Misar, Olga

THE HOUSES THAT SOCIALISM BUILT Vienna Rears Beautiful Apartments for the Western London Socialists Transform a Slum District By Olga Misar Social—m is patting in the forefront of tts...

...dardTaTuf* which they wfflaot cestty daltst majority atew IMS, test the hostility of the other partem Is vary great, and Boatenate bare te flgkt hard So soon the very useful week widen baa been done towards hufining up a gsasrsMun hsatoTy gag" strong than their fathers Soar great is the apprectetkai of people, that count In Austria, for the heme week dene by the Boctel-Dsaiocratlc ¦¦watosTttj of Vienna, can be gathered fag a nambar of Austrian tnteTtertnels, oa the eve of the stectfcme, at the early part of the year...
...5, S pjn.—Longwood and Prospect avenues...
...4, 8 pjn.—Public School No...
...All houses were strictly rationed on the basis of one room per person plus one room for the family...
...THE HOUSES THAT SOCIALISM BUILT Vienna Rears Beautiful Apartments for the Western London Socialists Transform a Slum District By Olga Misar Social—m is patting in the forefront of tts mnnleipal program the demand for booses to let at rents which the working class can pay...
...Bermoodsey is still handicapped, bat In a few short yean positive wonders have been acrnrnpflerwd...
...Many of the houses are provided with reading rooms, large nurseries and courts with gardens and bathing pools...
...For instance, a number of hotetefions went uPjtn the ex-Simperafs garden to* Lena...
...they have built wonderful bath which the ntentog Post" said -woo* be a credit to any borough In the eoun try...
...The Lead gieilissetsts There are now SO tend settlements In and about Vienna, comprising nearly 3,000 houses, many of them very pretty and attractive... this article, Olga Miser, the wellknown Austrian author, describee What the Socialists hare done in Vienna...
...As a matter of fact when the grfeen grocer type of mind of the opposition charges the laborites with increasing taxes, the latter plead "miiltv" on«t tfc— - In many localities when the workers gained a measure of municipal control, they had to clean house in earnest, the conservatives having sat tight far years on all municipal improvements, especially in the poorer districts...
...Tet ttos a what that paper (a iliateidlj antl eteetoStel organ) •aid as recently as September S, 1837:etosa...
...4, 0 pjn.—Various hall and street meetings...
...Wherever there was an untitled strip of land someone took possession...
...The second was the promise...
...As Or...
...the Socialists took charge of the Government of Vienna, they were, as elsewhere, faced with a terrible housing shortage...
...W/HKN, after the Austrian Revolution " of 1918...
...Saturday, Nov...
...The tenants have hitherto had to live in old houses, for which they paid 25 per cent of their wages for the rent of rooms Indirectly and badly lit...
...and mot— a flew years ago was one of the ugliest and least desirable places in the whole metropolitan area...
...Mo one wfll suggest that the "Doflj fhajriar la particularly enamoured wtu BlBls Bit Oaunefls...
...Rich Pay to House Poor What were the reasons of this Improvement...
...The Bermondsay Borough Council has actus fly been enabled to reduce its rates sines 1033, when the labor Party first secured tts majority...
...A. N. Weinberg, L Ostrowsky, H. tjlanoff, Prank Croaswalth, Esther Friedman, Wnv M. Pelgenbaum, William Karlin, I. Philips, Jos...
...Alfred Adler, Wllhehp zuenaL tne camprosr, the widow of Oustav Mahler, and Mm Werfel, the playwright exseassed their ertrnrrattan for the social and cultural achievements of the Viennese ¦odteMeto While they declared that man of intellect ought not to bow down before any political dogma, they opnildeied It necessary to face of tin dangers that threatened freedom to rate their votess«in the interests of the Socialists... ltsa It had fallen to 13.1 per cunt Is there anything mora to be said...
...A. Weil, M Wolfman...
...Then Labor took charge of ita affairs, and what a change has ootne over the scene The Socialist Councillors, under the inspiration of Or...
