Williams, Wythe

VIENNA AFTER 10 YEARS By Wythe Williams By Wwilm U The Hew Tar* Thaws "f^rXBOfA, Nov. 5.—During Use present week the city of Vienna enters upon It* tenth year under Socialist rule. It la the...

...And so I ask you, Beatrice Fairfax I ask with piteous looks "Shall I give up my Baltimoron And go back to my books ?" —D...
...To Another The sun is shining...
...Tbe price Is about that of a street-car ticket...
...Why not dismiss the class aftd write a l>ook...
...flyud Hossaln of India, editor of the Bombay Chronicle and tbe Allahabad Independent, will take the affirmaUve and Lewis Browne, author of "This believing World'' and other books, will talc* th* negative...
...To farm out the public function of detecting crime and giving it a profit •motive is to place a premium on fostering and fomenting crime...
...Another great Work Inaugurated by the new rulers 1* the supervision of Infants...
...Here the matter rested-till a few years ago when the organized workers began to awaken to the fact that genuine education required something more than What the routineers were giving...
...A de Watt...
...The old fears of a rising working class taking over the public jxwers subsided and "the old passion of the workers for education became routine acceptance of what others provided them...
...It is only nine years since the revolution and only seven years since the l"ttW:«nts have been able to get goad, square meals, therefore more time is needed ta solve all problems...
...Not until the governments of the capitalist nations send the ambassadors of Hungary, Italy, Spain, Poland and Lithuania back to their countries and refuse to receive others will we believe that they are sincere in their rejection of dictatorship in the government of a nation...
...A fighter for his dream and yet the most peaceable of souls in his human relations with all of us...
...The People's InsUtute Is maiaair.'-d as a clearing house for facts and Irir.s ttnd is making a remarkable sue__Union Health Center* , Pioneer In Its Field, (^alls on Friends for Aid "lie Union Health Center, at 111 B. 7'.a Street is the only medical and dental •iiriic for organised workers in th* counry...
...The meek shall inherit the earth," says the Book...
...Admission to the debate is tl and Use tickets are limited to 500...
...So the fate of Russia lies in the tends of the Russian workers and peasants themselves with whatever sympathetic aid and encouragement they can get from the organized workers of other nations...
...And undoubtedly a scale of wages is arranged in rhe pleasanter form of scholarships and travelling expense...
...or may own a horse to tifi the soil and pay no taxes whatever...
...ApartI ments are not given solely to politic...
...injliiiii ifrg by s card annmunibag that ft is east wttn tbe complbueau *f Haw Bw.iMisfi* tor...
...They only possess freedom who give and endure it...
...This "job" of the Tammany yeggs is only one of many that bave made elections in New -"¥rrrk City: a thieves' raid...
...The fact is that Czarism was overthrown by the workers and peasants when the Bolsheviks were a smaller minority than they are now...
...Thereore, one may retain forty servants if he leems that number necessary—and pay i tax sufficient to maintain an entire rard In the children's hospital for a /ear...
...I would rather walk with Hippolytc through a dingy slum and chatter about the stars than feast with the Morgans and plot for the control of the Steel Corporation...
...But when the superman of Potsdam ft"t his illustrious licking in 1918, and Teddy the...
...The Forum and Education ComaUtt** Is heeded by Mr...
...Fraternities still dribble and dabble numskulleries...
...The entire equipment of that establishment compares with any exchsstv* athletic club...
...Already has been spent on these improvements and the city has not received a single penny of this sum in outside loans or private subscriptions but has raised the enure amount In local taxes...
...It la the only great city of millions of Inhabitant* which has been governed by a purely Socialist majority where Socialist experiments have had a chance to be conducted upon so grandiose a scale and thereby develop beyond the experimental stage Into what from certain definite points of view, must be regarded as success...
...It is curious to observe that many opinions identify the Russian revolution with the Bolshevik supremacy...
...I am more than agreed that the "hit the line hard" lad is done...
...Ouert your press and ydfir ears to all counsel...
...But never fear...
...This simply repeats the history of the French revolution when the Terror ruled France...
...Low-Cast Luxury The buildings ail have common rooms, Including library, playrooms for children, mtslde gardens and courts, common steam laundry with electric drying apparatus, which enables an entire family wash to be done In a few hours...
