Hoover, Individualist An Imaginary Conversation With Our President-to-Bm fhUR new President is an Individualist " -He believes hi Individualism. He believes that each human being should be a...

...In 1854 and 1855 a number of states were carried by the American Party, the "KnowNothings," and a group of Americans were heaved into Congress...
...Southern Democrats have revised their tariff views to keep pace with this industrial change but the vote shows that eventually the Republican Party will mobilize voters in elections for the new interest...
...Meantime our individualist was eating so he cultivated wheat fields and vegetable gardens...
...Don M. Chase...
...They took the view that he was unnecessarily dogmatic...
...This year honor and prestige were bartered and profound humiliation followed...
...More amazing was the fact that the union leaders were organised into a tommittce by John )J...
...He was admired because he could adapt himself to advocating immediate measures for the benefit of the workers...
...Barney Berlyn was kindly and he was gruff...
...Why cannot fires be built with coal supplied In the same manner...
...WILLIAM FLOYD New York City MACHINERY CROWDS OCT ZM WORKERS ¦> MILWAUKEE (FP)—Over 200 employes of the EMne Candy Corp...
...Without the cooperation of millions of human beings at this moment you would be wearing the .hide of an animal and grubbing roots for your food...
...The cigar makers at the time of his activities were In the habit of selecting a reader, each cigar maker contributing a part of his product to the reader, an unique method of educating and informing themselves...
...Educating children free in the schools is Socialistic...
...Why is the process so much worse if the water happens to be frosen into ice...
...This appeared with the first organizations of the Republican Party in the two years which witnessed the victories of the "Know-Nothings...
...Both have access to the money vaults of the powerful bankers and corporations...
...He was just as independent in this field...
...Both parties had their northern and southern wings and between them they nominated candidates and adopted platforms which signified that no matter which was successful slave interests were safe...
...Modern Socialism, as preached by Norman Thomas, does not involve a bloody revolution, nor the confiscation and division of all property...
...They wanted to win but they do not want to exhibit their friend as a feeble invalid incapable of putting ¦vp a respectable sham fight...
...Despite the large funds at the disposal of the Democrats and the blessing they received from their rich keepers they went to a disaster more overwhelming than that which overtook them jn 1920...
...The New Leader is a credit to the Socialist movement and a tribute to its founders," says W. 8. Neal of Ban Diego...
...oienn c. Ck> ment New Yore "Just a tiny contribution towards tie Thomas campaign," writes C. L Potter Washington The contribution OBBBsa & 6 subs...
...The social forces which continue to modify and change the conditions to which human beings must adapt themselves must go on, and If society Is to be preserved in a state of civilization and culture, it will be through a social democracy...
...The World declared that "the whole complexion of American politics has been altered as irrevocably as it was by the rise of Jeffersonian Democracy in 1800, of the Jacksonian Democracy in 1832 and of the Republican Party between 1856 and I860...
...Realist and Romantic Our comrade, like many of us Socialists, was not a realist...
...I may not be so flush later, at m sending my renewal for a year" — ™j Edno L. Robinson, Pasadena, Oil •More Power to you", says Ham „ Uerllng, Mason City, Ia...
...The funds showered on both parties by the economic and financial masters testified to the fact that both now rest in the affection of this ruling class...
...As a party of, the higher capitalism in competition with the Republican Party of the same stripe it is a dismal failure...
...when Lincoln was a president...
...While at times be felt weary and seemed reconciled to the inevitable, we have the consolation of knowing that he was more than amused...
...Before the end of the twenties the Jeffersonians and Federalists had become alike...
...In the nation as a whole Republican leaders really do not feel elated because of their big victory...
...Snow, hall and rain were no barriers...
...Why is it so terrible to take care of them In their old age...
...He believed this and he announced it at a time when It was shocking, not only to the world at large, but even to the intelligentsia...
...Its Gibraltar, the old South, has also been penetrated by the Re. ptfblican troops...
...He raises hut own sheep, shears the wool, weaves it into cloth, cuts it and makes his own clothing...
...To have lived as he did— to have experienced th sensations produced by the changes, the discoveries, the marvelous transformations of the last seventy years—made for a vital and glowing life...
...The' World completely distorts previous party revolutions in the hope of salvaging the bedraggled creature that is on the twilight road to its death...
...In 1863 he Joined the first union of his craft In the City of New York...
