STATE AID FOR AGED SOUGHT IN NEW YORK Victory in New York Would Give Movement Impetus Throughout the Nation—Model Bill Being Drawn Up—Labor Should Make Campaign Its Own rwTHE old age pension...

...2Srd, 1927...
...Suddenly he uttered a shriek and fell to the ground...
...If the nations of the .vorld should move so far to peace t might necessitate some changes n 'communist theory and practise, but until they do it is not Soviet Russia but the other nations which will iave to worry to explain why...
...Murphy said: "The Naumkeag Company of Salem, one of the strongest competitors of the Pepperell company, is paying wages 20 to 25 per cent higher than the wages paid by the Pepperell company...
...A representative committee was elected to carry on the work of agitation and consider practical measures...
...This is as true In the comparatively mild forms of the class struggle in America as it is in the grim buslicss of the Chinese revolution...
...Finally, his organizing in company with other enlightened persons of the American Association for Old Age Security has given the movement he has done so much to promote a substantial and aggressive backing...
...Before this window was opened, however, another report stated that applicants would apply at the outer office...
...Witnesses relate that there are two employment houses at the mine, one outside the gate entrance, the other inside...
...In short, this precedent set today by progressives for moral reasons may tomorrow rise to plague Socialists, radicals or even progressives...
...The pushcarts with their loads of vegetables said other wares were absent...
...The American ^frankfurter stand?: were away for the holiday...
...The unexpected strength of the Colorado strike would seem to be an argument proving the unrest of the miners in various fields...
...We ntend to do some advertising for a progressive daily newspaper: A little competition In the newspaper field is a very Wealthy thing...
...Magistrate Brodsxy's decision came after a series of extensive hearings held during several months in various magistrate courts in Manhattan...
...Socialists and friends who wish to, attend the celebration may order tickets of Liiith M. Wilson, R. D. 2, Sinking Spring...
...The Fascist...
...Whatever you think about the League of Nations or Soviet Russia it is a good thing when Russia and the nations of the League come together for discussion as they did in the preliminary sessions on disarmament and in action as they did in the Polish-Lithuanian crisis in which the whole weight of Europe was successfully thrown on the side of peace...
...Their fight Is of Immense national Importance, not only as another engagement In the campaign to establish governmental aid for the aged poor but also because a victory in this premier manufacturing state would be a most telling argument before legislators elsewhere...
...TIMELY TOPICS by Norman Thomas WflTH no respect at all for Messrs...
...He also urges the need for increasing the circulation of the New Leader...
...A asssW creeps over the judge's fMBsf' District Attorney hasten* BsjalpjPjK was not until the aeeeajiA^fl that the prosecution prodweext *» first eye-witness, Alexander* rssoaaV an organiser for the Faacistl...
...On the records it appears as The People of the.jjltate of Ne^r York against Calotfkfg£g&co and Denato Carillo...
...Pontiac, Michigan, Looking for a New Progressive Paper There is a field in Pontiac, Michigan, for a progressive <?aily paper...
...His wrinkled grandmother-faco...
...If the 1927 profits bad been divided among the same number of shares as in 1926, the earnings per share would have amounted to $12.78, an increase of over 100 per cent...
...Greco, Carillo and the missing Setvat ore Linguerri were Indicted...
...To cut wages when the company is making such satisfactory profits as these figures show is nothing but an inexcusable exercise of arbitrary and almost unlimited economic power over the livelihood of theY employees...
...Caldora refused to lie...
...In the states James H. Maurer seems to have tackled the problem first...
...As far as the first reason is concerned, a statement issued recently by Parker F. Murphy...
...From the point of view of the taxpayer this bit of important social legislation appeals on grounds of economy...
...BtMw saw Greco just before the asnrtlM walking "shoulder by shoulder** srttl another man...
...Yet workmen's compensation now is an accomplished fact in almost every state of the Union...
...A group of some fourteen men, most of them attired in black shirts, left the headquarters of the Bronx branch of the Fascist...
...He regrets the Inconvenience that is being caused them but is certain that they are being given the best...
...of our big textile concerns, and the largest one in Bldde£ord, has just recently cut the wages of its 3500 employees by 10 per cent...
...Walling fought for as good a cause as friendly relations with Mexico...
...The invitation Is being sent out by Liiith M. Wilson, secretary of the Celebration Committee The program '>•' -__________V 10 a. m. Inauguration of Mayor Henry J. Stump, Coundlmen James H. Maurer and George W. Snyder, and Controller Walter RHollingsr in the City Hall...
...Ten per cent was removed from the already low wage of workers in the Bidc'eford, Maine, sheeting mills of the company, early in December...
