Should Progressive Support Norman Thomas An Open Letter to American Liberals and Progressives by the Independent Committees for Thomas and'Maurer OPO Amertcaij iiberais and uiuawaalwa: This...

...This unfortunate phase of workers' education is practlrally confined to the United States...
...In the nation, under Republican rule, in New York State, under...
...Toe Commissioners whom he has appointed ha'-e adopted a poller of rate making Jar lets enlightened than that adopted In Massachusetts...
...On the injunction issue both candidates merely repeat, as thonsands before them have done, that injiavttons are excessive...
...8. Fisher, tee...
...It must be remembered that Governor Smiths international policy does not include the immediate withdrawal of mar*nes from Nicaragua...
...failing utterly publicly to protest against the admlnlftrf-.ilon's fhameful Imperialistic ventures In Central America or to raise his voice during his seven years as cabinet member in behalf of any piece of fundamental social legislation...
...The United States is not an Isolated community...
...Labor ts drilled by the thousands in great plants which have become governments themselves...
...Gilbert 8. Cox Waloott Cutler Edwin Pslrley A. A. Hetlt Rirby Pa«e Edwin P. Ryland John Hevln Sayre - Wlllam B. Spofford Joeeoh if...
...The Fundamental Issue One of the greatest problems before the American people Is the way in which the wealth that our workers produce Is distributed...
...Before the appearance of the public school the early trade unions gave much of their time to Insisting on the establishment of free public schools sustained by taxation, -to the upper classes this appeared as a crass pi tee of "paternalism...
...In the case of Herbert Hoover the true liberal senses are the forces back of the man...
...American industry itself is a vast network of consolidated and lnter-related investments...
...for Thomas fot President are: Independent Committees Far Thomas for PredoW S EDUCATORS' COMMTliam Paul H. Dooslai a Ralph Barlow Jesse H. Holme* teRoy X. Bowman J. W. Alexander 3ortS on .Airport Newton Arvln Isaac z. Aah Mows Bailey Roland H. Sainton William R. Barnhart Charles U. Bond Coleman B. Cheney Edwin L...
...Free Inquiry The need of free inquiry In workers' education is evident from the changed world in which we live...
...distribution of economic power aw prob'tms that Secretary Hoover and Governor Smith leave practically urdoucttd...
...H. sbeaaaaa Olive Saeenseraa . E. B. Shatti Tucrar p. SntUi Conetance t Svuluai Welllntten a nakar A. M. Ta*i Lucia TrMrt K. Luar Trme H. J. VoarM» Ernest V. Vote* Jean W. Wtlxtv W. B. Wattmlia Vr...
...Plenum *— Ira I. Jesktaa Brownie Lee *— Mary anfi Ladle Xahn ' Lonmtreth . Ollbert Loven Mary IsTacvHe, Herbert S. IsaeT Patrick M. UaUa Darwin J. EEL...
...He cannot forget that Mr...
...Turning to the South the liberal sew in support of Mr...
...3) the abolition of Injunctions In labor disputes...
...Smith in his acceptance spascb expressed a more libera] attitude on Central Amerlra than has the Republican candidate It Is also to be recalled, however, thai: the late President Wilson was elected or the help of the liberals of the country on the shibboleth, "He kept us out of War," and the "New Freedom" and yet that America soon found itself plt*nged into the maelstrom of the World War and engaged in imperialist adventures in Mexico, in Haiti, In Santo Domingo and other Central American countries...
...These arc bat two gramplrs of the rewards—for the greatest part unearned —which are Come to the property owners while millions of the men and women enraced in useful Jkbor Sod it a bitter struggle—despite our "stock market iiruspetlty' —to keep their beads above water...
...Hoover sat silent in a cabinet for years when corruption was rampant, lacking either the desire or the courage to make public protest against the flagrant betrayal of trust on the part ot his political bed-fellows...
...To Make Votes Count Opposed both to Herbert Hoover and to Alfred Smith te Norm&xi Thomas, candidate for the Socialist Party...
...The latter came more and more under the control of business men and bankers...
...The only difference now between the Republican sort Democratic parties,'* recently declared of our foremost political scientists, "is tint the Republican Party is the acknowledged spokesman of big business, while th' Democratic Farty l« its asDirfcig srokesnan...
...Government lr an Intimate associate of industry and finance...
