A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "CAME THE DAWN" I 'Hark, Hark, the lark 'gainst Phoepus 'gins arise!" C1NCK the first Cro-magnon chipped the first songs of his race on the dripping walls of his...

...The National Republicans were now known as Whigs...
...Off with their heads—an' if'their friends are soreOff with theirs too—the dirty foreigners!- ;-J An' while we're at it, raise this day on high— Let's nail it np beside the Fourth o' July...
...More Important is the author's inadequate conception of sociology which he defines as a compendium of all the social sciences...
...v. Question* oh the Text 1. Why had the Jeffersonian Republicans ceased to be progressive...
...Youth, with a shining in their eyes, over the walls of castes, over the barriers of races, over the mountains of religion...
...The Democrats nominated James K. Polk of Tennessee In 1844, the Whigs nominated Henry Clay and the Liberty Party again nominated Birney...
...His general sense of direction is as revolutionary as his tenets...
...She haled him into court...
...This was where the would-be golddigger made a mortal error...
...Is brought up with no decent knowledge of the meanings of life and love...
...Coman, "Industrial History of the United States...
...Prolonged applause from cat cheering section...
...Their idea of the dawn is around halfpast one o'clock in the morning in the Ivory Tower in the howling minettas In Greenwich Village, New York...
...Turner, "The Frontier to American History", Chap...
...By this time the mail has arrived...
...Taylor died in office and was succeeded by the Vice-President...
...Youth, soul hungry and eager, out of the dying coals of Hate, and Avarice, and Greed, and Prejudice, and Intolerance, out of the ashes of ten million dead...
...a more stringent fugitive slave law...
...C1NCK the first Cro-magnon chipped the first songs of his race on the dripping walls of his cave, the poets of all ages have waxed lyrical about the dawn...
...With us dawn consists in arising from dreams of listening, gagged and bound, an address on the Founding Fathers by Elihu Root -at the Town Hall, over whose doors now stands the inscription, "Ye shall seek the truth and the truth shall make you free...
...I hey are coming, they are coming...
...I. Chaps, xi, xii, xiii...
...Even after the incident itself is a blurred memory...
...exhaustion of southern soil, slavery in politics, and the Clay Compromises...
...Clay proposed one of his famous compromises and as enacted in three bills they provided for the abolition of the slave trade, but not slavery, in the District of Columbia...
...down the chilly and silent shaft^we begin the pulling-up exercises...
...Van Buren received 170 electoral votes and Harrison 73...
...Slave owners were not satisfied and talked secession while northern citizens resented the new fugitive slave law which required them to aid officials in capturing fugitives...
...Elijah P. LoveJoy, an abolition editor, was murdered in Illinois In 1837 and one year before Congress had enacted the "gag law" by which it refused to receive anti-slavery petitions...
...Expansion and Conflict", Chaps, i. 11...
...Usually it wills to fall upon the milk-bottle which Mr...
...A)j»m KttKviniosn, ' ^ ^ v - W*B"^S"eS S^SeSSlBBSr SJjBjJBBSSBBB^^QSBBBBBB^BSBBBj^BBf...
...Instead of composing the slavery question the compromises aggravated it...
...In fact, the whole book is utterly inconsequential, with the exception of the much too curtailed picture of Wang, as above noted, and the surprising insertion of this one sentence in an otherwise duH page: "He began to realize in what an irrevelant, foolish, casual, halting way history is made...
...he has attempted to compress the entire field of human knowledge—history, the arts, the sciences, philosophy, religion, literature—into some six hundred pages...
...As far as we are concerned he could go around calling himself Gloria Swan-,on or Nicholas Murray Butler, and we should not be particularly impressed, either...
...The popular vote was Polk...
...But if he ¦ should go around calling himself a novelist, then we should have to arise in mild protest In spite of his characterization as "one of the most colorful living writers on Chinese affairs...
...3. What was the significance of Jacksonian Democracy to the bank, the caucus, the spoils system, and the coast planters...
...Haven't you beard the news, you starin' sheep...
...Birney of New York...
...Sure, the dawn is a great institution—to write poems about...
...At any rate, we rise in blind agony and totter towards the kitchen, which resounds With the buzzing of the dumb-waiter bell...
...Harrison, White, Webster and Mangum Were . anti-Jackson and opposed to Van Buren, Jackson's friend, but they had no common political views...
...Members of labor unions may also stand Un picket lines (one man per line) not nearer than two miles from any point where, during strike, workers may pass and address them In well modulated voices not above whispers...
