Smith Losing Labor Vote To Thomas Straw Ballots Show Governor's Wall Street Bid Factor Trade Union Conference Organizes To Roll Up Big Vote For Socialists JN bidding 86 boldly for...

...This,statement by G. August Gerber, 15 East 40th Street, New York City, national campaign manager of the Socialist Party, issued this week, was based upon a series of straw votes taken among typical groups of workingmen in and about New York and (he actions of recent conventions of official labor bodies with regard to the presidential campaign...
...would be glad to work and organise in the south...
...Thomas' vote is surprisingly high while Smith's small lead would indicate a tremendous drop from his usual majorities in New York City, since labor furnishes so large a proportion of that vote...
...Wets will find no consolation in either party...
...Must it be reduced to 234 (jr may it be increased to 2}$ ? If wet Smith is added to dry Robinson what is the sum of the two...
...Labor" Raps Radio Board on WEVD Decision Suggested Interest of Commissioners In Views Expressed, Draws Editorial Fire WASHINGTON.—"Labor ia not in any sense a Socialist paper," says an editorial in the Labor Day edition of that organ of the rail labor unions and brotherhoods...
...Both parties share equally in the mess ami the man or woman who thinks that by voting for either Smith or Hoover the wet or dry will get satisfaction in plain words is a boob...
...Yet both survive...
...They and all their gabble are not worth two whoops in Hades for the settlement of any genuine problems in American life...
...Textile Union Is Planning New Strategy Concentration of Efforts On the South One Point In Program Proposed by Muste nKFOBI the September convention of...
...They yowl denunciations at each other...
...Discussing the growing displacement of skilled workers by machinery, Green declared that labor must see to it that the benefits from the use of more machinery and power shall come to the workers...
...It then submitted the Eighteenth Amendment for a vote of the states...
...They seem to think they have the right...
...If they wish to exercise it...
...Is 2y2 per cent, intoxicating...
...Moreover, it is of no use for labor to...
...We permit the 12, 11, 10 and 9-hour workday to pass from our minds...
...The call for the conference was sent to representative trade unionists, such as shop chairmen, officers, general executive board members, business agents and specially elected delegates...
...If the Silk Workers come into the U. T. W., a real effort can be made to line up big ptuduosrain Alien town, Reading and other eastern Pennsylvania cities now competing...
...Hundreds of thousands of working people have secured the five day workweek...
...Or it may be the unemployed workman of the cities, or the wretched miner facing hideous poverty for his family, or the textile worker mercilessly skinned and vegetating on a low standard of living...
...It is good for campaigns for many years to come and they expect to use it to prevent any real thinking and action in political life...
...They tear their shirts...
...With a united putt, the U. T. W. executive coons* ba~ ttevea the south ia not at all hepetem and will be organised in this generation...
...The rapid expansion of textiles In the south, the Impending competition between cotton .and steel, furniture "and coal for unused labor supply and the development of aa Industrial class of workers make the sooth a promising field...
...Some day he will act for himself and his class and that means the end of the old parties and the old bunk of the politicals brokers...
...Gerber, show a remarkable rise in sentiment for Norman Thomas, mainly at the expense of Smith...
...Philadelphia has been a rotten borough of Republican brokers for many years just as New York has been a rotten borough of Democratic brokers...
...the city central hnrUea and new organizations such aa the Piedmont Organizing Council would be essential to back up all these efforts...
...Gerber in presenting the results of the straw vote...
...Mayor Walker at the Philadelphia SesquiCentennial said: "If Bill Vare, Fred Kendrick and Charley Hall lived in New York Cify tltey'd be Tammany leaders, and if John McCooey, Judge Olvany and Jim Egan lived in Philadelphia they'd be making up the Republican slate...
...The straw votes, says Mr...
...Consider the record of the two parties for a moment...
...Salem Local 33 has union conditions in am, important section of the sheeting trade, and Philadelphia carpet weavers are an important factor...
