A TAMMANY BETRAYAL! 60 MILLION YEARLY HANDED THE L R. T. Protest Mass Meeting In Carnegie Hall Tuesday Night Socialists Call Citizens To Protest On the crest of a wave of indig nation...

...It is "Puficant that Losovsky, president rtthe Red International of labor un*ta...
...Socialism won't get far except as its spirit finds expression in action...
...tj# "Finally, this whole transit muddle shows the utter inefficiency, the complete hypocrisy, or both, of our Tammany Hall government in our state and city...
...Ande Marty, who was under sentence as a naval mutineer a few years ago, was then elected to the Chamber as a Communist...
...Wc sincerery hope that none will be deluded by the inflammatory and irresponsible statements of this group...
...with the Save-the-TJnion ComT11** the mine fields, (Losovsky 23, like the name), they are with real issues of real imf*i***x 3n many cases with energy and devotion...
...It is doubtful whether this can be considered a rejection of Blum as radical French voters generally turn to a candidate who is a fugitive or under sentence for some official offense...
...Our problem is to bring to bear at least as much energy and devotion with more wisdom and a better comprehension of American conditions...
...Declaring that super-power lobby and the interests it represents constitutes the most corrupting influence in the United States today, Representative Victor L. Berger, Socialist, Df Wisconsin, has offered a bill providing for a national public superpower system...
...Whenever it is necessary agents of the power trust dbM and wine members of legislative bodies, and assure them that they "will take care or' when they must retire to private life...
...North Carolina Labor Calls For Fight On Camel Cigarettes Durham, N. C.—Inhuman conditions in the R. J. Reynolds factories, where Camels cigarettes and Prince Albert smoking tobacco are produced, were described at the sessions of the Piedmont Organizing Council to 106 delegates, gathered from local unions in North Carolina...
...Whatever the or lack of wisdom in ComJzjto* tactics in connection, for inr...
...8th, at...
...He gave us our blundering Transit Commission...
...lng all they can to bring about a violent revolution, in which they may suffer the fate of the tyrants of other days...
...The Socialist Party is fortunate in having sdfeh excellent leadership as Paul Bhure and Pierre Renaudel to take Blum's place...
...President T. A Wilson of the state federation of labor, a Winston, Salem man, urged the assembled unionists to make their next great fight against the big open ¦ shop tobacco firms of North Carolina...
...The $50,000,000 total of cattle sales in Chicago represents over 500,000 head of cattle...
...I Stall be happy if I can prove mysttf worthy of it in the campaign that t«a ahead...
...Increase the profits for more luxuries...
...Through his whole term in office the Mayor has drifted...
...Since, however, circumstances forced me to acssjt toe anamination I can only exItssi gratitude that Jim Maurer ji Jyr jay side aad that the party is •davit aid milted In this campaign...
...Our judges have had no special experience in this task yet they have evolved out of their own inner consciousness through a series of decisions the theory that anything less than 8* is confiscatory and that values are to be fixed not on actual investment but, apparently, on reproduction costs, whatever they may be...
...The Socialists held their own and the Communists are roundly beaten...
...This was the signal for a general fight in which hundreds of shots were fired from both sides...
...Despite the defeat of Blum, the Socialist leader, by a Communist, the Socialists did rather better than was expected in the second election...
...This union of extreme reaction with Communism is regarded as convincing evidence that Communists will sell their soul to the enemy when a sale may be effected in exchange for a few offices...
...Lawrence Offered to Stage Drive For the Power Lobby WASHINGTON.—Proposal by David Lawrence, president and principal owner of The United' States Daily, to Philip Gadsen, chairman of the executive committee of the Joint Committee of National Utility Associations—commonly known as the power trust lobby—that the Joint Committee cause 52 key companies in the utility field to pay the paper $202,800 for a one-year advertising campaign against federal regulation and municipal ownership—this is the latest of the disclosures made in the power trust inquiry before the Federal Trade Commission...
...Certainly I expect to call heavily upon it, for without it ear fight will be in vain...
...Aid is expected from the national American Federation of Labor movement...
...100,000 MARCH IN PRAGUE Prague, Czechoslovakia.—The three Socialist parties celebrated May Day with parades and mass meetings in which more than 100,000 persons participated...
...happy than America ought po be with her natural resources and enechantcal' (kill...
...The situation in Winston Salem is deplorable," said Crouch...
...Yet this decision may be a blessing to the people of the whole nation if it will show them three things: J "The folly of trusting to a system of regulating public utilities rather than publicly owning them and operating them without profit through sonie properly constituted public authority...
