Buying of Senators, Crooked Finance, Extortion Charged To Power Trust LIGHT THROWN ON KILLING OF WALSH PROBE Investigation Would Have Revealed Slush Fond That Might Have Embarrassed Coolidge...

...The authors 2"»>«*r«s in their earlier writing admitted wastes and sufferthat their scheme could not J°"*hly cure...
...Party, asking for a united front...
...Yet you cannot find an electric utility man south of the Mason and Dixon line in Borah's report as contributing to the election of Davis...
...Another element which has effected the sentiment of the men has been the shabby treatment accorded the strike leaders of the 1936 strike...
...Circles nine seniors, and one juniors, of East New York, meeting at the People's Lyceum, 218 Van Sicklen avenue, Brooklyn, expressed "heartfelt sympathy to the labor and Socialist movements for the loss of one of its most stalwart champions, Comrade Max Pine...
...That emergency is at hand The federal government should appropriate generous funds for the help of these children—funds to be administered through existing social machinery or machinery which could •sally be set up...
...Company at 107 Wooater street...
...The local esaeutive board waa empowered to formulate plans for further action to he reported upon at a special meeting, if assessor* but to any event not later than the regular meeting on March 8. Hedleys reply was to suspend seven unlgn men, later Inf insslng the total to a score...
...It lies at the door of the company which for days past has beep recruiting an army of strikebreakers, none of whom is properly examined or properly instructed for the responsible task of guarding the lives of thousands upon thousands of people In subway and elevated trains...
...Representative Theodore E. Burton, Republican, Ohio, president of the Interparliamentary union...
...The union had the good fortune to profit by favorable publicity not only because the subway riders of New York have come to understand what a fake the company union is but else because, of the 7-cent rare challenge of the LR.T...
...Hedley and Quakenbush lr...
...vf»r* passed, as fallows: Resolution No, X, extending sym* jwthy, and pledging loyal support to fee striking miners of the bituminous joal, fields...
...In reply to this challenge, the Amalgamated called off the meeting for that evening setting it ahead for Saturday, when Walker would return to the city...
...Indeed the I. R. T. company union through its spokesman "Pat" Connelly, threatened to strike if the suspended men were re-instated...
...TOWS ess an unusual apprehensfvena» or even terror on the part of the power erowd of an investigation: But there est also a powerful wrktance...
...Once more Senator Borah who says so many wise things has disappointed us when it comes to doing the right thing...
...Secretary of State, Edna Hastings, Cleveland...
...It ales at the door of the company which at every possible oppertunity has sought to exploit both the workers and the public...
...A number of resoluilcng...
...A group of strikers were ar-ested in Brooklyn, for no other reason, apparently, than riding in an automobile...
...On Tuesday evening the regular meeting of the union was scheduled to take place...
...Every our present law...
...193S Local Division 977 of the Amalgamated held its regular meeting at Harlem Oaatae...
...Box Striker Is Stabbed, Office RaidedbyCops Workers Feel Terrorism By Bosses is Proof of Effectiveness of Walkout 'I'HE police department of New Tort City and particularly a group ol its plain-clothesmen have loosened a reign of terror against striking papez box workers, such has not been seen in some time...
...I. R. T. Union "Let Down" By Walker Reliance on Tammany "Friend" Found Poor Substitute For Organising the Workers TPHE open defiance of the *-----gnrat ed Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees by the Interborough Rapid Transit Company, in New Tors: City, the calling off of the strike-vote meeting by the union and .the departure of Mayor Walker from the city afford a complete demonstration of the futility of relying upon political "friends" and publicity as substitutes for ni|aiils*llnii work in waging an industrial struggle...
...George B. Corteiyon, Samuel Insult, Henry L» Doherty, H. T. Sands, Bind many, numy Other able and estimable gentlemen of the a ewer mdnstry distinctly do net want the people of the UnMesf ftetsj to diseorsr...
...City or not- u K there is_a atrike with its consequent inconvenience to the public, the people should know Just where responsibility Sea...
...Tuesday, March 13th...
...conference with the Mayor agreed to have the Law Department of the I. R. T. investigate the cases of the suspended men...
...The I. R. T. received this offer last Monday...
...Already more than 20 shops have settled It looks as If the workers were again about to establish themselves as a recognized union in an industry which without a union will remain one of New York's worst examples of a sweated trade...
...Comrade Pine died at his home In Maywood, New Jersey, of pneumonia after an illness of 12 days...
