Praise From An Opponent ()NE of the very best editorial* that appeared ia the daily press during the campaign was that of the Bridgeport (Conn.) Sunday Herald on November 2. It deserves to...

...wato labor cost of old equipment tilt...
...Since 1920 they have become, in the eastern states anyway, aSsolutely irresistible...
...Each precinct captain has at least 10 "workers" who accept $5 to $13 for their services...
...They have some ideas and they are quite frank about discussing them...
...Here is the editorial: , Socialists Retain Their Sanity "American politics is either a joke or it is a serious matter...
...anneal an, ing $7,100...
...Prospects are that the power trust will "pin the Bolshevik idea on 'em," in the language of Insull's propaganda director, and that the convention will take no definite action on the issue of the American masses versus the power company magnates and their program of poisoning the minds of school children and adults on the future owershlp of public utilities...
...Nationalized Industry Is A. F. L. Issue Demand o f Machinists Again Brings Question to Fore of Convention Problems •fJTTASHINOTON—(FP) Public owner" ship of public utilities, demanded by unanimous resolution of the recent convention ot the International Association of Machinists, will be an issue upon w hlch the coming New Orleans convention of the American Federation of Labor will witness a battle as serious as that which marked the Montreal convention ot 1920...
...There are many other editors who honestly subscribe to the view of the Bridgeport Herald but they are not permitted to say it...
...In 1920 it was the demand of the railroad workers that created the debate and decision for public ownership...
...This year it is the disclosure of gigantic organisation and expenditures by the power companies to prejudice the people against reducing the cost ot electricity in the home by municipal and federal plants...
...They say what they think, and the voter may take it or leave it, but the voter is not mystified nor puzzled by them...
...remote counties, know and reflect the New York sentiment...
...Machinery Displaces Workers Labor is Junked by Task* nicians of Western 55 ric and Girls T«ke t...
...They art not sold but licensed so they can be called to St Ok progress of improvements warrants...
...We are net in posit tos to ureearea aa unjust system, humanising the cruelties to which It results, but to make the workers conscious of their wrongs and united In their aha to obtain a tost system.—Colonel J. Weageweed, BsaMsa labor JLP...
...Insisting upon the duty of the Federation to acknowledge the right of the rail labor unions to determine whether they would have a better chance for progress under government ownership than under private ownership, he said he was not afraid ot government ownership In Its relation to unions...
...It is a simple fact that not once since the Civil War has a presidential candidate been chosen to whom the bulk of the business Interests were opposed...
...Saving of Leber Coast About $2,600,000 is saved amsnSy B labor costs, it is figured by aajsaai familiar with the work...
...If it is a serious matter, the Socialists alone are entitled to the attention of sober minded citizens about to decide on the trend which they wish their country to take during the next four years...
...w*^ labor cost of new equipment gsj...
...The money is handled by the city and state boaes, Kent explains...
...Sunday Herald on November 2. It deserves to rank as a classic political editorial...
...It is hard to believe that human wealth Is increased and the social purpose farthered by committing the natural resources of a eeentry—the g*M sad saver, eeppat and iron, coal and all, field and fares* ¦ into the private keeping ot a few insivtduala, instead ef administering this bounty for the rood ef alL—Hanferd Henderson...
...Over 8,000 are already in «t thgagh their mechanical development » sun Id its Infancy...
...Popular Socialist Vote in Sweden Jumps 170,000 r\ETAILED reports of the results of *-* the general election held in Sweden in September show that, while the Socialists lost fifteen Deputies in the Lower House, falling- from 105 to 90 out of a total of 230, their popular vote, contrary to some accounts, did not decline, but actually rose from 729,407 in 1924 to 872,500...
...Any one who now thinks It Is possible to carry a national election for any candidate for whom the great New York financial forces have a strong distaste is simply deluding himself...
...set telephone instrument and the net desk set are now on the enema data That means more men out of s X6 aa a smaller number of girls at lower vms lured to their place...
...They are handled through unofficial treasurers...
...The actual saving, eta a » number of factors, was at ,00* That is a single Wttntn rang* eases are occurring all the ttme, not a* in the Hawthorne plant but sO owr country...
...Thus each "worker" is good for at least 10 votes...
...Consequently the Communists were able to run their candidates under the name Labor Party, the official label of the Socialists, and thus obtain the votes it many careless citizens who doubtless were under the impression they were voting the Socialist ticket...
...the country from a Red regime...
...He has received hundreds of letters from people in all quarters of the state asking for literature and a list of Socialist presidential electors...
...V. Kenntfflrt...
...Socialists are sincere...
...The cause of the Socialist loas of seats waa due to an increase of 508,368 in the total vote and to the fact that the Communists polled 149,096 votes and elected eight Deputies, a rain of four...
...To* Faecisto planned a large miliary demoortrstfcm to Wiener lfeastadt, a suburb, Sunday...
...Tbt vitaphone requires extra rabssataf k> get the music, which is put on a dte record, synchronised with the under ran of the picture...
