A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE' FEATURES OUR OWN SHORT STORY COURSE WE are thinking of conducting a course in shortstory writing during the coming year. This seems to be quite a lucrative profession,...

...Stirred by Edmund's words, they took a taxicab to Yonkers, and were married in Getty Square by Magistrate Higginbotham...
...Exposing healing quackery wherever found...
...He shows that tJw I poorest class, meaning those who do the hardest as4> most disagreeable work, numbering 70,000,000 aottat and twice as many bands, had an income in IMS of less than $460 per person...
...Their reputations are In no deans* of being tainted...
...Their chief qualification is that thev never bad heard, smelled or read anything about the case, moanihg that they are either nam or a parcel of bonav heads to start with...
...The southern social order had to expand or collapse...
...Cabell, a Florida Whig member of Congress, warned the North that "The conservatism of slavery may be necessary to save you from the thousand destructive Isms Infecting the social organisation of your section...
...Health simplified...
...Thousands of farmers and wage-workers who never read anything more radical than the Republican and Democratic newspapers, are now reading monthly about Socialism, the co-operative commonwealth, and the present struggle of the army of workers throughout the world...
...Coohdge to easV cam the prevalence of favorable factors la aggra-, i gated collectivities of co-operating indications that see all to the bad...
...With these words...
...The only safe way to select 12 men good aad line when a hundred million are to be tried is to rhnnaa them from the Ufe termers at the nearest penltenttaurp...
...To be Continued Next Week) book review On Sherwood Anderson "I" \URS is the age of industry—the age of the machine...
...However, it is safer to stick to the ad-man who has just landed a million-dollar account, the salesman who, struggling against desperate odds, closes an obstinate prospect, and the illiterate but fascinating cowpuncher who shoots his way to fortune in the wilds of Senator Borah's home state...
...Yet the class-conscious worker is aware of other conflicts than those of a purely economif nature as the following passage from Pagin's book shows: "Throughout the work of Sherwoor Anderson we find this Intensification this going into oneself, this burrowtof Into hidden recesses of personality...
...fBBM While self-dependent power can time defy, Aa rocks reetst the btflows and the sky...
...Much of the capital of the planters became tied up-ib slaves...
...Juror Number Five...
...Thousands of these upland whites refused to fight for the planters in the Civil War...
...They fuss up and complicate life so as to appear scientific...
...Charles Mackay, in 18*7, observed that it was the "social religion of the South", that perpetual servitude was Intended for white and black workers alike...
...Other southerners denounced the merciless exploitation of men, women, and children in northern industries and asserted the danger of an enlightened working class organizing to obtain political power...
...they shaped the current opinions in literature, religion and journalism, they ruled the churches, determined the moral code, the canons of good breeding, culture and social eminence...
...and picturesque ice-wagon drivers who work their way through college and finally make the most exclusive fraternity...
...We fail to see how any American can read these twenty-one fact-packed pages without burning shame and Inflaming Indignation even though he be a deep-dyed conservative...
...Growing appreciation of the paper is shown by an Increasing flood of letters of praise...
...This seems to be quite a lucrative profession, judging from the number of such courses that are given in the extension department of Columbia University...
...John C. Calhoun in the Senate agreed...
...Tossing the Eagle Thurlow Weed for at least a halfcent nry was one of the most crafty political leaders in New York State, first as anti-Mason, then Whig, and finally Republican...
...It is responsible for Tennyson's Flower to the Crannied Wall and for Whitman's "A Child said, "What k the grass?'" and for Newton's Law o< Gravitation and Einstein's Theory...
...New York, or "The Arbitrator", 114 East 31st Street, New York...
...northern gins, his sugar is crushed and preserved by northern machinery...
...In the ten years before the Civil War the illicit traffic had become so brisk that it "may almost be termed - a reopening of the slave trade...
...So, as none of ours has ever been printed, we consider ourselves well qualified as a short-story conductor...
...P. H., Editor) or send 25c...
...CooUdge Telling —a gjt-j about my per capita wealth...
...A hundred million are In the dock, accused of steal' ing more millions...
...loudly applauds as the radio announcer says, "There's a big gang up here tonight and everybody's having the time of their life...
...With us, everj branch and pursuit In life, every trade profession, and occupation, Is dependent upon the North: for Instance, the Northerners abuse and denounce slavery and slave holders, yet our slaves are clothed with northern manufactured goods, have northern hats and shoes, work Witt northern hoes, ploughs, and other implements, are chastised with a northernmade instrument, are working foi northern more than southern profit...