...out of the rythm of tom-toms and the stench of the rotting jungles of the Congo, out of the castes and starvations of India, out of the rice fields and cherry blossoms of the Orient...
...Walk in Labor day parades and indulge in ball games, prize fights and sack races on said day...
...Of course, butchering Armenian Christians is a crime'we would never be guilty of, though butchering Christian miners in West Virginia Pennsylvania and Colorado gets me guessing where we get it over the terrible Turk...
...Borden has ironically labelled "Grade A." crashing said botile into a thousand fragments...
...As I remember it, more than 15,000,000 Christian and Heathen boys went out to win the war you and other noble and tender-hearted statesmen and plutocrats wished on them...
...It is a fine commentary on the evil force of Ignorance...
...In sheer desperation we finally arise to take in the morning papers...
...Never yet have we been able to discover a make of pajamas sufficiently sturdy to ward off aspiring felines...
...Any strike in which two or more persons conspire to raise wages, lower hours, or improve working conditions...
...American History for Workers An outline -- By James Oneal Jacksonian Democracy (Cantoned) 'itUE WHIG PARTY...
...The only tangible things that Emily Ann can grasp are the nastily murmured hints about "Love" and a fleeting glimpse of a tall kind looking man...
...ACCORDING to the publisher's blurb on the jacket, Putnam Weale...
...But these lacks are more than compensated for by other sections, such as the comparative treatment of religion and the history of tho various litoraturrs of the world...
...What can you say of the caucus in this period...
...The first severe panic of the century occurred in 1837 and the distress was charged to Van Buren...
...These are grand for developing the biceps and chest muscles, and cause a vast hilarity on the part of Jacob, and his sister kitten, The Bear, who take advantage of this god-given opportunity to crawl with sharp claws up our exposed nethers...
...V, Chaps, xiii, xiv...
...What happens to him and a certain Mrs...
...It seems to us, however, that somebody else has already said that Maybe it was Oscar Wilde...
...The school teacher, whom the child adores...
...Is putting our bill in the hands of his lawyer...
...The lady on Rivingtoin Street who called up the telephone company and told them to take the dial telephone out of her home, had the right idea "But, madam," was the answer of the telephone's representative, "we can't do that...
...Scott at the end is not very clear and altogether unimportant...
...Limitation of Injunctions Injunctions in labor disputes may only be issued at the request of the employer and must not exceed the provisions specfied therein by his attorney...
...Weale, nee Simpson, for some-reason or other lets him fade out of the picture again and concentrates on the petty activities of the Anglo-American set In Peking...
...What more do they want —living prices for what they produce...
...Emily Ann cannot enter into normal human relationships: all pleasures arc barred from her by the black hand of ignorance and the shadows of those ugly rumors...
...In 1840 the Democrats renominated Van Buren and the Whigs renominated Harrison...
...Cowan* Dempsey, and Dengler, but it is sheer brash on their part to ask anyone to be content for a whole year with a pitiful twenty-five thousand dollar salary...
...dictated by political considerations," wrote one authority...
...Interstate Commerce , The term covers only good commodities, raw materials and products of labor created and distributed by the social co-operation of not less than two persona living in not less than one state...
...1, 11, ill...
...But there are few persons, youiig or old, who will not receive stimulation and knowledge from some part of Clement Wood's comprehensive and interesting volume...
...5. What can you say of the Whig Party and its principles...
...i illicit Cods are -.ivid comets Streaming doii-n the flaming skies...
...We have the suspicion that these matutinal minnesingers have composed their various odes, ballades and lyrics exalting the sunrise, long after dark...
...This act offended Mexico which had refused to recognize Texan independence which resulted in war between that country and the United States...
...The American Anti-Slavery Society was organised in 1833 and Wlliam Lloyd Garrison founded the Liberator, an antislavery paper, in 1831...
...Mobs in the Free States were breaking up anti-slavery meetings and in the Slave States antislavery literature was seized and destroyed...
...And what is war if it is not butchery, and bestial butchery at that...
...Entranced, we read on...
...The Whig success was an overwhelming triumph but Harrison died within one month after taking office and was succeeded by VicePresident John Tyler of Virginia...
...out of the slums and mines and landed nobility of Britain, out of the ruin and poverty of Europe, out of the platitudes and machinery of America...
...These things follow her through life...
...If Morgan and Rockefeller are satisfied, why should you suffer from shell-shock...