...The women's Socialist organisation rendered important service^Jo the party during- the campaign...
...Places at Low Hfmm^L —___ "¦"5**s £HXCAOO...
...It will have the support of Hoover's campaign organisation, together with a large part of the Democratic political element, in this obstructive effort...
...The Communists distributed circulars calling upon ft~><allsts to slaughter the Faselrts and rise against the National Government However, the Socialists and members of the trade unions have had mu-b experience since the armistice and the provocative circulars did not affect the discipline which they have maintained for many yean...
...William Green, now president of the Federation, and at that time a member of the United Mine Workers' delegation, took a prominent part in the fight for the public-ownership declaration in 1920...
...In explaining- the result, Gustav Moller, a Swedish Socialist leader, points out that, under the Swedish election law there ia no way for a party to protect its name...
...In the smaller theatres throughout the country either the vitaphone or the awrirtoot a supplanting human orchestras...
...The moviiooe races...
...Slush Fund Gave Hoover The Election Unlimited Drawing A ccount for Local Politicians Gave G. O. P. Victory (Br T+Ur*,t** Tnmt TIERBERT HOOVER was elected presWent of the United States by "current expense" fund* given to the majority of 2,000,000 voters in 150.000 precincts throughout the country who regularly traffic In votes...
...In "Political Behavior" he has charted the entire course of corrupt, business politics in the United States—the first time that a candid story has been written by one on the inside of the game...
...The "worker" delivers his own vote, his wife's, that of his grown sons and daughters, of brothers, sisters and whatever relatives and friends he can lay his hands on...
...All this gives to the Socialist campaign a substantial, dignified and appealing character that is quite lacking among the so-called conservative parties...
...Since the public ownership forces have no funds for lobbying, their views will be set forth by Individual delegates, largely by chance and without preparation except insofar as the Machinists' delegation may organise the movement...
...It is doled out to the precinct captains...
...The fiw oM ss* chines were run by men at tU...
...South Carolina Poll Official Refuses to Handle Thomas Ballots (By a M«w Leader Oesratasadsatl Charleston, 8. C.—3...
...All forms ef eeoastsh aataata are to eenmet with aeesef aed aa» powerful taws watah wta sewed at dot Mute, . 1. L. Me baa...
...If it is a serious matter, a vote for the Socialist Party is not a vote wasted, because such a vote at least registers a protest against organizing hypocrisy and buncombe into a national institution, such as has been the crowning achievement of Republican and Democratic political strategists...
...Ten "workers" can swing 100 votes, which tn addition to those garnered by the precinct boas, are enough to control the average precinct of 600 voters...
...The 700 to tot Tflnisu a Hawthorne spend part of their taw maintaining and t™«t»m>n aqainuaata* a large portion goes to the til-tmporaa problem of reducing labor costs...
...The froth, buffoonery and repulsiveness of the present campaign is not presented by the "wild-eyed radicals," but by the fish-eyed reactionaries who have given so many fake reasons for asking public support that they are made dizzy by their own confusion and simply whirl about like a little boy'i top...
...The monthly journal of the women, "Morgenbris," appeared in a special illustrated edition of 24 pages...
...Just where no one- knows, outside the few wealthy contributors and the city boss, asserts Kent...
...state, chairman of the Socialist Party, declares that the Socialist ticket will receive the largest vote it has ever received In the state...
...The pictures of the twelve Socialist women candidates for Parliament were prominently displayed with a special election address which appealed to the women for support...
...On that occasion the Plumb Plan of national ownership and democratic management of railroads was endorsed...
...But "no success in present day politics, not altogether temporary and trivial, can possibly be obtained against the united opposition of the financial and commercial forces of the community or country , . . While the candidates who buck the business interests rarely get elected to, and even more rarely stay in the state offices, the election of such men to the presidency is under existing conditions practically impossible...
...The Fascists demonstrated with pickaxes, hatchets, shovels snd kmc metal lances and knelt in the square as Catholic priests uttered fervent prays, owing to the presence of the national troops the two forces, Fascists on the one hand and determined workers on the other, were kept apart and each occupied the main square in turn...
...The saving to floor ana makes this feasible...
...The movltone is outdistancing the vttspbane because of its technical superiors... and music on the saw fltoTSi sounds are reproduced throngs ansa* electric cells and amplifiers...
...Other articles made this publication a powerful electoral number...
...If it is a joke, the -Republican and Democratic speakers are good jesters, and their clowning adds to the gaiety of nations...
...Behind the 2.000,000 who sell votes, •winging the political balance one way or the other, are the untold millions of dollars slushed into the campaign on election day...
...Socialism is one of the most elastic a»< protean phenomena of history, varying according to the time and circumstances In which It appears, and with the character, •pinions, and institutions of the people who adopt it —T...
