Porters Called Out On Strike Walkout Scheduled For Friday—Randolph Denounces Pullman Co. Tactics ^8 a result of the refusal of the Pullman Company to meet the representatives duly...

...This was the place in which Martov served his term of banishment more than 30 years ago...
...Usually the party leaders stage some fierce party battles on the eve, of the national nominating conventions "but there is not even « pillow fight this year...
...The exiles are Intended slowly to pine away there, both physically and orally delivered over to the will of a brutal and dishonest administration, formed of various dubious elements, which cannot even be supervised by the central authorities...
...And thus the exiles and prisoners In Chlva are still completely delivered over to the will of the criminal local authorities...
...Professor Maurer attended the amUss and arose to support an inquiry lata certain funds to be collected and ssket whether the meeting favored or copses organised labor...
...His "Articulation" Bad "Articulation" with the community evidently means lining up with the organised business and professional rasa, ret of whom from three counties seat In Athens on May 1 to back up a awwasisal to end the strike...
...At the Begmnmg of February of this year all banished persons were arrested en the charge of having carried on propaganda among the natives, which is an absurdity ss the exiles have no knowledge of the language of the natives, and the low standard of culture of the natives make such propaganda impossible...
...Now both comrades, who have already been through so many Bolshevist prisons are to to be banished to Turuchansk for a further three years...
...Out In the provinces there is the belief that party battles are fought here by party representatives...
...Porters tips average $58.00 a month out of which they must pay $33.00 as occupational expense for shoe polish, food en transit and at termini and two uniforms a year," said the organiser...
...Pullman Company recognizes its conductors union, the porters feci that they are entitled to similar treatment...
...Among these comrades who have been detained In prison and In banishment continuously since' 1034 there are comrades E. Petrenko and his wife Helena, both of them veteran comrades who have been active in the Party for a quarter of a century...
...This report for which Sterling voted declared: "Patriotically Secretaries Denby and Fall sought to effect what would avoid the possibility of a repetition of World War experience, at least so far as oil was concerned.'' The Defender ef Coan Following this...
...Miners Aid Professor Ohio Fired Union Forms Def«tW« Committee For msuiu -State Investigation Dr> itianded <By a Mew Leader — 111 jail) A THBNS, Ohio.—Strike-breaking sib...
...of secret societies...
...Says General Organiser Randolph: "An affirmative vote for a nation-wide strike of Pullman porters and maids on Pullman property registered 6,013, with less than fifty voting against a walkoat...
...Like meat other "lame ducks," he did not return to his native State but remained in Washington...
...This is presumably the amnesty, which the Soviet Government so solemnly announced on its 10th anniversary...
...The American Civil Liberties OsJto voted to investigate the case through Si committee on Academic Freedom sag to invite an investigation by other interested organizations...
...He continued, "it is my earnest wish that a strike of the porters and maids may be avoided, the Brotherhood would - like to settle the dispute according to modern, civilised methods o| negotiation through discussion in conference, as is provided' by the Railway Labor Act...
...The appointment of Sterling was vigorousljt supported by Senator Kendrick, Democrat of Wyoming, the state in which the .Salt Creek Field Is located...
...Senator Sterling became the principal defender of the activities of Blair Coan, who, according to witnesses before the Borah committee, was sent into Montana by the Republican National Committee to "smear" Senators Walsh and Wheeler, who were at that time prosecuting the Investigations of the Department of Justice under Harry M. Daugherty...
...that the steamer connection to JenniseJ is only possible during the short polar summer...
...Since then things have not Improved In Turuchansk, but have got worse...
...Philip Randolph, Gen...
...Comrade Petrenko was after the March revolution Vice-Mayor of the town of Rostov on the Don, as representative of the working-class there...
...This 'was too much fat the employing Interests who wanted a freer hand for their propaganda and began to apply pressure on the profcSnr...
...However, the organization has resorted to every reasonable and honorable means to get the Pullman Company to meet the Brotherhoods' representatives to talk over the cause of the dispute with a view of settling same, but to no avail...
...When the coal strike began Master, who, by arrangement between the prescient of the university and the publisher, has also been serving as city-district editor of the Athens Messenger, the eotr dally paper In the Hocking Valley, endeavored to report Impartially the Indiatrial conflict...
...In factj: the merging of the leading members of the two parties into one in action and thought is • striking phase of this year of American politics...
...Largely because of his record in connection with Newberry and Naval oil lease cases and the defence of Daugherty, Senator Sterling was defeated for reelection as Senator from South Dakota in 1924...
