Thomas In New Bedford; Spurs Men On Huge Crowd of Textile Strikers Cheer Socialist Candidate for President cy a Htm hlh yliri —»¦¦¦¦¦!) VEW BEDFORD, Man.—Norman 1 Thomas. Socialist candidate...

...The total contributions made by the Oeneral Office and by Joint Boards and local unions through the Oeneral Office from June, 1926, to April, 1828, were nearly $195,000...
...Thomas asserted: "I formally invite Mr Hoover to come %o Mew Bedford and explain how we, can create such a children's country and accept the wage cut of 10 per cent...
...Norman Thomas, a~~ifHr* candidate for president, was one of those, having challenged the police authorities of Garfield in thg last Passaic atrUte...
...It is the devotion of our State Department —sometimes the stupid devotion of our State Department—to dollar .diplomacy...
...And, as was found* when organization^ was* 'attempted in the auto factories, nothing can be accomplished in modern large-eeale Industries with our old craft methods of organisation...
...He-gestured freely, and spoke clearly, with a paanonance that carried his tones easily to the edge of the crowd...
...A crowd composed about equally of men and women listener' attentively while 1 Mr...
...The organization of oar steel Industry is a greater challenge, a more crying need to our movement than ever before...
...tfew Bedford Workers Score First Victory New Bedford.—The first break la the strike here of 30*000 workers came today when the representative* of the New Bedford Textile Council and the management of the Old Colony Silk Mill arrived at an agreement...
...Of course lust the dapper Jimmy's line...
...To accept the hospitality of Sisnor Mussolini would be offensive to my Socialist faith, and an Insult to the brave man and women who have suffered hardship and persecution in their efforts to re-establish Democratic OoverVunent to their beloved Iter...
...I bare a great admiration for the energy of tbe left wing leaders in New Bedford but not nearly so much admiration for their wisdom...
...Not aH of las profits are made pubhc, in fact secrecy of profits ts one of the devices winch the manufacturers use to prevent what they regard as unpleasant propaganda against them...
...the New j"** World, as usual, ignored it as » tee steadily Ignored the issue which LJrjafi- The same day that the j™* •ould not find room for my g*a found room for columns of •D°ut how angry the Mayor was j}"* revelations of graft which he to taherlt from the preceding js^^lc administration...
...Tou can't cut down the gasoline you give a tin lizzie and expect it to go...
...Union officials here expressed the opinion that this tavosabie settlement with the Old Colony MID would probably lead the way for further victory in the stalks which is now in its fifth week...
...This left wing group which is called tbe Textile Mills Committee has perhaps 2000 members who do not pay dues while the labor union which la leading the strike has approximately 8000 members...
...We should work to live," he exrlafmsa, "not live to work...
...Hearst's American is tell% far more of-the truth about power *at propaganda than the supposed"T literal World...
...Butler, who is the oka* friend of President Coondge, ta head of three of the mills in this strike...
...They had rated la affect that a free speech protax sjasrjag at which one or two jag** policemen professed themselves to be frightened became, for that reatm (Segal even although the object a* tat meeting was legal and no display of force was made by the specHaas...
...all these things Is American investments both in Nicaragua and in neighboring countries which may take to heart...
...on to discuss the age of machinery, Mr...
...Jobless Men Philadelphia.—Buck passing between he Mayor and city council is killing the bill appropriating "$50,000 relief far Philadelphia's 60,000 jobless men...
...workers," he added, "not the ii'orama serve the industry...
...The reason for...
...They have no right to believe that the South Is ruining: them by a 60 hour week or wages of II2.SS a week...
...Vague terms, like union control, have under our arrangements with many manufacturers been translated into stern reality," the report declares...
...Manufacturers in cutting the wages of Now Bedford workers had a flimsy case...
...It is not llkely ttaat they will yield without a fight...
...The coal mines in Russia do not suffer from unemployment...
...The Strike Leadership The labor struggle is being led by the veteran officers of the American Federation of Textile Operators which for years baa been an independent union...
...or Charlotte Bohlin, 188 PnuBauaon, Children of New Bedford Strikers Manfully Bear Brunt of Fight Against Wage Slashes ABOVE.—Children of New Bedford Strikers On Line Waiting to Be Fed at One of the Relief Kitchens Opened by the Union...
...recently elected Commissioner of Finance on the Socialist ticket in Reading, and now the party's candidate for vice-president of the United States, declined to run for re-election...
