What Choice Bigots? In Arkansas—Vote Smith Or Starve gEVERAL complaints have been received from people of Little Rock, Arkansas, about a resolution adopted by the lower house of the Arkansas...

...Taking up the question of "loan sharks," Waldman charged that "every year more than 500,000 persons In New York State are In such dire need that they must resort to loan sharks' to borrow small sums of tees than $300 at usurious rates...
...The Brownsville campaign will wind up with a Nov*an Thomas meeting In the large auditorium of P. 8. 158, Sunday, Nov...
...Another of your Party's millionaire backers Is Owen D. Young, who Is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Electric Company, a concern which fought and defeated organised labor in Its plants In West Lynn and Pittsfield In this State...
...On the other hand, explicit and repeated anti-Negro propaganda is being sent out by Democratic headquarters...
...Officially the Republican Party is not fanning the race hatred fames...
...In Arkansas—Vote Smith Or Starve gEVERAL complaints have been received from people of Little Rock, Arkansas, about a resolution adopted by the lower house of the Arkansas State Legislature requiring all applicants for jobs in the 1929 session of the legislature to file pledges of loyalty with the clerk that they will vote for the National Democratic Ticket...
...received the highest number of votes Mrs...
...Surely no Party and no candidate can represent the interests of such anti-labor Wall Street magnates and of the workers both...
...Yet while you were Governor ot Massachusetts you made no move whatever to abolish the power of the courts to issue Injunctions against the workers in labor disputes...
...The letter was as follows: "Dear Mr...
...Du Bois claims that the Democratic organization has established a "Jim Crow" annex and does pot allow Negroes tc have offices in the regular headquarters...
...Vote for Hoover and white supremacy" is the slogan raised in large black type by the Anti-Smith Democratic Headquarters, in Atlanta—a left-handed Hoover movement—in a page advertisement in the pink Hearst Atlanta Georgian...
...Brown not only spoke for Smith as a liberal individual but said that the Democratic Party was more liberal than the Republican...
...Congressman Berger Replies To Lewis9 Bunk Miners9 Chief Glorifies Coolidge "Prosperity" While Miners Face Low Wages and Destitution ILlTLWAUrrHE, Wis.—Referring to the claims of John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers and a Hoover supporter, made in a radio speech, that we are living in an "era of unprecedented prosperity," Representative Victor L. Berger, speaking at a factory meeting cited the conditions of the mine workers to refute Lewis' claim...
...In which he asked Mr...
...In her speech for Hoover picked to pieces the "Smith myth" and showed that instead of being a libera: he was the true representative of a corrupt political machine...
...The unsuccessful effort to induce Governor Smith to make a friendly gesture toward Negro .voters is thus described by Dr...
...The integrity of the secret ballot is the basis of democracy...
...Roosevelt if their party bosses and wealthy supporters would permit It...
...Socialists call attention to these facts, to disprove the contentions of old party politicians and so-called labor leaders, because here will be no attempt to solve the problem of poverty as long as it Is denied that there is such a problem...
...How then do you reconcile your silence In the face of misrepresentation of the An tl-Child Labor Amendment by a prominent member of your own Party with genuine devotion to the workers interest...
...FacingBoth-Ways and straddle the Issue...
...He painted a picture of misery, because "we let our natural resources, machinery and capitalists enslave us, instead of putting them to work for us...
...And what the rest of the people...
...The speakers will confine their addresses to national Issues...
...They painted pictures of despair, unemployment crisis, old age and sickness, and all because "the workers are being robbed of freedom and self respect...
...Thomas Austin will represent the Democratic Party, Warren B. Ashmead the Republican Party, and James Oneal, editor of The New Leader, the Socialist Party...
...Our informants relate to us that the Reverend Mr...
...Hapgood, in a clever and convincing speech, showed not only that both the candidates of the old parties were loyal to their parties and .thus to Big Business but also that even if they were liberals it is not the individual, but the party, which controls the government...
...Your own record does not make clear which group you represent...
