AMUSEMENTS Chicago porters Spirit Runs High For A Walkout ters*, mains arid syfhtndftnwsn' crowded the MetjnpnlUen church, on, Chicago's south side in the cctored sakion Sunday to...

...Sadoff's address on Friday evening or/lhe "Philosophy of Communism" war exwemely interesting and instructive.' ht the Friday evening, 4tprfl 5r7, meetibg Jacob Axelrad will address the branch csx "The Economic and Ethical Bases of Scajallsm...
...which HutchesoiT Boyd has 'seed- trying to get to Broadway for a time, and which Is now at the Forty-Ninth Street Theatre, the dream device is similarly employed...
...Which appears to have been reached by Pullman influence to change its former friendly prolabor attitude...
...A May Festival is being arraafed for Saturday sssniag, May 6 *, apod musical prograsa has been obtsknd,' admission to be 50c...
...Doe to i chsfcge of occupation Comrade Handler •ha has served this branch so faithfully dnee it was organized a few months ago, has.been compelled to resign as organizer for' the present...
...A delegate to th> National Convention will speak on thf paojiedings of the Convention...
...But me seeks to press him » more practical' ways...
...H 5th A. D. Mb next meeting will be held Friday Asm 27, at the County Headquarters 11ST Boston Road...
...6-g-12*b A. Ik Ii spite cd bad weather last Mcrs»y night, the meeting was Well attended...
...Those present were inspired with Goldberg's report...
...taken all over the country by the brotherhood wiQ have hearty bucking la the Chicago area if it comes to a test...
...The Week On Stage By Joseph T. Shipley TJTTITH its usual boldness in experlW'iasaarfa<, and, thanks to the dlaRSjao ot Jbses Light and the cooperation of an exceptionally large cast, with more than its usual Intensity and safU, the nsississajins fhahipiai la producing e. e. cummings* **hfm...
...Carl Cummings wat el anted In his stead...
...LECTURE NOTES Bronx Free Fellowship "Does Civilization Need Religion" will be the subject of Rev...
...Dont try to jnderstand it, let It try to understand you...
...His subject WHY be "The Face of Bolshevism or the Man in the Iron Mask...
...As of the company propaganda Randolph cited the betrayal by the colored Pittsburgh Courier...
...Speakers win include Mrs...
...the stags, f aa (three quarters of an hoar, taBdagv inactive, merely chatting, tn* a tongue these reviewers could not aaawaaenM these now declare themselves basse, when in seallty they were first baffled, in the fas* of an Intense and intelligent reaction to life...
...It is hoped by that tune to haVg... addition to the excellent directing of James Light, who hasdtes many aaacult problems with sympathetic under* standing and success,- the play is supported by a cast that lends Itself with unquestionable seal, blending into Use parts and the moods with almost, SUMSsjiag merit...
...901 East ITSth street Tela being the only affair of its kinc in flke Bronx that night, wo expect s IgrBB gathering...
...18th A. D. ' flans are all set for the Package Party ana Dance on Sunday evening, April 29 In die Rockaway Mansion, 695 Rockawaj avenue...
...they are, rraBboaa...
...Ash, probably the most imitated nana dan in America, came into nation-wtd< prominence as a stage* band leader at th< McVlcker's Theatre, Chicago, in 1925 When the Oriental Theatre, Chicago, opened in May, 1926, Ash moved ovei to that house where be has held awe] without interruption except for a sbnr vacation in Europe the latter part of las year...
...despite his conciousness of ha superiority, he must at imes be afflicted with doubts as to the alue of intellectual and artistic ability oo subtle to earn him a comfortable ivlng or to make him known and rejected: him balances on a wire, high in dr...
...This is Andreyev's last work, sad the present production is the world premiere...
...The mtefljgent and senitlve artist, in our only known world s unappreciated, mtgdaderstood, left to truggle for a livelihood...
...A very Interesting discussion toofc alasa In which everybody participated...
...Webster slated that orgaaaatipa work among porters began in 1906 bat got nowhere until after r*» When the tyranny of the company union, known as the employe representation plan, became too hard to bear...
...Axelrad is a Beerd and hjtessstlng talker, as well as One who fcaowt hit subject, and it will well repay one to beat him...
