Stanley, Louis

TWO INNOCENT MEN WILL LIVE Vigilance on jthe Part of Progressive Forces Free Greco and Carillo. Anti-Fascists • By Louis Stanley. rsimt thin, serious-looking foreman of the Jury pronounced the...

...These hard-headed idealists knew from their long experience in the class struggle that the most potent arguments to ' draw the average individualist and conservative farmer and wage-earner into a new movement are aqfual dollars and actual protection...
...League of North America as living sacrifices for the assassinated Fascistl...
...They argue that these buying groups can be formed without capital or preliminary cost...
...His Impartiality In the expounding of the law left the dsfsasa In a strong position...
...The rehearing of the testimony had convinced the one or two who had stood out for a verdict of guilty...
...The forces of reaction could but be met with Immediate and unstinted resistance...
...As vociferous antl-Fasclstl, they had been singled out by the Fascist...
...The Becker case a dozen years ago marked the end of the old era...
...At the bottom the State depended upon the witness, Rocco, who was also secretary of the Bronx branch of the Fascistl League of North- America...
...Tammany is trying1 to shed its reputation, which is anathema to the millions of decent voters...
...To be perpetually on guard, to be instantaneous in action Is the moral of the tale ending thus happily...
...So, no doubt, are the revelations concerning milk adulteration, capitalization of supposed epidemics for the creation of new medical offices, and favoritism in granting bus franchises...
...Only fools would be . expected to take them seriously before . election and promptly to forget them . after election...
...Proponents of the All American Canal hold it essential to American interests that the entire irrigation system be north | of the border and that Is why the proposed new canal is called All American...
...The jury leaned forj ward...
...It would have to inculcate group solidarity and group consciousness by means of successful...
...The loyalist Is the , opposite of the cynic...
...The Socialist aldennanie vote went up 4,000 over last years, and 7,000 over that of two years ago...
...It was announced that a loan of 250,000 would be required...
...The Jurors were simply lifted above the formalism of the law, softened in the harshness with which they had steeled themselves to do their duty, and reminded of their kinma nship with humanity...
...One is the cynic and the other is the loyalist.' The cynic can see no good at all to the Socialist PartyWhy be remains in It is a mystery...
...It breaks off dealings with any dealer when the latter violates the contract or it becomes apparent that he is attempting to practice deception...
...The Progress Builder leaders bek lleve that between the power of their * local unions to transfer their trade from one dealer to another and the final power to establish co-operatives based upon trained and experienced organizations, they have something that can show definite and provable effects in saving dollars and demonstrating the power of organised collective action...
...and he confuses loyalty to Socialism with 1 loyalty to individuals...
...Henderson, somewhat sobered by now,' apologized profusely...
...The co-operation of the police was admirable and the accused were without powerful friends...
...Referring to Vintl In particular, he asked with more than rhetoric ardor whether any honest man would not seek the opportunity to refute accusations of bribery leveled at him if they were untrue...
...They all k warn parents never to make promises which they do not or cannot fulfill, be. cause children do not forget, and even when they forgive, respect Is lost which it Is difficult if not impossible to win t back...
...The suecessful mobilization of the defense's ranks is the significant thing about the Greco-Carillo case...
...It not the play of compromise...
...The tense hearers snatched up every word, Impatiently waiting for the next...
...Juries are peculiar," he will confide to you...
...This conference was composed largely of Socialists looking-for a new Socialist approach to the wage-earners and farmers...
...The power of the organization to throw its collective purchasing power in any given direction at any time constitutes a weapon of considerable power In thejsattle against high prices...
...Therefore, the struggle to cut physical ties with East Fourteenth street, the street of leg shows, con men, low dance hall dives and speakeasies...
...The founder of Tammany was William Mooney, who was supposed to have deserted the American army during the Revolution and joined the British forces...
...He sought no sobs...
...So powerful has the legend become that the Tammany tiger has manicured its claws, that the recent expose of graft in the sewer contracts to the Borough of Queens has seemed something detached from the true Tammany Hall...
...They can compel the use of the present facilities for distribution at lower costs to the consumers...
...It was lunch hour when Darrow began, 1 but nobody paid any attention to that...
...For four dreary hours the reading went on between changing of stenographers and sipping of water...