...In that territory as early as 1915 a law was passed offering pioneers over sixtyfive years of age a choice between residence to the pioneers' homes and a small monthly pension...
...Both assassinated men died before they reached the hospital...
...Better adherence to sound principles and delay than nominal victory and speed...
...As things now stand two men are excluded by the Senate until they have proved innocence...
...Recently the company announced that it would have work for 500 men...
...Local Berks of the Socialist Party is sending to Socialists and their friends in Pennsylvania and adjoining states to celebrate -the taking over of city affairs by the incoming Socialist administration... for Morgan, enlisted the aid of the police and the district attorney's office...
...For years," says De Pew, "some of he comrades hsre have contributed ;tories to the local paper and have enlured elimination of words and phrases ind substitution of others, thus changing the entire drift of the subjects treated...
...AS erican and Italian liberal and radio*, groups rallied by Norman Thomas united in the Greco-Carlllo DefSBjMJ Committee with offices at TO FfjK avenue...
...Since then the practice has spread throughout the world, until today the United States share with China and India the honors of neglecting its usedup wage-earners...
...Lewis said...
...By being in the forefront of the fight they could in all probability secure the exemption of trade union, fraternal and Insurance benefits from the maximum income of one dollar which an applicant Is permitted to have in order to qualify for the old age pension...
...With all my heart I hope some good for the miners may come out of this conference which has been called by Secretary of Labor, Davis...
...Those who seek notoriety gain public attention whether the measure they push thru the legisastare is innocous or not...
...In other words, a fifty per cent Increase to expenditures would quadruple the results...
...Nevada, and Wisconsin have appropriate statutes but only in Montana and a few counties of Wisconsin have payments actually been made...
...Those held for Grand Jury action are Mellich Epstein, editor of "The Freiheif, Jewish Communist daily...
...Under the old age pension arrangement, thirty-six thousand individuals wsjild quality and the total cost would be six million dollars...
...Secretary Mellon, the Pennsylvania Railroad and all the other forces behind this drive to crush the union, I for one will begin to believe in fairies, in Santa Claus and all the miracles on record...
...There Is only one paper now published n Pontiac, and De Pew and others are if the belief that a progressive paper would be a good business venture...
...It would be to their honor if they could in harmony with the official attitude of the American Federation of Labor put up a battle and win old age pensions for New York State...
...Later be sesr Greco and Carillo stab Carisi sad run away, the next' time be assy Greco was on Thursday, June SV when accompanied by New York detectives he went to their vtcjtSBm home and identified him When, ta* witness first pointed out Grace 4r court, the latter must have made SlH involuntary remark for the District Attorney protested and later on explained that the defendant had ca&r ed the witness a liar—which was not quite unnatural...
...This Is the invitation which...
...6 p. m. to 8 p. m. Banquet and addresses, Rajah Banquet Hall...
...The modern campaign for old age pensions springs from entirely different conditions...
...The bill which is going to be Introduced will be framed with the expert advice of Professor J. P. Chamberlain of Columbia University...
...Tha case of Alaska is isolated from the present movement...
...Epstein Enters Movement It is at this point that Abraham Epstein became identified with the movement for old age pensions as research director for the Commission...
...The movement is now at the stage where the agitation for workmen's compensation was a score of years ago...
...Miss Turitz reports: Several days ago the Pepperell Manufacturing Company, one of the largest textile concerns in the country, announced its third wage cut within a period of six weeks in its New England mills...
...Unfortunately, however, the SS)SSSSSi of the measure found a way to defeat it The state constitution prohibited "any appropriation for charitable, educational of benevolent purposes to any person e* community...
...SUU this Senatorial investigation may shed light on how Hearst got the documents and may help to show up one more piece of imperialist dexnagosruery...
...It demands upon the state are moderate...
...His eyes pierced the witnesses...
...To- oppose the misuse of funds in Pennsylvania, Illinois and New York is in line with sound public morality, but if men like Senator Norris create a precedent for excluding Senators because they don't tike the color of their tmoney at some future time some other Senators may exclude applicants duly elected by the people of the state because they don't like the color of their ideas...
...Children of workingmen are workingmen themselves, strugggling to eke out an existence1 for their wives and children...
...Moreover, immediately preceding the application for a pension he must not have deserted wife or dependent children or been a professional tramp or beggar...
...The Pepperell Manufacturing Company, one...
...Btgman ran a "house of ill fame" In Iowa, that Mr...
...And this on the general ground of money in primaries which was known to the citizens who elected them...
...Bigman's action was cased on accusations made in the Communist publication that be and Mrs...
