COMMUNIST SPLIT TALKED OF IN FRANCE Irf9scow EWMoq Ordv)rg Dir*»b Asdgejr *t CaMAx Pieuch Sectoajst Party'-met' frent May 2« to 30 st Toulouse. The-political situation which has fwsged from...

...Then, when everybody supposed that the 1 platform had toeec adopted long ago...
...Nothing short of this platform can he scgerdsd as s<kv...
...horns, rattling cow-bells, shattering tables, parading in collegl»te sRda^ asst .ipulatoltog exwsss* to saaS>yv dpfs^oetor gn* onjow...
...n^H tekCBI d^ssBgs\ td> Jp*W4~ tee toes* to order to, sgase, Jhg asto^vssdtoa anssx^ajtSfisel seats...
...Also In the Prussian TcmsHeg there were probably 19 re-elected...
...women's oigautoatloiuT emphasising that where possible meetings shouM be arranged Jointly with • the 'Oerman women...
...Ctoccnw^ peebsl will be the tnastmastsr The dinner, wtosh will Inaugurate the Socialist, c^rrrpajrn in Trenton, is betog...
...Socialist, can* SWates for president and vtos president, tos been issued by the Rev...
...which lata the Deals for the control ef bnmrdous conditions to these trades...
...The capital, Prague, set the example...
...He is one of the ninety-four sent to the federal prison at Leavenworth, Kansas, to leU as an "obstructionist" to the war program, and received a ten year sentence from Judge Landis, which was commuted by President CoeUdge Christmas, .IMS............1L C C Again Reports • afore' Hair Layoffs Washington—The downward bend of rauroad employment continued In February, according to the interstate Commerce Commission, Its monthly report shows rauroad forces reduced to l,608v*311, compared with 1.730,520 In Pebruaiw 1927 and 1,783,555 in February, 1A23...
...pasajdJSai lor andgnr men* of dates tor Rtorjsaa Thomas and Jtones H. Maurer, OUT national standard bearers...
...Divorce rejertn bee similarly been shelved with the (Mesc^utooa ef the Reichstag...
...As Lovestone said in his address at the mass meeting, which opened the connection after the example of the Socialists...
...The- "BOStoastOomnsunist" total eaeeeds M.Oto...
...The Woman Elector," was published in...
...the sake of preventing the eieotten ot a reactionary.- u The decision was taken in...
...the "red crimson banner of revolutionary Psnpnssstomf had to* unfurled...
...wa^d sdth, an elective state campaign...
...j« L. The Vodnes' stealth Center' has martoged to carry eh undee1 perhaps more trying circumstances...
...We meet with revolutionary enthusiasm, communistic devotion, Lenuiistic realism, and Marxian understanding...
...norman took major part in rejeh poll 3ox£aJjst f«me9 Carried OaSpfwh- f^iMtff.nela - Meetiugr —-------— (By a New Loader pcrrespondent) nBRLzN.^The tl saSrtoto- women of J« wtotog age to Qermany brought a ' jreat sanjsysRdMSt to ths...
...ear)y SB the gkwterings included re*tattoos and llhknsjr by members -at the labor nsaassgsjls Sjsasgjd...
...fl^Ww" ..fe4"*1*8 whjeh to eyerjt fundamental sense are «a ^" .^,ai»k>.dv^tlnstiori between, jthese...
...Jgfewas Rke.^ subHmatecr scene on the* barracks the morning afteg...
...Thompson to now en his sixteenth nation-wide up walling tour...
...It was a gladous "red" convention, one that the Third International will relish when It gets the report cooked up by its chefs to America...
...The dissolved Reichstag had roused the indignation of women by Its various'fissions of-special interest to wumsu, for example, the questions of customs and provisions, including the ' restriction of the import of cheap frozen meat, ths abolition of the feeding of needy' children, and, on the other hand, Bs approval of s new armored cruiser, She 'Introduction of a law of a most reactionary-character, entitled "Protection of Cbimren Against Pornographic Literature," An attempt to pass s similar law with, the title, "Protection of Children at Rpcrearldh," failed... Merman Thssnas an* Jtomes Maurer...
...B. C. VhUtoik...