...with the workers it is a question of fighting for their children...
...After touting the Communists and restoring order before the arrival of the police, the Socialists formed a parade, marching through the streets in orderly fashion...
...We Socialists cannot insist too strongly that we are the heirs of whatever was vital in the LaFollette movement...
...On Monday he went down in defeat...
...A comparison of the earnings of the workers and the profits of the mill owners furnishes a clear instance of what Mr...
...In 1922 no less than 15 of the mills declared stock dividends at rates ranging from 15 to 20 per cent...
...Tell that to the country where Mooney and Billings are still in jail, where civil liberties become steadily gees real, (where justice Is a commodity too often beyond the reach of the poor, the alien and the radical, where Saceo and Vanzettl were offered up as a burnt offering on the altars of caste pride and class fear...
...250,000Quit WorkinN.Y...
...Thomas said: "The seven cent fare decision of The Federal Court if it is sustained by the higher courts, as seems likely, will be a great blow to the people of New York, one-third of whom have to live on a family budget of $1500 a year or less...
...In fact, the Daily is "held in high esteem" because of its "absolutely "non-partisan" character, and hence it has "an extraordinary amount of prestige and influence...
...The labor candidate was Emanuel Shinwell...
...That conditions are now favorable for organizing the Reynolds' plants is the opinion St Edward L. Crouch, sixth vice president of the Tobacco Workers International Union, who addressed the council...
...Morris Hillquit, Har ry W. Laidler, Louis Waldman Harriot Stanton Blatch, A. S Shiplacoff, Abraham Beckermai and others...
...As the presidential nominee I must spread myself thin over the country...
...60 MILLION YEARLY HANDED THE L R. T. Protest Mass Meeting In Carnegie Hall Tuesday Night Socialists Call Citizens To Protest On the crest of a wave of indig nation sweeping the city on the cent fare decision, the Socialis Party and the trade unions hav called a protest meeting to be hel< in Carnegie Hall, 57th street am 7th avenue, Tuesday evening, Ma...
...Shop economics classes Interested hosiery knitters, upholstery weavers and lithographers...
...The meeting is called by the So cialist Party, the Amalgamate* Clothing Workers Joint Board, thi Pocketbook Workers Union, the In ternational Ladies Garment Work ers Union and other unions...
...It was filled by more than 250,000 men, women and children long before noon...
...The argument," he says in his prospectus to Gadsden, "would be so constructed as to show that no other system of regulation or ownership would achieve so good a result...
...Alsace also provided a strange phase of the "United Front" tactics of the Communist Party as well as an amazing example of the unscrupulous opportunism of the Communists...
...This Farmers Union established the Chicago selling agency in May 1922 after successful experience with its first cooperative yard in Omaha...
...Their inventories are lower in 1927 indicating that goods have been priced conservatively, with no profits on Inflated inventory values...
...Socialists and Communists between them polled more than two' and a half million votes a decided increase over the last eelction...
...Ontario's Success Cited "The way to bring- a halt to this menace of corruption and thievery is to adopt the principle of public ownership...
...The Communists said the May Day collection would be divided between Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado miners...
...America and say that all is wen because General Motors Js advertising that this H a two-car cdtnftf...
...Indescribable panic followed and the square emptied in a few minutes...
...Nearly half a million in bribes was traced to Miller in one alien property Seal Duluth Labor Council Demands Communists Give An Accounting • Duluth, Minn.—The Federated Trades Assembly of this city unanimously rejected an invitation from the "International Labor Defense" to hold a joint May Day celebration with the Workers' (Communist) Party for the purpose of putting up a. "united front...
...Lawrence proceeds to outline his scheme for running a full page statement by each of 52 companies three times in the year, giving "a connected story" to prove the success of private local ownership as against any other system...
...I have a great admiration for Senator Norris for whom there is smtimeqt in the Northwest...
...in which, after the withdrawal of a Communist from the field, a three-cornered fight between Labor, Liberal and Conservative candidates has been waged...
...If a Federal court can so easily upset a supposedly iron bound contract between the City and the Company which operated the City's property, what will the courts do with any sort of contracts for the protection of the people...
...My first May Day Meeting;, really on May Day Eve, was one that I was proud to attend...
...Admission will be free...
...But we shall win victories, as In Milwaukee and Reading, by organising locally...
...Untermyer pointed out that the failure to give notice of recapture was costing the city of New York $30,000 a day...
...Since federal regulation is in the offing, the purpose of this campaign would be to prove how interwoven is the development of the utility with the life of the community, and how the present efficiency is due' to localization of the industry...
