A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES IT'S A QUEER WORLD 1 DIDN'T attend the Dempeey-Tunney fight, in the first place it cost too much. In the second place, being a prophet I knew before hand...

...These brutes devour billions of sweet little perch, sunnsh .suckers and silver sides every year...
...Row to be Happy and Free by Bertrand RusseU...
...All honor to them, these men and women who are doing pioneer work in cities and towns far from the main stream of the movement...
...Did you ever consider that...
...Essays of Revolt by Jack London...
...tire work...
...It taken the radio to bring these out to their fun perffxlhss...
...The glorious story of the oil man and his son Bunny rushes on...
...We were Just perspiring along as we always aa when we make speeches and thinking what a hell at* R long time fifteen minutes really is...
...k But as a matter of fact everything was normal wtth us...
...So every time I hook one of the beast I say to myself, "Another good deed done...
...STUDENT RED LET OUT "And Peter grinned and said far the rest of the bunch net to worry, be was going into the atuuakoag business aad get Ids revenge'aa society...
...anything that pays is in my line...
...Or that we bad Just gone ptamb nutty...
...Weber, the talented anasaaear for WEVD had got good and tired of our stuff aad was biting us on tbe ear, or that Gus Gerber, WaTVaTa bustling impresario, bad begun laying about him With the studio's fire-axe...
...Who's we...
...It's honest graft, and I'm lookln' for it every day in the year...
...They tell us that The New Leader comes to them as a light in darkness...
...They' dldfi't- steal a dollar from the city treasury...
...William J, Reardon, 75 years old, a merchant of Valley Falls, New York, died while listening to radio accounts of the Dempsey-Tunney fight Well, I guess it all comes from not being a sport myself...
...Then, the board of this or that makes its plan public, and there is a rush to get my land, which, nobody cared particularly for before...
...As buzzards, grow fat on carcasses, so the press feeds on crime, scandal, war and sports...
...Again we doubt If our talk meant a whole lot to 9ft Hicks of Salisbury Plain, Connecticut, who waa SJjjy sWy trying to tune in on Tbe Old-Timers* QeasjMb with their rendition of "My Old Kentucky Home.**' eW undoubtedly thinks that Schwartz bar is tbe aa leaf ft a saloon in Germany and wonders why wo ware pa wronght np about the case...
...Turk Sun has changed its slogan...
...Honest Graft" Is Policy of the "New" Tammany Hall, District Leader Declared By George W. Plunkitt annum...
...I am on hand te buy, aad know Just what they are worth...
...They agreed, of course...
...I go to that place and I buy up all the land I can In the neighborhood...
...A marvelous panorama of Southern California life...
...Ho being a U'gjrar for puulsbmeat be bung on until all of a aeaV den be was nearly knocked oat oT'lrtl enSTr,*oy**antHBfP describes aa one of tbe moot awe-inspiring, sasir-raiatae...
...In Bridgeport, Conn., excitement over the blow-by-blow account of the Dempsey-Tunney fight over the radio caused the death by heart attack of Joseph M. Deegen, 38...
...As a matter of policy, if nothing else, why should the Tammany leaders go into such dirty business, when there is so much honest graft lyln' around when they are in power...
...New Tork Cttfi • rv-* £*g We certainly felt like a damn /ool standing asaag in a big room hollering at a doodab on a pole, JR theme was "A Worker's View of the Week" and B^g supposed to be a summary of the significant eewanLlS the past week from the standpoint of tba averhSd worker...
...We enjoy giving pain or at least the pain of the others...
...Richard W. O'Connell, of Troy...
...Nuff said...
...Why shouldn't I do the same In public life...
...Sex, for example...
...this special offer is necessarily limited and will not be repeated...
...So I Just can't help feeling for the losing side...
...It wss rather amusin' when the condemnation commissioners came along and found piece after piece of the land in the name of George Plunkitt of the Fifteenth Assembly district...
...Every atavistic twist and crook In the human makeup Is utilized, enlarged and sometimes glorified at the expense of all the finer human attributes...
...I haven't confined myself to land...
...V If we could bave gotten around to them, there werwn number of things we were going to dear up far yen this week...
...It to story telling with an edge on ltWe are becoming thus nlosglnous because we sail have some copies of "Oil" which we are offering with a six month's subscription to The New Leader at two dollars and fifty cents...
...He was the smartest and friendliest mule of the lot Battling Babe will do anything but work...
...it's so...
...We thought by this WSm everybody knew that the ground is fall of skeletal and bowls and cat-calls of all varieties...
...Never mind that...
...Wouldn't you...