...Or the workers in the lumber industry where the average earnings are $17.77 per week, and the lower paid laborers get only $10.48 a week—In th!s era of unprecedented prosperity...
...Norman Thomas Speaks in Bridgeport BRIDGEPORT, Conn.—Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for President, invaded New England Monday to deliver a joint attack on Herbert Hoover and Qov...
...Hayes, a minister for 61 years, and chaplain of the Arkansas Legislature for many years, was compelled under that resolution to resign his position...
...Walsh: "I see from your campaign posters that you are the self styled 'Peoples Candidate,' and I would like to ask just what group of the people you represent You cannot possibly represent the true Interests of all the people because some people, namely, the employers and tbs bankers who are behind them, are buy* ers of labor power, and others, who work for wages or salaries, are really selling their anual, clerical, or mental labor power...
...Surely you realise that the low standards of labor legislation in the Southern States where your own Party is In complete control makes It necessary to give the Federal government power to regulate child labor In order to protect our higher standards of labor legislation In this State...
...DuBois: "A number of enthusiastic colored folk and friends of colored people put before the advisers of Governor Smith several possible statements which he might make to show that at least he was not an enemy of the American Negro...
...Both Sides Cater to Ku Klux ^TLANTA—(FP)—Hooverites in the south are wooing the Ku Klux vote...
...Smith Audience Swings For Thomas In Boston Vote (By a New L«ader Correspondent) 130STON— In a vote at the Communlt...
...In all of Governor Smith's long career, he has sedulously avoided recognizing Negroes in any way...
...Writing in The Nation, Dr...
...Dodged en Child Labor "You voted at one time to submit to the people the Anti-Child Labor Amendment to the Constitution, and most of us thought you would speak in favor of Its ratification...
...1st The Central Queens Branch of the Y. M. C. A. at 8925 Parsons Blvd., Jamaica, has arranged for a symposium by representatives of the three parties for Thursday...
...Hoover," he told Ms audience, "have been authorised by the bosses to offer the workers and farmers certain glittering concessions...
...A. L Shlplacoff, congressional candidate, and Goldberg, wil also address this meeting...
...So X would like to know if you do not think your Party Is trying to Imitate Mr...
...Naturally, the buyer of labor wants to pay low wages and the seller of labor wants to get high wages, so It Is not possible to serve the Interests of both worker and employer any more than a man can serve both God and Mammon...
...It lets its left-handed friends, the bolters, do this passionexciting job...
...Ottlnger's acceptance speech, but he doesn't tell you that It was Republican prosperity that has forced these persons In dire distress to borrow the money...
...The Socialist party, alone, offers to the people a program of relief, based upon a true understanding of what the present Industrial and social conditions are...
...According to the Republican secretary of labor there are between 10.000,000 and 12,000,000 people in the United States who are always on the verge of starvation —In this era of unprecedented prosperity...
...Members of the association and their friends are invited to attend and a good audience Is assured...
...the Socialists, owing nothing to the bosses, offer the workers freedom, peace and plenty...
...Both men are scheduled to address a meeting In behalf of Goldberg In the auditorium of P. S. 84, Olenmore and Stone avenues, Friday night, Oct 28...
...Negro Democratic headquarters were indeed established but they were not allowed to have offices in the regular Democratic headquarters but were given a small 'Jim Crow' annex where they exist without real authority, without explicit recogniton, and without the slightest initiative...
...Ottinger and the Republicans in particular...
...Walsh as the self styled "People's Candidate," to stats ! which group of the people he really represented...
...Mary Donovan Hapgood spoke foi the Socialist Party at the debate, whili Mrs...
...Maud Wood Park and Mrs...
...4, under the joint auspices of the 18th and 23rd Assembly district organisations...
...ther speakers will be former assemblyman Charles Solomon and J. I. Rudavsky, prominent Zionist leader...
...That figure," the Socialist Gubernatorial candidate continued, "Is taken from Mr...
...You left your colleague on the Democratic ticket four years ago to go about this State proclaiming that the Anti-Child Labor Amendment was drawn up by a Russian Bolshevik, when you must have known that the real author of the amendment was Florence Kelley of the Consumers League...
