Laidler, Harry W.

What the Election Means to the Socialist Party Democratic Party Left Leaderless and Without Principle; Socialists Called the Only Party of Opposition By harry w. laicfler TN the presidential...

...This is 67.4 per cent of the 343 furnaces available for ironmaking and is unchanged from the number in blast at the and of September...
...It is also clear that elections must be considered not as money-making ventures for our political machines, but as solemn referendum* to be efficiently conducted...
...In pursuit of these difficult and quite inconsistent tasks, they appointed John J. Raskob as the campaign manager...
...EDUCATORS' POWER PROBERS NAMED WASHINGTON— (FP)—Paul C. Stetson, superintendent of schools at Dayton, O., and David A. Ward, superintendent at Wilmington...
...This s 35 per cent of the persons finag returns had 44.79 per cent of the total incomes...
...Two more from John Fisher...
...It was directed primarily to the conserving of their usual majority...
...It Is very clear that our registration system needs serious overhauling such aa it has received in a number of our states...
...Del, are expected to take the lead to the probe of power trust propaganda In the schools, which is to be made by their committee of 10, named by the National Education Association...
...Hew York Stats, because of the overwhelming opposition of the dry Protestant farming and town population outside of the city...
...It was a campaign waged largely on non-econcmic issues—rum and religion—with agricultural reform and water power trailing behind as poor seconds...
...In the opening article, Walter White, discussing the problem of the Negro vote, points out the folly of putting trust to either of the two dominant parties...
...committed themselves to a high tariff program...
...Scare the people by the cry of state-socialism...
...In the Middle West the Democrats hoped and many ardently expected that the defections of Non-U, Blaine...
...ately took up the new battle cry of thenchief and passed it on to the lesser Ughts in the Republican party, may have known no better, but the fact that they found it expedient to raise It Is tremendously significant at the new forces to American politics...
...On the basis of this showing, declared the Republicans, let Hoover conduct a dignified, colorless campaign...
...Followed long and profound meditation...
...However, it would be wrong and futile for the Socialist Party to secretly Instruct and direct the activity j of the union member in his union...
...This was being said many years before their movement appeared...
...Socialists Called the Only Party of Opposition By harry w. laicfler TN the presidential election Just over the expected happened...
...They must keep the South solidly Demo-r?tlc...
...The New England states went Hspnhtlcan with lbs exception of Mis—rtinsettsvand Rhode Island, where' the industrial situation was in many Instances desperate, where the religious aad Prohibition issues naturally favored Smith and where Smith had the great ovations of the campaign In the Middle Atlantic states the Happy Warrior even lost bis own happy hunting ground...
...Our friend, as a former Communist, must know that about the most perfect machine that has ever appeared in the unions Is the Com- 1 munlst cell...
...Vou wish to build up the Party anew...
...Those of us who ache for a strong Socialist Party in our country and wish to help establish it cannot conscientiously become part of j your organization, unless we are satisfied with your militancy on all fronts...
...Nye, Trader, McNary, Haugen and company...
...or, rics-presidenUal candidate, by August O...
...Hoover was found with an electoral vote of some 444 and Smith with tf...
...I am with them but not sadly because in my vision of a new world there is going to be a different definition of success...
...Some of these qualities are lacking among most American Socialists, thrush I remember the time when we of the Party had these necessary traits...
...FILIPINO STRIKE BROKEN Stevedores along the waterfront of Cebu, Philippine Island, went on strike for a wage of 2 pesos ($1) a day, according to dispatches received from Manila, More than 3000 men were involved...
...Welcome, "Harlem...
...The Vanguard...
...Our correspondent is right in con-edln«r the earnestness and enthusiasm of the Communists, qualities that have been lacking in the Socialist Party In recent years...
...It showed to thausands that , there was ns longer any sasantlal difference between the two parties on any vital question aad placed the Socialist party as ' the Opposition party as tar aa ideas j aad program, though not ef nam eric »1 strength, are concerned...
...Coon ound poked first his nose, then his long ears, and at last his whole head through the narrow neck of the ante-bellum water pitcher...
...New Socialist Tasks There are certain tasks of sapremt anportance which the Socialist party bat before it and which It must undertake h its educational gains are to mean say...