...The workers had planned to picket in front of the Eisenberg Paper Coihpany, 181 Belmont street...
...Perhaps it has aartied, * At first the implied excuse ef the...
...They have cherished the agreement, which he was supposed to have made between these and the I.R.T...
...Another striker, who claimed to tiave been hurt, was James Cassidy, and Karl In stated that the affidavits filed with the Court showed that Cassidy was lot hired so much for his skill as an ron worker, as for his strong arm proclivities, and that Cassidy was willing x> serve the union if the union officers were only willing to hire him...
...Max Pine was an untiring worker, a man of rare ability, a speaker of great power and eloquence, a personality of charm, character, honesty and high idealism.' In hoi loss, the Socialist and labor movement has lost another of its great pioneers...
...Speaking of strikes it is not often that any union gives a more gallant demonstration of labor's power to rise again after defeat than the paper box makers of New York...
...Max Ptoe had been engaged in hap 11 ii 11 in...
...plans outlined to raise a good campaign fund, and the delegates all left the convention with a determination to carry on a vigorous campaign tor their ticket sod plaform from this time up to election day...
...In the end 2000 scabs were employed...
...He stated further that after investigation he found no further usefulness of the suspended men to the company and that they were to be discharged...
...This failure of the unattached and Irresponsible liberal is another reason for insisting on the...
...Sharts Heads Socialists' Ohio Ticket State Convention Names Full Slate — Nicaraguan Intervention Denounced (By a Maw L—Sst OamsfMdsat) I^LKVELAND.—The Ohio Socialists are the first in the field with a complete state ticket, standing on a true Socialist platform...
...The convention was held at Cleveland, Ohio, February 25th and 26th...
...The daily press gave it little attention for it had little news value then...
...A letter was received from the socalled Workers (Communist...
...Debs, London and Hanford with whom he was a kindred soul...
...Unless it be some of the coal companies I know of no capitalist organization so essentially lawless, so contemptuous of public rights as this same I. R. T. The city administration is notoriously cramped by laws and courts unduly tender of property interests...
...The glorious agreement ef last summer suddenly vanishes tram the scene...
...Then be learned to operate a sewing machine to an east side "sweatshop'' that made "knee pants...
...His reply to Senator Dili's inquiry concerning the Senatorial investigation into Nicaragua which Senator Borah himself had once proposed was worthy of CooUdge or Kellogg himself...
...Abraham Cahan, Judge Jacob Panken, Morris Fein*tone, B_ C. Vladeck and many others who fought side by side with Pine in countless strikes and labor battles spoke of Pine's unselfish service to labor...
...Senator Oeorge admits these facts but says that Mr...
...That highest tribunal had decided on May SI, 1927 to the Exchange Bakery case that organising In the absence of a strike, where a "yellow dog contract" with an Indefinite term existed, was legal...
...Sig Segal...
...Lieutenant-Governor, F. Slusser, MaaaWon...
...Two of them finally went back to work, carrying with them not only their own grudges but also those of their fellow workers...
...everybody knew, and especially the Interborough...
...3, pledging unceasing efforts to secure the liberation of political prisoners...
...2, condemning the present administration in its unlawful warfare in Nie&rague...
...No arrests were made ind no reason given for the illegal act...
...sshuarsaae is the lobbyist at the Georgia legislature, active sa politics generally and was in Washington for two weeks Just before the Walsh resolution was voted down...
...If a strike comes, the organized labor movement and all well-informed subway riders will give their whole-hearted support to the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railways in ite fight against the I. R. T. Colored Women Workers Called To Mass Meeting A mass meeting for all colored women workers such as hotel, restaurant and domestic workers, is being called to con- ¦ tinue the work of organizing a union...
...The book, written in popular style, B called "The Road to Plenty...
...Who will second the motion...
...Henry Harrison...
...One, who went into other union work, has been given no consideration whatsoever...
...First lieutenant to Senator James Watson of Indiana, Republican, who led the fight against Walsh was Senator George of Georgia who is being boomed for the presidency...
...In order to secure funds a grand musical program will be rendered by a colored Jubilee chorus, Miss Beatrice Wade and her Florentine Troupe...
...Aa instances of violence against the workers Mrs...
...The following is the ticket: • For Governor: Joseph W. Sharts, Dayton...
...No great and forward looking country ia the world la so larking in social bnsntsacs sad social planning far tbSM victims of our Industrial ¦ystem at is the great and "prosperous" United States of America...