...Skidmore College Gives A Course in Socialism (By a New Leader Correspondent) Saratoga Springs, N.Y.—For the first time in the history of Skidmore College of this city a course of study in Socialism will be offered, to begin with the second semester opening in February...
...If Moukhtar has anything on you, Halg, Foch, Hindenburg and the rest as a butcher, all I've got to say is that he needs to be pitied and not damned...
...The Slave States and the Free States were rapidly becoming antagonistic...
...As the first step In the direction of an adequate course, a building up of the library with more socialist books than tt now has will be OUR COURTS HAVE DECIDED The Good Union Mas rtNE who Is behind with his dues, does not attend...
...Its purpose is to rouse the Polish janitor to the point where he will get up and start the furnace...
...Members of the orchestra use hammers, nail-files and the backs of hair-brushes...
...Bertram Lenox Simpson...
...The popular vote was Taylor,'1, 360,099: Cass, 1.220,544...
...An Illinois farmer was ¦ condemned to pay his ex-wife $25 a month alimony...
...It was a strange union...
...The Democratic and Whig parties were coming to feel the anti-slavery agitation...
...The author's line flare for significant books is at its best in the description of American literature which is undoubtedly the best short essay that has ever been written on the subject...
...In practically every essential belief Tyler was a Democrat but Jackson had offended him...
...Inviolability of Union Funds Union treasuries may freely be accumulated for tha purpose of paying triple indemnities for single damages inflicted on employers of labor, but cannot bo used to pay strike benefits, establish commissaries for strikes, engage defense attorneys or secure bail...
...Thirteen Free and thirteen Slave States gave the wage and the slave systems equal representation in the Senate but in the House the Slave States had 100 members and the Free States 142...
...Carroll, "Origins of the Whig Party...
...Abraham Lincoln, then a Whig member of Congress, was denounced in severe terms for opposing the war...
...a State in 1849 precipitated a bitter struggle...
...Hugh L. White of Tennessee...
...Within each field, the author has presented the matters of Importance with the curiosity and enthusiasm of a child on a voyage of discovery...
...Texas was not divided but annexed as a State in 1845...
...Remember, again, that the 30,000 in Armenia were not the only Christians -to be butchered in order to make the world safe for Fascism and High Finance...
...The general point of view is that of the modern civllisfe human being, who is trying to find tee whence, why and how of his universe.] It is of course easy to disagree with the arrangement and emphasis in a work of this type...
...it is not a dictionary of names, or merely a table of events, or even a philosophy with the facts gathered for illustration...
...Garrison, "Westward Extension", Chaps, iv...
...the author of this novel Her Closed Ilnnds, (Macmillan, $2.50), is known in private life" as Mr...
...It is a stark picture, and a sad commentary upon our smug civilization...
...Remember the old saying, "Oil Is thicker than blood", and you won't get so het up...
...Well, here's another advantage the backbones of the nation have over the brains of the republic...
...After several weak and futile shouts of "Higher...
...Mass strikes instigated by employers for the purpose of selling surplus stocks at increased prices come not under the term illegal strikes, being covered by the law of supply and demand...
...Wood to omit any formal treatment of subjects such as politics, economics...
...The judge, having some humanity left in him, which is remarkable in a judge, decided that tie could not be held In contempt If be had not earned any money", and gave him another month to cough up what he didn't have and couldn't get...
...The new States in the West also came in with manhood suffrage and their-example was forcing the extension of the suffrage in the old Free States which' accounts for the heavy Increase in the popular vote...
...MacDonald, '.'Jacksonian Democracy", Chaps, v, viii, ix^ Mc Master, "History of the People of the United States", Vol...
...Exemptions Under the Sherman Anti-Trust Law Organizations exempted under the Sherman antitrust law are trusts...
...He does know his Chinese, and probably his onions as well, but in this book he gives an indication of only the former...
...Other readers will probably be attracted by different sections...
...4 Down with the bloody little murderers— What do them goddam dagoes think they are...
...The trouble with your crowd, James, Is that you are absolutely blind as a bat to the blood on your own hands, unable to see yourselves as others see you...
...White, 145,396...
...So wide were the divergent views of Whig leaders that they never attempted to formulate a declaration of party principles...
...Clay held opposite opinions on all these questions but both men detested Jacksonism...
...territorial governments for Utah and New Mexico without any restriction of slavery...
...This signals the emergence of ice from the lower depths...
...The Rise of the Rew West'*, Chap...
...Permissible Union...