...It was inevitable that the clash of the two underlying tendencies should find articulation before the battle was over, j And to the last stages of the fight we were enriched by a significant issue, that of "State Socialism...
...Now past sixty, with an obvious talent and reasonably industrious in doing the work I like, yet never in my life very far from bankruptcy...
...Son a panicky coon dog rushed about the cabin knocking over splint bottom chairs, using the princeless heirloom as a battering ram...
...It admits that we have consistently opposed this policy and then asks whether we will "quit kowtowing to it...
...So we commend the story of the Arkansas coon hound and the pitcher to our voters who didn't know how to scratch...
...and 10 had av comes above $5,000,000 each...
...When the owner, attracted by the commotion, entered the cabin, panic spread over him also...
...In the various ways in which art impinges upon life...
...as against 196 for Davis and 13 for La Pollette...
...Win you always be with the machines of certain unions and prevent worthwhile criticism of them...
...Hoover may or may not have known that as applied to Governor Smith his charge was sheer nonsense, unudulterated piffle...
...Emphasise the issue of Prosperity...
...any man who ts afraid to have his doctrine tevesugaied is not oaay a eoward, hot a krpoertte, a* The Advance Of Socialism ; A MKRICAN politics has moved to a world of Its own, unrelated to the orbits which guide the suffrage battles of old Europe...
...Wherever he warn he met men and women of labor tag young men and woman to the urdvenmfcs who pledged themselves following election to help buud a party ef labor hi the days to come...
...The campaign resulted in the easting of the largest volume of votes ever cast 1 In a national election...
...So far so good...
...thing of a tangible character in the aext four years...
...It brought out the women of the nation as never before...
...Which are truthful and which are false contentions...
...What machines...
...From "On My Way...
...Ignoring this confusion we can only say that there Is not the slightest Indication that the Socialist Party will change its atltude on this question...
...If the failure of many trade union publications to arouse the Idealism of the members and Inspire them with the win to greater conquests is meant, that too is not a discovery of the Communists...
...for water to quench his thirst...
...Shipping was practically tied up at the port, until steamship companies, backed up by the Chamber of Commerce, used soldiers of the Philippine constabulary at dock entrances, brought to strike-breakers and defeated the stevedores' union...
...The question so put is confused...
...We do not believe that cells directed by men . utside the unions can save them...
...To succeed the Democrats felt that they must obtain recruits from Big Business, both for the purpose of providing a great war chest and appearing "safe and sane" before the country...
...The list of known names among the present and promised contributors to the magazine is long, with poem, story, drawtog...
...Criticism is welcomed, but not that venomous assault ' on character and motive which is the substance of all Communist propaganda...
...The elestion ssaasawtratsd to poUUeal students that the Dissniratlc party eeald net hope to elect a prssHsut for years to eesne and breach* home to thousands the desirability at easting their 1st with a third party movement rather than engaging in the hspeloaa task ef rehabilitating the Deinociattc party and trying to pat it Into pswer...
...Just the thing for stores, union halls, newsstands and lecture halls...
...They must rally around them the city workers...
...It shows conclusively, we believe, that we are entering upon a new era in this country, not qn»tn"n»r to that.which has been holding Europe to its sway these many decades...
...promised to call a Farm Conference after election...
...Chicago.—The Herald-Examiner of this city three days after the election printed a "prosperity" note which Is credited to an Associated Press dispatch from New 'York It declares that at the end of October 197 blast furnaces were active In the United States...
...55 bad Incomes of tl*W,000 to $3,000,000 ; 22 had incomes ef 000,000 to $4,000,000...
...i The coon dog was a more recent addl-' tlon to the family, but as be had the reputation of being the best coon hound, in that section of the country, his owner was often beard to say that he "would...
...s> A "FORUM OF NEGRO LIFE," edited ¦™ by Wallace Tburman, Aaron Douglas (art), and S. Pace Alexander, has api peared, under the name of "Harlem," the ! center of New York Negro life...
...That is the only promise It can make...
...The outsider with his sympathies for the union is then compelled to choose between two machines...
...Great crowds gathered to hear Smith's caustic denunciations of Republican Inaction and corruption but some of those fighting characteristics which made his addresses most telling before his immediate audiences, detracted greatly from their effect on his invisible radio audience...
