THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Connecticut Mayor Tower or .New Haven went Into office upon a campaign of economy promises aad how proposes a bond issue of 91(0,000 to purchase land in the rear...

...Tickets are $2.20 eaoh...
...more important matter* considered was the distribution of Congressman Bagger's ^speech on the tax bin...
...Instead each went his , own way...
...There waa reasoning in this sheriffs .acta Reasoning perhaps prompted by other sources than his own mind...
...Ha asserted that some gentlemen who had helped to elect the Mayor had an interest in th* land to be purchased One politician asked if Rice had not been th* Socialist candidate and he answered that he had been and was proud of it...
...H* Is: now nerotiataasS with a Social club of-sixteen macolsaw In regara to Joining the naw cn-aajT' and to all appearances his efforts wafl: be crowned with success...
...Local New York 2nd A. D. meets Thursday, Feb...
...Hudson County reported that Morris HUlquit win apeak in Jersey City la April and that the proposed ball has been postponed till fallNMlller of Passaic reported that the strike in tbe Passaic worsted mills was led by Communists who desired it more a* a publicity stunt for themselves than anything else aad that It was called when half the workers were not employed and the other half were working only half time...
...Ticket* are on sal* in the office of th* Local...
...He also stated that he could not help the man or stop the persecution as he had telegraphic orders from District Attorney Stan wood to the effect that he was to allow the detectives full sway and that they could use any means they saw lit to make Suhr confess, Tbe Sacramento Bee, In'commenting on tbe vicious tactics employed, stated in an editorial for January IS, 1914, "in the name of Justice, In the name of Righteousness...
...State Secretary Leemans wiU be unable Jo go as a delegate to the National Convention as required by the state constitution and branches ar* new nominating two candidates...
...Finnish Branch meets Sunday, Feb...
...A new executive committee is being elected by the branches, and It* neA meeting will be held on Monday, "February 22...
...Cloakniakers meet Tuesday, Feb...
...some treatment that has been accorded a worker, that it is certainly high time that something be done for the worker Involved, for there is not a. paper In existence anywhere in the United States that is openly more antagonistic to workers and workers' rights than this same, Sacramento Bee...
...and their tirades were all heard...
...Alllnson delivered a very able and instructive talk on the "Locarno Treaty...
...The taatasfl is of the highest concern to all U9S namaburgh comrades...
...Comrade Raphael will speak for and Comrade Anna Wenger against...
...247 East 84th street... the name of Law, turn the prisoners out of Marysvllle Jail and put the detectives in their places...
...Yipseldom Circle 8. Juniors, has been stsa^M growing since Sept...
...1. and ita meajhsjB ship is now forty, twice as many tSMmj th* fall...
...The pcewi bill ties of such censorship ar* obvioua so far as the labor movement is concerned, the matter broadcast being subject to rule* that th* whim* or personal opinion* of th* Secretary might dictate...
...25, in Room No...
...2^, 1ST Avenue B. Will hold a debate on "Should the Socialist Party support the League of Nations...
...The Committee members are Gerber of New Tork, Felgenbaum and Riley of Kings, Ariand of Westchester, Kobbe of Rensselaer, Noonan and Wiley of Schenectady...
...All of the prospective jurors were in the court room and many of them who were decidedly prejudiced against the defendants, launched into vicious verbal denunciations of the mien...
...Harris Weinstock later investigated for the State the foul conditions which surrounded the workers...
...M - On Feb...
...3* N. S. Ba^ahaaOjoah...
...During this period of incarceration many of them were mercilessly beaten and grilled by every method new and old that'these Mendell and Burns fiends could conceive...
...The thrilling story of the Commune and the heroic deeds of tbe revolutionists will stir us to renewed activity in behalf of Socialism...
...The Branch Executive, the educational and the theatre party committees will report...
...W. H. Carlin for the prosecution referred to Ford and Suhr' as "vipers" and "conspirators...
...Jury is rVeJudtesd Next to the" treatment accorded workers who were arrested because of that unfortunate affair, the manner In which the Jury was handled throughout the trial is by far tbe rankest injustice, A regular panel of eighty jurors and two special venires were used in the process of securing a jury...
...Iff, Labor Temple, 247 East 8*th aires*, Italian Branch meets Thursday...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Connecticut Mayor Tower or .New Haven went Into office upon a campaign of economy promises aad how proposes a bond issue of 91(0,000 to purchase land in the rear of City Hall a* a sit* for part of a city ban to be built., At a recent bearing Morris Rice who had been th* Socialist candidate for Mayor spoke in vigorous terms against the Mayor'* proposal...
...Ml 'auB The Community Church \3j Rev...
...No comment was 'forthcoming on any of these phase* from our worthy friend' Mr...
...i 1. - '* .• coiuusjad with the ssslsisum the party an*aah*r* assj gtvlsapfasm la arranging th* mmtkmm and distributing literature, and ssntng .auiiilpfton* to th* New Leader aad th* American Appeal...