...The City and the Commission let the lawyers of the I. R. T. get the jump on them...
...A Massachusetts cost of living study says that it cast $2,200 or nearly that figure to live a year Jn this State with a normal family...
...At least two editorials which I have seen have sought to refute our Socialist hope and answer the Socialist Platform, which probably the learned editors never read, to the number of automobiles in America...
...When the meeting was called a (Communist organiser brushed the trade union chairman aside), took possession of the meeting, delivered a tirade against the American Federation of Labor and collected several hundred dollars to "help political prisoners...
...The decision...
...In so far as individuals were responsible for the World War few men have a heavier burden of guilt than Raymond Poincare, the uncompromising exponent of capitalism and preacher of a bitter nationalism...
...The present result is a poll'of 14,446 for Shinwell, as against 9.268 to the Conservative candidate (a daughter of the late member) and 5,690 to the Liberal...
...campaign slogans of the labor organisations to be: "For progress and against reaction, for the Republic and against the Monarchy, for world peace and against Nationalist hatred, and for a universal eight-hour workday...
...The last recourse of believers in regulation was in some system of contracts...
...Tammany Hall and its leaders, Mayor Walker and Governor Smith7"while protesting for political reasons their devotion to the five cent fare let us drift straight to the rocks of court action...
...And In that fact there is no cause for rejoicing...
...But for us Americans this May Day following so closely after our inspiring Socialist Convention has a special significance...
...And this charge allows for the retiring of the bonds within 40 years...
...The welcome and help they got when they marooned on Greenley Island were American and Canadian...
...The courts have brought it to pass that the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution is virtually no protection at all to the life of citizens—witness the SaccoVanzetti case—but a veritable bulwark to the inflated claims of property holders...
...In a series of articles supporting Its position in the strike The New Bedford Textile Council took every inch of ground from under the feet of the Manufacturers' Association...
...400 more enrolled (or two conferences on the textile industry and organizing the unorganized...
...Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for president, was the principal speaker at dve of these meeting* and at each of the crowded halls he received thunderous ovations...
...of the second polling on Monday show that Prance has swung slightly to the Right and that Poincare has a safe tenure of office...
...The facts cry out to...
...The Communists were asked to make a report on the money they have already raised- for the miners, but the challenge was ignored...
...The shipment that boosted the sales figure to $50,000,000 was from Skroove Bros, at Jackson, Minn...
...Probably our Communist friends Will run a ticket but their methods >nd tactics are different from ours and I do not believe that their fanatically held doctrine of salvation by catastrophe will win much...
...The argument backing it up would be doctrine vital to the problem of possible federal regulation...
...private Initiative and incentive was the governing influence in the development of the communities, thus erasing in the background any thoughts that might be lurking there on municipal operation...
...Not the least satisfactory feature of the whole business has been its genuinely international character...
...In former campaigns 1 have repeatedly predicted just what has happened...
...It will mean in all probability, not a seven cent fare for which the I. R. T. is already asking, but a nine cent fare, and that means almost $32 extra per family each year—more than the average weekly wage of a factory worker...
...The home,' as well as the factory and farm, will be dependent upon it If this power be wisely controlled it will become the slave of humanity and make all slavery urmcessary and super- • fluous...
...Courage and skill and the comradeship of the men who seek the conquest of the air are precious possessions for mankind to treasure...
...What nonsense to look at unemptoyment, ihe tool strike, the poverty, the oppression, tha Jiipsrltl Ism of...
...support from the fanners and workers when they understand it...
...That's about the amount of waste paper used by eld party voters en election day...
...Smashing Victory For British Labor (By A New Loader CorrMponaent) London.—Particular Interest has attached to the bye-election in Linlithgow, Vest T-Athlft...
...In Alsace the Communist Hueber also failed of reelection...
...On May Day Great Crowds Greet Norman Thomas—Bloodshed In Poland-Huge Parades In Vienna, Berlin JTNDEk the leadership of the Socialist Party, more than 250.00C workers observed May Day in New York City with a complete cessation of work...
...Craig and Untermyer have been made good...
...We want election campaigns to serve not as magnificent bonfires but as well dlriqeted flames to get up steam In the party boilers...
...The Communists have appeared on the scene as a "Textile Mills Committee" but they have no place in this tight...
...The decision of the court points plainly in the direction of an 8% return, not on money actually invested but that vague thing known as present value, which value our courts always interpret to the profit of trie investor...
...Frankly for what seemed to me valid personal nMsoes I did not want to accept the semination and I was sure that my star friend, Jim Maurer, was by all •Ml oar isst choice...