...the American gxtvernmont and...
...But Darrow's very frankness strengthened his cause...
...Win Reduced Prices The plan is apparently working out very successfully...
...As the years rolled by it became clearer and clearer that the most harmless procedure was to obtain contracts from the city at exorbitant bids...
...They can get definite j ,l~*'*ats from organization without assum- 1 Wvf <c*nt«o«d on page 9) j Tammany seeks a change of front Ambitious to Enter Xlliite House, Heelers Grow Respectable By Politicus FT IS In keeping wltrl tne myth of the •¦•"new" Tammany Hall that the Wigwam on East Fourteenth street to New York City is to be moved uptown to more respectable quarters...
...It was the burden of his talk that Greco and Carillo had been framed up by the Fascistl League of North America In conjunction with the police...
...The first and simplest and easiest font of collective action is the kind upor which trade unionism is founded...
...Andrew that had remained loyal to George HI...
...So, please, put that to the , credit of The New Leader as well as to ? Comrade Maurer't credit...
...How did such 'bosses" as Wood to the fifties and sixties, Tweed to the seventies, Kelly in the eighties, Croker to the nineties...
...A , week ago Friday, I got off eleven base* . in care of James Mark, Clearfield, Peun, sylvania...
...Same question has-been raised at to the increase in the flocttBst vote in New York City...
...He is s great optimist, but most of the time his optimisms | has no foundation in reality...
...He analyzed the case of the prosecution...
...Burr the First Boss Tammany has not missed many opportunities to its time...
...rsimt thin, serious-looking foreman of the Jury pronounced the long-awaited Oreco-Carlllo verdict...
...A Charitable Institution...
...To accomplish this it would be necessary to build an organization that would confer benefits Instead of load expenses on the members from the first...
...Later the mperintendent of the almshouse, the sujerintendent of public repairs and others met the same fate...
...It was Mooney's idea that the middle and lower classes should unite to counteract the Influences of the aristocratic elements...
...t The boxes were beautiful to look at, each j! article done up carefully in gay ChrbV 1 mas paper, and* every article In goad . condition...
...Even removal from Fourteenth street will not purge the Wigwam of its sins...
...There was no need to be entangled with sin...
...Inside tips as to city improvements, of course, made many a fortune in real estate...
...Most important of all, the associations with the sinister history of the "old" Tammany Hall will be obliterated...
...It is- time to examine the functioning of our Socialist Party branches...
...However, the time lost to starting has been amply made up since in concentrated activity...
...When the jury retired again, it was not for long...
...time to look Into the question of leadership...
...In 1797 Aaron Burr, later a Vice-President Df the United States and a traitor to his country, became the first "boss...
...Speaking In a conversational tone, he addressed the Jury...
...Carlo Vtoti...
...his secretary, whom Caldora, a witness for the defense, had accused of trying to bribe him...
...trial was he provoked into abandoning his composure...
...1 They were alert to avoid a repetition of the Sacco-Vanzetti case, and when the fate of Greco and Carillo were called to lheir attention they rallied to the defense of the innocent...
...He requested the Jury to pass a resolution requesting the Investigation of "this Fascist...
...In the United States, with the aid of the New York police had desperately constructed to vindicate Mussolini, crumbled to the ground...
...George and St...
...The liberation of the two anti-Fascisti became a pledge to the memory of Sacco and Vanzetti...
...The reporters unanimously voted for acquittal, while relatives and friends—and even some Fascistl who stood aloof grew more anxious...
...All American Canal Problems By Chester Wright /~~}NE of the interesting phases of the ^ Colorado River project Is the All American Canal, as it Is called...
...t "It's the foolishest, craziest, silliest Identification ever made,'* he confided, "and let me ten you...
...aron Burr probably never stepped lnide the Wigwam but he controlled the destinies of the society for a generation...
...I jesnnette Marks...
...When the lmligrant vote became Important In the jcond quarter of the century, Tammany [all suddenly dropped its hostility to liens, particularly Irish and Roman atholics, and began to cultivate their i lendship...
...It Is true that the criminal elements were useful on election day to stem the reform wave or even to contribute to campaign funds...
...There were Sachems and a Grand Sachem...