...For Sinclair has discovered that humor baa tts important place in propaganda and he is liberal with it in this new, and what many think, greatest, of all his novels...
...The answer is—I seen my opportunity and I took it...
...One of our friends who isn't a bit scientific hi wearied about onr sanity...
...Send in your check or money order today because...
...Merciful heavens...
...Theodore J. Carron, 66 years old, a clothier, and Henry Koenig, 62 collapsed at the announcement that Dempsey had floored Tunney in the seventh round, James 3. Dempsey, 54, a factory worker, fell dead while arguing over his namesake's defeat after listening to the radio account...
...Including railroad fare, hotel and incidentals with the admission fee, than was collected for the 600,000 Mississippi flood victims...
...If we were the earth under the United msmsYjm figured that we bad to bold np some sixteen naSHth Republicans and tbe members of tbe Ku Klux Kane and tbe National Manufacturers Association and Maybe Oeneral Bullard you can Just bet we would holler aai howl...
...And if Tunney had been confronted by Pericles, Plato, Christ...
...Bat I've another pursuit in view aad If I am successful I can be of eenseaat ase to the party...
...I went to each of the men and said: "How many of these 250,000 stones do you want...
...all right...
...They % were goin' to fix up a big park, no matter where...
...Ordinarily, as Veblen sagely observes, "Chase,' war and sports are the distinction of predatory classes, such as kings, nobles, knights, burglars, hijackers and bandits...
...Well, I'm tipped off, say, that they're going to lay out a new park at a certain place...
...Was I done...
...I'D ten yon of one ease...
...And all through "Oil" you win come upon flashes like...
...All I ask Is a square deal and let the best man win...
...If I have a good thing to hand out In private life, I give it to a friend...
...The working and middle classes were but little affected by the ruling passions of the' two extremes of society until the press succeeded In making the king's gamesthe national games.*' Adam Coeddigger...
...If you see it in The Sun...
...Every good man looks after his friends, and any man who doesn't isn't likely to be popular...
...Not much...
...La FoUette here in Covington (Kentucky) I get dazed when en a scaffold and can no longer flinen my trade as a painter...
...Why, this fight took more money...
...Yon get tut on a low wave length, somewhere around eight on our Installment plan ant...
...Think ot ltt Forty thousand of our fellow citizens travelled on an average of Ave hundred miles and plunked down 40 bucks apiece to convince themselves that some fellows can hit harder than others...
...ej^a for ur for Alderman...
...The New...
...We won...
...jpvERYBODY is talkln' these days about Tammany men growin' ricn on graft, but nobody thinks of drawin' the distinction between honest graft and dishonest graft...
...In fact, he seems to enjoy the attention paid to hint on these festive occasions by the "gallery" But Just say "glddap" and the fun starts...
...I bought up several bits of land there some years ago and made a pretty good guess that they would be bought up fen- water purposes later by the city...
...Reuben J. Olick, of Shamokin, borough solicitor, died suddenly at the radio in his home while listening to the Dempsey-Tunney fight...
...FORMER TAMMANY SENATOR AND DISTRICT LEADER) Murphy Paid High Tribute to Exponent . of "Honest by Tammany Hall TLfUCH has been said about the "New Tammany** as compared with the Tammany of historic Ul-fame...
...Wherever It touches life R leaves infection...
...The Wall Street banker thinks It shameful to raise a department clerk's salary from $1,500 to 11,600 a year, but every man who draws a salary himself says: "That's all right I wish it was me...
...I got the lot for •1.50 and gave them their share...
...by Norman Thomas...
...rve teat you bow I got rich by brrrrf g—if* Now, let me ten you that most of, the politicians who are smsesa of djjakea' the city get rich the a alia »j...
...Figure that this two-fifty to the regular price of the book and you see what a bargain' you are getting...
...Never mind what you read, if It's geeu£fer<^our eyes...
...Where is the country that could duplicate such a performance...
...The above comes from Comrade John J. Thobe of Covington, Kentucky and If we are over in that Bluegrsss town we are going to make a bee-line for the Thobe home, knowing that there we wfll find a civilized spot in an otherwise barbaric wasteland...
...He said be waa list en lag to us last week and everything was going on all right and while what we had to say didn't seem to him so hot, at any rate it was better than speeches on tbe "Safient Features of National Apple Week" or little chats on That Social Sianlfk-um-e of Kippered Herring...
...I got some outside men to come over from Brooklyn and New Jersey to bid against me...
...What Honest Craft Is Ain't it perfectly honest to charge a good price and make a profit on my investment and foresight...
...Social Anticipations by H. O. Wells...