...Jobs were fewer In food Industries, textiles, iron and steel,' stone, clay and glass products and on the railroads...
...Industry and finance have become world wide...
...him with the will to be something more than a clod to be shaped by forces which he does not understand and which he knows not how to combat, Workers' education is a matter or exploring the world, not a retreat into* a cavern of ;be conventional and the obvious...
...It win be a vote against war and militarism...
...Smith gets Into office, as the ruling Democratic forces in the South are now proceeding quite effectively to persuade their "dry" followers...
...In the heat of the campaign, the "liberalism" of the old party candidates and were far too sanguine regarding the ability of these candidates to put through progressive measures when opposed by the controlling party Interests...
...John Haynea Holmea Edmund B. Chaffee Rev...
...The Obvious" By James Oneal TT is a significant fact that in all modern countries workers' educational movements have been organized within the past twenty years...
...Governor Smith The liberal turns to Governor Smith...
...The fundamental problems of poverty and riches, of equality of econorfrto opportunity and of the...
...Y In national election*, many liberals In the past have voted for the less reaction sry or the more libera, of the two candidates—men of the type of Bryan...
...This upsurge of youth will continue despite the coercion ot the elders snd it bears promise of a better informed idealism that will serve the working class and bring more fruitful results Worker's Education...
...These arc bat two examples of the rewards- tor the areata* part unearned —which are going to the property owners while millions of the men and women en...
...reactionary Southern Democrats, engaged in suppressing the Negro vote, agitating for higher tariffs and buying up waterpower sites for private exploitation...
...The workers were not content with merely demanding a complete revolution in popular education...
...The issues in both parties have, In fart, become so utter" y contused that It Is impossible to tell what a vote for either Smith or Hoover—and Smith's chances for actual election are remote—really, stands for...
...Leonard D. Abbott Poultney Bis clow Howard Brubaker Sarah M. elections W. S. B. DuBols B. W. Hue bach Fola LaFollatte Robert Mora* Lovett Upton Sinclair Arthur Warner Art Tounc Paul Blanahard Harriot & Blatch Anita Block Ralph Cheney Helen Everett William Floyd H. T. Glnton-Kamp Vladimir Karapetoff Tracy D. Mygatt Henry Neumann Stephen Reuahenbuih Fanny Blxby Spencer Norman Studer Benjamin Btolber* Bertha Poole Weyl Helen 8. Woodbury Irvine Allen Porrett Bailey Irene Benton John W. Bergthold Al...
...If the distribution of electricity is left in the hands of private corporations, the liberal realises that them to no Mtcbhcod that the housewife win receive lower ra*eu This at amply illustrated by Ow experience of the city of Ban FtauUaiJo in building a hydroelectric pleat at Hatch Hetchy and leaving the final distribution of electricity in the hands of a trivets monopoly...
...William X. Bonn Eleanor D. Brannan Mary D. Brita «• Pay Camobell Qlenn C. Clement Pannia Colin floors* L Collins Oeorfe Coming* Horace B Davis Anna N. Davis W. H. Detwyler a. a. Din Leonard Doob Alice if...
...3) the entrance of the United states into the League of Nations under conditions that will make the League more democratic and Inclusive, and (9) (he independence of the Philippines and the cessation of military and financial dictatorship over our island possessions...
...Hoover cn the ground that their candidate nas tin engineering mind, hates waste...
...In agriculture the programs of both are vague...
...X Aden R. Waldron Anderaon Raymond Baehellor Chariea Bayleaa R. P. Broaddua Crrille P. Brummar Vincent G. Bumi Mark a. Chamberlla Smith O. Dexter Hubert H. Dukea Wealey Xaatman Harold X. Fey Hugh W. Ohormley H. J. Hahn Cameron P. Hall James H. Hart Karl Hack Charles A. Hill Clarence V. Howell Allan A. Hunter Oraham C. Hunter Robert InfUa J. Stuart Innerat ¦Cattle Iveraen Albert w. Kauffman '"vwOTJw W> eBBaSafeaasflajt evSOIl R. Lsstaa Murray X. UMbl Walte...
...Ignore debts and reparations, the Woild Court and the League of Nations...
...It enabled the wealthy classes x> butt: ess their economic, social and political orestige with information that was denied to Illiterate workers...
...Clarence 0. Bentar Mar...
...The Governor himself gave Hew York Mayor Walker...