...The Civic Repertory Theatre is gratified to welcome Madame Nazlmova in Its company of co-workers...
...and when the uithor allows his ideas to shoot forth m these tangential jeunteytngs, only an ntelligenoe as quick as his own and in he same mood can follow flying...
...But It is unfortunate that the riS'ii... rise to a curious congeries of booze, bHzsards, buns, bootleggers, and other varieties, of bugs...
...t a T Bdwsrd *;?6tor«f»'«r «* tyman Co., last month took the stand under summons In the Chicago etui, of the...
...j 3rd A, D. An enspBsd voters meeting was held last Friday at the Martinique Mansion, 166th and Beck streets...
...and tiees most pride |n aking sugaw-pohshed pax furmenees of plays by^eelebrttfcs, er ef smooth trivlaljaav T%* TaoTUr TArivea atoag avenues There only the nimble can feuow—makes non-commercial pro-luetic* hawtaaaaj aad such a playhouse as the Provincetown is fulfilling its*highest fuaetied la gngtif "hkaH and as a mutual opportunity...
...Thursday, May 3d—"Strange Interlude," by Eugene O'Neill, win be discussed from varying view points at a public symposium...
...Chicago organiser M. P. Webster traced the...
...Detectives, eonstables, companionate xiarriagea, mixed drinks and couples, all are shaken together to a wild melange...
...I do not know whether Mr...
...TA "A Lady for a Might," called an "eccentric mystery comedy...
...Over 7000 votes have been cast for a ' Strike if demands are not met and less than 100 votes against...
...He vrfll be seen in the forthcoming series of 'The Collegians...
...Louif Ptpdberg will open the campaign at corpar of Bristol and Pitkin avenues, wltt talks on Friday, May 4 and May 11 rust Cnaaecns wtil be there the lattei t of May and Frank Crosswaith hai n engaged for a serins of open at urea during June...
...A very well attendee n< If nu was held...
...Paul Leni directed -The Who Laughs," sad its cast aueudes Conrad Veldt, Mass f*bflbin...
...ffcHiis P. Goldberg, delegate to Kit Nattogal Convention, will report on May 4th to the branch on his impressions of the convention...
...The opening pesformance under the auspices of the F*4pi Bureau, bf which Mae Anne Morgan is at the head, and the gross recelaks were contributed to Amis d*Rlerencdn, a hospital base la France...
...she wants be day, not merely- to be a great drama, mt to win a aalhen dollars (well, she would be content with less): the sudden ihtrttngs of thought with which be counters her lack of understanding bewilder vnd seem nonsensical, useless, to her...
...but reminds us, In contrast with ' the absurd but logical growth of the earlier dream play, of the fellow who starts to tell a story, gets It toe tangled for anyone to believe, then puts It into a dream frame, on the principle that "anything can happen In a dream.'' The acting Is competent, especially that ot Esther Howard as the dream moid...
...I The picture was given aU the conscientious thought and sere that it is pssstole to give a shape work which ape may hope to be adjudged by...
...and finds himself the prisoner of convention aad millionaire ideas of respectability and artistic success—until In despair be klBs his parents-in-law...
...ComradeBrtaeberg and Claessens spoke in behalf of Be City Organization and made cer uv|rsuggestions...
...Abie's Irish Rose" is back 09 Broadway, thai time hi the celhtioto and playing at the Forty-ninth Street Thee We...
...Tw Druses o£ Bo* gene O'Neill...
...ana -af She general press so umvejraaih> Buoqumb to the temptation t£ ridicule that which they cannot underagsjaaV - *Ths *nuaoeni asat Jahasas asssods, far eaaands, roeoived anaaasaV praise, for everyone knows.the song, and the...
...Jealousy, combined with fear as to the postibiety of the maid's refusal to tend the baby or to live on Steten 18land...
...He win direct several pictures with Glenn Tryon for the' coming season, the title of the first being "The Gate Crasher...
...Eddie Phillips, popular young "heavy", has been re-signed on a contract...
...He was presented Wtth a basket of flowers by the members Sd a^uH^^atfcS o?"vtosehfirom*'cSrcle No...