...The chief factor to working for such a party is our own Socialist group...
...The Socialist Action Committee recently formed in New York has more of the old time fire and fervor than I have seen for some years and it is proceeding on sound lines...
...that that injunction would be vacated by the Court of Appeals...
...Max Pine has now joined the company of our great immortals...
...No nomination we could make would so completely prove to the workers that we aaaaa exactly what we say when, we talk of the need of a genuine labor party...
...Playing with politicians has gotten it no where...
...Attesting the high position held by Pine among the manes of the last Side, more than 5,000 men and woman swarmed around the Forward Building Sunday where funeral services were held and followed the funeral cortege through the But Bide streets...
...Organiser Coleman of the Amalgamated, indeed, mentioned it wnentfao HCT...
...This union will be chartered by the International Brotherhood of Hotel and Restaurant Employees of America, so as to Insure full protection and recognition for those that will be unionized... play the game of the power trust to the matter of Muscle Shoals, Boulder Canyon and anything else they want...
...Wiliam Karlin...
...former Senator Irvine L. Lenroot of Wisconsin, and Senator Frank B. Willis, Republican, Ohio...
...Joint Distribution Committee of Funds for the Relief of Jewish War Sufferers, he visited the Ukraine and Moscow in 1920 wfth Judge Barry Fisher ef Chicago... obtain, an injunction against them...
...The police department has placed officers on the trucks driven by the strike-breakers and, are in a number of cases, working arounc :he truck carrying boxes, driving thf trucks, etc... the most powerful political agency in Georgia...
...Side-by-side with the plain-clothes police, professional gangsters are also at work attempting to intimidate the strikers...
...Bttt by no means can Socialists and Koeiesilves support all the reason¦f sad optimistic hopes that go «wt with the book...
...The convention points out the insincerity of the American Communists, who take their orders from Moscow, showing their professed intentions for a united front were not honestly made, but that their tactics have always been toward the disruption of every political and economic organization of labor in this country...
...the conditions of laborers and of the unfortunate members of bis race by -his executive afaOtty and by Ins articles In newspapers and magazines...
...Waiting to be presented with a unionized system bj a gracious Tammany administration upon recapture of the lines will prove an empty hope after presidential campaigns are over, unless the union is strong enough to demand recognition...
...condemning the continued imprisonment of Mooney and Billings and the Centralia outrage, and calling attention to the still more deplorable condition in Soviet Russia, where thousands of Socialists whose only offense was the holding- of opinions, like our own, in favor of democracy and democratic methods instead of dictatorship and rule by a few...
...This paragraph hi written before' it is hill ii whether or not there wfil be a Strike on the Interborongh subway tines In New York...
...Specific denials are made of each and every alleged act of violence contained In the motion papers for an Injunction, in the course of his argument, Karlin stated to the Court that Garman had instituted the forty eight hour week in violation of an agreement with the unon providing for a forty four hour work week, and that the forty eight hour work week was not instituted to replensh losses sustained by Garman on iron work but on unfortunate real estate deals...
...On Tuesday, February 31...
...The remedy they advocate is a federal board which will keep constantly in touch with the facts of the business and employment situation so as to supply the public with weather signals for approaching storms...
...Ia the afternoon of that day Bedley, who by the way was still to Florida, ctrcnlated a letter among the men, stating that the company would abide by its agrna , meat with the Brotherhood until, a was implied, the highest court declared it illegal...
...Four other workers were arrested while eating in a restaurant in Elizabeth street...
...Resolution No...
...The Rebel Poets are affiliated with The League for Industrial Democracy, Among those who will read from their poems on the "Rebel Poets Night" program will be Benjamin Musser, Nicholas Moscowitz, Joseph T. Shipley Oremin Zorn, Norma Keating...
...The authors saw called attention to aspects of ttooe7 economics which none of us ?•old overlook...
...Candidates however, are not unimportant aad I rise to this column to repeat a nomination which I made in Philadelphia the other day...
...The best way to care for unemployment Is not a system of relief but sometimes there comes an emergency where there is bo other way...
...Unlike the seather, however, employment depranluu, the authors believe, could hi cured by injecting at the right moment new expenditures for new enterprises preeminently in the field °* public works, financed, if neceaby short time loans...
...My candidate for President Is Jamas X. Maurer, President of she Pennsylvania Federation ef Labor, Socialist Councilman of Reading, Pennsylvania, old in experience, young to courage, wise to counsel...