...Coal Operators Denounced Maurer, in his report to delegates representing 400,000 workers, dealt hard blows at operators who are beating Pennsylvania miners Into industrial serfdom through cossacks and injunctions...
...Well, that's something, but It comes very late...
...This far ft ft a quiet, smiting strike with poncecneo exchanging banter with the strikers, very few arrests and virtually no strike breakers...
...On Sunday evening, a banquet will be held in Newark, in honor of the National Executive Committee and the Party's candidates, anal reservations are being made at a rate that indicates an attendance of several hundred...
...It will seem like home again...
...JOHN J. CASEY Amalgamated In Convention In Cincinnati General Executive Board Presents Story of Two Years' Accomplishments <Sy A New LcaSar C--besotssh CINCINNATI.—Delegates tp^he Eighth Biennial Convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers met in the opening session at the .Jjfotel Sin ton Monday...
...A striking figure on the impromptu, platform erected for him a short distance from the grandstand, Mr...
...New Bedford is the aristocrat of cotton mariufactaring cities in this country and leas than 8 per cent of the competing looms In the Industry he in the South...
...Most of the other provisions they get as donations from the town and country around...
...I j*?*reply from the Prince of WlseI sent the letter to the paP* The New York Times published "j* Part end the New York Amj**8 Practically in full...
...The calm, good natured determination of these exploited men and women is am omen- of victory...
...Derid Gordon, to a long lnde1s sSwtii period in the city reforma•swaeeaase he had written sir obssaw seem is which, after Biblical saaagy, America was likened to a mm...
...The high adventure of whaling days is past, he pointed out, and modern Invention has turned the whaling city into a city of industrialism...
...Quottoc statistics^ World, Mr...
...But the drive to organize the steel mill* and foundries cannot be postpone...
...They've been ssytssj that statistics snow America t^M tbe most prosperous tamvuK%y ta 138] world, that America is a tW8-d3 country, where every man owttO sjjf one car, but two...
...I have been preaching for years to yon men", he toM 427 delegates to the FhUsdetphla convention of the biggest state labor federation in the country, "to study your industries, to study economics, to study modern boslaess and politic...
...Urges Attack on Steel "Steel is a basic industry...
...Tbe left wing group has staged mass picketing and effective mass meetings but the feeling between ft and tbe established union is one of great hostility because of tbe bitter attacks upon union leaders by leaders of ton Testae Mills Committee...
...SEDUCE ENGINEERS TO PIEING Cleveland.—Many locomotive engineers have been reduced by lack of runs to a fireman's job again, according to grand chief engineer Al Johnston of the brotherhood...
...In my own industry, the building industry, the time is over-ripe for a federation of building trades unions... favorable a result...
...And the National Chamber - of Commerce has uttered noble words about ethical standards...
...Accept all workers, of whatever skill or type, who are employed in a given mill into the one organization...
...During my recent visit to Russia", he observed, "I found no such conditions in any of the Russian coal fields as prevail right here in rich Pennsylvania...
...The Mayor says It's up to the council, and the council says it can't find the $60,000 to appropriate...
...It will sat the standard of wages far fine goods mills far the future...
...The Party has displayed remarkable activity In local politic...
...BELOW.—A Row of Typical Mill Workers' Homes...
...if it Is ever to be accomplished...
...The savings which have been effected by this procedure have gone to raise the standards and income of onr members and to increase the business of unionized firms...
...We ought to be able to do what a mule or a tin lizzie can do...
...Casey Heads Penn...
...jCttes Phrase in Song...
...It does not even giye tht sews...
...But all fhe germs of bitter class warfare are there, manufacturers rich and stubborn, workers poor and growing more bitter aa the days of hunger go on...
...The meeting will be addressed by the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates, Norman Thomas, Director of the League for Industrial Democracy, and James H. Maurer, former president of the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor and a member of the Socialist city administration of Reading...
...Sweet land of liberty,' he quoted, "that's what we're in...
...They prepare the food and buy the bread...
...The factional controversies fomented by the Communists occupy Part Three of the report which shows that as they' subsided in New York City there was an extension of intrigues into other centers...
...Its turnings and tekttags in the New York transit natter are further evidence of its es"atJal weakness in seeing through say eonae of fundamental economic topoelante...
...D. A. R. PROTESTS BLACKLIST Washington.—While Mrs...
...United Mine Workers, and forwarded to the district and international officials by Pres...
...Thomas, Maurer, Hillquit Speak in Jersey Saturday rphe first battery of the Socialist Presidential campaign in New Jersey will be fired in New Jersey...