...The tremendous labor upheavals and struggles between our early 19th century capitalism and organization of the trade union movement formed a part of the experiences which determined his mode of thought and the main activity ot his life...
...The economic Juggernaut rode over the statutes of the states and over national government and the decisions of the courts...
...The unions were to remain independent, carry on their own political work, issue their own literature, and use the politicians rather "than permit them to use the unions...
...They were carried down into the general ruin, sharing the stigma of the most disastrous defeat which the Democrats have suffered in sixty years...
...His youthful years In the United States were passed during a period In modem history when there was a cracking and crumbling of an old and outworn system which was making its last efforts to perpetuate itself...
...He was keenly alive to and interested in everything of Importance that was taking place In the world...
...Scientific to the core, he was, in his analysis of economic conditions, and romantic as a youngster in his hopes and aspirations for what he and many others thought would soon be realized—that is, that the working people would become thoroughly educated, that their Idealism would be aroused, and that thus society would be transformed...
...Stedman Pays Tribute To Berlyn At Grave of Veteran Socialist Builder In Chicago By Seymour Stedman 1> ARNEY Berlyn was bora In Amsterdam, Holland, on February 7, 1843...
...He warned against permitting either of the two parties to use the unions in elections...
...That trade and commercial advantages were what was being sought, and that narrow nationalism was a gospel to maintain a particular group in economic supremacy...
...His end came without suffering...
...Check to cover.a course ot instruct** such as the N. L. gives...
...He was a young man when the colors of Fort Sumpter were struck...
...They represent a closing phase of an old era, not an opening of a new era...
...If this is the best that the chief Democratic organ can offer we may be sure that upper class politics has reached the end of its strategy...
...They staked the prestige of the unions on the Democratic Party in an election which witnessed*, the complete ownership of the party by the owners of the nation's industries and banks...
...He erected a flour mill and ground his flour which In turn was transported to his bakery which required some time to' erect There he mixed dough, fired the furnace, watched Its temperature and placed his bread and cookies out to cooL The vegetables under his care were In turn stored by him tn his pantry with the help of his willing spouse the only time the great man depended on others...
...Traveling under the sea—over the clouds— music In the air and in the homes—all these dreams and fantasies of Jules Verne and others like him have become reality...
...In fact that he was thrilled with the life which was about him...
...bow the Labor members of the j""T congress were recently ousted, *s*^^_ tation by their enemies following **• der of Obregonv ^maf Igleslas explained the trc~^Tu that must be made for the B**™1^ Havana of the Sixth Congress A. P. of L. He asked that a be sent to Latin American coona— invite their national labor nto— take part A Correction Louis L. Wilson of Chicago writes correct an error to our issue of Oet * A news item announced the rganis*0*5 of a Thomas For President Ck* at <*' nell University under the leadership-" Burton Terr of Mount Vernon, Joes...
...At least four southern states have marched into the Republican camp and its representation in Congress has declined...
...Cam** Wilson would not grudge orgaitfew**»5 each a dub by Cornell UnJTT^ekfJj, Cornea College should not be essay <* nroatlm...
...But all work and no play makes jack a dail boy, as our great man wrote his own comedies and operas, dramas and movies...
...Igie-hu Hepog^^ WASHINGTON—Santiago Ifle**-*^ retary of the Pan-American *"™"Jj of Labor, reported on his recent Mexico, at the session of the council of the American Fed^rsnoD Labor In Washington on Oct B- ^V...
...In recent years its campaign fund has not been large...
...were thrown in the discard when new machinery was installed and several departments consolidated...
...No paternalist teacher guided his studies...
...Your egoism Is only equalled by the arrogance of your class and humanity will not bear with either when it knows the secret of its power...
...Berlyn defended, by explanation, this evolution, the economic determination of historic change...
...Herbert swooned and his good spouse called a doctor...
...Our "rugged individualist" spuming all blighting government Interference, learned the alphabet and the multiplication table by sheer individual endeavor...
...He grew up In New York and, as he became older, took up cigar making...
...He was anxious to know the fundamentals of things...
...This thought Is no longer confined to street speakers, soap-box or any other kind...
...In the trade union movement he was respected for his earnestness and sincerity...
...house you, and clothe you and you gabble about your Individualism and the self-made man...
...This interpretation will not bear analysis and the analogy with other political upheavals is a forced one...
...The Vletrcla and radio also came from bis gifted But one day a dun fallow met the great man and spoke strange words as follows: "Who's Hoover...