...And m Sundays the proletariat promenades unchecked in what was formerly the my*;erious park at Shonbrun, whil* hi th* 2lty stronghold of the Hapsbmg* mighty Hofberg itself—sightseeing motor buses park in the courtyard under th* window* >f the very bedchamber of Franc* Joseph monarch ol the Dual Empire...
...Not So long ago, not so long ago...
...Probably no city outside of Russia has bad more hostile criticism than Vienna during the past decade...
...I agree that in this way football particularly does not interfere with the intellectual pursuits of the real student body...
...Among men there are mighty few I really admire and love...
...The whole range of human knowledge should he an open book for r.s to explore any part of it that may have a special appeal...
...I know charlatan...
...Vienna certainly seems not unhappy...
...RINA MacGILLIYKAY . To a Learned Lecturer The world's an apple pie...
...On no Occasion has he ever raised his voice against the practices of his party associates and leaders...
...I know a few poets, a musician or two, a scattering amount of philosophers and comrades who arc the salt of my earth...
...Hail, and ntay the next ten year* be a real -insni—?«ag to the rest of the enslaved wodd...
...Intervention would install in that country not democracy but another dictatorship under whose protection the great landlords and capitalists would return...
...Alleged "labor men" share in this debauching of elections who in any way support any man connected with these practices...
...I've studied cross-word puzzles And thought that Ra meant God But in Mencken's language, rah, rah Means a numskull and a clod...
...French champagne may bt imbibed to tbe palate'* desire provtdec , the purse can stand the strain of thi [high tax that goes to the manieipal building fund...
...The public school became a reality as a result of thi/» pioneer struggle but education itself was left to'the conservative groups in society who soon learned could be used asia prop for their own interests...
...Their election was vetoed by the criminal elements that serve the "New Tammany" and the choice of these elements will prevail over the choice of the voters...
...There is only one conclusion to be drawn from the shadowing of the jurors in the Fall-Sinclair trial...
...He is richer than most of us go-getters...
...or may'keep a bora* for...
...A hundred years ago American workingmen in their labor organizations were giving much of their attention to the establishment of free public schools...
...Therefore this building is donated to its children by the City of Vienna...
...We hope that eventually the whole working class of Russia will win the right to think, speak, write, assemble and vote and thus release" the imprisoned thought, initiative and genius of the workers for the welfare of Russia herself...
...The lectures are free...
...1 paid for two subscriptions Of Mencken's Mercury And yet he says that 1 belong To the booboisie...
...Nathan H. OlIiw*** who is assisted by the following auas* bers of the committee: Harry 0U|g*»», Louis Goldstein, Louis J. Oribets, ¦*> taeph Krhnsky, Ira L Rosenson, ¦"**** an D. Shapiro, Dr...
...majority of which are due ti social diseases...
...It is a crying shame and disgrace that such orgainztions can ply their trade with the consent of the public authorities...
...Therefore sound education for tlic masses is essential if thev are to avoid being the victims of educated charlatans, and we certainly have our share of the latter in this country...
...R. KAVELLE I shall not fail to send herewith my congratulations to Lenin and Trotsky on this the tenth anniversary of their revolutionary achievement...
...I look for a softer, a calmer and a finer type of human being in the university graduate of the future...
...A conference of various unions will oan be called to assist In making th* icalth Center self-paying...
...Burgomaster Karl setts, now regarded internationally as -he supreme tacUcian at the Socialist ?arty...
...But the football squads certainly arc no more a genuine part of the student bod...
...this new VI:nna that has risen and has undoubtedly ;ome great destiny yet to fulfill in the Ustory of mankind...
...Reprinted From The New York Hiss) People's Institute Offers Haven To Serious Thinkers A popular forum that has become an Institution is the People's InsUtute of Newark, n. J. The Wednesday night 'orum lectures have so expanded that tbe Dollroom of the Berwick Hotel, when debates and lectures are held, is packed ind people are often turned away because of inability to accommodate them with seats...
...I bought his book of Burlesques . His Prejudices too I love him moron morvn more What can a feller dor The more I love and praise him Tbe more he docs me dirt He calls me "greasy rah,-rah boy'' And says my mind is "full of skirl...
...I am glad our youth is turning to the...
...One may ride a horse for pleasure and pay an annual tax of $80...
...Give old with fears and young wiht dreams your light f The outraged worker* rise...
...An Inscription on a wall of this building reads: "Every child has a right to proper care, wherefor society is responsible...
...It has been denounced as Bolshevist: as a city being ruined by its rulers...