...the eagle was displayed by the Argus...
...it has reduced us to automatons...
...northern merchants engaged In the slave trade...
...Southern politicians, journalists, the clergy, literary men, and educators formulated this policy Into politics, religion, ethtos, economics, history, law, and religion...
...Its members formed a broadcloth and silk stocking party embracing a large part of the wealth...
...Robert C. Tharin of Alabama, on the eve of the Civil War, tried to organize the poor whites and was driven from the State...
...Extension, 1918...
...his doctor graduates at a northern medical college, bis schools are suppBsd with northern teachers, and be to furnished with northern inventions and notions...
...Professor Dodd declared that every southern newspaper he had consulted accepted the philosophy of universal servitude for the working class...
...The Whig planting aristocracy was a natural and exclusive one," says Cole...
...Among the names of those who conduct these courses we have not yet discovered any whose short stories we have ever read...
...jjM As ocean sweeps the labored mote away...
...Another passage from Fag in: "And here was Chicago, lying sprawling and ineffective . . . jl tawdry, disorderly dwelling for millions of men . . .built not for the making of men, but for the making of millions by a few odd meat packers and dry goods merchants...
...A Radical Magazine For Workers...
...It has been provided at last by the Sacco-Vanzettl National League to an admirable pamphlet written by William Floyd, editor of the stimulating "Arbitrator...
...Success to both will naturally lead to real co-operatives with an educated, Uve and fighting movement behind them — something we have never had In America to date...
...Chancellor Harper hastened to offer his contribution...
...It is one way of protest against mechanisation, the reductlo ad absurdurr of our industrialization...
...Yet the planters desired to free themselves of dependence on northerr merchants and capitalists for commodities...
...Under no circumstances go to a night club for the preparation of^ur material...
...Well, it's no use consulting people on economic MJfljj dencles and business curves who carry their statlottos-' in their stomachs* They lack the peoawaai i tier open k, Uve which enables scientists like Dr...
...When the Democrats won...
...Shall we, who take all we can gain...
...Twelve poor devils are chosen bp selective draft to hear the testimony and render vwrdict...
...Liber, M. D., Dr...
...the other, that the pool whites would be Influenced by a business class...
...Sherwood Anderson is unique to American literature...
...Fagin has done a careful piece of work...
...And if that be true, there are strong reasons to assume that our present prosperity, with its accompanying lack of currency among the submerged, the near submerged and easily submergable, coca)- i prising some 93,000,000 persona, coupled with an Indicative surplus of hard cash in lnfrequential spots between long intervals—it may be that that -also at a psychological phenomenon...
...As the two sections drifted apart, anti-slavery factions appeared in the northern wings of the two parties while in the Northwest, the section farthest removed from slavery and dominated by small farmers who disliked the planter magnates, antl-sutvery sentiment developed rapidly...
...northerners who married Into the families of planters...
...Throughout all New York, Phyllida was noted for her devastating wit...
...Juror Number One...
...The price Is ten cents and copies may be obtained from the SaccoVanzettl National League, Room 411, 70 Fifth Avenue...
...Men of Coal Creek...
...If the Progress Builders maintain their present rate of growth they are undoubtedly going to prove a great educative force just where education to most needed...
...si But a hundred million are to be tried...
...The exchange always took place the day following election If the "ins" went eat and the "eats" went In...
...those northern corporations that owned plantations and slaves...
...It has got into our hearts and mnds and souls...
...It may with truth be affirmed that the exclusive owners of property ever have been, ever win, and ; perhaps ever ought to be, the virtual rulers of mankind...
...Once we collaborated on a novel, only to have it returned with instructions to mix in ' a little love with our politics, and although the thing was finally published, the result was a bit grotesque, as we had to have a member of the Committee of Forty-Eight making passionate love to a young clubfvoman of upper Montclair...
...The two organs owned in common a large wood eat representing an eagle...
...No time to waste, no scorn...
...Juror Number Four...
...Get wtoei With The Farmers (Continued from Page One) lng the responsibilities of business management...
...no blame to him...
...are a slave owner—a master, without the obligations of a master...
...If Columbia is to be taken for an example, the horrid thought arises that all across the country aspiring young men and women are busily engaged in contriviing plots, developing situations, and delineating character for the benefit of future readers of the Saturday Evening Post, the Red Book, and the allfiction magazines...
...A dignified bank r a shier, backed the wrong horse and has been juggling the books ever since...