...Further, the Society for the Preservation of Second-Class Cretins, of Brooklyn, wants ten dollars for their Christmas fund, and the butcher In Wilton, Connecticut, where we spent last summer...
...The audience will now rise and sing: Oh...
...Make way for me an' my old rusty nag...
...The interest of a large number of students in the subject led to a decision to offer it as a regular course...
...Taylor received 163 electoral votes and was elected...
...Apparently the hero is an Englishman, named Trent or something like that, whose only job seems to be that of stalking about, mixing an occasional Scotch and soda, and' being big and strong and silentrand noble...
...It might not be a too stringent demand to recommend that it be read by all young parents...
...THE INTERNATIONALISTS THEY are coming, they arc coming, With the rythm of their fret Like the thunders of the heavens, 1 here are tremblings at the seal Of tlu mighty, icho arc falling .Is the hosts march i»i to truth...
...Aside from its merit as a story, the book has high sociological value...
...Doubtless most professional psychologists would feel that psychoanalysis has usurped more than its proper space— sixteen out of a total of twenty-two pages on psychology are devoted to it...
...History of the United States", Vol...
...It seems that now Miss Boggs has gotten a beau, heralded by the New York World as a "rich New Yorker...
...Cole, "The Whig Party In the South...
...4. What relation does the Jacksonian era bear to the labor movement...
...This definition causes Mr...
...The offspring was of necessity a hybrid...
...Her invalid mother and clerical father- preserve a muddy silence upon love relationships...
...hid the I'hocnix stately rises Irom the ashes of the lies...
...Harrison, 548.966...
...For the first time an anti-slavery party appeared when the Liberty Party nominated James G...
...The total number of new States (13) in 1840 now equalled the number of old States,, or 26 In all...
...It seems this vice-president will have to spend practically a year in studying and in earning the right to leadership "over the able junior executives who are now at the head of the sales force...
...After this, who will dare say the farmers are not being spoiled by special privileges...
...He proved that he had not earned $25 since the court order had been issued and that he did not make $25 a month cultivating land on share rental" in Illinois, one of the richest agricultural states on earth...
...tecture, Hammurabi to Woodrow Wilson, Aristotle to Freud, the Upanishads to Mary Baker Eddy...
...Van Buren...
...Blossoms of Evil IN Flowering Quince (N...
...One talented musician directly above us is apparently learning to play the Polish national anthem in the vain hope that some lingering sense of patriotism will induce the janitor to stand up while the performance is going on...
...And now," rails James, "this man Moukhtar Bey, representing those who murdered but yesterday 30,000 Christians and despoiled Armenia, is to be welcomed and embraced by the President in the name of the American people...
...Wishing him all the luck in the world, we read on through a welter of hammer murders, gas explosions, impeachments of Oklahoma governors, and sewer probes, to learn .to our vast delight that the firm of Cowan, Dempsey, and Dengler, are in search of a vice-president for a company "a few miles out of New York...
...In South Carolina electors were chosen by the Legislature Instead of the voters which accounts for no popular vote reported for Mangum...
...Clay received 105...
...Possibly a little more space might have been devoted to the role of inventions and the Industrial revolution...
...The Whigs were divided into rival clans of conflicting views, all enemies of Jackson either because of hi* attitude towards the bank, the tariff or nullifllcatlon...
...This quarrel weakened the Whigs and they were defeated in the next election...
...A vast territory extending to the Pacific Ocean remained for carving out new States but either its climate or soil made most of it unfit for the slave system...
...For exaraple, Calhoun was a nullifler, a free-trader, an anti-bank and anti-tariff man...
...The one person in the novel who is really alive is Wang, tlv: Chinese servant, who comes on the scene and promises to run away witii the whole story, but Mr...
...So throwing down that offer, we go on to take our morning cold plunge...
...the admission of California as a Free State...
...Since 1820 four new States, Maine, Missouri, Arkansas and Michigan had been admitted to the Union...
...The popular vote wat Harrison, 1,275,016...
...The absurd* character of the Whig Party was immediately revealed...
...Moreover, cotton culture rapidly exhausted the soil and forced slave owners to seek new territory...
...The application of California for admission as...
...All the billions of our youth...
...1. Smith, "The Liberty and Free Soil Parties", Chaps, v, lx, x. Turner...
...A Novel...
...In a sense, his project is more ambitious than any of theirs...
...I. Charming...
...Sacco an' Vanzettl will hang today...
...Millard Fillmore of New York...
...For in "The Outline of Man's Knowledge" (Lewis Copeland Co...