...Demonstration Serves Notice on Fascists wfth much part to the trade nutans and Social Dsmcerau who cesttrol the etty oi Vienna recently passed off peacefully, For years Fascist bands have threatened font to overthrow the BcrfaUst administration of the city and establish a reactionary dictatorship...
...P.).—A atagfe L chins that winds loading a#a a, tslephoas cables dees an the va* more of five machines recently Swam* at the Hawthorne works of TTas Electric Co...
...The tribute which the editorial pays to the Socialist Party is also what many editors would say if they Were free to say it...
...It is a fact that instinctively in a presidential campaign they (Republican and Democratic financial interests) act together, and bankers all over the country, from the big ones in the large cities down to the small ones in the...
...He doesn't have to wonder why the speaker didn't say das or that, or why he did say this or that...
...About sixty Communists appeared on the scene and engaged in provocative tactics which, if followed, would have resulted in civil war with the danger of the national troupe being ordered to unite with the Fascists...
...The official treasurer of the Republican party In detailing the four or five millions spent to elect the "fat Coolldge" will never list the $20,000,000 or more spent to buy the votes that swung the election...
...He does not have to have a Socialist speech interpreted for him...
...It is hard to behere tn the wMom ot an economic regime ander which scarcity and want axe the result ef aa everprotection ot necessary eocnmedities...
...The Socialist Party is the only one left which exists to promote certain political principles rather than to corral certain public offices, and for this reason the Socialist holds back nothing through fear that by releasing it he may lose votes...
...For frankness, penetration of sham, and logical presentation of the insincerity of upper class politics it is worth more than all other editorials that have appeared in the daily press...
...Another reason advanced for the Socialist loas of seats is the intensive campaign waged by the non-Labor parties, which brought to the polls hundreds of thousands of ordinarily indifferent citizens who had been impressed .with the necessity of "savins...
...So drastic has been the general reasettoo of tabor forces at Hawthorne eat the Western Dec trie has reversed s» aa policy and is manufacturing tat aae* machines instead of simply works* «•* the patents...
...The futile protest of Samuel Gompers against public ownership, the debate at Montreal, was quoted by Herbert Hoover against LaFollette in the campaign of 1924 and against Smith in the contest ot 1928...
...The present controversy bid as the union musicians of Chicago and the movie houses has as one of its eetau the growing use of inovlephonst...
...If American politics is a joke, any vote "at all is a waste of time and energy...
...The Junked machtou **> the latest in their line a coopit ef tm_ ago...
...There Is little doubt that they planned another "march on Borne- In liiiHattan ef Mussolini...
...Western Bee trie rnghaau an *. ready perfecting a ""'"^'ne to easfe* the one Just installed Tut bawaajw hiring high priced technicians to pa J. pensive equipment out of date a a tag proposition for Western sstekfci The new winding w"»imf k ran w, girl at $26 a week...
...Mustard, he said, had distributed the LaFollette tickets in 1934...
...we°heve1<net the taiilHgOBi* » S> card It to a peaceful and tawkeaaa way...
...We have sent more than 39,000 tickets to every county in the state and have received cooperation from all except Charleston" said Kennison...
...He explained that Allen C. Mustard, chairman of the federal election commissioners, naa reiused to distribute the Socialist tickets along with the ballot boxes, while every other county chairman In the state had assured him they would give out the tickets...
...Herbert Hoover, respectable president-elect has no "official" knowledge of the fund its amount or Its handlers...
...The Socialists and trade union* have their own defensive organisations and these were also mobilised to meet any reactionary drive...
...Since 1912 the power of the banks and great industrial units in politics has very greatly Increased...
...Sociologically it aa> • ally means the head of a family tarns on the street while the daagmea at might otherwise be sending to hfgb atotl take his place to the electric works The average wage of the M,Nt Hawthorne employes, including an of tat high salaried ones, is under $16 s sejt The engineers who plan day by day a drive the other employes off the ptyrsfl get more than anybody eke emept tat big executives...
...Both of these mechanical music awhas en Western electric products...
...Where does the money come from...
...ry saving in labor cost (150...
...This is the thesis of Frank B. Kent, for years Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun and the keenest political commentator to America...
...On the day before election...
...Over U»Ma was saved by installing the eoaraw * straight line assembly system in one esparto en t. Both the present style taai...
...The Socialist may be wrong, but be is dear and -understandable, and that is the first consideration...
...The Western Eectrlc englnun atonly displace fellow workers in task osa industry Their inventions and tauvortments posh workers out of other falsi also...
...The 1920 convention voted overwhelmingly with him...
...The covenrmant of Austrta, which is sympattetV- with the Fascist bands, decided that a clash between the two forces was too dangerous to risk and ordered out national troops to keep the peace...
...These funds, given by wealthy business interests, are never listed, never accounted for...
...He doesn't have to wonder what the speaker intends to do if elected, because the Socialist puts all the cards oa the board...
...A powerful lobby for the private utility companies will seek to prevent endorsement of a public ownership of utilities by the New Orleans convention...
...Usually they are men with sixes.hie families...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 47

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