...Happily married, father sff family, tenor singer in a church choir, left a Utile gtta with a little boy In Texas in the long ago...
...Don't under any circumstance have as your hero anyone with an income less than fifteen thousand per, unless he is to be the foreman of the factory who courageously breaks the strike and wins the hand of the boss' beautiful daughter...
...Every member pays for the paper when he pays hs totiation fee...
...It manifested Itself in a movement to drive the slaves from the cities and from mechanical employments, and restrict them to agriculture...
...He was editor of the Albany Evening Journal...
...At this point, however, they meet up with the old arid very cynical Edmund De Winglefoot, N. Y. TJ...
...If they have made you work like rats buried in 'b hole, they are right...
...The two editors enjoyed the game and the only result for the msssi ¦ was the tossing of the eagle from oae party paper to another...
...I hate you . . . .because you are weak and disorganized like cattle...
...EVERYBODY Claims to be rational...
...Despite the grave Internal contradictions of the planter system, the ruling class believed it had solved the social question which had vexed philosophers since the days of Plato and Aristotle...
...There are two more important phases of this movement—its protective and political phases—which we will explain to our concluding article next week...
...And, best of all, since misery loves, company dte*< even the lowest of us have a hankering for good OSfjfc- j pany their predilections may be all in the c&reetssgV of choosing a millionaire Ufe companion...
...There is not one word of propaganda to weaken the force of the facts themselves...
...Tharin said that his dislike for the planters "arose from their contemptible meanness, their utter disregard of decency, their supercilious arrogance, and their daily usurpations of power and privileges at variance with my right and the rights of my class...
...Then directing my eyes from the raped lanrtenapo to the newspaper In my lap, I saw all this filth, wealth and stench transported to Washington, D. C, for there were the latest revelations of the Harry Sinclair and Albert Fall oil swine-ry...
...At one time there was a vogue for poets and painters having tough times in Garrets...
...Northern merchants Invested in the traffic, especially in New York City, while planter representatives and officials in Washington helped to nullify legislation prohibiting the slave trade...
...In the South it came under the control of the wealthiest planters...
...Shall we who are a million men Cry out against a score...
...The aggressive acts upon hi^ rights and hi...
...hli floor is swept by a northern broom, and is covered by a northern carpet...
...AayssJJBJ something has to be done about $30 a week men trrssff these hundred million dollar men—else our penes top stitutions will soon degenerate into poor houses ahaf' workmen's homes...
...Success to the use of organized power to buying will lead to the use of organized power to selling...
...Teach him that states of native strength pgassetteaj Though very poor, may still be very etessSaWeftS That trade's proud empire hastes to swift sssbbsc...
...What I'm driving at is that fellows who are flush In their beans can see riches through the holes te their jeans...
...Income, savings aadTSS&gi cial surplus...
...They owned no slaves and worked their own land...
...You (the capitalist), with the command over labor which your capital gives you...
...But why go on...
...No jieed to scare, bluff, coerce or bribe 12 men in a jury Wx when one will be enough to hang 11 and even Christ had one Judas among gSg hand-picked disciples...
...He follows nobody...
...But it will get by all right if you do the night club scenes neatly enough...
...American History for Workers An Outline — By James Oneal Conflicting Philosophies T3ARTY ALIGNMENTS Before paeslng to the post-war period we will1 consider conflicting philosophies based on two antagonistic social systems...
...The Jscksonlan Party North and South bad become a militant party of slavery...
...The slave holder dresses In northern goods rides in a northern saddle • • • sporti his northern carriage, patronizes northerr newspapers, drinks northern liquors reads northern books, spends his monej at northern watering places...
...When the Whigs won the eagle was displayed at the head of the Journal...
...and has wife dresses herself in a northern looking glass • • • his son to ertimeted at a northern college, his daughter receives the finishing polish at a northern seminary...
...The world is ours to make or mar— The world is ours to do...
...Now, I respectfully submit—respectfully, because X have the deepest reverence for the high office which Dr...
...the elder Adams and most of the other "fathers" of the Constitution believed | this as did later statesmen and politicians like Webstar and Chanoauor Kent...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE' FEATURES OUR OWN SHORT STORY COURSE WE are thinking of conducting a course in shortstory writing during the coming year...
...Don't forget to be entirely sophisticated in your presentation...
...Let's look in the current issue of the New Yorker and find another club.' " You then trace their progress through one round of gaiety after another, with Phyllida all the while making devastating comments, until they are pretty well illuminated and it looks as though something were going to happen...
