Cheyney, Ralph

WORKER'S EDUCATION What It Has To Offer Those Who Think By Ralph Cheyney -rvmanz yojrw assort, dont penttaunted a fraternity leader when as a eoOeg* student I broke the code of bored...

...Moreover, the lecture audiences exceed in number anything known in years...
...Las* year showed a big improvement but this year is even better and promises to exceed all expectations...
...gshosf The Row Mobs far Sodal Hii9»ib'h another sawroe of light on the ptutdmg problem* of today...
...In striking contrast to Chicago's absurd twisting of the British Lion's tail stands the committee's campaign against books which carry anti-Labor propaganda or fail to give just attention to the historical role of organized labor...
...Much has been achieved in workers' education during the past year to which the committee points with proper pride and the continuation or duplication of which it recommends...
...Week-End Conferences Several Week-End Educational Confer- j ences for the discussion of industrial : problems have been betd...
...At these eeaierences labor leaden, tecbsdcal experti and an interested students of the speclSe ad anil iih to bfe liunsMsred meet and gather that understanding of the facts which alone forms a solid basis for intelligent, informed action...
...The major meetings were held in the Boston Public Library —the first time that a public library In this country has been used for such a purpose, and an event which has a bitter irony in vlev/ of the state murder of Sacco and Vanxetti in that city, an irony and yet a prophecy that such murders shall be made to stop...
...These five are: Socialism and International Politics: Biologic, Sociologlc...
...The classes are not only better attended than they have been for years but the percentage of young • Americans who attend is also on the increase...
...Tfce attendance at lectures and classes also shows the progress and expansion of school work...
...It has a large and distinguished faculty and approximately one thousand students...
...i Those who are in a position to help are invited to write the school and all inquiries will be promptly answered...
...The student enrollment for » tne whole year of 1928 was 520...
...educational trail m many ways under the skilled direction of FaanM M. Cohan, executive dtsawte* of Kg arliiriiauaul departapewit...
...the Workers' Education Bureau held its Fifth National Convention at Boston...
...Surety you awed an reenraaswaaWnsr of "The How Leader" U~a** yaw sua* L. L 0. Paim-sHeus PuMWattrrtt other than IwrtaNttoub also eaB for attention m any survey ol workers' education The World Today Bookshelf of the Masiafllaii Oocapaaty, the publics* torn of the Asnerican Civil Liberties Union and at the League fat Ii>dwoli I>1 Democracy as well a* of rsanj other associations, the books brought out by the Vanguard Press, many of those published by Boni and Lrweright—fca toss, far ten many publications far us to mention them here are helping wonderfully In educating the workers...
...Workers' education vs...
...As the work of the school expands the support of Its friends continues urgent...
...The Manamrt School Speaking of the future of the labor movement, we must not overlook the Manumit School at Pawling, N. Y...
...The lectures will be illustrated by charts and lantern slides which will vividly portray the facts...
...The securing of better training for apprentices is in the opinion of the committee of fundamental Importance to organized labor...
...One of the most important of the lecture courses is the series announced for Morris Hillqult entitled, "These Ten Years...
...The Boston Trades Union College and: the Portland, Oregon, Labor CoBege are j also performing an active service of a j local character...
...Than will bo other conferences of this character In Denver and in New York next spring with a probable final conference at Washington...
...Tickets are on sale at the school, 7 East 15th street, New York City...
...The labor awes mead's swing- aware of itself and of Its faatetien sad proper as eeedswe as tats savior of society and the creator of the Co-Operative CotnaaoaweaHh...
...Accordingly, the Socialist Party KseM m its manifold activities may well deserve to be considered the dominant educational force in America today...
...Under the auspices of the Philadelphia Central Union Labor College...
...New York, where in the midst jf placid hills and lakes about fifty stulents are prepared by a two year course which includes English, psychology, sta- I istlcs, labor law, history of civilization, i social problems, labor history, trade unons...
...In January it will hold I another clearing house of o pro tone, plans j ind experiences on the vital subject: , 'How to Organise the Unorganized...
...and Pioneer Youth which are preparing workers' children of today to become cultured I :lass-eoneeious workers and carries for- 1 ward of the torch of enligtttment torn or- , row...
...He ' is known as one of the ablest speaker* m the labor movement...
...Of equal importance is the course by Samuel C. Schmucker, Ph...
...WORKER'S EDUCATION What It Has To Offer Those Who Think By Ralph Cheyney -rvmanz yojrw assort, dont penttaunted a fraternity leader when as a eoOeg* student I broke the code of bored endurance by showing aspeelaJ interest m a professor's feature, "Wake upv comrade...
...The other units of the American Federation of Labor are recommended to co-operate more actively with the Work- I ers' Education Bureau of America, 476 ] West 24th street...
...The W. E. B. In April...
...The first of thaw conferences was held in April, 1987...