...A. general eoafecence..of radical and Bytopathetic csjs^stosjtonui ]g ajao.on the eampalgn agenda for the city of Hartford which to a very promising field tor the psyty...
...It to expected to tto these...
...HolmoB' indorsement wits rsnde public at the Mai eS^j^^Hesxiaje.rSarii kf.tbg Sag ^'^r-.ti .rjds^astou^ (tt * . "I am suppprt^ng ithe Socialist Ticket In the present...
...Tndlvlrtual constituencies also arranged activities of their own... the anyalysto of the election returns showing, ths disregard of Moscow's orders displayed by tons of tooranwiah at...
...organHsationa into an effectlye working,machine for the Socialist Party csmtsdgn...
...The literature which the party issued to ths feem of leaflets, ruunpbkds and newspapers, was addrcsrrd simuTtanrrwiBbr to 'somen end men electors...
...About 24 of these had absolutely safe seats...
...In other constituencies women Comrades provided "totters" for circulation'to acvuufitances, friend* «nd relatives...
...thott Place...
...M Bxwwn, an ex-a^teoopauan Bishop, in whose title toe ConunnntoU glory...
...m one year .more' than 112,600 railroad workers lost their Jobs and 179.184 who were on the payrolls in 1933 have been forced to look elsewhere for a livelihood...
...VaiilanUCoutuzisr did loss.his seat in the Chamber, hut Oschto«was reelected...
...i^Obody discussed anything/' '-.-My JcMUSdi the Central BaecuUrC' XWlthj>U»»« JMjg heavy, chairman, vice ' chairman and honorary chairmen there were a-plenty, but William W. Welnstone, New Yprk Secretary, pulled ! the puppet strings...
...These, two inen In ;lntcdasjenss...
...fu^lla, without a Soviet govness was not to be nationalised but the eighteenth amendment and the Volstead A«jt were to to repnsjod and the explanation therefor , hasgrlnkjed...
...By' .way of a starUw tto) city of WaAacbury, que of the rnosij reaotionary open, shop to,wns in the cowuxy, hap been organised with a local of Uurteeu members, Jasper McLevey and Rtate...
...A ftlnt program was arranged between the Bohemian and Oerman women, and it was decided this year to demonstrate tn favor of protection of mothers and children add* for world peace...
...The revolution was there—in thai ball, on the platform, to the red flag, : tSba International Soviet ruled the earth...
...Leader Declswes' J^u widnmemant of Norman Thomas -. and James H. Maursc...
...They mouthed the slogans of what they called "com-MBW-nism...
...America should not only be proud but Bud It actually necessary to support...
...Some were miner...
...dpjstt^ujjsjgsrn^to • be aheetohsd and .Aha...
...turned by Masuilsky, tried to tn te Moscow to present his ease, but was Informed in the Embassy that he would receive no permission te enter Russia...
...She granting of sufficient credits by the Tsderal Oovenunent,, as .a smans Of ssbeulsstog Aawrlcaa todustry and ntonrtilng thai unemployed...
...Thanks to thto attitude on the part of the nomiTstl Cwmmuntot .vetoes, the sssestotoaQT eandidatea wees defeated la all tear dtotricte...
...Though this was a convention...
...In addition pubHc meetlugs of women were, held in 58 provincial towns...
...have, fpught a good fight for democracy, they have ^teto^^^^^u ^^^^^sS^^d^^^a^' can be bestowed" upon any leadm tn ear nssirtmn" llto...
...Presidential Oarn¦patgft,"' a...
...K was accepted wHh amendments—except those that Involved fundamental points which was for the C. E. C. to decide,— sod seat back to the Central Executive Committee for final scrutiny...
...Communists' Tin Horns Last Remains of "Leftism" Buried Again — tTn*mploymeiit Ehides Dimba | By Louis Stanley '£<OSFOUNLIED by the dialectical process, the^ first, rational nominating convection of the Workers' (Osnssanatot) Party solved Ms totornat contradictions by tooting tin...
...In addkiqn to this work the' State Exacuttve Committee win apply to the Natlorart...
...I am ssssyototog the Socialist ticket to tMs campaign, thkdly, because I hehaye...
