Dear Editor

DEAR EDITOR MORE ON BERKELEY Every once in a while somebody writes a piece on higher education that goes beneath the platitudes and forces ~ new perspective. I would say that Professor Feuer's...

...Feuer is perceptive and courageous...
...Feuer is perceptive and courageous...
...But Murray does less than nothing toward restoring the proper perspective by suggesting the richness of Negro life in Harlem...
...NICHOLAS ZVEGINTZOV Lewis Feuer's analysis of how the Multiversity corrupts scholarship and alienates scholars is welcome and refreshing, but I cannot say the same thing for his version of the events in Berkeley that provided the occasion for making it...
...Rebellionat Berkeley...
...It was just 20 years ago that former Representative Jerry Voorhis of California foresaw that Congress could become: " not merely an agency that says yes or no to Executive proposals, but an agency capable of, and actually performing, the function of bringing forth its awn constructive program for the Continued on the next page DEAR EDITOR Continued needs of the people of this Nation...
...three California State Assemblymen, the powerful California Democratic Council, and several segments of organized labor, including the San Francisco Central Labor Council... borrow Dean of Men Arleigh Williams" unambiguous phrase, and a psychologically reductionist view of alienation...
...He proves nothing at all with his: "He ain't...
...THE NEW LEADER welcomes comment and criticism on any of its features, but letters should not exceed 300 words...
...If that is what the professor wants, he has argued well for his cause...
...He was there and I was not, but just from reading the papers it seems to me strewn with significant omissions that require challenge...
...Danaceau's article, '"Why Congress Fails," (NL, January 4) quite properly envisages for Congress "full and equal partnership in the national government...
...KARL BRANDT This is to register our appreciation of Professor Feuer's excellent article...
...In his Godkin lectures Kerr protests against these byproducts of the senior faculty's attitudes but he rather fatalistically accepts them as inevitable byproducts of the prevailing "professional" values...
...Feuer accuses the students of wanting "the right to be illegal...
...The important reforms accomplished at the opening of Congress in January, 1965 have freed Congress of some of the fetters which prevent its playing its independent and responsible role...
...No erudite discourse on the "generational animus" is needed to understand this...
...New York City HARRY D. GIDEONSE President, Brooklyn College As a subscriber to THE N E W LEADER from the days of the late S. M. Levitas, whom I admired and considered a friend, I want to congratulate you on your splendid article by Lewis Feuer, "Rebellion at Berkeley...
...While Feuer uses such expressions as "undergraduate Goldwaterites and graduate Maoists" to characterize those of us who havebeen fighting the administration, a survey shows that of the arrested demonstrators, 4.5 per cent belonged to "radical" groups, while only 1.2 per cent were affiliated with conservative groups...
...Washington, D.C...
...Jack Weinberg, arrested for trespass and held in the blocked police car for 3 2 hours, is described as "an ex-student in math" in a context ("another non-student sat down in front of the police car") in which "nonstudents" are portrayed as "perennial adolescents" and hangcrson at best, kooks and criminals at worst...
...You might as well clear the decks for the coming hurricane— I can hear the rising roar of the typewriters from Maine to California...
...For Murray's information, the Negro community in Harlem doesn't bounce to Duke Ellington anymore, but to the jive of "lesser lights...
...Cambridge, Mass...
...Feuer's article is a conscientious and impartial dissection of the upheaval at Berkeley which helps to understand the vitally important distinction between the valid and spurious sources of student discontent and "alienation...
...NICHOLAS ZVEGINTZOV Lewis Feuer's analysis of how the Multiversity corrupts scholarship and alienates scholars is welcome and refreshing, but I cannot say the same thing for his version of the events in Berkeley that provided the occasion for making it...
...All the professional niceties concerning the legality of President Kasavubu's actions or Tshombe's government cannot alter the reality and importance of that fact With reference to U.S... of "the most important articles we have ever published...
...Berkeley, Calif...
...He is mistaken if he thinks that "civil rights aims" have to be connected with "the racial problem...
...Danaceau's article, '"Why Congress Fails," (NL, January 4) quite properly envisages for Congress "full and equal partnership in the national government...
