosts of vengeance lurking for your barm...
...U* Paine is one of our beloved heroes, a man of guts y» fine hater of all sorts of tyrannies...
...was learned and recited more times than Pooh and Piglet sang it while swinging their legs on the gate...
...We would call it The Museum of Political History and *• would have some pretty slick and expensive groups hit The Oil Group" for instance, "An interesting study V pirate life in Washington, showing a raid on our —turn resources by subjects carrying black bags...
...In the flesh, I, Sacco, I. VanxettL I am still in the shop making nation's shoes...
...They are dull...
...A pioneer In this factory enterprise of the Old South is the subject of s biography by Professor Broedus Mitchell ' vnm»«« Greer...
...The recent conquest of a number of states in this region by the Republican Party also increased general interest in the South...
...K is »et in the midst of a charming park near the y which the State of New York granted to Paine for * asrvices in the Revolution...
...Brokers, night clubbers, hotel lizards, Tea dancers, bridge whisters...
...The latter class recognised the weakness of their regime because of a lack of diversified industry but there is abundant evidence in this biography and other studies in southern economic history that the planters feared the decline of their own prestige and power if they permitted the development of an influential capitalist class...
...Fuller, Lowell, Grant and Stratton, Symbols of its faithful servants...
...Since you are old and weak, and only propped By a hard dignity...
...137*2 OskfleM A venae, Cleveland...
...Can women play the historic role of man...
...The pitying sun...
...The philanthropic sun, pleading a welcome To your shuttered living rooms That you may learn the luxury of light...
...That prospect filled the politicians with dread...
...is the Memorial House of the Thomas Paine **tJou*l Historical Association and take it from me J* can't put in a more exciting or profitable afternoon ma going through that very beautiful Colonial build¦t where a magnificent collection of Paine relics are * display...
...Your sentence unto death Has borne no fruit save the dull obloquy To which your name is doomed...
...Those who do not know my power as a singer will permit me to state that the remark was less a slur on my ability than a tribute to A A Milne...
...Factory production, however, meant a new class with a new form of property nesting in the old order with specific claims of its own...
...Comrade Weinberg of the 6th A. D. delivered a very interesting talk on the Trade Dnlon Movement...
...Southern hanking was also a matter of providing credit to the planters...
...And, so, I borrowed Grampa's ink, s'nd meant to take it back...
...Eat your morning meal, Perform your natural round Of daily living, haopily, peacefully, The fee you paid the executioner Was hardly earned...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 50

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