...Others are susjS added to the list...
...Ode to Education * Be goddess, not a prostitute...
...With few exceptions education remained- a luxury of the wealthy in most of the states...
...The machine age snarls and snaps all around his preoccupied consciousness...
...Gentle and retiring to the point of fault, the public press and the ordinary channels of publicity hardly ever get a hint of the illimitable treasure contained iu one being...
...Of itself education solves no problemsIt is a means to an end...
...During my stay...
...The type of man essential for this work is the man without scruples and without honor...
...Seize The flaming torch before which shadows scatter...
...Mothers are not forced to bring their children to the hospital but generally accept the opportunity...
...One may attend cabarets at j night provided he is willing to pay tin music tax...
...Coaches arc hired at presidential salaries whose sole job it is to dig up from the corners of civilization a group of some two score giants...
...And I must not forget Eddie Levin son, who promises to shed the roystering traces of his youth and go the way of gentleness...
...Perhaps the day will come in our time when ihe square jaw and the he-men shape will be skeletonized and exhibited in museums of nalural history- as the last step in evolution that v»c had to take to arrive at godhood among men... not enajawaWad a taxable Maury...
...Mothers Alas Cared For Here also prospective mothers are brought if they are suspected of being afflicted with a social t disease and are so treated that healthy instead of ailing children may enter the world...
...Give old with fears and young with dreams your light...
...The capitalist world recoils with aversion at mention of the Russian dictatorship but takes to its embrace such murderous regimes as Horthy in Hungary and Mussolini in Italy...
...Alfred E. Smith shares just as much responsibility for this as any thug recruited as a ""floater" on the East Side...
...Naturally, the fact that city regulations prescribe that only half mfcy be assigned to Socialist* won • over many others to swell Seitx's majority at the last election...
...Smith has been the beneficiary of Tammany and its methods forbears...
...commerce and pay a tax of only 15...
...His eyes are never filled with any trace of self concern...
...On the other hand, he doctrine of Karl Seltz is definite— ntoteum happiness is due to every one ind for that every one shall pay...
...Here a few casual obesrvations arc not out of place considering the notoriety he and his accomplices have won in relation to the oft jhieves...
...His job is to snare others and in such work a civilized ethical code is a superflous burden...
...Among his intimates he is a tempest of song and laughter, a glittering fountain of wit, a bottomless well of sympathy and understanding...
...P. VOLL.MER The College Boy's Lament 1 feed the mouth that bites me I read Doc Mencken's mag I treat him fine as velvet ' He treats me like a rag...
...Only a small coterie of us know him and enjoy his genius to our own selfish delight...
...has given me every opportunity jo study this "Dying Fairy City," as t has been called: this city that ten ears ago starved literally...
...Our answer to the Tammanyites will go to the nation next year...
...There is old Hip Havel the anarchist...
...Freshmen are still ducked pajam-clad in the historic fountain...
...On Nov...
...They are particularly active in trade unions and strikes...
...When the degenerate layers of tbe proletariat arc mobilized in elections to cow voters and to veto their will, elections become a farce and every man identified with such elections shares in responsibility for them...
...In spite of theft, thuggery and "floaters", the Socialist Party made headway and with the local success in Reading and Buffalo there is no doubt that the party will be the chief standard bearer ^of the workers in the national campaign next year... store them in a bottle to sprinkle on your love...
...They have never blurred my sight as to what Russia is doing and is bound to do...
...Charlatan Wink charlatan, I saw you grin despair and saw your terror burn and melt like wax to seal your sighs...
...supporters of Burgomaster Beits, but an divided fifty-fifty among Socialist* and members of tbe opposition parties...
...Here, in order to "make good" with those who purchase the service, the "operatives" are fore- - ed to encourage intrigue, violence and crime...
...The city has recently opened an "observation hospital" for children, which physicians of all great medical schools of the Continent have visited and pronounced something necessary to every large city...
...Thirty-five municipal bathing tstabllshments have been opened where tbe art may be *i mil bug and cleanliness maintained by ados* as veil as children...
...Moreover, the career of Burns and his organization is one long record of shady practices which show him to be a consumate faker and possibly something worse, but in this respect his agency is no worse than others of this type...
...hi the other hand the passionate earnestness of the workers for popular education was almost pathetic...
...The riots last July were admittedly an unfortunate setback, but (none regard :hem as likely ever to be repeated...