...I am voting for the Socialist ticket in this campaign, secondly, because the Booiabst party hss written and is now presenting a platform which should command the support as it must stir the admiration of every forward-loek~ tog pemon...
...v* >ufa Ttt&sm !• Jamas »; . MSU/er,- S^ehdist candioate for vicerprestaep^ fty .(jp^Wpnrier: of 1 Fmasstt Jn Bsaetoov^lto, will, be the guest at honor st a dinner Jo-too given rln Trsntoiu I|ST> >ersey...
...Moscow against toe Judgment of the most active French Coesmuntot chiefs, including Marcel Oachin and ValUaat-Oowrurter, who protested bitterly, through the medium of Renaud-Jean and Jacques Doriot, to Msnultoky, a representative of the Communist International, at a held ta the Berlin Embassy of the Russian Government...
...w^re promised everythlpg ^utj^sus,;, >W( tbenj j^e »pltd Smtb was ajokui ,tp be "b|ewn up" sight away, now thsit ^e industrial north was to .the' C^oriinisato^coUuoa-' ^e, feTogmto rh»us...
...The local sections number 3,398, *s against 3.323 In 1936...
...The dragged along listlessly until the hn horns freed the suppressed delegates...
...C.ft> Other¦ Rpwever, they have cotfaatlsely secured only U6 seats, whilst a), baw toas tenteited to the hourgeoele...
...the some 1060,060 citizens who voted Com...
...spootel asteatlea, Is gisen to.the ease of BsulFaure, sesretary Qf the Socialist Party, w^o was elected in the industrial citg pf fissusot op tor sessafi to*tot «t rpt« *t diss onjr,jM...
...distribution of seats a the working etost In Franc* had been ardted, and deanite the jojUt it would have appeared much, saore effectively bad net the waichwasd fzosi Mosanw to the' Communists laid down that they bad to consider the Socialists a*-, their . chief enemy...
...t Tbg Communists were not eqaal to securing by their cyan go warn a seat en the fippl ballot in any, cori3truea^y |hrodghout France., nn thai isonaff bsyd rtx obtained 14 seats only by dint of help' from the Socialists, wh» bad seriously at haart .to, fight against reaction and who therefore did not pay them back in their own cain1...
...Thus at the first ballot the working-class parties secured 1,743,000...
...On the first billot" M. Faure had only 8,918 votes, against 7,257 tor RatolUe...
...It bad already been accepted, but the Reichsrat, which has the Tight of objection, refused H. The lew for ths eampalgn ;sgabmrt sexuej diseases certainly fulfils two of womento demands, but it...
...The women's demonstrations were part of the eampalgn against political, social and cultural reaction, and formed one of the Joint parliamentary activities of the Socialist Parties of- sB nationalities ta Cxecho-Slovakia...
...tod" . rn^lerlalg put to...
...increased nuwaDerahjp far,the...
...Approximately IS- million voles were cast In the election...
...ehassctor, and espertonco, can most ccenpnrtom with any...
...In Begun a special women's newspaper...
...In s targe meeting of towueu there were two Botembm Speakers and one Oerman...
...The' Socialist, movement m Connecticut sxpaato t* come out of the caunpatop this year with an...
...The State Executive Committee has decided to tto up with U*.Massachusetts party organisation Jo routing apoakess, Ttoa Dsjrtssputh Ceijens stodepto...
...ut SKfe...
...The Workers' Health Bureau of America wUl he dtoanstttousd July 1st, to the auneusjcsment marie /by she executive Oouuatttee of the-Bureau...
...w» soon take the field tn a speaking and organizing tour of me two states...
...But, to the honor of the Cornmie)kh<V war Iters, it must be noted that in many of (hem class-consciousness was I stronger than the senseless Moscow watohword...
...The-political situation which has fwsged from the election* fox the French Chambers was in the foreground of the nrnrnulliigi The report of the Rational Council contains a review of party events since the Congress at Lyons, In 1108...
...The women's secretariats in Bohemia sect out written tost ructions to at...
...There wore cast for the Socialists roughly l.sso^oo, tor the Communists 1,070,000...
...There.were imssedtote demsnito but net such as would loaier the Uluslen that itbe tot of the worker eould fee Improved : under caput limn...