...Democratic rule, no steps of any consequence have been taken to remedy the present situation...
...The World War demonstrated that the Atlantic Ocean is no more a protection against war than a rivsr...
...Smith the very backbone of the Democratic party, the old...
...Hoover or Mr...
...2) measures leading to greater economic security for the worker, among them old age pensions, social insurance against sickness, accident and unemployment, public employment exchanges and long ranged planning of nubile works to be undertaken during periods of depression...
...It will be a vote in line with the best traditions of the Progsesslve movement of 1984...
...m\ 1 POasaWMafJDt lHaMBeaB...
...5) agressive activity against militarism and in behalf of international disarmament...
...iSon Florence O. Smm Mra...
...They present no fundamental remedy for the injunction earii...
...Is acquainted with the sidewalks of New York, is not sponsored by the corrupt Ohio gang, has denounced American imperialism, is a Catholic tnd a "wet...
...He not-s Mr...
...It was lower In every reporting state and city except Delaware, Detroit and Iowa...
...The movement abroad provides a wide culture for the students while ta this country tt too often confines Students to a narrow range of trade union policies and looks with suspicion upon anything else...
...The trade unions answered that education was a monopoly of the rich...
...This system was calculated to emphasize the aristocratic character of education and to stigmatize the workers with a badge ot inferiority...
...The First Concessions The first concession made to working class demands for popular education was the establishment of what was known as "pauper schools...
...It faces facts...
...Abroad there is extensive pioneering into all the social sciences, economic and labor history, and frank discussion of all policies and programs of the movement...
...they outlined a complete system whic'i is today the basis of the American public school...
...Imperialism and Injunctions It is admitted that Mr...
...Stuart TiiaaTeT Mrs...
...Dancer and professional man could afford to employ a private teacher or to send his children to private schools and academies The possession of wealth, therefore, made aristocracy and social prestige especially glaring...
...In voting for the old parties, as Professor Paul H. Douglas points out, American liberals have shirked "the long, patient work which is needed to build a third party which will represent the economic Interests of the great mass of wage earners, farmers and Intellectual workers...
...Millionaires endowed them with large funds...
...4) recognition of the Russian Republic...
...These Institutions in turn invested heavily in industrial enterprises and public utility corporations...
...Mw*rd Waw J. W WeU« Lvdia Wentaarft Thereea Ljeseai Franeea Wttacnaaat And ethen MINISTER COMMITEE Blahop Jaul Jones, ch...
...Lndvlf <>aul O. Maer % H. Markovn R. f. Hurley Howard D. HeOrsa Louis A. WsfiUns Ruasel X Mams Basil A. Hsrray Joseph Myeri Roman X KaA J. PiereeHeeell J, W. Ml DBS Charles c. Soke) Oeorta L. Psbw Henry W. Pterasa Norbert WMari[ _^ James L. ewJay Minor W. Sprat* Carroll gtawast Horace Stem Clinton 1. Talt Chariea Thorns Robert Leasers Tucker __ Oecrft w. Tafssc OusUv X Leva* Francis D. WeaSBAS Charles a Wejjar . ¦dvla aaar, JSS Hna* Va«J&*»* . Louu L. wsaaat' -•• And Otkara The Worker's Education Ideal "•.•A Matter of Exploring The World Not A Retreat Into...
...i LICIST8' COMMITTEE ' I W. X. Woodward, Cn...
...We pick up the Federal Trade Board's recent booklet on Stock Dividends and find that since 1920 the Standard Oil Company of New York alone has given to its stockholders stock dividends of over $220,000,080...
...It is a revolt against the stereotyped education of the upper classes...
...This class arrogance of the upper classes and their politicians spurred the workers to renewed agitation for free public schools -supported by general taxation...
...So workers' education based upon the world we knew in the nineteenth century is no mote adapted to modern requirements than the small shops of that period are for the needs of modern production and distribution...
...The old ideal of the trade unionists ol a hundred yew ago became a mocking illusion...
...Rtebart JtSi sate Riehsrus PBaa Frank Olmatead Anna Overs Mrx...
...This was the origin the workers' education movement in this and other countries...
...gaged in useful .aaor find it a bitter strnggle despite our "stock market prosperity" —to keen their beads above water...
...believed that if thenchildren were given the elementary education provided by the public schools and higher institutions they would be able to think for themselves and thus be emancipated ft am the Influence and bias of upper class influence and prestige...
