Timely tOPICs by Norman Thomas TN newspapers filled with murder stories and what'not it is good to come across the story of the Alaska mail sled driver named Jewell who delivered his...

...In his ruling Magistrate Corrigan said: "I do not feel that I am called upon to decide whether or not the defendant was entitled to vote from the premises, 144 Rivington Street, where he claims his residence but I am called upon to decide whether or not he committed a crime in registering from, those premises...
...have now been completed for the public celebration in connection with the inauguration of the Socialist administration in this city, on Monday, January 2. The new administration will be sworn in at City Hall at 10 a.m...
...The production of bituminous coal during November was 4S,S2S,see tons, giving a fataUtytate for this branch of the industry of 2.98 per million tans, as against 3.67 for the com rnsnslng month a year ago...
...A Ticket in Every Slate The national campaign will test the resources of the Socialist Party and its members as they have never been tested before...
...Reports from the anthracite industry showed s,MZ,»M tons of coal mined, 38 fatalities, and a fatality rale of 5.51 per million tens...
...Well explain...
...Therefore no crime was committed, and the charge against the defendant is hereby dismissed...
...other cooperative features to their mutual advantage...
...Great praise is due to the union itself, to the Amalgamated Bank, to the Forward Association and the individuals within their ranks who took the initiative in this matter...
...There are two obvious lessons in this Amalgamated housing achievement...
...Hits Interstate Activities Mr...
...er"s below Mason and Dtxsera fine," "Industrialism In the South hi new* but it is not novel In the light of history," Prof...
...First It furnishes proof of what a real Union can do for Its members...
...mmOrn^ naps Pennsylvania...
...i Blanton Joins Move Representative Blanton, of Texas, has offered a bill to prohibit the employment of such agencies to shadow jurors in federal trials...
...And the result in other cases will follow In the South—wages will be increased, hours diminished, workers will gain recognition for their organizations, and legal protections' will be thrown around conditions of employment...
...Senator Wheeler, of \fontena, has a resolution in for an investigation of the Activities of such agencies...
...Mitchell continued...
...Every one who knew anything of the facts felt an indescribable joy at the acquittal of Greco and Carillo by a jury in Judge Cohen's court in the Bronx...
...50,000 Butchers To Strike in N. Y...
...and the working day is long...
...Now that is a merited rebuke to miners, farmers, textile workers and the unemployed for their riotous Irving...
...w«* are frankly told by official iiil>»i||ny...
...The Socialist Party is red and believes that useful labor should have the values it produces...
...Twenty-four hundred butchers will be called out in Brooklyn and 2000 will be called out in the Bronx, Washington Heights, and the lower East Side...
...An examination of a copy of this study reveals that the Ctvte Federation's findings support targdry the contentions of the advocates of old age praam as that approximately M or II per cent of the people «5 years of ageaad ever an not The Civic Federation dare not contradict these findings which have been found in the Investigations of the State Commissions In Pennsylvania, Ohio and Massachusetts...
...Much work of drganibetoro^^e"n?^DA^co^venUoafeeet...
...For these reasons we, your NaI tional Executive Committee, are calling upon you to assist in raising an organization fund...
...They are always standing outside the legislative halls begging...
...Many agencies wul cotnldsw to put a limit to their methods ad they injure the community—-pabUe opinion, the competition of employera with each other for a relatively diminishing labor supply and the op— ing of alternate occupations...
...and another measure for an investigation of the Fall-Doheny trial, which resulted in acquittal of these defendants, also has a bearing on the matter of the suspected activity of sucb agents In that case...
...In other words...
...We must hold a national convention in April and nominate a presidential ticket...
...The officials to take office are J. 'Henry Stump, mayor...
...Laidler reported an increasing interest in social, industrial and international problems among the students Mutual Admiration Hamilton Pish, Jr., Republican Congressman from New York, wires the Flatbush Republican Club to pay "my respects to the Queens sewer ring, who have made the old Tweed ring . . . look like a lot of pikers...
...HARRY W. LAIDLER, executive director of the League for Industrial Democracy and Socialist leader, gave a short report of the League's activities during the last year at the annual dinner of the League, Thursday evening, at Irving Plaza, New York City...