...The little wine shops at* stflt .hronged and there people still sing...
...It is not dictatorship which capitalist opinion rejects and not even the clique mastery that is maintained by imprisonment, exile and executions...
...meek elements of living...
...Wink charlatan...
...Terrible jajsed out ro the wheezy gasps of the Hull Moose, Hie younger thought turned to the Mcnckenian migglcs and general outlines of all manners and sorts of p:pula.- sch-«)l subjects...
...The former accept it and its work in every phase without question while the latter utterly damn it to perdition...
...Undoubtedly at some ways—perhaps in many ways—th* new regime is still groping with dim mix...
...Setts dcsciflbcs thstn—-these slums have almost entirely disappeared and 35,000 families representing a population of 150,000 are housed in municipal apartments which from the standpoint'of beauty, cleanliness and fresh air do credit to the beat bourgeois quarters of any world capital...
...It all derends upon that...
...City workers in each ward report east?, tnr...
...Then to get nearer to my own desk...
...You whom life forsook...
...Open your prisons and allow every political dissenter to go free...
...The other way is the road to intolerable hates, suffering, persecution, and breeding a race of sycophants who praise what they do not believe and believe what they do not praise...
...Here we have the bibliophile, the seeker after knowledge in old tomes and in dusty shelves of iorgotten scrolls...
...And certainly no classroom lover cares to assume the prizefighting pose and appearance of the longshoremen who battle for the honor of his Alma Mater...
...Whenever I do run across a gentle soul in this hard world of dollar diggers I jump and yell with my discovery...
...To permit this to be a private business for profit is to • nurse criminals and to foster crime...
...Democracy is a conquest achieved by the working class and the workers are wise to insist on its preservation...
...W.ere it not for his domestic reminder*, his family, Jim could carry on with a package of tobacco a week and an occasional sandwich...
...He belongs to the club without even the bother of initiation...
...The rent of these flats, which comprise three rooms and kitchen with running water ant electric lights, averages $3 monthly, anc no tenant may be ejected as long a* hi behaves himself and pay* his rent...
...B'klvn Jewish Center ' Plans Brilliant Season of Lectures Several weeks ago the Forum of the 3rooklyn Jewish Center, at 6*7-Otl Eest¦rn Parkway, opened its present season )f activities with an address by nana Japlro, the noted Chicago lawyer, whoa* nessage was heard by dose to on* housand people, while several llasj—rat others had to be denied rdm*"*"" dot to lack of space...
...It heartily accepts all this where it is used to support powerful landlords, tankers and magnates of capital as in Hungary and ltary...
...Alas, too few indeed to elect all the officers and leave methc jc% of Sargeant-at-Arms...
...Official records in Washington show that Burns some years ago had "fixed" a jury in Oregon to condemn an innnocent man who later received a presidential pardon...
...1'erSonally, I am much pleased with this digression from the old pugnacious ideals...
...The Labor and Socialist movement of the world accepts neither point of view and that view is certain to be justified as the more rational view of the French revolution is today vindicated...
...He is the nearest approach to the imortal Gene this age shall •cc He will be walking to the same height soon...
...Arise from too long bended knees...
...If the members of a police department were paid according to the number of offenders they succeeded in placing in jail there would be a jail in every block and hundreds of thousands of innocent men and women would be the victims" of the greed for gain... has the biggest indoor pool in tha world and can accommodate 10,000 persons daily...
...The solution of the housing problem —a post-war problem common to all great cities and as yet unsolved by most of them—is regarded as the greatest triumph of the Socialist regime...
...Even the house of Romanoff would get kind consideration at the hands of the interventionists and one of its parasites would likely lie maintained in Moscow by foreign bayonets...
...But if we decline to be conscripts of the masters of Russia in ideas, programs, policies, methods and action, we also decline to accept the view of the capitalist world which would invade Russia and overthrow her dictators...
...THE CHATTER BOX Do you rcmemlier dear folks, the days when the square jaw and the resolute manner was the styk- in story Looks about business success...
...And I could name here several more...
...He is poorer than a mouse in worldly inventory...
...One need only recall, the fact that Algernon Lee and Edward F. Cassidy were elected as Socialist* to the Board of Aldermen a few years ago and were deprived of the'r seats till a few weeks before their terms expired...
...Drunk or sober, he is the gentlest of God's own...
...I look upon Jim Oneal and glow with companionship...