...Thomas condemned the 10 per cent wage cut anc* applauded the attitude of the unior operatives who engineered the strike Quotes less rstr Statement Quoting Herbert C. Hoover as having said, "It is oar business to create a country where- no child can suffer from undernourishment...
...Kris same New York World which •say sow aad then does and says —y*Wsg worth while is nevertheless a eorry and untrustworthy champion af progressive causes...
...We let big nations ran their revelations and, as a rule, recognise de facto governments, why not grant little nations the same privilege, especially if the alternative is a war of intervention to which we sacrifice our own money and the lives and health of our own boys...
...They showed me with pride a little pig which had Just been donated to them...
...The National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party win meet in Newark this weekend to complete Its plans...
...As the cam[ paign goes on I shall have some ejues[ tions to raise on the subject and I hope i to have a chance to ask them of the Senate Committee Itself...
...The Socialist standard bearer then spoke of a previous visit to Now Bomford several years ago, when, watt tog between boats, he visited the OM Dartmouth museum and admired the relics of whaling days...
...Andrew P. Witten, 44 Linden avenue, Belleville...
...Manning had presented the speaker of the day, as "Labor's foremost champion in America, who just happens to be candidate for president," Mr...
...But one af Mr...
...The public should real tie that the fine goods mi&s of Now Bedford are not very much affected by Southam com petition...
...And here is another aH et evidence...
...The eatabHaned unions in the textile industry have been sluggish and at time ineffective but the charges of corruption brought against them In New Bedford have stffl to be proved and the repetition of those charges without proof a a serious blew at the success of the strike...
...Hoover's campaign ! expenses in order-to make him the benjeficiary of that expensive propaganda I under which it secretely subsidies wrlt' ers and college professors and turns the i public schools into propaganda agencies for private profit...
...For this victory we are duly grateful...
...We must have an end to jurisdictional disputes if we are going to maintain our unions...
...a dividend s> be paid when you can't pay living wages to men...
...Big business has proved itself inwardly as corrupt as the j government it bribed...
...Today they •art dare charge more than five "hita in competition with the sub•jl* Once let the I. R. T. increase kb fares and up will go their fares, » tht Immense profit of their owner * °*ssrs...
...Buttons Heavy Profits > William U. Butler, for example...
...The council asks that taoaOJ...
...But1 that union is not itself strong enough to take anything like the whole burden of a relief in a strike of which from 26,000 to 30,000 workers, not counting dependents, are out of jobs...
...sutler's companies gave has stock dtvideads Of 200 per cent In 1922 two others far the last 10 years have averssred SO pes contend Mr.Pl»utlor oevtouary benevea m Cool» Is true that aMiluftiiWsag Eg «ew Bedford have one strong point In favor of a wage cut Certain fine goods nulla in Pan River have out wages 10 per cent and this competition from Pea River is a threat against Mew Bedford manufacturing costs...
...the Amalgamated with other branches of the labor movement, and the Amalgamated cooperative enterprises...
...the direct-to-the-consumer business has grown from a little to a business of great magnitude...
...I say to you flatly, what I said to Sam Gompers not very long before he died: The steel industry can only be organized along industrial lines...
...Y"y* prosperous that ho can hsv* ^_uin...
...A complete table of the members receiving benefits from this fund from 1924 to November, 1927, shows that in the first mentioned year 26,426 members were aided...
...For a while, at least, in Jersjjr it wfli take something more than the timidity of a young policeman to mast the constitutional guarantees of ftasootn of speech and assemblage...
...Tito crowd applauded...
...Nicaragua's experience...
...In this, my farewell address to yon, I urge more strongly than ever before that yon do the hardest and fastest thinking yon have ever done in your Uvea...
...Any other fedsjoo would, of course, have meant gin* As courts had found a way to pake lbs constitutional guarantee *• erst liberties absolutely meaningIs* Jhrt this is precisely what the guv courts had done...
...The faot aha* taw pert aa end to the lawless pastes sstthortty which far yean has aaark*MnTBaldwin said the ease was the first ever to test fag pussttoa of unlawful assemblage ia How Jersey...
...wnate or a that wise, sad to assMgtestjsa^fao »w.Mi.r.ti.s «g «mr petition of right sad the BUI af Blghta, the mstastsy of tan British Constitution sad the basse of beta oar Federal aad State CoaasttteMsa...
...One of the chief achievements was the organization of the Naah business in Cincinnati In 1025 which transformed a non-union into a union market...