...there were others wtoo,Jr»» American uniforms, weren't there f Witness: Yes...
...The patriarch of the farm has no counterpart In an industrial civilization, unless we accept Chauncey M. Depew and other capitalists as examples of the modern version...
...Yes, . . va-Jgl District Attorney: jyiil irj^B...
...Arthur Get' field Hays, Isaac Schorr and Cajorja Weiss King made up the remaining counsel... is lecessary for the workers of every country to groan under the burdens if armament which are only endurable on the theory that war is inevitable...
...His legislative activities in many parts of the country have produced a crop of old age pension bills...
...If they would be better, the worklngmen and their liberal friends could but be startled Into an awareness that Immediate action and personal contributions to the cause are imperative...
...This follows a wage eut of a like amount in the company's mills in Lewiston, Maine, and Lowell," Mr...
...The administration of the law Is to be strictly carried out by state commission...
...The pace of work grows more rapid, more relentless...
...Every seat in the small court-room is taken...
...Carillo, knowing but little English, hopes that the frame-up IsT not'succeedlnfr...
...The following fa...
...The reasons given for these cuts are "competition" as well as "poor business conditions...
...Old age pensions have as promising a future...
...The honor of Fascismo must be pre-* served...
...Arthur Garfield Hays told the jury that the defense would prove the* Greco and Carillo were in Brooklyn at the time of the murder and that they had bean framed up by the Fascist in conjunction with the New York police...
...It is not too much to suppose that the next decade or two will see old age pension laws enacted by Federal and most state legislators...
...He would rush forward to put in an objection and then retreat to his corner...
...Those on the outside and nearer the outer office, numbering several hundred, were the principal sufferers...
...SKillfuily his questions were woven...
...D. C.—A thorough investigation of the espionage sold to private corporations and spying in government affairs will be made if a resolution introduced in the Senate by Senator Burton K. Wheeler is adopted...
...Tt soon became evident that Darrow had not come to court merely to play the part of an Impressive ornament He conducted all the questioning for his side...
...The failure to put the existing laws into effect has been largely due to the fact that it has been made optional with counties as to whether they should adopt old age pensions...
...The resolution asks that the Investigagation be made by the Education and Labor Committee, charging that court proceedings and published investigations show numerous private detective agencies are obtaining large sums of money from business concerns by falsely representing their employes, by joining labor organisations and advocating violent methods for the purpose of discrediting them, and by creating scares concerning radical propaganda and alleged plans for violence...
...gentle yet firm, aroused confidence...
...The District Attorney stated his case briefly...
...At that time social legislation was the fashion and State Senator, later governor, William C. Sproul, ted, calling for the appointment of an Investigative Old Age Pension Commissponsored a resolution, which was adopsion...
...Has the company lost or made money during the past year...
...Litvinoff did immense good when he proposed complete disarmament in three years, whatever were the moives behind the suggestion...
...As a result of the findings and recommendations of this official body Senator Max G. Leslie introduced a bill In 1921 but it made little progress during the legislative seession or that year...
...The truth is that the company figures that there is enough unemployment in the textile industry to prevent their employees quitting as individuals even if they got a wage cut, and without a union the company has nothing to fear from the employees quitting in a body...
...Judge Cohen suggested that the inquisitive—or was it sceptical ?—juror wait until counsel complete their cross-examination but the point was soon covered...
...4 p. m. to 6 p. ni...
...He had been stabbed a dozen or mors times by an unknown assailant...
...It vias at this juncture the stampede started...
...The danger is that compromises are made that emasculate the desired legists tion...
...2 Die When 2,500 Fight For 50 Jobs Fifteen Men Taken to Hospital in Battle at Butte Office of Mining Company (By a New Leader Correspondent) JJUTTE, Mont.—Nearly 2 500 unemployed men in Butte were caught in a panic jam wbde applying for jobs at the offices of the Mountain Con mine...
...An investigation was conducted and then one fine day detectives swooped down upon various anti-Fs* scisti and netted about a dozen...
...Last week this society held a conference of interested parties for the purpose of formulating a single old age pension bill, so that the proponents of this social legislation will not find themselves at swords-points...
...No justifiable moral Indignation against Smith and Vare ought to blind Socialists and progressives to a precedent in a legislative body which sets great store by precedents...
...An ays for an eye...
...A few feet away Nicholas Amoroso, another Fascist, dropped mortally wounded...
...Trades and Labor Council, denies this argument...
...Under Dai-row's questloning Rocco faltered and Henderson under the guise of righteous Indignation at Darrow*h insistence upon caV tegorical answers seemed to prompt the witness...