...Another sub with the promise of more, from P. N. Dougherty, Ladora, lo...
...Sons of old southern aristocrats ; and northern capitalists who have migrated to the f South represent the new capitalism of this region...
...smt **** He sets the pace for ta.^?*** sending In 10 short subs is-"* I sprout Into long-timers...
...This continued into the middle fifties and when it became increasingly difficult to hold the voters in line for the two parties religion was thrust intp the foreground as an "issue...
...The alliance has been complete in the large cities for years...
...He was ardent in his support of all efforts to organize the workers Into trade unions...
...Issues had disappeared...
...This, once in their hands, would enable them to free themselves from all exploitation...
...It aims to extend the governmental system that has graduually been accepted by conservatives...
...Here in New York City Tammany lias served as a nurse for Republican organizations in many districts...
...The great man had never figured out how the individualist could administer smelling salts to himmir while unconscious...
...The Whig Party disappeared and the Democratic Party was left to fight the battle for the old order of human bondage...
...Just as Whigs and Democrats became the property of the slave magnates so the Democratic and Republican parties have become a two-party machine of the modern owners of the United States...
...As all others he was sit the hands of the Fates A helpless ficce with which they played the game Upon the checker board of nights and days, Hither and thither moves the checkers^ And one by one back in t':e closet lays...
...Or they wanted to "rebuke bigotry," the assumption being that the southern bourbons and the Tammany vulgarians were the special keepers of fairness, enlightenment, culture and tolerance...
...he watched the opening of the West All these events—as he was of an unusually inquisitive mind and had a marvelous memory—made him an unusual and unique character...
...The trail biased by t...
...He was assiduously attentive to the national and international political, economic, material and mechanical changes...
...It declares that people supporting Smith ask only "for recognition that they are entitled to participate on terms of full equality in the preservation of the established American system...
...Possibly we are all embryo Socialists...
...Certainly, but instead of the Democratic Party representing the beginning of a new "creative phase" of politics it has reached and it represents an old phase...
...We millions of toilers feed you...
...He was an Idealist and he was stern...
...T Six subs from Pearl Oreenbsrr, ant Secy., Socialist Party, aUmJa,' From Kansas, Umm staffs...
...E M Piatt, Ugonkr, too...
...In 1865 he left New York and went to Detroit...
...The New York World, chief organ of the Democratic Party in the East, in two editorials before-the election attempted to interpret it...
...He was more...
...He proclaimed it at a time when it was an unwelcome gospel to those who believed that all changes were due to a variation in transcendent opinions about ethics, religion, kings, dukes and lords...
...To practice my new profession I wrote a letter to The Times and to The World, a copy of which is- herewith enclosed...
...Here's my renewal to the bast paper on earth...
...The Re-vitalizing "World" What does the election mean...
...They did not want to-be guilty of a "futile gesture" but what a sorry spectacle they present...
...Although himself emotional, he was not diverted by the hysteria or the frenzy ot the multitude...
...As Socialists we rejoice that the Socialist Party has kept clear of the stupidities and hates which the bankrupt parties cultivated during the campaign...
...Later he lived in St...
...Soberness of mind and a realist Bon th* the system of profit and plunder e»Im°tlnue...
...He believes that each human being should be a self-made man, relying on individual efforts to forge ahead, to be successful, to be a noble type of "rugged individualism...
...Albert Miller, Jacksonville, Pis...
...Neither paper published It...
...This has happened in the greatest registration of voters in years, and among high Republican leaders it occasions genuine regret although they are not speaking for publication...
...With what result...
...To the extent that the activities and prestige of the unions could be absorbed by the Democratjc machine they were absorbed...
...We shall some day answer you, and when we do we will recover what belongs to us...
...Henry forwards 1 subs...
...He looked upon his work and called It good...
...Viewing the campaign in perspective, these friends will realize that we have reached another stage when another party is essential to break the two-part*, alliance established by the fat and moribund leaders of capitalist politics...
...They now have time to think...
...There is the two-party alliance of Republicans and Democrats which has been emerging for many years...
...Three days later it .declared that primarily the parties are changing and that the political upheaval "is the resuU of the new vitality and the revised doctrines which Governor Smith has given to the Democratic Party...
...The New Opposition Whatever the Socialist vote may be in this election, the Socialist Party is the second party in American politics...