...Gradually he impressed himself on his associates in the Knee iL^esT^ ThreeweekTbuW'w^/tiOO and Ptoe set these, to victory...
...The new request for an injunction vas based upon new allegations of assaults committed by union representaives, strikers and pickets against strtke>reakers employed by the Garman Iron Xforks which had been affected by a ;trike during the past six weeks...
...The Law Department is headed by Quackenbush...
...with or without the "yellow dog contract", the I. R. T. bad the legal right to hire and fire anybody it pleased for any reason whatsoever, if it bad the economic power...
...and William B. Fitzgerald, vice president, arrived in the city and took charge of the situation...
...I aea't snow, fast is my seeiln ¦ I do know as a solid fact as stated in my bulletin "Who's Who in the Super-Power Lobby" that an analysis of the Borah report on the presidential campaign of 1924 shows that 100 electrical utiUty magnates contributed from $1,000 to $50,000 tc the Cootidge fund, 9 to Davis aad none to LaFoUette...
...A fourth is secretary of the local union...
...The piiper box strikers are enjoying the support of the drivers 100 per cent...
...President Painters Union: G. French, Miss A. Elizabeth Hendrickson...
...Wages were raised from $8 a week to $12 and 'boors decreased from thirteen a day to ton...
...Tt lies at the door of the company which fired 21 bonafide union members and refuses even to submit to arbitration the question why they were fired...
...Borah, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, has done nothing and apparently Intends to do nothing to investigate the intolerable situation to which American boys kill Nicaraguan boys in the grim warfare of the remote lulls and jungles of Central America for ¦ reasons that have never been officially exposed and which have far more to do with the profits of Wall Street and the prestige of our bungling diplomacy than with the flimsy excuses offered by the Administration, if Senator Borah has been as earnest in action as he often is to speech long ago he would have won an investigation of our financial relations in latin America which might have saved the lives of a score of American boys and no one knows how many hundreds of Nicaraguans...
...George is a fine man personally...
...Shumate and »he were old friends and law chums together for many years...
...Berger was one of seven American statesmen and international authorities who contributed to the symposium...
...P. E. Batson...
...not forgetful of the unfortunate victims of capitalist terrorism in different parts of the United States, notably the ianoeent Sacco and Vanzetti, who were put to death by the Massachusetts courts... voiced loudly but still there ou the part of many Senators and biz politicians in both parties difficult to dettrts* er ilinarr ntn-mtlM with the am dreed-of-dayhght psychology that' characterised the Teapot Dome investigation from the lint' Xr am pmm a thai a gmmimtpsiga sham fend seaadsfc that would shock (he saassa aad ranter a tma¦Hnshlr ii—ihri ef Congressmen and Senators, and perhaps rrea President CeoUdge, eedresasfj sweeaafortable...
...Legrt© was rushed to the St...
...It' lies at the door of the company which at this moment is seeking in the federal courts to upset the five cent fare, laid down by solemn contract and to deny the right of the city to recapture the lines it now operates...
...The terms be won for his followers ewn beggarly today, -but they were welcome then...
...At the meeting the union .officers pledged themselves to protect slL Us members, as was the tradition of the Amalgamated...
...former Ambassador David Jayne Hill... for the union, presented affidavits in opposition to the lew request for an injunction, in which affidavits he analyzed the charges against he union, one by one and proved the falsity of the affidavits upon the firm's jwn motion papers...
...The- campaign of violence inspired by the employers has convinced the ' strikers more than anything else of the success of the walkout...
...1 know tt is not the business of the New Leader to nominate candidates but I claim the right of the columnist to express my own convictions on this subject...
...iA» a matter of fact...
...Counsel for the union, ex-congressman Perhnan, spoke vaguely about contempt of court and announced that he would appeal to Justice Waaservogel, whOe the organisera made efforts to sea Mayor...
...Yet it was only after things like this had sast to this pass that the Senate ^adopted Senator Wagner's resolution aiurtster for an authoritative federal survey of unemployment...
...A plan for preventing unemployment has appeared in the latest book bjr William P. Foster and Waddell Patchings of the Pollak-Foundation...
...So I suspect that a lot of underground politics—good, bad and indifferent—on the part of the power interests back of the ¦ election of many a Senator and Congressman little suspected by their constituencies of having any connection with this gigantic monopoly—five-headed or one-headed, as you choose, but one unit when it comes to politics and opposition to public ownership.—How far and where the trail would lead we do not know...