...Teapot DorSfe IgSnlSjjsnyaTt - ,*rsxy- sees* sured, with smiling M>nti)Bpt 9a* the seriate subcommittee, he told of donations in $2000, $3000 and tSOOO chunks to the corrupt repubKeart nattcttai sajnmittee...
...him's (Think of Toe" and "ban" as names...
...It was the unequivocal success « Ash as a stage band leader that led directly to the vogue for this typo of entertainment, now popularised from coos' to coast...
...Harold Lloyd, not only won the toea when he was here shooting "Speedy," bat he has retaken it wtth ins flhn at tS RivoB Theater...
...The geucanB sinus gwet* to Pees* ldent Coolidge's party by Carry were In reality sweated out of the porters and maids in bis corporation's employ...
...laesaheable'', "eheu fugeoee**—details grate when the whole Is so sound...
...A considerable n'tmber of non-brotherhood porters are also res fly to strike, Randolph said...
...Joseph E. McAfee, director of the Social Service Department of the Community Church, will lead the first half ot the discussion...
...Re does not say that it is happy, or unhappy, So perhaps has struck the happy medium...
...tbe^plstform and the constitution...
...Processional", which ;-Jthe Theatre Guild somehow found lisat......n to proiuce, ends with the movement onward of the race...
...the*----If- T ti lanasBil ran high as general mgsuBoj1 |_ Philip Randolph exposed the company propaganda against the Brotherhood, of MsephMCsa Porters...
...At 8 P. M. Brent Dofl' Allison just returned from a six months* visit in Russia where he traveled extensively, will speak at the Community Forusa, Park avenue and 34th street...
...But the very one who wrote paragraphs of meaningless ecstasy when the Moscow Art Players (as in Act U of "Tt*> Lower Depths") sat...
...with the Universal Pictures Corporation...
...The man who laughs," Universale latest special production, had its premises presentation at the Central Theatre Fidday evening, April 27...
...sufficient new members to formally organise the 3d A. D. Branch...
...Community Cnascb Sunday, April 29th, at 11 A. M—Rabbi Louis I. Newman wiU preach to the Community Church, Park Avenue and 34th street...
...A story has bean prepared bj Irvtn S. Cobb and the fine WiQ be asset and released for the benefit of the Actors Fund Charles L. Wagner announces that i< is in' nothing less than Robert Emaset Sherwood's immensely successful comedy "The Road to Roma...
...Alex E. Miller, secdatorves honorable mention for a t» Sh X. Dt /others arsons the luffc mejahsrs, are Murrajr Gross two comrade* find no sacrOlce toe great ' Branch Seven East Car branch, in conjunction with the Ruasa Social Democratic Auxiliary Commlt|te, have arranged a May Day gath ertnV for Saturday, April as, »;30 P M at le Social Hall...
...The program bears a warning, part of which reads: "Relax, and give this PLAY a nhsrwi to saret to stuff—relax, don't worry what it's all "about"—like many strange and familiar things...
...In the realistic fashion of "Naaook" and "Grass...
...Jacob Panken will be the speapr...
...Jie audience thrilled to the mere sound aad spectacle at the Freakie sad Joharde episode, and X fancy that even the reviewers for tfys bourgeois press felt the force of the scene in which, the gentleman holds a piece of breed watte the starving h>*prdj presses around him, until bv his giving he is reborn...
...A musical program by Zelma and Genevieve Kaufman has been arranged...
...The malted if jnsdJdnjas for keel public office was referred to the Executive Commutes...> not conusing:) to me, him's ways are Inscrutable, yet she loves him...
...Bad weather reduced the attendance...
...EarfRariern ' <A May Day meeting will be hSkt in...
...Tne resulting compound has elements of merriment...
...B recounts the annual hunt for seals which lasts six weeks just before the ice beams 'to break...
...At the 9 o'clock open forum...
...and requiting, thought...
...The Veil of Happiness," produced from his novel with a complete Oriental cast, win take place at the Fifth Avenue Playhouse during tee week bsguming Saturday, April Sath...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the * o'clock FellowShip service at the Bronx Free Fellowship, 1301 Boston Road Sunday evening...