...I68jj*> charge up the failure to the workers," he said, "but it is their own fault They open too many mils, they don't Judge the aasfkotg properly, they don't plan their production correctly, and—the workers have its answer for it" Mr...
...The industry itself, the report shows, has witnessed a revolution since the year 1020...
...3,854,500 leaflets and 45,000 pamphlets have been distributed...
...Casey, elected to Congress on the Republican...
...the speaker said at another point, "can not dock his mule part of his bay and not expect him to "kick...
...Dont abandon the unions you have now—simply adapt them to the needs of the day...
...Evidently this drive had to be postponed...
...Batty dismounted from the platform, and Mr...
...It is charged that the "directive agency" of this factional arar In Poster's Trade Union Educational League... is the blaajtest wrong," he cried, for...
...Judge James A. Delansy In Special Sessions, Paterson, sitting without a fury, convicted Baldwin, John C But* terworth, George cabrisna, Basil ESSs ind David Nitkln April 9, 1026...
...An outstanding section of the report which reflects great credit on the Amalgamated is the- review given of the many friendly' and helpful relations the union has maintained 'With other sections at the Working class movement...
...When the strike came, they had absolutely no financial reserve...
...Mow a policy which has cost the United States and Nicaragua so much violence may be open to doubts as to Its wisdom...
...No Relief For Phila...
...For the more enerst said attitude of the Parole Comibbbob liberal public opinion, especially as expi eased in the New York World deserves credit...
...The finest thing which could bappan to the New Basfotd strncsrs now ored by the national ansua...
...So much is •aO established by its summary ojaach of contract with Heywood ¦revs who bad written critically of R Is the Nation...
...Now that union has Joined the United Textile Workers and there will be cooperation between the atrttsra and the American tVieratlun of Labor...
...A. J. Brosseau, president general of the D. A Itwas voyaging to London to be presented to King George, after bar triumph in the recent D. A. R. eangreaa over the antiblacklist group in New »r.g'»~V the Oregon Lewie, and Clark chapter, at Eugene, •eat of the University of Oregon, adopted and sent to Washington headquarters a protest at her Intolerance...
...Scores of textile union leaders and strikers have been Jailed in the past for sxsreislag free speech rights...
...Berlin Socialists Gain 8,786 Members Berlin.—Despite unemployment, the Berlin Socialists register an increase of membership from 45.OS7 to 53,873, 1. e., of 8.786 members...
...During the recruiting week isinlf a special edition of the "Vorvaerts" of 1,360,000 copies was circulated...
...The A. F. o( L voted to organize the automobile industries...
...Only the left wing group is fur the tikne being outside of this new alignment...
...Baldwin Case Blow to N. J. Mill Bosses Reversal of Conviction First Victory for Free Speech in Textile District A striking victory for free speech las been won through the raver sal by i New Jersey court of the conviction if Roger Baldwin, director of the American Civil Liberties Union, who 'seed six months in prison for makng a speech during the 1924 textile strike In Patterson...
...The tendency, he added, ia the contrary...
...A. F. of L. Appeals Third Time For Coal Strikers Washington —Pa third sad most sanphatlc appeal to the membership of the American Federation of Labor to contribute money, food and clothing to tan striking coal miners sad their faswffas has been issued by the executive wmmnfl, at the request of a teaagstloa from the executive board of the Putted Mtes Workers of America...
...Thomas stood tall and thin and erect against the sky, his hair, almost white on . top, blowing in the light breeze...
...Reset nations for the banquet may be made with any of the fallowing comrades, MUo C Jones, 1*7 Isabella avenue, Newark...
...Thomas asked the crowd if Us average mill wage here was 19.75, as* several voices replied that it was $11 "Less than $20," ho OOEOEtgaB 'America is called the moat piuspat ous country In the world...
...of their afory In.other.colusnns of tola paper, tteoantlyil spoke at a mass meeting of the strikers in one of the city parka...
...Casey Miners' Congressman Mr...
...It was not the -reason for our putting our old puppet, Diaz, In office again...
...j!r to Frank Morrison, a. F.jT^ *5t Wssiuagtoo, aad that foes —A ,<"^f tag be sent to Wax BaaaasE^**7...
...prosperous,' you're prase tips* «f* like the poor boobs in Euiopa' while yon stand hypnotized tbs bosses rtach in and take 10 per «ant wages out of your nook...
...And yet kaWwS the city of Mew Bedford wbsra tp average wage is less than $20...
...Though elected on old Party tickets, he is knozjn as "The Coal Miners' Congressman...