...4. That the earnings of the textile workers before reduction was less than half that called for as the minimum standard by the United States Department of Labor and Massachusetts authorities...
...Their activities arc not authorized and they are not wanted...
...The strike is in the bafl<ts,of the New Bedford Textile Council which will guard the interests and welfare of the strikers, organized and unorganized ,to the utmost...
...The answer is the closing of 37 mills by the strikers...
...After ill, whatever we may accomttfc fa the fight will be the result st the patient and courageous work of the Jimmy Higgins' who may never get their name ^ on any roll of fame...
...In our country we permit private companies, to whom we have given most of our resources, to charge exhorbitant rates for the benefit of private bond holders...
...Apparently on orders from the Third International in Moscow the Communists refused to withdraw any of their candidates in favor of Socialists in the second election...
...We say-that' America is infinitely less fortunate and...
...These are straws which show the direction of the wind and give us hope that in spite of Poincare's victory the problem of German reparations may be adjusted and progress made in the outlawry of war...
...State regulation versus federal would be continuously emphasized, and there would be ample opportunity to show bow...
...THOMAS HITS TAMMANY HALL FOR FARE GRAB ]y|AYOR WALKER, Governor Smith and their hankers and stockgambling friends were accused of primary responsibility for the 7 cent fare order, in a statement issued today by Norman Thomas, Socialist Party candidate for president...
...well as editorial writers, bankers and educators...
...He is the leader of his party...
...Even if the Governor breaks his policy of silence on all public matters that count it is too late to redeem his and his party's record in the transit situation...
...Being an uncommon convict, he was permitted to travel in style in a private compartment . of an ordinary Pullman...
...Instead of international rejoicing - we shall have national wars made more deadly...
...Mexico City.—More than 50,000 working men and women passed in review down the Avenida Juarez to the Plaza of the Constitution before perhaps more than 100,000 spectators, in celebration of May Day...
...In the case of the subway companies this means $60,000,000 additional each year on a 7 cents fare...
...Timely Topics By Norman Thomas Socudist Candidate for President rpHTS is the first opportunity I have a had in my own column to express my deep appreciation of the many evidences of confidence and friendship from comrades and sympathisers which have come to me during our great convention and in the says that followed...
...6. That New Bedford as a fine goods center has no reasons for following the example of some other New England towns manufacturing coarser goods...
...what is perhaps more significant ¦ evidence that the Communists are "kely to change their boring from within tactics in the unions...
...Thomas W. Miller, former alien 1 property custodian...
...Minister of Mines in the Labor Government of 1923-24...
...No notice of recapture has yet been given...
...Of course it is UM cause and not the man which coasts...
...Poincare himself has moderated some of his bitterness...
...The good women of the League and their men helpers are showing the way...
...2. That the financial conditions of the companies involved are good and show a marked improvement in 1927 over 1926...
...Not so Col...
...The result...
...When our representatives try to talk things over with them they are told 'we've got nothing to discuss.'" G. O. P. Convict Bides in Style Common federal convicts ride to Atlanta penitentiary in a convict car...
...The parades were comparatively orderly...
...Governor Smith of New York and Mayor Walker were singled out for sharp criticism by Thomas...
...He then spoke over WEVD from its studios at 3 West 16th street...
...They had nothing to do with calling the strike and they came to New Bedford two days after the Council had ordered the walk out...
...TextileUnion Stops Every Loom in City Manufacturers Find Stone Wall of Resistance To Wage Cuts By Frank J. Manning JYEW BEDFORD, MASS.—The long suppressed feelings of the textile workers in this city burst into resentment when 3,500 of them left the mills in a strike against the measureless exactions of the textile barons...
...This was a method once hinted at by Governor Sfnith to control the distribution of ¦ statt^mamufacrured hydro-electric power...
...He closed his afternoon address with the two largest May Day rallies, in the Metropolitan Opera House and at Mecca Temple...
...Again the Socialist position on public ownership is vindicated...
...Nevertheless his triumph is not so complete as to be altogether discouraging...
...The other meetings were at Webster Hall, Harlem Socialist Center, Beethoven Hall, Finnish Hall, the Borough Park Labor Lyceum, and the German Labor Lyceum...
...Just such intensive work as the Socialist Consumers League is doing must be done by the party in local political districts...
...They deserve and should receive the support of us all...
...this is reflected in their current balance sheets of 1927 where large surpluses, large reserves or depreciation of plant, very little funded debt and a healthy excess of current assets over current liabilities reflect prosperity of a very decided nature...
