POWER DEALS GIVE 15 COMPANIES 80% OF PRODUCTION Casey Heads Penn. Labor Federation ttSslli -I frwa Fees «» party tickets, without nputltsiaj, hf~ tatftrsehe miners, deflates John A ¦Vatsi...

...fhOohttkms adopted by tbe FeaXistiou Sxtode: Immediate withdrawal of Ansnssn troops from Nicaragua and Haiti...
...105,634,000 8487417.008 440% SOUTHEASTERN POWER AND LIGHT Southeastern Power and Light...
...and extended the present act under which stnckhoMers sat 4 to 8 per cent dividends...
...Ohio electric companies...
...Maurer pleaded for concentrated emphasis on the organisation of the steel industry in western Pennsylvania...
...188,180,000 Memphis Power and Light...
...8,778480,000 Public Service of Northern nitooia...
...gsching scenes marked dnshat hours si the convention, with delegates near gas sffi The miners had adopted degggwSsa of the "Save the Union Comsjtttat" and the ''Pennsylvania and Ohio HfOet Committee...
...574480400 Northern Ohio Power and Light...
...1,104416400 0490,684400 94% 4. NORTH AMERICAN GROUP Missouri, Illinois and Iowa system........................1448481400 Western Power Corporation subsidiaries...
...808479,680 Houston lighting and Power...
...366,787,000 Northwestern Etectrio Co...
...Many of the smaller papers used the stuff without any Indication that it had not been written by their own editors...
...Labor Party Holds Meeting Witudelsma—James H. Maurer adJaaad the session of the Pennsylvania abswaUiin of Labor, tamed the gavel OS* to Charles Kuta, and the Pennsyiwass Lmbor Party was declared in consnsnsa aasstableifl...
...1480.613480 Connecticut Light and Power...
...189,474,000 2,483,070,800 34% AMERICAN OAS AND ELECTRIC Ohio Power Company...
...Wtth the same perttnatl as the Federation meetta...
...Today the Federation has both a paid organiser and educational director, a healthy treasury and 1,400 affiliations representing 400,000 workers...
...for FsderaZglsnd...
...PACIFIC GAS AND HJJCTRJC..............JLStt.015400 SU% M. UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT Philadelphia Electric...
...237427,000 Central Maine Power...
...220,72.000 Kentucky Utilities Company...
...The desire to defeat the Muscle Shoals and Boulder Bean proposals and make competition from them impossible was given as a reason for the large expenditures in political campaigns by the power companies...
...Another resolution salted John L. Lewis' conduct before the arbf***^1 Investigating committee...
...Robert Norman, oarpent¦n...
...and that tbe companies were Institutions of which the people should be proud defenders...
...1498478,000 Indiana and Michigan Electric Power...
...Material Issued to the newspapers was winery printed, with the same purpose...
...Pessgate* eonOnmu militarism, injunctions and the J8B*w dog contract The convention rsOBaased the position of the Labor Party at tht political expression of the State susnation's legislattve aspbatlons and •V practical medium through which lator unions can establish a third party •ben they find the time is ripe...
...This is James H. Maurerts conclusion in his nasi report to fhe Pennsylvania Federation of Labor, as he lay down presidential burdens carried for 16 years...
...The evidence being...
...SB774«0,0B8) 8.7% 8, SOUTHEStN CALIFORNIA EDISON...
...158464.060 San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric...
...20 per cent of them used his articles ss editorials of thefc- own...
...with the support ej «i- O0jdsl miners- forces, wan easily...
...Malay jury in injunction eases and no jehvs dog contracts...
...The 1818 act provided the state and dry could taks over the lines at any time by reimbursing stockholders and assuming company liabilities...
...1451490.000 ~ Cleveland Electric Bhimmstmg...
...BteeowrrU is Teats at Work In his 40-page report, Maurer discussed unemployment, its causes and remedies, old age pensions, tbe coal strike, the yellow dog contract, social insurance...
...Until two weeks ago he was also secretary of the Florida Press Association, so he travelled around | the state to visit editors to the name of the association and to drag in his power trust arguments as a special feature of the conversation...
...380.726,008 Blacks tone Valley'Gas and Electric...
...880,073,000 Bast Pann Electric Company...