...last summer, and new the Mayor finds it Impossible to see them because of a tooth-ache, as visa the esse when he returned from New Orleans, or because of the necessity of obtaining a new post office tor-New York for which reason be went to Washington...
...Resolution No...
...The application of the I. R. T. for a new Injunction to the Pall of- 1937 could not affect the union until it had been grantid...
...Crppsey avenue « BroooAyavH...
...It was for that very reason that the Interborough Introduced a new "yellow dog" contract a month or two later...
...and Hope Paper Company, 183 Broome street...
...John G. Willert was re-elected State Secretary...
...Chairman of the committee, and laid the foanosdtoea for the relief activities of distressed Jews to Russia The story of sufferings that he brought back sweUed the total of the relief fund making real to the Jews ef America the plight of those overseas...
...There is ¦•**squate consideration of the unj~P«oyiaent to almost every line of from farms to steel mills by the marvelously rapid deT~°Ptt><ot of machinery geared to **a2i profit rather than human -arts However great may be the z***r**b by more accurate infor?*aoa on business conditions and y— program of expenditures g...
...Certainly from June 1, there was no injunction in force...
...The editor of The New Vernier writes that this defeat "has given rlie to all ldnds of speculation as to what is really being eovred up," and asks if I can shed any light en that question...
...union organisers for keeping off the lines was the effort of the LR.T...
...There is no doubt about it that the LR.T...
...Ethelred Brown, S. E. Oram, Field Representative of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters...
...The union's solution of the difficulties can only lie in organization and more organization...
...The car stopped near thr plant...
...He Joined the Socialist Labor Party and later the Socialist Party, and spoke from trucks to Its campaigns...
...plication on February 15, 1929...
...There is, for example, ¦°J»lp for the tragically mlsmancoal situation to be found in ** easy road to plenty...
...Very woU, here are a few items which Hon...
...Admission will be by tickets of 25c...
...Robinson, Harrison and several other southern Democrats helped Underwood three years ago in his strenuous efforts to give Muscle Shoals to the 13 southern power companies...
...The union gave a one day ultimatum to the company and the company hired 700 strikebreakers who pitched camp at the 147th street yards...
...The terrorism resulted in bloodshed this week when gangsters stabbed and heat Tony Xeggte, s striker, as he stood in front of the Crown Paper Box...
...Attorney-General, Frank KrehbieL Dayton...
...This meeting will be held at Rush Memorial A. M. E. Zion Church, 58 West 138th street, on Thursday, March 15th, at 8:30 p. m. sharp...
...It took little adrentage of ita oDOortunitiea...
...Vasts ws need, but we need more (to facts- The children of the strlktng onsen and the unemployed aneW be social asset but banger, nndWrBourlshment and despair' make them a dangerous 11abflry to any nation...
...Reich, the executive committee of the Rebel Poets consists of Joseph T. Shipley, Ralphe Cheyney and Benjamin Musser...
...Buying of Senators, Crooked Finance, Extortion Charged To Power Trust LIGHT THROWN ON KILLING OF WALSH PROBE Investigation Would Have Revealed Slush Fond That Might Have Embarrassed Coolidge and Host of Congressmen and Senators.—-What A Thoronn Inquiry Might Have Shown 1 By Judson King Uireetor, Nattonal ropsUar tr.......mum League fpHE Walsh resolution for an Invesrina rlsay of the power combine was defeated by the laraeat, Meat teffeetive most skillful and best financed lobby, both baek-bome and in Waahlngton known in the history of the la—flu nice of big business with government—which means fraaa 1787 to date...
...has been provoking the Amalgamated into striking...
...With the drivers to the lead, enre more the workers, to that industry ere fighting for reasonable conditions and for recognition...
...Th« aJgkt before a reporter of the Mew York Telegram explained that It was unemployment which drove most, or, at any rate, the^best at the sorry crew of strikebreakers to eat the bread and take the pay of tat L R. T. in New York...
...The present denial of an injunction cy Judge Byrne is regarded by the unon officers as a knockout for the firm ind -a;speedy victory for the union Is low looked for by them...
...They don't know, we don't, and nobody else does...
...The convention was a live one sad every delegate showed his sincere enthusiasm in all the work of the convention...