...In the Southwest also Oklahoma, which gave Davis a plurality in 1924, rolled up a Republican plurality...
...The party has learned much since the end of the World War and we are certain that Its old fighting spirit Is returning...
...The water pitcher be had inherited...
...If it be said that the trade unions cannot organize the basic industries on the basis of crafts, that Is not a discovery of the Communists...
...As , the Iron and steel Industry is considered ! the "barometer'* of "prosperity,'' these i figures ten their own story...
...It Is a matter of either organizing a machine of your own or be destroyed by the opposing machine...
...The Democratic Hopes The Democratic strategy was essential-' ly different...
...The Editor Replies The above is a very Interesting letter and deserves consideration...
...SCRAPPING HUMAN SKILL WASHINGTON.—One-fourth of the skilled men who were employed to basic American industries at the beginning of the Harding administration have been scrapped ,by the installation of modern machinery, according to the latest estimate by manufacturers' experts...
...New York City alone spends more...
...they are merely the instruments of the contending forces with mixtures of the old and the new clinging to both...
...We i do not believe that the Socialist Party can save them...
...It was the sole remaining heirloom from those days of glory and, so, Its possessor was Inordinately proud of It...
...We are asked whether we will condemn the Left Wing In toto...
...We shall hear more and more of socialism In the campaigns to come, which Incidentally opens wide vistas to' those who stand for the real article...
...Socialists and progressive members of the unions recognized this long before the Russian revolution...
...We have often been amused at the protests by the Left Wing against a "machine" when the Lefts have themselves called It into existence...
...Help advertise the New Leader by posting one of our attractive placards Illustrated by Flam bo...
...They r""st sttract the farmers of the North-west to their standard...
...Will you take a stand, fit for Socialists, on tradeunion problems, perplexing to many of us, regardless of the Communist stand, even though the latter is in accord with yours...
...A few comparative figures win make the point clear...
...H. Van Webber has an excellent review of two books of Negro life, and Richard Bruce brings home a social point from the drama...
...In the matter ef registration of voters It costs the average 1 American maniefpellty from M cents ts $1 annually per registered voter...
...The bettmsj odds of 5 to 1 on Hoover and the literary Digest returns proved again to be fair indications of how the election would turn out...
...To the extent that he falls to share In this educational work does he fail to serve the union Itself...
...nPWO great desires to government are for efficiency and economy...
...money to providing for its city election, than does the whole German Republic to electing the entire Reichstag...
...It refused to be Impressed with such selections as that of Raskob whom Governor Dan Moody of Texas described as "a cynical commerdalist with an alcoholic complex who has no conception of the attitude or ideals prevailing la the South or Wast," Big business as s whole felt that It was Just as safe with Hoover as with Smith, and saw no great reason except on the Prohibition question—Cor changing...
...For the rest depend on the Prohibition and the religious issues for keeping the mass of Republicans from voting for Al Smith, and the trick is done...
...Send for yours today...
...Tennessee Convicts Used Against Molders' Strike NASHVILLE, Tenn.—(FP>—Use of Tennessee convicts against the Intl...
...Then he broke the pitcher to save the dog's head...
...raised the largest campaign fund ever raised by the Democrats from industrial, financial and public utility leaders...
...He has addressed large audiences In over 40 states, and his voice has been carried over the radio network into every town of the Union...
...Nothing more shou'd be asked...
...but newer figures are also valid...
...Mordecsl Shulman...
...has been forcing to the very fore the issues which socialism has made Its own...
...to the tremendous outlays for propaganda by the power trusts, and to the advance of the idea of gopemmental regulation of private Industry...
...Positive answers will help many of us to decide to rejoin you...
...During this campaign yon criticized the A. F. of L. officialdom on account of its stand on political matters...
...During the last lew months the standard bearer of the Socialist party, Norman Thomas, has carried on a magnificent educational campaign from Main to Florida, and from coast to coast...
...They most .parade as the party of progressives, and capture former La PoUetW votes...
...I voted for the Socialist Party, not because I approve your platform ccmpletely—which I do not—nor because I admire Comrades Thomas and Maurer— which I do—but chiefly because I am becoming more and more antagonistic toward the Communists...
...The Republican Strategy The strategy of the Republicans throughout the campaign was a simple one...