...Smith is' beginning to find that he cannot have both ate classes and the masses...
...he may go out of business...
...Green Demands 5-Day Week in Labor Day Talk Declares Shorter Hours Is One of Chief Objectives of A. F. of L. CLEVELAND.—One of the chief objectives of the American Federation of Labor is the establishment of the five day workweek in all lines of industry, William Green, president of the Federation, told his Labor Day audience in Cleveland...
...It is the defender of the weak and the foe of wrong...
...Law enforcement...
...Drys will find no consolation in the action of either part...
...Gerber also claims that organized labor, which, under the leadership of the late Samuel Gompers, was consistently a supporter of the national Democratic Ucket exfcept for the 1924 lapse in behalf of LaFollette, has this year, for the first time, refused to endorse the Democratic candidate for President Sees Revulsion to Smith Mr...
...The station has pursued a very satisfactory policy.' "Satisfactory to whom...
...The public mind has accepted this change and public opinion has placed upon it the stamp of approval...
...Prospects bleak...
...It was organized labor that forced these changes...'re constantly losing track of him...
...Labor supposed that speech was free in this country—except of course, When some police chief or federal Judge chose to interfere—without regard to whether the speaker could muster a substantial or unsubstantial minority to back him...
...If Hoover will enforce and consider grave abuses what does that mean ? If winking at the Eighteenth Amendment is nullification, is searching without a warrant nullification of the Fourth Amendment ? Is the question a religious, a moral, an economic, or a political issue...
...Gerber attributes labor's lukewsrmness towards Smith, coming as it does ia the face of Smith's extravagant avowals df friendship for labor and his extreme wet views, to a popular revulsion among workingmen against Smith's new-found backers in the realm of big business and finance...
...Labor rejoices that the Debs Memorial Radio Station, dedicated to Socialism, retains ita license...
...It win demand as steps toward placing the industry on a higher level, the scrapping of old machinery, elimination of waste, development of the market and new styles and of more stable units for buying, soiling and manufacturing...
...He wants economic security, an assured home, comfortable surroundings, leisure for himself and wife, play and education for his children...
...Volstead Act...
...The conference of the New York Trade Union Campaign Committee for Norman Thomas which met Wednesday, September 5th, at 5:30 P. M., in Webster Hall, 11th Street, .east of Fourth Avenue, said Gerber demonstrated by the number of delegates and the massed voting strength they will represent, the extent to which the campaign is benefiting from the revulsion against Smith anions' what he terms "progressive workingmen...
...To ta"vie this tremendous Job, the council outlined three methods, The union will cooperate with liberal organisations of women and iijinpsflisfln leaden in the fight on long hoars and night work...
...Its victories and defeats are milestones that mark the workers' march to a higher and better life...
...Smith Hoover Thomas . IK 97 92 RT7ILDING TRADES: 341 canvassed in Manhattan and Brooklyn...
...Raskob, DuPont, financial and industrial magsates, may help raise a big campaign food but they are arousing the suspicions of millions of working-men who are within the reach of Socialist campaigners...
...He isnt dependable...
...We're all God's children and J don't believe in taking party politics too seriously...
...We must find a way...
...None the leas...
...This has been the significant accomplishment of labor during the past year...
...We forget the days of unchecked child labor, of company stores many of us were compelled to patronize, of unguarded machinery, of no compensation laws and other ills that truly made workers the brother to the ox...
...Life is hard...
...This polcy would be based on iron resistance to wage cuts, a drastic reduction in hours with the five day week and six hour day as a goal, complete summation of meat work, Improvement in child labor legislation and drastic enforcement of existing laws, a sound system of apprenticeship and union share in shop organisation...
...Ac Republican Congress passed the Volstead Act the enforcement of which has become a matter of wild controversy...
...with Peterson...
...The call was issued by Abraham I. Shiplacoff, former member of the New York Legislature and Board of Alderman, now head of the International Leather Goods Workers' Union as chairman, and Edward F. Cassidy, also a former member of the Legislature and Board of Aldermen, as secretary...