...Representatives of organised labor, which has suffered particularly through the activities of private detective agencies, we expected to support the bill before any hearing which may be obtained...
...are being held under •1,000 ball and will be given a hearing on charges of sedition on January 10...
...Every member should make his or her own contribution as generous as possible...
...NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE SOCIALIST PARTY, Victor L. Berger James D. Graham Morris Hillquit James Oneal Joseph W. Sharts W. R. Snow Dr...
...The price per plate is $1.50 Start the New Tear right—in a Socialist city I Come to Reading, comrade, and help us celebrate this new achievement of our party...
...The auspicious opening of the Amalgamated's cooperative houses in the Bronx near Van Courtlandt Park is an event of more than local significance, for housing is a national problem...
...A book on the power situation by H. S. Raushenbush Is now in the hands of the printer...
...On such loyalty, courage and skill as Mr...
...C. Horty, Scott Nearing, Sam Lewlsohn and Morris Hillquit...
...Berger expects to present evidence, IV was stated, shewdae that U» & State* which now have lews seeking to regulate the activities of these agencies have generally found that such regulative efforts have been unsuccessful in abolishing or limiting the evils nvolved...
...They will have plenty of other problems to face and at the present time no propaganda for the Socialist cause in America can be as useful as intelligent city administration in behalf of the masses of the people...
...In the general introduction of the report, however, the CI vie Federation tries to maintain Its position of fsJsiflcatfoa and misrepresentation...
...Analysis of the 2,to2 fatalities during the eleven months of the present year show a reduction in the death rate per million tons of real for haulage accidents and for gas and dost explosions, and a alight increase for explosives and electricity...
...WoO that" some of the iaveatlgatora for the National Civic Federation were told definitely that one of the alma of the Civic Federation study was to discredit the nndy^<rf the^vnrtena...
...Laidler Reports rjR...
...in the history of the United States...
...Pall and Sinclair on the Republican ballot and Doheny and Burns on the Democratic ballot...
...One of,-the things we need most in North' Carolina hi a constructive and Intel-« ligent policy toward social legists- j Human Side of Isaaslij n itiifcaff4 Mrs...
...Incidentally it seems to us a sorry business that Matthew Woll, Vice-President of the A. F. of L. and President of the National Civic Federation, and men like him have been able to, shelve affirmative action on the basis of facts we now have both in the A. F. of L. and In the New York State Federation pending "investigation" we suppose of the Civic Federation brand...
...He was sustained in his action by' the advice of counsel and claimed that what he did was done in conformity with the law and in the exercise of his legal rights...
...As the G. O. P. often takes credit for the rain, the farmers of that* state should be comforted with this new promise...
...v "The other accompaniments of the industrial South—night work, feudal conditions in employer-owned mfB B9 lages, lack of participation to spi munity life—all bespeak a low afvaf^ of cultural development," she starts Untied...
...If you choose the right sort of red you are not likely to have a case of the blues...
...I have said that the State Mousing law is better than nothing because it has made it easier for the union to do its work...
...Pennsylvania on December 1...
...Fraudulent Voters O.K.'d By Tammany Corrigan, Democ r a t i c Magistrate, Gives His Organization's False Voters A Clean Bill I? LECTION "floaters'*—illegal voters—more than 4,000 of whom are alleged to have contributed to the stealing of the election of Municipal Court Justice Jacob Panken, Socialist, in New York last November, were given a clean bill of health and an invitation to repeat their performance in a ruling handed down Thursday by Magistrate Joseph E. Corrigan...
...In face of these facts Mr...
...The arrest followed exposure by the Socialists and friendly elements of wholesale false registration in Judge Panken's district by Tammany men who live outside the district...
...A great campaign awaits us...
...In the Presidential Campaign of 1928, the Socialist Party will probably be the only opposition party in the field...
...Work of organization is planned...
...We should spend and be happy...
...Four Are Arrested Four miners, arrested when thehhomes were raided at Donor...