...Tammany was beat in 1001 because the people were deceived into believin' that it worked dishonest and honest graft They didn't draw the distinction between dishonest and honest graft but they saw that some Tammany men grew rich, and supposed they had been robbln' the city treasury or levyin' blackmail on disorderly nouses, or workln' in with the gamblers arid lawbreakers...
...was a real paper aad boasted...
...Give me a real bid...
...y!§S We received our nricrophonal baptism last wiap^wawa we broadcast over WEVD, the Debs xlenftjrtel* fjuathtaf at 8 West Sixteenth street...
...My party Is in power in the city, and it's gain' to undertake a lot of improvements...
...Of course, it Is, Well, that's honest graft Or, supposin' it's a new bridge they're gain to build...
...We don't know these efforts of The New leadu on its reeders-e#w«Wrt our slogan to, "The New Leader.—It's Good for the Brain...
...Well, the best man won...
...Newton, Copernicus, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Pasteur or George Washington, be would have won, too...
...Or he buys a pump gun and pumps eight ounces of lead into two ounces of quail...
...Death was due to heart disease...
...That's bow the attempt to do Plunkitt ended, and that1* Jbow an such attempts end...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES IT'S A QUEER WORLD 1 DIDN'T attend the Dempeey-Tunney fight, in the first place it cost too much...
...I sell at my awn price later on and drop some mere money In the bank...
...Damn the press...
...hhat It is really not surprising that the earth sboati fee constantly lamenting when you think of what la en tSf> of It...
...Tjsi And Grandma Kruteh in ber Brooklyn home, ffSB ralajp meanH so much to tbe old dear, whose mlad Ja Just as clear as it ever was), she too must have base mildly surprised to have heard that one of those awful Socialists is actually running for Judge...
...How light he Is on his feet and how skillfully be utilizes his teeth...
...But being debarred by nature, he does the next best thing...
...I get tipped off and I buy as much property as I can that has to be taken for approaches...
...Battling Babe belongs to the bantam class of prize fighters...
...The Essentials of Marxism by Karl Marx: Is Conscience a Crime...
...All I am I ewe to the party trace my association with it for the past twenty-six years...
...asi'j We have already forgotten tbe reasons why Rge...
...Some years ago William L. Riordan obtained a number of interviews with George Washington Plunkitt, Tammany leader in the Fifteenth Assembly District, which were published in New York papers and later in book formThe late Charles F. Murphy paid his tribute of admiration to and confidence in Plunkitt by writing an affectionate introduction to the book...
...Them's my sentiments and that's why I am such a good sport...
...Owing to several assaults made upon me for speaking Socialism, particularly one unmerciful beating I received after making a street corner speech for...
...So aa and at thorn...
...And We are going to do our stuff tomorrow night (Saturday) over WEVD again...
...But really yon knew ear people are lots more Interested in things like jiejI bet ogy and how to develop personality and all that than they are in coal...
...a typically American kid...
...Somebody said football bears the same relation to physical culture as bull fights do to agriculture...
...screamed the auctioneer...
...Read 'em and weep I Three deaths resulting from excitement due to the Dempsey-Tunney fight were reported in Detroit, Michigan...
...th aRpV riots where tbe level of intelligence la a hit JMs* than la onr bailiwick and if you are not at the §mm bright aad early next Tuesday prepared to Vote tjg> straight Socialist ticket then yap are no friaeat...
...William McFee who knows his literary onions has said of "Oil...
...I have a notion back in my head that the thing we call sport is due to the same mental twist which causes men to laugh when a fellow's hat blows off or when he slips on a banana peel...
...Just let me explain by examples...
...They wondered how I knew Just what to buy...
...Pertinent Is the old saw 'life is a mystery, death la a doubt many are dead walking about.' It's up to us to awaken and instJB in them the wonders and hopes at peaks attainable...
...I have myself...
...one should vote for us for Alderman and no 0mB| our constituents bave done the same Bat we saWt about one million, two hundred snd eigbt-flvo tbounuanf, nine hundred and ninety nine reasons why yon ahaagSj vote* for Panken and Thomas and Solomon and Chh sens and the other Socialists who are ranasae...
...My rivals stood silent...
...Now that we have become "airn-on scion* as the SS men would put It, we find that we like It...
...I might sum up the whole thing by ssyln': "I seen my opportunities and I took 'em...
...He figured that Mr...
...There's an honest graft and I'm an example of how it works...
...Certain newspapers have indulged in vague approval of the "New Tammany** without ever attempting to do* fine it...
...It's Just like lookln' ahead In Wall Street or in the coffee or cotton market...
...a dishonest dollar...