...Here were all the ear-mar key a second Sacco-Vanzetti case...
...At any rate, none of us can afford to relax our efforts for these brave strikers and their families because we put our trust in the mediation of politicians...
...t - jgjg Darrow: Do you know the seesawing of "beeidee.'* M(8b9 Witness: No...
...In 1926 he made a second effort in vain...
...At the 183rd Station of the Third Avenue "L" the main contingent of the Bronx Fascist...
...Immediately there was a hubbub in Fascist ranks here and in Italy...
...Lindbergh, our official and unofficial ambassadors, are at the moment counteracting some of the evil work of the Hearst papers...
...It mattered not who would pay the supreme penalty...
...The funds are to come from the state, with perhaps contributions from the countries also...
...The state courts held that the CHd Age Assistant Act contradicted this ancient clause and was, therefore, unconstitutional...
...The goal he sought was concealed or, when known, changed unnoticed as an answer suggested a shift in position...
...narrow In Court On Monday, Dec...
...The scene is no different from any other murder trial...
...His pointing out after Investigation that the pensions offered by corporations to their employees are insignificant to extent, unreliable in financing and enslaving In operation has almost blasted the myth of the big-heartedness of big business...
...Public reception In Rajah Banquet Temple...
...The working-life of 'a man or woman Is being decreased...
...Louis D. Berger, manager of the union, and Louis Waldman, former assemblyman, counsel for the union, saw in Judge Tomkins' ruling "an excellent precedent, which, if more widely followed, will eliminate much of [the trade unions' dissatisfaction witp the attitude of the "courts toward labor disputes...
...You're Invited...
...Its livelihood is derived from the extractive industries...
...At the same time the advance of science increases longevity...
...In 1926, dividends were paid on only 76,680 shares of stock...
...The system has been very successful...
...suddenly discovered that he had listed four persons, though not as eye-witnesses, and miracle Of mlrHat bad stated trnOef ttto *M the District Attorney thai tag stored men^ Jgd ^lug j^^My District M^^irtSm...
...Of course these Mexican documents are forged...
...Waldman filed affidavits denying these charges and supplemented his brief with oral argument before Judge Tomkins in Poughkeepsie yesterday...
...In this connection I should Mice to commend William English Waiting's little book ou The Mexican Question as a valuable compendium of facts and information interpreted, to be sure, by a man who has resolutely resolved to make the Mexican labor movement look as much like the A. F. of L. as possible...
...We still have the antiquated and forbidding poorbouse system...
...At that be may be nearer to the real facts in playing down Mexican radicalism than are some vwho play it up...
...Between these routine formulas is sandwiched the trial of Fascismo prestige...
...The bodies of the dead after lying in state in the League headquarters were transported across the seas to the mother-country—in silver coffins...
...Vare and Smith and a great deal of respect for Senator Norris and the other progressives who led the fight to keep the Senators-elect from Pennsylvania and Illinois out of their seats I nevertheless believe that a dangerous precedent has been created...
...10 per cent from workers at the Lewiston, Maine bleachery and dye works, during November...
...That la apparent not only from the errors in dates, in the form of official stamps, etc., on which Hearst has already been caught up but also by the very nature of the letters themselves...
...In 1909 William B. Wilson, an ex-official of the United Mine Workers, presented an old age pension bill In the House...
...Perhaps opportunism is Inevitable when social reforms approach fulfillment...
...Thus Patrolman Francis G. Gleas>on% who had testified that he had takes no names at the pctne...
...Just what has happened and Is hapK-ning in Canton, China, we shall not know until we get fuller and more reiable messages than the cables have brought us...
...The man who has been responsible for the progress of the movement for old age pensions in this country Is Abraham Epstein...
...But the bill is even more modest in Its demands...
...Not since he left his old Socialist friends has Mr...
...The District Attorney 'must have been' concerned about It...
...Two years later, however, a law was put On the statute books of Pennsylvania, providing, as already suggested, for a stra:»lit pension by the state.' The time is not yet appropriate for a system whereby employers or employees contribute to the pension fund...
...The oil vendors in the shops were not astir...
...His jowl swelled with irritation...
...Facing Old Age...
...He Bast suddenly discovered that ha bad aeeev the assailants of Carisi and sllBN roso, although he had not rntnssasB Patrolman Gleason of that ¦srtjjjbthe morning of the crime...
...Admission for the entire -r'-*fTHflnn e» fLM.________(______& Merry Xmas Amoskeag . Cotton . Mill Says it to 10,000 Employees With 107o Pay Cut Manchester, N. H.—The Amoskeag Company, the world's largest cotton textile mllL has announced a Christmas present for nearly 10.0M of Its workers in the form of a ten percent redaction in- wages...
