AMUSEMENTS The Week On Stage By joseph t. shipley THE LIGHT OF HAMPDEN. -The dignity and sincerity, that have raised Walter Hampden to his preeminent position in our theatre today, mark...

...The answer came back immediately...
...And if you try real hard you may recall why he was impeached and by whom...
...Despite the somewhat melodramatic villain...
...25, there will be a mass meeting in Hopklnson Mansion, Hopklnson avenue, between Pitkin and East New York avenues, under the auspices of the Poale Zkm...
...Cocktails, servitors, lights, music and all the trimmln's are flooded to the fore...
...If Mephistopheles to "the driving power that wills the evil and achieves the good," the presentation that ends with the climax of evil, with the tragedy that bold only the promise of ultimate good, in Margaret's dying forgiveness, can hardly satiety those who have read through to the majesty of the final close...
...the progress of the Buddha has been woven into a single...
...her power, early manifest, continues to Increase...
...WISCONSIN, NOT A DOUBTFUL STATE . For the third time wlthirl the past few weeks...
...WELL PLAYED The matinee idol, Ian Keith, has almost the perfect medium in "The Command Performance," at the Klaw... 88.5 89.1 Miscellaneous 86.9 90.9 All industries 84.7% 87.4% There are only 2 of these 12 groups of industries which have not laid off more than 10% of their workers since 1923...
...To Governor C. C. Young, state House, Sacramento, Cai...
...Later a benevolent gentleman, no longer young, supplied a fund for this purpose"—the admlxtture of bold-face melodrama and pious sermonising, of murler succeeded by a "skipping rope hornpipe," of pleased acceptance of applause by Crummies aa his players sing, of solemn idiocy and simpering maidenhood, make an evening that no spectator of this generation can behold unmoved...
...septic poisoning sets in, and all to over—except the fireworks of Jarnegan, movie director, steeped in firewater...
...The uncle of the boy, warden of the Jail, bears the lad's confession that he has committed the crime...
...every American who condemns this administration's aggressive financial imperialism over Central and South America and Its sending of cruisers and marines to guard the investments of exploiters, must in all reason support the campaign ot that party which alone is true to the foundation principles of the nation...
...8*V7 86.8 lumber & fumlt'e 79.3 85.4 Leather & shoes 83.3 77.3 Paper At printing 101.5 110.4 Chemicals 85.7 93.2 Cement, brick, glass 90.3 93.4 Aluminum, copper and enamel ware 89.4 884 Tobacco ria M.7 Who Should Vote For The Socialist Candidates...
...i On...
...then plays along with a superior cast and direction that make us almost overlook the fact that life to forgotten...
...Declines in employment over a year ago were registered In 40 of the 54 individual industries...
...Her boy friend and secret husband to found with a smoking revolver over the dead body of a tod who has assaulted the young lady...
...The decrease in employment compared with July 1927 was serious in every section of the country except the east north central In which the automobile industry predominates...
...Every citizen who has read the facts brought to light by the Federal Trade Commission regarding the million-dollar lobby at Washington ot the National Utilities Association, and how that association has spent from twenty-five to thirty million dollars annually to influence public opinion for private ownership ot the nation's hydro-electric power—buying colleges and universities as well as legislatures, buying newspapers by the thousand, buying government employees and officials, lawyers and lecturers, and authors, school boards and city councils, and distributing millions of pamphlets to schools, libraries, newspapers and clubs, and writing text-books tor the schools of several states—whoever knows that this elghteen-billlon dollar trust means, to monopolize the water-power ot the nation so that it can tax at will every citizen, will vote for the one party that advocates public ownership of this power that electricity may be put in every home and on every farm in America...
...Voters, desiring to split for- the local candidates, and not knowing how to do so on the machines, -failed effectuate their purpose...
...every man and woman who wishes to see all workers equitable sharers in the wealth produced by all, will support the party which proposes to end the wage slavery and the establishment of Industrial democracy...
...In speaking proudly of Governor Smith's so-called "progressive record," Democratic orators carefully omit all reference to the Governor's part in the impeachment of Sulzer...
...The local Socialist organization is laboring thoroughly and persistently, under the direction of campaign manager Meyer Rublnson to lay the basis of victory on Nov...
...but, lest the great political career of his father be nipped in the bud, the uncle persuades sonny to keep quiet...
...he pleads with the governor of the state, his father (played by his father William) to pardon the husband...
...It is of every country...
...Serious declines in other industries Include 18.4% in pianos and organs, 14.3% each in cotton goods and steam fittings, and from 11% to 12.7% in petroleum refining, cane sugar, brick and cast Iron pipes...