...Teapot Dome Apologiet Is Made "Investigator" Of Salt Creek Scandal G. O. P. and Democrats Instal Sterling as Counsel—He Defended StoolPigeon Coan (By A New Lm««r Oart—asad—t) YSJ/ASHINOTON...
...The selection means a Republican-Democratic whitewash of the Salt Creek jobbery...
...and as a result of the failure of the Porters' Union to get a remedy for the wrongs of the porters and maids from the Interstate Commerce Commission, according to A. Philip Randolph, General Organiser and M. P. Webster, Chicago Division Organiser, who constitute the Union Strike Committee, a strike has been ordered to take place the 8th day of June, Friday noon...
...But neither he nor any other lawyer has yet obtained even pwmfcsirm to see the prisoners...
...In fact, thereds no fight at all...
...This happened without any kind of motive or occasion...
...Since the...
...Now the rising wrath and resentment of the porters and maids against the attitude of the Company toward their Union has brought a strike situation upon the Company and the traveling public...
...The Swedish Socialist District Organisation of Finland at Ms 11th annual Congress on the 21st and 22nd April, 192&, passed a resolution against such proceedings...
...It appears that the leaders have come to the conclusion that they can openly fraternize in support of monstrous capitalist Interests without any retaliation in November...
...that provisions are scarce and dear, and that the exiled, who are forbidden any kind of employment, receive about 6 roubles per month as "government maintenance,"—when all this is recalled it will be clear that banishment to Turchansk is only a veiled form of death sentence...
...Among these are twe members of Parliament, as well as the Secretary of the National Trade Unlor Federation A. Tuommen, the Secretarj of the Sport organisation and others The working-class of Finland and of the neighboring states is much agitated by these arrests, the grounds for which the authorities explain no further than that it Is not a question of espionage affairs but...
...Gave Facts in Bis Paper Tile Round Table at Ohio University, local chapter of the League for Iodoetrial Democracy, has appointed a etudeat committee to secure the facts about Maurer's dismissal from the imelisea of the university and others eonceftad...
...Plans for nation-wide picketing have been perfected to execute the strike and the moral influence of the Standard Railroad Unions have been assured...
...SURVEY OF PORTO BIC AN POVERTY Washington—The Brookings Institution, a research foundation, announces a complete economic and industrial survey of Porto Rico...
...Strike meetings in every district will be held tonight and every night thereafter throughout the strike...
...Monday, June 4th", says Randolph, "Mr...
...The selection by the Senate Committee on Public Lands of former Senator Thomas Sterling to investigate the Salt Creek oil leases is a •remarkable feature of cooperation between leading Republican and Democratic Senators in support of the power trust and its allies...
...It recently made a report on the nussrahU iwiidlllssse of the /»the forefront of the strike of 47,0* textile workers in New Bedfort, Mass., ike strikers are fortunate m *o*e*w- **ch able leaders Ms William E. G. Batty and Abraham Bmns, heat strike leaders, :¦ and Horace M. Xiaiere, general oraaniser of United Textile . Workers of America...
...Turuchansk is an enormous district over which at every 50-60 kilometres little primitive settlements of 5 to 15 impoverished huts are scattered...
...D. O—One who is on " the ground looking at the big machine which we call government wonders what would happen If the millions of voters could get an inside view of the action* of the tenders of this machine...
...Soviet Police Kill Socialist Held In Jail Fellow Prisoners go On Hunger Strike—Veteran Kent in Banishment mv&*\2r$!n&''fitasstto* ef A the Russian Soael-Oemocrattc Party has received the following communication from Soviet Russia: -In the town ef Ciuva is Turkestan there are some dozens of political exiles tsMttsaeg from aafopean Russia, motudtng a majority of Jewish Zionists Of varius nuances...
...2) the delivery of the body for burial by comrades...
...Cries of "threw bet out" greeted this inquiry, and a few Ons later a commmlttee waited upon tat paV li&her of the Messenger and daesaadsl Maurer's 'immediate discharge...
...most conspicuous activity was s strenuous attempt to obtain the passage after the close* of the World War of a drastic sedition law which would have seriously curtailed .freedom of speech and of the press hi the United States...
...Bush, the publisher, hi turn, passes the buck to the public saying that Maurer does not "artlcatos" well with the community...
...that the post in spring and autumn does not function at an for 2-3 months...
...It Mew ment among the miners at these repressive tactics would make this a teems movement just now and the presesnt and the publisher are sitting tight ants June 30 when Maurer's Job m schsdsks to end...
...terests to the coal fields of smthaa Ohio are meeting opposition in their efforts to oust from Ohio University Athens, a tar-supported tostSaiem, Wei...