...146401,000 8,480471.000 440% 8. ALLIED LIGHT AND POWER (asfrdcttpyle stsrdy) Consumers Power Company...
...Federation, Under Maurer, Was Vanguard of Labor Affiliation of 267 Unions Rose to 1,406 During 16 Years of Socialist pHTLADaXPtHA.—Workers have not even gotten credit, asasn leas cash for making America fhe world's weaRMsst nation...
...Records of his office up to Jan...
...The «tb/five companies, the *e—«aaws>» stated, control half of the whole promotion...
...Power Lobby's Operations in States Shown Cleveland School Children Get 15,000 Pamphlets Florida Press well Taken Care of By Laurence Todd WTASHINUTON.—Onto, Florida and Georgia are tbe latest of the long list of states to be revealed in the Federal Trade Commission's investigation of the power trust to be victims of the propaganda intrigues of that element of big business...
...He Snowed an average of 900jncnea per month, of his statements glorifying the utility companies, published to the state press, Chier Counsel Heady, for the Commission, read into the record a talk by one of the Florida power eaaentaves, instructing the* speakers to "Can tbe country' edftor by Ms fast name, aad stop aha on the back...
...874,724,000 Louisville Gas and Electric...
...Methods are the same as to Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Connecticut The only differences are those of degree of activity in molding pubhc opinion^ In Ohio, the, testimony taken May g by tbe commission showed, the Ohio Committee on Public Utility Information, directed by Fred J. BaUerneyer, placed in tbe, public schools of tbe city of Cleveland 15,000 copies, of a pamphlet called Aladdtos of Industry...
...He declared the country is prosperous only in spots and cited miners' wages of $1,050 a year...
...Eighty per cent, oi the national production is now 1 a fhe hands of fifteen holding and ope rathas/ groups...
...Tbe offering up of hundreds of thousands of asm on the altars of profits for owners of stocks and bonds, cannot continue", he saM...
...Casey, Hke Maurer, comes from the ¦«S£" onion- Re began work at at* of s In the coal breakers...
...186,783,000 Public Service of Oklahoma...
...do net ansae to pass sat eg the snwaansad labor saevaasent picture because I am retiring as president of the IwasrsUatT', be eebehMas...
...Other testimony was to the off est that of 300 papers to tbe Carolines, only one was hostile to the companies' program...
...Only public ownership can relieve the Boston transportation tie-up and give the immense metropolitan district the traction service It needs, transit experts agree...
...313,702400 Central UllnoU Light...
...It was formally decided to adopt the Federation's legislative program as the Labor Fsrte program...
...1.138488,080 Wisconsin-Michigan system...
...1420408,000 Des Moines Electric Light (half...
...Maurer warned delegates that casting workers on the scrap heap of unemployment and helpless old age la heading the country toward serious trouble...
...l, ltos, are reported to have been recently burned...
...which was the first that bad not "baited the corporations...
...PUBLIC SE3STTCT5 GAS AND aUCTOMO (NA) 1,7W14»«,000 84% 10 Cent Fare For Boston Trolly Ride Commission Headed By Power Magnate Brtnan Defeat of Public Owners ship...
...171.611,000 Fort Worth Power and Light...
...of Total W ELECTRIC BONO AND SHARE 13,7«2,470,000 kwh 18.82% | sTLECrntIC POWER AND LIGHT Utah Power and- Light...
...118 to 74, a phut, of public ownership and operation...
...Labor Federation ttSslli -I frwa Fees «» party tickets, without nputltsiaj, hf~ tatftrsehe miners, deflates John A ¦Vatsi Pbfl»cVlphi« prteter...
...Tec exact amount of production for the' first fifteen companies based on flarures published by the Electrical World, is aa follows: Prrxlarrtton In KAoWatt Hoars in 1917 Percent...
...child workers were exploited...
...Holly's dues to tbe Rotary Club at Sanford, Fla„ were put on his expense account at $59.60 for nine months...
...DETROIT EtrrSON...........................t,l«4««400 SJVJ% 14...
...Since then organised labor ban obtained wage increases, shorter hours, adjustment of grievances and workmen's compensation...
...Maurer described his own activities, consisting of lecture tours carrying nun to all but five states and to 12 European countries...