...New England There seems to be a general activity among the members of the paptp in New England far Socialist propaganda...
...The State Secretary feels greatly en•» - %r...
...8hs knem the Soviet Republic better than SjE other living American...
...The circle has elected tba^fjl lowing officers: 8. Hertsberg...
...Watch for announcements of further activities...
...The Claeafena lectures are proving very successful...
...6. of the Labor Temple...
...This request the sheriff*7 seemed to ignore for he continued getting people from these particular neighborhoods...
...receipts to date, $128...
...Nevertheless, Ford and Suhr were sent to the penitentiary...
...7 East 16th atreet...
...Th* treasurer reported a balance, Jan...
...Bronx At the general membership meeting of Local Bronx...
...After the riot District Attorney Stanwood employed the Mendell Detective Agency of San Francisco to investigate and arrest parties who were connected with the shooting...
...People's Forum Friday Nights The People's Forum, which ha* been conducted on Sunday afternoons at Orttag*** win be the •shjsat **M nrst Friday night meeting 9 Foruat oa Fab...
...In compliance with those Instructions, Burns and Mendell men were to he found on every hand, maliciously arresting anyone whom they, thought might have been at the ranch working as a hop picker...
...who is to deliver a lecture at Smith's College, has volunteered his services tor an entire week from March IS to March 29 inclusive...
...Returning ftSfjr this country in the early winter, ajH crossed Siberia and spent time la CatlK and Japan...
...Tickets may be secured of Kings County Local, 167 Tompkins avenue, or through the branch secretaries of the Brooklyn districts...
...New Jersey The Stat* committee met on Feb...
...This acquittal shows a more tolerant atmosphere in California and it is expected that a drive will soon be made in behalf of the freedom of Suhr...
...Upper West Side Branch will meet Monday, March l. at 360 West 126th street, 14th, 16th, 16th A. D. will meet on Thursday, Feb...
...The trial began, and contrary to all customary rules as followed in murder trials, the jury was not locked up by themselves at night...
...Her address win MSBK latest authoritative word from/ tbaspf] important sections of the world...
...Anothe*r""eupper is being arranged for the meeting at which Laidler Will speak for March 28...
...New York State The State Executive Committee will meet at the People's House, New Tork City, Sunday morning, Feb...
...26, 204-East Broadway...
...cognisance with what the detectives wars really doing in the ends of "Justice...
...Mover of Trenton reported negotiations with Norman Thomas for a meeting which will probably be held in April...
...They were admonished by the court not to discuss or read about the case, but then, how could they be expected to follow out the admonishment when on every side all one could hear waa adverse opinions on the case: and when every newspaper tn the state was carrying columns on the' case.' * Nof only that," but it happened that a motion picture was being displayed at a local theatre called "The Hour Before Dawn" and In it was such that no juror should have seen it who was sitting on a murder case...
...Tbe Bee held an tnvestlgatloln of the acts that had been perpetrated against Suhr and for many days carried full columns of comment on them...
...Credit is da* tjjj th* energy and efficiency of 8. BarefcH berg, who waa elected Bronx Coastta organiser for Junidrs at th* raagsK convention...
...After th* regular panel had been exhausted the defense asked that the sheriff, whoa* duty it is to secure the special panels, try and get people from sections of th* country not- adjacent to 'Wheatland, as they had very conclusively proven it was Impossible to get a jury from Marysville or Wheatland...
...The late Carleton H. Parker, the most noted authority on the casual laborer, also went over the ground and their conclusions constitute a shocking indictment of the feudal proprietors- of the hop fields...
...The ne—raft fas wOl saleswles .the *pp**rtw**un**t ef the org*al*t <l count!** into --election districts tor the nomination and election ef eslagafi* to th* National Convention te he, held at Pittsburgh, beginning May 1, and adopt a policy to be followed by th* Stat* Office during th* current year...
...balance Feb...
...We are also arranging with local Socialists to continue the meetings in tbe different cities, after Claessens' course has ended...
...21, 2«M Fifth avesatm...
...His orders were to investigate the hop pickers and NOT th.e ranch owner or members of the potts...
...State Secretary Merrill has tagen up with>Congressman Berger the defect* m th* Whit* Radio-Regulation MIL Th* bUl la so worded a* to give th* Secretary of Commerce the power to censor matter to be broadcast...
...A well-attended educational class meets each Tueaday night, the South Camden Branch is being reorganised, and tbe American Appeal is being pushed...
...10, of f492.SC...
...the assumption being that the accused' In protesting against, tbe abominations of the hop . fields were prompted by pure cussedness...
...A thorough canvass of the enrolled Socialist voters and sympathisers within the county win begin on March 1 under the direction of Comrade Stille...
...Esther MIIsbbbbS educational director: I. Batsof... his own papers and talked with whom he pleased...