...on "Labor Conditions in Southern Cotton Mills" by Paul Blanshard, and was largely responsible for "The History of Socialist Thought" by Harry W. Laidler, published by Crowell and Company...
...More of that logic will be removed if we set about to find a substitute in international cooperation for our present imperialism...
...Woll in which he asked him now he, as Vice-President of the A. F. of L-, which stand* committed at several conventions to the promotion of old age pensions, could at the same time lend his name to an attack on this subject...
...Southern manufacturers, takes ao terials...
...The National Civic Federation investigation it is generally known was conducted partly to discredit the Pennsylvania committee...
...New York's housing law proved advanWguutt A f*o*lJBs«v* to feat mortgages at a res sons hie figure and ftt giving tax —WlH km an the buildings...
...The forthcoming Pan-American Congress in Havana which Mr...
...It has Its opportunity in connection with the forthcoming elections in Nicaragua which might well be carried on under supervision of a Pan-American commission rather than under a committee of our own army officers...
...That's nothing...
...We urge you to immediately use these lists...
...wage workers, acording to ppes^ggfj at the twenty-first annual mectlnj...
...My nine Southern states showed] thfinf women were working longer t& than in the North...
...Apparently because of the challenge Issued by Mr...
...Davis, feels obliged to advocate in a formal letter to Congress various governmental measures for the revival of private manufacture of the munitions of war...
...At present the kosher butchers work from 6,30 in the morning to 6 in the evening and Thursday from 6.30 in the morning to 7.30 in the evening...
...We must wage our national fights but I look to local organisation, to such campaigns as our Reading comrades have just waged, "and to such successes in administration as they achieved or may achieve in Milwaukee and Reading for the best and most Immediate results in building up the party...
...Laidler declared that Norman say of England, and himself had spoken during the year on social problems at 106 colleges before some 30,006 students and had addressed more than 30,000 others at city clubs, labor and women's organizations...
...If 2,000rO0O eat of the 5,000,000 bow 66 years of age In the V. S. are dependent...
...We have had the biggest beggars' trust in the world for many years...
...We cannot wait till the national convention of the party meets to undertake this work...
...Reached 60,000 Persons During 1928 Publications Brought Mes. sage to Many Thousands More, Dr...
...There are millions of members holding shares in the Republican and Democratic parties...
...We must awaken our supporters and sympathizers to the importance of the national political struggle next year...
...We know the states that must be helped...
...Reading Ready For Socialist Celebration (By a New Leader Correspondent) T> EADINO, PA...
...Ralph Essley and Tecomse Sherman and the Civic Federation are concerned...
...Never 'have the old parties been so shamelessly committed to reaction, never so corrupt and visionleas, never so barren of genuine issues...
...Yet it has been generally agreed by all students that the private greed of armament makers has been a contributory cause to war...
...Jewell has shown—the despatches don't even give us his Brst name—we ought to be able to build a pretty fine civilization...
...THEY LIKE TO BEG If some of our American trade unionists had their way they would advise the British workers to give up their Labor Parly and beg" at the doors of Parliament instead of fighting for the workers within...
...Roughly, the) raaanj fw] these bum states is from 1 rif nn3 in Georgia to tl per cent in Attain ¦as...
...This is his Christmas message to the American people...
...ojMkS a strong union, haws run thopMfl age^up to 83 per sent...
...PROOF WANTED If the twin parties of capitalism really represent the toiling masses, we have never heard of a former mentioning sheriff's sales or a wageworker mentioning injunctions to prove it...
...On the contrary, his actions were open and above-board...
...T| "The outstanding fact,'' aba aaC ed, "has been that te practicallyjfl the Southern states Into whhmt wan nave gone, the percentage of wusueij working 48 hours or leas had haoti very low, in some of them ah hjejj that there is almost bo peroggfMBH be recorded...
...We want to encourage cooperative housing...
...Under American conditions and In face of the eccripetition of chain stores I believe that we shall have Ccr- begta^with cooperative housing on some such scale as this in order to lay the baafe for further' cooperative enterprises...
...As rapidly as lists are filled and returned, forward the contributions without delay to the National office...