...SUU others, inckuUng the deft Eusopean farces1, such as The Command to Love", appeal to oartato eaaaants at the adult, to a ssi sam ot the maturity some persons achieve, "but mingle that sgqaeat wgth aBBaWtsB sad gbfMUke lures... far canvassec seared to become a member of the Party It "was decided that open air meetings t*aln with the first Friday in May...
...JL Williamsburg Branches AJoint meeting of the fom* branches ir WlBfamsburg way held TUesOay, Apri 3<,3it the County Headquarters...
...Eva Le Gallienne announcing MedsBM Nazlmova will become a member of the Civic Repertory Theatre's permanent company September 1928...
...EL W. .Griffith's "Drums -of Love" Mt at Che RiaRo Theatre for a popular run, *Phls is the first time that the film has been shown at popular prices...
...The cast includes Syrvbt Hoffman, Harold Johnsrud, Jules Artfield and Antoinette Crawford...
...Last wesg Mr: Griffith announced that, owing to requests received by Mary Phllbln sad other stars in the film not to make pistares wtth unhappy endings, that gs bas changed the ending of the picture...
...It is Impossible to stop writing of this remarkable play without some word of its reception...
...At the asms time, the Playhouse will aha present Varick Frisson's vivid drama of the annual seal hunt, "The 8w*un' '•he Swain' Beckett" was produced by^arfek Frlssell, p. R G. s., off the nerahern coast of Labrador...
...Never ens- a comedy proven so popular on Broadway...
...Erin OTSrien-Moore as me, plays a smaller but less sympathetic pert so as to make it rich and winning...
...both show an intensity and a fervor the* (even at him's most "Indifferent" moments) keep their playing vital—though so intelligent a person* as' him should not mispronouace "uauaMlh...
...Goldberg gave them t rifing talk and succeeded in enusttcr tkf services of every member present Tbm next Joint meeting will be helc T^ttday evening...
...The policy of the Civic Repertory Theatre win remain unchanged...
...It was voted that join: ss of the branches be held ever raarweeks during this emergency period An Executive Committee.of 12 members lour- from each of the branches, was el erap to work out plans for various actiyfies...
...despite the love of a dear (but moneyless) maiden, he selects the wealth...
...The mass meeting snowed by Bs temper that the strike vote nOw, beln...
...K wiQ have rti first presentation In Philadelphia on Maj 8th...
...The comedy announced for pa udlienor -by Lawrence Shubert Lawrence, unda the title of "And How", has been renamed "Congratulations...
...seated on three chairs, labeled respectively: "an artist", "a man," and 'a failure...
...Louis P. Goldberj was elec^dj^ywf the X*eels...
...His subject will be "The Sophisticates and Their Great God Boredom...
...Many ptays, such as the typical mystery, sppssl only to the childlike elements in each of us...
...more -ualflot and '.her ef cue mors raadgy coouprcJajmded...
...The fleet Americas showing of Georges Ctemanceau's fantasy...
...The Report of the Committee on Canfsjadng brought in some excellent news Every enrolled voter...
...Dent try to despise it, let it try to despise you...
...A C. Aagust Oertw rendered e report of the proceedings of the Convention A,CpfAmitte* far open-air meetings was elected...
...John Baylies Holmes win jive wit aVfl&iesB on...
...May 8, in the same ,'t|»e .branch will mes^Wlday evening MPBU 27, in the cIud-todhuv TgiB 20tx svoaue...
...A well arranged pro grass fine entertainment and good thing to sit are In store for -those attending Cento and bring your friends...
...Speakers are announced In, another, part of this paper...
...The play carries on through the most uproarious burlesque, that is highly entertaining for its own sake...
...Monday, April 2X.Louis P. Goldberg spoke on the Ragqaal Convention, its work and achleveSTapts...
...In k>ve with ne, a dear enough girl who achieves her 3lace In life rather by the play of her !eellngs than through the play of her ntefflgence...
...About ^JS^^XVejJRpJlt August GkV»r...
...reviewers had a lewd delight la the fadu that parts of the sobg were apt debited...
...Carry, the millionaire, said however, he knew nothing about that/ and with characteristic Pullman pemirlousness added that Jhe could not afford to . own _ government bonds...