...The level-of factory employment in July was actually nearly i«% below July 1923, when it started the long downgrade which has apparently, not yet ended...
...Perils meant passed a resolution suggesting this play be revived at least once a rear as a warning to young apprentices...
...The interests of the working class are everywhere the same...
...nor are the portents at the birth of Buddha less striking at the coming of Jesus—though he be not one of the fourteen gods of virgin birth...
...New problems arising out of Industrial development present themselves for consideration, analysis and solution," says the council In urging unions to be represented...
...It is a matter of docn...
...every msji and woman who knows that poverty could be abolished, since enough could be produced that all might have plenty without soul-crushing, body-wracking toil...
...It Is freely conceded by political observers in Brownsville that on a paper ballot he would have won by several hundred votes...
...By this vote he will help to build up a party that In time will restore the nation's wealth to the people, place Industry under democratic control, and lay the foundations of peace, happiness and the good life for all...
...the hallowed pause at the reference to "mother," for instance, to weakened by our memory of the moment's lull In the manhandling of the striker, when the soldiers pull out his mother's picture, in "Processional...
...On the other hand, those who have never beard of Dickens Of there be any...
...Every opposer of war and every lover of peace...
...Respectfully yours, "The National Executive Board "William Spuhr - "National Secretary...
...The golden princess is a modern woman in this particular play, and la very particular Indeed...
...KEEP POLITICS OCT "Fast Life," now at the Ambassador, starts that way...
...Behind all the great religions, -here to little difference in ethical teaching...
...He acts with an assurance that Brooks' little Interference from the lines fed him, and the audience rises to his acting art...
...Her suitors must satisfy...
...The impeachment was staged on the night of August 13, 1913, with Smith, then speaker of the House, acting as Murphy's chief lieutenant Murphy's instructions came to Smith by telephone and they were carried out faithfully...
...Jarnegan arrives in the midst of the tabloid's idea of a movie magnate's idea ot a wild party...
...every man who knows that to prevent the recurrence of a World War incalculably more destructive than the last, we must remove the causes of war which are economic and rooted in the present capitalistic system of exploitation, will .support the one party that from Us origin has consistently and courageously declared itself hostile to war and a champion of the peaceful settlement of an international disputes, and has gone further than this to propose an economic system in which the causes of war would find no existence...
...Richard Bennet plays Richard Bonnet to the hilt, and upon the tumult the silencing curtain falls...
...Moskowitz's answer, if he made any, was not an audible one...
...Henry Moskowitz," *iographer of Al Smith, was speaking...
...later, as the reinvigorated youth, he effectively retains the restless desire of the man...
...The judiciary not only of California but of the whole country is on trial...
...Al Benson of the Socialist Party of Wis., sends In 150 subs...
...Your responsibility Is very grave... these days of oompul•ory education, to whom the word to no mora than a mild expletive) will still Bnd material for enjoyment, in this sarlo-oomic burtosqus of the days that ones sere and their quaint customs Down to the admixture of Ellsahothin and con temporary costumes, the presentation of "George Barnwell, or The London Merchant," la flavored with an the eccentricity and distorted stylise tlon that marked the theatre a century ago...
...A special edition of The Forward is being made ready for distribution amongst the Jewish voters...
...Altogether factory workers appear to be earning 12.6% less In total wages than they drew for the support of their families in 1923...
...The textile and clothing group showed a decline of 7% In employment and 10% in wages paid, the decline hitting every one of the 10 industries except women's clothing, in which the gain in employment amounted to'only 1.2% while wages fell 3.9...
...Sick and Death Fund Appeals For Mooney Asks Local Branches to Send Resolutions to Governor of California rt",HE case of the two workers Mooney and Buiings, convicted on the strength of perjured testimony and still suffering in jail after having been confined there for twelve years though they are innocent, was taken up by the National Executive Board of The Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund Society in August...
...The full view of the electric chair on the stage, harrowing as It is, gives no one a ehaasf to witness an electrocution, for node, at course, breaks down In 'tints to sn the companionate husband, and cany tot action back to the executive msaslon— where, it seems, that promuiaf canals ruined...
...All such aa have social vision and a sense of social justice and hope for mankind will vote for the standard-bearers of Socialism—Thomas and Maurer...
...and "The Light of Asia," in manner, music, and mood, stirs to an accompanying sense of power and beauty...
...National labor officials will be called In to address the sessions and to explain organisation tactics to committees Mercantile workers are still largely unorganised in the Scranton district...