...CooUdge inherited from the sainted Harding—that 93,000,000 average poor are entirely too damned nidge/ poor in a population of a 117,000,000 Inhabiting the richest country on earth, and who, according to all reports, are also the most intelligent people on earth...
...The planter class ruled southern society...
...property arouse his resentment—and or northern-made paper, with a northerr pen, with northern ink, he resolves and re-resolves in regard to his rlgh's...
...Both organs fought each other bat they followed a practice that was so % restive...
...Exceptions to this are heroic cops, who single-handed stand off great bands of gunmen...
...Here Is the ideal pamphlet to hand to friends who still believe Sacco and Vanzettl were given a just trial...
...bank to see about my social surplus, they weren't wWfpj sociable...
...No school, no cult, the good from all schools...
...The great object of government is the protection of property," he wrote...
...Is afflicted with a spoons whs is pestering him for a car a block long—when be hseaft paid for his Ford yet...
...The happy medium is to hit somewhere • between H. ki, Mencken and Katherine Fullerton Gerould...
...Get a free sample copy of an old issue of Rational Living, Box 2, Station M, New York City (B...
...Confined largely to agriculture and one crop, the South lacked the diversified industry of the North...
...In the North the Whig Party, formerly composed of irreconcilable elements, became the party of capitalist enterprise, aristocracy and conservatism...
...but a complete, concise summary has been lacking...
...I T ;ALWAYS knew there was something, rsrneersh/.' * wrong about our much advertised prosperity._X, read all the speeches of the late lamented Judge Oasa* and the '»-«t»M« living Dr...
...A large majority of the merchants and commercial men were either northerners or naturalized citizens, men who did not regard the South as their permanent home...
...A number of southern iiimiuentol conventions were held from 185] to 1M to consider plans for building southern industry, commerce, transportation and banking, but their chief results were long and Impotent addresses...
...However, as Dr...
...Wilson said, there are such things as psychological panics, caused by the absential pajrusal of prosperities...
...This doesn't sound like much of a story and it isn't...
...for the current issue or subscribe (6 months reduced trial sub...
...It was an oligarchy of a select minority resting on slaves and land...
...Placet ened vegetation, polluted streams, tattered tents and dilapidated shacks...
...The family skeletons of these gents are already djgn posed and aired...
...Get up and fight...
...Then by grouping the 70,000,000 very poor Americana with 38,000,000 not so poor Americans, ™-iHng 03,000,000 average-poor Americana, he finds that their income in 1096 was $500 per person and annum...
...For decades they had dtonked the planter aristocrats because of their monopoly of political power through unfair appoitlonmmt of rapes stmts firm in the legislatures...
...Marching Men", dedicated "To American Working Men" according to Fa?in "reflects the growing class-consciousness among the American Workers...
...Hlnton Rowan Helper was also driven from the South for his authorship of a book urging the poor whites to overthrow the planter aristocracy...
...one, that a strong business class might declare against slavery...
...The British traveller...
...Charlotte P. Oilman...
...Edmund had seen so much of life ever since that day when his shining black locks crossed last over the finish line, in the memorable race with CCNY's mightiest that rocked the Lewison Stadium in the fall of 1917 that he pitied these, glittering ydungsters and handed them out a lot of free advice...
...Health from the workers* standpoint...
...It has molded manners, customs...
...We are betting that rather than give up the dollars and protection we give them they will take the Progress Builder and will finally read it, like it and will become increasingly radical," is the way he put it...
...It seems to be working out ths way...
...Quoting statistical bureaus and government roportav-'' he shows that the common people, that is, the peogdev who do nothing but work, are having a hell of a time making both ends meet...
...Ir northern vessels his proi-.v.is are carried to marks!;, hij cotton is ginned witr...
...A hundred million have more eyes than ten thousand flies, longer ears than a herd of Missouri mules and a finer sossst than all the bird dogs and coon hounds in the country...
...Juror Number Three...
...3gdt>3 idge's prosperity is all bunk, as far as the A mwrteaa . masses are concerned, v...
...The rich soil of Texas had been occupied by the expanding cotton kingdom and by 1860 Its limits had been fixed...
...We purchase all our luxuries and necessaries from the North...
...Pagln combines rare scholarship with a deep psychologic Insight and goes to no end of pains to get the correct focus on the writer he Is explaining...
...Type your manuscripts neatly on one side of the paper only, and return them to teacher first thing Monday morning...
...A Protest Away with the hate of the Idle rich...