...And the last trust of irony, the stinging thrust that burns the artist aa well as the ttte he beholds, a born* on the final words, when me tells him that he cannot begete that he and she are but the pretense of prank- sitting where a fourth will ought to be, that he cannot believe this, "because this is true...
...that Alice Brad} wiU make her debut as a guest star thi] summer with his Rochester, Buffalo one Toronto stock companies...
...and at the close, we discover it is all the artist's private nightmare of what would happen If he ware to wed the wealth...
...Excellent dance music will makr dancing a pleasure, and with a first-rate program of entertainment, plus a package party a rare good time is guaranteed in Advance...
...One good reason the club-rooms were Jammed was that Norman Thomas, our candidate for President and a member of this branch, spoke...
...Brandon Hurst and Josephpo CroweB...
...Basil Sydney and Mary EBts, stars a) the Garrick Players' production oj "Twelve Thousand" are going to mok- I movie...
...8pe*s> y" has broken all the records tor doing WaUaeas at the Rtvoh, and the Rlvoll hap base dome business on the street jar some time...
...Few plays bear so rksh s reward to the conosatirating Atind, few plays make more demands—but the value of art Is that A makes demands, and repays them— than "him...
...cummings submitted his play uptown, but I suppose he did not, for no commercial producer would think of it, and there Is little difference between the commercial theatre and that temple of bourgeois self-satisfaction which refuses the plays of our greatest dramatist entil he is also our best krvowc...
...Which caution is sometimes necessary, for when one considers thought as a wnsrflng circle, each idea a conjsntratat whirl, that- -at every poia* ot thss circh) some abass ~df "the' ides *» saBjng away with Wnnseasi CantiMagsl force, trying to fly out at a tangent from he course of the thought...
...these workers gvwe* on, a>, Pullman wage of between **o and gW a saonth, with what tips they can hope for, furnished a strong contrast in their united efforts for a decent ntttg Uo the recent public appearance of the president of the penny-pinching corporation they work for...
...To me...
...him is, hi nig fashion...
...Indeed, the expression of such a mind directly feeing the meaning of the world, as the present offering of the Provincetown...
...In terms of theatre ,Eor, to those who give the play the attention it demands, "him" is valid both, as Idas and as drama...
...It's been some tints- since we have had a branch functioning in this, district and an effort is Pnpw being organise one...
...These are .sharper in -heir Irony ,even than the apparently lis Join ted remarks of the three Weirds...
...Life Included, this PLAT isn't "about", It simply is...
...IT Branch Seven FSSday evening, April 27, Morris Hill quit, will speak cm "Marxian Socialism iat Bbe club-rooms, 4215 Third avenue near- Tremont avenue at 8 ^30 P. M. I) BROOKLYN . B 2d A. D. Malay evening, April 27, a specia meeting will be held at the club-rooms flOnsinsdale street...
...Algernon Lee commented on various r**Tar Vt the platform and Jessie Wallace Rughan added her remarks on this question...
...The 45000, contribution came the very week that Will Maya was dishing out the Binciaic' liberty bonds to Andy Mellon and' others...
...May lata...
...poe» ana" critic, John Haynes Sohnes, rrdnister jt Bto_ Oankmunny Cbuxdkt Ob tttti fufK/wift* n>vra4fKy ct# nlcg...
...Don't try to enjoy t. let it try to enjoy you...
...Louis P. Goldberg was prosext to athalf of the Socialist Action Committoo, and he succeeded in arousing those present to volunteer a certain amount o' tiPW for visiting the enrolled voters lr WBamsburg...
...era t^aafBv ^w^pncsTiOnS tot fiieiinjei snip wore'received and another meeting will be, Kid Friday evening, May 4, in the sasm hall...
...Waking from his dream, he marries content In a cottage... spite of the apparent hopelessness of our civftizatkm, tladie Cohen is to have a child What seems in the play a note of optimism, in "him" becomes the prize exhibit—and the bigjest fake—among the freaks In the cirm that for* hue is the universe...
...PLEASANT DREAMS A few seasons ago, one of the outstanding plays was "The 'Beggar On Horseback.'<• In this comedy, a poor young artist is wooed by the daughter of a multimillionaire...
...more, the sentimental comedies wtth sacral Implication or ensMgs, appeal t* the adolescent...