...An examination of the history of Tammany Hall proves that we have but been treated to a continuous performance of corruption...
...Had not the judicial murder of Sacco and Vanzettl occurred in the meantime, the plot against Greco and Carillo would have been a huge success...
...Under present treaty obligations, Mexico Is entitled to one-half the water furnished by the canal...
...Abandons the "Pig Pen" Just as today Tammany feels impelled to remove to more respectable quarters, so In 1811 it was forced to abandon the "Long Room" which its enemies had dubbed the "Pig Pen...
...The end . does not Justify the means...
...Thus it happened that the present Bank of the Manhattan Company came into existence...
...Engineers now see no difficulty to the once formidable sand hills and inspection bears them out...
...Richardson had a very definite idea of a movement which he thought would achieve this purpose...
...The funds of the society were insufficient for the construction of the new building...
...To him every action proposed is found to fall, and an prominent Socialists are tosincere and only out for themselves...
...It should be evident to alt Socialists who will look the situation straight hi the face that our Party machinery creaks pretty badly, and that it Is due for an overhauling...
...Another way of getting rich with ease was to rob the city treasury but that was rather crude...
...Taking advantage of the public scare about yellow fever, which had ravaged the city, Burr secured an innocentlooking charter from the State legislature incorporating the Manhattan Company to 1799 to supply pure water to the city...
...Neither was the speaker so bold as to claim that every shred of testimony for the defense was foolproof...
...Finally, the liberality with which he granted the requests of the defense to charge the jury with specified items augured well...
...The title "Tammany" was derived from Tamanend, the name of a half-legendary Indian chieftain, who was supposed to have been good, wise, and liberty-loving...
...What a contrast to-the later policy of catering to aliens...
...These newly manufactured citizens, of course, voted a straight Tammany ticket...
...The candor of Darrow he dubbed an admission of guilt...
...struggle and experience...
...Such a movement, these founders argued, would have to be based u^kin'collective efforts and collective benefits...
...The usual method was buying and selling legislators and Judges for corporations seeking franchises or immunity from the law...
...I don't like bloodshed...
...I have taken notice of the appeals la , The New Leader for the coal miners...
...Against monopoly, especially a local retail monopoly, the union has another weapon—the co-operative enterprise itself...
...And if we consider our , adherents fools, wnat a reflection upon j us...
...This Is an excellent program ss far as it goes, but I am afraid it does not go far enough...
...Joseph Carisi and Nicholas Amorroso...
...It is clear that we are "all wet" on j election predictions...
...Please uw ' this little Christmas gift in any way that ' may be of service to The New Leader...
...More and more it became obvious that an alliance with large corporations, that the obtatoing of attractive contracts from the city and that inside information about future municipal developments were the most profitable lines of endeavor...
...Particularly reassuring was the clarity with which be explained the doctrine of the presumption of innocence of the accused until there was presented proof of guilt beyond reasonable, beyond a shadow of a doubt...
...Finally, whenever a reform movement did get under way, Tammany suddenly sprouted wings, adopted the leading demand of Its opponents as its own and confused the reformers by drafting some of the opposing candidates for its own ticket...
...The writer has benefitted personally In many purchases here_as a member of the organization...
...There Was a brief recess...
...In 1805, a :harter was obtained from the legislature Incorporating the society as a charitable Drganization "for the purpose of affording relief to the indigent and distressed members of said organization, their widows and orphans and others who may be proper objects of their charity...
...A word on the practice indulged to by The New Leader of making over enthusiastic election predictions...
...Re is always ready to defend, but not to think...
...Prominent among these was W. P. Richardson, author of the call and founder of the movement...
...Tammany excelled in political manipulation from the beginning...
...But the Americans do hold that their relation, to water redistribution, is more a relation between two groups of Ameri-1 cans, one in the United States and one outside the United States, where it escapes American taxation and American wage scales, than it is a relation, or a discussion between two nations...
...23, 1127...
...The first Wigwam or meeting place was at Barden's Tavern on Broad street...
...Hays Opens Defense The summing up by the defense began Thursday morning, December 22, 1927...
...Where the party nominates eat-*, orful Candida tee wbt r-rrmlgn vigor-* ousry, who speak to cttsens to language' and an quest sum which they can understand, oar candidates are elected or our vote Is increased...