...The Swedish socialist George Branting has undertaken the defence of the communists arrested In Finland...
...Signed) Strike Committee, "A...
...Communists Seised By Police in Finland (By A New fcssasc CserssaeadsaCI Paris.—The political police of Pinlanc have been making numerous arrests Some 30 officials of the Communist Part] have been arrested...
...The American Federation of Labor has been co-operating with the Brotherhood from its inception," observed Randolph...
...The union demands $150.00 a month and 340-hour month or 8-hour day...
...In order to gauge the infamy involved In subjecting people, already weakened by years of imprisonment, to such a punishment, it should be mentioned that Turuchansk belonged to the very worst places of banishment of Czar 1st Russia...
...Upon completion of the strike vote which was begun on the 5th of April, representations of the status of the vote were made to the United States Mediation Board...
...The committee Is escalating petitions throughout the valley sag among local unions demanding that Governor Vic Dona hey institute an toamS ate Investigation into the alleged ccgjrel over the governing body of the universe* by representatives of organised coal spera tors and employing Interests...
...ed to Inform all Pullman porters and maids that on account of the refusal of the Pullman Company to settle dispute on recognition, wages and working condition with the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters—a strike shall be declared and enforced on all Pullman property the 8th day of June, Friday noon, unless there Is cause for change of which you will be advised...
...ley H. Maurer, an assistant prscssssi el journalism, whose "offense'* has bees fairness to the cause of the sBBgfcg miners...
...The present wage Is $72.90 a month and hourage nearly 400...
...3) the punishment of the murderer and of the Assistant Governor of the prison, who systematically Inflicted physical ill-treatment on the prisoners...
...In this he was supported by Senator Plttman of Nevada and other Democratic members of the committee which is • to conduct the investigation...
...Although the majority of the Borah Committee exonerated Senator Wheeler and vigorously condemned Coan and those who were responsible for his activities, Sterling, single-handed, brought in a minority report denouncing Wheeler and defending Daugherty...
...The winter lasts about 8 months with very severe cold down to 55 degrees C. Neither cereals nor vegetables nor any kind of useful plants grow there...
...If one recalls that Turuchansk is situated in Northern Siberia close to the Arctic circle at a distance of about 1,500 kilometres from the nearest railway station Krasnoyarsk...
...The cooperation of certain Democratic Senators with Republican Senators in the fight against the Boulder Dam and the Muscle Shoals bills should give these voters much to ponder...
...The population consists of Tunguasans, Samoyedes and other natives...
...Senator Sterling during his 12 years' service la the Senate was regarded as an ultra-msise i fati^e Republican, Ha...
...P. Webster, Chicago Dlv, Org...
...Union miners at a mass meeting 1^ last week to the Hocking Valley rasssl to Maurer's support by forming a deseasj committee...
...The following telegram has been sent to the various organizers and membership tri the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters throughout the country: "You are herewith advised and order...
...On 17th February when the prisonem were taking a walk In the prison court yard the guard on duty murderously shot in the back of the head the prisoner Samuel Bronnsteln, from Odessa, who was a member of the Zionist-Socialist Party...
...Edwin IJ, Morrow, member of the Board...
...Tactics ^8 a result of the refusal of the Pullman Company to meet the representatives duly authorised, selected and designated by the Pullman porters and maids who are members of the Brothev hood of Sleeping Car Porters, In conference...
...The first two demands were agreed to, but the guilty went unpunished, and '. the abominable crime against a defenceless person una toned...
...Henry T. Hunt, counsel for the union and myself presented the facts concerning the existing emergency between the porters and the Pullman Company to the Mediation Board...
...The climatic conditions are as bed as can be imagined...
...E. B. Byan, the president,.in settf ylng Maurer In April that he will not ee reappointed in June, says that the university is satisfied with his work, tot .that the publisher of the Messenger a dissatisfied...
...The fellow-prisoners at once declared a hunger-strike and demanded (1) a post-mortem examination of the corps by a curt...
...that In the whole district there Is not a single doctor available...
...He waa also one of the principal supporters of the seating of Truman H. Newberry of Michigan After evidence was developed of the transmission of Liberty bonds and cash from Harry F. Sinclair and E. L. Dobeny to Albert B. Pall, then Secretary of the Interior, Sterling voted against the majority report presented by Senator Walsh condemning the Naval oil leases, and for the minority report presented by the late Senator Seldon P. Spencer, "whitewashing" those leases...
...and as a result of the Company's refusal to accept mediation or arbitration of the dispute when urged and recommended by Hon...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 25

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