...Baldwin was sentenced to ate months in loll and the others wars fined $90 •sach...
...organization in haste industries is the primary requirement of a strong and healthy trade union movement...
...Kane Tailman, Socialist candidate for Governor of New Jersey...
...Loans by various divisions Of the organization to trade unions, engaged <m -strikes amount to h total of S3TS0OO and the report declares that "the banks-owned and operated by our union proved to be of invaluable service to this- oanse of the tabor movement...
...Morris Hillquit, celebrated Socialist and Labor attorney, who polled nearly 150,000 votes as candidate for Maypr of New York a few years ago...
...Italy is terrorised by the dictatorship of one man, who has used his evil power unscrupulously to suppress all criticism of his fanatical and fantastic rule...
...They hare so bitterly denounced Abraham Bums, WllBam'E...
...Louis, HI.—Speeding up in niinois coal mines is reaching intolerable proportions, according to a resolution adopted by Local 3705...
...In New Bedford these 27,000 strikers are fighting against a wsge cut of 10 per cent which will bring . their wages down to less than 117.50 a week...
...Hughes' suave legalism and ' pious protestations can alter that fact...
...The Berlin City Council included 73 Socialists, of whom 9 are women, in the local bodies the Party is represented by 361 members including 34 women...
...Carles L. Craig whom Mayor Walker appointed counsel for the City * tht transit cases has heretofore done nothing but argue against some * Mr...
...who for 16 years presided over the country's strongest state labor movement...
...He has addressed the following communication to the Town Clerk of Glasgow: "The Honorary President of the Conference is Signer Mussolini, and the delegates have to be the guests of the Fascist Government...
...keep craft distinctions wherever they will help, but insist on the one fundamental fact —all workers in the same industry should be in the same union and all workers In one plant must absolutely be in one federated organization...
...Thomas indicted the Pierce as paid dividends and yet tried to cat an example of n-«orpo ration that had wages...
...that's the ethics jn* capi- i WttB...
...Of course, it gees w less at sag lag this inestimable boon of liboalj was to be enjoyed by the senate an a "Oar Federal CaoseUaUaa reeegnhses tads Hual—bla right af the iTheUdechuba la the Baldwin can win give heart to textile workers aad their union leaders who have found ha "Jersey Justice" during strike tuns a moat ruthless autocracy...
...The Court of Errors and Appeals, Highest tribunal of Now Jersey, declared itself for "the most liberal ind comprehensive construction" of 01 the mandates guaranteeling the ight of free ass am try, It unanimousy reversed the oonvlctlons of Baldxrin and of four others ta connection with an alleged 1'unlawful assembly" luring the sfBt strike...
...The threat of an* expanding nonunion market has also been checked...
...abnsg other things it Justifies the methods of the Civil Liberties Union aad ought to encourage further efftarts along the same line to uphold aad increase what liberties we have...
...Montreal and Toronto, in an attempt to resuscitate the remains of poll- i tioal factionalism...
...No cossacks, coal and iron police, company gunmen or deputy sheriffs were anywhere in evidence in Russia today as of old during the reign of the Czar...
...He ssnhifl that the Pierce raps had paid in average of 132 a year per«hare for the last 10 years...
...CONGRESSMAN JOHN J. CASEY has been elected President of the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor...
...In the mining towns of Pennsylvania, thousands of miners are making a heroic struggle In behalf of the wage scale of $7.50 a day...
...As a matter of fact our refusal to recognise the Ohamorro government established - by revolution was not a reason for failing to recognise the Saeasa government wmch had good legal title and which might have won with our recognition...
...Profits of New Bedford manufacturers have been so large that the community has a moral right to ask them to bear losses for several years before outrtrsj wages...
...Relief, as Mr...
...The Old Colony Mill employs about 800 workers...
...The number thus helped has fluctuated from year to year and in 1927 there were 16,383 members benefited...
...This has brought new problems to the union "which has been assuming a larger share of the functions of management...
...The workers themselves are doing marvels...
...price levels have been turned topsy-turvy...
...Their fight, it seems to me, is one of the most important strikes In the history of American labor unionism...
...The unemployment insurance system in Chicago is now five years old and has passed the experimental stage...
...Bat men should costs Arab -The first obligation should be not the 100 share, but the living man and the living woman...
...I don't say that we have yet come to the place where bias sees can be run without paying dividends...
...Thomas climbed to the platform...
...I had been making pagns to gs to JnaV he said...
...It was, net the sufficient explanation of the 111 considered Sttmson agreement...
...Sub-divide them later if necessary...