...while Rocco was trying to exptasa his movements by the aid of the Mfg map which the defense always employed, by demanding to know When exactly Rocco saw Greco run mmwf...
...The story of Rocco did not Bessl to be very steady...
...possible accomodations...
...Pay Slashing Mills Made 100% Profit Rapaciousness of Pep* perell Mfg...
...chief of the League, and bond SahaV...
...published to 1922 popularized the pension idea and his forthcoming volume is bound to receive even more publicity...
...The recipient must have attained the age of seventy, been a citizen of the United States for fifteen years, a resident of the state for an equal period, and must not have any son or daughter or other person responsible under the law who is able to furnish him with support...
...Tie Workers Win a Trial In Injunction N. Y. Judge Refuses to Continue Bosses' Writ Against Strike in Poughkeepsie JJEFUSAL of N. V. Supreme Court Justice Vrthur C. Tomkins to continue the injunction secured by C. Stern & Mayer, neckwear manufacturers, against striking members of the United Neckwear Makers Union, was hailed with great joy by union leaders who saw in Judge Tomkins' ruling a possible "turning point" in the long list of injunctions which have been issued against laDor unions engaged in strike and organizing activities...
...The celebration will begin at 10 o'clock in the morning and continue to midnight...
...Count Ignazio Thaon di TTsrsl...
...The last instances have rendered the ituatlon intolerable for some of us...
...How It Started The Italian colony in the East ISO's in the Bronx was not quite awake between 7:30 and 8 on the morning of Memorial Day 1927...
...Judge Arnold, in the Supreme Oourt, Dutchess County, sitting in Poughkeepsie, where Judge Tomkins also made his ruling, granted a temporary injunction a month ago restraining the union from picketing the premises of the C. Stern & Mayer plant in Poughkeepsie...
...In 1917 a Socialist member of the Pennsylvania legislature he Introduced an old age pension bill but his efforts was premature...
...and a similar reduction took place at the Massac...
...Maurer was chairman...
...If the defendants refuse to so stipulate, I will grant the plaintiff's inflation to the extent of restraining the defendants, their agents and servants pendante lite from any act of violence, of lawlessness in connection with their picketing of plaintiff's promises...
...This must have annoyed the District Attorney for he sulked more and more as the hours went by like a displeased school boy...
...Certainly .an old working man or woman who has given his best years to society and does not have at least a dollar a day for .living expenses deserves the assistance of the government in making it at least possible for him to pass his last days in some tranquility of mind...
...whereas the 1927 earnings were distributed over 107,930 shares...
...Indeed, so successful is the saevement becoming, that it is in danger of being taken out of the hands of tho*<--with social vision and beeomlng the foot-ball of p, 11 tics and the plaything of publicity seekers...
...Competition" Is Blamed The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the usual wages for male workers in northern cotton mills range from $18 to $24 a week...
...Nevertheless the preparation for old age by accumulation of savings is in general impossible...
...This was three weeks after the crime...
...M I Fascist Only "Witness" Unfortunately the only eye-witness to the dastardly deed was Giocomo Caldora, head of II Duce Fascist Alliance and it is Caldora's theory than the assassins had meant to kill both Amorroso and himself but mistaken- ' ly made Carisi the victim...
...It Is a product of Industrialism...
...Waldman, for the union, has informed Judge Tomkins of the union's readiness to meet the conditions calling for taking of testimony on December 23rd...
...If Senators Vare and Smith bought their elections this fact should be established on trial before a committee of the Senate after which both men shQuld be excluded...
...The attempt to introduce old age pensions In New 'York follows successful efforts to several states of the Union and one territory...
...That economic pressure .requires not merely that the gallant ranks of the strikers hold firm but that if possible the strike should be spread to open shop mines...
...Tt costs <he state of New York about four million dollars annually...
...I will deny the plaintiff's motion, upon condition that the defendants stipulate to try the case at this term, on Dec...
...Headquarters in New York A factor in the situation is the removal of the headquarters of the American Association 'for Old Age aecurity from Harrisburg, Pa., to New York City...
...It would be unfortunate If the officials of the State Federation were to fail to take the initiative in New York pending next steps by the A. F. of L. itself...
...In 1913 Congressman M. Clyde Kelly of Pennsylvania and four years later Senator ChaTles L. McNary of Oregon brought the question before Congress again...
...If I were a little dfial operator I'd be much more scared of a' Mellon than - a Moose, an Elk or any other of* the 'Inhabitants of the fraternal order in the Zoological Garden...