...So, too, do 70 per cent, of the members of all state legislatures, and the state regulatory commissions, as...
...Their statement that the strike is now in their hands is best answered by the fact that their, last call to a mass meeting was answered by only 53 persons, while the mass meeting arranged by the New Bedford Textile Council was attended by 3500 strikers and hundreds were turned away, because of Insufficient space in the Arena...
...The parades took more than four hours to pass a given point...
...Coolidge means when he talks about prosperity...
...Nation-wide propaganda is important...
...The Union reinforced its arguments by the use of tabulations and graphs for Illustration...
...Tell an ignoble and ao far futile war in the, hot jungles of little Nacaragua for no good purpose at all save the protection of private profit and the prestige of a blundering government...
...Coop Cattle Sales In Chicago Over $50,000,000 Mark Chicago.—After battling 6 years against both direct and indirect opposition by commission houses and other foes the Farmers Union Live Stock Commission has rolled up its cattle sales on the Chicago stockyards public market to more than $50,000,000...
...There are enough deputies in the socalled left block of parties to act as a very effective curb on him...
...see towns, cities, and smaller areas in cities carefully picked as hopeful places for Socialist work...
...Not only Congress, but State and civic legislative bodies today feel the presence of this power lobby, it has been well characterised in Congress ss the greatest lobby ever organized In this country...
...250.000 MARCH IN BERLIN Berlin.—Berlin Socialists and members of trades unions with innumerable bands and banners marched to the beautiful Treptow Park...
...From charges ranging from seven cents to 25 cents per kilowatt under private ownership, the rates have been reduced until in 1926 the average price for domestic users throughout the province of Ontario was 1.8 cents per kilowatt—less than two cents per kilowatt...
...There is something rather assuring about the Communist insistence that we have "betrayed the class struggle...
...he has done worse: He jammed through the Board of Estimate a bus franchise to the highest bidder which directly weakened the principle of the five cent fare...
...Recent investigations brought out the fact that two former Governor* and two former United States Senators are among the mam retained to help the power trust gnC what they want, and to keep what they have...
...What price this reputation, as a medium for propaganda...
...The flyers who first made the western passage in safety were German and Irish...
...The mills show more money in the bank in 1927, and more owed to them in 1926, while they owe 17 per cent less to outsiders...
...It is within the power of the men and women who celebrate this May Day to make 1928 a turning point in the history of the labor movement and of the Socialist Party...
...When the Socialist militia attempted to restore order, a Communist Deputy, M. Sokherski, drew a revolver...
...The most conspicuous Socialist loss was the defeat of Leon Blum, leader of the Socialist Party in the Chamber, who was defeated by a Communist, Duclos, who is a fugitive from prison...
...The workers gathered ii 11 meetings arranged by the Joint Socialist Party-May Day Committee the attendance at the meetings totalling 25,000 men and women workers...
...If it ia not publicly controlled, but left la the hands of a few overlords, to be used for their own greed and profit, that power Is bound to enslave ha—r"y » ? 6 Compasses stale the ¦sea* "Hand in hand with this concentration, goes the corrupting influence of (Us octopus...
...Other speakers at these meetings, and at five others arranged by the Joint Socialist Party-May Day Committee, were Morris Sigman, Max Zuritszy, James Oneal, William Karlin, Algernon Lee, Joseph Schlossberg, Jacob Panken and a score of others...
...The principal orator, Herr Orthmann, President of the Alliance of Traffic Workers, amid vociferous applause, proclaimed the...
...Two of these members are Clericals and two are Communists...
...Certainly it °»s*t to be a challenge to the A. F. JV** Yes, and to us, Socialists as T~- We do not want to dominate launions by party discipline...
...r And to build that parjy 1* the one thing that counts...
...us for action.1 The spirit within our hearts bids us go ahead...
...And the subways which get the money will give the same outrageous service...
...We have before us as the most conspicuous example of such public control that case of Ontario...
...the Communists concentrate on the ""organized it might somewhat clear *• air in the unions...
...The newspapers report that the very impressive official French war films are remarkable for their freedom frdm the teaching of hate...
...About this westward flight of the Bremen, the tragic ending of Floyd Bennett's gallant attempt to go to its aid and Captain Wilkin's flight over polar seas there is something too fine for any newspaper ballyhoo to mar...
...Under these circumstances it is political hokum of the worst sort for the Mayor to talk about running again to vindicate the five-cent fare...
...Public ownership means simplicity of organization, no stock propaganda, and no corruption...