...The setting which Claude Brag-don hss devised provides an architectural outline within which the various scenes mass their bright pageantry, their dark lure, or their quiet endurance, as Prince Siddartha seeks, through his period as Gautama until, as the Buddha, he finds the secret: love every person aa if that person were your child...
...Every good American citizen who disapproves of Coolldge's utterly futile and wholly shameful war upon the patriots of Nicaragua...
...Just at times one wonders whether.the 20th century is not too consciously over- | larding the satire...
...He was one' of the speakers in a three-sided political symposium...
...Therefore the fund Joined efforts with other labor organizations aiming at release and requested the branches of the Society to send the Governor similar resolutions, or to endorse the resolution of the National Executive Board and direct it to him...
...The struggle is of the working class of all nations against the exploiting class of all nations...
...Devadstta, and a ' surrounding plot neither lean enough nor well enough acted to strengthen the Impress km, Walter Hampden succeeds, through the power of his playing and the beauty ot the spectacle, in conveying the simple spirit of the Oriental Christ, of the man who gives his life to the quest of that which shall serve and save mankind...
...she both displays the simple Innocence of the "maid and suggests the deeper significance of the symbol...
...The impression of incompleteness to furthered by the swiftly changing, episodic scenes, that permit only scant development of the need and the quest of Faust, ot mankind...
...The sharp declines registered in the southern states, where industrialization to on the upgrade, is especially significant as indicating how the country's plant to expanding beyond the ability of the workers to bay Its products...
...every sane mfti who knows that war menaces civilization I'self...
...The conch dancer does her naughtiest, and the movie heroines emulate her practiced gyrations with tar from artless ability...
...6. Canvassers are dally visiting the voters, literature is being distributed, indoor and outdoor meetings are being held, trade and nonpartisan groups are organised in behalf of the local Socialist ticket, especially the candidacy of Louis P. Goldberg, and the conviction spreads and grows that the districts will be carried...
...After having been accepted by the branch meetings, the resolutions* should be signed by the members of the Branch Executive Board* and sent to Governor Young as soon as possible... prevent the growing distress and to bring health to the industry and relief to the miners, will vote for the Socialist program of nationalisation, the one remedy...
...times, and The Theatre Guild is to be thanked for trying Goethe's "Faust...
...Naturally, these problems affect the well-being and happiness of all working people...
...At the same time, It must be recognised that the version of this eternal legend—at least, the acting form achieved by the present adapters— Is too fragmentary and incomplete to satisfy those who desire to behold the fundamental quest of all sensitive, thoughtful beings bodied forth as Marlowe once glimpsed It, as Goethe saw it whole...
...Calls have also been issued for annual oonventions in the same city by the Building Trades, the Metal, Trades and the Union Label Trades Departments of the A. P. of L Scranton to Have Own Union Convention SCRANTON, Pa.—Scranton trade unionists are planning a three-day convention in February to lay plans for a wide union drive in this industrial area...
...Declines in other sections include middle Atlantic 5.6%, west north central 1.1%, south Atlantic 5.6%, east south central 4.8%, west south central 3.3%, mountain 2.8% and Pacific 2.9...
...Perhaps you can also remember that he was impeached from office...
...The decline in employment this July was small simply because it bad already fallen to so low a level that It could hardly fall much further without shorting the country on Its minimum requiremcnta in many lines...
...An illegal operation to performeed upon beer...
...The fact that Nicholas Nlckleby to in the audience seems not to make much difference, save that it accounts, perhaps, for the large number of youngsters lured to entertainment...
...It is no longer confined to one country alone...
...every man and woman who would see the worker enjoy lire as a free man, or free woman, exempt from the fear of unemployment, disability and old age, and of leaving a family unprovided for at death...
...Thjs is mechanically impossible on the voting machines, Friday slight, October 19, a mass meeting will be held in P. S. 150, Christopher avenue, between Belmont and Sutter avenues, with McAlister Coleman, candidate for U. S. Senator, and August Cloessens, aa the visiting speakers, and with Charles Solomon, candidate for Supreme Court Justice, Goldberg, S. H. Friedman, candidate for senator, and others, ss additional speakers...
...Oat of 13 groups of Industries the vehicle group alone employs Boers workers than a year ago, while the paper and printing group alone emptors as many workers aa in 1923...
...Every citizen who wishes to register a protest against the iniquity and incompetency ot the parties of capitalism and corruption, will vote for Thomas and Maurer regardless of whether he expects them to be elected or not...
...Juggling of Data by the Labor Dept... was the same as in July 1928...