...Their optimism strikes us as unwarranted...
...Many slave owners had migrated to Texas, taking their slaves with them, and Its more than 260,000 square miles appeared to be a rich prize out of which a number of Slave States could be obtained...
...Birney, 7,069...
...Wijliam Classon Emory BOOK REVIEW A New Outline of The Universe /ELEMENT WOOD has joined the ranks of the modern encyclopedists...
...All she learns on the subject she gleans from the snickering innuendos of her more sophisticated friends who had gathered their inadequate information from sly whisperings...
...Youth, battering' the bulwarks of traditions, out of the ages of suspicion, out of the darks of religion, out of the fog of races, out of the heat of nationalism, out of the smoke and smell3 and clashing hells of War...
...Van Buren, 1,129,10...
...Smith, "Parties and Slavery", Chap...
...Is dismissed under a cloud of these murky slurring whispers...
...Emily Ann, a sensitive child...
...xiii, xlx...
...Our ice ls~"delivered to us by a young revolutionist, a junior member^ of the Workers' Party, now attending the DeWitt Clinton High School, who has taken to heart the slogan, "From each according to his ability, to eachk.according to his reach...
...And then begins the "steam-heat chorus...
...We are informed that there will be a meeting of the executive committee of the L. I. D. last Tuesday, that "the Washington Square Association expects us to be illuminated on Christmas Eve, (as do most of our friends,) and that we can get cigar-lighters at Dunhili's for as low as two hundred dollars apiece...
...This time he is horror-struck at the very idea of this free republic receiving one Moukhtar Bey as ambassador from the bloody republic of Turkey...
...Youth, searching and finding, out of the biting snows and miseries of Moscow and Petrograd...
...Exhausted by these struggles, we returned to bed, to "o^Jkiiin what we hopefully call our beauty sleep...
...When we have finally clutched the icy burden to our scanty bosom, we stagger across the floor with it to the ice box, ^ and there let it fall where it will...
...In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848) Mexico ceded 800,000 square miles of her territory...
...President Jackson had even recommended that abolition papers be excluded from the mails...
...The few pages on sociology are given over to Lester F. Ward, who was only one of at least a dozen of the philosophic forerunners of modern scientific sociology which Is not discussed...
...Honorable James W. Gerard, former Brtto-American ambassador to Germany, is on the warpath again...
...Emily Ann is not alone in the world, and she will be followed by a dim troop of thwarted old maids Just so long as American parenthood is typified by the Reverend Jonathan Tanner and his ail' ing wife...
...In 1836 Texas sepe rated from Mexico and set up a republic...
...Our blood-shot eyes fall upon a self-explanatory photograph of Miss Sue Isabel' Boggs, "the Little Girl from Greenville, South Carolina," who "never had al beau in her life...
...I'M goin' to buy myself a bloomin' flag An' wave the stars an' stripes over my head...
...Mobs protected escaped Negroes, citizens concealed them, helped to take them from officers, and helped to smuggle them into Canada...
...Y. Doran, $2.50) Dorothy Van Doren has achieved a notable picture of an inhibited woman...
...That's right, fall in behind, let no man sleep— My Country "lis of Thee—hurrah—hooray...
...Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, and Willie P. Mangum of North Carolina received 26, 14 and 11 electoral votes respectively...
...That of course dashes our hopes...
...7. State the relation between the Mexican War...
...All the telephones in your central are dialled...
...2. What were the chief factors in the Jacksonian revolution...
...I may be crazy and unpatriotic, but I'm blessed if I can see how you can go wild over the by-product butchery in Armenia and then pat yourself on the back for helping turn the whole earth Into one vast butcher shop...
...Other Rights The Bill of Rights of the Constitution relating to the freedom of press, speech and peaceful assemblage as interpreted by local magistrates, police sergeants, and the Burns detective agency is still in force and may only be abrogated during strikes at the written request of a bona fide chamber of commerce...
...Hart, "Slavery and Abolition", Chaps, x, xviii...
...READINGS Beard, "The Rise of American Civilization', Vol...
...meetings, refuses to serve on committees, is op- j posed to strikes, will not do picket duty, carries tales to the boss, is a respecter of injunctions, believes in Use infallibility of the "super", the immaculate conception of capital, the Immutability of the existing order, and that all union officials are grafters...
...a>n»> si MeAlister Coleman...
...Gloria Goddard...
...Chad wick, "The Causes of the Civil War", Chap...