...If the Bcchhd party does this, it win soon be recanted as the one party that will be abb effactively to challenge the todlvkhuukn of Herbert Hoover—an lndrrtdusilsm which to reality means private monopoly, indattrial feudalism and International conflict —and bead the country to the direction of economic Justice and lnternaUooal peace...
...Herbert Hoover, Quaker with a militarist complex, received the overwhelming number of electoral votes...
...White may protest that I am crying "Can any good thing come out of Nasareth...
...They are young, energetic, and are on record as opposing the use of the schools ss defenses of private ownership against public ownerhlp of utilities...
...Harlem" starts out with vigor and effective stir, and should—with proper support—prove the developing ground of many Negro workers to the arts and to the art of life...
...had kwans* ef $4,000,000 to $5,000,000...
...At last came the solution...
...That Is also vague but our answer is that the Communist Left Wing is not likely to ever get Socialist support in the unions because It is wrong In method and futile in results...
...In other words, the belief to universal good flowing from private initiative is having harder and harder sailing, while the Idea of public control and state aid is winning the day...
...Intelligent work is ahead of us to intensify these qualities and make the mthe dynamo of the new Socialist ***** Savirg He'.rlooms —And Elections Wel, the election Is over and everybody can speak his or her mind without getting a rotten egg heaved at him...
...Nevertheless, we remain Socialists, vitally Interested In a genuine movement...
...But to complete contrast to the great success which has attended the elimination of waste and inefficiency to Industry, our governmental machines In many respects continue to creak and to groan, and to make government a by-word for careless 'and wasteful expenditure...
...Hughes, who lmmedi...
...Appeal to Republican tradition...
...Fel Are Well Off, Tax Roll Shows WASHINGTON — (FP) — Szacny US per cent of the 4,122,243 Amerieaas who filed income tax returns for the calendar year 1927 had incomes over $10,000 a year, according to the report of itatwaci of income issued by the Internal Revenue Bureau...
...It is his Job to contribute all that he can to educating his fellow members to understand the necessity of new and more fruitful policies in organ-' isatlon and political action...
...On the other hand, Qw 11,0*7 pejson* who filed returns snowing incomes of $100,000 or more—they being ' only 0.27 per cent of the reporting army —had 12.45 per cent of the total of incomes...
...It must employ young, vkpa> oos organisers with '""r*—tiri and a knowledge of the American seme ts bring within the party aS who scttwe In the party program...
...It must be ever slat through its publicity service to Inform the American people where the party standi on an important issues...
...It was the Socialist party during tba campaign which pointed to the real evDj ur^er which the people were imTtisj^, which pointed to the real reawdJes tg these evils...
...I heartily disapprove of some of their tactics and slogans, but I still admire their enthusiasm, their sincerity, their fierce class-consciousness...
...In 1924 Coolidge had won with an electoral vote of 382...
...drew a largo circle of Big business men on to their committees...
...In the field of election administration we have one of the best instances of how and why the American citizen is burdened with unconscionable costs, and handicapped by colossal Inefficiency...
...Communist organisations themselves condemn it as appMid to them...
...Such opponents would certainly be foolish not to so organize...
...The city of Chicago spends more money to electing its officials than does all of Britain in electing an entire House of Commons...
...Of course, the war terror, the split and the quarrels that followed account for this situation but these qualities were again evident and plentiful in i the Socialist Party in the recent campaign...
...What on earth was he to do—let the dog continue on his wild rampage and break the pitcher, or let the million dollar coon chaser smother to death to the Invaluable vessel...
...It swept aside from the presidential race the strongest personality that has appeared in yean among Democratic leaders...
...The writer notes that we have been consistent in our criticism of the A. F. of L. political policy but wants to know whether the Socialist Party will continue to do so and "quit kowtowing to It...
...He had piled np a plurality of more than 7,000,000 over his Democratic opponent and of about 2,500,000 over both Davis and La Pollette...
...The Soelahst-Tmlonist We doubt whether the Communists have brought a single new Idea to the old discussion of trade unionism...
...Both did their best to work up issues and both were prompt to explain - 1 tog, personally or by proxy, any statement that did not on the morrow make , the desired appeal...
...La Pollette and others and the Inadequate farm program of the Republicans might yield to them Nebraska, Wisconsin and possibly Minnesota and South Dakota, but this was not to be and there and on the Pacific Coast every state helped to pile up electoral votes for Hoover...