...The fact that our brothers in every land celebrate this day with us so that the whole earth rings with the songs of the workers is Itself an Inspiration and a promise of the ultimate victory of humanity...
...AH members of the House and Senate, he says, read it carefully, so do the federal judges and all the • officials in the departments and comr missions...
...Tell that to the coal strikers, to the miserable textile workers, to the bankrupt farmers, to the 36 per cent, of our citizens who do not receive at all or barely receive enough of the good things of life to provide them with the minimum budget of health and decency...
...decrease the wages for more misery...
...8 p. m. The speakers will include Nor man Thomas...
...If R. J. Reynolds refuses to sign an agreement the A. F. of L. is expected to advertise its firm's bad labor policies...
...No pjan for a unified publicly operated transit system has yet been adopted...
...A citizens committee has been organized to handle relief funds and an appeal has been sent out for financial support of the struggle...
...miserable to become better...
...150,090 PARADE IN VIENNA Vienna.—The Socialist May Day demonstration, in which 150,000 participated, was marked by complete preservation of order...
...The Socialists seem to have elected 100 deputies, which is their present number in Parliament, and the Communists 13 which is half their present strength...
...They are paying starvation wages...
...Thomas made his first address before members of the Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers Union in Cooper Union...
...We say that for our unnecessary poverty and oppression there can be but one remedy, and that remedy the WfeetIve organization of the workers with hand and brain, economically and politically...
...And the Manufacturers' propose to chop another $100 a year from the workers...
...2# "The decision shows again the dangerous encroachment of our courts on the social functions of fixing values and rates...
...But 1 can dtoepver no grounds for thinking that he will run for the Presidency as an independent candidate •ad I em certain that the political philosophy which he honestly holds would keep him from taking the lead hi trying to build a party of the workers and farmers...
...has sharply criticized American Y°"nmunist tactics in reference to the *~ of L, unions...
...In a statement he lamed, Mr...
...I should like to...
...In that task I think we can •spect no national progressive movement this year...
...Marching into the inner city over the city's radial streets, the masses assembled before City Hall and listened to Socialist leaders who, after the reiteration of demands for International solidarity of the workers, voiced condemnation of Great Britain's latest note to Egypt and to Premier Mussolini's Fascist activities...
...barely managed to maintain their position...
...Cash and receivables are greater in 1927 than in 1926, while notes and accounts payable have declined over $3,000,000...
...The progress of the strike will be told by responsible newspapers, Including the "Forward" whom we have officially requested to carry an appeal for financial aid...
...7. And finally that /the companies were and are divided as to the wisdom of the cut and the stockholders as a class are ignorant of the conditions under which it was made...
...The cumulative effect", he smoothly suggests, "should be not only to convince Congress that the utility problem is a local one—thus discouraging interference—but to emphasize to the states that the utilities should be kept in their own bands, and to explain to the editorial writers of the country just why the utility problem is essentially a local one and that.it is to their interest to keep it local...
...May Day," Thomas said, "with us now as always is a beautiful symbol of life and hope, of the coming of Spring in men's hearts, of the release of the human brotherhood from the long winter of stupidity, oppression, want and war...
...All references to the Germans are references to "the enemy" not to Huns or ven to Germans...
...Crouch, a former Reynolds' employe, was a leader in the great drive that lined up nine tenths of the workers In 1919 and 1920 and won a contract that held till 1922...
...In these articles the Union has established the following conclusions: 1. That the strike was caused by the arbitrary action of the employers in making a 10 per cent reduction of wages without the slightest attempt at consultation with the textile unions and in violation of their agreement...
...Cars, big and little, prove it seems that all is well with us and that there is no need for Socialism among us...
...His undeniable abilities make him more rather than less dangerous to social progress and international peace...
...The facts were well stated last week in a New Leader editorial...
...Berger said: "In proposing public owMnhip and control of super-power, the Socialist is the moat constructive and conserving force at work to our nation today, while the predatory interests, and especially those that are now In the power trust, -are do...
...The average yearly income of the New Bedford operatives in 1927 was $1,037.40, showing the alarming descrepancy of $1,147.23 between actual earning and the official minimum for decency...
...Their figures show that the normal New Bedford family is forced to live on less than half of what the Masschusetts authorities declare essential to maintain a decent standard of living...
...Warsaw.—Five persons were killed and nearly 100 wounded here in a bloody battle between Socialists and Communists at the May Day celebration...
...A group of Communists managed to get into the centre of the Socialist assemblage and at once started to make speeches, hurling defiance at their adversaries...
...Republican leader and Harding graft intimate...