...Nothing iwas done to bolster up the capitalist system, eaoept tha "promotion of trade with the Union of Socialist Soviet Repueoea »y...
...oandi<to6esfojc th«.inro.htobast in this cctmbTt..WhetoTer,DoUttP^ rscard they mas tock tosaen ths« snadd wto a record of htrate .ass^tee A%, htttor oast, of the sreat masses of toe pwunoa pespla.of, jthto SBPntty- Tto« meaning of liberty, they...
...That this was »revolutionary convention there was no, doubt...
...i u . The working class, according to their total noU, should have been entitled to 169 seats in too new...
...i .atoraral amnm stog principles of the part* wede changed... the's f^tfeto lAbor ^Lyceum, lfa, MSncer...
...TeatUe Workers, Autsawhtte aedalshtrs...
...toM him that they would found a nest Communist Ratty to case the Mesnow order resulted to their defeat on the second ballet...
...But then the...
...Others i bajted from Neiw _. Bedford, stirred by 4Jhf Workers'., International Relief...
...great numbers...
...This opnskieraaie strength ought also te bars keen able to appear hi the...
...BSyhen McDey^ and lawis WUliaps.' The, dkmer •toto, be held...
...Above, all we*p, the Jiesyoes, thougtl those from Harienj, should, have knowjE better...
...Perhaps the fact that one of the Health Bureau's' leading executives has turned Corarndhtot,' may be- Tcspensifele' Sot the charge against- the A. F. of Id...
...In fact, two purses with contonts amounting te some six hundred dollars started, the process...
...Dartmouth Men ^o %ovr Connecticut In Car For Farty (By A New Isndnr OiihuhIW) JkJr^- SVA^.pmn,—At a^reoant ses^ aioa.of the State.Executive Uamraittee of ^he Bocto^tog, Pasfg plans, for, a pxqgjapa that i%Ul bring Conacctycujt.lprT...
...In addition, special pamphlets were published for I women...
...Wimen Racialists were quite cooscjtous of...
...They were.the pampered cbtlc?ren aft the convention...
...with "phrases denoting, the class relationship...
...buses donated SSSO te the Woefcoas* Pasty samnafcrn .fond and abswsssdtoa nstoay to bettor than Pssaarterton . - Half of the delegates were as innocent as little girls seduced by roues...
...A number of A. P. of L. ugtens have gives' suppest and tt appears to us that t£e 'blame cannot to' ptoofd at .tho door 6JP tJbhi h...
...figures were lie, i3A 27» and Sft... the districts of Nevera JX- flhstean Ohinon, Oosneand Oceni and ntoajrij, the Communist vote...
...4 Communist, who polled 218'votes...
...A biB tor the legal equality of lUegitonale children cdto togtttatste children dM net come up to any fuB sitting of Parliament...
...A small pamphlet, entitled Frauen Unterwegs'' ("Women on the March") was very attractive and presentdue...
...It seams to The New Leader unfortunate that the Bureau must close up...
...The mother of subscribers to advancing steadily...
...Party put forward 63 women among Its candidates...
...That John i Pepper, the envoy of the Communist International, had already outlined the platform which wee put «n sale the flret day of the convention, dad net seem to' stimulate' discussion...
...Hdswoo declared, '*nrst, her, 'cause 'the "ScclaUst >arty is now the 'country -ctoles of political refpnn ajjd soclar *to...
...Sunday evening, Awe tfttL...
...Accordingly, they represent substanlialay mace toan oneauartor of the total electorate, oser pee sent of alt sotea cast...
...Car bin and, VaWant-Couturiar learned that thela plea had keen to sain they are reported taham, called M Bernard, ths.seoeetov af tae> Pnsnch QBHsasaatob Party, to the 4aU where they wsa...
...ftosjds, toe easatokue of-the Iran, and svssV tolmustoj a tot got e*i5 votes, and M. Bros...
...That tote loss Xalto almost euttrahj on the Gottsmuntot* la a very poor crosoiation when, oansideced In cjwiasction with the tasks that the working ctow has t« fulfills) ths new Chamber...
...On Che second ballot the csiinu,liiiulaw...
...Other ^nattoaal speakers will also be needed for meetings in the state...