...It must constantly place Itself before the public is the one intelligent and frmdamental Opposition group to the smug, Big Badness, Imperialistic administration which may be expected after March, lfJt, sad it must educate, agitate and organise among the masses to behalf of Independent political action which, eanakni with economic action, k the one aeration of American labor...
...omitted all mention of the Negro question...
...By way of comparison...
...The cry of State Socialism, while misapplied, was the Instinctive yell of a can- j didate who was fighting for the essen- i tials of today against the encroachments of tomorrow...
...If, in addition, the Solid South can be invaded and some of the southern states can be torn from their former allegiance, so much the better...
...The Happy Warrior went down to complete defeat...
...But perhaps you don't want us...
...Ninety convicts to the penitentiary foundry are producing Washington brand stoves and ranges for the market under contract between the state and the Gray gt Dudley Stove Company...
...If I should happen to be a money success when I am old—and the years ahead of me are very few—the fact remains the tarns in the common vernacular, I lacked brains to get on and clean up...
...It consists of planting cells in the unions that are under the direction o* Communist leaders...
...nast and afc'iuent fashion the fandamental econornte and liitinialaanl aa> Uons that the American people nsnt sumstlniii face If they are goaag ts he addresses, he has commanded for"4, Socialist party an attention and a respact net heretofore given...
...win we always be with certain machines...
...We are aware that this situation has happened and it win always happen when secret cells are planted in any organization...
...I could point to a phOeatkrspht • two oven to their sUlsss wkaa Fa>tertty, sbeoJd It ever tarn from aanlrhl the way they spent their saaaty steering the way they got a, «• awsably compare very unfavorably watt oaf Fswkes.—G...
...Chicago, 111...
...The solid South was broken...
...Nominate a man from a farm state as vice-presidential candidate...
...This does not imply that the Socialist does not have a duty to the union if he Is a member...
...nominated a Southerner as vtos-presidanUal candidate...
...Bernard Shaw...
...They must make the religious issues an asset by denouncing the Intolerance of their opponents...
...throughout all the ysars of an average life-time...
...The employing of too many election officials, the renting of too many election precincts, the failure to make wider use of voting m?">>'"s«, the requirement of annual registration In the precincts— these and many other objections must be overcome before we can hope to have cheap and efficiently conducted elections, any doctrine that will not bear investigation is not a fit tenant for the salad of an ken tot man...
...but how many Chris ts have there been to the past two thousand years...
...And throughout the country, outside of the South and some of the great centers, the Democratic party lacked the organization which Is necessary to get results while the Smith program for farm and city workers lacked the vitality to overcome Republican tradition, religious and social prejudices and the fear of Tammany domination...
...The first issue contains much material that Is both excellent to Itself, and promising for the success of the venture, which alms to give the artistic side of the Negro fuller opi portunlty for expression, without overlooking its Interrelations with the other sides of human contacts...
...For the first time In American his- [ tory a major party was charged with the ; "stigma" of socialism by the chief spokesman of the opposing group...
...It costs the people of Milwaukee bat 1x4 cents par registered voter per year to ran their permanent leglstiatton system...
...It Is merely i a continuance of a policy which began with the S. L. P. many years ago...
...Obviously something Is wrong...
...The S.234,877 person having Incomes under $5,000 had 3&5S per cent ef the total of incomes, or a rrtue mors than three times as much Income ss the 11,067 aristocrats of fortune...
...We certainly favor the utmost democracy in the trade unions and in *3 the Institutions of society . We do not believe that the Socialist Party is impeccable, that It has not made grievous mls' ikes, that it will not make more, or that it will ever reach a stage of perfection when it win be above criticism...
...Will you continue to condemn the left wing movement In to to Just because the Communists have taken advantage of the lack of real leadership for their party purposes, and will you not recognise the Justice, in many cases, of the opposition's contentions...
...Our correspondent is again vague...
...Once upon a tme there was a poor ¦ Arkansawyer whose only pride to life was a beautiful pitcher and a blooded "coon' dawg...
...He found' it at last to the heirloom water pitcher...
...And he was abb/ sanstsl to this educational work by James miar...