...Certainly it would be disastrous if the union were merely made a pawn in some compromise game between the Tammany statesmen and the IJt.T., who are jockeying for advantage in the fight for what to them are higher stakes, the 7-cent fare...
...Michelson cited the nvasion of the union office at 64C Broadway early this week when plain clothesmen, without search warrants, entered the headquarters ind roughly searched and bullied all those present...
...Mayor Walker failed to arrange s meeting between the company officers and the union's representatives...
...The good publicity bad an excellent effect upon tine morale ot the subway workers but they also wanted to aee some action done...
...Not only would it mean coming to economic grips with the union at a time when the company was prepared with trained strikebreakers from within and without its ranks, but also place the I.R.T...
...Michelson has taker this matter up with the police...
...He is able but It is a /act that the Georgia Power Oo...
...We have them beaten," Clarina Michelson, secretary of the striking union declared "and no amount qi oolice and gangster stroeg-arm tac;ics will break our spirit...
...Discrimination for unionism has never aroused the sympathy of our courts...
...The union* of course, respected law and order...
...On Monday the learned Judge stated...
...George of Georgia Thirteen or more Democratic Senators voted to side track the Walsh resolution...
...The same public sentiment which raided Impressively but too slowly to the support of the workers to the strike which they lost a year ago should be more quickly asserted in their behalf at this Juncture...
...The powerful Mr...
...torn from their homes and loved ones by the Communist dictatorship and are now in the Soviet prisons and convict camps' of Siberia...
...Ever stoee this strike...
...Justice Waaservogel denied the ap...
...Since the power "crowd chose the Republican party as its vehicle of political control and helped defeat the Democratic party nationally, it looks to me almost like party treason for Democratic Senators—from Robinson of Arkansas, Democratic floor leader down,—not only to desert Walsh of Montana in his investigation but...
...necessity of our organizing a powerful labor party With a clear cut anti-imperialist program...
...ew York County Employment Agency, 763 Sixth avenue, Louis Schultz, 799 3roadway...
...i » When neae of Pine's death was known, August Claessens, oh behalf of the Socialist Party, said: "The Socialist Party and the Trade Uninon movement have lost one of their most valuable members...
...not as a judicial asacs...
...This is, « course, a very inadequate account ef and interesting and fairly well wwked-out plan which Socialists and P^ipi selves generally could favor *** good conscience...
...He was an oiaauiteed of the People's Relief Committee to succor overseas Jewry...
...In addition to Mr...
...Frank E. Shumate, vicepresident and legislative representative of the Georgia Railway 4 Power Co...
...Our ranks ire holding fast...
...William D. Mahon...
...Four scab agencies are named by the union as doing the recruiting work for he bosses...
...If the government ksa not enough money in hand, why not get some more by taxing that Wan Street "prosperity" of which the sensational advance of the stock of the General Motors is most conspicuous evidence...
...They have sang his praises to the sky...
...Our main Job is to reorganize our own party, to work for Issues, and to pioneer for the larger labor party which is to be... 8 p. m. The chairman will be Henry Reich, Jr., a member of the executive committee and in charge of the organization's activities in New York City...
...Tuesday afternoon Hedley wrote the Mayor that he could not accept the offer of' arbitration because he did not recognize the Amalgamated as representing the I. R. T. men...
...I am informed reliably that the senior member of a law firm which is counsel for another wing of the power trust is a United States Senator, and that this Wing h the most powerful factor politically in that and surrounding states...
...Philip M. Brown, professor-of international law at Princeton University...
...Those among the speakers who have been invited to address this meeting are the Rev...
...the only Injunction to force was that Issued ha the Lavin case In December 1028...
...Owning from Sssolenak, Shasta, In MM, Ptaa spent his first year in the United States working to a coal yard...
...Delivery of boxes is impossible or so expensive that the employers cannot under any circumstances continue It for many more days...
...The key men on the lines have resented the slights to the first three...
...As a Commissioner of the American...
...Leaders of the trade union and Socialist movement, speaking at the funeral services, paid high tribute to a man who had given all of his adult life for the cause of the workers...
...Abraham Rabinoavitz, who claimed to have been assaulted, is a brother-in-law of William Garnan, acording to the affidavits filed In | Court, and in contradiction to his statements that he was hurt, the affidavits .how that Rabinowitz did not become i strikebreaker until after the time that tie claims the union pickets assaulted .lim...