...Anybody who Ihlnks' tnaf he ii voting fen cir agah^t anything, of important public" concern lp voting 'for'eitner tl>e Republican 'or Democratic tickets In .this campaign, is either grossly ignorant or grossly deceived...
...Tnoutftsou to SpeaV At ˆfeieago W,W/Picrgic (bt a fto* Cuot cwTvwtodkat) Chicago.—James p, Thmnipson, veteran lahof organlier and1 britor, will speak Saturday, pune 9. at: Pilsen Park, 2«th Street and Albany Avenue, Chicago...
...The disocsvtinuance," states ths Bureau, "takes place to spite of Important swosmpUshments in the Add.of health and safety, auetoss the completion of National Trade Onion Standards toe Health Protection to Oarages, Building Trades, Bakeries, the raiaueg Industry and scientific studies of Painters...
...munlst on the first ballot...
...Seme ef the Issues Fcg the Reiebstsg U«S fkx^s^et...
...aim contains reacttonary- provisions...
...According to an account of this conference found ia La Lunuere, RacaudJean...
...COMMUNIST SPLIT TALKED OF IN FRANCE Irf9scow EWMoq Ordv)rg Dir*»b Asdgejr *t CaMAx Pieuch Sectoajst Party'-met' frent May 2« to 30 st Toulouse...
...The (ism anas of the teat ^asspaton -jBor naantndsnsttoa ot toduatry, toduabrlal...
...HolmesSupports O ''In S -M, jS—ii" * ' • » * » WoraianTpOalias And Maurer Likes Party, Platform and Candfdates^ Noted Lihi era...
...serving their sentoassss Jar antlgosemmentol agitation, and...
...A Joxdj^sd^h^BUraf^ foOgr^H ss i linyi i' nW^be toL rhsd, She mssw^tototl ising fines being first on the list with the view of getting as many Socialists into the party orgerusatlou as possible...
...on April T2 was 3.105, 1,641, SJtl and 937, reqwettvesy...
...FeurrBItha of the Cemwuintot workers of prevsot thus defied the ukase and betosd return Faure to the Ohasibjar...
...Backed by nearly thirty years' active experience In the Amertoan labor movement and universally recognised at one of the foremost contemporary labor orators,' hto audience oan be assured of a lecture well worth their time and attention...
...the party is at present shout 98,000...
...this country, that the platform ot the Rsittoh Labs* Rarty baa earnmaridsd la England...
...The Fedftratkux of the North of France comes first, followed by the Federation of the Seine, The "Popnlaire" deficit has diminished te a very large extent...
...The membership of...
...failure to A.f...
...He jCorgot t« say, with tomfoolery...
...convinced by the Ideology of the Pennsylvania .and Qlftcn Relief Committee (now the Nations^ Miners' Relief...
...united front" wsa scrapped, .but a JSbor party *irg«d wlfh the explanation toat It to useless, because only the Coramanlst Party, can emanctoste the...
...k y.^-Tw bantered unorganised greasers have • suffered a 38 par cent wage-cat at toe MwhaWCr Carpet ssRui fstadstrnrfirrh tosnrh...
...ttosjj imm£ *na^^_» tyidt...
...easts to meet the political and economic emergencies of our time, it to a phutfarmvwhich should ewssmaed the same ailegtaocr to...
...The C. E. C. presented a long platform—se long, indeed, that a scholar like Anthony Bimba read it twice and could not find the reference to unemployment...
...twq hojixy and decrepit, orgaiuratiW...
...This platform denounces real and immediate evils, and defines these dsastie changes to puaUe policy at heme and abroad which must be -mader if cms country to to survive as a free democracy...
...Where It was expedient special women's meetings were held, but in most districts wpmea were already used to attending meetings Jointly with the men...
...The new Retohstsg is to consider and tor lea upon the extensive brll on the penal code, whldh contame much that to tenportant for women, Oseeh Wesson QstokraH PRAOUB.—"Women's Day" among Czech Socialist women was org affixed with the utmost diligence...
...Pf^lea nqttffflt...
...The question of the eistoeashtp of women wbajnayry foreigners Is atoe Still unsolved...