...Students have been forgotten except as the material that gives the statistical justification for budgetary...
...And they never condescend to let us anxious white dogooders understand what it is they have in mind as an alternative...
...They know what they don't like, but the reasons they give on this score are far from convincing...
...And they never condescend to let us anxious white dogooders understand what it is they have in mind as an alternative...
...I was working "on the budget" during the Christmas holidays...
...his conclusions correspond to information that has reached us from other faculty members at Berkeley...
...GEORGE GOMORI Research Fellow PAUL HOLLANDER Assistant Professor of Sociology PETER KENEZ Teaching Fellow Russian Research Center Harvard University In speaking of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley...
...He can rant all he wants about "'the currently fashionable generalizations of the so-called social sciences," but neither those generalizations nor his own venom can conceal the ugly blight that is present-day Harlem...
...It is a great pity that so much good sense and lucid analysis of Clark Kerr's Multiversity (I must emphasize that I have dwelt on the negative side of what is otherwise a superb piece of work) is marred by a narrowly Hockish conception of "illegal politics... of "the most important articles we have ever published...
...Mario Savio's followers in the FSM are portrayed as "shocked" when he "tried to take over'' the university-called meeting in the Greek Theater by grabbing the microphone, while no mention is made of the shock felt by the whole assemblage—including Clark Kerr, as quoted in the New York Times—at the way the police grabbed Savio and wrestled him off the stage...
...The culture of Harlem is a fellowship of dreariness, and a walk through its public schools shows only too clearly how nothing is growing there...
...As the head of a Multiversity {Canadian style) I am particularly receptive to some of Professor Feuer's comments and conclusions...
...3. The talks between the American ambassador and the rebel "foreign minister" broke down because the Congolese insisted on totally unacceptable political conditions for the release of the hostages As for the massacre of black nationalists by black rebels or black rebels by black nationalists, let me remind Bustin that it is an old African custom to take a gruesome pleasure in killing off one's enemies...
...You might as well clear the decks for the coming hurricane— I can hear the rising roar of the typewriters from Maine to California...
...intervention in the Congo, Bustin may or may not know that President Johnson was given last August clear proof that the Chinese Communists were funneling ever-increasing amounts of aid to the Congolese rebels through their heavily-overstaffed embassies in Tanganyika, Burundi and Congo-Brazzaville, and was told that without immediate military assistance, the nationalists would not be able to resist the rebel push...
...As the head of a Multiversity {Canadian style) I am particularly receptive to some of Professor Feuer's comments and conclusions...
...It was just 20 years ago that former Representative Jerry Voorhis of California foresaw that Congress could become: " not merely an agency that says yes or no to Executive proposals, but an agency capable of, and actually performing, the function of bringing forth its awn constructive program for the Continued on the next page DEAR EDITOR Continued needs of the people of this Nation...
...He informs his readers, for example, that Jack Weinberg is a characteristic member of the student movement, that is, he is a non-student...
...HENRY S. REUSS CONGO VIOLENCE Edouard J. Bustin appears to be in such a rush to whitewash the Congolese rebels ("Alternatives in the Congo," NL, December 21), that he forgets or overlooks what has really happened in the Congo... borrow Dean of Men Arleigh Williams" unambiguous phrase, and a psychologically reductionist view of alienation...
...For Murray's information, the Negro community in Harlem doesn't bounce to Duke Ellington anymore, but to the jive of "lesser lights...
...that the rebel attacks and the hostility of the OAU were in evidence before Tshombe took office...
...are pinned on student and non-student activists, and anecdotes about them with contemptuous import are scattered throughout the essay, the only mention made of California's barbaric Right-wing politics as a factor in the disturbances is a benign remark that ''members of the community evidently brought pressure" on the university officials to end their established policy of tolerance...
...Constitution and the Bill of Rights...
...Stanford, Calif...
...But the tyranny of casework must somehow be lessened if the individual Congressman is to cope adequately with the problems of the modern age...
...If that is what the professor wants, he has argued well for his cause...