...Its efficiency in the cause of labor is attested to by the fact that the Arkansas American Legion unsuccessfully tried to have its teachnlg and maintenance investigated...
...D„ on "The Ascent of Man...
...Despljf disapproval of it« Oonamnws* ptawa»laVd...
...What is the status of workers' education...
...John Haynes Holmes, the Newark People's Institute which by the gripping nlterest of its lectures recruits many members of its audiences from all parts of Greater New York and the Ingersoii Forum...
...But a | start has been made to utilise them for I summer schools and labor institutes of .shorter duration for the consideration by a single union or group of unions of the problems that most intimately concern the unions...
...There are now 254 local committees on education...
...L. T...
...It also carries on a special workers' training class, most of the students being trade unionists, and a labor research department which prepares the annual American Labor Year Book...
...The best way to answer both qwestions Is probably to travel back m our minds to the first two weeks in October, attend the 47th Annual Convention of the American Federation of Labor and listen to the report of the Committee on Education, of which Matthew Woll la Chairman...
...He was Under-Secretary for Education in the Mac Donald Government and was the first conscientious objector to enter the British Parliament after the peace was signed...
...The article by its director...
...Many of these Institutions conduct several classes of high [educational value, especially to workers...
...What is the present status of workers' education...
...Brookwood College The Commonwealth CoUege at Mena, Arkansas, conducts a three year college course and a short labor course...
...Tickets are also on sale at the school for this affair...
...4, at the Community Chareh whidl is certain to attract a large audience...
...Brookwood also carries on summer school sessions in which in- j iernational unions take an active part, j It also conducts a weekly news service, the Brookwood Labor Education Service...
...but you don't want to' maw this," prompted a worker when onee I hah*doaed at a Rand School lecture course...
...The registration tor this course is rapidly filling up and there is no doubt that the attendance will equal anything in the history of the school...
...Hfflquit will take stock of the forces and tendencies abroad and at home in the past decade and interpret them in the light of a trained Socialist of many years standing...
...There are more than seven hundred oollges and universities in this country...
...The committee has obtained constructive co-operation from both authors and publishers in safe-1 guarding against omission of important social developments from school texts for the teaching of history, civics, and economics...
...Many of our readers will recall the establishment by the Workers' Education Bureau m the city of Passaic, co-operating with the United Textile Workers of America, of study classes, arranged mass meetings and educational hoars of local union meetings...
...The topic for discussion is "Peace or Freedom, Must the World Choose...
...It is not a profit-making institution and much of its income is obtained from financial contributions made by those who realize the importance of sound education in social and economic problems...
...Jones' address will be: "The British* Educational System...
...Philadelphia's CoUeg* "The-Philadelphia Labor College has attracted wide attention by its fruitful I conferences...
...AJvia\ Johnson, whJeti ay-stays m this Issue piwvidea a good Budght into the helpful type of vision which it promotes successfully...
...The significance of the work of Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson, Sinclair Lewis, Eugene O'Neill and E. E. CuiwitoS8 wul be brought out in this coursi...
...The subject under consideration was Industrial waste...
...In this series the distinguished anthropologist will tell the story oT how the human race emerged from the brute world and, through the use of tools and of language, set out upon an evolutionary career different from that of any other species...
...Then there will be a symposium by Bertrand Russell, Morris Hillqult and Norman Thomas on Wednesday evening, Dec...
...Perhaps we have now reached a point where we can answer the two quest ton* we set for ourselves at the start of thai survey...
...Morgan Jones, one of the leading figures in the British Labor Party...
...The Workers' Education Week or Labor Chatauqua was a special success...
...In the majority of them the bunding*, apparatus and campuses go unused during several months of each year...
...New York Forums In New York City and throughout the country there are a number of forums, centers, periodicals, and other enterprises which serve most efficiently the general purposes of workers' education...
...There has been such a summer school for workers at Bryn Mawr, for example, for several years...
...nap* wtB ren ogpnae tbp gcsaemafJasUf fio-JSwWii cafcaucter at *n# MsV ¦ Shi...
...Rand School Having Successful Season^ Growth Is Marked 't^XECUTTVE officials, teachers and ta*-i structors connected with the Rand school of Social Science are jubilant over the increasing expansion of the institution in all departments...
...The undertakings for the year included the following: model provisions for compulsory school attendance laws, present methods of apprenticeship training and a study of how textbooks are selected...
...In connection with this school is conducted Camp Tamiment—a summer vacation center at Forest Park, Penna., and one of a growing number of such vacation centers where recreation and some education activities go pleasantly hand in hand...
...A. F. of L. Recommendations The American Federation of Labor Committee on Education made a number of recommendations of interest to aH who hold at heart the upbuilding of the labor movement...
...New York City, of i which Spencer Miller, Jr., is secretary...
...One activity of this Bureau, incidentally, is the analysis of the contents, curricula and courses of study of three thousand workers' classes in this country and Europe—an indication of the extent of workers' education...