...And he feels very much like votin' the Tammany ticket on election day, J eat out of sympathy...
...and when he had made some money he would publish a paper of hie own and kid the nf e out of God every ^___a- » WVCna* The above is a bit of Upton Sinclair's "Oil" that has so upset the sensitive feelings of the Boston ponce...
...Winner to get twothirds of the gate receipts and movie rights, loser, what's left...
...world between the two...
...Plunkitt expounded the "New Tammany** and we perform a public service by printing his authoritative version...
...In the second place, being a prophet I knew before hand that one of them would beat the other and I didn't care which one was knocked out so long as it wasn't both of 'em...
...Another million of dear innocent minnows saved from the maw of the killer...
...shrieks be has ever in his long life heard...
...One said 30,000, and another wanted 15,000, and another wanted 10,000...
...All that they can show la that Tammany heads of departments looked after their friends, within the law, and gave them what opportunities they could to make honest graft Now, let me tell you that's never goin' to hurt Tammany with the people...
...Life has been one inspirational experience with thrfOs enough to space it The 'mnasiUs* are to be pitied...
...If my worst enemy was given the Job of writln' my epitaph, when I'm gone, he couldn't do mom than write: "George W. Plunkitt He Seen Has Opportunities, and He Took •Em...
...All headquarters should have a supply on hand...
...Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen...
...I see my opportunity and I take it...
...printers', pressmen's and reporters' wages, telephone and telegraph tolls, light, beat, rent, Insurance and taxes that have gone Into the publicity of this fight arid add to that the time spent by 100,000 sovereign Americans (reckoned at forty cents the hour), reading and talking about what Tunney would or did do to Dempsey, or vice versa, the total would be as staggering as tins sentence...
...These duties are a great SSBhr on the Imagination and leave little time far oaaeajsm...
...Wf aimed to do some research in tbe subject aad enufij up graphs and get a lot of good medians togethse^euHl interpret tbe indices and finish tbe thing once nant for all But Just as we were an set, we had M| down and sit on that Jury again and when wa Wean through with that we had to bust up town auuMJM tbe League for Women Voters why they shiiaVS...
...In all the fistic combats I ever got into I came out second best unless there were three In the fight when I came out .third...
...I had a sort of monopoly of this business for a while, but once a newspaper tried to do me...
...That waaat ever shriek, It was a ground shriek...
...At the same time I wonder what would have happened If Tunney had tackled Battling Babe...
...I got aa te at, aad went leekia' about far land la that neighborhood...
...To be rniriaal to this trust aad obngatfea Is sghSaal time and resources to this out Is a sublime benediction that no trad ar trfbuaattsa wfll mar...
...I've made a big fortune out of the game, and I'm gettin' richer every day, but I've not gone in for dishonest graft—hlackmailin' gamblers, saloon-keepers, disorderly people, etc.—and neither has any of the men who' have made big fortunes in DOlitlCS...
...So far, no man, be he white or black, has stayed for more than one round with Battling Babe and I am willing to match him with any prizefighter In the world...
...I got him with some mules I bought for my cabbage plantation down south...
...They Just seen their opportunities and took them...
...Where are the people—willing to spend millions of dollars to convince themselves that the obvious to obvious...
...But even if we did bewilder some of our lurislhhl sudience and though every other dial was turned agalnat us, still it was a relief to be able to say soinethtag about outfits like Tbe National Security League, the American Defence Society and tbe rest of the eOcu> eyed chauvinists who have been filling tbe air heatabouts with their blather about "reds...
...There's all ths difference in the...
...a three dollar money order, two dollars for renewal and a dollar for your campaign In New York...
...alKjgyou remember the old days when It...
...I doubt however, that the working class would be as deeply interested in these so-called sports, were it not for the hypnotic Influence of the dally press...
...Up to the watershed I made some money, too...
...There seems to be quite s lot of discussion of this subject In tbe public prints of bite and it's high time someone did something Sanaa) it...
...He attaches himself to "a winner" and satisfies his craving for prowess by proxy...
...Yes, many of our men have grown rich In politics...
...While listening to the Tunney-Dempsey fight over the radio, Spenser W. Crowell of Algona, la., for many years referee in bankruptcy, city clerk and Justice of the peace, died suddenly of a heart attack...
...Aad here's another offer especially tempting to those who love good reading with teeth in it To new suscribers to The New Leader wa win send any one of the following handsome, cloth-bound volumes put out by The Vanguard Proas and retailing at fifty cants, tor a two dollar year's subscription: The Socialism of Shaw...
...Then the auctioneer yelled: "How much am X bid for these 150,000 fine pavtn' stones...