...A number of very ' aromlnent speakers have already aceest3d the committee's invitation to sppsaf during the season...
...Thus, in addition to the working classes, many flats are occupied by professional men, artists and others of middle rank who were bard bit by the war...
...Wednesday night...
...A A WsaV Jtein...
...I suppose most of the lantcrrjawcel god-', our modern youth have come across arc unpleasant reminders of top sergeants they put up with in the trenches, and plug uglies that Tex Rickard dishes out in the squared circles every week at Madison Square Ca'dcn...
...He is beyond all price in his love for humantiy and his dreams for the ultimate liberation...
...I have never allowed -the measly little gingerbreads of American left vtingism to elond my vision of the crimson dawn across the waters...
...It was accepted as evidence of social eminence which set its receivers ajxirt from the vulgar jVerd of mechanics andlaborers...
...As for ourselves, we make no distinction regarding dictatorships...
...The coming season promise* to be a most successful one...
...The student body , has a real good time watching their hired protagonists wipe up the field with a rival group of gridiron Hessians...
...Come, shatter Your lamp which makes the shadows blacker...
...Your tangle's here, in simple union halls...
...There is David Rosenthal, the poet and playboy extraordinary...
...It has recently sent out aa appeal for addiUonal support because its financial resources have been affected by th* internal disturbances In the InternsUonil Ladies' Garment Workers' Union...
...Tammany has marketed Governor Smith as its candidate for President next year in 'the hope of moving next to the f'-deral money vats...
...This event marked the beginning of the seventh season of Forum lectures and discourses held every M"~**y eveningWeek in and week out the Auditorium is filled' with capacity audiences of most intelligent and enthusiastic Ustsoam The Center Forum has always Bastetained the broadest policy possible, Inviting to its platform the best mmd» .n this country and abroad...
...Foreign intervention in Russia means a Fascist regime there, not liberation of the workers and peasants...
...Hail, nation of peasants and workers, more power to your arms and more wisdom to your thought...
...Now the wockers are again asserting the importance of education but this time it is based upon dissatisfatcion with the (jtiulity that is obtained in educational institutions...
...They have been but a sparse flock of locusts against the horizon...
...Yet, today students of municipal government come from all parts of the world to the Vienna Town Hall admittedly to learn...
...He is the "good man" in office and as such he is advertised throughout the nation...
...The university and its present day activities furnish a clear view of this reversal...
...Joseph Goldberg, AihnaWtsSrattve Director of the Center, i* in ok**** of the Forum and educational taeaawa ,ij THE ELECTIONS SPITE of criminal intimidation and herding of "floaters" to the polls, the Socialist Party made substantial increases in its vote...
...But upon the \heory that human service b necessary, servant iPaJj...'ve sketched the crust And shown it baked and rigid in its tin : Neglecting, in your keenly, reasoned lust The sauce, experience, which lies within...
...The movement is still in a timid stage, hesitating, feeling its way, experimenting, and some even fearful that knowledge may in some way prove a disaster...
...This was an attempt to learn something in the private life of one or more of the jurors which could be used to intimidate the juror in favor of Fall and Sinclair...
...We shall do our part to deflate the "good man" and the "New Tammany...
...There is absolutely no legitimate function which they claim to perform that is not a public function lielonging to police deparunents and the courts...
...Then there is Harry Laidler, scholar and lovable person...
...they are observed and later assigned to special hospitals or i.'charged, tin: 1-npih of time ar.y <-s*e l drains unu" trintment heln» three UlfaUthS...
...So far the response to the appeal has k**n slight... is, capable of working a renaissance in the labor movotomt and blazing the way to new frontiers and occupying new positions on the road to industrial '.democracy...
...Mac -Coleman, whose love for cats sometimes transcends his emotional interest in mankind, but whose spirit is honeyed with a hope for beauty and freedom for those who lie in the muck and are fettered to an unspeakable fate...
...One thing we are determined upon as a result of this debauch of the electorate and swindling of the voters...
...Viennese slums in the days of the empire rivaled the squalor of those-of Mew York's east side and London's WbitecnapeL In the past seven years—years of flaming energy...
...Soft spoken at most times, and surely without a trace of bitterness in any of his pleasantries, [ he holds forth promts* to walk among the elect What I think of Norman Thomas I have expressed here too often to bear any further embellishment...
...The more hell this vermin can stir up the more "proof" they can give of the necessity for their employment...