...The intVstrlal worker, in North.': Carolina wort* longer hours, receives less money wages, and has less protection in case of accident, than avj worker in a majority of the states hv the union," he continued...
...Their conviction would have meant the success of one of the rawest frame ups between American Fascists and certain police officials that could be imagined...
...Woll made no reply to these charges...
...The dinner will be served in the banquet ltall of the temple, and will be limited to 1,000 plates...
...Dexter Otey of T j 111 til noe_M Vs., declared that Southern legiela-I tures and governors are vying...
...Any objections...
...They have, following the studies of the Pennsylvania Commission, said that about 30 or 33 per cent were In poverty and they have Insisted that the poverty of so great a number, even though it Is not a majority, in a prosperous country like ours is reason enough for old age -pensions...
...But the union began irrespective of the state housing act which as yet has stimulated no new building at all by limited dividend companies, much less any building at a price the neediest workers can pay...
...And yet it must be confessed that if we are to accept oh the one hand the war system and on the other the supremacy of the profit motive there is a certain logic in Mr...
...Broadna Mitchell, professor at ^ political economy at Johns Hop- r Idas University, declared that, SB £ eptte of the f acT that there ts % nothing novel In the labor cones- ¦/ tions in Southern Industries, "we are regularly asked to make at- * lowance for long boors, low wages and comparative absence of protective legislation for work...
...Xa •CQoVtshwVQmT 0mw -SgmmlmmaAm...
...Now, no intelligent agitator for old age pensions has ever said that 90 per cent of the aged lived In poverty...
...Here are the biggest beggars' trusts in the world...
...This strike is called to alleviate the hardships of a 80 hour week in the butcher industry...
...s. asking them to take no steps in the adoption of old age pension legislation until a study the Civic Federation was then conducting, was concluded and the findings presented in their report...
...Instead of painting oat the enormous necessity for some constructive legislation In view of the fact that even If only one-third of the people new «S years sf age are depaasfieug st persons are today in need of help, it goes on to emphasize that the majority of the aged people are not dependent bat are self-supporting...
...pamphlets on the Electrical Power Situation by Evelyn Preston, on "The Future of Capitalism and Socialism in America" by if...
...It had actively promoted the work of the Emergency Committee of Strikers' Relief, the Committee on Coal and Qlant Power, the Committee on...
...The Socialist members elected to the School Board, Raymond S. Hof ses and George D. Snyder, have already been sworn into office, but they will participate in the general celebation following the inauguration of the city officials next Monday...
...Some part of that logic may be removed if the principle of the proposed treaty with France outlawing war between our two countries can be extended to a general treaty for the outlawry of war...
...No company union can match It...
...Now will Tammany please wire Pish its sentiments regarding the Republican oil pirates...
...It tries to persuade us that all is well for men and women sixty-five years and over in America .because in its investigations It found that not 90 per cent but only 29.5 per cent had no property and were Jkrgely dependent upon the charity of relatives or of relief agencies...
...James H. Maurer, President of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor and Chairman of the FennBvtvanJ* Cwnuiilswfan oa Oht Age Pensions made public a letter he wrote to Mr...
...Consequently, whatever may be said as to the question of his actual residence, the essential element of guilty knowledge was lacking...
...159 Deaths in Nov., 2,002 In 11 Months Coal Miners' Dividends Coal-mine fstsHrles fas the Catted States In November nambered ISt, according to information famished by State mine Inspectors to the United States Bureau of Minus, Department of Commerce...
...Woll Is making a special drive in January for the A. F. of I. Insurance company...
...Can you beat them...
...The fatality rate for the month was 3.35 per million tons, as eempered with 3.39 far the same month last year...
...sjj the American Association for Idfemt Legislation here...
...He admitted he did not live in the district in which he registered as a qualified voter, but claimed he "did not know" he was violating the law...
...Commenting on the report, the Americas Asportation far Old South Scored For sweating for sweatings of worker Of Work«c3 Workers Do Not Evjfl Have SmaU ProtectlOmW Afforded Labor b'^jpl North * J *Ja| WASHINGTON.—A^JewrkSKh^Jl being created with the rapsj^fjj velopment of industries but BonffMfH states are far behind the rest of Jtfjj country in the adoption of muaattieo, to protect the safety and health of...