...What is more important, how can these elements be preserved even while ghetto society is shaken to its roots and dissolved...
...Feuer's article is a conscientious and impartial dissection of the upheaval at Berkeley which helps to understand the vitally important distinction between the valid and spurious sources of student discontent and "alienation...
...The pamphlet The Mind of Clark Kerr . is an attack on Bureaucracy, without mention of the racial problem...
...Tf you compare the present attitude toward eighteen-year-olds with the vigorous criticism of Owen D. Young's Youth Commission report, you get the full measure of the intellectual sclerosis that has become characteristic of our complacent academic society in its higher levels...
...Mario Savio's followers in the FSM are portrayed as "shocked" when he "tried to take over'' the university-called meeting in the Greek Theater by grabbing the microphone, while no mention is made of the shock felt by the whole assemblage including Clark Kerr, as quoted in the New York Times-at the way the police grabbed Savio and wrestled him off the stage...
...Clark Kerr is an able man, cast in the image of present faculty attitudes against teaching and for "grants...
...The latter, it appears, had more to do with the non-political deficiencies of Berkeley (as a place of learning) than with the suppression of free speech...
...Cambridge, Mass...
...The President, fortunately, acted promptly, and the necessary arms, munitions and transport planes were in the Congo within 24-48 hours...
...One should not forget, in addition, the statements o f support from hundreds of "alienated" students and professors from across the nation...
...A glance at Murray's article reveals his firm desire to impress us with his own inalienable sense of identity...
...while no developmentDEAR EDITOR MORE ON BERKELEY Every once in a while somebody writes a piece on higher education that goes beneath the platitudes and forces ~ new perspective...
...Peuer writes in his "A Reply" ( N L ; January 4 ) : "The huge collection of student leaflets issued during these last months is singularly devoid of civil rights aims...
...He proves nothing at all with his: "He ain't...
...Miller is a popular novelist, with all of the standard distortions and simplifications such a position commits him to...
...The President, fortunately, acted promptly, and the necessary arms, munitions and transport planes were in the Congo within 24-48 hours...
...Miller is a popular novelist, with all of the standard distortions and simplifications such a position commits him to...
...It may also be one of the most misleading and dishonest, particularly if one recognizes that Feuer did not dream it up in a Greenwich Village apartment, but was on the Berkeley campus, attended many of the FSM rallies, and could have told the truth if he had so desired...
...Murray perhaps distorts the picture even more than I hate to say it, but Murray is obviously trying to fool someone, and I have a good candidate in mind...
...In reacting against the easy catch-alls and familiar pieties of white liberalism, Negro commentators like Murray have refused to come up with anything creative...
...having joined the movement, one supposes, on the old premise that God helps those who help themselves...
...In his Godkin lectures Kerr protests against these byproducts of the senior faculty's attitudes but he rather fatalistically accepts them as inevitable byproducts of the prevailing "professional" values...
...This is a touching spectacle in certain cases, but here it becomes simply laughable as Murray sprinkles his writing with ethnic folk idiom...
...But Murray does less than nothing toward restoring the proper perspective by suggesting the richness of Negro life in Harlem...
...Without wanting to enter into the motivations of the rescue mission, I would like, first of all, to place that action in proper perspective...
...Bustin regrets the departure of former Premier Adoula, although admitting between parentheses that Adoula's "laboriously built" edifies of "national reconciliation" had been seriously eroded "by the end of 1963" (my italics), that is, well before Moise Tshombe replaced him as Premier...
...The FSM position has always been essentially the same as that of the ACLU and of the American Association of University Professors, which, as far as I know, are neither "Goldwatente" nor "Maoist" organizations: that the university shall not restrict the content of speech or advocacy, and that the decision as to whether a particular act of speech or advocacy is legal or illegal should be left for the courts to decide Feuer also omits from mention the active support of a U.S...
...Over half were not affiliated at all...
...Is he trying to tell us that he is against the FSM because he is old...
...With this oveiriding fact before him, Bustin should have recognized that the present situation is not of Tshombe's making but that, on the contrary, he was called in to save the Congo from falling apart or into Communist hands...