...Pierre d Pont said when be announced Ids su-rrort of Smith, is hardly dlsttagtuUiatMe from the Republican platform He asss the Governor an ardent *[»Jt<*t for one of the most corrupt political tannine* tfcet has ever appeared tn city government...
...Millions of workers never in all their lives see the rear masters for whom they work yet the absentee owners living thousands of miles from the place of work may make derisions that vitally effect the workers and their families...
...Genuine education knows no fears and no taboos...
...It will be a vote for mo re industrial democracy, more economic Justice...
...It win assist in a new political angrrmenc on real differences fc Among the signers of this «tttDju, end members of Independent OomjauL...
...Not that its fun significance is understood by all who are en?cged In the movement In fact, there are some who fear Its expansion beyond th* narrow field of mere instruction In the value of the union label, practice In conducting meetings, more efficient business routine, a cautious peep into the basis of modem civilisation, and finding reasons for archaic policies and methods...
...Clarke Oeor*e A. coa Loecitia M. Conard Jerome Deris Percy M. Dawson A T. DeOroot W. W. Denton Huntley Dupre Horace 73Horace a. aasAav.'ti Harold P. ai3Eg Qranville Ba> ' Wiley BTaaaaaa Arthur fc...
...Nor dose the Democratic candidate make any frontal attack on the causes of war, as found In the whole sys000...
...The ownership and control of our basic industries by the few Is the cause of inequalities that have no Justification in social ethics We read, for instance, in the New York Times that if a person had invested $10,000 in the stocks of the General Motors in 1908 and had kept that amount in the company during its reorganisation, he would find these stocks today valued at more than tl,600,000 and would have received dividends In the meanwhile of $282,000...
...In the many years that followed they have learned by bitter experience that something more than formal education of their children Is required tn the public schools...
...In mar...
...Ethelwys attlli John It...
...Only autos employed more men than last year, due to the recovery of Ford production...
...Hot only baa be tailed to use his influence to help New Yorkers get an honest election, bat be actually vetoed most of the bfHa passed by the Legislature to make fraud a little harder The progressive sees the Democratic candidate, in one of bit first acts alter nomination, appointing as his campaign macager a partner of the open shop war profiteers, the DuPonts, toe Chairman oi the Finance Committee of the world's largest corporation...
...It takes the student on a cultural adventure, encourages him to use his thinking faculties, teaches tfn to avoid archaic dogmas, and inspire...
...He sees Mr...
...L. Bernheim...
...Freda Klrchwey, Bee...
...for the political machines represented by these candidates, and though they realized that both machines were eontrollej by the forces of special privilege The Need to Build a farty UsuaUfc as sifter event* proved, they greatly overestimated...
...Hoover's own enthusiastic defense of the present economic system with its inherent wastes and wars and social injustices, as the best of possible social ortVrs...
...Its domestic proposals Include: (1) the public generation and distribution of electricity to the people at cost...
...Here the wJtklng class rested so far as general education is concerned...
...They have sacrificed the ultimate ?aloes of democracy for a few promised concessions, which In turn have seldom materialised-" In Great Britain the progressive forces Of the community have taken another task and have made their third party Into a secoud party by a generation of hard work...
...They became tied to the conservative organizations of capitalism and instructors became servile routineers of the ruling business and banking classes...
...Meanwhile they are rallying around them numbers of their supporters on the wet and dry Issue, an Issue which should be separated from party politics and which Is now being used, consciously or unconsciously, as a red herring to divert the attention of the people from the liquor situation is likely to remain approximately the same whether Mr...
...Criticism of The Fabne Schools All through '.he last decade of the nineteenth century and with increasing in-1 aistence in ibis century complaints were heard in trade union conventions regarding the reactionary character of many public schools and, especially, of the higher institutions of learning...
...Jobs Keep Shrinking Despite intensive'Industrial activity in August, says the Labor Bureau, Inc., employment is S per cent under the August, 1927...
...The Socialist Candidate* Standing for this program are the candidates,' Norman Thomas and James . Maurer...
...7) the outlawry of war...
...They asserted that it meant getting something for nothing...
...But youth cannot be chained to the past and eagerness to know something beyond the horizon of conservative elders is evident even in classes established by conservative trade unions...