...L^^i _£-' injunction Against Iron Workers Union Is Again Denied Supreme Court Justice Edward J. Byrne granted the motion of Carman Iron & Bronze Works Corp., of 33-59 Davis street, Long Island City, iron and bronze manufacturers, that the company be given another opportunity jo show cause why an Injunction should not be issued against the union to stop picketing and all other acts in connection with the conduct of the strike igainst the German firm...
...TIMELY OPICS By Norman Thomas fViWO Jobless men die or star* ration"—thus reads a headBat hi the morning paper...
...Victor Berger Article on Foreign Relations Placed In Congressional Record Washington— The recent article sontributed by Representative Victor L. Berger, Socialist, Wisconsin, to the Current History magazine's symposium, Hands Off Europe's Wars, has been ordered reprinted In The Congressional Record on the motion of .Representative George S. Huddles ton, Democrat, Alabama...
...The union leaders have been kowtowing to the Mayor...
...Fanny R. Austin, President of the Colored Women's Union, and Victor C. Caspar, Secretary of the Painters Union...
...Before the workers could align', they were arrested and driven to the police station' where they were hald in i $500 bail each... at the right time Sgi^aMa a desperate need for lire' of' alleviation though not of cure for thie terrible duress* of unemployment which brings so much suffering and misery to human beings even in the best of times In the midst of the potential plenty Which oar machines can produce...
...These are the Industrial Employment Agency, 647 Sixth avenue...
...tK**V ** *his*Hsi wae*enatngae ef aahai, members, everybody has been dodgsng _ it ever since...
...Nevertheless tf Mayor Walker was as earnest and eager in this matter as be Is in selecting his clothes and having his picture taken a way might be found to use the police power of the city to bring the Interborough to terms instead of as a potential strikebreaker against workers who seek what even our courts have declared is their elemental right to join a union of their own choice...
...To the bereaved family we extend our sincerest condolences and we are sure that the memory of Comrade Pine will remain in the hearts of The Comrades of the Socialists and labor movements, forever...
...Pine, Pioneer of Socialism, Dies in N. Y. Death Takes Builder of Trade Unions Among East Side Workers A MOTHER of the great figures of the New York labor movement passed sway last week with the death, at 62, ttt Max Pine, for many years secretary of the United Hebrew Trades...
...president of the Amalgated...
...Not the general Under consumption of capitalism but *• lag in the money circuit is the devn they would fight...
...The others were Senator Thomas J. Walsh, Democrat, Moptana...
...Explanation Wanted Did you notice that vote in the United States Senate which decided that the investigation of the super-power grabbers should go to the Federal Trade Commission f There were 28 Republicans and IS Democrats who voted to refer the matter to this smothering body Will some cheerful idiot tell us the difference between these Dems and Reps...
...The authors following up their earlier book, "Money" and "Profits", hold that the cause of hard times and unemployment is the fact that owing to the necessity for saving the purchasing power of men as consumers almost invariably lags behind their Power to produce...
...Vincent Hospital where he is suffering from serious stab wounds...
...There-, rare, even If respect far the courts had seen a prime requisite, the amalgamated itlll had a free band...
...he eould only act aa a satvats eWsm...
...Mahon offered to submit the dispute to arbitration by Mayor Walker or the Transit Commission...
...Joseph Dean, Samuel A. De Witt and Henry Reich, Jr The Rebel Poets are broadcasting poetry every Tuesday evening at 10:30 p m. from station W E V D. Poets ant poetry lovers interested should write fa Henry Helen, Jr„ 2160...
...Othei meetings are held at the general headquarters, 2525 Seventh avenue, every Thursday, 8:30 p. m. Rebel Poets Holds An Open Meeting Tuesday, March 13 The Rebel Poets, an organization of poets and poetry lovers "formed to help create the cooperative commonwealth by serving the labor, feminist and antimilitarists movements and opposing racial and religious intolerance," will hold a "Rebel Poets Night" at the Poetry Forum, conducted by Anton Romatka in the Labor Temple, 244 East 14th street...
...It is also a fact that the heaviest contributor to the south —was Mr... a sufficiently precarious financial position to give substance to its cry for the 7-cent fare...
...Delegates were selected to represent Ohio in the National Convention...
...Treasurer of State, Sidney Veil en, Cleveland...
...At this juncture...
...Frank Poree, Educational Director of the Painters Union...
...Thirty-two firms many of them members of the employers' Association, had settled with the union...

Vol. 7 • March 1928 • No. 12

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