...An Early Forced Alliance Within twenty years after this party revolution Whigs and Democrats had again formed what was practically another two-party alliance, this time to smother thinking and action on the issue of slavery...
...In no other modern country would this small group of independents be caught in such an awful mess...
...In 1820 Monroe was relected with but one dissenting vote and even old John Adams headed Federalist electors in Massachusetts who voted for the Jeffersonian Monroe in 1820...
...All this to the Mr* leader boosters means that the harvest for lbs securing of subscriptions is with » We missed hearing from some * regulars this week Our guest *• ™T they are out campaigning and that o»» week their silence win be broken W * bombardment of subs...
...we who made you what you are...
...This individualist goes into the forest and fells trees, transports the logs to the saw mill he built, saws them Into lumber and transports K on railways which he built To build his railway Hoover mined ore and coal to make structural steel and rails, bolts and ban and nails...
...This year the Democrats were given equal access to the money vaults of the great capitalists and bankers with the result that both parties obtained between four and five million dollars each...
...When there was no adequate transportation, he walked...
...In 1828 (not 1832) the Jacksonian revolution swept out the two-party alliance of Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans and old aristocrats fled from Washington as though a revolutionary Jacquerie had risen to power...
...sends in a sub and adds that be is proud that his first vote will be for the Socialist Party...
...Why The South Broke The break in the Solid South is also significant...
...Part of the Labor Movement He became a part of the labor movement...
...It is the "equality" of dependence and submission which the World philosopher recommends to the toikmg millions in agriculture and urban industry...
...He knew that back of the wars of the kings there was an economic motive...
...Louis, then In Springfield, Illinois...
...And time has thoroughly justified Berlyn's fears...
...J. M Cummlng, Nashua, It...
...They constitute the young "Wide Awakes" who supplied the en- thusiasm of the party revolution that sent Lincoln to Washington...
...That is, we are to accept the established order of the two-party alliance of capitalism, be content to serve the masters of American life in industry and politics...
...It has its explanation in the rapid rise of industry in this region since the end ofj the World War and a new class of capitalists with a stake in tariff legislation...
...Subscriptions always folios distribution of the paper without > muzzle...
...sir ism ks Frank a QrlswiM...
...Fought for Popular Elections Our Comrade has left us...
...When they were going wild over passing tissue-paper resolutions against the advancement of trusts, he upbraided them...
...he was a young man during a period of our reconstruction, In those exciting times when the first steel railway linked the two great seaboards, and when Western Europe was linked electrically with the American continent...
...Even the phlegmatic Coolidge observed last week that no matter what happened on Tuesday the interests of the ruling business class would not be disturbed...
...No doubt many of its sincere friends thought otherwise and unwittingly cast their lot, for one reason or another, with one or the other wing of the old alliance...
...In many respects Barney Berlyn had a charming life...
...Wherever there was a call he would go...
...Berlyn lived through all these changes, he grasped their importance in their implications, and this bestowed on him a richness of life which few have experienced...
...Berlyn was a profound student...
...He would read no books that he did not himself write, so he wrote his own histories, the history of mankind in all ages and all nations...
...He realized that popular history was a collection of figures and fairy tales...
...Carrying the mails at a uniform rate Is Socialistic, especially the parcel post taken from the express companies...
...candidate, Norman Thomaa^mi* easily be followed by looking «1L subs being sent to from dtim .JLz *¦ villages where the liujmtogiiZT delivered by Our standard sans-* ** ground has been broken...
...It still remains anrecognised that to bring a child into existence without a fair prospect of being able not only to provide food for its body, bat instruction and training for its mind, is a moral crime both against the unfortunate offspring and against society.—John Stuart The Significance of The Election JkjJOT since the end of the Civil War has the Democratic Party suffered the defeat which it met in the election on Tuesday...
...It worked for a few years...
...He saw the need, the urgency, of the working class participating in their own party, always emphasizing that what the working people needed more than anything else was political power, the control of the State...
...Meantime we laugh at you, you sleek bundle of bone, muscle and tissues...
...Both proudly boast of their affection for big business...
...It is the ethic of servility which it holds out to the millions whose labor makes this civilisation possible...
...You are but a microscopic atom in the vast sea of humanity and you exalt that atom...
...He could see through the shams of capitalist hypocrisy and he was bitter In exposing their foibles...
...Barney Berlyn was a ceaseless and tireless advocate...
...The Mew Leader MBjfM...