...A pretty miss of the angelic msrshmallow type, played rather well by the star's daughter, Joan, to seduced by the villain...
...If such she be, for rumor baa It that she tests her suitors . . . fully...
...A detailed account of the startling facts leading up to the conviction of these two unfortunate men was published in the July and August editions of the "Solidarity...
...The statistician has made note of nine gutter synonyms for the scarlet lass...
...In New England the year saw a drop of 8.8% in the number of workers employed by its factories...
...election day last many of these votsssV4iSd$r the Impression the trouble was with the machines, made complaints to Boats list campaign headquarters...
...Goldberg Campaign Speeds Up The campaign In Brownsville's 33rd assembly district, where Louis P. Goldberg Is the candidate, gathers momentum as it proceeds, with the prospects of success on election day growing ever brighter...
...Employment and wage totals in July m the 12 groups of Industries expressed in percentages of 1923 as 1007o were: Wage-earners and 1923 equals 100% wages, July 1928 Employm't Payrolls Food products 87.4% 93.7% Textile & clothing 78.3 75.1 Iron <te Steel prod...
...Let conscience and Justice guide you, and let Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings regain their freedom...
...With Jekyll and Hyde made two persona, and set In the delightful princedoms of Moldavia and Wallacma (horrid names 1), two hours by automobile from Orauetark, the young player has every opportunity to display bis handsome talents and self In gallant gesture, in aelf-eacriflce, in ugly-duckling-silver-swan transport, in all the ways that lead down lovers' lane In the land of dreams, to the golden princess...
...Hard coal miners, engaged In Scran tori's basic Industry, are solidly organized in the Miners' Union...
...You will be benefited by being there and the labor movement will be helped by your presence, your counsel and your service...
...The resolution, sent by the National Executive Board to the Governor on September 6, reads as follows: New York, N Y...
...Smith's Biographer Receives New Material On His Hero Dr...
...Sulzer, a Democrat with a wide streak of independence, broke with Boss Murphy in 1913 when he refused to accept the dictation of that mentor of Alfred E. Smith on political appointments...
...falling, the pledge of Shakespeare extorts in "The Merchant of Venice" fadea to a pallid Joy beside the Oriental simplicity of their demise...
...Your Excellency, Sir: "The National Executive Board of the Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund of the United States of America, a Fraternal Society of over 60,000 members, observes with greatest regret, that two citizens, Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings, by a miscarriage of justice sent to prison, are still held by the authorities of the State of California, after a confinement of twelve years, although they are, according to circumstantial evidence submitted, and in our opinion and in the opinion of millions of workers, innocent of the crime, for which they were sentenced to death...
...Every man and woman who, beguiled by fraudulent promises or buldozed by threats, was betrayed or frightened into voting for either of the capitalist parties, and now discerns that things have gone from bad to worse with the nation, and particularly with the worker and the small business and the farmer, will vote, if be is as indignant as he ought to be, for Thomas and Maurer...
...Smith's part in the impeachment proceedings has never been denied...
...We therefore appeal most urgently to you, the Governor of the State of California, to free these men, and redeem at least in some measure the great injustice they have suffered from...
...Figures of July Level of Employment Reveal Decline of 16% Below July, 1923 By Leland Olds A FALSE suggestion of betterment in **• the employment situation' is contained in the TJ...
...Turning to Morris Hillquit, who had spoken for the Socialist party and Norman Thomas, Dr...
...B. Department of Labor report on factory employment in July...
...It was before a meeting of the Bronx County Lawyers' Association...
...Moskowitz placed the full force of his oratorical gestures behind this poser: "I challenge you to tell me of any Democratic Governor in the history of New York State who has been as independent of Tammany Hall as Governor Smith has been...
...That most personable charmer, Claudstte Colbert, humanises a lass who attempts a stage conception of companionate marralge...
...It is good for us to see the classics brought to life at...
...and the dissipated prince of Moldavia, despite the political expediency of the marriage, refuses to travel to court the over-fastidious maiden...
...Call for Convention Issued by A. F. of L. WASHINGTON.—The A. P. of L. executive council hss issued the call for the annual convention to be held In New OT- ! leans, beginning November 19 next...
...Chester Morris, son of William, plays a young man who also loves Claudette...
...The following Thursday night, Oct...
...Solomon came within 313 votes of election...
...The dignity and sincerity, that have raised Walter Hampden to his preeminent position in our theatre today, mark his presentation of "The Light of Asia,*' the story of the life of the Buddha, whish Georglna Jones Walton baa developed, from Sir Edwin Arnold's poem and from legend Biographical plays tend often to pageantry, or at best to episodic drama...