...Exposed by Socialist, in Radio Talk Over WEVD /CHARGES that the Pepperell Ma^' nufacturing Company, one of the largest of the New England textile companies, which recently decreed a 10 per cent wage cut, enjoyed in 1927 an 100 per cent increase in profits over 1926, were made by Alfred Baker Lewis, Boston Socialist leader, in a statement read over Station WEVD In New York City...
...Coots Not Advene One other state has bad its old age pension law declared invalid but here too it was not because of any Inherent constitutional defect of the propsal itself...
...The New York State Federation of Labor, following its commitment to old age pension legislation at its convention last summer, is beginning to examine the question from a practical standpoint...
...Some workmen in the adjoining lot are drilling and pecking monotonously at stones...
...These estimates are based upon the Pennsylvania experience, which showed that there were 3.3 aged persons qualifying for pensions for every thousand of the Itotal population...
...Beneath the superficial tranquility is tested the power of Mussolini...
...The glory of Mussolini mast be untarnished...
...Slgman diverted huge sumc of money from the union treasury to his own personal ends and that he had "betrayed" the workers to the employers during the disastrous 1828 cloak strike led by Communists ffJrn* tl OUBt£&4 from fltWWy ANTI-FASCISTS, FACE COURT ON MURDER COUNT Darrow and Hays Conduct Defense - Radical Movement, Charging Frame-Up, By Mussolini Agents, Fight to Prevent Another Sacco Tragedy By Louis Stanley JUDICIAL calm...
...A measure has been introduced in the new Congress, which will provide for Federal aid of one third of the costs to states that adopt old age pension laws granting a minimum of one dollar a day assistance to persons seventy years of age or over...
...Moreover, this company in Salem has not multiple room system as is in effect in the Pepperell mills...
...Darrow on the other hand proceeded placidly, lifting his massive t.houlden, while thrusting his hands into his pockets...
...The grim tragedy of this calamity Is made more shocking considering that the redaction goes into effect on Christmas eve...
...10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Seeing the city and Inspecting Socialist and working class cigar factory, printing company, newspaper plant, co-operative store and party headquarters...
...Caldora is positive that he saw neither Greco' and Carillo at the scene, as the lawyers like to call the location of tan crime...
...At the present time the indigent aged must be provided for anyhow...
...The one thing that will be influential for the miners is not the strength of their political pull with Calvin Coolidge but of the economic pressure they can bring to bear...
...A harmless series of interrogations and the witnesses would be backing up, or testimony, which seemed to be important before, simply evaporated...
...Alaska, however, is a comparatively primitive country...
...It is a peculiarity of the Montana election laws that the State pays five cents per mile for delegates of all parties to their respective state conventions and five cents for their return home...
...It can nominate its state ticket in convention...
...Simultaneously sever U shots rang out in quick succession...
...The latter, as D«as« brought out in the cross eiambsBttsJM Rocco did not remember in the'sUgbt" eat particular...
...But it is from the Pepperell company's own financial reports that we can judge more adequately the excuse of "poor business conditions...
...This fight of over 2,000 of Butte's unemployed workers for jobs will be Ion:^ remembered...
...Judge Tomkins' decision, says: "I cannot Intelligently decide the issues of fact upon the papers, submitted on this motion, and the conflicting statements contained^ therein...
...The company officials assert that this slash in wages is due to the competition of southern mills...
...If the Coolidge administration intends to come to the relief of the miners against Mr...
...The Mountain Con mine has been closed since last Spring...
...8 p. m. to 12 p. m. Dancing In -Rajah Ball Room...
...Then, too, dependence upon grown sons and daughters is unreliable...
...Joseph Carisi stopped to buy a newspaper...
...Similar conditions prevail in other cities of the West and Winter means tragic destitution for many working class families...
...The New deader is informed by M. E. De Pew, of !3 Third street, Pontiac...
...Witness: Who speaks Kngbsh as*S difficulty...
...And in a front row Mrs...
...It recognizes that there th<j drive of mechanization is casting younger and younger persons upon the industrial scrap-heap...
...After the dead and injured had been removed it was learned that the company accepted only 50 men instead of the 500 it had announced...
...The desperate efforts of the men to obtain work and the struggle to obtain a good position in the line of applicants brought on the panic...
...gOB Giggling among the spectator* SsssV threats by the court al li iiilasssBVJl silence is not maintained...
...The American Ambassador promised co-operation...
...Two states have been deprived of half of theirj representation in the United States Senate in advance of any formal trial simply by a majority vote of the Senate...
...Meanwhile, Greco, chin high, a smile playing over his fact, and Carillo, somewhat bewildered- by-ti^ • technicalities, are interested taster*'f era of their fate...