...Papers Waung m Florida, Where the annual electric utility business has only $18,000,000 gross Income, a fund of $12,000 a year Is raised by a levy on the companies...
...Bow this harmony was reached may have been indicated by one Florida expense bffl of 91,000 for a "deep ana fishing party...
...Kennedy Leads Miners Thomas Kennedy, u. M. W. A ecretary, led the miners' officials...
...187482,060 Indiana General Service...
...851,3974000 Pennsylvania-Ohio Power, and Light...
...galley was re-elected Federation wecrMff and Tontas HaH of the Textile Workers was chosen A. F. of L delegate...
...We put oh a speaker at the state University", was Holly's explanation of many items in bis expense account...
...44-hour law for women to agate* the present 48-bour law...
...399443.008 California Oregon Power Company...
...in 1912, the little tabor legislation on the books was unenforced...
...258,708.000 Kansas Gas and Electric...
...2,421457,000 t.Zl% ft...
...R. J. Holley, director of the propaganda work hi Florida, testified that his chief service was in keeping hi close personal contact With newspaper editors...
...67408,000 a- a : -vi ,*42«40*400 6.71% S STANDARD OAS AND El48CTRlO C6Ms»ANf (ssytiewby) Duonesne Light Oumuauy...
...One days pay for the struch« asners...
...The committee's report signed by H. S. Raushenbush, secretary, coauthor of "Power COntrot'', called attention to the importance af keeping a few key power resources, such as Muscle Shoals, Boulder Dam and the St Lawrence as "measuring sticks/* ta the system of private control in a few hands Whfefa extends throughout the country...
...140480,000 Texas Electric Service Co...
...He has discussed labor problems with three presidents and five Pennsylvania governors,, with Labor Party leaders in "*»g»«»», international labor chiefs hi Geneva and with (Jhicherin, Trotsky and Stalin in the Soviet Union...
...Ooenasnetkin for occupational diseases...
...200^42,000 J ,0«2,007,000 2.74% AMERICAN POWER AND LIGHT Montana Power Company...
...188400400 Atlantic City Electric...
...185.904,000 Gulf States Utilities Company...
...Ban violatten of injunctions sssdnst picketing...
...Be Stated But collections through the A P. of L. ttr Miners* reuef totalled 1400,000...
...234438.000 Wisconsin Pubhc Service Corp...
...He testified that 00 per cent of Florida newspapers, daily and weekly, used his prepared articles as their own...
...380,808,008 Scran ton Electric...
...135,198,000 Central Power and Light...
...787458,000 Virginia Electric Srfd Power Company...
...praduced by the Federal Trade Commission was cited in proof...
...Under public ownership, eaavi as eons* puted that the hues would save 86.066k* 000 a year, enough to redone fares and build more subways...
...228482,000 Cumberland City Power and Light...
...1,745,770,080 t4S% 18...
...183,843,000 Dallas Power and Light...
...This s*n> he said, was far below the actual IS*** of strikers...
...But legislators raJ* tened to a commission headed by Ham* L Harrtman...
...1449406,000 New England Power Assoctotkm...
...Thus the state could get for 8108,000.000 a road valued at $118,00*.000 to $129,000,00...
...He is Democratic candidate *0M»ctton to Congress this fall...
...For 852400,000 in bonds, interest rates range from 4 to 7 per cent and on an equal amount of stock, dividends run from 6 to 8 per cent Under public ownership, wiping out high dividend stocks with low interest public bonds, rltmfrifi*;ing taxes and making other savings, the riders could be benefitted by 88.000408 a year...
...Casey pushed through m s«y*tone state's first employers Hjjntx tow In 1908 and represented the agnation in drafting tbe workmen's 8B5s5oB bUI...
...Cstber aaaat sfssre fsfly ia thsse improvements or the present system castas* esarttaae...
...Fol**rfc*- J***" &n »PPr¥ntice and >our3j!^w plumber, he became foreman, SSdehdtttt and finally an emptoyer Wort taming wholly to pontics...
...67,308,000 Kansas City Power and Light...........................<488.156.000 Perm Central Light and Power...
...tssiihsss saast as atade sarger te eatable the sansssnasg pawer af the patans ts keep pace wtth the aawdasSsg rawer st toawstry...