...Let us present labor's formula as a remedy for Industrial ills and social Injustice...
...For the play itself—"In the 17th century...
...Settings that are continuously in harmony with the shifting moods of the drama combine with superb acting to give the play a larger measure of power than its movement would otherwise win...
...It is as wide ss the world.— F. H. Wentworth...
...We can do this In an impressive and effective way if all organisations affiliated with the A. F. of L. are fully represented...
...development, maintaining a unity and earnestness that grow with the play...
...It is generally recognized that the failure to elect Charles Solomon, former assemblyman, last year, was due principally to the lack of knowledge upon the part of the voters in using the voting machines and the campaign management is preparing to overcome this problem in the present contest...
...HOLLYWOOD HELL Richard Bonnet swaggers, bullies and blusters aa Jarnegan, in the play based violently on Jim Tully's "Jarnegan," by Charles Beahan and Garret Fort, and now reeling about the stage of the Longacre...
...By David Davidson ¦p* VERY man and woman who voted in ^24 for La Pallette and Wheeler win vote, or should vote, in 1938 for Thomas and Maurer...
...Every man and woman who knows that the parties of capitalism and big business, of graft and malfeasance, will not reform, but that they will continue as long as they exist to be the parties of graft and malfeasance and the political agencies of big business for the taxing and exploiting of the productive classes, will vote the Socialist ticket...
...Step by step, as the working class has risen to higher intelligence, It has come to discern that the*' conflict does not lie between nation and nation...
...Dudley Digges Is an Intelligent If somewhat too constantly sarcastic a Mephistopheles, George Gaul, especially in his earlier moments, makes a majestic Faust in his agonised need of learning, ot understanding, of doing...
...The department snows a decline of 1.1% in the number of factory workers between June and July and of 3% since July 1927 but aaya: "The falling off in employment was considerably toes in July 1928 than it was in July of 1923, 1924, 1926 and 1927...
...The death penalty to imposed...
...In tact the only outstanding increases were gains of 28.37* m the automobile industry and 21.3% in the agricultural Implement industry, with a gain of 11.4% in the machine tool Industry, probably stimulated by the automobile demand Declines in 41 Industries On the other hand there were significant declines In practically every one of the 40 Industries, the falling off ranging as high as 20.8% in shipbuilding...
...As Margaret, Helen Chandler continues to control a surprising depth of feeling...
...Every man and woman who discerns that there cannot be peace in the industrial world, nor fellowship and goodwill between man and man so long as the wage system endures and some men are masters and get the profits while others, the masses, are slaVes and get a bare living only...
...But Prince Charming finds her spotless in the end . . . an end that •is reached by devices devious but for those who care to relax into the days of the old-fashioned romance, sweetly prismed in mulberry charm...
...The vehicle is veritable clap trap, playing the old score with no new touch save its freedom of speech—liberty being terrifically asserted...
...All the building supply industries except pottery were employing fewer workers than a year ago...
...September 8, 1928...
...But the Buddha of Hampden wins our respect as a great sage and seer...
...Women in the silk mills, most of them the daughters of union miners, are not Inside union folds...
...GABJUCK GAIETY Only the most devoted of Dickens' lovers win cava at the entertainment offered by "When Crummies Played," mUfa Gerries...
...In connection therewith, and in accordance with a special request of Branch 139, Tonawanda, N Y„ the* (National Executive Board decided to send a resolution to Governor Young of California, calling upon him to order the release of the two innocent workers...
...The remaining players, except for the vast hollowness that should hav* been the deeptoned voice of God, maintain the usual Guild standard of finished work, and give the present version of "Faust" as fair a showing ss it could hope...
...Vehicles, incl...
...Every citizen who has at" all pondered the distressful situation in the coal fields...
...In this newest concoction of Sam Shlpman and John Hymer...
...every American who believes this war Is utterly contrary to the spirit of the founders of our Republic and abhorrent to all the lovers of liberty...
...A. H. Van Druten, who stasia "Fast Life," to doing effecave set ¦ the theatre...
...every citizen who knows that this situation is not new but has been getting worse and worse while the dominant parties have done nothing (but Investigate...
...Perhaps you can remember," said Hillquit, "a Democratic governor by the name of William E. Sulzer...
...The real seriousness of the situation from the viewpoint of the unemployed worker appears en a survey of the inetostrtos...
...These voters, after voting straight old party tickets, tried without success, of course, to pull the levers at the names of the local Socialist candidates...
...Growth of the Socialist Party and Its press, go together...

Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 44

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