...Listening to a prize fight, base or football game, looks to me very much like trying to cure Katzenjammer by looking at the photo of a Bismark Herring...
...For Instance, the city is repavtn' a street and has several hundred thousand old granite Mocks to seB...
...He uoesn-t mind being harnessed up or hitched to a plow...
...I could get nothin' at a Taargaaa but a big piece of swamp, but I took it fast enough and held on to it What turned out was Just what I counted on...
...Two dollars and fifty cents," says I. Two dollars and fifty cents...
...Many a runt with the courage of a cotton tail has an ambition to knock somebody's block off, swat a ball over the fence or tear through a line of rah-rah boys In the manner of Tunney, Babe Ruth or Red Grange...
...The fellows in the bleachers may get some exercise lifting spy glasses and shouting "set down," but what amount of physical culture do the radio fans get out of these performances...
...The books are always right The money in the city treasury is all right Everything 1s...
...Now they've tapered down to, The New York Sun—ifs.goOd for the Eyes...
...I, Babe, Red and Tunney of course...
...It is worth all the strain and pain, the grunting and perspiring, the hard driving and striving, the time and energy that go Into the making of this paper to get a letter like this: "I am enclosing...
...They couldn't make the park complete without PUnkitt's swamp, aad they had to pay a goad price for it Anything allbonul hi that...
...For right, Justice and the best man always win in this wisely regulated world of ours...
...Comrades should write to The New Leader for the handsomely printed new subscription blanks which are Just off the presses...
...Who beat...
...That is why, when a reform administration comes In aad spend* a half million dollars tryln' to find the public robberies they talked about In the campaign, they don't find them...
...Now, in conclusion, I want to say that I don't own...
...Another Kind of Graft Another kind of honest graft Tammany has raised a good many salaries...
...How Politicians Get Rich He found the bid was real enough...
...Anything That Pays Is My Line" Somehow I always guessed about right, and shouldn't I enjoy the profit of my foresight...
...These books, will be sent to you free of charge the day you send in your subscription...
...The only sport I can indulge in with any degree of satisfaction IS fishing, and then I only fish for game fish, pike, bass, pickerels, muskies and such like plutocrats of the deep...
...Oh, that's a Joke...
...There was an ' awful howl by the reformers, but don't you know that Tammany gains ten votes for every one it lost by salary raisin...
...And yet, millions do it and seem to get no end of excitement out of it...
...Who won...
...When Charles P. Brown, 64 years old, of Water town, beard the radio account of the seventh round of the Tunney-Dempsey fight, he collapsed and died in front of the loud speaker...
...It is told, with great skill, through the eyes of the boy...
...4a What with broadcasting, Jurying and making epseeues every night for Herman Thomas in the Eigrith Ahearmanic District of Manhattan, our time la pretty watt taken up...
...My, oh my, what a wallop Babe carries in every one of his four hoofs...
...3ffl All the while we were talking we were woasmHBat bow many and what sort of persons were listening tni It must have been somewhat of a shock to Mian S0P* Spiel of 1888 Grand Concourse, tbe Bronx, who WSBJMi doubt dialling desperately for some snappy RJpcnt#*> torn tune with which to entertain her boy fTieanhQfc have' heard our hoarse voice denouncing the nae<Jta> Injunctions in labor disputes...
...I will tell you frankly that I've got a good lot of it, too...
...New York City...
...Fraternally Yours" TT'ROM the most surprising places come letters from comrades who are plowing lonely furrows in soil that would seem unlikely...
...I'll send more soon...
...The Jungle by Upton Sinclair...
...The greatest good to the greatest number and hurrah for the under dbg...
...We beat...
...I said: "All right, let me bid for the lot and I'll give each of you all you want for nothln...
...New York, died at his home here while listening to the radio reports of the big fight...
...I have a hunch that these prize fights stand in a similar relation to the manly are of self-defense...
...Now If you could only gat annua sort of sex appeal Into your discussion of feeL" : > So it is evident that we must first settle thus nuhj business before we can go on with anything at SSSl interact and we had intonded doing It this week...
...And If we would figure In the cost of print paper, Ink...
...But say, ain't this the richest, grandest and most glorious country on earth...
...W We were speaking on tbe coal problem recently anal when we were through and they had fired a lagwta over the dead In our audience, tbe presiding oahear, a pretty little thing she was too, said: "I'm sorry these weren't more here tonight...
...PLEASE STAND BY" 1 SHOT an arrow mm the an, , It feH to earth 1 know not WnunuflPH The poet win wrote that might wen have bad' mind a deaeriptlon of radio broadcasting...

Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 20

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