...I don't even like war, but I fear poor Italy has only had its first baptism of fire, that there is more ahead of her than there Is behind her...
...Mew Mexico, during that summer, a small conference of unterrified leaders and fighters to devise ways and means to keep the light going against the forces of reaction...
...The latter had been mysteriously killed in the Bronx on May 30th last, as, clad in their black shirts, they were on their way to participate In a Memorial Day parade...
...Merchants and professionals are glad to render service at a lower price for the sake of gaming assured, organized and large patronage...
...It was: "We must build up the organisation...
...Darrow is not the kind of a lawyer who grows so cocksure of his case that his methods become slip-shod...
...The Party and Its representatives are always right, says he...
...An organization that could put actual dollars In their pockets or confer actual protection could win them and bold them long enough to teach them the nature and value of organized power and educate them by means of written and spoken propaganda...
...For two and a half hours he wove his charm over the audience...
...Seldom was his voice raised st alt j "You have the life or death at two men in your hands," be said, "which in my opinion Is a i umuuslMlllj greater than any Jury should have...
...Even District Attorney Henderson was soothed, emerging now and then from his enchantment only to growl...
...time to find out whether our message gets across to the public...
...Darrow and Hays abruptly objected and Judge Cohen for once admitted the Impropriety of the Assistant District Attorney's remark...
...Benjamin Ronatoe was removed to 1806 for robbing ;he city of valuable real estate for which is controller he was trustee...
...Darrow did not spare Mussolini and the Fascist dictatorship...
...After a belated intermission for lunch, Assistant District Attorney Ailbert H. Henderson commenced his summing up at four o'clock...
...The reporters and Inquisitive lawyers who crowded the small courtroom showed signs of expectancy...
...Judge Cohen forewent his custom of preparing his charge to the jury during summation of counsel in order to observe how Darrow performed* Darrow Hits Death Penalty The master lawyer had not practiced law lor fifty years without developing a consummate technique...
...we must get more members into the party...
...With the Working Farmers Practical Benefits Promt* mint Feature of "Progress Builders" Activi' tties—Leaders Socialistic v By Murray E. King / RosweU, N. M f |irk collapse of the progressive coall* tion in 1925, which turned the Socialist party back to an Independent position sod scattered the farmer, labor and liberal forces, brought together in RosweU...
...All the Presidents of the United States through Jackson received the honorary title of Kitchi Okemaw or Great Grand1 Sachem...
...The "new" Tammany is only new to its methods of corruption...
...With Governor "Al" Smith of New York as Its prize exhibit, Tammany has been throwing covetous glances at the White House...
...The use of a native Indian name, moreover, Indicated the abhorrence by the Tammanyites of foreigners...
...Unfortunately, this confession was taken at Its face value...
...i - This is a splendid victory- over Fascism, but the defense committee is responsible for considerable financial obligations that must be paid...
...Arthur Garfield Hays held forth first...
...Congratulations all around...
...Those were comparatively small things, however...
...South Had ley...
...At no time, Indeed, was this the most important factor to Its success...
...Murphy to this century, and thousands of their disciples come to loll to luxury...'s the only breath of evidence against those men...
...How to t arouse enthusiasm, how to work for 80ciallsm all the year around, and how to t bring all our courage, Intelligence and t resourcefulness to bear upon this pror1 lem should be the concern of every cms - who has the best Interests of the Socialist 1 Party at heart...
...Tht founders of the Progress Builders saw ir this kind of collective action the gatewaj to bigger things—to real co-operatives— to the attainment of their ultimate political and ecorn/mic ideals...
...League's secretary...
...In its confidence it became brasen in its corruption...
...Add to this the charities dispensed by Tammany and leading politicians to the poor, as to time of business depression or severe winter weather, and we can further understand the hold that Tammany Hall had upon the politics of New York...
...His love of tinman beings, his aanctifl cation of life aarsssed every word he uttered...
...There was nothing to the prosecution's case, there was a great deal to that of the defense...
...It is said that most of the development of the Chandler land in Mexico has been with coolie labor at miserable wages, benefitting neither Mexico nor the United States and tending to degrade the living standards of labor in both countries...
...It is an index to the prosperity of the Tammany politicians that $175,000 was subscribed at oncev This was to 1867...