...A. N. Weinberg, Ethelred Brown, William Karlin, Tim Murphy, McAUster Coleman, L Geo...
...In this way anyone who was willing to do his own building was In a position to acquire a settlement cottage...
...Many voices were for the cottage accommodation, but Socialist leaders answered that they had no choice...
...Speakers, Judge Jacob Panken, B. C. VTadeck, Louis Waldman, Jacob Axelrad, August Claessens, Chas...
...50 (South 3rd and Driggs avenue) Speakers, Norman Thomas, Paul Blanchard, Harry W. Laidler, B. C. VTadeck, A. L ShiplacoS, Harry Schachner...
...But this was because housing conditions bad improved and the worst evils of the shortage eliminated...
...33rd A. D. Friday, Nov...
...Before lire end of this year the p omlaed 28,000 dwellings will bo finished, and by the expiration of the five years 5,000 will have been erected...
...Ever since then the building activity of the town has been the centre of public attention and the political life of these few yean had been focused upon it...
...M Pelgenbaum, Morris Gisnet, H. W. Laidler, Rufus Lewis Perry, Roland Stubbs, Jos...
...little doubt they were (1) the rigorous taxation ot the rich to house the poor, and (2) the hold and energetic housing policy of the Vienna city authorities...
...The state of Viennese housing at this time can be gauged from the fact that in the first place it was necessary to set up a municipal housing office which had control of all the dwellings In the city...
...Especially is this true of Sheffield, where the conservatives for the first time, suffered a smashing defeat in the last election...
...5, 8 pjn.—Various corners...
...It has, In Vienna, produced a community of interest, whereas the small, detached houses tend to produce sell-contentment and individualism...
...During the war many Viennese had hired allotment gardens...
...The rent now only amounts to 2-3 per cent of wages, and for this tenants have gas and electric light fittings, bathrooms and washing kitchens with the most up-to-date apparatus—all of which were unknown luxuries in the past...
...Speakers, Jacob Panken, Norman Thomas, 8. E. Beardsley, I. Corn, August Claessens, Louis Reiff...
...In the autumn of 1923, to build 25,000 dwellings within five years...
...Samuel rjlanoff, M. Goldowaky, H. Pruchter, Molly Wetngart...
...It will be realised that there was little incentive to private enterprise to embark on housing schemes of any sort...
...this is only as vasf osdtoary pseee at total govcrnmeal watk...
...In corridors for two or three families together...
...Speakers, Prank Rosentarb, H. Mai lis, Chas...
...No building had gone Ion, of course, for tour years, and materials were so expensive that there was no chance of obtaining rents high Enough to pay the interest on the capital Invested in the houses...
...Saturday, Nov...
...Is ttf lot as see...
...High houses, they said,* would enable builders to make the best use of a small area of land, and the expenditure an pipes for water, gas and drains would be less...
...on a 245.8 wave length and will be followed by one a week at the same time for ten weeks...
...Seeing that after the war our Austrian money had gone down to 114,000th of its former value...
...This manifesto which was signed, amongst others, by Dr...
...There Is aa grha vista teethe trsaaS|mil_by too baaaty of Sew...
...All rooms in excess of this ration were ruthlessly laid hands upon and allocated to those most In need...
...Higher taxes have meant for the workers maternity and child welfare, lower mortality, less disease, more outdoor relief, better housing-, better opportunities for schooling and the cultivation of the social amenities, as a phrase has it here...
...178 (Dean and Saratoga...
...Sad A. D. Saturday, Nov...
...Starr, A. Student, Mrs...
...Oneal's first talk will begin at 4.15 p.m...
...they have provided waah-houaa eojaSjpad with every modern device, wttt sssohenloal —*«s4— and electric Irons...
...Gradually there sprung up summer houses, bungalows and small, ill-constructed dwellings...
...This office kept lists of all available housing accommodation and of people In need of dwellings (In the order of their needs, children and: other family circumstances...