...I am delighted to see the job done so well—and see it done in THE N E W LEADER...
...Toronto, Canada CLAUDE BISSELL President, University of Toronto I am an old subscriber-and a one-time contributor-to THE N E W LEADER, going far back into the Sol Levitas days...
...Students have been forgotten except as the material that gives the statistical justification for budgetary...
...They know what they don't like, but the reasons they give on this score are far from convincing...
...In reacting against the easy catch-alls and familiar pieties of white liberalism, Negro commentators like Murray have refused to come up with anything creative...
...In the face of this progressive decay, to substitute misdirected, amorphous spleen for well-meaning if ineffective pieties and simplifications, is not to contribute as significantly as Murray might...
...and that the "neutralization" of the Congo proposed by Bustin would lead, as in Asia, to the entrenchment of the Chinese and Russian Communists...
...I, for one, am eager to learn what aspects of a peculiarly Negro identity Murray is anxious to preserve...
...No erudite discourse on the "generational animus" is needed to understand this...
...Lewis S. Feuer's "Rebellion at Berkeley" is an article he would have been delighted to publish...
...The latter, it appears, had more to do with the non-political deficiencies of Berkeley (as a place of learning) than with the suppression of free speech...
...while no development is given to the fact- barely mentioned, in areference lo the "hidden community"- that it is quite common for a 24-year-old graduate student to drop formal enrollment for a time without becoming socially identified as a ''non-student...
...In the face of this progressive decay, to substitute misdirected, amorphous spleen for well-meaning if ineffective pieties and simplifications, is not to contribute as significantly as Murray might...
...Without wanting to enter into the motivations of the rescue mission, I would like, first of all, to place that action in proper perspective...
...With this overriding fact before him, Bustin should have recognized that the present situation is not of Tshombe's making but that, on the contrary, he was called in to save the Congo from falling apart or into Communist hands...
...Rebellionat Berkeley...
...Serious spokesmen of the Negro community must address themselves at once to such problems...
...The important reforms accomplished at the opening of Congress in January, 1965 have freed Congress of some of the fetters which prevent its playing its independent and responsible role...
...Lewis S. Feuer's "Rebellion at Berkeley" is an article he would have been delighted to publish...
...While derogatory labels ("delayed adolescence...
...Clark Kerr is an able man, cast in the image of present faculty attitudes against teaching and for "grants...
...Feuer has tried to create the impression that the Free Speech Movement was full of extremists, crackpots, beatniks, and nonstudents -the same charges one expects to find in the hysterical pronouncement of the far Right...
...This is an argument that cuts both ways, and all the tales of atrocities will not alter the political aspect of this affair, except perhaps to underline the fact that we have to deal here, as elsewhere in Africa, with people who for the most part are still very close to the primitive state...
...The point is that Murray's criticism of Warren Miller becomes in effect a criticism of all "white" attempts to understand the Harlem situation and effectively contribute to its amelioration...
...New York City ROBERT BOYERS fact barely mentioned, in a reference lo the "hidden community" that it is quite common for a 24-year-old graduate student to drop formal enrollment for a time without becoming socially identified as a ''non-student...
...What most disturbs some of us in the FSM...
...Murray perhaps distorts the picture even more than I hate to say it, but Murray is obviously trying to fool someone, and I have a good candidate in mind...
...It is surely true that intellectuals and would-be intellectuals begin with a wish to "slay the father...
...intervention was prompted, here as in Vietnam and elsewhere, by the prior intervention of the Communists...
...So, in order to better pierce the smokescreen of unessential details laid down by Bustin, I wish to reiterate and emphasize that the U.S...
...He can rant all he wants about "'the currently fashionable generalizations of the so-called social sciences," but neither those generalizations nor his own venom can conceal the ugly blight that is present-day Harlem...
...are pinned on student and non-student activists, and anecdotes about them with contemptuous import are scattered throughout the essay, the only mention made of California's barbaric Right-wing politics as a factor in the disturbances is a benign remark that ''members of the community evidently brought pressure" on the university officials to end their established policy of tolerance...