...Wherever my eyes fell I saw greasy derricks...
...The Proper Jurors ?3l Passing through—or rather, over—the celebrated Seminole oil pool the other day, I marvelled how a* much wealth could create such an ungodly amount of filth and stench...
...Blame him who takes the more...
...Self-Dependency Teach erring man to spurn the rage of gate...
...A few thousand whites and slaves were employed in a few factories In the South...
...Ralph Cheyney...
...Capital commands labor, as the master does the slave...
...young and good-looking scabs who prevent the wicked union men from blowing up the railroad...
...and the facts it presents calmly, dispassionately, with unimpeachable logic constitute the most convincing Indictment of the entire prosecution, Judge Thayer, Governor Fuller, and above all, the Lowell Committee...
...You will probably have the disillusioning experience of seeing three cotfples from Perth Amboy hopping dolefully around the floor, jacked by thoughts of the coming checks, what time the orchestra drops its instruments and...
...Don't forget to be, gay, glittering, and what is vaguely called insouciant...
...Organ is Socialist One of the Progress Builder's leading officials told me the other day that the real purpose of the movement was to confer pecuniary benefits that would be so real that rather than forego them the average farmer and wage-worker would willingly pay for the official organ of the movement and let it come Into his house, although it is decidedly Socialistic...
...But need to work for the blessed day ¦ghat.sees the new world born...
...Henry Flury...
...But Anderson is radical, is fundamental, is class conscious...
...But when I put my band in my pocket, the fw'J capita change wasn't there and when I went tsVUlfc...
...Let us remember in our scorn, Of this sad truth be sure: The selfish heart of the rich nfan trades On the selfish heart of the poor...
...N. Bryllion Pag In, to his carefully analytic book, 'The Phenomenon of Sherwood Anderson: A Study to American Life and Letters" explains Anderson's revolt against '.he stupidity and futility of modern capitalism...
...And then when I went among my Wmmgfe and Inquired about the capacity of par oafllaaV1 they all said that they were prosperous but have any money...
...Edited by a practicing physician experienced in health education...
...Northern allies of the planting system -were found In bankers who loaned money to slave owners...
...Two other types of poor whites were the ragged, illiterate, vagabonds of the lowlands, who eked out a miserable existence at odd jobs, hunting, stealing, begging, etc...
...Also married, loves the nsattf servant of his neighbor...
...But most people never like anything that is really rational...
...Apropos of the Gruesome fizzle of trial by Juries, as exemplified In the Doheny-FaU case and now la the Sinclair-Fall case, isn't it about high tune to ring down the curtain on this farce corned...
...The relations which the different classes of society bear towards each other, the distinction be| tween high and low, noble and plebean, in fact, depend almost exclusively upon the state of property...
...English editors still have a penchant for the young romantic type who pulls some hot stuff in the gardens of great country estates, and talk pure Algernon Swinburne to dumb but admiring female nobility...
...He Is misundertood by the average proletarian because the latter has not taken Jie trouble to analyze the Import of Anderson's efforts and because Anderson does not use the trite phrases of economic and political radicalism...
...The advocates of universal servitude warned northern capitalism of the power of trade unions and against the Socialist and radical agitation of Brisbane, Brownson, Andrews and Greeley...
...Intelligence, and blue blood of the South...
...The next thing is to think up a trick title for the story, something like "Desire Under the L," or "Sex, Saxaphones, and Sunrise in Getty Square...
...better than usual, times were unusually hard, sli , genii-: so on, as the poet says...
...Is troubled with a $300 note due tomorrow and is too busy occupied with calcuteby lng how- many $300 notes a hundred million weasel pay...
...In the cities and towns mechanics, carpenters, masons, etc., worked at their trades among whom "a xlaas consciousness was developing...
...In calling attention to these things, Anderson emphasizes a point of view that to not contradictory to the progress of the proletarian raovenioui, but to complementary to It Pur «e must remember that classconscious workers are not only rebels, but they are human beings as well...
...They at least can solemnly swetfil' to never having read anything about rbe case vritbsvjfX stamping themselves aa mush-headed morons...
...Southern economic life was not favorable to the development of a permanent mercantile class...
...and the small farmers and mountaineers in the poor lands of the hills...
...Fagin himself Is thoroughly class-conscious and is ever mindful of the necessity of e basic change in our economic system There is nothing of the "pussyfooting" oi bourgeois either to Fagin or in the author he interprets...
...The ruling planting clast was tossed between, two fears...