...Speakers, Judge Jacob Panken, Norman Thomas, 8. X. Beardsley, I. Corn, August Claessens, Louis Reiff, Samuel TJlanoff, M. Ooldowsky, Henry Pruchter, Molly Wetngart...
...In i«m« <•* ties and towns the elections will be hotly contested...
...7. —Various corners throughout the district...
...of a series of lectures by James Oneal, noted historian and editor of The New Leader, on "Backgrounds of the History of the American People...
...Solomon, Sadie Rlvkln, Rufus Lewis Perry...
...In acMttkm...
...Piston", Mrs Stern, Sapkowlte, Lester Shulman, L Ostrowsky, Mrs...
...Altogether the old accommodation was of a most insanitary and inconvenient character...
...Because of this and other reasons, the result of the former do not necessarily have an effect on the tetter elections...
...This was intensified by the Rent Restriction Law, which forbade any raising of pre-war rents...
...4, 8 pjn.—Public School No...
...Dobsevage, Leonard C. Kaye, Hyman Nemser, Andrew Regaldi, Harry Schachner, Jos...
...0 pjn.—Aldus and Southern Boulevard...
...This went on until December 31, 192S, when centralisation was abolished, so' that people may now let and rent dwellings freely, only being obliged to register each vacant dwelling...
...Saturday, Nov...
...This partially results from several hundreds of families living closely together...
...BROOKLYN 4-Hth A. D. Priday, Nov...
...6, 8 p.m.—Various corners...
...they have established i nwmk-tnal contra for artificial light treat meat...
...Houses a fine Sight The mere Bight of -the new houses inspires confidence...
...In 1919 the Council appointed a Beau __________ ^asT^rMaa— ahSBuSa OtttatoaaaaOHai w_aan^llV_' BsguTJ asm lsT«sunBa» uaaaaW VswaaSdaBasBw teuBW Jbw" aa»a_ >>is iteegan wtne* bat you say...
...Oneal's course la to emphasise the part played in American hiatory by the people themselves, from colonial times to the present...
...credits were granted to the extent of SO per cent towards building coats, and the remaining 20,per cent the settlers were allowed to pay by hours of work on building...
...Alfred Salter, approached theirjbsk not only with an idea of giving Bermondoey good, dean government, but with a vision of beautiful streets, flowering courts, and Aroady la the midst of I_ndon Town...
...Jeanne Augusta Pendenne Beeckman, a doctor of medicine, Irving to Bi leasts Hurrying away from many important international prnbtsms wtdch soafa ssd the foreign affairs chant of any Huropoaa nation, Mr...
...Some years ago, at a Land Settlement supprrtag vruaamls funiesM parts which ¦too make a apittetty of fee pruslsjca of fixed fm—sura...
...The purpose of Mr...
...There can be...
...Eventually there developed an insistent demand for good and orderly bnfldrng, ml sn enormous deroonetratlon before the Town Han convinced the authorities of the need to meet this demand To those wishing to erect oaftagw, fifty building districts were allotted and building materials provided at wholesale prices...
...6, and Monday, Nov...
...The Laba Party eeane into power to Bermondat] to find Barm an airy what tt was—an ugly squalid, over-crowded dty, devoid of grace and color, with no onaimunal am* ntttos and no eaOeettve consekamem The Labor Party set to work to cheap thaw thkan, to brtog back baaaty tt the Uvea of the poor, to give them battel bosses, larger lutiresla, cleaner aarioaaa mas, a more toyoua astotoaoe...
...Quite a new style of building has come into existence and the architects have vied with one another to invent various shapes of windows and verandahs, arched walks, courts with fountains and the like, all of which have added greatly to the plctureaqueness of Vienna...
...wtthto the limits of their legal powen they have done all they eould to stovati tbe nves of the common people...
...Vandervelde, Leader of Belgian Socialisin, Is Married in Paris Paris.—Smile Vandervelde, the Belgian Socialist and Minister of Foreign Affairs, failed completely in his efforts to keep secret bis maniags to MQa...
...Welt BRONX Priday, Nov...