...Jefferson's election in 1800 was preceded by his resigning from the Federalist Administration of Washington a few years before and organization of his rural democrats for the overthrow of the Federalists...
...The party revolutions mentioned were the beginning of new political eras while the present election was the culmination of an old political era...
...L~ 5 subs for Calif ornlans...
...Having done all this our Individualist took charge of the train as engineer, fireman, dispatcher, conductor, brake man and track-walker, and brought It safely into the depot which he erected...
...Wishing you the best of success, I remain WILLIAM FLOYD New Terk City To the Editor of The New Ycrr limes: The accusation by Herbert Hoover that Al Smith is a Socialist, and the reply by Franklin D. Roosevelt placing the stigma upon Hoover also, on account Of his advocacy of public works, shows that all public spirited men are somewhat tainted with the dread affliction...
...H. W. Glasgow of Fstrmostit, W. Vs...
...But this attitude of his was necessary...
...It is no longer looked upon as strange and exotic...
...The twoparty alliance of Whigs and Democrats was shattered to bits in the next few years as the fundamental issue of expansion of slave territory emerged with the Republican Party...
...Would it be wrong to carry people as well as packages...
...He was hungry to see, to know, to understand, everything that was old and everything that was new...
...We welcome this young element to our ranks and invite them to share in the :oy of working to utterly destroy the tivo-party a nee of upper class politics and help bring the next political revolution that will wrest public fewer from mn\.-p*v*$\- k^z'&j**-:V From the NEW LEADER MAILBAG frntlwrnv to ¦eeteMsM Editor, The New Leader: From various occurrences in recent weeks, it appears that I shall no longer be able to deny that I am a Socialist...
...That reason is only another form of the old cry, "I don't want to throw away my vote...
...He set his own work at linotype machines, read the proofs and made up the forms, electrotyped the pages, operated the press, bound and stitched them between covers...
...Most of them outside of the railroad brotherhoods were annexed to the Smith party...
...There were many times when his friends and associates thought him too uncompromising...
...The wound thus inflicted on the labor movement is the most humiliating one it has suffered since it was organized just one-hundred years ago...
...Perhaps the most sorry aspect of the Democratic Waterloo is that the leaders of the trade unions were carried down with the crash...
...One of the old reliable veterans of Shelton...
...All.the inventions and discoveries of all time represent Uw genius, sacrifice and toll of millions of human beings past and present All this Is a social heritage of the race and you urge that a few individuals shall . inherit and own these things to the exclusion of the millions who have made you what you are...
...It met disaster in 1860 and the extinction of slave property was the result...
...Liberals and Labor This year witnessed a complete surrender of even this policy and organization of the union leaders direct by the National Committee of the Democratic Party with John J. Raskob himself in charge of the work and George Berry of the Pressmen his chief lieutenant...
...Those ot us who were associated most Intimately with him sensed that bis narrow overemphasis of economic determination and opposition to reform measures was due to his apprehension that the treacherous middle class psychology which constantly seduced the minds of the workers would lead them into frittering away their strength in ephemeral and inconsequential reform movements...
...Now the leaders of historic thought are announcing the necessity oi rewriting all history with an interpretation consistent with that of Marxian socialism, of which Berlyn was one of the pioneer exponents in this country...
...AH the generations of mankind on this planet sine* your first shaggy ancestor gnawed a bone in his cave have made you what you are and all who now live make your existence possible...
...We note especially, that he speaks of the N. L. as "our paper.'' C. B. Whltnall of Milwaukee writes' that he had the impulse to pay tlO for 10 copies of a recent issue...
...With youth on our side we can build and grow and we shall build and grow...
...He was an apostle...
...Upon becoming a socialist his entire life as an advocate was characterized by earnestness and sincerity, and these same qualities deepened his interest In the economic and political affairs of this country...
...intL, sends to his renewal...
...New Teak...
...Another 100 copies go to ft R Sowing of Los Molles, Cel...
...All the ages past while making some slow and gradual improvements on conditions which went before, did not record the fundamental material, physical and intellectual changes equal in brilliancy to those which have transpired within the last seventy years...
...In 1924 the Republicans had over four million dollars and the Democrats less than a million for campaign expenses...
...It is recognized by teachers of economics in the universities of the United States...
...You may improve your conditions, but only the mastery of the means of production will liberate the workers...
...The Democratic defeat is all the more striking for other reasons...