...Everywhere the machine has laid its mark upon the life of man...
...Moreover, soil exhaustion required ever more land...
...Juror Number Two...
...northern merchants and manufacturers selling or producing articles purchased by the South, and politicians Interested only in office and power...
...We were always weak on contriving plots, and particularly on the love scenes...
...There was an occasional hint of an alliance between the ruling classes of the North and South to bind the workers to the soil and to industry...
...An Alabama newspaper in 1861 thus portrayed southern economic dependence: "At present, the North fattens and grows rich upon the South...
...Private detectives are employed by the hundred : million and what mortal being (outside of myself I Jg there who hasn't some skeleton in his closet...
...Its title is "There Is Justice...
...We depend upon it for our entire supplies...
...There you are, boys and girls...
...They can obtain the experience productive of knowledge and morale in co-operation before venturing into the management of co-operatives...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Despite this commerce, the price of slaves rose from about (325 in 1840 to (360 in 1850, and thereafter to (500, (1,000 and even (1,500...
...Ideas, opinions...
...Sacco-Vanzelti Case Summarized Much has been written on the SaccoVanzetti case...
...No blame to us...
...The best place to begin your story Is in a New York night club, because most of your readers have never had enough jack to last ten minutes' at Tex Guinan's, and consider it far cheaper to read about these places than to pay cover charges in them...
...hie rivers are navigated by northern steamboats, his mails are carried In northerr stages, his Negroes are fed with northern bacon, beef, flour, and com...
...Beaut McGregor shouts at them contemptuously, "Listen to the voice of McGregor...
...My God,' she was murmuring, what a bunch of hams...
...Sensible Socialists do not belittle science whether It be physical or social, and tired workers, even class-conscious ones find time to contemplate the mystery and fascination of fife occasionally...
...Servitude to the condition of ctvffixatlon," be declared including the "free laborers" of the North and in Europe...
...George Pltabugb contributed two books expounding this sociology of class rule...
...factors of material substantiality...
...Since the Prohibitory Act of 1807 slaves had been smuggled Into the South while Virginia and Maryland for many years had bred slaves for sale to the lower South...
...And the fear of the ruling few...
...textile manufacturers Interested in cheap slave cotton...
...A good way to start off is something like this: "Under the wail of the saxaphones, the Congo-like thrumming of the drums and the hubbub that arose from every corner of the smoke-hung ballroom of the Club Libido there came the slow drawling voice of Phyllida Vanderpoel as she commented on the passing scene to young Jack Bucyrus, Harvard, '25, whose crisp golden locks flashed first across the finish line in that memorable mileV&de against Yale's mightiest which rocked the stadium in the Spring of 1923...
...Supreme in the social order, this class sought to make It a pattern for the nation and for the whole world...
...his land li cleared with a northern axe, and a Yankee clock sits upon his mantelpiece...
...Combined with this protest is doubtless the ever-surging Impulse of the artist, and the scientist as well, to explore the meaning o? phenomena...
...With no strong middle rlsrr to challenge the rule of a wealthy minority and a white working class kept in Ignorance and steeped in color prejudice, the planters and their lawyers maintained a monopoly of politics and public offices...
...Hence the war for the possession of Kansas and raids on Central America...
...Thirty years before the war Thomas Roderick Dew, who had been educated abroad, presented the new philosophy...
...and that while work was ptentMoW - they couldn't find jobs and that while buainaae wan...
...rjgjj Unfortunately great minds do not always trsregw" in the same rut For now comes Irving Fisher, pre- ) feasor of economics at Yale, and says that Or...
...The rival party organ was the Albany Argus...
...1) and see if you Uke our work...
...In the course of our business, however, we have had to read enough lousy popular magazines to have at least a nodding acquaintance with the sort of stuff they will not take, and for the benefit of our younger readers we hereby offer a list of dont's for short story writers...
...Fly to it...
...Hamilton, Madison...
...And the people scurrrying about this klondyke of klondykes looked every bit SB j "ornery" as their surroundings...
...You have just heard the Jim-Jams play 'I got'a baby doll says Popper, every time she wants to eat.' Now I'll let you hear the applause...
...But latter-day editors, after looking over their bills for illustrations and what is known as "commercial art" have grown leery of these, and they are definitely out...
...Ir all of It there is an apparent hnuger, almost an ache, to get beneath the mechanical details of outward behavior tote the natural, untrammeled life of th< soul...

Vol. 5 • December 1927 • No. 2

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