...however, is Feuer's evident inability to take a joke...
...Why did he find it necessary to slander the students and their cause in order to make his point, an excellent one in any case...
...1. The whites in Stanleyville and Paulis were taken as hostages after the mercenaryled columns of nationalist Congolese troops started to close in on these two cities...
...New York City ROBERT BOYERS...
...His analysis of the Berkeley student riots is well written, informative and convincing...
...Professor Feuer uses the words "generational animus" and "generational revolt...
...He something else," and "doggone my cats...
...and that the "neutralization" of the Congo proposed by Bustin would lead, as in Asia, to the entrenchment of the Chinese and Russian Communists...
...Feuer has tried to create the impression that the Free Speech Movement was full of extremists, crackpots, beatniks, and nonstudents the same charges one expects to find in the hysterical pronouncement of the far Right...
...2. The decision to send in the Belgian paratroopers was arrived at after Gbenye and Soumaliot made public threats over the Stanleyville radio to slaughter the hostages...
...It is—as you say—"one of the most important articles" THE N EW LEADER has ever published -—'and there is some irony in the fact that I missed it in my subscriber's copy because of my own part in the struggle to preserve standards of undergraduate instruction against the Multiversity...
...having joined the movement, one supposes, on the old premise that God helps those who help themselves...
...three California State Assemblymen, the powerful California Democratic Council, and several segments of organized labor, including the San Francisco Central Labor Council...
...But the tyranny of casework must somehow be lessened if the individual Congressman is to cope adequately with the problems of the modern age...
...Even before having read your comment in "Between Issues...
...Notwithstanding this curiously nonsensical form of expression, it does seem that Feuer is more eager to interpret the events at Berkeley in terms of his understanding of Bolshevism and Freud., than in the light of the U.S...
...The FSM position has always been essentially the same as that of the ACLU and of the American Association of University Professors, which, as far as I know, are neither "Goldwatente" nor "Maoist" organizations: that the university shall not restrict the content of speech or advocacy, and that the decision as to whether a particular act of speech or advocacy is legal or illegal should be left for the courts to decide Feuer also omits from mention the active support of a U.S...
...Even before having read your comment in "Between Issues...
...KARL BRANDT This is to register our appreciation of Professor Feuer's excellent article...
...This is a touching spectacle in certain cases, but here it becomes simply laughable as Murray sprinkles his writing with ethnic folk idiom...
...This is an argument that cuts both ways, and all the tales of atrocities will not alter the political aspect of this affair, except perhaps to underline the fact that we have to deal here, as elsewhere in Africa, with people who for the most part are still very close to the primitive state...
...So, in order to better pierce the smokescreen of unessential details laid down by Bustin, I wish to reiterate and emphasize that the U.S...
...that the rebel attacks and the hostility of the OAU were in evidence before Tshombe took office...
...Why did he find it necessary to slander the students and their cause in order to make his point, an excellent one in any case...
...Washington, D.C...
...Stanford, Calif...
...intervention was prompted, here as in Vietnam and elsewhere, by the prior intervention of the Communists...
...It is-as you say"one of the most important articles" THE N EW LEADER has ever published -'and there is some irony in the fact that I missed it in my subscriber's copy because of my own part in the struggle to preserve standards of undergraduate instruction against the Multiversity...
...While Feuer uses such expressions as "undergraduate Goldwaterites and graduate Maoists" to characterize those of us who havebeen fighting the administration, a survey shows that of the arrested demonstrators, 4.5 per cent belonged to "radical" groups, while only 1.2 per cent were affiliated with conservative groups...
...Weinberg may be "characteristic" in that he is a very nice person, but not because he is a non-student...
...The pamphlet The Mind of Clark Kerr . is an attack on Bureaucracy, without mention of the racial problem...
...His analysis of the Berkeley student riots is well written, informative and convincing...
...Berkeley, Calif...
...intervention in the Congo, Bustin may or may not know that President Johnson was given last August clear proof that the Chinese Communists were funneling ever-increasing amounts of aid to the Congolese rebels through their heavily-overstaffed embassies in Tanganyika, Burundi and Congo-Brazzaville, and was told that without immediate military assistance, the nationalists would not be able to resist the rebel push...