...Soon an army of voters will Teuhe that they threw their votes away fa ¦> •tag for the political parties of pfOpmT The flare and buncombe, the flub** sad smoke screens, will soon disappear...
...They could not understand it, so that when he moved beyond them, above them, they looked upon him as an advocate of dreams...
...The item should read that the <** •» organised on the campus of Coroefi or lege at Mount Vernon, lows...
...expresses hlmse'f in the same way...
...will be brought home to mfflom of workers...
...Evan the World, in its painful effort to sell the Democratic Party, declared that its success would mean no essential change...
...Neediest today, he obeyed the impulse...
...His love for his cause, his pride in it, overshadowed all personal convenience and Inconvenience...
...For many years he had accepted and believed and knew that the economic forces were the principal determining factors in historic change...
...Secy, sands ia S mare, A couple of new ones frost '- ¦ Fleming, Phitodetpkm — DO IT NOW...
...as he sends in (2 for renewal and contribution of f5 to the campaign fund...
...That is the significance of the prekent election...
...In 1868 he located in Chicago where he maintained his residence up to the time of his death...
...Whenever there was an opportunity he trumpeted this message: "You cannot wipe out the exploitation of the workers by strike or boycott...
...It also occurred to our "rugged* Individualist" that he must have city transportation and as a specialist In engineering he built his own subway, elevated and surface lines and then turned to making his own automobile...
...Only to show that the unions so directed have no influence in elections...
...LEADER MARKET RISES AGAIN SEVENTY two years at am me with youthful anthuaJasa...
...They were fat, conservative and satisfied...
...B. Reiseroff, Worchester, «.r j—^, $6.75 for a bundle of New Leaden^m subs...
...If space permitted, we would like to quote his letter in full as it k filled with idealism and enthusiasm of intelligent youth...
...From Duluth come two subs, sent in by Stanley Marsh...
...When they proposed to feed the world with silver at the God-given ratio of 16 to 1, he laughed at them...
...It was this thought and this idealism that was far beyond the average worker's horizon...
...We have often disagreed with the late Samuel Gompers regarding the so-called "nonpartisan policy" in politics, but there was one thing that he always stressed...
...Its electoral vote is smaller than in any election since 1868 when the total for Seymour and Blair was 80...
...Oase at Mr...
...Then there were the "liberals," or at least the majority of them, who supported Smith for as many reasons as there were "liberals...
...He was enxlous to see the termination of the present election, although he knew as we know, that there Is small reason for excitement over the outcome...
...This the new party accomplished in 1800...
...Everyone who has listened to a Sedelish speech, everyone with whoa you awe discussed the Presidential campaign, everyone who has read a stray copy of the New Leader or the Party leaflets-all of these are good prospects for oar «*¦ scription hustlers...
...The Modern Parallel Is there an analogy between these party revolutions and the present party of the Raskobs and Tammany Hall...
...A subscriber who does not want ha name mentioned, sends In the ssam ef 10 clergymen to be placed on the ft* of the New Leader...
...In 1850 his parents brought him to this country...
...Furnishing water to private homes by municipalities Is Socialistic...
...They would become the masters and controllers of the wealth they created...
...R, ream and says he does not want to miss s single issue...
...He butchers cattle, tans hides, cuts the leather, then tacks, pegs and sews it into shoes...
...Northern and southern political leaders of prominence went over to the new party but the end of another old political era had been reached and another new party was required to meet the situation...
...There are no longer three parties in this country...
...Moreover, one of its greatest assets is the large number of young men whom it has attracted to.its standard in many educational institutions...
...We are witnessing one of the creative phases in the history of the American people...
...Four years ago, despite some desertions, the unions shared in the credit of rolling up nearly | 5,000,000 votes for LaFollette...
...When he had his little shop on 63rd street, there were many students from the University of Chicago and even some of the professors who would come over and look behind the screened enclosure prescribed by the revenue officers, and talk with this cigar maker about trade unionism, the working class and Socialism...
...Fires are extinguished by governmental fire departments...
...Comrade Barlyn was always, intellectually, a young man...
...His friends and comrades extend to bis widow and children, grandchildren and friends their sincere sympathy, although we could not wish for a more peaceful and tranquil end of a father grandfather and friend...
...He annoyed the middle class minds out and in the labor movement with his sarcasm, ridicule and denunciation...
...This In the name of Individualism, "Who's Hoover...
...Raskob, a multimillionaire who has been denounced in trade union publications as an openshop enemy of the trade unions...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 47

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