...Craig sa* held opUons on the 4th, 8th and ^afaaue surface lines in New York Qty These lines have a basically un**aj financial structure and an •aaipasent and service worthy of the ™pt*vUU TeafleV itself...
...Call it by whatever name you please...
...Howard Kerchner...
...yet he asserted, the risk of the aea was preferable to being tied to a machine for life...
...Baldwin has been free in 99,000 bail...
...It seems that now the tables are turned and that the poison weed of old Russian despotism has found root in Pennsylvania...
...New Bedford is not a cheap city, in fact its coat of Hvtnv ts one of the Ugliest of Northern smaller cities...
...Their homes without luxury and without savings for periods of emergency Will soon be the homes of the starving unless outside aid can be rushed to them...
...Among those receiving assistance besides the organizations mentioned above are the ' Passaic Textile strikers, ii Nuovo Monde, the Italian labor daily, .the Chicago Federation of Labor, Brobkwood Labor College, the Labor Institute of Philadelphia and others, ; A "review of the progress achieved m the cooperative apartments venture and the Amalgamated Bank corfelnde this interesting- report: The net" Impression of the report is that of a onion that Is alive, progressive, sympathetic with all phases of working class striving and an example oT what-a'trade union ean be...
...He laid the blame for duTicalty ta tbe textile industry directly at Oho door of the manufacturers...
...New types of clothes replace the old...
...The strikers nave a good chance of victory' but the struggle will probably be long...
...Maurer1 s final report, closing 16 years of service, sounds a clarion call to unions to reorganize on Industrial lines, If they hope to cope with well organized business...
...Louis Re las, 188 Springfield avenue, Newark...
...Now unul recently Mr...
...Untermver's positions in the •¦a...
...Socialist candidate for president, add wild 8.000 persona lr an open air mass meeting* at Buttonwood park...
...For instance...
...tog be gtvsn or sent to**"lff^na*sas>« era' Relief '^i^n^^lL^kMmmt...
...William H. Henry, National Executive Secretary of the Socialist Party...
...28,000 Aided by Insurance This expansion of the union beyond the function of control of wages and hours has been something more than homage paid to a theory...
...Of that pig it may j be said he died In a worthy cause...
...In a sense this strike is the rebellion of the iniiaavia of the New Bedford people against the arbitrary domination of the handful j of min owners who cut wages without Oven discussing- tbe proposal with their employees and the community...
...After Mr...
...Hatty's remarks were confined almost entirely to announcement of the tagdays projected by the council, when flowers are to be sold in several cities for the relief fund, and an appeal for workers to assist in the project...
...That Is the reason why this strike Is so Important...
...Craig still held y*os on these lines and If so how .¦h* name of decency* be could act *¦ counsel for the city fh pretended W^Uoa to a seven cent fare...
...I ask him -tow to explain how to feed that child t you don't fight to get back yOur rtghts...
...Labor and So(CsatlaaaS as fee* 8) Socialist Rejects Invitation To Be Mussolini's Guest (a> s mew lesser csrrwpassest) Glasgow.—The Chairman of the Labor Group in the Glasgow Town Council, P. J. Dollan, nominated as a delegate to the International Tramway Congress to Rome, baa refused to attend...
...o. Batty and Thomas "«*fc>-n that the unmcation of the woileia under the leadership of these veteran onion officers will be impeded...
...It is true that the South has these hours and these wages but Southern mills produce coarse goods which do not compete with New Bedford...
...The tendency, he ¦laid, has been to force on the working man alternate periods of working too hard and too long...
...New" Tcklt, of which X km ! chairman, is arranging to solicit and to forward to the strikers' committee funds for relief...
...The moral...
...He expects the situation to hn•oo...
...The outstanding features of the report deal with the industrial policy of the union, the' condition of the local organizations, factional, politics which have disturbed some organizations, relations of...
...Then Got harp the others...
...He was introduced by Frank J. Manning, volunteer worker for the Textile council, after a brief speech had been made by William E. G. Batty, secretary of the council...
...Backed by 99 per cent of the community, they represent one of the last strongholds of organized labor in American cotton mills...
...A 10 per cent cut in wages already so low that they do not provide on the average for the head of the family much more than 60 per cent or 70 par cent of k minimum budget of health nod decency] is a tragic blow to the whole community...
...judge kauseh's Opudoa tm opinio^ - wttttfoii Isy t3sip*rwam Court Justice Btelisch...