...Another article In this series will apmt aext week,) new leader Mail Bag To*tbe*a of n> who bold sTtsglaiKiii tof* respects, are enoouragteg^bvofbers"they f an not...
...When the jury filed back at 3.30 P. M., the tension, was only broken for a moment...
...j Hence, the bafcic form of organization of the Progress/Builders—the formatter wherever possible of local groups to obtain the best bargains possible with loca) merchants and dealers...
...The choice he permitted among four verdicts for each defendant, murder in the first and second degrees, manslaughter in the second, and not guilty, allowed various interpretations of the crime...
...No doubt, many Socialist campaign 1 workers believe that "optimistic" predtc» lions are a method of arousing enthusii asm, but it should be evident by now s that this is a wrong method...
...They soon emerged with a unanimous vote for acquittal...
...He pointed out that tne prcrecution had not dared to call to the witness stand Count Di Revel, bead ow the League...
...Saint" was prefixed to the name in mock imitation of the Societies of St...
...Kindliness played over his face, directed bis every gesture...
...Now loyalty is a beautiful thing except when it becomes perverted...
...Dangerous to Society" The payment of Caldora's weekly wages by the defense he called a bribe and sought by this means to cover up the bribery charges against the Fascist...
...A new Wigwam was built upon the site of the Martltog Tavern at Spruce and Nassau streets, where the old "Sun" building stands...
...The charge of Judge Cohen to the jury the following morning was exceedingly fair...
...of course, for the inevitable law and order...
...Again when the prosecutor asserted venemously that the defense had concealed a certain written statement, made by a witness, and Hays repeatedly offered to place the document in evidence, the District Attorney retracted and took pains to assure the Jury that they stoats...
...The wigwam WW moved the fouowing year to t ,h£ "Long Room," adjoining Martltog's *avern at Nassau and Spruce streets...
...On the contrary, be suggested that Caldora might be a prejudiced witness and that Individuals who supported the alibis of the defense might not be entirely impartial...
...At first his whisper was so low that he was inaudible, but soon he was thundering along in his characteristic manner...
...The preoccupation of the Society of St, Tammany with political machinations made it necessary to separate the social from the political functions...
...It is an exceptional occurrence we are to believe...
...Hays made it clear that he was not raising the spectre of a plot merely for effect...
...Most of the irrigated land hi Mexico Is owned by Americans—a group beaded by Harry Chandler, successor to Harrison Gray Otis as owner of the labor-hating Los Angeles Times, and successor also to the Otis labor-hating policies...
...Tammany were soon smothered by more practical considerations...
...How to construct an economic and political organization out of average American farmers and wage-earners that would gradually attain the position of a class conscious movement, fighting for Industrial democracy, was the problem Mr...
...But for some reason or other, the enrolled voters did not respond...
...Actually the society dominated the Hall...
...There are a score 01 more merchants In Roswell, Portales Ellda, Hagerman, Dexter and other Pecos*ValIey towns who are\iow selling tht necessaries of life to the Progress Builders at discounts ranging from 5 to 2C per cent...
...Dictator Sought Rev nge For a while It had seemed as If there i were going to be no arrests, but the prestige of Mussolini here and in Italy, and the desire for revenge demanded "a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye...
...However, the Massachusetts—or was It international?—affair had awakened slumbering liberals and radicals...
...The anxiety pervaded the corridor and the courtroom on the floor below which had been turned into a waiting room...
...Some of the jurors wanted to have read the testimony of Rocco and / Ifano, a witness, who had failed the prosecution...
...Fascist Witness Attached He, therefore, takes every possible precaution to protect his client and in this case he did so with his usual scrupulous care...
...To the Fascistl it seemed certain that their victims were headed straight for the electric chair...
...The name Mussolini is only an- * other name f on despotism...
...Of the two types [ I am not sure which is the worse...
...The Wigwam :onttaued to honor them...
...When thirty 01 more farmers and wage workers to a locality are organized, officials are electee whose duty shall be to use the buying power of the whole group as a level with which to obtain discounts on purchases from those dealers who will make the greatest discounts in exchange foi the patronage of the group...
...It Is an undeniable fact that the white slave traffic flourished with the connivance of Tammany officials...