...Or the railroad workers who, in 1926, had an average in:ome of $17 a week—and there ere 200,)00 such laborers...
...For instance, the workers want/-to get rid of the power of the courts to issue Injunctions in labor disputes, for under these Injunctions workers can be jailed during strikes without a jury trial for things things are not crimes at all...
...He has twice vetoed bills which would have given a colored magistrate to Harlem...
...Such conduct on the part of the Democrats in the legislature of Arkansas establishes a precedent which is a menace to free institutions...
...Oodberg will also speak...
...TSAUL SHXPARD, Ft Lauderdale, Fla, -"-says that he was "washed out by tbs hurricane In South Bay.- Bs vasts tbs X. I* seat to fats new itdr...
...Morris Hlllqult and B. C. Vladeck eome to Brownsville Wednesday night Oct $1, when they speak In the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Berger said: "According to government statistics, those in the mining industry get an average wage of S22.78 aweek, while the lowest paid In the Industry, receive $10.34 a week, when they work, and many of them do not work more thin half of the time...
...If these workers could afford to have radios, I wonder how Mr...
...Or has this 'era of unprecedented prosperity' struck the workers In the steel stills of Chicago, who earn $3.12 a day when they are employed—and they are not always employed...
...Church in Boston last Tuesday arte a debate on the merits of the differen parties and candidates, Norman Thoma...
...He concluded his address by charging that both his Presidential opponents "in varying degrees were dodging such burning issues as the war debts, recognition of Soviet Russia, attitude toward the World Court and the Lug— of Hastens...
...Surely he must know better...
...For several hours the Socialist speakers heaped charge after charge on their Republican adversaries...
...There will be no unemployment insurance and no old age pensions, which the Socialists advocate, no adequate taxation of wealth and no other reforms necessary for the Improvement of the working classes, by the two old parties, while they take the position that all are enjoying an unprecedented prosperity...
...The result of the vote was Hoover 29, Smith 32 and Thomas 42...
...But when you found that the amendment was not so popular as you thought it would be, you kept absolutely silent...
...The regular Democrats made capital out of Hoover's order of last March abolishing segregation in the Department of Commerce offices...
...Lewis Says Walsh Faces Two Ways Democratic Senatorial Candidate in Massachusetts Razzed for Welching on Child Labor <By a Haw Laaiar CatraasaaSaat) [TtOSTON, MASS.—Declaring that the I Democratic Party In this election was ! seeking the votes of the millions and the | campaign contributions of the million* I aires, and necessarily making contradict* j ory promises to both, Alfred Baker Lewis, the Socialist candidate for United States j Senator, has sent an open letter to David I. Walsh, the Democratic candidate...
...Nominee Answered by Waldman Turns Tables on Ottinger Whose Attack on Loan Sharks Shows Real Character of Coolidge 'Prosperity' gYRACUSE—Twenty-four hours after Franklin D. Roosevelt quit this city after an attack on Albert Ottinger, his Republican opponent, Louis Waldman, Socialist candidate for Governor, invaded the courthouse building here Wednesday night to continue his criticism of the O. O. P. nominee...
...The support of La Guardia Is expected to substantially aid Goldberg's candidacy among the Italian electorate of whom there are many In the district The meeting is arranged by the Louis P. Goldberg nonpartisan committee, Including prominent business and professional men of Brownsville and environs...
...They list the presence of a few Negroes on Republican committees in the South and they hark back to Reconstruction days...
...But curious voters and disfranchised Negroes are asking who is footing the bills...
...He has never given a Negro any major appointment...
...I am particularly interested hi trying to find out which part of the people you represent because the whole Democratic Party In this campaign appears to be trying to get the votes of the millions and the campaigin contributions of the millionaires while necessarily f'^ng contradictory promises to both...
...Underneath the other charges follow: that black and white children attend school together in New York, and New York has 200 colored policemen...
...She showed that the liberals today who are for either of the old party candidates are doing exactly what the timid reformers in Great Britain did In the days when they supported the Liberal Party, helping to keep alive and thus to retard the growth of a third .party based on a real program...