...AaRa Block,' reader of forelga Tdays for *ihS Theatre Guild, Mies Auce Rlgg* Bant...
...and Mrs...
...y-4 , Socialist Party At Work Greater New York 2-eSMUL A- D. . en mtecattiAsatsaaaetwaV&Met the horse of Mr...
...Madame Nazlmova was reared tn the atmosphere of the Moscow Art Theatre and having watched carefully the efforts of the Civic Repertory Theatre, feels that by joining forces with Miss Le Gallienne, she will realize her ambition of being associated with a theatre of artistic and noo-commercial ideals producing the plays most valuable to a progressive and intelligent community...
...history of organisation efforts among the es*ered iiflTlan ¦ ml ers...
...s do the portions of his play that him presents for her...
...Not sines , the Neighborhood Playhouse production of James Joyce's "Exiles" has there been a drama so purely adult is, its sualtta, so- singly addressed to the sensitive, mature mind —so fully...
...The picture will as presented ; twice daily, and Josiah Bum h arranghto the musical score...
...All who respond eagerly to Intellectual stimulation, who quicken at- such challenge as the WMM sends as tastr m> slag i nee aad saeatrrity, should flad rewasd in the ksnj evening of e. e. oauaajage' "ban...
...72 23d A b. . Rt the last meeting qn...
...the Bait Harlem Socialist Educational Center, 63 Esst 106th street...
...The active member: of St' four branches was present and t dhiisslon was held relative to the condi tie* of the Williamsburg branches, tly cootirg membership drive, and wort Uvfilghout the territory...
...The various rumored reports that Pari Ash, red-headed "Rajah ef Jess,*' weuK soon make his bow to Broadway bow fruit yesterday when It was definitely announced by the Publix Theatres Corporation that Ash win open at the Paramouni Theatre for an indefinite engagement beginning Saturday, May 12th...
...The Universal Pictures Corporation has renewed its contract with William Jatnes Craft...
...The association of ideas Is carried along by he dramatist, htm, who is a sensitive rtist in this, after all generally uninalhgent world...
...indeed, she Inds first, the remark to which he later eturns: "the nicest things happen by hemselves...
...Miss Nl», oh' supervision ateclotes so touts ring effort and the results are right there en the screen for ail the world to see, sad doubtless s good portion of H will...
...IN BRIEF "The Waltz of the Dogs", by Leonid Andreyev, opened at the Cherry Lane Playhouse, 40 Commerce 8t., on Wednesday evening, April 25...
...TOsfckins avenue...
...There will be no stars...
...Tuesday, May 1st—"PouUcaJ and Economical Tendencies ur Current'Everts" will be the subject of general dSnmadon, followed by small group discussions ia the Community Church House, Park avenue and 34th street, at 8 P. M Mr...
...It is a play requiring...
...Jessie Wallace Hughan, Ph.D., recently returned from an extended trip through China, will speak on the political and economic situation in the country...
...Complete results of the strike vote are assessed* to stasia...
...It recently came out with a highly played up sensation rumor of Randolph's aliased, resignation from, the brotherhood, stating that the- company would not end wae the union because Randolph is a radical...
...Low Tuesday eventaj^April 24^Uwa« hsm'^^riV-a...
...AMUSEMENTS Chicago porters Spirit Runs High For A Walkout ters*, mains arid syfhtndftnwsn' crowded the MetjnpnlUen church, on, Chicago's south side in the cctored sakion Sunday to demonstrate their solidarity ogotufi...
...It looks as if the silver-sheet Abie is destined to act as a runner-up for his reootd-aseaking foothght counterpart...
...Lawrence Bolton as the doctor, and WTdlhuu S. Johnstone as him, bear the most difficult parts...
...The company will continue working as a unit in presenting the greet dramas of literature at popular erioav...
...This time it is the vision of a Jealous wife, whoso husband tells bar he has picked up a new maid at a bargain counter...
...The flha faihtfully follows the play, so that those who enjoyed the latter toll not be disappointed to the celatiold version, and then there are nddiUoael touches which materially facto the action by rounding It out with detail...
...The play is directed by Cebu Avrsmo and adapted by Herman Bernstein...

Vol. 7 • April 1928 • No. 19

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