...Richardson laid before the conference...
...He even went so far as to assert In his heat that the acquittal of Greco and Carillo would be dangerous to society and traitorous to the country...
...Mot once during the...
...Just before election day, ousandj ana at times literally tew of j thousands of these foreigners were naturalized by pliant Judges...
...The Oreco-Carltto Defense Committee, organized by Norman Thomas and headed by Robert Meses Lovett, at 70 Fifth avenue, NejV^York, Is Joyfully but unfortunately still in debt...
...The first thing Burr did was to obtain a financial club which Tammany could wield over the heads of its opponents...
...Of course, ntemational complications will arise in this change of water routtog, if it is made...
...Calogero Greco j and Donato Carillo had been in Jail for five months awaiting trial...
...Again and again he made this clear, but never sentimentally...
...Neither was Cammany Hall apparently Injured by the lisclosure that money had vanished fhich it had obtained from the legislature for a monument to the patriots who lad perished abrood in the British prison hips during the Revolution...
...Among the fallen vas William Mooney, the founder, himielf...
...Contributions should be sent to the Greco-Carillo Defense Committee, Boom 904, 70 Fifth avenue, New York City...
...Co-operatives Hoped For It would have to approach collective unity and co-operative achievement along the fines of easiest approach and least resistenee...
...Now let us see how true Progress Builder theory works out In Progress Buildei practice...
...At this point, Judge Albert Cohen intervened...
...For the remainder of the century rammany1 remained true to form...
...Be was tor...
...The ceremonies and names of officers were Indian...
...Commodities covered include the whole range' of groceries and drj _ .goodsr- furniture, hardware, shoes, fuel gasoline and other necessities...
...The slightest criticism of a Party position or of a Party spokesman . makes bim hot under the collar...
...The total impression one received from the evidence Is what he tried to convey...
...There is hardly a public utility in the city today that can say it never played In this game of graft...
...When the canal was constructed engineers could not see how to overcome a range of sand hills lying between the river and Imperial Valley, and so carried the canal by Its present route...
...At present the Imperial Valley Is Irrigated by water taken from the Colorado River at a point just north of the international boundary, carried south through Mexico and brought back Into the United States after traversing some thirty-five miles of Mexican territory...
...3 Hours of Suspense Nevertheless, uneasiness developed when the Jury had not returned within three and a half hours...
...The democratic propensities of the Society of St...
...Neither did he become saccharine about the eighty-year-old mother of Greco or the wife and kiddies of Carillo...
...The Chandler group now irrigates some 186,000 acres in Mexico out of water taken from the present canal, under the provisions which gives Mexico half the acre feet supplied by the entire canal Irrigated land In Mexico under Mexican awnersbbp totals only about 98,000 acres and r.ever can be much more than that amount, owing to the relative geographical location of American-owned land and Mexican-owned land...
...It Is reported that the Chandler group would support the Boulder Canyon project If the All American Canal feature were eliminated...
...Still one felt that his strength toy net so much in his intellect and experience, hut in his humaneness...
...A month and a half after the commission of the crime, a score of anti-Fascisti were rounded up...
...The Society of St...
...Fascism was bom In tyranny, and lives in bloodshed and fear...
...the total aldennanie vote this year being 52,9*7...
...None of these corruptionlsts sufered any loss of prestige...
...He scorched it with ridicule...
...This Is asking a lot, I know, especially because of two types to be found among party members...
...It conrolled the vote to New York City by a old use of strong-arm men, stuffing of allot boxes, multiple voting and transerring of inmates of the city's prisons nd poor-bouses to the voting places on lection day for the purpose of voting jr Tammany candidates...
...It is silly today to say that Tammany thrives primarily on protection of vice, not excepting the virtues of prohibition...
...If Mexico could retain her right to half the water supplied, the Chandler group to Mexico would be enabled to bring under irrigation double their present amount of land and that group, now owns the acreage which it would bring under irrigation...
...The Pennsylvania terminal is a monument to this form of "honest" graft...
...Who of us does not recall the cry which followed every election during the past ten years when our expectations were not fulfilled...
...Without the work done by the committee, perjury might have sent Greco and Carillo to the chair...
...The eleven boxes contained , fifty articles, including warm clothing . and toys and candy far the children...