...Thirty-eight ot the fatalities occurred in the anthracite ¦mines of Pennsylvania...
...Justice to China, and the Greco and Carillo Committee...
...Kunstler was prosecuted by the State Attorney General's office...
...A Beggar's Trust A cable to the New York Times from Moscow declares that a big beggar's trust has b?en found in that city...
...We are all safer and happier because it failed...
...and dancing from 8.30 till midnight: Music for the entire program will be furnished by McLean's Country Club Orchestra...
...That crowd recognizes the value of your vote and you will become a super-power when you do...
...This, after all, is only one striking illustration of the magniflcartt every day responsibility on the part of the inconspicuous workers who keep our complicated and dangerous machinery going...
...England went through the same phases a century ago, and tawNorthern States and Germany noto recently...
...We must help unorganized states to be organized and help organized states where it is necessary...
...If I were a Congressman I should oppose it bitterly...
...Aside from all that there is something infinitely shocking in a spectacle of stockholders coining money out of war and tfite preparation for war...
...Morris Ernst, McAlister Coleman, Nellie Seeds, Dr...
...Pennsylvania Miners'' Homes Are Raided...
...Davis' request...
...Otey said...
...Three hundred families have safe and vary beautiful homes at a present rent which is really a purchase rent of 111 per month per mom: Those who know New York Will know what a saving that means...
...Members of the anion, who had quarreled with the fear men, denounced them to the local pence as "reds" and the arrests followed...
...A local attorney, D. M. Anderson, has been retained by the defendants...
...Industries are brought Omtth...
...It presents no pro Mews for as hi tioa as far as Messrs...
...The generally felt need for some legislation to restrict or abolish these private detectives' since revelations of the activities of the Burns men in the Fall-Sinclair trial has been Indicated here by the introduction of several measures besides that offered by Mr...
...The men are Nick Knezevich, Ivan Ceh, Joe Httiak and Matt Goretta, all of Donor...
...We want this work done before our national convention meets...
...It is charged that its investigators were so Instructed and that towns were picked for inquiry where the existence of some sort of private pension system made old age dependencies less...
...LsbeaYf|& cheap and wages are low.* The fhet is significant that toe greatest dJsfofQ opment has been in the textile bsfjjigfj try in which wages are lowest ot^sss...
...The Sooth win he compelled to Jrelinquish Its hsdnatrtal differen- ^ tial, and accept national labor standards...
...These workers are many of them unorganized or their organizations are in no position to emulate the Amalgamated...
...Maryland la the one exoajfl due to the predominance of thj§ ment workers la that state...
...The raid is alleged to have gtwwn out of a dispute within the ranks of the Croatian Fraternal Union at that place...
...The Republican party is also red and believes your farms should be taken under the red flag of a sheriff's sale...
...It is all very well to thank Clarence Darrow and Arthur Garfield Hays and Isaac Shorr for their magnificant services...
...era of-the South's merits, because of a fairly abundant supply of ebdofhyl labor and because of freedom from interference on the part of labor unions," Mrs...
...create cooperative stores and...
...The League had published during the year two books on "New Tactics in Social Conflict" and "Prosperity...
...The bill specifically also forbids the employment ot such private detectives and detective agencies in strikes and labor troubles...
...What the Amalgamated has done the City of New York can do on a somewhat simpler but more extensive scale for the sake of the children who will make or mar its future...
...Never have the prospects of the Socialist Party been more promising...
...Have you...
...As matters stand we are willing to take the Federation's own figures to support our case...
...The ruling came in the case of David B. Kunstler, a Tammany subdistrict leader, who was arrested on complaints .of Socialist watchers who accused him of voting from a false address...
...James H. Maurer and George W. Snyder, councihnen, and Walter W. Holllnger, city controller...
...Wh"t:rcr the Socialist officials of Reading, Pa., v.ho take office the first of the year will have to face a housing problem or not, I do not know...