...It cannot be denied" by any thinking person that whenever it comes to pass that a paper such as the Bee raises its voice In protest at...
...Ultimately, of course, a jury was selected, the defense had to take them —they had no more challenges...
...Miss Strong west j0 Russia in 1918 and has lived there asaJr tinually since that time...
...jj| Ford Freed, But Co-worker Is Still In California Jail FEW cases in modern Labor history invoked such widespread interest as the trials of Richard Ford and Herman Suhr in California in 19L4...
...They Interviewed Sheriff Henry Daken (the man who fired the first shot in the riot and the man who admittedly killed the Porto Rican, yet has never been prosecuted for the act, and Daken made the statement that the detectives bad treated Suhr in the most shameful manner...
...St, 73 East 104th street• j Local New Tork has tickets on sale for the Province town Playhouse for the performance of "The Emperor Jones" with Charles S. Gilpin... This new circle was started ahaisj| alx weeks ago with a nucleus of thsMB and now has a total of fifteen Sadgg standing members...
...The Bowling and S. P. Club will meet In the bowling alley Saturday night...
...8th, 12th A. D., Friday, Feb...
...A speaker will be present...
...Branches are urged to distribute it- Copies can be obtained from Berger tor IJ per thousand...
...Th* lecture by Brent Alllnson, from the point of view of attendance, waa a success...
...c-raagV lser of social affairs, and Ben LsvtJB to take car* of atnletlcs...
...Tet it was known that at -least three of the trial Jurors went to view it...
...and 34th street, Sunday at 8 p. aS subject: * "What's New in BaaajjSr China, Japan...
...Room iSt...
...The committee on tbe debate will report...
...Worcester had shown the greatest Increase, Boston and Lynn .have also shown an increase in attendance, and enthusiasm by those who have attended...
...or**3| lser...
...These two men were the victims of the famous hop riots of the previous year...
...The Socialist Women in Boston ar* arranging a luncheon for the last Claessens lecture on Friday evening...
...The kind of "character" approved by the Secretary in an applicant for a license to broadcast might be such as to exclude from tbe ether every modern and liberal idea...
...Among the speakers will be Morris Hillquit, James Oneal, Norman Thomas and B. Cbarney Tladeck...
...Countless numbers of such people were thrown In Jail and held from 30 to 90 days without even as much as a hearing or a complaint being lodged against them...
...In the trial of Ford eleven years ago...
...21, at 10 o'clock...
...affl apeak on "Th* People's Fight for'-fjl and Power.'* >aH Th* 6th A.' D., the 13th aad ISttjjl D. and the 4-14th A. D. wOl 1ijS#| special Joint membership meettsspS Tuesday *v«ning, Feb...
...J. Waaaerman, vk*-orgaake9| W. Polan, treasurer...
...The recent acquittal of Ford on a-"" charge ofmurder gives hope that Suhr may eventually be released...
...John Herman Randall uSJJti preach at the Community Church, rhSftS] avenue and 34th street, Sunday at U a. m. Subject "Carl Sandborrk'Abraham Lincoln.' " " " Miss Anna-Louise Strong will tddr-BBU the Community Forum, Park svaajaj...
...BROOKLYN Celebrate th* Paris Commun* A get-together dinner and Pari* Commune celebration will be features at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, at 219 sackman street, Saturday evening, March 13...
...The recent trial of Ford was in such marked contrast with the former trial that it la interesting to recall the frightful Injustice -of which he...
...These ar* the second lectures uvthe course, and at every one Claessens report* an increase in attendance...
...Room 506, 7 Bast 15th street This performance la for two weeles only beginning Feb...
...Reports from the different centers indicate that the Socialist* have taken to the idea of pushing American Appeal cards They feel enthused with the work that the American Appeal is doing in New England...
...German Branch assets Friday, Feb...
...Patrick J. Murphy was elected as Executive Secretary...
...Carlin well knew what effect the motion picture, newspapers, aad common talk might have on their opinions...
...14 and among the...
...He did not object to the Juror* retiring to their homes at night, ho...
...Herman Suhr was especially picked out and treated In a manner so base that it compelled the Sacramento Bee to comment most unfavorably...
...And by their remarks it certainly cannot be disputed that the District Attorney's Office of Marysville waa in full...
...was the victim at that time...
...A musical program will be added and dancing will follow...
...21, at th* *s**9 quarter* of th* 6th A. D, 167 Ta**9 kins avenue, at 8-10 p m. AH naajfl bera ar* urged to attend...
...Renewed activities were, reported In Camden with Comrade Burkina as volunteer organiser...
...SS20.66: disbursements to date, <9,1.75...
...New kirk of Oneida, and Bander ef nana Sag* county...
...and digested ^by the prospective jurymen who had not yet been questioned...
...Essex County has established a lecture forum in Newark...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 6

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