...Anybody who thinks that the statesmen and politicians who brought about the present mess will ever give it up as an "issue" is certainly credulous...
...SPRINGFIELD, 111.—"We are prone to forget", declared Secretary Frank Morrison, American Federation of Labor, at the Springfield federation's Labor Day demonstration...
...This great economic reform," said Green, "is made possible through the installation of improved machinery, the development of skill arid science, and an increasing use of electrical power...
...Smith Losing Labor Vote To Thomas Straw Ballots Show Governor's Wall Street Bid Factor Trade Union Conference Organizes To Roll Up Big Vote For Socialists JN bidding 86 boldly for Wall Street support, Alfred E. Smith has caused a revolt against him among the masses of voters who have created his career...
...The cooperation of the general labor movement, and particularly the state f*S> eratkms...
...This program is already In partial operation in the full fashioned hosiery, carpet and sheeting divisions...
...Many editors, college professors and religious leaders in the south have also fought against Industrial feudalism and for the right of workers to organise...
...However, it was right and necessary that the Federation furnish to its members all available information as to the candidates and platforms, since the labor movement is intimately concerned with the economic and political forces which determine the condition of the workers' lives...
...Green said that men and women on joining the Federation were guaranteed the exercise of political freedom...
...To Concentrate est Bssith To achieve organ last ton-in the beats cotton, wool and silk branches, the cooncil decided to concentrate first on the south to prevent the building up of a permanently non-union district...
...Personal liberty...
...Hosiery Union Scheme Fniifni All these moves would require a mom consolidated industry to replace the present hodgepodge of cutthroat competition between north and south, and bet— individual mill owners in both aectisna "It doesn't pay to tackle the small unita, the little fellow," Dean Muste said In outlining a program to members of the executive council...
...The gentlemen of the Radio Commission take themselves too seriously...
...We overlook conditions that existed within the memory of even the youngest of our members...
...P.)—Installation of hundreds of automatic looms mean that many weavers will be jobless when the mills re-open...
...Who cares a cancelled postage stamp about the views of Individual members of the commission' concerning what is broadcast from this or any other station, so long as it does not violate the law...
...The council was urged to approve a policy of cooperating with manufacturers, "not because we are Interested in you, but because we are interested in these workers whom we represent...
...Is it a matter of state rights or does it come within Federal jurisdiction...
...But there are remarks in the decision of the Radio Commission in this case which cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged...
...The trade union is the cradle of democracy...
...Cheered by the results of this straw vote, Socialists now plan, according to Mr...
...And about what...
...Smith Hoover Thomas 113 192 93 LONGSHOREMEN: 283 canvassed in Hoboken, Jersey City, Bosh Terminals and West Street, New York...
...Is it 2.75 percent or one-half of 1 percent...
...Labor seeks an opportunity to cooperate with the representatives of industry and the government in considering the serious problem of machine displacement with a view to finding a remedy...
...Frank Morrison Speaks at Springfield, III...
...It is a godsend to them...
...Search the record of the two parties in Congress and the above paragraph is a tabloid history of what happened...
...Smith Hoover Thomas 13* 109 192 TEAMSTERS: 398 canvassed at West Street, South Street, Bush Terminals and the Bronx...
...The Hosiery Workers Federation has achieved sound footing In its division...
...It is a godsend to parties and politicians who have no issue and no differences...
...Gerber finds comfort in the straw vote In pointing out that Mr...
...BsmMshaj the hostility to unionism throughout that south and the negative attitude of southern mill workers toward organisation, the council puma energetic work at first through friendly women's organlxauona, liberal editors and teachers and workarorganiaers...
...Thus: " 'Some of the doctrines broadcast over the station would not meet the approval of 'inividual members of the Commission...