...And "Vote for Smith and white supremacy" has been the slogan of the regular Democratic stump speakers since the campaign started...
...The Brownsville assembly campaign, where Louis P. Goldberg Is running the 23rd district...
...At the end of the debate and question period, the Smith followers, sure that their candidate would win, as the Boston Community Church has been overwhelmingly under the "Smith myth," Insisted on a vote against the wishes of many at the meeting...
...Oneal to Speak at Y. M. C. A. Jamaica Symposium Nov...
...In spite of the fact that she admitted the two old parties were like "Tweedledee and Tweedledum" and quoted from Norman Thomas's servlence to Tammany, she said that sh< acceptance speech to show Smith's subsupported Hoover as the one outstanding efficient "humanitarian" of capitalism and that if he was elected and failed to change conditions for the better It would be the final proof to her that the Socialists were right and that the system must be changed...
...To extract from citizens the filing of a pledge to vote for certain political candidates as a condition to being granted state jobs, strikes at the very heart of free institutions...
...Waldman attacked both parties in general and Mr...
...Smith for their power policies, failure to deal with the employment question, reparation, trade Imperialism and relief for the aged...
...This he says lines the Democrats up with the Lily Whites of the South as surely as did the action of the Republicans whom he charges with ousting every Negro political leader in the Southern states...
...Smith and Mr...
...Al Smith and the Negro J^L SMITH has repudiated the politically embarrassing Negrc as thoroughly as Herbert Hoover in the opinion of W. E Burghardt Du Bois, editor of The Crisis, Negro monthly, and well-known champion of the colored race...
...Lewis' speech would sound then—his talk of an era of unprecedented prosperity...
...Don't you think your silence at such a time serves the Interest of the Democratic mill owners of the South better than the Interests of the wage earners of this State...
...When the Klan accused Governor Smith of having as his private stenographer 'a Negro wench,' Democratic headquarters at Washington on September 8 sent out the following release: '"Governor Smith does not have, and never has had, a Negro stenographer, and in the employment of Negroes by the State of New York under his administration this has been done only to fill such jobs as they are given in the South, to wit: porters, janitors, charwomen, etc.' "The interesting thing about this statement is that it is perfectly true...
...The regular Democrats are doing the same...
...that Al Smith as legislator supported a bill requiring hotels, restaurants, barber shops and theatres to serve Negroes, and that the New York Negro World has endorsed Smith...
...Larut Brown supported Hoover and Smith respectively...
...Is pleased by the announcement that Congressman Florella LaGuardia and Arthur Garfield Hayes will actively support the Goldberg candidacy...
...1, at 8 p.m...
...Two-thirds of People Poor...
...In he- experience as a social worker she had found Smith more agreeable to reform measures than the Republicans...
...He was followed by Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for President...
...And the Steel Mills...
...Ottinger and Mr...
...The page blast of the bolters features the picture of a Negro dictating to a white stenographer, and this is described as a friend of Al Smith and a Tammany civil service commissioner, Frederick Q. Morton...
...He refused to say a single word...
...He has seldom been willing to receive a Negro delegation and it is doubtful if he has met personally in all his career a half-dozen of the 150,000 Negroes of his State...
...Your Party and your presidential candidate Is accepting the financial backing of John J. Raskob and William H. Wood In, both of whom are high officials of gigantic open shop anti labor corporations...
...Out of a population of 117,000 000, fully 76,000,000—or two-thirds of the entire population—belong to the poorer class, receiving an annual Income that provides only the barest necessities, but is not sufficient to take care of them in such emergencies as sickness and unemployment, not to say anything of old age...
...Bach speaker will be given thirty minutes to present his, views...
...He refused to let even indirectly anything go out from his headquarters which should seem to represent him as friendly to black men...
...The General Motors Corporation and the American Car and Foundry Company respectively...
...Waldman asserted that the Socialists could cure the "loan shark" evil and "so could Mr...
...Hays and La Guardia For Goldberg in 23rd A.D...

Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 45

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