...w™«* occasionally genUy slaps iauj^Jr* wriat to »ts editorial cols^z"||°nt of devotion to the "new" egd7r~ny lands its news space to this ™ *8<i2l*be P*ort«- you York's "iiberai" daily in, action...
...Tbe communists nave assiduously distributed copies of fhe Daily Worker ohntashlng scurrilous attacks against tbe union administration puid the CEttssnS Relief Committee...
...Speaking of piety, that other good Baptist, Mr John D. Rockefeller, Jr", has at last asked for CoL Stewart's resignation as president of the Indiana Standard...
...Not all of Mr...
...Charles E. Hughes in his Princeton addresses made about the best defense that can be made for the Administration's ! Nlcaraguan policy...
...Congressman John J. Casey of WUkes-Barre, is the new president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor, succeeding James H. Maurer...
...But if the New Bedford strikers win their battle, it is virtually certain that Pall River finegoods milsi win be forced back to the New Bedford scale almost Immediately...
...Neither is it the Justification for addiag 'Nicaragua to our empire as we are doing, whatever outward forms of independence we may preserve...
...The rest of the 150,000 fine goods looms in the textile industry are in New England where labor conditions are not very much different from those in New Bedford...
...wags I am In the rather unusual gsatasas of saying a good .word for &courts I ought to record the fact tac New York City Parole Comapaaon baa undone some of the harm Sow asfsir and vindicative decision 5 tha" Court of Special Sessions in JMr Tar* City which sentenced the yang University of Wisconsin studs...
...and <gf working not onoaafih hot walking aba streets looking for work...
...Take 1 Care or Yoar Own Sewers...
...It is a relief to turn from the evasions of lb* NewvTark World to toe »aBa*try of the New Badfotd strikers...
...Of the mayors of districts 10 belong to the Socialist Party...
...The Industry is not overdeveloped as it is here...
...Blanchord points out, is desperately needed...
...The report goes into some detail in reciting the story of Communists meddling a the union and concludes with the statement that "politically they are as dead aa the proverbial door-nail, for they stand for no principle, for HBaehiof »nly, and no movement stands a chance to live if It represents no vital principle They tost the right to be considered as a wing of the movement, as anything hut* ST rflttsahoe which the USWOUUJIU must ignore or brush aside, ss expedience may to each case dictate...
...It-is'the interest of American financiers to the Nlcaraguan loans and in the Nlcaraguan bank and railroad...
...jj-tly heglect or connivance he jjj* *y drift into scandal after rr^M Which he then proceeds whol^"•ctuaUy to denounce...
...are holding virtually 100 per cent strong...
...The People at Brbelttna Yet these strikers are standing...
...Paul Blanahard has given soraettdtfp...
...The other speakers win be Socialist Congressman Victor L. Berger, who addressed a capacity meeting in the same hall k few months ago, from which hall ha had been barred by the Jersey «ty police a few years previously...
...For instance, the Washington Club composed mostly of English textile workers (who are also members of the union) Is giving three times a week a big bowl of nutritious soup and a loaf of bread to more than two thousand children...
...It did not of its awn knowledge and volition even protect ' Its own stockholders In the Continental ;
...Sweet land of liberty, where you have liberty to make nine cents go as far as 10, to make 90 cents go as far as a dollar, and to make your children eat less, and wear poorer clothes, made from the cloth that you have woven yourselves...
...Robert f palilalia...
...sssa, te auurt: ^tAg^^rW*** »»ass>at te aaabtto pisoss te easenss te an open and pwMte aasaaaasr aB apaesweiCare and te van* their gates, aaoaa, te protest sgahast ¦ parses...
...The report declares theae to be "an aftermath, not a new development...
...A farmer...
...t i The interesting' thing about the...
...The Emergency Committee for Striken Relief, 156 Fifth i avenue...
...of my -tale ia: Subscribe to The "New Leader, and do it now If you want to know t^e facta the World omita...
...It asks ovary trade unionist te give, to the point of psraooal sacrifice, to relieve the leu Sua niftwteg of the victims of the war waged upon hat coal miners' union by the up stature, a asks sil workers to gr*a am days peg to the relief fund...
...TOe tendency is the boas with a stopwatch or a time sheet to figure, not the easiest way to get the thing dona with machinery, but how to gat the most production out of the smallest length of time...
...v>Fut Men Before Dividend...
...James Oneal, editor of "The New Leader", and William...
...200 Central avenue, Jersey City...
...Labor Federation Maurer Retires After Sixteen Years of Leadership of Workers—New Official A Congressman PHILADELPHIA...