...I know that some people are successful who deserve to be, but I am with the unadaptable, the out of luck, the weary with money-struggle...
...Fundamentally the change finds its most eloquent expression to the growing contest between private and public control of the people's resources...
...Molders Union is spurring state unionists to a renewal of the fight against the 'prison contract labor system when the legislature convenes this winter...
...Coupled with this policy the Communists resort almost exclusively to malicious lying regarding their opponents...
...i In the recent election, we saw dry Democrats fighting tor the wet smith, wet Republicans fighting for the dry' Hoover, farmers' friends for Hoover, un- ; ion men for open-shoppers, Catholics for, Ku Kluxers, and vice versa—aU because...
...not take a million dollars for him...
...For him to denounce the reaction which the machine cell has caused ' without placing first blame upon the cell Is to fail to reason from cause to effect...
...Wherever he went he presented to a brilSocialism And The Trade Unions SOME QUESTIONS | EDITOR, The New Leader: Permit a former, active member of the Socialist Party, who left the Party years ago on account of its conservatism and compromise, but who voted the ticket this week, though four years ago he cast his ballot for the Worker's Party, to Jot down thoughts which may be to the minds of hundreds like him...
...We may expect about as many "Independent" politicians...
...The Sold Sooth Broken Thus when the votes were counted...
...None of them is clear-cut to the advocacy of what they sociologically represent...
...There were 134 persons adadttmg Incomes of $1,000,000 to ll.5OS.9o0 last year...
...We cannot approve this without agreeing that, any outside organization should do It to us...
...Having discovered the water, Mr...
...The unions can only be saved by the members of the unions themselves Just as the Socialist Party can only become strong by the action...
...The trouble started when doggie tried to withdraw his head from the heirloom...
...We would not permit that in the Socialist, Party and the union Is right in also, fighting it...
...swallowed the principles of the McNary-Haugen bill...
...favored the public ownership of hydro-electric plants at Muscle Shoals and Boulder Dam and exhibited their magneac candidate for the benefit of the populace in all portions of the Bast and the Middle West AI Got the Cheers The result was great popular demonstrations for Al Smith, and an increased popular vote, but little more...
...The election gave another proof that the country as a whole is normally Republican and that it takes either a split in the Republican party such as occurred in the Roosevolt revolt of 1912 or some j great crisis or impending crisis, as in the j 1916 election, to swing it around to the Democracy...
...Even their malicious attacks on all who disagree with them is not new...
...res, while agreeing with Smith In his denunciation of the Republican party, could not be inspired by his tew constructive remedies to present day evOs, while many, approached by the Democrats to vote for them on the ground of tolerance, thought of the Democratic racial intolerance la the South and were not moved...
...Gillespie, m. He says that the N. L. is ideal to spread the gospel of working clan freedom...
...but takes the poind way of suggesting that, within these parties, the Negro vote for the Man...
...You prefer our remaining sympathetic, In many phases of the labor movement, with the Communists...
...The fanners were not convinced that Smith's newly developed Jove far them was anything to get excited about and many thousands of progress...
...This loss of influence for the Demoi crats meant in no small way aa Increase ! in influence of the Socialists...
...54 others had Incomes of tUHAjn* to $3,000,000...
...Furthermore the actual costs of conducting the election on election day have our people have not taken notice of i them...
...Well, the guys who stood for one thing' before the campaign got started, and nipflopped when the party regularity can went out, show the enormous toteUl-' Tence .acumen, and brilliance displayed by the Arkansas coon-hunter to preserving his heirlooms...
...Good, i Will you continue to do so now and quit kowtowing to it...
...This has become so general that even If they come across a case of real di-h-nesty in the unions nobody can believe them...
...la Philadelphia the cost per year per registered voter is tl.SJ...
...i And so it came about that the difference between the two standard bearers were gradually reduced to that of 'the spirit that actuated either, the tenor | of the speeches and the character of their political training and social philosophy, —things which express to the discerning the two opposing principles in modem America, democracy versus plutocracy, with ail the recrudescences that spring i from a state of general spiritual groping...
...x Fr— far The Asking My Idea of Success By ART TOVNO JUDGED by that standard of success which most of the American people accept and believe, J would be classed among the failures...
...We have no doubt that in some unions the presence of such machine cells has resulted in opponents organizing as a machine to fight the other machine...