...It also has a staff at deetors who prescribe thermal treatment* t* hundreds dally...
...The proposal to educate all children at public expense frightened the ruling classes: They reasoned that an enlightened mass of workers would be dangerous to the rule of property interests and they were right...
...Another 150,000 persons are to occupy similar homes In the building program covering the next four years...
...It is high time that legislation should be enacted to utterly exterminate these detective agencies...
...A further evidence of tbe city's benevolence is berth a complete layette...
...The nanw* of the speakers who appeared front Si platform in the past would form a writable "Who's Who" in the public law of America...
...Courses in penmanship or applied diatetics are given gratis io these icemen and rock crushers in order to give their scholastic position the color of credence...
...But, as the new,-City Fathers maintain...
...Timid as a leaf at dawn, among strangers he shows no sign ot his intrinsic glory...
...We see no difference between the oil criminals on trial in Washington and the lesser type in New York that swines its way into office and power through shame, terror and thievery...
...Judge Panken was re-elcted and Charles Solomon was elected to the Assembly in the 23rd district of Brooklyn but neither man will serve in office...
...True enough, the cheering squads still roar In barbaric rhyme...
...Profresj canflot be injured by eriiin^tenmeoi and it movement has mtnwwe potential power for good...
...He could go on working and reading and writing till the end of an age without a thought of even his salary check...
...I certainly am awaiting that glorious day...
...not the end itself...
...They prostitute the labor movement and barter the movement as stakes in a game of thieves...
...The economic interest of this dirty profession is also to "double-cross" the capitalist boobs who invest in it...
...Opinions of the dictatorship vary widely, the extremes being represented by the Communists on the one hand and conservative capitalist opinion on the other...
...i tha last few years la tbe tact that swimming has been mad* compulsory at tbe school curriculum...
...30 there will be a debate on the subset, "Resolved, That Western Industrialism is a Menace to World Peace...
...The revolution was the work of the great masses, not of any particular party or group...
...The last city bath was opened over the protest of the bourgeois parties in the poorest section and cost $i,500,*oa...
...Lincoln 3teffens will lecture, but as the following Wednesday . falls on Thanksgiving eve there will be no program...
...These things form naturally the lnlsJsV er side of the picture...
...This phase of scholastic life in America is indeed gratifying... isn't safe even for its advocates as Trotskv, Zinovfev and others in Russia are now learning...
...WORKERS' EDUCATION A FUNDAMENTAL requirement oi_peaceful, orderly and continuing social prgoress is sound education...
...It suppresses thinking and this function is vital to human progress...
...Hence arose the movement for Workers' education, study classes, lectures and text books relating to the status of the workers in society, their history as a class, their special problems, claims and aims...
...One may own one automobile or twen : ty providing one paws tt» per hnisspswei annually...
...A new world calls...
...Members of other labor caranbmUsn* have been requested to participate to he work or the Union Health Center, which in its medical and dental clinics, \s well as the various electric...
...In Vienna, in fact, iothing is forbidden In the social order, irovided one is able to pay...
...The children are grouped according to age—from Infancy to 15 years—and are isolated in glass compartments, where none may enter except doctors and atr tendants...
...David T*ini*nbaate 1 Mrs...
...X-ray and ither laboratories, gives a wonderful r.edical and dental service to workers at ninlmum rates...
...Education may l>e employed to frustrate the solution of problems but this salxitage is not as easy with educated people as it is with an ignorant mass...
...He is of the meek that have long taken fee to the earth, but are still too decent to assert ownership...
...Charles OoeU and Mrs...
...THE SOVIET ANNIVERSARY jJOLSHEVIKS are celebrating the tenth anniversary of the dictatorship in Russia and others are reviewing the status of the Soviet regime after ten years of its supremacy...
...Although every now and again, the advertisements for collars and cigarettes picrurizc the Old type of American ideal of manho«>d...
...It has its limitations and its imperfections, to be sure, but it is the civilized method of action...
...have seen your crippled form crouching in the dimness underneath the glitter of your mask Your tears are acid charlatan, your pillow is afraid...
...He has the soul of Debs...
...Based en Ability to Pay The first striking fact is that Red Vienna is as far removed from Red Russia as the poles...
...NURSERIES OF CRIME E shall pay our respects more fully to William "— J. Burns and his( detective agency later on as both have a checkered career that should be set forth in detail...

Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 21

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