...No risk is attached to membership in them...
...Hence, the Importance today of subway construction, new court bouses and school buildings, improved streets, bus franchises, and just plain sewers in Queens...
...Insinuations about the hypnotic influence that Darrow wielded and the supreme necessity of bringing the great lawyer all the way from Chicago to bolster up the defense's case, therefore, had no effect...
...At this point some interesting facts present themselves...
...Tucked away to one clause, however, was a grant of banking powers...
...Business men now found that adherence to Tammany gave them credit at the bank...
...Within half a century this also became outmoded and the present site on East Fourteenth street was secured...
...This Is encouraging unless we consider that If we tnln the ratio, next year our vote will only equal that of 1022, when Edward Caasidy, running for Governor, polled 57 Jit votes...
...The removal of the Wigwam uptown is but another historic bid for respectability...
...The union maintains and Independent position \s an organized buyer...
...His calm was Inward...
...How did the Tammany leaders acquire their wealth...
...It is immaterial that the first announcements that the new location would be in the vicinity of Fifty-ninth street turned out to be premature...
...1 Dec...
...It is illustrated in the case of a worker group collectively bargaining for higher wages or a fanner group collectively dealing foi higher prices for the things they sell and lower prices for the things they buy...
...Leonard Bright...
...and Detective Caso, all of whom could explode the defense theory of a plot, if the charge were unfounded...
...Tammany was organized on May 12, 1789...
...At taut, Henderson wound up, striking a most nobis note...
...The election of "Al" Smith to the Presidency would afford a splendid opportunity for the revival of the Kitchi Okemaw...
...Editor, the New Leader: f Within this Christmas card, wishing 5 you and your staft a Christmas happy In work for the cause of Socialism, I en1 close a check for ten dollars...
...At the same time a political counterpart was established to the form of various committees which constituted Tammany Hall proper...
...He did not conceal his «««*aiw for capital punishment...
...Hope of coming of age as a national political factor has been the inspiration in the crusade of the grownup ward-heelers to create the myth al a "New Tammany...
...One may never rely on them...
...The Union" here, as the local group is called has just sigsjed up with a dentist and a barber shop In Roswell...
...Norman Thomas, to discussing the lessons of the past election, advocates an all-year-around campaign, organisation, the choosing of districts where we have the best chances of building up the organization, of Candida tee who will agree to run hi those districts next year, and who will begin to work without delay...
...Just as the power interests would support it, as they have announced they would, If the power feature were abandoned... everything be bad said m that connection...
...It is true that twelve days had elapsed after the inauguration to New York City of Washington as first President of the United States before the Society of St...
...On the other hand, if we regard r them as children, psychologists will tell us that we are wrong there...
...The new home will be in Union Square, it seems, only slightly northward from the present Wigwam, but in a decidedly better neighborhood...
...Boulder Dam—What Is It...
...There will undoubtedly be a contest for continuance of Mexico's right to half the water supplied through the new canal after completion of Boulder Canyon Dam, if and when it is built...
...Murphy refined the method by granting franchises to corporations and then having \.is contracting company obtain the work of construction...
...When all was silent again, the broad shoulders of Clarence Darrow | heaved into view...
...He attempted to turn the renown of his chief adversary to his own advantage by modestly admitting the superior skill of Darrow...
...His idea was adopted with unanimity and enthusiasm and the result Is the Progressive Builders of America...
...Greco and Carillo were Indicted...
...This international phase of the question is puzzling many persons, including many in Imperial Valley, but I could not | find any disposition to be unfair to Mexico to any redistribution of water rights 'under the All American Canal project...
...The weak identification of the witness aroused Darrow's scorn...
...Even the Tammany-controlled city government had to rid itself of high Tammany officials who ivere caught red-handed...
...The vigilance of the radicals and liberals who, learning their lesson from the Sacco-Vanzetfl tragedy, >.ad organized the defense, was amply repaid...
...He asked counsel to confine himself to summation but counsel Insisted gently upon his and the jury's rights...
...We find the defendants not guilty.'' The rickety case that the Fascist...
...For two hours Henderson boomed on, peppered with objections from the defense when he assumed unfair tactics...

Vol. 5 • December 1927 • No. 2

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