...A large part of the working population of New York receives wages which makes til per month per room sound like Park Ave...
...with I one another to secure factories' had their states, and while the new tniiw I trial development Is impressive tan the human side of industry has IsMoVI neglected...
...v "In order to violate either Subdivision 2 or Subdivision 4 of Section 752 of the Penal Law the defendant must know at the time he registered either that he will not be a qualified voter in the district or he must know that the residence he gives is a false residence...
...Coolidge is to address will give a fine opportunity to see whether the Administration will go beyond after-dinner sentiments to practical action...
...the remaining 121 were at bitaminoas mines throughout the country...
...With this call the National office is providing contribution lists for circulation among party members and friends...
...Having, done that we ask both what they think about our Presidential Oil Ticket for next year...
...There was no evidence in the course of the proceeding to show that the defendant acted other than in good faith...
...That weapon Is the provision they make of some miserable Insurance against unemployment and old age...
...Under the commission form of government in force in this city, Stump, Maurer and Snyder will constitute a majority of the council of five members, and for the next four years will wield both legislative and executive power, subject, however, to State laws governing cities of this class in Pennsylvania...
...Constructive Policy Needed Professor Thomas W. Holland ot the University of North Carotins deserted that "the Southern mill ownerIs well aware that his major competitive advantage over other parts of the j country lies in the lower wages aad longer hou-s of his employees...
...Best wishes to the Reading Socialists...
...nom-hange occurred in the rate for falls of roof and coal...
...Timely tOPICs by Norman Thomas TN newspapers filled with murder stories and what'not it is good to come across the story of the Alaska mail sled driver named Jewell who delivered his Christmas mail on time in a storm at a temperature of 58 degrees below zero...
...J. Van Essen, I Executive Secretary...
...Davis wants to revive private munition manufactures...
...By' contrast the same newspaper tells us that we have a civilization in which the American Secretary of War, Mr...
...That Is good...
...It Is high time for labor to wake up on this matter...
...But only state insurance for old age and unemployment can take from the open shop employers ode of their best weapons against organization...
...Comrades, let us go forward in one great drive for a greater and more powerful Socialist Party...
...To insure success of the coming strike the Hebrew Butcher Workers Union has set aside the sum of $25,000 for the purpose of establishing Co-Operative Butcher Shops in such districts where bosses discriminate against Union Labor or refuse to sign the new agreement for the year 1928...
...We cannot fight Fascism among our Italian population by negatives...
...William Pickens and others had also spoken in a number of colleges at meetings, arranged by the League...
...The National Civic Federation is at Its old tricks...
...All these things simply prove how much can be accomplished by cooperation...
...The second lesson has to do with the need of municipal housing...
...It Is necessary to begin now...
...These 30O families will doubtless be able to...
...the rate for November last year was 5.95...
...No union torn by internal factions could safely attempt it...
...Such a Fascist success would have menaced the whole labor movement...
...No unorganised group of workers can even dream of such homes under their own control as these that Amalgamated has built...
...Berger Seeks Hearings on Detective Bill Bill of Socialist Congressman "Likely to Win Wide Support—Other Measures Offered (By a New Leader Correspondent) WASHINGTON— A bearing on his bill to abolish the activities of private detectives and detective agencies in Interstate commerce will be sought by Representative Victor L. Berger, on the resumption of the present session after the holidays, it was said at the Socialist congressman's office here today...
...Large Fund Raised A general strike call involving ever 5,000 butcher workers throughout Greater New York will be Issued shortly...
...Let us prepare the ground for an inspiring struggle, for a larger membership, more Readings and Milwaukees, more political influence, for an effective and revitalized Socialist Movement in the United States...
...Magistrate Corrigan, a judge of pronounced Tammany sympathies, wrote the ruling which is considered the most flagrant endorsement of election frauds ever given by Tammany Hall, never too reticent in such matters...
...Maurer, the Civic Federation did not dare to ignore Its actual facts sad figures...
...Sounds Call For 1928 Campaign Fund Committee Begins Raising of Fund to Place Ticket On Ballot Throughout the Entire Country- Subscription Lists Issued rpO The Members of The Socialist * Party, Comrades: We are approaching one of the most Important national political struggles...