...The new dwellings are built so that each room has its window' into the open air, its own balcony, and its own sanitary conveniences...
...Speakers, Samuel A. De Witt, Samuel Orr, L Philips, Hilda O. Claessens, L Polstein, Louis Palnken...
...These and other considerations were the deciding factors In the question...
...In the parliamentary elections the electorate is a more inclusive one...
...The first stage was the levying of a graduated building tax, low on small dwellings, but very high on large ones...
...I have observed workmen who, in going past the new dwellings in the trams, have smiled contentedly to themselves, and pointing to the houses have exclaimed: "Our red fortresses They won't get us out of them quickly I" The Viennese workmen feel that Socialism is firmly planted in the town and look upon these new dwellings as veritable strongholds...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Sad Judicial Okdriet Priday, Nov...
...Solomon, Sadie Rlvkln, L. P. Goldberg, Eleanors Levenson, Louis Sadoff, Jacob Axelrad, Prank Crosswaltb, Wm...
...FIGURES THAT TELL Was St worth while...
...British Labor Sees Big Gains Coming In Local Elections London.—The indications are that the control of local law-making- bodies by the Laborites will be increased as a result of the municipal elections which will take place throughout England, Scotland and Wales on Nov...
...Nevertheless, Vienna has not shown itself indifferent to the demand for cottages...
...Sigl—nml Preod, the famous psychoanalyst, Or...
...People who objected very strongly to having strangers quartered upon them had only one escape, and that was by paying a very high tax on each superfluous room, the proceeds of which were used for building new houses...
...E. Deutsch, P. J. Murphy, Jacob Bernstein, Murray Gross...
...In Great Britain the workers do not engage in any pussy-footing when it comes to the matter of rates (taxes...
...Vandervelde te 81 years ibid and his bride 38...
...a tSaskto-sapatetot thai lit where •ewer Is a victory...
...Speakers, Chas...
...Vandervelde and fate Steneeo came secretly to Paris and the Stefcgten Senator was married at the Ssaowrt office... other thing...
...They had to build quickly, they must not waste a penny, they must provide the maximum accommodation possible...
...Tuvtm, Jacob Bernstein, McAUster Coleman, Pierre De Nio, S. H. Friedman, A. Regaldl, I. George Dobsevage, Samuel A. De Witt, Morris Gianet, Jos...
...Ninetyfive percent of them had their waterpipes and w.c.s...
...In the local elections, with few exceptions, the franchise is in the hands of the householders only...
...It Is an event of great sig323eEg__5__=w f\HS of the moor beaattfnt end karate v things far the hletory of ¦imitotoet administration has been done by the Bermondeey-ie a iiuiama, of narrow, edebrawlon...
...Oneal To Give Series on History Over Station WEVD An ambitious program of Americanization and naturalization educational activity on the air begins today (Wednesday) over Station WEVD, the labor radio station, with the opening...
...Just one staph set of figures answers that nanstton Ztt ISIS the death-rate of Bsrnaaadaej par 1,000 mrarstants wee 33.0 per cent...
...A glance at the pisasnt plan of Vienna shows tba large number ot new bouses all round the town, which together accommodate 130AM) people...
...Seat onto has the- Borough Council taken an oatotol part in thai heauttnoeaon it has aha toaaawd tts etttoans to beau ttfy their courts sad alleys...
...Low Keats There was some disappointment at first, as a result of this decision, but, nevertheless, the houses which have been built represent enormous progress...
...Tuvim, Morris Wolfman, Samuel H. Friedman...
...Speakers, Tim Murphy, Samuel Orr, Emanuel Deutsch, Louis Palnken, Murray Gross...
...And they have done the Job weO They have nine maternity and cnik welfare centres...
...SteMsr puts tt...
...In lete years in each succeeding election the -workers have increased their representation, the last municipal roll showing an increase of 200 seats over the previous election...
...The first problem that the Vienna Socialists had to settle was whether they should build high dwellings or cottages in settlements...

Vol. 4 • November 1927 • No. 20

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