...This document sought to persuade students that public regulation of the utilities was already complete...
...704,402 000 Idaho Power Company...
...828 Deals in 1927 fT^tK as*JoaaJ Cbmtutttee on Coal aad Giant Power, with headquarters * at New York, stated that during 1927 control of the power industry had fe*«rt co«eerrtmted through 8*8 utility changes...
...MUurer is the Socialist Party's candidate for viae president SOCtAUST TRADE VNION LEADERSHIP Showed its MetHe in the \fYear's df'James H. Maurefs Presidency of the Pennsylvania Stake Federation of Labor...
...l*e Labor Party went en record for gable ownership of mines, super-power oat natural resources...
...IMBK MAUSER Raushenbush And Laidler Challonge Power Trust Lobby A .past st the wasiUi sssM by (he ¦ewer trust Jshfey to sstoan sedan* ^^astt*tak™a, 04a» -Jlsgssst tawjb JGCst #C J/H&9m^9fft0& asvskpaarat ef BosMtr Dam, Masai* Maaah -assl against swuershte and to no Isss usgialikli gnsillia i than seder Richard Washburn ChUa, as fas Story below toBs...
...801448,000 Wisconsin Power and Light...
...His method hi securing these results was the weekly issuance of "facts" on public utility questions to an mem hers of the legislature, to state officials and to all newspapers...
...The srgreesset provides means for unionising eoajbjas on Hues to be acquh-ed bp the sTden traction interests, presumably in ner York City...
...319442,000 Arkansas Power and Light...
...1,131,133,000 Appalachian Electric Power...
...It enacted a law exempting new business enterprise* from taxation, and ft repealed the state inheritance tax law...
...Despite warnings by President Adotph Bnchberg of the Philadelphia Central later Union and other Philadelphia delgjppjs that the Mttten-Mahon agreesSot exempting local street car men train «f»|V^<«m marked the introduction af ffl"lT*"r union influences in the ieakUBSte trade union movement, the eonwntkn declined to support a resolution s]gg«Btttag the contract...
...William •abb, u. M. W...
...888408.080 Tennessee Electric Power Company...
...814.167.000 Pacific Power and Light...
...tat return for the unsja% psutalse not to organise street ear sMr.m Philadelphia sod Buffalo...
...the Maor Party convention was the...
...James Marks, nreaiaoat of District % U. M. W...
...BJeete»Jo tbe state legislature on a straight jQEjgv party ticket...
...The bosk aaay be sMalnad through The New Leader, 1 East 15th street, at ti.se per copy...
...He reviewed bis own stewardship of the Federation since 1912 when it had no permanent headquarters and only 3S7 unions affiliated...
...Onfcers elected for the coming year art: Chairman, Charles Kuta: secretary, Charles Oyler and treasurer, James Kelhf, also secretary-treasurer of the State Federation...
...2418,947400 Central Georgia Power...
...185.882,000 3485444,000 3.7% 7. EDTSON TJNTTED * AFTTIJATaTD 00*8...
...ff*4ns tbe war...
...btsiiih i am returning to where i was when yea hsaaral ate with tab position, back to the rank and file, there to play my part in the grand and gtorlsas cause for the laatnihJiUna af Say elaas, and to make this a better and happier world to Eve in...
...he helped draft the HIIS illtifiiif*n war labor program and EL jabor adjuster for the Emergency *0»t Corp...
...pnrtticiana manned the labor department...
...In Reading, where he la a Socialist councilman, a survey showed workers averaging hut •22.76 a week...
...806426,000 Central Illinois Public Service Co...
...Metropolitan Boston's 6138,898466 transit system is managed by tiiiatess appointed by the governor under an act passed to 1918 when the Elevated was bankrupt and came to the state hoOas on its knees for help...
...401,866,000 Texas Power and Light...
...Those Include the Electric Bond and Share, Insult North western, Norm American aad Dyllasby interests...
...221.118,000 Florida Power and Light...
...He has served as president of the Workers Education Bureau, head of Brook wood Labor College board, member of the American Commission on Conditions in Ireland, chairman of the Pennsylvania OM Age Pensions Commission and chairman of the unofficial trade union delegation to the Soviet Union...