...There was only one party, the: Ctoaupunlst Party, led by the frustrated Poster, the garrulous aitlow and the elusive, Lovestons, secretary of the C. Rt CL The property ef the capitalists waj^expropriated...
...It represents a cause which any man Interested to the permanent welfare of...
...Further away from Paris the less did this watchword prove efficient, and In many constituencies Communists voted contrary to It in favor af Socialists for...
...L3ett for Bros aad «M tor a minor hourgeols candidate...
...The platform sapansnd the last remnants ot leftism enee mere...
...In addition to propaganda meetings the uUnoet crnphsjfls was attached to workshop and house-to-house canvassing...
...Secretary PlUBkett organised the local last week...
...Joan B*yhes BoUBes, pastor of thf Copimunity 3hurch, Hew York City...
...production were, dropped as...
...naaftjsUeh rave women, the vote In 1919... and a avxe offocttee party ort^^^tt^^Hf^^^6^^^ **** WWt t -i -mL ii i i i if I i ii i tin ofS % Chamber oXPattl Wattre,Jpl&Hsi \secretarj, i^imtP,tmr''JL 'Ii pari by the votes of Communisti as revolt dpjmnsf Mascot*'* demit : ¦v'fis-r * 1 •> ^Torkers Haaltli Bureau Wilt Wirtd t?p Affairs lay...
...Thar were IwrnrdlslT ultimate denssads, Imrwsnrhlp sessOsmties...
...workofr' tv " ; v- • • . tv The iwuli sgesd baa too to— ruling off the "StoodS SstoaBst Pastg...
...ta the first three by sVinlaasts and in the fourth by a bourgeois Radical, who received not only the Socialist vote en the second ballot but atoe most of toe CamDftttDilSt* - Even In the "red belt" of Paris many thousands of Coesmamists deserted -thr party on- the second baRot and voted fox (be SootoBst eandldatos...
...The reason tor the decision to the failure of the amostona FiOsatliai of Labor to give the Bureau the direct sup^ port which its actovrnas an behalf of the entire labor movement warranted With the result that trade, union, income is not sufficient to maintain toe Bureau," It is said... spite ot-all toe hacarda of toe second ballot tactics it has managsd to ensure 100 Deputies for the next Chamber...
...ttlaslmloss llhialoaai The workers must understand that the Communists' toaneidtate demands casubot be .granted under capiUiism hut must work hard to have .them achieved- i...
...The Platform Committee was dominated by C. E. C. members, who after discussh^g the platform again, presented unanimously a report suggesting several revolutionary amendments, tinder the parliamentary guise of dealing with the platform the delegates took turns In discussing "good and welfare...
...When he attempted to convince the mouthpiece of the Iateraattarsl of the advantages to Moscow of a strong "Lett Blec" In the Chamber, he was told that the Russians knew better what was to their interest, whereupon he sepaed .that this might be true, but that the French Communists knew more about ths interests of the French labor .movement than the Muscovites and that a split tc toe Communist Farty might result from ths latter* tatrasilgnsrj.w ~ ¦ Whoa MM...
...A. ruunher of other teams to the Naugatuck valley wiU also join the Socialtot fold wlto, local orgaruxatlons within the pc«t tew,weeks...
...arxanged .by a local conjniufee haaoed by...
...and workfirj'.-.control _pf...
...flftly ridiculous...
...The Socialist party In contrast stands as an organization which has ideas, principles, and' a purpose...
...The same tatog happened to three other eluetosal divisions of the same department .with the result of saving three Socialist seats... well ss the speeches,' •* »• WEAVERS' WAGES CUT Amsterdam...
...A very fine special ruimbey of "Frauenwelt" was msde gvatUhle by the Executive of the party tor individual propaganda, - . Material for, speeches was stoo specially cQliected, for women...
...In the neighbor tag department of Nierre, the independence of the Communist voters was still more to evJdeeee... a picnic held by the Industrial Workers of the World for" the benefit of their press fund...
...On a ftropsrUonal system the Socialist Party should have ohtolnsd 102 seats...
...rnanager "of the, Naasb, Ttolly forward of.tfewTprk, wffl »hw speak...
...The date has not been fixed but It wOl probably be held on Jane 10...

Vol. 7 • June 1928 • No. 24

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