...Such a station must be conducted with due regard to the opinions of others.' "Why* Labor lsnt conducted with a 'due regard' to the opinions of the Wan Street Journal, nor vice versa...
...the United Textile Workers WU as laM a comprehensive Schwann for the organisation of the industry, outlined by Dean A. J. Masts of Biuuhwuod Labor Collage and approved by the organise tioa*a —acnttve council at Its last meettag at Brookwood...
...Herewith is the compilation of the straw vpte among New York labor men: LABOR PRESIDENTIAL STRAW VOTE RAILROAD MEN: 291 canvassed In yards of Pennsylvania R- H., Erie R. R., C. R. R. of N. J-, Lehigh Valley, West Shore and D. L. & W. yards in North Jersey...
...The struggle grinding...
...Republicans and Democrats appear on the scene...
...Explaining why no political ticket had been endorsed by the executive council of the A. F. of L. this year...
...Smith ¦ Hoover Thomas 94 92 _ 77 GARMENT TRADES: 411 canvassed in Manhattan and Brooklyn...
...Neither honest wets or drys will get any satisfaction from either party...
...We are fools to play their game...
...A Democratic Congress passed the Webb-Kenyon Act which prohibited shipment of liquor from one state into another...
...The people want, expect, and in the end will fight tor free speech over the radio as well as anywhere else...
...But here is an "issue" that may be used to smother thinking on questions worth while...
...and that It le something America can tolerate...
...The commission will not draw the line on any station doing an altruistic work, or which is the mouthpiece of a substantial political or religious minority...
...He begins to think of himself, his neighbor, his shopmate, his wife and children...
...They bear equal responsibility for the present muddle and they have no genuine desire that we shall get out of it...
...Smith Hoover Thomas 13 5 129 147 Despite Smith's lead, Mr...
...When we refuse to take these fakers seriously we will deal with serious questions and come into our own by ruling in the seats ofjrower...
...The United Textile Workers is wflUng to cooperate with employers toward strengthening an archaic highly competitive industry...
...We have not exhausted the "issues" that are at hand for the professional political fakers...
...The emsaePn* utugiam cans for a bream csmpajga to organise the heart of the textile Industry in the OarnMnss, Georgia and Alabama, after northern unions have been consolidated and partly organised branches such as sheeting, hosiery and carpets farther strengthened...
...Consider the farmer who faces the wreck of hopes of a lifetime, the man who is ruined by the parties who have neglected him to legislate lor hankers and capitalists...
...Enthusiasm and hero-worship which quite generally characterized the attitude of many of these people towards Smith in the past is fast being replaced by a bitterness, engendered by a feeling that his open bid for Wall Street support is in the nature of a betrayal of his avowals of loyalty to the common people," comments Mr...
...he said, "by which every man and woman is accorded an opportunity to secure employment, give service and receive wages...
...The straw-vote under Socialist auspices, taken among more than 1,600 railroad workers, longshoremen, building trades workers, teamsters and needle trades workers in and near New York City gives Smith a percentage of only 35.6, with Hoover dose behind with 32.8 and Norman Thomas with 31.6...
...fight the ten<*—~7 toward mechanisation and centralization, for it is inevitable...
...And whose business is it...
...Young workers scat college students, still free **m**ig...
...Whoever he iis, he belongs to the toiling millions who enrich the idlers who own this nation...
...The parties of capitalism have ignored him and his problems...
...Gerber, an intensive drive against Smith among the workingmen of the nation and particularly in New York City, Smith's stronghold...
...Bunk To Fool The Boobs Wet and Dry "Issue" a Godsend to Old Political Fakers JX all the gabble by the politicians regarding the muddled liquor controversy not one voter in a thousand understands the record of the Republican and Democratic parties on this matter...
...The Y. W. O. Skv the League of Women Voters and the National Women's Trade Union League have attacked these evils vigorously...
...Why 'substantial' and who la to decide what constitutes t substantial minority... set up a censorship...

Vol. 7 • September 1928 • No. 38

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