...831442400 8414481400 104% 8. NORTHEASTERN AFFILIATES Buffalo, Niagara and Eastern Power...
...3791630,000 Illinois Electric Power...
...00 per cent of the factories were death traps...
...CbJM gat flM* far two psaaphtola en Bessaer Baas...
...STONE AND WE938TK8I GROUP Pwret Sound Power and Light Oompany...
...884.782400 Central Indiana Power Co...
...168444.000 Edison Hectrtc of Lancaster...
...171,928,000 , Louisiana Power and Light...
...84* JJjri, John Otis received 78 votes...
...Wmard Cope, director of the Georgia propaganda, bad boasted in print that his work, during nearly four years, resulted In a Georgia legislature, In 1925...
...14^8488-400 Northern States Power Co...
...transit riders must pay 10-cent fares S**J be denied extended transportation facfifJ ties, urgently needed, because the state legislature defeated...
...165418,000 TTampa Electric OStapany (sad aabs...
...and Stanley Pfcjlock, U. M. W. Subscribe for THE NEW LEADER Penn...
...and subsidiaries...
...largest kt years...
...275476,000 Interstate Public Service Company...
...Only candidates indorsed by the Federation and international A. P. of L. unions can be nominated, indorsed o% supPosksj by the Labor party...
...that customers now owned a vast' total' of shares hi...
...4,636,341,000 Mohawk Hudson system...
...188421,000 Des Moines Electric Light (half...
...Casey was first etoetal to Congress in 1913* and Was the w hade unionist to sit on tbe impnisnt means committee...
...i,S3*.t«7,000 Minnesota Power and light...
...The pew* trwrt paid both, aa we* Frank Beauv eae tune "left wing" flaiUlhi Te asateh this sa^stsurd -research", Barry W. LsJaVr aad & g. Baashensush have written "Fewer Csoirwr, Jest sartHlalli by The New lepsMfc...
...He urged that no union be abandoned but rather adapted to take in all workers of every skill, type and craft He asked for the end of Jurisdictional disputes in the building trade and abolition of oM craft Jealousies...
...841,723400 Nebraska Power Company...
...861804.000 3470400,000 4.78% NATIONAL POWER AND LIGHT Pennsylvania Power and Light...
...Workers, the biggest factor to greatly increased productivity, have only succeeded in working nabmaelves out of Jobs by sssading up, no sionaned.up in bis report to the Fwseratlon ocsavention, ineeting in PbUadelnhla...
...148460400 8458407,088 8.14% 2. INSTILL GROUP Commonwealth Edison Company...
...Edith gratsnaen, Philadelphia Women's Trade fmon League...
...384447,000 . 8414480400 145% II...
...The executive board conarts of Chris Golden, president of Dhv United Mine Workers...
...This amounts to M billion kilowatt hours out of 75.1 billion prodaosd iiy1927...
...144,196400 1...
...840.000,000 Is required for hTtmedsaht extensions of rapid transit but the Elevated is unable to raise capital far satenatona or equipments because of bash fixed charges of 66.000.000 a year...
...353,253,000 New Orleans Public Service...
...the beak ha wrsto...
...Gustavo railway telegraphers...
...sac fat and liigawnasl Seats change thaw penelea, it will be samdae far the warasr to i iwllisii with taw experts aa aasasng liiisslij ssare eflfeaaat...
...262,094,900 Birmingham Electric Company...
...power magnate active' in New England Power Co...
...Urging new policies to meet new situations, Maurer warned against being mesmerised by talk of high wages which do not exist...
...287412,000 Kentucky and West Vs...
...408,880,000 Columbus Electric, and Power Company (and subs...
...Women and Children Die In Industry Albany, N. T.—Five women and three children were aasong the MS industrial workers who dted to April to New Tork state from accidents suffered while at Five Groups Hold Half of Industry...
...Re wooM get a utility executive to make a Speech alt the university, attend the meeting and write an account of K for the papers throughout tbe state...
...Frank Shumate of the Georgia Railway fit Electric Co, a lobbyist in Washington during the past winter against the Muscle Shoals public-operation bill, ta to be summoned later to testify...
...Greenwood gat »7,Wil tnatoi «he 51 cents iiaaltty liaithtg the ratio st truth to...
...838478,000 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 22

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