...from his forebears, who, as the story runs, were "quality folks befo' the war...
...they were tagged with the label "Demo- j cratic" and "Republican...
...This groap of 10 admitted that their income fox 1B1 was $83,995,242...
...These placards are printed on excellent stock and are 13 by 18 inches in sine...
...This production gives the firm the ability to resist a strike of its free labor employes to a Nashville plant outside the prison wails...
...Here and there, as in Boston and Hew York, a great mass emotion swept the city dwellers and even the intelligentsia in the direction of Smith...
...Smith did secure a great popular vote large enough to elect a president in """^ tmr-nn-s irr. Despite this popmlsr vote, however, the Democrats Issasd tram the ikitlsn with greatly diminished prestige...
...Hoover represents the old order, while Smith speaks for the new...
...It introduced to the American people a new and powerful political toy, a new instrument of education or mis education as the case may be—the radio—which brought the voice of the principal candidates to the hearthstones of the people In the remotest villages of the nation and which, incidentally, emptied the coffers of the two old parties to the tune ct no less than one and a half million dollars...
...Of what avail it is to vote for an individual pledged to the policies of a pernicious party, it is difficult to see...
...Because of the heat rasa* over the Prohibition and the robgiens questions, the favorable impression of tha educational campaign was not tranakted, as it would otherwise have been, arts votes, but it laid a splendid forndeUaa for a socialist advance following election and for the development of a rigorcm American labor party...
...And sadly enough, the cities where registration oasts are the sjgkesl are also the cities wham than Is the moat freed...
...In the South, the Democratic machine, by its appeal to the voters to hold the Negroes in check, retained the chief Southern states for the Democracy, despite their religious and anti-wet prejudices, but these prejudices, among other things, were sufficiently strong to break the South and to swing Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee into the Republican column Kentucky and West Virginia, which went for Coolidge in 1024, remained Republican adjuncts...
...Legal exemptions reduced the Ikt of actual payers of income tax to ZULM, and the taxed Income from wiu'V 917 to $18,082,610,787...
...I belong with the failures—with the man who is sitting at home tonight after his day's work who knows what his wife, his relatives and friends think: "he is a failure...
...our costly elections By James H. Pollack, Jr...
...Thm their so-called equality of economic opporhmlty, as compared with the group stove $100,000, was approximately 1 to 10...
...Without any apparent growth of socialism as expressed to membership and poll, litcj...
...I'm with this man and the whole army of splendid men and women who wear the ragged badge of defeat...
...And you need us...
...o* its own members...
...the youthful aid mflmriiajs campaign manager and a host of cabers...
...Keep the farmers from revolting by conceding, if need be, an extra session of Congress after the inauguration and by making the most of the loyalty of Borah...
...Pulling out his Jackknife the frantic owner cut the dog's head off and thus saved the priceless pitcher...
...attacked the Eighteenth Amendment and religious bigotry...
...We must keep in mind this last consideration when answering the next question as to whether we win recognise many of the contentions of the Communists regarding the unions...
...It welcomes all Its former friends and members as well as the new recruits it has gained in the recent campaign w share with it In shaping Its policies...
...Cm you bring back as membois comr;.Zz3 like me, who, though still good Sccla'ists, consider you not socialist enough...
...Well, one dry and hot day this veryj dry and hot million-dollar coon dog searched the cabin of our Arkansawyer...
...In like fashion...
...There must be waste somewhere...
...On the other hand...
...If the contention is meant that many of the old leaders are so conservative that they have lost sight even of labor objectives, we did not need the Communists to tell us...
...The official issues turni ed about things that were pe-uliarly American, tariff, full dinner pan, high wages, and an the rest of the shibboleths .calculated to mean ail things to ail men and making appeals to rich and i would-be rich (American poor) alike, j This year's campaign proved remarkjabie to a high degree to that the offijcial issues were signally alike and the candidates as a consequence usurped the field...
...Adam Coal digger...
...At last he caught the dog, but do what he would, he could hot extricate his head from the pitcher...
...Ambassador i Herrick and Mr...
...It must further work out constructive municipal, stats and federal programs on aO the rtttl Issues of the day...
...Only the Socialists emphasized, In season and out of season, the economic issues vital to the American workers...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 48

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