...3. That 1927 production of cotton in New Bedford was greater than It has ever been before...
...Already pressed to the limit of endurance because of wages about one-half below the standard ; required to maintain a decent existence, this army of workmen displays as fine an example of solidarity as has ever been witnessed in any industrial struggle...
...France has a somewhat peculiar "system of elections to her Parliament under which a second vote is necessary in'the many districts where no candidate gets a clear majority in the first vote...
...We do net say that it must be more...
...With the manufacturers it is a question of wringing more blopd from the workers...
...the Country Today (By A New BswaSJSSSSSa) WASHINGTON...
...Through excellent public statements and big mass meetings the strikers are keeping the mill barons on the defensive and holding their lines intact...
...The table furnished by the union shows an impressive financial strength...
...The immediate cause was the arbitrary action of the employers in r^'H^g a 10 per cent reduction in wages without any attempt to consult the textile unions and in violation of the agreement...
...The Socialist leader charged Walker, Smith and Tammany Hall with using the courts as a scapegoat...
...The Communists got away with the collection...
...Mixed classes were conducted in current events, labor problems, public speaking, labor dramatics, social psychology, English literature and research...
...involved issues of national importance...
...John "Jper's reply in the May issue of Communist" is not very stre**wa We may...
...Aside from any strength of the radical groups, the Socialists, and the Communists who between them make up the somewhat inharmonious left bloc, there is a very real and intelligent concern for peace which seems to be growing in strength throughout France...
...when he was defeated by the Conservative (whose death has occasioned the bye-election...
...PIERRE RENAUDEL, who, with Paul Faure, will lead the French Socialist Party in the Netv Chamber of Deputies...
...We can still save future generations from bondage by enacting my bill for public ownership of superpower...
...The Communists were told that If they are interested in a "united front" they should cease attempting to destroy the morale of striking coal miners by attacking miners' officials...
...It is significant that within recent years the government has deleted from the official textbooks those passages which taught specific and eternal hate against Germany...
...nominated the transit interest openly rejoiced and transit stock went up...
...The Transit Commission appointed by Governor Smith and consisting of his personal friends has talked and done nothing...
...But ??™*u*m was never more alive than 7°*° Socialists were active In organ™?*th« needle trades...
...The Nationalists won some seats and the Radical...
...Tell that to the four million or more unemployed who vainly tramp the city streets looking not for money to buy an extra car but a crust of bread...
...Fifty bands provided music...
...These comrades of the Consum! ers League are doing a splendid piece of work without any blare of trumpets at j all or any craving for the limelight...
...Emphatically we acknowledge toe existence of the class struggle...
...SocialistAims Blow at Vast Utility Lobby Congressman Calls Combine Most Corrupt Influence in...
...therefore, be about to see an Important change of tactics...
...We 'sociabats do not see/'that America Is as, miserable as a countoy can.be...
...He defeated Hylan and gave us Walker...
...He urged his audiences to make May Day "a turning point In the history of the labor movement and of the Socialist Party...
...The 11,000 workers in the big Winston Salem paints of this firm average only $11 a week,'though living costs are high, and R. J. Reynolds' net profits last year amounted to more than four times the total wage bill...
...Shareholders received some $17,000,000 in additional shares of common stock for which they paid nothing, receiving dividends upon these additional shares at the same rates paid hitherto...
...But life is made richer and hope higher by the kind of comradeship which has been revealed to me...
...Then I should like to see some of our strongest comrades patiently build up the party in those districts even if it means that for many years they are candidates for comparatively minor offices...
...The heroes of the trip from Alaska to Spitsbergen were American and Australian...
...Not one of the threats of retaliatory action by Messrs...
...The Federated Trades Assembly was left to hold the bag and pay the cost of the meeting...
...A study of the financial condition of the New Bedford Mills shows that, as a class, the mills have been profitable...
...He practically for a definite abandonment of ton attempt to capture these unions to its stead a concentration on organizing the unorganized...
...Labor College Enrolls 500 Students Philadelphia.—500 students enrolled in the past seven months for study in the Philadelphia Labor College, Secretary Israel Mufson reports...
...Those who really want to help the strikers Will avoid counterfeit organizations and contributions to the New Bedford Strike Relief Fund, P. O. Box 67, New Bedford, Mass...
...He first fought the seat in 1918...
...Early last fall Mr...
...It was in the admirable Kitcflen opened by the Socialist Consumers League at 187 Henry street, where some 300 unemployed are fed i daily...
...The Communists and the Clericals formed a "united front" as a party of "autonomists" and elected four members of the Chamber...