...One should not forget, in addition, the statements o f support from hundreds of "alienated" students and professors from across the nation...
...In addition, the demonstrators were found by the survey to have been considerably above average academically, with many having received academic honors of one kind or another...
...It may also be one of the most misleading and dishonest, particularly if one recognizes that Feuer did not dream it up in a Greenwich Village apartment, but was on the Berkeley campus, attended many of the FSM rallies, and could have told the truth if he had so desired...
...his conclusions correspond to information that has reached us from other faculty members at Berkeley...
...New York City BENJAMIN PROTTER WHITE MAN'S HARLEM An article in your December 7 issue ("White Man's Harlem") by Albert Murray is symptomatic of a distressing trend...
...Thus, it will take its place and keep its place as an altogether coequal branch of our Government...
...Toronto, Canada CLAUDE BISSELL President, University of Toronto I am an old subscriber—and a one-time contributor—to THE N E W LEADER, going far back into the Sol Levitas days...
...GEORGE GOMORI Research Fellow PAUL HOLLANDER Assistant Professor of Sociology PETER KENEZ Teaching Fellow Russian Research Center Harvard University In speaking of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley...
...New York City BENJAMIN PROTTER WHITE MAN'S HARLEM An article in your December 7 issue ("White Man's Harlem") by Albert Murray is symptomatic of a distressing trend...
...Constitution and the Bill of Rights...
...Thus, it will take its place and keep its place as an altogether coequal branch of our Government...
...2. The decision to send in the Belgian paratroopers was arrived at after Gbenye and Soumaliot made public threats over the Stanleyville radio to slaughter the hostages...
...He informs his readers, for example, that Jack Weinberg is a characteristic member of the student movement, that is, he is a non-student...
...It is a great pity that so much good sense and lucid analysis of Clark Kerr's Multiversity (I must emphasize that I have dwelt on the negative side of what is otherwise a superb piece of work) is marred by a narrowly Hockish conception of "illegal politics...
...3. The talks between the American ambassador and the rebel "foreign minister" broke down because the Congolese insisted on totally unacceptable political conditions for the release of the hostages As for the massacre of black nationalists by black rebels or black rebels by black nationalists, let me remind Bustin that it is an old African custom to take a gruesome pleasure in killing off one's enemies...
...I am delighted to see the job done so well—and see it done in THE N E W LEADER...
...Over half were not affiliated at all...
...Bustin regrets the departure of former Premier Adoula, although admitting between parentheses that Adoula's "laboriously built" edifies of "national reconciliation" had been seriously eroded "by the end of 1963" (my italics), that is, well before Moise Tshombe replaced him as Premier...
...however, is Feuer's evident inability to take a joke...
...Berkeley, Calif...
...I, for one, am eager to learn what aspects of a peculiarly Negro identity Murray is anxious to preserve...
...I arrived at the same conclusion as you did: that "Rebellion at Berkeley" actually does rank witth the most important articles you have ever published...
...He something else," and "doggone my cats...
...In addition, the demonstrators were found by the survey to have been considerably above average academically, with many having received academic honors of one kind or another...
...Berkeley, Calif...
...But this hardly exhausts the meaning of their work, as is clear from an excellent book on the subject: The Scientific Intellectuals, by Lewis Feuer...
...The point is that Murray's criticism of Warren Miller becomes in effect a criticism of all "white" attempts to understand the Harlem situation and effectively contribute to its amelioration...
...slaying the father"a phrase used three times "looking for a cause," etc...
...If you compare the present attitude toward eighteen-year-olds with the vigorous criticism of Owen D. Young's Youth Commission report, you get the full measure of the intellectual sclerosis that has become characteristic of our complacent academic society in its higher levels...
...His failure to see the humor in the "don't trust anyone over 30" saying and in the "air valve" incident he mentions is a pathetic reminder that even the most dedicated among us must be able to laugh at ourselves once in awhile...