...Anyway Americans who applauded the mighty Calvin's presidential message to the effect that are love peace so much we must have i bigger navy haven't much to say ibout other folk's inconsistencies...
...mjk 31 rescue of his witness.„ Hare* f culmination of, the triangular ipsa DarAw: .The Faacistl flU American uniforms...
...Secretary of the Lowell, Mass...
...At one point an Impatient juror startled the court rboBav...
...Montana Socialists To Hold Convention For Nominations (By a New Leader ..Correspondent) | IVINGSTON, Mont.—Montana Sociallsts are preparing for a state convention next May and expect to prefer charge.ETAO SHED CM F F prepare for the national campaign, as well as nominate a full state ticket...
...At the present time Colorado, Kentucky, Marylan...
...League was frantic,, what with Mussolini demanding retribution and the turmoil in Italian political circles...
...It is not necessary for the Socialist Party to hold a primary...
...Blgman said the decision was complete refutation of the "libels against me...
...League of North America on the way down-town where they were to join fellow-members, also black-shirted, in the Memorial Day parade...
...But this increase of $2.88 in earnings per share in one year does'not tell the whole story... is said,—and there honored by Mussolini himself...
...began to ascend the stgps...
...For this sum nine thousand persons are cared "for to almshouses...
...A steep incline marks the passage between the two points, a ditch or trench near, the outer building furnishing a convenient obstacle for the surging crowd to stumble, and here it was that the older or weaker were thrown and trampled...
...Those who deplore Communist excesses cannot shut -heir eyes to the wrongs dT the workers *hlch the communists profess to be able ,o redress...
...The word went out to avenge the deaths of Carisi and Amoroso...
...Organization is the only answer to this sort of rapacity by the bosses.^ An investigation made by Helena Turitz of the Rand School Research department, discloses additional revealing information...
...In his statement to Montana Socialists Graham urges perfection of county organizations and for isolated Socialists to become members at large...
...A tooth for a tooth...
...STATE AID FOR AGED SOUGHT IN NEW YORK Victory in New York Would Give Movement Impetus Throughout the Nation—Model Bill Being Drawn Up—Labor Should Make Campaign Its Own rwTHE old age pension advocates are mobilizing their forces In New York...
...Assistant District Attorney Albert H. Henderson led the prosecution...
...In 1911 Victor L. Berger, Socialist Congressman, drew much attention to the problem by presenting another bill...
...isetts Cotton Mills in Lowell, a branch of the Pepperell company at the beginning of the same month...
...Judge Albert Cohen, visibly impressed by the presence of Clarence barrow, wrapped his robe about him and added dignity to bis years...
...The sunlight J streaming thru the -windows is pleasant...
...It is to be compulsory for a ctunty to join In the dispensation of old age pensions...
...The courts will no doubt permit old age pension legislation...
...Outside of p;«>viding for retiring soldiers, sailors and civil .service employees Congress has barely touched the question...
...This company has not found it necessary even to suggest reduction in wages...
...His official statement frankly said that ommunists recognize the capitalist system as the source of war but hat nevertheless Soviet Russia was drilling to propose this practical step toward peace...
...These talks will be under the general beading, "New Leader Tonics...
...The are separated by perhaps a hundred feet, and inside the enclosure was gathered a crowd of nearly a thousand, word having been circulated that employment would take place at the inner window...
...Meanwhile it is fortunate that Mr Morrow and Mr...
...His proof, furthermore, that the trade unions fall far short of affording workers, organized and, o» course, unorganized sufficient protection against the^ vicissitudes of fortune, has made organized labor realize that state assistance, especially for the aged, is a necessity...
...He explained that Clarence Darrow was there not because the case of the defense was weak but because the eminent lawyer wanted to see justice done...
...Somehow I find it difficult to believe that the administration is much in earnest at this late date...
...Dally the judge closes by admonishing the jurors •'with a freshness as if he were saying it for the first time, that they are not to discuss the case among themselves or with others...
...Help us prepare for a big Socialist convention in Helena next May" is the final salutation of Graham to Montana Socialists...
...Clarence Darrow lnunedUely enlisted in the cause...
...T> EADING, Pa.—"It is the privilege and pleasure of Local Berks to invite you to spend' Mon day, January 2, 1928, In a Socialist city...
...The present trial is based upon the Cartel murder charsre...
...Poor business conditions" was not then the cause of the reduction, but a desire to increase the dividend1 returns to the stockholders at the expense of toe underpaid wwker...
...It means that they are a good deal more afraid of the 'steel trust than they are of the genial head of the Moose who runs the Department of Labor as a side issue...