...Other reasons are offered in the vague assertion that "present condiUons" warrant the wage reduction...
...Not only the Mayor but Governor Smith himself is involved in this matter...
...The upheaval came as the "1|m«T to many years of profiteering by the textile lords aand a low wage scale...
...The firm thinks it is so big that it can run rough shod over everything...
...You know the answer...
...All payments would be made by the individual companies direct to Lawrence's paper, and "This would obviate the necesity of any pooling of funds or the existence of any large advertising fund, which is often objectionable from many standpoints...
...The manufacturers have attempted to Justify their action by citing wage reductions in Lowell and other ciUes although New Bedford is a fine goods center and the others are not...
...Thomas assailed Governor Smith for having "flippantly vetoed the most important of the bills which would have made repetition of vote frauds more difficult in the future...
...5. That no competitive condition exists that warrants the reduction...
...It is estimated that about fifteen tons ef paper was thrown oat of windows during the reception to the flyers in New York City...
...Then, following a parade around the Ring-Strasse, the people returned to their homes...
...A few live' Socialist aldermen and assemblymen can do a lot for our party...
...And it means more than that...
...The bill contains features providing for the conservation of the nation's natural resources, the coordination, the enlargement and expansion of the Reclamation Service in the field of agriculture, service at cost, and Federal aid to States, cities, counties and other political subdivisions in the developnent of super-power systems, with service at cost...
...The Socialist candidate denounced Mayor Walker for what heJjBnried "a phoney bus franchise to theNn^hest bidder...
...The exercises at the park consisted of a number of speeches repeated by a dozen loud-speakers in every part of the large grove...
...moral and financial...
...It calls for personal dedication from each of us to the task of building stronger than ever our unions in the service of a great ideal and adding to our unions a militant party of the workers with hand and brain, which party alone can serve as the instrument of our emancipation...
...Consider the facts: When Mayor Walker was...
...The facts established by the Union are sensational in their nature...
...An address in the Debs Auditorium to locals of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union followed...
...These came chiefly from union members In Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Missouri...
...Other leading Communists who were defeated Monday are Jean Oarchery and Vaillant Couturier...
...We do not wish to darken the hour of rejoicing but we shall miss half the lesson of these triumphs of aviation if we fail to understand that unless we can make an end of war the very deeds we now applaud will be turned to our destruction...
...The next phase of civilisation will be based upon the general use of electric power...
...All these objectives can be successfully combined by having the copy coordinated at one place, although the funds are provided separately, and the actual localization of copy is achieved by sending an individual representative to consult with the local companies in Question...
...But suppose we had made no change to give rise to any mispresentation •Wild the Communists have cheered tor us...
...Electrical Workers studied apprentice problems in two classes and plate printers sharpened their knowledge of parliamentary law...
...These articles have served to solidify public opinion in support of the strike...
...The Cumulative Effect He touts his journal as the "only link between the legislative and the executive branches of the federal government...
...The Manufacturers' Association ignored not only the workers but toe merchants and the city govern rarnt aad made Us royal will known by posting a scrap of paper in the mills...
...No wonder the strike is 100 per cent effective...
...Wilson told of a visit to A. F. of L. headquarters in Washington by a group of union men from North Carolina and said that President William Green responded favorably to their request for organizers to help win the South for unionism...
...Since the name of no company would appear more than three times in the 52 weeks, he argues, all criticism based an charges that one organization was conducting the campaign would be avoided...
...The result of the two elections is on the whole a triumph for Premier Poincare...
...Duluth trade unionists have not forgotten their "united front" experience In 1924 when a number of locals Joined with the Communists In a May Day celebration, Which was to have been conducted by the Federated Trades Assembly...
...in 1922 Shinwell won the seat, and at the election of 1923 increased his majority, only to lose it by 642 votes to the Conservative at the last general election in 1924...
...Socialist Party Gains One Seat in French Poll Vote Heavily Increased-^— Communists Lose Half of Representation In -Chamber DAMS, France.—As was to be expected under the clever electoral law jammed through by the Poincarists a few years ago, the Socialist Party has gained but one deputy in the Chamber although polling an increased vote...
...Despite the fortune spent by the power trust to discredit the efficient example of Ontario, we know that starting on a very small scale twenty years ago by creating a hydro-electric power commission, Ontario today owns numerous great generating plants along the Canadian border and is cooperating with 380 municipalities to supply electricity at cost...
...About 30,000 Socialists gathered in the . Opera Square...

Vol. 7 • May 1928 • No. 20

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