...Educational boards were frequently stacked with conservative fossils Text hooks were too often official apolo fries for economic injustice...
...Textiles showed a shinkage of 7 per cent...
...A vote for Thomas- will not be misinterpreted...
...The capitalist...
...On Public Utilities Governor Smith, while advocating the generation cf hydro-electric power by the public at Muscle Shoals and Boulder Dam, is definitely committed to private distribution of electricity...
...Smith hitched to a platform which, as Mr...
...does not include the extending of a friendly hand to Rustic...
...Doren Julian Duncan JOrnntta L. Dwieht Louis Brit _ B. W. Prank Margaret X. Forsyth Helen Hamlin Ftneke Freedrlck V. Field Roland A. Gibson Elisabeth Oilman Any Blanche Greene Katharine C. '* fherlotte B. aSaS Alfred Hire, Caroll Bo&lster hoy D. Budaea Jeaeie W w5L...
...2) the making of private loans end investments In foreign countries only at the sole risk of the investor: (3) the cancellation of foreign war debts on condition of a corresponding remUrdon of reparations obligations of the central Powers and a reduction in the military expenditures...
...Teachers were frequently political appointees or honest servants terrori'.ed by banking and capitalist members of school boards...
...In Norman Thomas liberals find a man of great intellectual power, of unquestioned integrity and courage, of constructive social vision: a man who for the last decade or more has devoted himself unceasingly to the defense of civil liberties, to the promotion of world peace, to the cause of labor and industrial democracy...
...Should Progressive Support Norman Thomas An Open Letter to American Liberals and Progressives by the Independent Committees for Thomas and'Maurer OPO Amertcaij iiberais and uiuawaalwa: This letter is add .eased to you, as a progressiva determine* to hare his vote count most effectively In this campaign on the side of social Justice...
...Adama Fred...
...In James H. Mauser, for sixteen years president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Leber, they find one of the most constructive end Internationally minded labor feeders in the country...
...In this as in other campaigns the lib-1 eral Is asking whether-or not more can be accomplished by voting for the lesser of two evils—The Republican or the Democratic party—>Uan by voting for a third party that ; tar as for genuinely progressive ideals...
...Sad experience ahowed that popular education in the hands of their enemies could be a power exerted against the workers themselves...
...This appearance of independent education organized and maintained by labor and Socialist organizations is evidence that the formal popular education provided by public and sectarian schoo's is not satisfactory to the working people...
...Herbert Hoover The Republicans are urging liberals to rote for Mr...
...His running mate, Senator Robinson, has a batting average cf 667 for the power trust on the basis of his Senat* votes...
...Roosevelt, Wilson—even though they held nothing but abhorren...
...The Socialist platfotm admirably Incorporates the principal demands of American progressives...
...It lacks something and the workfis have decided to-supply It themselves...
...XvrSSlS8-*' Paul, it um*m WRITERS', ARTISTS' AND FCm...
...loves children, is under no obligation to a corrurt Tammany Ball, knows the Western farmer, is a Quaker and a "dry" Democrats are asking liberals to vote for Al Smith, on the ground that Al has declared for public development of certain hydro-elect) lc undertakings, has favored certain social legislation, is a good administrator, has perscnal charm...
...The whole WTld has changed since the appearance of the small shop and plant with a few employes who were on terms of personal intimacy with the owners...
...The Socialist Platform The American liberal in this campaign has a similar opportunity to lay the foundation for a genuine party of progress and social Justice In this country by supporting the Socialist party ticket...
...4) the restoration of civil liberties...
...Nor dees Governor Smith's record on regulation of the private electrical companies in Hew York give much promise of advance...
...It explores the unknown...
...Branded as "Agrarianism" and "Socialism," the organised workers fought for decades and finally broke the resistance of the ruling classes...
...Thnt is, the workmen who would agree to s'^n a paper declaring that they were unr.ble to pay for the education of their chi'.dren were permitted1 to send their children to the "pauper schools...
...In International relations, the Socialist party recommends: (t> the withdrawal of our troops from Nicaragua...
...S) the enactment of an antl-lynching law, making participation in lynching a felony, and <6) a comprehensive agricultural program...
...Ethel Patm William Plekeaa Frleurtch H. Reckbr W» C. M. TTWauii O. Rniaell L. H. Safe Mary oTstNesav Charles 8ch»l...

Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 42

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