...Legal Unions • Company Unions, Death Benefit Unions and Dead Unions...
...trumping feet are crashing through the lifting fogs and mists...
...Ostrogorskl, "Democracy and the Party System", Chaps...
...But the Armenian Christians were butchered after we and Standard Oil had recognized them as a free, self-determined and independent people...
...At any rate the majority of poets of our acquaintance know as little about the dawn as our black cat Isabel's grandchild, Jacob Panken—the handsomest kitten on the east side —knows about' low-temperature carbonization of biItuminous coal...
...The writing is good and the Character of Emily Ann remains con» sistent throughout...
...At his luxurious residence, $16 Nineteenth Street, College Point, Queens, this fortunate youth announces that he is soon going to Greenville, and hopes to return engaged...
...Mexico was poor, politically weak, torn by factions and was defeated...
...For Discussion Could the drifting of the North and South apart have been prevented...
...Polk received 170 electoral votes and was elected...
...6. What effect did admission of new states in the West have on slavery...
...Henry Miller...
...The former attracted no Immigrants so that by natural Increase In population and Immigration the Free States were outstripping the Slave States...
...Clay, 1,299,062...
...Birney, 62,300...
...We live on the fourth floor, and if by any chance he ' succeeds In elevating the ice between the second and third, he considers his duties well done, and departs to harry other householders...
...Zachary Taylor, a Louisiana slave owner and general in the Mexican War, was nominated by the Whigs in 1848...
...You will have to learn to operate yours...
...Cass received 127...
...Frank D. Halsey...
...Adam Coal digger...
...This is played upon coils of pipes by irate tenants all through the apartment-house...
...Florida remained the one Territory in the Slave section to be admitted as a State and thus to politically strengthen the slave owners in the Senate and it was admitted in 1845...
...It is no dream of ours, by the way, that this should really read, "Ye shall speak the truth and the truth shall keep you out...
...No incomes to pay taxes or alimony on and special bulletins to tell them how to make cider with a sweet kick in it, privileges none of the rest of us are allowed, and still the bid geezers aren't, satisfied...
...The important events of the TaylorFillmore Administration were the discovery of gold in California, increasing anti-slavery sentiment, and the increasing strength of anti-slavery views In the Whig and Democratic parties...
...Besides, Mouk was not a Christian and you are— sure thing Jr Coolidge pointed out that the Republicans had relieved the farmers of paying income taxes, which the good for nothing ungrateful grab givers don't seem to appreciate...
...Be calm, James, be calm...
...His name must be added to the famous list which includes H. G. Wells, Hendrik Van Loon, Will Durant, Lewis Browne, John Macy...
...Activities Pay dues, rent halls, hold dances, card parties an...
...The book ranges from the First Glacial Period to American Set-Back archi...
...It never claimed to be a real love match...
...The Democrats nominated Lewis Cass of Michigan and the Free Soil Party, successor to the Liberty Party, nominated Van Buren...
...James cries out that the cussed Turks "butchered 30,000 Christians in Armenia", which had been recognised as a self-determined nation by all the AUies...
...They stepported William Henry Harrison of Ohio, an Indian fighter and army man...
...hear can you see , This de-mo-cra-cy Made happy and free By the Ju-di-ci-ary...
...He didn't come across...
...By settling the Oregon boundary dispute with England in 1846, additional territory was added to the United States...
...We would gladly enough have been a learner for Messrs...
...V For once I'm patriotic, I see red...
...Martin Van Bu1 rea o( New York, the favorite of Jackson, succeeded the .latter as President in 1836...
...During this learning and earning probation, he will have to be content with a salary of twenty thousand to twenty-five thousand a year, but just as soon as he has proved himself, he will be made vice-president in charge of marketing...
...Harrison was elected, he having received 234 electoral votes and Van Buren 60...
...The popular vote was Van Buren, 762,978...
...Cold plunge, at any rate, as far as our right foot is concerned...
...As President, Tyler found himself in conflict with the measures of leading Whig politicians and he was read out of the party...
...I hey or,- coming, tlicy are coming, I he Internationalists...
...VT, Chaps, lxi, lxvii...
...Bowers, "Party Battles in the Jackson Period...
...exclaimed the lady, "I should be a professor for the telephone company:" We should be a professor for twenty-five thousand dollars' a year, earning the right to leadership over able junior executives...
...This has been generally condemned by American historians as a war of agression against Mexico...
...Northern people refused to deliver fugitive slaves to their masters...

Vol. 4 • December 1927 • No. 26

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