...The report of the chief of the Children's Bureau for 1928 shows that child Ihbor increased from 1924 to 1928 whereas there has been but little advance during the last two years In legislation to I strengthen child labor and compulsory school laws—facts which show strongly the need of labor action to protect children...
...capitalist education in a nutshell...
...It is run under the auspices of the Industrial Workers of the World...
...The Rand School True temples to education), staunch fortresses on the labor front are the labor colleges of the country...
...Surely the promulgation of these attitudes is carried only most effectively and workers' education and enlightenment promoted by a host of activities which might not be strictly entitled to the label of "education...
...Its evening classes we attended by all types except the mentally indolent and its faculty is composed of leaders of fibers) and Hberaliring thought...
...and a new respect for labor was won in the community...
...Advanced enough for you to profit frees it bat not so far advanced that H does net need year betpl What is workers' education... Samuel D. SchntaOhaueen (The Macaulay Company, New York, 1937): "The primary social need of a Weil-informed studentship is a sympathetic knowledge of the rise, growth, and spectacular invasion of socialism...
...The student enrollment from year to year is a good index of the activities of % the school...
...W. U. Classes i / I The rnteraatioaoi Ladies' Garment j Workers' Union has Mazed the workers...
...Some Pa Mirations Reaching a wider audience than any school class or course of lectures and therefore wielding a greater influence in educating workers are the labor press and periodicals that are sympathetic with the purposes of the labor movement...
...Humanlt^-ig EdueaUon...
...One of the most valuable resident workers' colleges is Brookwood, Inc., at iatonah...
...One has been founded in New York recently, one in Wyoming and another in the south...
...A Provocative, Book According to that brilliantly eon reived, sparkiagly written and mteUeoutally exciting book...
...The Work People's College at Duluth, Minn., is another resident school...
...Immediately there springs to mind the Labor Temple at Second Avenue and Fourteenth 8treet, the Brooklyn Jewish Center, the Community Church under the wide-vlsloned and fearless generalship of Rev...
...Affiliated with the Workers' Education Bureau are 52 national and international unions, 23 state federations of labor, 68 central labor unions and 360 local unions...
...Sustained effort has been given during the past year to increasing the number of local committees on education which serve jointly the Workers' Education Bureau and the American Federation of Labor Committee on Education as local educational agencies...
...Several of them are dealt with in other articles or news notes in this edition...
...The answer to this question depends upon the answer to the query: What is workers' education...
...Algernon Lee's course on "The Story of Class Rule" in twelve lectures will take up the story of man from the first forms of the accumulation of wealth and carry the story into the modern period...
...Outstanding among these recommendations are the following: City central bodies and state federations of ialJbr are urged to use their best efforts to have boards of education establish TTlght schools so that working men and women may have the opportunity to broaden and complete their education...
...The Workers* School in New York City is conducted by the Workers' (Communist) Party in New York City primirtly for the training of Communist party members and sympathisers...
...Rebels In Contemporary American Literature" is a course of five lectures by N. Bryllion Fagln of the University of Baltimore...
...The League for Industrial Democracy, which is covered in another article in this Issue..also merits consideration In this connection...
...who describe* Its ai-OJiiiln The New...
...TbJ Modern Quarterly", "The world Tomorrow" and a boat of otbor trjooghtfnt ana fliiaght-eroataag} journals age other valuable allies...
...By the end of October of thie year the enrollment is 482 and there is every expectatatton of it reaching not less than 800...
...Morgan Jonea at 1 Brooklyn Jewish Center The speaker at the next Forum of the Brooklyn Jewish Center, 667 Eastern Parkway, on Monday evening, November 14th, win be the Hon...
...The United Mine Work- j ers of America and the Women's Trade j Union League as well are conducting ed- | ucational and] cultural activities that promise well for the future of the labor movement...
...The latter range from "The Nation", perhaps the greatest single force in spreading throughout the land facts of importance to workers and unpoisoned^news, to the writer's own poetry bi-mehthly, "Contemporary Verse...
...Its secretary is Israel Mufson, 1826 Arch | street, Philadelphia, Penna...
...The subject of Mr...
...Anthropologic, Theory of Human Motives, Critical-Mmdedness, and a Sense of Humor...
...This same book, which really amounts to a stimulating contemporary cultural resume as well as a cogent attack on our general school system outlines five "disciplines" ae pre-requlsities of a purposeful curture—"without them, vanity and waste...
...Best known of them to our readers is, probably, the Rand School of Social Science which conducts numerous evening and Saturday afternoon courses in , history, anthropology, sockology, economics, social theories, labor history, trade unionIsm, labor problems, natural science, psychology, literature, public speaking and English...
...Russell in Brownsville The school also announces an important lecture by Bertrand Russell on "Why Men Fight" at the- Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street, Brooklyn, on iFriday evening, Dec...
...Of coarse, you're tired...
...dramatics and labor journalism to ' .ight for the cause of labor constructively, intelligently...

Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 21

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