...I would say that Professor Feuer's article, ("Rebellion at Berkeley," NL, December 2 1 , 1 9 6 4 ) , belongs to this category...
...What most disturbs some of us in the FSM...
...Is he trying to tell us that he is against the FSM because he is old...
...HENRY S. REUSS CONGO VIOLENCE Edouard J. Bustin appears to be in such a rush to whitewash the Congolese rebels ("Alternatives in the Congo," NL, December 21), that he forgets or overlooks what has really happened in the Congo...
...He is mistaken if he thinks that "civil rights aims" have to be connected with "the racial problem...
...Yet President Kerr, in his December 18 press conference, told a newsman that to the best of his knowledge Weinberg was the only non-student among the FSM leadership...
...1. The whites in Stanleyville and Paulis were taken as hostages after the mercenaryled columns of nationalist Congolese troops started to close in on these two cities...
...THE NEW LEADER welcomes comment and criticism on any of its features, but letters should not exceed 300 words...
...But this hardly exhausts the meaning of their work, as is clear from an excellent book on the subject: The Scientific Intellectuals, by Lewis Feuer...
...What is more important, how can these elements be preserved even while ghetto society is shaken to its roots and dissolved...
...It is surely true that intellectuals and would-be intellectuals begin with a wish to "slay the father...
...Feuer accuses the students of wanting "the right to be illegal...
...Peuer writes in his "A Reply" ( N L ; January 4 ) : "The huge collection of student leaflets issued during these last months is singularly devoid of civil rights aims...
...A glance at Murray's article reveals his firm desire to impress us with his own inalienable sense of identity...
...I arrived at the same conclusion as you did: that "Rebellion at Berkeley" actually does rank witth the most important articles you have ever published...
...New York City HARRY D. GIDEONSE President, Brooklyn College As a subscriber to THE N E W LEADER from the days of the late S. M. Levitas, whom I admired and considered a friend, I want to congratulate you on your splendid article by Lewis Feuer, "Rebellion at Berkeley...
...The culture of Harlem is a fellowship of dreariness, and a walk through its public schools shows only too clearly how nothing is growing there...
...New York City F. WILLIAM HDWTON Feuer's article on the Berkeley rebellion m2y be, as you say...
...I was working "on the budget" during the Christmas holidays...
...Those who would restore Congress to its former independent greatness can profit from Danaceau's article...
...He was there and I was not, but just from reading the papers it seems to me strewn with significant omissions that require challenge...
...Serious spokesmen of the Negro community must address themselves at once to such problems...
...Jack Weinberg, arrested for trespass and held in the blocked police car for 3 2 hours, is described as "an ex-student in math" in a context ("another non-student sat down in front of the police car") in which "nonstudents" are portrayed as "perennial adolescents" and hangcrs-on at best, kooks and criminals at worst...
...Professor Feuer uses the words "generational animus" and "generational revolt...
...Those who would restore Congress to its former independent greatness can profit from Danaceau's article...
...slaying the father" a phrase used three times "looking for a cause," etc...
...New York City F. WILLIAM HDWTON Feuer's article on the Berkeley rebellion m2y be, as you say...
...While derogatory labels ("delayed adolescence...
...Yet President Kerr, in his December 18 press conference, told a newsman that to the best of his knowledge Weinberg was the only non-student among the FSM leadership...
...His failure to see the humor in the "don't trust anyone over 30" saying and in the "air valve" incident he mentions is a pathetic reminder that even the most dedicated among us must be able to laugh at ourselves once in awhile...
...I would say that Professor Feuer's article, ("Rebellion at Berkeley," NL, December 2 1 , 1 9 6 4 ) , belongs to this category...
...All the professional niceties concerning the legality of President Kasavubu's actions or Tshombe's government cannot alter the reality and importance of that fact With reference to U.S...
...Notwithstanding this curiously nonsensical form of expression, it does seem that Feuer is more eager to interpret the events at Berkeley in terms of his understanding of Bolshevism and Freud., than in the light of the U.S...
...Weinberg may be "characteristic" in that he is a very nice person, but not because he is a non-student...

Vol. 48 • January 1965 • No. 2

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