...What better epitaph for any of us...
...And the jjB...
...In effect, the workers scored a complete victory, returning to work on the old scale of wages...
...And what a weak defense it was) All that has happened there, it seems, is a natural consequence of our virtuous policy in agreement with the Central Asserlean nations not to recognise governments established by violence...
...On Saturday evening, May 19, the campaign will get under way with a mass meeting at Socialist Party Headquarters, 286 Central avenue, Jersey City...
...He referred to the rendition of America by the band that volunteered Its services to the meeting...
...When some of its leaders were caught in the oil scandals it acted very much like Tammany lull when it is I found out...
...The owners are financially powerful...
...The backwater of the New York stormy currents of 1925 found then- way to Rochester and into our two Canadian centers...
...The report" of the General Executive Board carries' an informing review of the work of the organization since the convention two years ago in Montreal and the data will serve aa a basis for committees said¦xliscussiDil erf fhe Hoor...
...I went through several homes of New Bedford strikers and found that many of them have been receiving $13, $14 and $15 a week for many months while they were working...
...ThonuwasM t**^LT^ Bedford mills hsv* oer%t^\LaZ pay dividends, snd ^V^TSSi have averaged "That's what »^^SSS^ $100 to work," *^rt7%to7rS Q/g, gets $J» • wt*r *-fisjuJ Timely Topics ByNorman Thomas Socialist Candidate for President rIS as pleasant as It is surprising that the New Jersey Court of Eras* aad Appeals by unanimous decigsa sat reversed the decision of the •gotr court* against Roger Baldwin asl others in the famous Paterson (pi •nesch case and vigorously uphad a reasonable doctrine of free ajurh t"1 free assembly...
...the power trust-does not have i to contribute to Mr...
...The convictions were sustained by the Supreme Court Baldwin declared the decision pleasant surprise...
...How does an American family live on less than $17.50 a week...
...Thomas said that machinery should lighten the toil of man, not increase it that every Improvement in mechanics should lessen the Ume man must spend with the machine and give farm more leisure...
...absolutely firm and the mills aire dosed because they and the whole community are firmly convinced of the JustIce of their cause...
...Second Month of Strike In New Bedford Finds Ranks of Workers Solid Rebellion Against Wage Slashing Keeps Textile Mills Shut Down Tight In Massachusetts By Paul Blanshard ^FTER a strike of one month, the textile workers of New Bedford, Mass...
...But this does not tell the whole story...
...striking miners and their faranaaa natef Onus in a most agajaialnl toras.- jj ssya, reviewing the struggle of the pgffJ 13 months in central and ass tutu Pangw sytvania, Ohio, West Vlrguna and SOhas aaituinlDoUs "Never hi the history of sa anehsrtrijl loyalty to a trada-umen bombssssddK* ten to trade-union ohJhEttssEg and"*"***" ciples shewn than la thai great ss»s|f stnxjghL...
...Intelligent merchants are learning that it' ia not absentee stock owners who make them prosperous taut the purchases of the workers...
...It has taken a sympathetic Interest m the British miners' strike, has given substantial aid to the'Furriers, the Cloakmakers and other unions, participated in the New York City Socialist campaign to re-elect Judge Panken, cooperated with the Farmer-Labor Party in Minnesota, with the Socialist Party in Milwaukee, and worked with tabor forces in behalf of Saceo and VansfetU...
...I thtok they are wrong in doing this m spite of their nai menus, and enthusiasm...
...pre| convention campaign Is that the re: ports so far given tell us so little...
...I wrote to Mayor Walker ¦*ng whether Mr...
...The Victory df^these strikers may check the movement to reduce wages which is gaining-ground in many industries.' The local unions are now affiliated with toe United Textile Workers...
...WA "It's like hypnotism," ha +mM after describing the hypnotJSBgS dM schoolboy who stood hrljlsaD Earl another went through hts poOsEsW "the bosses have kept saving: j...
...Already many of the functions of supervision and management have, In spots, been taken over by the union...
...Hoover may answer...
...there wasn't anything good •%l saw for the poem as a piece of saanaia or propaganda but the jaarw who passed on young Gordon fctsi Use men less concerned with Jaaoeo or with a young man's future Ma with venting their spleen against a young Communist who bad offended Satr sensibilities...
...We should make industry serve the...
...We presume that the slogan of Tammany this fear often Smith Is nominated for ' Priaktedt until be, "Turn the Oil i Rascals out...
...So Just is their cause that to a gratifying- degree they have the: community with -them...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 22

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