...The complacency of the Dupont Company and sim^ar ammunition .makers here and . abroad over the prosperity they derived from the World War gave terrible proof of what love of money will do to every fine feeling of human comradeship...
...It la the only national political party that makes a-direct appeal to the workers of the nation, that raises vital political and economic issues, and that appeals to the idealism of voters who are disgusted with the old parties...
...Use them in your branch meetings, at public meetings, in your trade unions and other labor organizations, everywhere that a sympathizer may be found...
...Your Own Super-Power The super-power gang has established a powerful lobby in Washington with the view of having the nation's greatest riches voted to it...
...Owen D. Young, chairman of the Board of the General Electric Company, one of our most powerful dynasties, bravely declares that "the old notion that saving is an economic virtue" is not true...
...But it Is little short of criminal to make the great masses of New York workers and their children wait for cooperative housing to rescue them from slums or packing box fire traps of the type so common in graft ridden Queens Borough...
...The only five states still rerdsintnaj without accident compensation lsw»> are all in the South Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, North CaroUna ujhfj) South Carolina...
...We repeat it...
...NORTH DAKOTA MOISTVRE A wet faction of the Republican Party has been organized in North Dakota...
...We Socialists, after seeing the Amalgamated houses ought to fight harder than ever for our municipal housing program...
...2,000,000 Aged Poor "No Problem" to Civic Federation ABOUT a year ago, the Na" tional Civic Federation of which Matthew Woll, vice-president of the American Federation of Labor, is now Acting President circularized Governors and Legislators throughout the 17...
...Maurer furthermore pointed out to Mr...
...T^S Women Work Long Ileus* J - Mary Anderson, director of JttsfS Women's Bureau of the U. S. nufaMfTf ment of Labor, said that the taroosrafi investigations of women's wroth...
...Achille Loria, the Italian authority, even listed it as a major cause of the Balkan wars which were a prelude to the World War...
...Yes, and we must help the Greco-Carillo Defense Committee at 70 Fifth Ave., New York, to pay its just debts...
...We must support anti-Fascist organizations and back up such anti-Fascist papers as H Nuovo Mondo...
...The charges are baaed on the alleged finding of Socialist liter*tare in the homes of -the defendants . According to a report received by the American Civil Liberties Union from the Pittsburgh branch of the International Labor Defense, the "evidence" oonsarts entirely of literature printed before the world war, with the exception of a copy of the book "Russia After Ten Years" and a cartoon showing the working class bowed under the burden of American institution...
...i The general celebration will consist of a public reception In the ballroom of the Rajah Temple from 4 to 0, dinner and speeches by elected officials and prominent visiting Socialists from 6 to 8.30...
...How soon it is done will depend upon your response to this appeal...
...A contract for the next year will be demanded of the shop owners, setting the working hours from 7 to 5 and Thursdays from 7 to 7. In other words one half hour is to be taken oft from each day...
...No change in the wage scale Is demanded...
...Lovers of decency and fair play in and out the labor movement will not expect them to take out all their pay in thanks...
...At last the public has been presented with this report of the Civic Federation...
...A Colorful Thought Now dont get this matter about the reds all mixed up because you may stray into the wrong political camp...
...We must nominate tickets in every, state possible...
...But labor men will' be fools, and worse, if the revelations in Judge Cohen's court of the extent to which Fascists will go against their enemies does not move them to new vigor in the fight against Fascism...
...Reservations for the dinner, accompanied by check, must be made in advance, and should be sent to the Socialist Party, 628 Walnut street, Reading, Pa...
...Berger's bill would permit these agencies to continue in operation within the states, congress having no power to act in this respect, but would provide a $5,000 fine and Imprisonment up to two years, or both, for persons engaging in such activities between the states, and for commcn carriers or other agencies which knowingly aided #r abetted in such activity...
...Wherever large scale production by machine methods has appeared la f^ country, the same excuses for ¦¦Maw ness or ignorance.have been pat forward...

Vol. 5 • December 1927 • No. 2

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