...The order was based on affidavits alleging union pickets had practiced intimidation against strike-breakers...
...A call has been sent to all Socialists in the state by the State Secretary, James D. Graham, which states that each party is required to hold a county convention the second Tuesday in May and elect delegates to meet in a state convention in Helena the following Tuesday...
...12, 1017, following the selection of a jury the previous Friday, the trial opened in the Bronx county court...
...Whatever horrors may be tharged to the Red terror in Canton we cannot afford to forget that the Nalonsltsts and their assorted generals who ire anti-communists have practiced in ecent months a pretty ruthless terrorism against all peasants and workers organizations which were suspected of jelng even a little pink...
...All in all the prospects for a vigorous effort at the coming legislative sessions are good...
...i Daily the weighty court officer opens the proceedings in his heraldic voice: "His Honor, the Judge of the County Court...
...It provides for a "maximum pension by the state of one dollar a day less the amount of income received from all other sources...
...It is an important feature of the model bill of the American Association for Old Age Security that the installation of the system provided for by the legislature becomes mandatory upon the counties...
...No government official directing the use of the secret funds writes and files a letter telling exactly what the money la to be used for...
...The fact that so many of the operators have simply boycotted the conference is ominous...
...V. S. and China Share Honors The first system of state old age pensions was established by Germany in 1889 as a part of its social legislation program...
...Communist Editors Are Held For Libel On Trade Union Head Commenting on Magistrate Louis Brodskys action in West Side Court, N. Y. holding for the Grand Jury' editors of Communist publications en charges of criminally libelling Morris Blgman, President of the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union...
...By a strange llswsw ' tration of mind the witness cottsd re* collect only Greco...
...It is cheaper to keep the needy person in his own home than to a public institution...
...His work during 1927 for the Order of Eagles, which made a hobby of old age pensions, resulted in the passage of the pioneer Nevada and Montana laws and to a large extent the enactment of the statute of Pennsylvania...
...Arrangements are being made to seat a thousand people at a banquet and there will be no special reservations of seats...
...The argument of a good example is well nigh irrefutable...
...Two men died of their injuries, IS are in a hospital, and at least 20 lie injured in their homes...
...The slim and youthful looking judge is resting his cheek upon his index finger...
...One Senatorial investigating committee that ought to be tremendously useful is this conservative outfit which is inquiring into the alleged Mexican documents now being published by William Randolph Hearst in so far as they effect the honor of three United States Senators who are supposed to have received betwsen them more than a "»"H«dollars from...
...The Court should see and bear the witnesses... appear in their financial statement, issued not for the workers in their mills, but for the owners of their stock: Net Earnings Sales Profit Per Share 1927 $15,352,722 «980,065 $9.08 1926 13,004,335 475,380 6.20 We find, therefore, that not only was there an increase in sales by this company of almost two and a half million dollars, but the net profit Increased by more than a half million and the earnings per share, $2.88...
...Workers in Salem run 10 to 12 looms in contrast to the 28 to 30 which Pepperell company employe* are required to operate...
...It is following the lead of the American Federation of Labor which has endorsed this reform and Is Investigating the problem further...
...It will be more satisfactory, and fairer for ail to hear the issues determined after a trial...
...Endeavors to amend the constitution have thus far been of no avail...
...Bat it cannot be made too emphatic that unless labor, Socialists and bonaflde liberals take the lead in this fight, they will have no right to complain if less reliable persons and institutions make the fight for old age pensions their own for whatever ends they may base in mind...
...His book...
...Wheeler Demands Private Detective Agencies Be Probed Washington...
...It is practically a duplicate of the model bill, prepared by the same authority, that was enacted into law in Pennsylvania...
...the Preiheit Publishing Company, and Paul Novick, editor of f'Unity", a Communist weekly...
...New Leader Topics" To Be New Weekly Feature on WEVD A MONO the new features of distinct -^interest to labor which will be broadcast over WEVD during the week beginning Sunday, December 18th, will be a fifteen minute talk: on (Tammany Moves Uptown" to be heard Tuesday evening, at 9 45 P. M. Louis Stanley, labor research expert, win deliver the talk which will be the first to be broadcast on Tuesday evenings under the auspices of The New Leader, the Socialist-Labor paper...
...An Arizona statute, having been drawn, had technical deficiencies...
...The National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party two weeks ago issued a public statement urging that the Federal Government take action to suppress these private detective agencies...
...women (who constitute almost half of the employes) usually get between $15 and $25...
...His comprehensive reports for the Pennsylvania commissions have met with universal admiration...

Vol. 4 • December 1927 • No. 26

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